The Messiah of Israel
Do Jews need the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) to be saved?
I visited a Messianic congregation a while back where I encountered one of strangest things that I have encountered in any congregation in a long time. This takes some doing because it is not like I have not been around.
After I gave control my life to the Man of Truth in total surrender I frequently moved for about seven years. During the course of my thirty years and counting journey I have visited hundreds of congregations of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him). I have been a member of about a dozen congregations. Some for just a few months and two for eleven years.
Beyond that I have listened to countless sermons on the radio. My son and I used to watch preachers on the television the way other people watched sports. I have read many books as well in my efforts to become more like the Man of Truth. I have spent innumerable hours on the internet researching things related to the Book of Truth (The Bible) and discussing spiritual matters with people from all kinds of backgrounds. My desire to grow in the truth has been relentless.
This journey has had many interesting twists and turns. You never know what you are going to encounter when you drop into an unknown congregation while you are traveling because you want to honor the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) with one day a week. Someone might start passing rattlesnakes around or otherwise give you clues that you need to leave the service early.
Sticking around for a while in one place can also be eye opening. I have known pastors who would lay down their lives for their flock and others who were plainly fleecing their flock. I have seen religious professionals who pursued the truth that comes from the Father of Truth like their lives depended upon it and other religious professionals who defended their traditions against the facts laid out in the Book of Truth to the point of absurdity. I have experienced the truly miraculous and witnessed the truly ridiculous.
The virtual experience has also been enlightening. Some people who preach on television are sincere, some are racketeers and some just do strange things to get attention. I have heard some wonderful sermons on the radio and others that made me question if the speaker really could be that lacking in education. Some books have greatly increased my understanding while others only served to display the ignorance of their author. While the internet has been a wonderful resource it also did not take long to encounter all kinds of goofiness online.
When it comes to the world of people who say they are followers of the Man of Truth I have seen the good, the bad and the just plain weird.
Still in this congregation during discussion time (midrash) this woman managed to tell me one of the strangest things I had ever heard. She started telling me how Jewish people did not need to hear the Good News to be saved. She insisted that everyone who was a Jew according to the flesh was automatically going to Heaven when they die. When I asked others in the small group at our table about this I learned that it was pretty much the common consensus of this congregation. I wondered where did they get such an idea.
So I investigated and learned that this doctrine was not confined to this sole Messianic congregation. In fact, it is taught by a number of so-called mainstream denominations along with many evangelical ministers. This doctrine is so common among religious professionals that it even has a name - dual covenant theology.
I went on to learn that dual covenant theology basically comes in one of two flavors. There are those who teach that Jews are automatically saved under the covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram). Then there are others who teach that Jews are automatically saved by keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that the Father of Truth gave to Moses (Moshe). The bottom line in both cases is that there is no need to tell Jewish people about the Man of Truth because they do not need him to be saved.
I have learned in my journey that just because something seems strange to me does not mean that it is not true. I have also learned that just because other things are familiar to me does not mean that they are true. If you really want to know the truth about something you have to learn to listen to the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) while you examine the Book of Truth to see what it says about the subject. After all the Book of Truth will tell you the truth about everything that matters if you will let the Spirit of Truth lead you to the truth while you are studying it. The truth is in there.
So is this true? Can Jews be saved without the Man of Truth? Or do Jews need to surrender to the Man of Truth to be saved?
The best place to start is with the idea that physical Jews do not need to be saved because they are the physical descendents of Abraham. What does the Book of Truth say about that?
This idea is based on the promises that the Father of Truth made with Abraham concerning the Jewish people so examining those promises is the best place to begin. The first promise that the Father of Truth made was that a great nation would come from Abraham if Abraham would leave his extended family and move to the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:1-3). After he obeyed then the Father of Truth promised to give the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 12:6-8). Then the Father of Truth promised to make his descendants so great in number so that they would fill the Promised Land (Genesis 13:14-17). Then the Father of Truth promised that these descendants would be his physical descendants (Genesis 15:3-5). The Father of Truth then promised Abraham that his physical descendants would not begin to possess the Promise land until the Amorites were beyond repentance (Genesis 15:13-16). The Father of Truth then promised that his physical descendants would then return to the Promise Land and eventually possess the Promised Land that stretched from the east bank of the Nile river to the west bank of the Euphrates river (Genesis 15:18-21). Then the Father of Truth promised that these descendants would possess the Promised Land forever (Genesis 17:7-9). The Father of Truth then said that every man who would have a right to an inheritance in the Promised Land under this covenant had to be marked by circumcision (Genesis 17:10-14). The Father of Truth then said that these descendants would come from Isaac (Yitzakh), the son of Sarah (Sarai) (Genesis 21:12). The Father of Truth then confirmed that the descendants of Isaac would possess the dwelling places of their enemies (Genesis 22:16-18). Then the Father of Truth confirmed these promises to Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 26:3-5). Then the Father of Truth promised to make the descendants of Isaac great in number (Genesis 26:24). Then the Father of Truth told Rebekah (Rivkah), the wife of Isaac, that He would bring the promises that He made to Abraham and Isaac to pass through the younger son named Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) (Genesis 25:23-26). Then the Father of Truth confirmed to Jacob that his descendants were the ones who would possess and fill the Promised Land (Genesis 28:13-15). Then the Father of Truth promised Jacob that his descendants would form a nation with kings named Israel that would possess the Promised Land (Genesis 35:10-12).
So the covenants that the Father of Truth made with Abraham concerning his physical descendants were all about possessing the Promised Land. This was further defined in more covenants through Isaac and Jacob to be a nation made up of the Jews named Israel. There is absolutely nothing in these covenants about each and every Jew being promised to be saved from Hell because they are the physical descendants of Abraham.
In fact the Father of Truth could have wiped out all of the Jewish people but Moses and started over with him to fulfill the promises that He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 32:9-10). The only reason that He did not do so was because He was concerned about what the Gentiles would think (Numbers 14:12-20). The only reason the Father of Truth made these promises concerning the Jewish people was to save the Gentiles because it has always been about the Gentiles.
While the descendants of Abraham will inherit the Promised Land not even that is promised to any particular Jew regardless of what they do. It is only those Jews who obey the Father of Truth who will inherit the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 29:10-13). It is only those Jews who love Him who will inherit the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 30:19-20). In fact, the Jews were removed from the Promised Land the first time because they would not do what He said was right (Ezekiel 33:23-29).
In the exact same way being a descendant of Abraham does not guarantee anyone eternal life with the Father of Truth. In fact, Yochanon the Mikveh Man (John the Baptist) said the religious leaders of the Jewish people would perish if they did not turn from their wicked ways because the Father of Truth could raise up children to Abraham from other sources (Matthew 3:7-9). The Man of Truth said the repentant among the Gentiles would sit down with Abraham while the unrepentant among the Jews would be cast into Hell (Matthew 8:10-12). He said that any Jews who do not do what His Fathers says is right will not be joining Abraham in Heaven (Luke 13:27-28). The rich man who went to Hell was just as much a Jew as Lazarus who went to Paradise with Abraham (Luke 16:23-25). Just because someone is a physical descendant of Abraham does not mean that they are a child of Abraham (John 8:37-39). The children of Abraham are those have confidence in the Father of Truth that leads to action like Abraham (Galatians 3:6-9). Even Abraham had demonstrate confidence in the Father of Truth with his actions to be called righteous (James 2:21-23).
So the physical descendants of Abraham were only promised the right to live in the Promised Land in the covenants that the Father of Truth made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those covenants had nothing to do with salvation. Even the promises in those covenants were only for their physical descendants who did what the Father of Truth said was right. The physical descendants who did not do what He said was right would neither inherit the Promised Land nor enter Heaven when they died. Instead they would go to Hell when they died like all the other wicked people. So it is evident that Jews are not saved from Hell because they are physical descendants of Abraham.
Now we will examine what the Book of Truth says about Jews being saved by keeping the Law of Truth that was given to Moses.
It starts with understanding the purposes of the Law of Truth. Abraham was chosen to receive these promises concerning the Promised Land because he would command his descendants to follow the Father of Truth as he did so the Father of Truth could bring to pass what He promised concerning the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 18:17-19). These promises were secured for the descendants of Abraham when Abraham kept the commandments of the Father of Truth long before these commandments were written down and given to Moses at Mount Sinai (Genesis 26:3-5).
If the Jews did not keep the commandments of the Law of Truth then they would also be put out of the Promised Land like the wicked Canaanites (Leviticus 18:26-28). The Jews who descended from Abraham had to obey the commandments of the Law of Truth to possess the Promised Land just like Abraham kept the commandments of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 5:31-33). Whether or not the Jews possess of the Promised Land is entirely dependent upon their obedience to the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:17-20).
Salvation that comes from the Law of Truth is dependent upon keeping every commandment of the Law of Truth (Leviticus 18:4-5). The righteousness of the Jews under the covenant given to Moses was based upon keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 6:25). So every Jew who does not obey the commandments of the Law of Truth to follow the Father of Truth will be destroyed from among the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 29:18-21). A Jew must do everything required in the Law of Truth in order to be justified by the Law of Truth (Romans 2:12-13). So Jews can only be made righteous under that covenant if they never break any of the commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 10:5).
The truth is that there are not any Jews who have not broken at least some of the commandments of the Law of Truth (1 Kings 8:46). So no Jew can ever be justified by the Law of Truth (Romans 3:19-20). Every Jew has sinned and came up short of reflecting the character of the Father of Truth (Romans 3:23). Every Jew, just like every Gentile, was born with sin living in their flesh and the Law of Truth only made apparent the sin that was already at work in their flesh (Romans 5:12-14). No Jew is saved by the Law of Truth because they all have sinned by breaking the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).
So the Law of Truth was given so the Jews could live in the Promised Land by keeping it. In the covenant given to Moses the only way to be saved was to keep every commandment of the Law of Truth without fail. However, no Jew has ever been able to do so because sin lives in their flesh. So it is apparent that Jews are not saved from Hell by the covenant that was given to Moses.
So then if Jews are not saved from Hell because they are physical descendants of Abraham and they are not saved from Hell by the covenant that was given to Moses then how can they be saved?
Moses said that Father of Truth would raise up from among the Jewish people a Prophet of Truth that they must listen to in order to be saved (Deuteronomy 18:15-16). He said that anyone who did not do what that Prophet of Truth said would be destroyed (Deuteronomy 18:17-19). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth (Acts 3:20-23). He is the mediator of a better covenant than the one that came through Moses whereby Jews can be saved (Hebrews 8:6).
This covenant is the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that He promised through Jeremiah (Yerimayahu) the Prophet of Truth (Jeremiah 31:31-32). Make no mistake the Law of Truth is holy and its commandments are just and good (Romans 7:12). The problem is that since sin dwells in our flesh no one can keep the Law of Truth in their own strength (Romans 8:3). So the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) was insufficient to save anyone and had to be replaced (Hebrews 8:7). Since the Father of Truth found fault in the Jews for being unable to keep the Original Covenant He made the Renewed Covenant with them so that they could be saved (Hebrews 8:8-9).
Under this Renewed Covenant their heart would be circumcised so that they could both inherit the Promised Land and be saved (Deuteronomy 30:5-6). This Renewed Covenant would consist of the Father of Truth writing the Law of Truth on their hearts so that they can keep the Law of Truth and have their sins forgiven (Jeremiah 31:33-34). The Law of Truth will be written on their hearts by the Spirit of Truth living within them so that they can keep the Law of Truth to inherit the Promised Land and be saved (Ezekiel 36:26-28). They will be able to keep the Law of Truth by living their lives according to the leading of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:4-5). It will be evident to everyone around them that the Law of Truth has been written on their heart by the Spirit of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). This Renewed Covenant of having the Law of Truth written on the hearts of the Jews by the Spirit of Truth so that they can keep the Law of Truth is so much better than the Original Covenant that the Original Covenant pales in comparison (Hebrews 8:10-13).
The Man of Truth was born into this world to save Jews from their sins (Matthew 1:20-21). He only sent His disciples to save Jews who were lost during his time on Earth (Matthew 10:5-7). He was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel when he was on this Earth (Matthew 15:24). He was born into this world to fulfill the promises made to Abraham so that the Jewish people would be able to keep the Law of Truth and live in the Promised Land (Luke 1:70-75). He had to leave this Earth so the Spirit of Truth could come to live inside of the Jews who listened to him (John 16:7). He had to leave so the Spirit of Truth could guide Jews in how to keep the Law of Truth in the way His Father intended (John 16:13-15). The Law of Truth can only be kept with the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:14). It is only through total surrender to the Man of Truth that the Father of Truth circumcises the heart of the Jews so they can keep the Law of Truth so that His Father can keep the promises that He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Romans 15:8). The Man of Truth made the only offering when he died on the cross that could take away the sins of Israel so their enemies could be brought under subjection to him (Hebrews 10:10-13). His offering of his body on the cross made the Renewed Covenant available to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so that every promise concerning the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob could be fulfilled (Hebrews 10:14-17). The Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel!
Abraham told the rich man that Jews can only escape Hell by believing what Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote (Luke 16:27-29). If Jews do not believe what Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote then they will not be persuaded by the resurrection of the Messiah of Israel (Luke 16:30-31). The resurrection had to follow the death on the cross to fulfill what Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about the Messiah of Israel (Luke 24:25-27). The death on the cross and the resurrection of the Man of Truth was only proof that he is the Messiah of Israel spoken of saving people from sin throughout the entire Original Covenant (Luke 24:44-47). The Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel!
Philip the Jew (the Apostle Philip) understood that the Messiah of Israel was who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about when he told Nathaniel the Jew (the Apostle Nathaniel) about the Man of Truth (John 1:44-46). Nathaniel the Jew recognized that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about (John 1:47-49). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) also testified to the Jews of Jerusalem that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about (Acts 26:21-23). Paul the Jew called the chief Jews of Rome to tell them about the Messiah of Israel who gave hope that the promises to Israel would be fulfilled (Acts 28:17-20). Paul the Jew told them the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about (Acts 28:21-23). The Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel!
So Jews can only be saved in the same way as Gentiles which is by surrendering control of their lives to the Man of Truth. The primary difference is that Jews who do so recognize that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel who will bring about the fulfillment of all that the Father of Truth promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob while Gentiles only know him as their savior.
It is for this reason that the Man of Truth told his Jewish disciples that he was the only way for them to come into eternal life, go to Heaven when they die and to know the Father of Truth (John 14:2-7). That is why Peter the Jew (Cephas aka the Apostle Peter) told the Jews of Israel who were at Jerusalem that there was no other name other than that of the Man of Truth whereby Jews must be saved (Acts 4:8-12). It was for this reason that Paul the Jew always preached the Good News of the Man of Truth first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16). In like manner Paul the Jew taught that both Jews and Gentiles will either suffer in Hell or rejoice Heaven depending upon their deeds because the Father of Truth does not have any favorites (Romans 2:5-11). Jews are no better off than Gentiles because they too have sinned (Romans 3:9-12).
Jews and Gentiles can only be saved from Hell by coming into the House of Truth (Romans 9:22-24). Jews as well as Gentiles come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of their lives to the Man of Truth because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Jews and Gentiles both come into the House of Truth by calling upon the name of the Man of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). Jews and Gentiles must both have the Good News about the Man of Truth preached to them before they can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:14-17). When Jews come into the House of Truth they find the Messiah of Israel just like when Gentiles come into the House of Truth they find the savior of the Gentiles (Romans 15:8-12).
Come into the House of Truth.
I visited a Messianic congregation a while back where I encountered one of strangest things that I have encountered in any congregation in a long time. This takes some doing because it is not like I have not been around.
After I gave control my life to the Man of Truth in total surrender I frequently moved for about seven years. During the course of my thirty years and counting journey I have visited hundreds of congregations of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him). I have been a member of about a dozen congregations. Some for just a few months and two for eleven years.
Beyond that I have listened to countless sermons on the radio. My son and I used to watch preachers on the television the way other people watched sports. I have read many books as well in my efforts to become more like the Man of Truth. I have spent innumerable hours on the internet researching things related to the Book of Truth (The Bible) and discussing spiritual matters with people from all kinds of backgrounds. My desire to grow in the truth has been relentless.
This journey has had many interesting twists and turns. You never know what you are going to encounter when you drop into an unknown congregation while you are traveling because you want to honor the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) with one day a week. Someone might start passing rattlesnakes around or otherwise give you clues that you need to leave the service early.
Sticking around for a while in one place can also be eye opening. I have known pastors who would lay down their lives for their flock and others who were plainly fleecing their flock. I have seen religious professionals who pursued the truth that comes from the Father of Truth like their lives depended upon it and other religious professionals who defended their traditions against the facts laid out in the Book of Truth to the point of absurdity. I have experienced the truly miraculous and witnessed the truly ridiculous.
The virtual experience has also been enlightening. Some people who preach on television are sincere, some are racketeers and some just do strange things to get attention. I have heard some wonderful sermons on the radio and others that made me question if the speaker really could be that lacking in education. Some books have greatly increased my understanding while others only served to display the ignorance of their author. While the internet has been a wonderful resource it also did not take long to encounter all kinds of goofiness online.
When it comes to the world of people who say they are followers of the Man of Truth I have seen the good, the bad and the just plain weird.
Still in this congregation during discussion time (midrash) this woman managed to tell me one of the strangest things I had ever heard. She started telling me how Jewish people did not need to hear the Good News to be saved. She insisted that everyone who was a Jew according to the flesh was automatically going to Heaven when they die. When I asked others in the small group at our table about this I learned that it was pretty much the common consensus of this congregation. I wondered where did they get such an idea.
So I investigated and learned that this doctrine was not confined to this sole Messianic congregation. In fact, it is taught by a number of so-called mainstream denominations along with many evangelical ministers. This doctrine is so common among religious professionals that it even has a name - dual covenant theology.
I went on to learn that dual covenant theology basically comes in one of two flavors. There are those who teach that Jews are automatically saved under the covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram). Then there are others who teach that Jews are automatically saved by keeping the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that the Father of Truth gave to Moses (Moshe). The bottom line in both cases is that there is no need to tell Jewish people about the Man of Truth because they do not need him to be saved.
I have learned in my journey that just because something seems strange to me does not mean that it is not true. I have also learned that just because other things are familiar to me does not mean that they are true. If you really want to know the truth about something you have to learn to listen to the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) while you examine the Book of Truth to see what it says about the subject. After all the Book of Truth will tell you the truth about everything that matters if you will let the Spirit of Truth lead you to the truth while you are studying it. The truth is in there.
So is this true? Can Jews be saved without the Man of Truth? Or do Jews need to surrender to the Man of Truth to be saved?
The best place to start is with the idea that physical Jews do not need to be saved because they are the physical descendents of Abraham. What does the Book of Truth say about that?
This idea is based on the promises that the Father of Truth made with Abraham concerning the Jewish people so examining those promises is the best place to begin. The first promise that the Father of Truth made was that a great nation would come from Abraham if Abraham would leave his extended family and move to the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:1-3). After he obeyed then the Father of Truth promised to give the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 12:6-8). Then the Father of Truth promised to make his descendants so great in number so that they would fill the Promised Land (Genesis 13:14-17). Then the Father of Truth promised that these descendants would be his physical descendants (Genesis 15:3-5). The Father of Truth then promised Abraham that his physical descendants would not begin to possess the Promise land until the Amorites were beyond repentance (Genesis 15:13-16). The Father of Truth then promised that his physical descendants would then return to the Promise Land and eventually possess the Promised Land that stretched from the east bank of the Nile river to the west bank of the Euphrates river (Genesis 15:18-21). Then the Father of Truth promised that these descendants would possess the Promised Land forever (Genesis 17:7-9). The Father of Truth then said that every man who would have a right to an inheritance in the Promised Land under this covenant had to be marked by circumcision (Genesis 17:10-14). The Father of Truth then said that these descendants would come from Isaac (Yitzakh), the son of Sarah (Sarai) (Genesis 21:12). The Father of Truth then confirmed that the descendants of Isaac would possess the dwelling places of their enemies (Genesis 22:16-18). Then the Father of Truth confirmed these promises to Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 26:3-5). Then the Father of Truth promised to make the descendants of Isaac great in number (Genesis 26:24). Then the Father of Truth told Rebekah (Rivkah), the wife of Isaac, that He would bring the promises that He made to Abraham and Isaac to pass through the younger son named Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) (Genesis 25:23-26). Then the Father of Truth confirmed to Jacob that his descendants were the ones who would possess and fill the Promised Land (Genesis 28:13-15). Then the Father of Truth promised Jacob that his descendants would form a nation with kings named Israel that would possess the Promised Land (Genesis 35:10-12).
So the covenants that the Father of Truth made with Abraham concerning his physical descendants were all about possessing the Promised Land. This was further defined in more covenants through Isaac and Jacob to be a nation made up of the Jews named Israel. There is absolutely nothing in these covenants about each and every Jew being promised to be saved from Hell because they are the physical descendants of Abraham.
In fact the Father of Truth could have wiped out all of the Jewish people but Moses and started over with him to fulfill the promises that He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 32:9-10). The only reason that He did not do so was because He was concerned about what the Gentiles would think (Numbers 14:12-20). The only reason the Father of Truth made these promises concerning the Jewish people was to save the Gentiles because it has always been about the Gentiles.
While the descendants of Abraham will inherit the Promised Land not even that is promised to any particular Jew regardless of what they do. It is only those Jews who obey the Father of Truth who will inherit the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 29:10-13). It is only those Jews who love Him who will inherit the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 30:19-20). In fact, the Jews were removed from the Promised Land the first time because they would not do what He said was right (Ezekiel 33:23-29).
In the exact same way being a descendant of Abraham does not guarantee anyone eternal life with the Father of Truth. In fact, Yochanon the Mikveh Man (John the Baptist) said the religious leaders of the Jewish people would perish if they did not turn from their wicked ways because the Father of Truth could raise up children to Abraham from other sources (Matthew 3:7-9). The Man of Truth said the repentant among the Gentiles would sit down with Abraham while the unrepentant among the Jews would be cast into Hell (Matthew 8:10-12). He said that any Jews who do not do what His Fathers says is right will not be joining Abraham in Heaven (Luke 13:27-28). The rich man who went to Hell was just as much a Jew as Lazarus who went to Paradise with Abraham (Luke 16:23-25). Just because someone is a physical descendant of Abraham does not mean that they are a child of Abraham (John 8:37-39). The children of Abraham are those have confidence in the Father of Truth that leads to action like Abraham (Galatians 3:6-9). Even Abraham had demonstrate confidence in the Father of Truth with his actions to be called righteous (James 2:21-23).
So the physical descendants of Abraham were only promised the right to live in the Promised Land in the covenants that the Father of Truth made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those covenants had nothing to do with salvation. Even the promises in those covenants were only for their physical descendants who did what the Father of Truth said was right. The physical descendants who did not do what He said was right would neither inherit the Promised Land nor enter Heaven when they died. Instead they would go to Hell when they died like all the other wicked people. So it is evident that Jews are not saved from Hell because they are physical descendants of Abraham.
Now we will examine what the Book of Truth says about Jews being saved by keeping the Law of Truth that was given to Moses.
It starts with understanding the purposes of the Law of Truth. Abraham was chosen to receive these promises concerning the Promised Land because he would command his descendants to follow the Father of Truth as he did so the Father of Truth could bring to pass what He promised concerning the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 18:17-19). These promises were secured for the descendants of Abraham when Abraham kept the commandments of the Father of Truth long before these commandments were written down and given to Moses at Mount Sinai (Genesis 26:3-5).
If the Jews did not keep the commandments of the Law of Truth then they would also be put out of the Promised Land like the wicked Canaanites (Leviticus 18:26-28). The Jews who descended from Abraham had to obey the commandments of the Law of Truth to possess the Promised Land just like Abraham kept the commandments of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 5:31-33). Whether or not the Jews possess of the Promised Land is entirely dependent upon their obedience to the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:17-20).
Salvation that comes from the Law of Truth is dependent upon keeping every commandment of the Law of Truth (Leviticus 18:4-5). The righteousness of the Jews under the covenant given to Moses was based upon keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 6:25). So every Jew who does not obey the commandments of the Law of Truth to follow the Father of Truth will be destroyed from among the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 29:18-21). A Jew must do everything required in the Law of Truth in order to be justified by the Law of Truth (Romans 2:12-13). So Jews can only be made righteous under that covenant if they never break any of the commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 10:5).
The truth is that there are not any Jews who have not broken at least some of the commandments of the Law of Truth (1 Kings 8:46). So no Jew can ever be justified by the Law of Truth (Romans 3:19-20). Every Jew has sinned and came up short of reflecting the character of the Father of Truth (Romans 3:23). Every Jew, just like every Gentile, was born with sin living in their flesh and the Law of Truth only made apparent the sin that was already at work in their flesh (Romans 5:12-14). No Jew is saved by the Law of Truth because they all have sinned by breaking the Law of Truth (1 John 3:4).
So the Law of Truth was given so the Jews could live in the Promised Land by keeping it. In the covenant given to Moses the only way to be saved was to keep every commandment of the Law of Truth without fail. However, no Jew has ever been able to do so because sin lives in their flesh. So it is apparent that Jews are not saved from Hell by the covenant that was given to Moses.
So then if Jews are not saved from Hell because they are physical descendants of Abraham and they are not saved from Hell by the covenant that was given to Moses then how can they be saved?
Moses said that Father of Truth would raise up from among the Jewish people a Prophet of Truth that they must listen to in order to be saved (Deuteronomy 18:15-16). He said that anyone who did not do what that Prophet of Truth said would be destroyed (Deuteronomy 18:17-19). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth (Acts 3:20-23). He is the mediator of a better covenant than the one that came through Moses whereby Jews can be saved (Hebrews 8:6).
This covenant is the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that He promised through Jeremiah (Yerimayahu) the Prophet of Truth (Jeremiah 31:31-32). Make no mistake the Law of Truth is holy and its commandments are just and good (Romans 7:12). The problem is that since sin dwells in our flesh no one can keep the Law of Truth in their own strength (Romans 8:3). So the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) was insufficient to save anyone and had to be replaced (Hebrews 8:7). Since the Father of Truth found fault in the Jews for being unable to keep the Original Covenant He made the Renewed Covenant with them so that they could be saved (Hebrews 8:8-9).
Under this Renewed Covenant their heart would be circumcised so that they could both inherit the Promised Land and be saved (Deuteronomy 30:5-6). This Renewed Covenant would consist of the Father of Truth writing the Law of Truth on their hearts so that they can keep the Law of Truth and have their sins forgiven (Jeremiah 31:33-34). The Law of Truth will be written on their hearts by the Spirit of Truth living within them so that they can keep the Law of Truth to inherit the Promised Land and be saved (Ezekiel 36:26-28). They will be able to keep the Law of Truth by living their lives according to the leading of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:4-5). It will be evident to everyone around them that the Law of Truth has been written on their heart by the Spirit of Truth (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). This Renewed Covenant of having the Law of Truth written on the hearts of the Jews by the Spirit of Truth so that they can keep the Law of Truth is so much better than the Original Covenant that the Original Covenant pales in comparison (Hebrews 8:10-13).
The Man of Truth was born into this world to save Jews from their sins (Matthew 1:20-21). He only sent His disciples to save Jews who were lost during his time on Earth (Matthew 10:5-7). He was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel when he was on this Earth (Matthew 15:24). He was born into this world to fulfill the promises made to Abraham so that the Jewish people would be able to keep the Law of Truth and live in the Promised Land (Luke 1:70-75). He had to leave this Earth so the Spirit of Truth could come to live inside of the Jews who listened to him (John 16:7). He had to leave so the Spirit of Truth could guide Jews in how to keep the Law of Truth in the way His Father intended (John 16:13-15). The Law of Truth can only be kept with the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 7:14). It is only through total surrender to the Man of Truth that the Father of Truth circumcises the heart of the Jews so they can keep the Law of Truth so that His Father can keep the promises that He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Romans 15:8). The Man of Truth made the only offering when he died on the cross that could take away the sins of Israel so their enemies could be brought under subjection to him (Hebrews 10:10-13). His offering of his body on the cross made the Renewed Covenant available to the lost sheep of the house of Israel so that every promise concerning the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob could be fulfilled (Hebrews 10:14-17). The Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel!
Abraham told the rich man that Jews can only escape Hell by believing what Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote (Luke 16:27-29). If Jews do not believe what Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote then they will not be persuaded by the resurrection of the Messiah of Israel (Luke 16:30-31). The resurrection had to follow the death on the cross to fulfill what Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about the Messiah of Israel (Luke 24:25-27). The death on the cross and the resurrection of the Man of Truth was only proof that he is the Messiah of Israel spoken of saving people from sin throughout the entire Original Covenant (Luke 24:44-47). The Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel!
Philip the Jew (the Apostle Philip) understood that the Messiah of Israel was who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about when he told Nathaniel the Jew (the Apostle Nathaniel) about the Man of Truth (John 1:44-46). Nathaniel the Jew recognized that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about (John 1:47-49). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) also testified to the Jews of Jerusalem that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about (Acts 26:21-23). Paul the Jew called the chief Jews of Rome to tell them about the Messiah of Israel who gave hope that the promises to Israel would be fulfilled (Acts 28:17-20). Paul the Jew told them the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who Moses and the Prophets of Israel wrote about (Acts 28:21-23). The Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel!
So Jews can only be saved in the same way as Gentiles which is by surrendering control of their lives to the Man of Truth. The primary difference is that Jews who do so recognize that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel who will bring about the fulfillment of all that the Father of Truth promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob while Gentiles only know him as their savior.
It is for this reason that the Man of Truth told his Jewish disciples that he was the only way for them to come into eternal life, go to Heaven when they die and to know the Father of Truth (John 14:2-7). That is why Peter the Jew (Cephas aka the Apostle Peter) told the Jews of Israel who were at Jerusalem that there was no other name other than that of the Man of Truth whereby Jews must be saved (Acts 4:8-12). It was for this reason that Paul the Jew always preached the Good News of the Man of Truth first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16). In like manner Paul the Jew taught that both Jews and Gentiles will either suffer in Hell or rejoice Heaven depending upon their deeds because the Father of Truth does not have any favorites (Romans 2:5-11). Jews are no better off than Gentiles because they too have sinned (Romans 3:9-12).
Jews and Gentiles can only be saved from Hell by coming into the House of Truth (Romans 9:22-24). Jews as well as Gentiles come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of their lives to the Man of Truth because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Jews and Gentiles both come into the House of Truth by calling upon the name of the Man of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). Jews and Gentiles must both have the Good News about the Man of Truth preached to them before they can come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:14-17). When Jews come into the House of Truth they find the Messiah of Israel just like when Gentiles come into the House of Truth they find the savior of the Gentiles (Romans 15:8-12).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Abraham, Dual Covenant Theology, Jesus Christ, Jews, Messiah, Moses, Yeshua HaMashiach
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