The Promised Land
Do the Jews have a right to live in the Promised Land today?
This question is best answered by considering the history of the Promised Land and the Jews that is given in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
The Philistines (Palestinians) invaded the area of Gaza from Egypt (Mizraim) long after the Flood (Genesis 10:13-14). [Philistim/Philestine/Palestinian means "invader".] The Canaanites were the first to inhabit the Promised Land right after the Flood (Genesis 10:15-19). Later, the Father of Truth said that the descendants of Abraham (Abram) would spend the next four hundred years split between living in lands that were not theirs and being in bondage until they were delivered from that bondage when the wickedness of the Canaanites reached full maturity (Genesis 15:13-16). Then He made a covenant to give all the land of the Canaanites that went from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates River to the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 15:17-21). [The river of Egypt here is the eastern most of the seven streams that the Nile River divides into when it forms the Nile delta."] He made covenants with Abraham, Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) to give the descendants of Israel the Promised Land (Genesis 35:10-12). More than one hundred years later the descendants of Israel came to Egypt (Genesis 46:26-27).
After more than two hundred years in slavery in Egypt the deliverance of the descendants of Israel came by Moses so they could be brought into the Promised Land (Exodus 3:15-17). After forty years in the wilderness, Moses gave instructions to the people of Israel for when they entered the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 4:1-5). While they were in the wilderness the covenant containing the commandments of the Father of Truth was given to the people of Israel so that He could bring about the promises He made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Deuteronomy 29:9-13). The Father of Truth could only fulfill His promise to give the Promised Land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to those who were obedient to His commandments in the Torah (Deuteronomy 30:16-20). Finally the command was given for Joshua to lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 31:3-8).
Joshua made sure that the people of Israel heard the entire Torah so they could carry out its instructions (Joshua 8:33-35). After destroying the Canaanites out of some of the cities of the Promised Land, Joshua divided the conquered land between the twelve tribes of Israel as Moses had commanded (Joshua 14:2-5). Joshua told the people of Israel to continue to do what was written in the Torah at the end of his life (Joshua 23:2-6).
After this the people of Israel turned against the Father of Truth and He delivered them into the hands of their enemies in the Promised Land (Judges 2:11-15). Still the Father of Truth raised up Judges of Truth to deliver the people of Israel and to turn them back to Him as Prophets of Truth but the people of Israel persisted in worshiping idols contrary to what was written in the Torah (Judges 2:16-20). All during this time there was chaos because every man did what he thought was right since there was no king to enforce the commandments of the Torah (Judges 21:25).
Not long afterwards, Israel demanded to have a king like the other nations instead of the Father of Truth raising up Judges of Truth and Saul was chosen as the first king of the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel (1 Samuel 10:17-24). King Saul did not carry out the will of the Father of Truth so the Father of Truth said that He would replace him with someone better (1 Samuel 13:13-14). David became the king of Israel in the place of Saul because he was willing to carry out the will of the Father of Truth (Acts 13:21-22).
When King David became old then his son Solomon became the next king of Israel after King David commanded him to carry out the will of the Father of Truth by obeying Him in everything (1 Kings 2:1-3). King David also charged Solomon to build the Temple and to continue to lead the people of Israel in following the Torah (1 Chronicles 22:6-13). So King Solomon built the Temple and celebrated one of the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) there with all of the men of Israel (2 Chronicles 5:1-3).
Yet King Solomon did worship idols to please his many wives so the Father of Truth said that He would tear most of the kingdom of Israel out of the hand of the son of King Solomon with only one tribe besides his own remaining under his rule (1 Kings 11:9-13). So the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel was divided with Jeroboam (Yerob'am) as the king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel and the son of King Solomon, King Rehoboam (Rechab'am),as the king of the two tribe kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 12:19-21).
King Jeroboam soon set up his own idolatrous worship system in the two tribe kingdom of Israel so his people would not go to Jerusalem to worship as the Torah commanded (1 Kings 12:28-33).
In the Torah, the Father of Truth had said that when the people of Israel left off following Him to follow after idols in the Promised Land then He would scatter the people of Israel among other nations outside of the Promised Land where they would have to serve idols (Deuteronomy 4:25-28). The Father of Truth had spoken in days of King Jeroboam that the people of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel would be scattered beyond the Euphrates River one day for following in the footsteps of King Jeroboam (1 Kings 14:15-16). The Father of Truth graciously gave the ten tribe kingdom of Israel centuries to repent so He could bring about everything that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning their descendants and the Promised Land (2 Kings 13:23). Every single king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel lead the people in following in the footsteps of King Jeroboam so the descendants of Israel were removed from their part of the Promised Land and scattered beyond the Euphrates River by the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:21-23).
King Rehoboam and the people in the two tribe kingdom of Judah also forsook obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth in the Torah as soon as the kingdom had became stable and strong (2 Chronicles 12:1).
Afterwards, King Asa became the first king of Judah to do what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth by destroying the idols out of the kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 15:11-14). This pattern of some kings of Judah doing what was evil, that was occasionally interrupted by other kings doing what was right, continued to ratchet the kingdom of Judah downward until King Manasseh made it to become worse than the Canaanites who had been cast out of the Promised Land when the people of Israel came in (2 Kings 21:1-9).
The Father of Truth had said in the Torah that He would cast the people of Israel out of the Promised Land, like He had cast out the Canaanites, when they did the same things as the Canaanites (Leviticus 18:24-28). He said that when they became this evil then He would send a terrible nation from far away whose speech they could not understand to bring such evil upon their land that they would even eat the flesh of their own children (Deuteronomy 28:49-57). He said that He would remove the few survivors off of the Promised Land and cause them to be carried away to other nations where they would serve idols instead of Him (Deuteronomy 28:62-64). So He spoke through the Prophets of Truth that all of this would soon come upon the kingdom of Judah because King Manasseh had lead the kingdom of Judah into doing worse than the Canaanites had done (2 Kings 21:10-16).
Yet there was one last king of Judah who did what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth named Josiah (2 Kings 22:1-2). So Huldah (Chuledah), the Prophetess of Truth, told King Josiah that the terrible judgment announced in the days of King Manasseh would not come upon the kingdom of Judah in his lifetime because he had sought to bring the kingdom of Judah to repentance (2 Kings 22:14-20).
After King Josiah had died, then the king of Babylon, which had conquered Assyria, conquered the kingdom of Judah during the reign of the next king to bring about all that the Father of Truth had said would come upon the kingdom of Judah for committing the sins that King Manasseh had lead them to commit (2 Kings 24:1-4). So the king of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem, looted and destroyed the Temple, and scattered the people of Judah in the land of Babylon - beyond the Euphrates River (2 Kings 25:1-12).
However, the Father of Truth also said in the Torah that when the people of Israel would turn back to Him while they were in captivity for their sins then He would bring them back into the Promised Land from all the places where He had scattered them (Deuteronomy 30:1-5). So Cyrus the Persian, the King of Persia, which had conquered Babylon, issued a decree that the Jews could return to the land of Judah (Ezra 1:1-3).
The Babylonian exile only lasted for seventy years before the Jews began returning to the Promised Land (Jeremiah 29:10). However, when the Jews were cast out of the Promised Land and scattered for a third time by the Romans it was more than 1700 years before the Jews began returning to the Promised Land. What could have the Jews done that was so much worse than tolerating homosexuality and worshiping idols in the Temple that caused them to be so much more severely punished?
In the Torah, Moses said that the Father of Truth would raise up another Prophet of Truth like himself from among the descendants of Israel and the people of Israel must do what that Prophet of Truth commands them to do (Deuteronomy 18:15). The Father of Truth would command that Prophet of Truth to speak the words that He told him to speak because the people of Israel did not want to hear the voice of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:16-18). Therefore the people of Israel must do what that Prophet of Truth said or the Father of Truth would require it of any who did not obey (Deuteronomy 18:19).
The Man of Truth is a Jew who came from the line of King David (Matthew 1:17). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth who only spoke what the Father of Truth commanded him to speak so that the people of Israel must do what he says (John 12:48-50). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth who speaks the words of the Father of Truth instead of people hearing the voice of the Father of Truth (John 14:8-10). Therefore any of the people of Israel who would not obey the Man of Truth by turning away from their disobedience to Torah as he commanded will be destroyed (Acts 3:22-26).
Yet the very people that the Man of Truth came out of did not honor him as that Prophet of Truth (Mark 6:1-4). The Man of Truth came unto the descendants of Israel that he belonged to but most of them did not accept him as that Prophet of Truth (John 1:11). Even his own brothers in his own family did not believe that he was that Prophet of Truth (John 7:3-5). The people of Israel rejected the Man of Truth as the King of Israel from the line of King David and demanded that Caesar be their king instead (John 19:12-15). The people of Israel demanded that the Man of Truth be put to death, who the Father of Truth proved was that Prophet of Truth when He raised him from the dead, so that a violent rebel against the Romans could go free (Acts 3:13-15).
In the Torah, the Father of Truth had said that He would cast the people of Israel out of the Promised Land and scatter them among the heathen if they pursued after idols (Leviticus 26:30-33). The length of time that the people of Israel would be in exile would be based on how many Sabbath years they did not let the land rest ((Leviticus 26:34-35). So the Babylonian exile only lasted for seventy years (Jeremiah 25:11).
Yet the Man of Truth said that the Romans would in like manner cast the people out of the land and scatter them among all nations for a very long time - until the times of the Gentiles ruling over the Promised Land was coming to an end (Luke 21:20-24). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth who is greater than Moses just a son is greater than a servant (Hebrews 3:1-6). Therefore the punishment for disregarding the commandments spoken by that Prophet of Truth and mistreating him is far more severe than the punishment of disregarding the commandments spoken by Moses (Hebrews 10:28-31).
Still it is evident that the Jewish people have been returning to the Promised Land since about 1870, obtained legal ownership of it in 1917, have possessed part of it as the country of Israel since 1948 and have regained control of most of Jerusalem since 1967.
The Father of Truth has been returning them to the land for several reasons.
The people of Israel were never given the Promised Land in the first place because they were so deserving but because the Canaanites were so wicked and because of the promises that were made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Deuteronomy 9:4-6). The Father of Truth said that He would never leave them cast out and scattered forever because He did not want the Gentiles to think that they did this instead of Him (Deuteronomy 32:26-27). Therefore He spoke through the Prophet of Truth that they would return to the Promised Land after many days and then begin to seek after Him in the last days (Hosea 3:4-5).
The Father of Truth can no more break His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob about their descendants living in the Promised Land forever by casting them away than He could nullify His laws that run the universe (Jeremiah 33:25-26). So the Father of Truth has not cast away the people of Israel because there has always been some of the descendants of Israel, like the Apostles of Truth, who obeyed the Torah and that Prophet of Truth (Romans 11:1-5).
The Father of Truth said in the Torah that when the descendents of Israel return to the Promised Land for the last time that he would then circumcise their hearts so they could obey Him and then He would place the curses that had been on them upon those who hate the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 30:5-7). The Man of Truth was sent to help the people of Israel to be able to live in the Promised Land as the Father of Truth had promised Abraham (Luke 1:54-55). The Man of Truth was sent for the very purpose of bringing about the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that the descendants of Israel would possess the Promised Land forever (Luke 1:70-75).
The Man of Truth is coming back to rule the world and will have each of his twelve Apostles of Truth rule over a tribe of Israel (Matthew 19:27-28). The Man of Truth said that they will rule with him in a twelve tribe kingdom of Israel that is yet to come (Luke 22:28-30). The Man of Truth said the day is coming when His Father will send him back to completely restore the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel in the Promised Land (Acts 1:6-7). When the process of the people of Israel being restored to the Promised Land, that began around 1870, is completed then all of the people of Israel will be saved by surrendering to the Man of Truth (Romans 11:25-27). The Father of Truth has never stopped loving the people of Israel because He has never forgotten His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob give the people of Israel the Promised Land (Romans 11:28).
It must never be forgotten that the Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel who will bring about everything that His Father promised concerning the Promised Land. Those who fight against the Jews living in the Promised Land are fighting against the Father of Truth because He is the Greatest Zionist.
The Father of Truth also has made wonderful promises concerning the Gentiles as well in the same Everlasting Covenant that contains the promises concerning the Promised Land. After all, it has always been about the Gentiles.
For this reason, the Father of Truth said only after the Gentiles came to put their trust in the Man of Truth then He would begin returning the Jews to the Promised Land from every country on Earth where He had scattered them to for a second time like He did after the Babylonian Captivity was over (Isaiah 11:10-12). Therefore the Man of Truth said that the Good News must be preached to every Gentile nation before the events that bring about His return could begin (Matthew 24:14). The Man of Truth commissioned the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) to take the Good New to every nation so the Gentiles could put their trust in him to bring about the return of the Jews to the Promised Land (Mark 16:15). (It took until about 1870 before there were finally at least some Gentiles of every nation that had come into the House of Truth.)
The Gentiles of every nation had to be brought into the House of Truth so the Jews could begin returning to the Promised Land because the Man of Truth cannot return to this Earth to bring about all that His Father spoke through the Prophets of Truth until after the Jews are back in the Promised Land (Acts 3:20-21).
So it is certain that the Jews have a right to live in the Promised Land today. Not only have the Jews been coming back to the Promised Land in ever increasing numbers since about 1870, but they have also been coming into the House of Truth in ever increasing numbers since that time. In fact, there are more Jews who have come into the House of Truth and living in the Promised Land today than any time since the Romans expelled them in 135 AD. You can be certain that the Father of Truth is at work to bring about everything He promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob about giving the Promised Land to their descendants forever.
Of course, none of these promises or covenants are of any value unless you first come into the House of Truth. These promises and covenants only work to your benefit when you make the Man of Truth the king of your life now because you believe that His Father raised Him from the dead as part of His plan to bring about everything that He spoke concerning the Promised Land (Romans 10:8-10). Both Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth in the exact same way (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
This question is best answered by considering the history of the Promised Land and the Jews that is given in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
The Philistines (Palestinians) invaded the area of Gaza from Egypt (Mizraim) long after the Flood (Genesis 10:13-14). [Philistim/Philestine/Palestinian means "invader".] The Canaanites were the first to inhabit the Promised Land right after the Flood (Genesis 10:15-19). Later, the Father of Truth said that the descendants of Abraham (Abram) would spend the next four hundred years split between living in lands that were not theirs and being in bondage until they were delivered from that bondage when the wickedness of the Canaanites reached full maturity (Genesis 15:13-16). Then He made a covenant to give all the land of the Canaanites that went from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates River to the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 15:17-21). [The river of Egypt here is the eastern most of the seven streams that the Nile River divides into when it forms the Nile delta."] He made covenants with Abraham, Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) to give the descendants of Israel the Promised Land (Genesis 35:10-12). More than one hundred years later the descendants of Israel came to Egypt (Genesis 46:26-27).
After more than two hundred years in slavery in Egypt the deliverance of the descendants of Israel came by Moses so they could be brought into the Promised Land (Exodus 3:15-17). After forty years in the wilderness, Moses gave instructions to the people of Israel for when they entered the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 4:1-5). While they were in the wilderness the covenant containing the commandments of the Father of Truth was given to the people of Israel so that He could bring about the promises He made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Deuteronomy 29:9-13). The Father of Truth could only fulfill His promise to give the Promised Land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to those who were obedient to His commandments in the Torah (Deuteronomy 30:16-20). Finally the command was given for Joshua to lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 31:3-8).
Joshua made sure that the people of Israel heard the entire Torah so they could carry out its instructions (Joshua 8:33-35). After destroying the Canaanites out of some of the cities of the Promised Land, Joshua divided the conquered land between the twelve tribes of Israel as Moses had commanded (Joshua 14:2-5). Joshua told the people of Israel to continue to do what was written in the Torah at the end of his life (Joshua 23:2-6).
After this the people of Israel turned against the Father of Truth and He delivered them into the hands of their enemies in the Promised Land (Judges 2:11-15). Still the Father of Truth raised up Judges of Truth to deliver the people of Israel and to turn them back to Him as Prophets of Truth but the people of Israel persisted in worshiping idols contrary to what was written in the Torah (Judges 2:16-20). All during this time there was chaos because every man did what he thought was right since there was no king to enforce the commandments of the Torah (Judges 21:25).
Not long afterwards, Israel demanded to have a king like the other nations instead of the Father of Truth raising up Judges of Truth and Saul was chosen as the first king of the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel (1 Samuel 10:17-24). King Saul did not carry out the will of the Father of Truth so the Father of Truth said that He would replace him with someone better (1 Samuel 13:13-14). David became the king of Israel in the place of Saul because he was willing to carry out the will of the Father of Truth (Acts 13:21-22).
When King David became old then his son Solomon became the next king of Israel after King David commanded him to carry out the will of the Father of Truth by obeying Him in everything (1 Kings 2:1-3). King David also charged Solomon to build the Temple and to continue to lead the people of Israel in following the Torah (1 Chronicles 22:6-13). So King Solomon built the Temple and celebrated one of the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) there with all of the men of Israel (2 Chronicles 5:1-3).
Yet King Solomon did worship idols to please his many wives so the Father of Truth said that He would tear most of the kingdom of Israel out of the hand of the son of King Solomon with only one tribe besides his own remaining under his rule (1 Kings 11:9-13). So the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel was divided with Jeroboam (Yerob'am) as the king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel and the son of King Solomon, King Rehoboam (Rechab'am),as the king of the two tribe kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 12:19-21).
King Jeroboam soon set up his own idolatrous worship system in the two tribe kingdom of Israel so his people would not go to Jerusalem to worship as the Torah commanded (1 Kings 12:28-33).
In the Torah, the Father of Truth had said that when the people of Israel left off following Him to follow after idols in the Promised Land then He would scatter the people of Israel among other nations outside of the Promised Land where they would have to serve idols (Deuteronomy 4:25-28). The Father of Truth had spoken in days of King Jeroboam that the people of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel would be scattered beyond the Euphrates River one day for following in the footsteps of King Jeroboam (1 Kings 14:15-16). The Father of Truth graciously gave the ten tribe kingdom of Israel centuries to repent so He could bring about everything that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning their descendants and the Promised Land (2 Kings 13:23). Every single king of the ten tribe kingdom of Israel lead the people in following in the footsteps of King Jeroboam so the descendants of Israel were removed from their part of the Promised Land and scattered beyond the Euphrates River by the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:21-23).
King Rehoboam and the people in the two tribe kingdom of Judah also forsook obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth in the Torah as soon as the kingdom had became stable and strong (2 Chronicles 12:1).
Afterwards, King Asa became the first king of Judah to do what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth by destroying the idols out of the kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 15:11-14). This pattern of some kings of Judah doing what was evil, that was occasionally interrupted by other kings doing what was right, continued to ratchet the kingdom of Judah downward until King Manasseh made it to become worse than the Canaanites who had been cast out of the Promised Land when the people of Israel came in (2 Kings 21:1-9).
The Father of Truth had said in the Torah that He would cast the people of Israel out of the Promised Land, like He had cast out the Canaanites, when they did the same things as the Canaanites (Leviticus 18:24-28). He said that when they became this evil then He would send a terrible nation from far away whose speech they could not understand to bring such evil upon their land that they would even eat the flesh of their own children (Deuteronomy 28:49-57). He said that He would remove the few survivors off of the Promised Land and cause them to be carried away to other nations where they would serve idols instead of Him (Deuteronomy 28:62-64). So He spoke through the Prophets of Truth that all of this would soon come upon the kingdom of Judah because King Manasseh had lead the kingdom of Judah into doing worse than the Canaanites had done (2 Kings 21:10-16).
Yet there was one last king of Judah who did what was right in the eyes of the Father of Truth named Josiah (2 Kings 22:1-2). So Huldah (Chuledah), the Prophetess of Truth, told King Josiah that the terrible judgment announced in the days of King Manasseh would not come upon the kingdom of Judah in his lifetime because he had sought to bring the kingdom of Judah to repentance (2 Kings 22:14-20).
After King Josiah had died, then the king of Babylon, which had conquered Assyria, conquered the kingdom of Judah during the reign of the next king to bring about all that the Father of Truth had said would come upon the kingdom of Judah for committing the sins that King Manasseh had lead them to commit (2 Kings 24:1-4). So the king of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem, looted and destroyed the Temple, and scattered the people of Judah in the land of Babylon - beyond the Euphrates River (2 Kings 25:1-12).
However, the Father of Truth also said in the Torah that when the people of Israel would turn back to Him while they were in captivity for their sins then He would bring them back into the Promised Land from all the places where He had scattered them (Deuteronomy 30:1-5). So Cyrus the Persian, the King of Persia, which had conquered Babylon, issued a decree that the Jews could return to the land of Judah (Ezra 1:1-3).
The Babylonian exile only lasted for seventy years before the Jews began returning to the Promised Land (Jeremiah 29:10). However, when the Jews were cast out of the Promised Land and scattered for a third time by the Romans it was more than 1700 years before the Jews began returning to the Promised Land. What could have the Jews done that was so much worse than tolerating homosexuality and worshiping idols in the Temple that caused them to be so much more severely punished?
In the Torah, Moses said that the Father of Truth would raise up another Prophet of Truth like himself from among the descendants of Israel and the people of Israel must do what that Prophet of Truth commands them to do (Deuteronomy 18:15). The Father of Truth would command that Prophet of Truth to speak the words that He told him to speak because the people of Israel did not want to hear the voice of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 18:16-18). Therefore the people of Israel must do what that Prophet of Truth said or the Father of Truth would require it of any who did not obey (Deuteronomy 18:19).
The Man of Truth is a Jew who came from the line of King David (Matthew 1:17). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth who only spoke what the Father of Truth commanded him to speak so that the people of Israel must do what he says (John 12:48-50). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth who speaks the words of the Father of Truth instead of people hearing the voice of the Father of Truth (John 14:8-10). Therefore any of the people of Israel who would not obey the Man of Truth by turning away from their disobedience to Torah as he commanded will be destroyed (Acts 3:22-26).
Yet the very people that the Man of Truth came out of did not honor him as that Prophet of Truth (Mark 6:1-4). The Man of Truth came unto the descendants of Israel that he belonged to but most of them did not accept him as that Prophet of Truth (John 1:11). Even his own brothers in his own family did not believe that he was that Prophet of Truth (John 7:3-5). The people of Israel rejected the Man of Truth as the King of Israel from the line of King David and demanded that Caesar be their king instead (John 19:12-15). The people of Israel demanded that the Man of Truth be put to death, who the Father of Truth proved was that Prophet of Truth when He raised him from the dead, so that a violent rebel against the Romans could go free (Acts 3:13-15).
In the Torah, the Father of Truth had said that He would cast the people of Israel out of the Promised Land and scatter them among the heathen if they pursued after idols (Leviticus 26:30-33). The length of time that the people of Israel would be in exile would be based on how many Sabbath years they did not let the land rest ((Leviticus 26:34-35). So the Babylonian exile only lasted for seventy years (Jeremiah 25:11).
Yet the Man of Truth said that the Romans would in like manner cast the people out of the land and scatter them among all nations for a very long time - until the times of the Gentiles ruling over the Promised Land was coming to an end (Luke 21:20-24). The Man of Truth is that Prophet of Truth who is greater than Moses just a son is greater than a servant (Hebrews 3:1-6). Therefore the punishment for disregarding the commandments spoken by that Prophet of Truth and mistreating him is far more severe than the punishment of disregarding the commandments spoken by Moses (Hebrews 10:28-31).
Still it is evident that the Jewish people have been returning to the Promised Land since about 1870, obtained legal ownership of it in 1917, have possessed part of it as the country of Israel since 1948 and have regained control of most of Jerusalem since 1967.
The Father of Truth has been returning them to the land for several reasons.
The people of Israel were never given the Promised Land in the first place because they were so deserving but because the Canaanites were so wicked and because of the promises that were made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Deuteronomy 9:4-6). The Father of Truth said that He would never leave them cast out and scattered forever because He did not want the Gentiles to think that they did this instead of Him (Deuteronomy 32:26-27). Therefore He spoke through the Prophet of Truth that they would return to the Promised Land after many days and then begin to seek after Him in the last days (Hosea 3:4-5).
The Father of Truth can no more break His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob about their descendants living in the Promised Land forever by casting them away than He could nullify His laws that run the universe (Jeremiah 33:25-26). So the Father of Truth has not cast away the people of Israel because there has always been some of the descendants of Israel, like the Apostles of Truth, who obeyed the Torah and that Prophet of Truth (Romans 11:1-5).
The Father of Truth said in the Torah that when the descendents of Israel return to the Promised Land for the last time that he would then circumcise their hearts so they could obey Him and then He would place the curses that had been on them upon those who hate the Jewish people (Deuteronomy 30:5-7). The Man of Truth was sent to help the people of Israel to be able to live in the Promised Land as the Father of Truth had promised Abraham (Luke 1:54-55). The Man of Truth was sent for the very purpose of bringing about the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that the descendants of Israel would possess the Promised Land forever (Luke 1:70-75).
The Man of Truth is coming back to rule the world and will have each of his twelve Apostles of Truth rule over a tribe of Israel (Matthew 19:27-28). The Man of Truth said that they will rule with him in a twelve tribe kingdom of Israel that is yet to come (Luke 22:28-30). The Man of Truth said the day is coming when His Father will send him back to completely restore the twelve tribe kingdom of Israel in the Promised Land (Acts 1:6-7). When the process of the people of Israel being restored to the Promised Land, that began around 1870, is completed then all of the people of Israel will be saved by surrendering to the Man of Truth (Romans 11:25-27). The Father of Truth has never stopped loving the people of Israel because He has never forgotten His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob give the people of Israel the Promised Land (Romans 11:28).
It must never be forgotten that the Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel who will bring about everything that His Father promised concerning the Promised Land. Those who fight against the Jews living in the Promised Land are fighting against the Father of Truth because He is the Greatest Zionist.
The Father of Truth also has made wonderful promises concerning the Gentiles as well in the same Everlasting Covenant that contains the promises concerning the Promised Land. After all, it has always been about the Gentiles.
For this reason, the Father of Truth said only after the Gentiles came to put their trust in the Man of Truth then He would begin returning the Jews to the Promised Land from every country on Earth where He had scattered them to for a second time like He did after the Babylonian Captivity was over (Isaiah 11:10-12). Therefore the Man of Truth said that the Good News must be preached to every Gentile nation before the events that bring about His return could begin (Matthew 24:14). The Man of Truth commissioned the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) to take the Good New to every nation so the Gentiles could put their trust in him to bring about the return of the Jews to the Promised Land (Mark 16:15). (It took until about 1870 before there were finally at least some Gentiles of every nation that had come into the House of Truth.)
The Gentiles of every nation had to be brought into the House of Truth so the Jews could begin returning to the Promised Land because the Man of Truth cannot return to this Earth to bring about all that His Father spoke through the Prophets of Truth until after the Jews are back in the Promised Land (Acts 3:20-21).
So it is certain that the Jews have a right to live in the Promised Land today. Not only have the Jews been coming back to the Promised Land in ever increasing numbers since about 1870, but they have also been coming into the House of Truth in ever increasing numbers since that time. In fact, there are more Jews who have come into the House of Truth and living in the Promised Land today than any time since the Romans expelled them in 135 AD. You can be certain that the Father of Truth is at work to bring about everything He promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob about giving the Promised Land to their descendants forever.
Of course, none of these promises or covenants are of any value unless you first come into the House of Truth. These promises and covenants only work to your benefit when you make the Man of Truth the king of your life now because you believe that His Father raised Him from the dead as part of His plan to bring about everything that He spoke concerning the Promised Land (Romans 10:8-10). Both Jews and Gentiles come into the House of Truth in the exact same way (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: History, Israel, Messiah, Promised Land, Zionism
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