Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Final Harvest

What will happen to the Children of Truth after the Final Harvest?

Every autumn, there are all kinds of celebrations at the end of the harvest.  Where I grew up, Lincoln had the Arkansas Apple Festival at the end of the apple harvest.  In like manner, Tontitown had the Grape Festival at the end of the grape harvest.

These festivals are hardly new, nor are they limited to climatic fall (September - November).  Every spring, there was the Stillwell Strawberry Festival.  At the very beginning of climatic summer (June - August), there was the Jay Huckleberry Festival.

In like manner, there are three harvest festivals, one near the middle of climatic spring (March - May), one near the beginning of climatic summer, and one near the middle of climatic fall, in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Exodus 23:14-16).  Each harvest seasons was a time of great joy, especially when the harvest was completed (Isaiah 9:3).

The first harvest festival was the Feast of Unleavened Bread, that occurs near the middle of climatic spring (Exodus 34:18).  This festival marked the beginning of the barley harvest, when the first sheaves of the barley harvest were offered up on the inner Feast of Truth called "Firstfruits", that occurred on the Sunday inside of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:10-11).  No one could eat of the barley harvest, until after the sheaves were offered up on Firstfruits (Leviticus 23:14).

The second harvest festival was the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot aka Pentecost), that marked the beginning of the wheat harvest (Exodus 34:22).  This festival occurs seven weeks after Firstfruits, near the beginning of climatic summer (Leviticus 23:15-21).  Like the barley harvest, no one was to eat of the wheat harvest, until first of the wheat was offered up on the Feast of Weeks (Numbers 18:12-13).

The third harvest festival was the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), when the last of the crops of the agricultural year were gathered in (Exodus 23:16).  This festival was near the middle of climatic fall, that marked the end of the fruit harvest (Leviticus 23:39-43).  Like the barley harvest, no one could drink of the new wine from the grape harvest, until the best of it was offered (Numbers 18:12).

No one could plant, or harvest, barley, wheat, or grapes, during the Year of Release (Leviticus 25:3-5). The Feast of Tabernacles marked the final harvest of the agricultural year, because it marked the end of the Year of Release (Deuteronomy 31:10).

So the grape harvest was the final harvest, and the Feast of Tabernacles came after it.  The Feast of Tabernacles was the time of great rejoicing, that came after the final harvest (Deuteronomy 16:13-15).

This rejoicing during the Feast of Tabernacles, after the final harvest was over, was so important, that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were commanded to actually spend part of their tithe money, to buy whatever whatever food, and drink, especially wine, that they needed for rejoicing (Deuteronomy 14:22-26).

Wine can cheer people up (Judges 9:13)!  Wine can make people shout (Psalm 78:65)!  Wine can make people glad (Psalm 104:15)!  Wine can make people merry (Ecclesiastes 10:19)!  Wine can make people sing (Isaiah 24:9)!  Wine can make people rejoice (Zechariah 10:7)!

This is why King David gave everyone, who came to celebrate the placement of the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle of David, a flagon of wine (2 Samuel 6:17-19).  The wine was as important to the rejoicing, as the singing of praises to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (1 Chronicles 16:1-6).

So, right after the final harvest, there came a time of great joy for the Children of Truth.

Today, the Final Harvest is approaching.

The greatest harvest of souls in history will soon be ripe, and the Final Harvest will begin (Mark 4:26-29)!

Like the barley harvest began by men, marked the beginning of the long harvest season, so also the harvest of the people of Israel began by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), marked the beginning of the long harvest season (Matthew 9:33-38).  Like the wheat harvest began by men, marked the beginning of diversity of crops during the long harvest season, so also the harvest of the Gentiles began by the Man of Truth, marked the beginning of diversity of people during the long harvest season (John 4:35-38).  Like the grape harvest finished by men, marked that the long harvest season was over, so also the Final Harvest finished by the Man of Truth, will mark that the long harvest season is over (Revelation 14:12-16)!

In the Final Harvest, the Children of Lies (those who disobey the Father of Truth because they do not love Him) will be taken out of the congregation of the Children of Truth (Matthew 13:24-30)!  In the Final Harvest, the Children of Lies will be destroyed, while the Children of Truth will be preserved (Matthew 13:36-43)!

After the Saints go marching in, and the grapes of wrath have been crushed in the winepress of Jerusalem, then the time after the Final Harvest will begin!

The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Children of Lies have been destroyed (Psalm 5:10-12)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because they trusted in the Father of Truth (Psalm 32:10-11)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Children of Lies will never oppress them again (Psalm 35:25-27)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Man of Truth will be sitting on the throne of King David (Psalm 132:9-12)!  The Children of Truth will shout for joy after the Final Harvest, because the Man of Truth will be reigning over the Earth from Jerusalem (Psalm 132:13-17)!

The Children of Truth will begin to experience unending joy, after the Final Harvest!  This is what the Feast of Tabernacles tells about as the seventh act of the Greatest Play Ever!  This is why the command to rejoice during the Feast of Tabernacles is so serious, that the Children of Truth are told to spend part of their tithes to do it!

The Final Harvest will bring about a time of great joy for the Children of Truth, but the Final Harvest has not yet began.  It will be obvious when the Final Harvest begins.

The final harvest of the grapes began with a shout (Isaiah 16:10)!  In like manner, the Final Harvest of souls will begin with a shout (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)!

Until the Final Harvest begins, there is still a harvest going on! 

There was continual harvest of different kinds of fruit during the long harvest season, that came between the wheat harvest and the grape harvest (Exodus 22:29).  The Feast of Tabernacles came after the harvest of these different kinds of fruit ended (Leviticus 23:39-41).  The harvest of these different kinds of fruit continued all during the long harvest season (Deuteronomy 26:2).  There was always a harvest of some kind of fruit going on, before the final harvest (Nehemiah 10:35)!

In like manner, there has been a continual harvest of different kinds of people during the long harvest season, that came between the day, when the Man of Truth left the Earth, and the day, when He meets the Children of Truth in the air!  There has always been a harvest of some kind of people going on, before the Final Harvest!

Until the Final Harvest begins, the Children of Truth need to heed the warning of "People get ready!".  They need to learn how to fully carry out the Great Commission.  The need to be doing their part to carry out the Great Commission, because there is still a harvest going on right now!

The Children of Truth need to be wise enough to harvest souls (Proverbs 11:30)!  [The Hebrew word translated as "win" here means "to take" (in the harvest).]  The Children of Truth need to pray for more of them to join in the harvest, that is going on right now, because not nearly enough of them are working in the harvest (Luke 10:2)!  The Children of Truth need to be harvesting the fruit that is ripening, just before the Final Harvest begins (Romans 1:13)!

The Children of Truth harvest a soul, whenever someone decide to make the Man of Truth their king, because that person believed their witness, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9)!  The Children of Truth begin harvesting souls, whenever someone becomes the first one to respond to their efforts (Romans 16:5)!  The Children of Truth gain help harvesting souls, whenever one of the souls they harvested, decides to help others come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 16:15)!  The Children of Truth harvest souls, whenever people are born again, through hearing them preach the Word of Truth (James 1:18)!  The Children of Truth need to keep harvesting souls, while they wait for the Final Harvest to begin (James 5:7-8)!

Come into the House of Truth!

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