Friday, April 21, 2017

Will The Real Christians Please Stand Up?

Did Christians ever kill Jews?

When I was a kid, I used to watch on TV a game show called, "To Tell The Truth".

In this game show, there was a panel of four celebrity judges, and there were three contestants.  The show would start off with an interesting story about a real person with an unusual occupation or ability.  One of the three contestants was the real life person in the story.  The other two contestants were people pretending to be that person.  The judges would each get to ask the contestants questions during their turn.  At the end of the questioning, each judge would announce which contestant they thought was the real life person.  Finally, the game show host would have the real life person reveal themselves by asking this question:  "Would the real <name of the real life person> please stand up?".

Some contestants, who were not the real life person, were very good at pretending to be the real life person.  In fact, they would get all of the judges to select them as the real life person.  In like manner, some of the judges were very good at determining which contestant was the real life person.  Even if the other judges had been fooled into selecting an imposter, these judges would still almost always select the genuine contestant.

The judges, who almost always select the genuine contestant, were the ones who asked the right questions.  These judges would determine some questions that the real life person, who was sworn to always to tell the truth, would get right, while the counterfeits would not be able to get right due to a lack of knowledge and experience.  Once the right questions were asked, then it was easy to determine who was the genuine contestant, and who were the imposters.

This same technique can be used to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit Christians throughout history.  One of the questions that will reveal the genuine Christians, the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him), from the imposters, part of the Children of Lies, is this one:  How did they treat the Jews?

One great example of this, is how two different groups, both who called themselves Christians, treated Jews in Germany during the time of World War II.

On the one hand, you had people like Hitler, who said, that they were carrying out their Christian duty by killing the Jews.

This was not a new among this group, who called themselves Christians in Germany, but was an ongoing condition that went back for as long as there were Jews in Germany.  In fact, the most quoted source in the speeches that Hitler gave to raise up hatred for the Jews, was Martin Luther.   In one of his most effective speeches, Hitler said, that he was only carrying out the plan, which Martin Luther had proposed long ago.

This statement was true.  It can be verified by examining the writings of Martin Luther, particularly his last book, "Against the Jews and their lies".  So when it came to the Holocaust, Hitler might have baked the cake, but Martin Luther wrote the recipe.

As far as this group was concerned, the answer to the question, "Who killed Jesus?", was the Jews.  As far as this group was concerned, the Jews deserved everything that happened to them.  As far as this group was concerned, Christians were those who persecuted and killed Jews.

On the other hand, you had people like Alfred Rossner, who said, that they were carrying out their Christian duty by protecting Jews.

This was not a new among this group, who called themselves Christians in Germany, but was an ongoing condition that went back for as long as there were Jews in Germany.  People like Alfred Rossner were inspired by the deeds of Germans to protect Jews during the Crusades in German cities like Mainz and Cologne.  This group was continuing the work of those Germans, who had protected Jews in Germany throughout the ages, from the first group, due to their faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

In fact, this group was so successful, that Hitler only managed to kill about half of the Jews that he could have killed.  This group believed that they were carrying out the will of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) by protecting Jews.

As far as this group was concerned, the answer to the question, "Who killed Jesus?", was the entire human race.  As far as this group was concerned, the Jews deserved none of the things that happened to them.  As far as this group was concerned, Christians were those who protected Jews, from those who sought to persecute and kill them.

It is obvious that both groups cannot be genuine Christians. One of these groups are plainly imposters. The question is, which one?

Since Christians are those who follow the actions and teachings of the Man of Truth, then it only seems reasonable to examine his actions and teachings to determine, which group was following them.  Those actions and teachings will make it obvious, which group would stand up at the end of the "To Tell The Truth" game show, when the question is asked, "Will the real Christians please stand up?".

So what are the teachings of the Man of Truth concerning the treatment of Jews?

The only way to know that, is to look in the pages of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), to see what he did and taught.

The mother of the Man of Truth was a Jew from the linage of King David (Matthew 1:15-17).  The last thing that the Man of Truth did before he died, was make sure that his Jewish mother would be taken care of (John 19:25-27).

The husband of the mother of the Man of Truth was a Jew from the linage of King David (Luke 1:27).  This Jewish man took care of the Man of Truth from the day that he was born (Luke 2:16).  This Jewish man acted as a father to the Man of Truth (Luke 2:48).  This Jewish man was counted as the father of the Man of Truth (Luke 3:23).  The Man of Truth was counted as the son of this Jewish man (Luke 4:22).

The entire family of the Man of Truth, including his brothers and sisters, were all Jewish (Matthew 13:55-56).  He was raised in a Jewish family that observed Passover, and every other Feast of Truth, that was given to the Jews (Luke 2:41-43).  He usually went to the Feasts of Truth, that were given to the Jews, with his Jewish family (John 7:2-10).

The Man of Truth was circumcised on the eighth day as a Jew (Luke 2:21).  He was presented to the Father of Truth in accordance with the Law of Truth concerning every first born boy among the Jews (Luke 2:22-24).

The Man of Truth was raised in the land of the Jews (Matthew 2:19-21).  He was raised in a Jewish town (Matthew 2:22-23).  Everyone in the country surrounding this Jewish town, knew that the Man of Truth was a Jew like them (Mark 6:1-4).  Everyone in this Jewish town, knew that the Man of Truth was a Jew like them (Luke 4:16-22).

The Man of Truth was born to deliver the Jewish people from their sins (Matthew 1:21-23).  He was sent by the Father of Truth to help the Jewish people (Luke 1:54-55).  He was born to save the Jewish people from everyone who hates them (Luke 1:68-71).  He was born to deliver the Jewish people from all of their enemies (Luke 1:72-75).  He was born to be the glory of the Jewish people (Luke 2:32).

The Man of Truth was only sent to this Earth to bring in the Jews, who had wandered away from the Father of Truth (Matthew 15:22-24).  He began his ministry by teaching Jews in the Jewish synagogues (Luke 4:14-15).  He taught Jews in the Jewish synagogues on the Sabbath each week (Luke 4:31-34).  He taught his doctrine to Jews in the Jewish synagogues and in the Jewish Temple (John 18:19-21).

The Man of Truth picked his original twelve Apostles of Truth from among the Jews, and told them to preach only to the Jews (Matthew 10:1-6).  The original mission of the original twelve Apostles of Truth was to preach to every Jewish city in the land of the Jews (Matthew 10:23).  He picked out Jewish Apostles of Truth to tell the Jewish people that he was their Jewish king (John 1:37-49).

The Man of Truth was born as the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:1-2).  He was born to rule over the Jewish people (Matthew 2:4-6).  He was born to rule over the kingdom of the Jews forever (Luke 1:31-33).  He never denied being the King of the Jews (John 18:33-35).  He died because he was the King of the Jews (John 19:19-22).

The Man of Truth taught, that he is going to have the original twelve Apostles of Truth rule over the Jewish people (Matthew 19:28).  He taught, that the original twelve Apostles of Truth rule will over the twelve Jewish tribes of Israel as part of his kingdom (Luke 22:29-30).  He taught, that he was going to return to this Earth to restore the Jewish kingdom of Israel (Acts 1:6-8).

So the Man of Truth was a Jew, who was born and raised by Jewish Family, in a Jewish town, in the land of the Jews, to bring deliverance to the Jewish people, and one day rule over them as their Jewish king with his original twelve Jewish Apostles of Truth.  Is it even reasonable in the least, that he would be against the Jewish people in any manner whatsoever?

The problem has never been that the Man of Truth was somehow against the Jewish people.  The problem has been that many of the Jewish people have been against the Father of Truth, who sent him (John 5:23).  Even though all Jews are physical descendants of Abraham, many Jews do not love the Father of Truth like Abraham did (John 8:37-40).  Those Jews who not love the Father of Truth, will not believe what He has spoken about the Man of Truth (John 8:45-47).

So, the Man of Truth is the sword of the Father of Truth, to separate those Jews who love Him from those who do not love Him (Luke 2:34-35).

This in no way means that the Man of Truth has ever been against the Jewish people.  He makes this very clear, when he taught about what he will do when returns to this Earth to set up his Kingdom following the Tribulation.

The Man of Truth will separate all of the people in the Earth into two groups (Matthew 25:31-33).

He will give those, who helped him in his afflictions, a place in his kingdom (Matthew 25:34-36).  Then those who helped him, will ask him, when they did these things for him (Matthew 25:37-39).  He will tell them, that whenever they did these thing for the even the least of his people, the Jews, then they did them for him (Matthew 25:40).

He will give those, who did not help him in his afflictions, a place in Hell (Matthew 25:41-43).  Then those who had not helped him, will ask him, when they had not done these things for him (Matthew 25:44).  He will tell them, that whenever they did not do these thing for the even the least of his people, the Jews, then they did not do them for him (Matthew 25:45).

So the Jews are the sword of the Father of Truth, to separate those Gentiles who love the Man of Truth from those Gentiles who do not love the Man of Truth.

The Man of Truth is more pro-Jewish than the Pope is pro-Catholic.  Whenever anyone messes with the Jews, then they are messing with his family!  Whenever anyone mistreats his people, then they are mistreating him!  Whenever anyone goes to war with those He was sent to rule over, then they are going to war with him!

So no genuine Christian has ever killed Jews.

These imposters, who have killed Jews, are given over to the Spirit of Anti-Jewism.  These imposters also have killed the genuine Christians, because they are lead by the Spirit of Anti-Christ.  These imposters have no idea what a Christian is.

Genuine Christians are part of a global conspiracy to put the world under the control of this Jewish man.  They are on the side of the Greatest Zionist.  They are part of the same everlasting covenant made with Abraham that gives the Promised Land to the Jewish people.

So when persecution comes upon Jewish people by imposters like the False Church of Rome, the Father of Truth is asking, "Will the real Christians please stand up?".

No one can become a real Christian without first coming into the House of Truth.  A real Christian has come into the House of Truth to be born again (John 3:3-5).  A real Christian has come into the House of Truth to become a real Jew, through circumcision of their heart  (Romans 2:28-29).  A real Christian has come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth their king, because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  A real Christian has come into the House of Truth, to become part of the real Jewish people, who love the Father of Truth (Ephesians 2:11-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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