Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Good News

What is the Gospel?

In any church, congregation, or synagogue, where the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) gather, they will talk about the Gospel. 

However, they are not really in complete agreement about what the Gospel is. 

For example, some call themselves "Full Gospel" believers, because they believe that the Gospel includes provision for physical healing, while other groups, believe that the Gospel, only includes provision for forgiveness of sin.  There are other variations of the Gospel preached by different groups as well, which becomes apparent, when you ask each group, to clarify exactly, what they mean by the expression, "the Gospel".  Some groups even talk about different types of Gospels, like a "Social Gospel", that focuses on taking care of the poor.

All of this disagreement over exactly what is the Gospel, is needless.  If people will only examine everything that the Book of Truth says about the Gospel, then it will become apparent, what the Gospel is.

The first thing to understand is the literal meaning of the word "Gospel".  The word Gospel simply means, "Good News". So the question becomes: "What is the Good News?"

It is very important to define the Good News, because the Father of Truth only hears the prayers of the righteous, and the Good News brings health to the body (Proverbs 15:29-30).  There is no way to know, how to fully carry out the Great Commission, without first knowing, exactly what the Good News is.

The Good News was first told by the Prophets of Truth.

They told that the Messiah of Israel would preach Good News, that would bring righteousness (Psalm 40:7-10).  [The Hebrew root word "Basar" that means "news", is translated as various words and phrases, to convey the idea of the Good News being told, in different passages.  The Hebrew root word translated as "salvation", in verses like this, is literally the name of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).]  They told that the Messiah of Israel, who could tell the end from the beginning, would preach the Good News in Jerusalem (Isaiah 41:26-28).  They told the Messiah of Israel would preach the Good News, to set free all who were in bondage (Isaiah 61:1).

They told the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel would come as a Good Shepherd, to take care of the flock of Israel (Isaiah 40:9-11).  They told, that the Good News of the Messiah of Israel, would not be believed by most of the people of Israel (Isaiah 53:1-3).

They told, that the Good News of the Messiah of Israel would go throughout the Earth (1 Chronicles 16:22-24).  They told, that a great number of people would tell the Good News of the Messiah of Israel, that is found in the Word of Truth (Psalm 68:11).  They told, that the Good News of the Messiah of Israel would be told to every Gentile nation, as well as the Jews (Psalm 96:1-3).

They told the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel would bring salvation to all nations (Isaiah 52:7-10).  They told the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel would bring peace, by destroying the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) (Nahum 1:13-15).

So the Good News was first announced by the Prophets of Truth, especially in the books of The Prophets.  They said, that The Messiah of Israel would be the first to preach the Good News.  So what was the Good News that the Man of Truth preached?

The Good News that the Man of Truth preached, centered around the kingdom (Matthew 4:23).  The Good News about the kingdom, that the Man of Truth preached, was confirmed with demonstrations of supernatural power (Matthew 9:35).  The Good News that the Man of Truth preached, was about the kingdom that the Father of Truth would give him (Mark 1:14).  The Man of Truth preached, that people must come into the House of Truth, if they believe the Good News of the kingdom (Mark 1:15).

The Good News about the kingdom of the Man of Truth, is to be preached to every Gentile nation, as well as the Jews, before the events that will bring about his kingdom, can begin (Matthew 24:14).

So the Good News centers around the kingdom, that the Father of Truth will give the Man of Truth.  This is the same kingdom, that the Prophets of Truth said, that the Messiah of Israel would rule.  So the Good News is best understood, by considering what the Prophets of Truth said, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel.

The Messiah of Israel would be born to rule over an ever expanding kingdom of peace and justice from the land of Israel (Isaiah 9:6-8).

The Children of Truth would tell the Good News about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel to all people (Psalm 145:10-12).  

The Messiah of Israel would destroy the kingdom of the Man of Lies, and set up a kingdom, which will take over all of the kingdoms that came before it (Daniel 2:43-45).  The Children of Truth would be given positions in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, after the kingdom of the Man of Lies is destroyed (Daniel 7:18-22). 

The Messiah of Israel would rule over people of all nations in his kingdom, including those who would be raised from the dead (Psalm 22:27-29).  All kingdoms would submit to the Father of Truth, when the Messiah of Israel rules over his kingdom (Psalm 68:29-33).  The Children of Truth would rule over all nations on Earth, as part of the kingdom of Messiah of Israel (Daniel 7:25-27). 

The Father of Truth would cause David, to once again be king over the people of Israel, in the land of Israel, when the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel comes upon the Earth (Ezekiel 37:22-25).  Jerusalem would be the capital of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel (Micah 4:6-8). 

The Messiah of Israel would rule over his kingdom, by loving what is right, and hating everything that is evil (Psalm 45:6-7).  The kingdom of the Messiah of Truth would be prepared for those, who keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Psalm 103:17-19).  The Father of Truth would cause the people of Israel, to obey the commandments of the Law of Truth, when the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel comes upon the Earth (Ezekiel 37:21-24). 

The kingdom of the Messiah of Israel would never be destroyed (Daniel 7:13-14).

So the Good News centers around the Man of Truth, coming to set up an everlasting kingdom.

The Good News is based on the fact, that the Man of Truth is the Son of the Father of Truth (Mark 1:1).  The Good News that the Messiah of Israel has arrived, is what the angels preached to the shepherds, when the Man of Truth was born (Luke 2:8-11).

The Good News that the Messiah of Israel has come, was confirmed by the miracles, that the Man of Truth performed (Matthew 11:2-5).  The Man of Truth preached the Good News, to set free all who were in bondage (Luke 4:18).  The Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is coming, was accompanied by healing the sick, and delivering people from Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) (Luke 9:1-6).

The Children of Truth are to preach the same Good News of the kingdom, that the Man of Truth preached, using the same means as the Man of Truth.

The Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel will come, because the King has come, is what the original twelve Apostles of Truth, were taught to preach (Luke 8:1).  

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, tells about what the Man of Truth did on this Earth (Acts 10:36-43).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel was confirmed, by the Father of Truth raising the Man of Truth from the dead (Acts 13:32-35).  The resurrection of the Man of Truth verifies the Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, that was promised by the Father of Truth, will include people from all nations (Romans 1:1-6).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, hinges on the death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:1-24).

The Good News that the King has come, so the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel can come, is to be confirmed by demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth, and the baptism of the Spirit of Truth, that causes people to speak in tongues (Mark 16:15-18).  The baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) is part of the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, that the Children of Truth are to preach (Acts 8:12-25).  The demonstrations of power of the Spirit of Truth is part of the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, that the Children of Truth are to preach (1 Thessalonians 1:5).

The Good News of the Messiah of Israel, that they are to preach, has not been believed by most of the people of Israel (Romans 10:16).  Still, they are tell the people of Israel, the Good News, that the Messiah of Israel has come as the Good Shepherd, to take care of the flock of Israel, by being the perfect sacrifice for their sins (Hebrews 10:7-14).

The baptism of Gentiles in the Spirit of Truth, the demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth among the Gentiles, and writings of the Prophets of Truth, all bear witness, that the Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, is also meant for the Gentiles (Acts 15:7-17).  These demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth are meant to accompany the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, where ever the Good News is preached to the Gentiles (Romans 15:18-20).

The Children of Truth are to tell the Good News, about the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, to all people (Mark 13:10).  The Good News, that the Children of Truth are to preach, is that the Messiah of Israel has brought salvation to all nations (Romans 10:13-15).  The Good News, that the Children of Truth are to preach, is that everyone who believes, will have an inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel (Ephesians 1:12-14).

The Children of Truth will be guided by the Spirit of Truth, to those who are ready to hear the Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel (Acts 16:6-10).  They are to tell the Good News, that the Father of Truth will reward everyone according to their deeds (Romans 2:6-16).  They are to tell the Good News, that the Man of Truth will rule over his kingdom, by loving what is right, and hating everything that is evil (Hebrews 1:8-9).

So the Good News revolves around the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel.  The death, burial, and resurrection of the Man of Truth are proof, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel will surely come, because the King has come.  The Good News is, that people can have an inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, because of what the Man of Truth did, to bring about forgiveness for their sins.  The Good News, includes the baptism of the Spirit of Truth and speaking in tongues, to show that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, is meant for all people.  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is confirmed, with demonstrations of power by the Spirit of Truth.

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, is a message of repentance (Mark 6:12).  The Good News that they are to preach, is a message of forgiveness of sin, that comes from repentance, by those who put their trust in the Man of Truth (Acts 3:19-26).  The Good News that they are to preach, brings salvation to everyone, who believes it (Romans 1:16).

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, is a testimony against everyone, who does not believe it (Matthew 10:14-18).  The Good News, that the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is coming, will always face opposition, from those who will not submit to the King (Acts 14:19-22).  The Good News is, that the Law of Truth will be used to condemn everyone, who rejects the rule of the King (1 Timothy 1:9-11).

The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is the sweet smell of life to those who believe it, but is the stench of death to those who reject it (2 Corinthians 2:12-16).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is a message of doom to those who reject it, but a message of salvation to those who believe it (Philippians 1:27-28).  The Good News is the promise of a place in the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, to those who obey its demand of repentance, because they believe it, and the promise of everlasting punishment, to those who will not obey its demand of repentance, because they do not believe it (2 Thessalonians 1:4-10).  The Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel, is only good news to those who repent, because they believe it (Hebrews 4:1-3).

So the Good News of the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel is only good news, for those who come into the House of Truth, when they take the deal that the Father of Truth offers. People must come into the House of Truth, by making the King of the kingdom, their king, because they believe the Good News, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth!

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