Friday, July 18, 2014

Better Off Dead

When are people really better off dead?

Last week, I could have died on the operating table.   Although gall bladder surgery is pretty routine, and not usually dangerous, my gall bladder was anything but routine.  Instead of being about the size of my thumb, it was about the size of my fist.  I had suspected that I had a few gall stones, but not the thirty or so that was in it, when the gall bladder was finally removed.  The doctor told my wife, that it was by the grace of God, that it had not erupted already, and it would have surely erupted within a few days, if I had delayed the surgery.  The years of inflammation had created scar tissue, that was difficult to remove.  The doctor told my wife, that my gall bladder infection issues were literally killing me, and I would have died soon, if it had not been removed, even if it never ruptured.

I had not intentionally waited for things to get to this point, nor had I been neglectful.  I simply had been hindered over and over again from getting this fixed.  I have had pain for the last ten years, and I knew that I needed the operation for the last five years.  I have tried twice before to have it removed, but the operation was prevented from happening at the last minute each time by extremely unusual circumstances.  Since then, I have had issues obtaining adequate insurance, and other resources necessary to have this operation done.  Even this time, on two days before my operation, my sister-in-law slipped into a sudden and unexpected coma, before dying the evening before my operation.

It was like, there has been two forces at work over the last ten years.  One force was causing me pain, hindering me from ending the pain, and trying to kill me, so I could not find out the truth in the Book of Truth (The Bible), and then tell others.  The other force was sustaining me through the pain, and helping me to get relief, so I could be guided into the truth, that was in the Book of Truth, and then tell others.  The doctors and the like were just the players that this struggle was being played out through.

This operation had never been without risk.  The doctor made sure that I understood, that this procedure could go wrong, when I went to schedule my operation.  He then stressed even more strongly, just before the operation, that the Laparoscopic gall bladder removal (called a Cholecystectomy) could go wrong.  A paper was shown to me, right before the operation, with the three words written in black maker and large letters, to make sure that I understood, what could turn out to be the order of events: Cholecystectomy, Open, Death.  While they hoped that they could do things Laparoscopicly with a few holes, my gall bladder was very enlarged, and they may have had to open me up.  If so then, my recovery time would be considerably longer.  If my gall bladder erupted, or my liver was infected, or there was a bad reaction to the anesthesia, or any number of other things went wrong, then I would have died on the operating table. 

Needless to say, I did not die on the operating table.  Despite the desperate condition of my gall bladder, they were able to remove it Laparoscopicly with four holes.  The pain after the operation is negligible, compared to the pain I had been in for ten years.  Sometimes you just do not know what you have, until it is gone.

However, I knew before I went under, that I was not going to die on the operating table.  I had been discussing my condition with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) for the prior three days.  I was in a lot of pain, particularly on the day before the operation, and could do little but lay in bed most of the day, for those last three days.

I did manage to write, what I thought might be my last post in this blog.  I had spent about three days prior to that, praying about what to write, because I knew it might be my final words to the world.  I wrote about the most important subject, that I thought people needed to hear, for the times we currently live in, called Walking In Truth.

During those six days before my operation, I came to understand that the Father of Truth was giving me a choice in this matter.  I could die while asleep on the operating table, or I could continue on this Earth for a while longer.  Before I went to sleep on the night before my operation, I had decided to continue on this Earth.  So the morning of the operation, I was very happy, and could hardly wait for it to be performed.  However, I would have also been very happy on the day of the operation, if I had decided to die on the operating table.

You see it was a hard decision for me to make.  The truth is I would be better off dead.

I am one of the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him).  The Children of Truth are all literally, better off dead.  They live for the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), and gain everything when they die (Philippians 1:21).  As long as they are present in their bodies, then they are not present with him, but the moment they leave their bodies, all of that changes (2 Corinthians 5:6).

They go to live with the Man of Truth, immediately when they die, even though they will be part of his kingdom headquartered at Israel, when he returns to the Earth to reign (Luke 23:42-43).  He is preparing a place for them, so that they can be with him forever in the New Heavens and New Earth (John 14:1-3).  This place, where they will dwell with him forever, will be the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-3).

The Man of Truth is coming back to rule the Earth, from Israel for a thousand years, before there are New Heavens and a New Earth, as explained in The End Of All Trouble.  Until he returns to the Earth to set up his kingdom, the Children of Truth go to where he is currently at, when they die.  Where is that?

When the Man of Truth left this Earth, he went up to Heaven (Luke 24:51).  The same Man of Truth, that the Angels of Truth said will soon come back to rule this Earth, is now in Heaven (Acts 1:9-11).  The one who Moses said, was coming and who people must obey, has returned to Heaven (Acts 3:20-22).  The paradise, where the Children of Truth go when they die, is now beyond the skies (the first heaven), beyond the stars (the second heaven), and in Heaven (the third heaven), where the Father of Truth lives (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).  The Children of Truth immediately go to live with the Man of Truth in Heaven, when they die!  They are better off dead!

As long as the Children of Truth are living in this world, they will have trouble (John 16:33).  They must go through much tribulation in this world, in order to be in the kingdom of His Father (Acts 14:22).  All of them will suffer persecution, as long as they live in their bodies (2 Timothy 3:12).  So when the Children of Truth die, all of the trouble that they experience in this world comes to an end.  They are better off dead!

Since the Children of Truth are better off dead, then why was it such a hard decision to make?  There is not an easier way to die, than doing so while asleep under anesthesia.  The next thing I would have known, was being in Heaven with the Man of Truth.  I want to be with the Man of Truth, more than I want my next breath.  What on Earth, could have caused me to decide to stay longer?

The best way to answer that question, is to look at another person, who was given the same choice, and see what caused them to stay longer.

Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) also found himself, where he had to decide whether to go home to be with the Man of Truth, or to continue on Earth, where he was certain to suffer more persecution (Philippians 1:20-22).  He chose to stay longer, because it was better for other people, so that their faith in the Man of Truth could be strengthened (Philippians 1:23-25).  It was a hard decision, because his love for other people, caused him to desire to stay on Earth, even though he would have been better off dead.

If Paul the Jew had decided to go ahead and leave, then he would have died a fairly quick death, by beheading, at the end of his house arrest (Acts 28:30-31).  If he had died at that time, then he never would have returned to strengthen the churches that he had started, as he had promised (Philippians 1:25-26).  If he had died at that time, then he would have never written his epistle to the Ephesians, along with his two letters to Timothy.  In short, if he had died then, he would be unable to help other people.  So even though he was better off dead, he chose to stay on Earth, for the benefit of others.

In the same way, if I had died on the operating table, then I could no longer strengthen others in their faith.  I never would have written any more posts in the House of Truth.  In short, if I died, then I would have been unable to help other people.  So even though I am better off dead, I chose to stay on Earth, for the benefit of others.

The Man of Truth made an even harder decision - that of leaving Heaven to come to Earth (John 3:13).  Then He had to decide, rather or not to die, by the brutal death of the cross.

He did not have to die on the cross, but rather had a choice.  He could have prevented his death easily (Matthew 26:53).  He chose to die (John 10:17).

Why would the Man of Truth chose to die a brutal death on the cross?

If he had not chose to die, then the plan of His Father laid out in the Book of Truth, could not have been fulfilled (Matthew 26:53-54).  He chose to die, because it was the will of His Father (Mark 14:36).  He chose to die on a cross, so we could understand what it really means, to be obedient to the Father of Truth (Philippians 2:8).

So the Man of Truth chose a brutal death on the cross, because it was the plan of His Father.  Still he must have gained something from fulfilling the plan of His Father, to make him believe that he was better off dead.  What did he gain from death, that was so valuable to him, that he was better off dead?

He died, so that he would not remain alone (John 12:23-24).   He could not have been the first to rise from the dead, to fulfill the plan revealed to Moses and the other Prophets of Truth, unless he first died (Acts 26:22-23).  This made the way, for the Children of Truth to be able to be reborn into his image, so that he could be the firstborn, among the many Children of Truth (Romans 8:29).  The Man of Truth died, so he could be the firstfruits, of those who rise from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20).  He died to make peace between the Father of Truth and the human race, so that he could be the firstborn of those who died (Colossians 1:18-20).  His death made it possible, for people to be saved by coming into the House of Truth (Hebrews 5:7-9).  He endured the suffering of the cross, to the point of death, so that he could gain the Children of Truth (Hebrews 12:2)!

Our sin had separated us from the Father of Truth (Isaiah 59:2).  The Man of Truth died in our place (Romans 5:8).  His death made it possible, for people to come into the House of Truth, and end the separation from His Father (1 John 1:7).  It was either the Man of Truth, or us, and there was no way that he was going to let it be us!    He believed, that he was better off dead, than to live forever without us!

The truth is, that not everyone is better off dead.  You are not better off dead, until you come into the House of Truth.  Anyone who is not one of the Children of Truth, has good reason to be afraid of death.  Anyone who does not come into the House of Truth, before they die will, suffer everlasting destruction (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9).  Anyone who does not remain in the House of Truth, until they die, can only look forward, to facing a fearsome judgment in the court of the Father of Truth, after they die (Hebrews 10:26-27).  Anyone who does not come into the House of Truth, before they die, will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15).   Anyone who does not come into the House of Truth, before they die, will end up in the Chamber of Horrors.  Anyone who does not come into the House of Truth, is not better off dead!

You come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of every area of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe, that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  Now is the time to come into the House of Truth, because you do not know when you will die (2 Corinthians 6:2).  If you come into the House of Truth, then you will be better off dead.

Come into the House of Truth.
