Christian Unity
Is unity possible among Christians?
One third of the people on Earth call themselves Christians.
These 2.2 billion people are split among somewhere between 30,000 to 45,000 denominations, depending on the criteria to define a denomination.
Some like the Shakers, once had thousands, but now are almost extinct, with only three members left. Others, like the False Church of Rome, have more than a billion, if you ignore minor geographical differences, and clump those who have full communion with each other, into one denomination. Yet others, like large Charismatic churches, that have sometimes have oversight of other churches, that they have spun off, have effectively became their own denominations, despite their claim to be non-denominational. Finally, there are groups like the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, that have many member congregations, who agree on a few key points, who can also be thought of as a loosely coupled denomination.
Among those who call themselves Christians, there has been an ongoing movement, to bring unity among all, who call themselves Christians, especially over the last 100 years or so. This movement is called the Ecumenical Movement. It's name comes from a Greek word, "oikoumene", which means "the whole inhabited world".
Yet, this idea is hardly new.
There is a common expression that has been around since at least 1617, "In essential things - unity, in non-essential things - liberty, in all things - love". Now on the surface, it would looks like that applying this principle, would pave the way to Christian unity. However, all of these denominations and congregations cannot apply this principle, and unite, because they do not agree on what is essential, and what is non-essential.
However, those who espouse the Ecumenical Movement, like the World Wide Council of Churches, have been undaunted in their effort, to bring all, who call themselves Christians, into unity.
The modern Ecumenical Movement grew out of the Ecumenical Councils of the False Church of Rome.
The first seven Ecumenical Councils, recognized by both halves of the False Church of Rome, were called into meeting by early Roman Emperors, who ruled from Rome. These Roman Emperors traditionally were also the high priest of Roman religion, called by the title of "Pontiff Maximus" (literally "Greatest Priest"). There were several other councils held during this period from 155 AD until 314 AD, that were called by early Roman Emperors, who ruled from Rome, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical". The significance is that the rulings of an Ecumenical Council were held to be infallible, and some of the rulings of these other councils had been cancelled out, by later councils.
The next seven Ecumenical Councils, recognized by the Western False Church of Rome, and some parts of the Eastern False Church of Rome, were all called into meeting by later Roman Emperors, who ruled from Constantinople (Byzantium). There were several other councils held during this period from 325 AD until 787 AD, that were called by later Roman Emperors, who ruled from Constantinople, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical", because the rulings of some of these councils had been cancelled out by later councils.
The next fourteen Ecumenical Councils, recognized by only the Western (Latin) False Church of Rome, were called by Popes, who ruled from Vatican Hill in Rome. These Popes are called by the title of the the high priest of Roman religion, "Pontiff Maximus". There were several other councils held during this period from 869 AD until 1965 AD, that were called by the Popes, who ruled from Vatican Hill in Rome, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical", because the some of the rulings of these councils had been cancelled out by later councils.
The head of the Eastern (Greek) False Church of Rome to this day, goes by the title "Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople". So the modern Ecumenical Movement has direct historical ties to the False Church of Rome, where "Ecumenical" has long been used, to describe efforts to unite all of the False Church of Rome around one common doctrine.
However, the modern Ecumenical Movement, goes beyond those, who under the authority of some part of the False Church of Rome. Among various denominations composed of people who broke off from the False Church of Rome, there has also been efforts of more unity. The first modern Protestant effort was the 1910 World Missionary conference, where leaders of many Protestant denominations met together, to try to establish a unified plan, to work together to bring the Good News to every person on Earth, within their lifetime. These efforts lead to several successful initiatives by the member denominations, to work together to more fully carry out the Great Commission. This success lead to an even wider effort, to unite everyone, who called themselves Christians, into one umbrella organization.
In 1920, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople issued a call for all denominations everywhere, both those that were part of the False Church of Rome, and those that were not, to form a body like the League of Nations (forerunner of the United Nations), to work together to come into unity. In 1925, the Eastern False Church of Rome met with many Protestant denominations for the World Conference of Life and Work. In 1937, many Protestant denominations agreed to meet together with representatives of the entire False Church of Rome, to form the World Council of Churches, but were delayed from doing so by World War II. In 1948, the World Council of Churches finally met, and the modern Ecumenical Movement was officially born.
This lead to the leaders of many denominations, whether or not they called their group a denomination, to call the members of the False Church of Rome, their brothers and legitimate Christians. So the modern Ecumenical Movement has resulted, in making it even harder for people identify what is a Christian, and what is not. Ultimately, it is a plan, to get Protestants to recognize the authority of the Pope, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, so that they can be brought back under the sway of the False Church of Rome. It is no different than the efforts of the False Church of Rome to bring the congregations started by Saint Patrick under its sway. This is the real purpose of the Ecumenical Movement.
So can Christians ever be brought into unity?
The fact is that there has never been complete Christian unity, because not everyone, who calls themselves a Christian, is part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).
Not even everyone in the small congregation of twelve men, that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) lead, was part of the Children of Truth (John 6:69-71). Among those in the congregation in Ephesus, there were those who called themselves Christians, but sought to destroy the congregation, in order to get the Children of Truth to follow them, instead of the Man of Truth (Acts 20:28-30). Among those in the congregation in Corinth, there were those who called themselves Christians, but taught the Doctrine of Lies (1 Corinthians 11:18-19).
So among those who call themselves Christians, there are genuine Christians, the Children of Truth. There are also counterfeit Christians, those who called themselves Christians, but are not part of the Children of Truth.
The Man of Truth taught that the genuine Christians, could be distinguished from the counterfeit Christians, by examining how they lived their lives (Matthew 7:16-20). He taught that, the counterfeit Christians would seek to do their own will, instead of the will of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (Matthew 7:21-23). He taught that the genuine Christians were those, who put his teachings into practice, while the counterfeit Christians, were those who did not put his teachings into practice (Matthew 7:24-27). He taught that, the defining test between the genuine Christians and the counterfeit Christians, was whether or not they strived to keep his commandments (John 14:21-24).
The Man of Truth warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would come into their congregations to destroy their lives (Matthew 7:15). He warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would be in the very congregations of the Children of Truth, like tares growing in a wheat field (Matthew 13:24-26). He warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would be in their congregations, but not part of their congregations, like birds in a tree (Matthew 13:31-32).
Likewise, the Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that counterfeit Christians have crept into congregations, to turn the Children of Truth away, from following after the Man of Truth (Jude 1:4). They are warned, that counterfeit Christians have eaten meals with the congregation, but do not live a life that reflects the Man of Truth (Jude 1:12-13). They are warned, that counterfeit Christians have sought to gain the admiration of members of the congregation, by their position in society, and their ability to make eloquent speeches, but do not have the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) living in them (Jude 1:16-19).
The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will use supposed "scientific facts", that are really myths, to lead them away from the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (1 Timothy 6:20-21). They are warned, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will be Jewish, and teach the doctrine of the Rabbis, instead of the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (Titus 1:10-14). The Children of Truth are warned, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will deny that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, and cause their followers to do terrible things, so that "Christian" will seem to be a bad word, in order to sell people all kinds of "Christian" merchandise through their doctrine, that is contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3). The Children of Truth are warned, to test everything that those, who call themselves Christians, say came from the Spirit of Truth, to see if matches the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (1 John 4:1-6).
The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that those who start organizations, that teach doctrine that is contrary to the teachings of the Apostles of Truth, will call themselves Christians, just as the Father of Lies calls himself an Angel of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). They are warned, that some counterfeit Christians will leave the congregations of the Children of Truth, to start their own organizations (1 John 2:18-20). They are warned, that some counterfeit Christians, like Diotrephes, the first known monarchical bishop, whom all of the bishops of the False Church of Rome were modeled after, will even take over a congregation, and excommunicate the Children of Truth from it (3 John 1:9-11).
The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into going into idolatry, and having sex outside of marriage (between a man and a woman), because the Father of Truth will punish those, who do such things (Ephesians 5:5-7). They are warned to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into believing, that the Man of Truth has returned, and is ruling the Earth "spiritually", instead of coming back to rule the Earth literally, after the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) has sat down in the Temple, and declared himself to be the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4). They are warned to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into believing, that people can continue transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, and still be declared righteous by the Father of Truth (1 John 3:7-10).
So there is no chance of Christian unity, as long as there are counterfeit Christians. There can be no unity between two groups, that have two different goals (Amos 3:3). The Children of Truth can never come into unity with counterfeit Christians (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).
In fact, the Children of Truth are commanded to separate themselves from counterfeit Christians.
The Children of Truth are commanded to mark those, who call themselves Christians, but cause divisions, by teaching doctrine that is contrary to the teaching of the Apostles of Truth, so they can avoid uniting with these counterfeit Christians (Romans 16:17-19). They are commanded to not even to eat with those, who call themselves Christians, but willfully disobey the commandments of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:11-13). They are commanded, to not go into partnership with counterfeit Christians, but instead to separate themselves from counterfeit Christians (2 Corinthians 6:14-17). They are commanded to turn away from those, who call themselves Christians, but deny the power of the Spirit of Truth to change people, so that they no longer break the commandments of the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:2-5). They are commanded to not even so much as say, "God bless you", to those who call themselves Christians, but teach doctrine, that is contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (2 John 1:10-11).
However, there is always some unity among the Children of Truth. The Children of Truth have a measure of unity, as soon as they come into the House of Truth, because they are bound together by the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 4:1-3). They experience a level of unity, from having hope in a common savior, sharing a common faith, experiencing a common baptism in water, being part of a common family, that is headed by the Father of Truth (Ephesians 4:4-6).
Yet, the Children of Truth, are commanded to strive to have greater unity with each other. The Man of Truth prayed to the Father of Truth, that the Children of Truth come together in unity (John 17:11). The Man of Truth wants the Children of Truth to be in unity, so everyone may know, that the Father of Truth sent him into the world (John 17:21-23). The Man of Truth died, to make it possible for all the Children of Truth, both Jews and Gentiles, to be in unity, as one new man (Ephesians 2:11-17).
So the Father of Truth has provided the tools necessary for the Children of Truth to grow into greater unity. The Father of Truth has provided to everyone of the Children of Truth a measure of faith, and the Book of Truth to renew their minds, so they can know come to greater understanding of His will in all matters (Romans 12:1-3). The Father of Truth has provided the Spirit of Truth, to write upon their hearts His commandments, so they can come into greater unity (2 Corinthians 3:3-6). The Father of Truth has raised up the Faithful Five, those religious professionals who work together, to bring the Children of Truth into unity (Ephesians 4:11-13). The Father of Truth is working in the Children of Truth, to put in both the desire and the ability, so they can do His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). The Father of Truth has provided the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), so that His commandments could be written on their hearts and minds, so they can come into complete unity with Him and each other (Hebrews 8:8-12).
So the Children of Truth can do somethings, to grow in unity with each other. They are joined together as a strong building, when they study the entire Book of Truth, so they can better understand how to be like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22). They can grow as close as members of the same body, by becoming more like the Man of Truth, if they keep up their guard against the doctrine of counterfeit Christians (Ephesians 4:14-16). They can put away lying, and only speak the truth to each other (Ephesians 4:25). They can have concern for the needs of each other, and pray for each other (1 Peter 3:8-12).
Still, even with the best of efforts, and the hardest pursuit, complete Christian unity is not possible yet.
Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because of different levels of understanding. Even the Apostles of Truth, had to have a council, to decide what to do, since it was evident, that the Gentiles came into the House of Truth, without being circumcised (Acts 11:1-18). They had to have another council, regarding the Gentiles coming into the House of Truth, without being circumcised, where the Apostles of Truth had to show, that this written about in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), to settle the matter, because it was so hard, for so many of the Jewish Children of Truth to understand (Acts 15:4-19). Even the Apostles of Truth, did not have the same level of understanding, about everything written in the Book of Truth (2 Peter 3:15-16).
Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because the Children of Truth are at different levels of maturity. Not everyone is mature enough, to handle the truth about everything, but must wait until the Spirit of Truth reveals it to them (John 16:12-14). Everyone who comes into the House of Truth, starts out as a baby, and has to wait until they have become mature enough, before they can understand the harder things (1 Corinthians 3:1-2). Not all of the Children of Truth, mature at the same rate (Hebrews 5:11-14). The Children of Truth start growing into maturity, when they start taking in the Word of Truth, like a baby starts to grow into maturity, when they start taking in milk (1 Peter 2:2).
Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because the Children of Truth do not always see things, the same way. Even Barnabas the Jew (Joses aka The Apostle Barnabas) and Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) went their separate ways, because they could not agree, about whether or not to take Mark the Jew (John Mark aka Marcus aka The Apostle Mark) with them, on their next mission trip (Acts 15:36-40). Sometimes, the Children of Truth become divided, by focusing on other Children of Truth, instead of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:10-13). Sometimes the Children of Truth, are focused on different missions, like Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) and Paul the Jew (Galatians 2:7-9). Sometimes, there is friction between the Children of Truth, when one of them has to correct the others, like Paul the Jew had to do with Peter the Jew and Barnabas the Jew (Galatians 2:11-14).
So there will never be true Christian unity, until the Man of Truth destroys off the face of the Earth all counterfeit Christians, so that the only people left on Earth, who call themselves Christians, are the Children of Truth (Matthew 13:27-30). Also the Children of Truth cannot have complete Christian unity today, because they cannot see everything clearly, but when the Man of Truth rules the Earth, then they will see everything clearly (1 Corinthians 13:9-12). Then the Children of Truth will all become like the Man of Truth, and there will be true Christian unity (1 John 3:1-3).
Of course, the first step that you can take, towards being part of that true Christian unity, is to come into the House of Truth. It is not enough, to begin to experience unity with the Children of Truth, to call the Man of Truth, "Lord", but you must make him your Lord, by committing to doing what he says (Luke 6:46-48). You will first experience unity with the Children of Truth, when you come into the House of Truth, by committing to doing what he says, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). True Christian unity, starts with people coming into the House of Truth, and obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth, because they love Him and the Man of Truth (1 John 5:1-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
One third of the people on Earth call themselves Christians.
These 2.2 billion people are split among somewhere between 30,000 to 45,000 denominations, depending on the criteria to define a denomination.
Some like the Shakers, once had thousands, but now are almost extinct, with only three members left. Others, like the False Church of Rome, have more than a billion, if you ignore minor geographical differences, and clump those who have full communion with each other, into one denomination. Yet others, like large Charismatic churches, that have sometimes have oversight of other churches, that they have spun off, have effectively became their own denominations, despite their claim to be non-denominational. Finally, there are groups like the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, that have many member congregations, who agree on a few key points, who can also be thought of as a loosely coupled denomination.
Among those who call themselves Christians, there has been an ongoing movement, to bring unity among all, who call themselves Christians, especially over the last 100 years or so. This movement is called the Ecumenical Movement. It's name comes from a Greek word, "oikoumene", which means "the whole inhabited world".
Yet, this idea is hardly new.
There is a common expression that has been around since at least 1617, "In essential things - unity, in non-essential things - liberty, in all things - love". Now on the surface, it would looks like that applying this principle, would pave the way to Christian unity. However, all of these denominations and congregations cannot apply this principle, and unite, because they do not agree on what is essential, and what is non-essential.
However, those who espouse the Ecumenical Movement, like the World Wide Council of Churches, have been undaunted in their effort, to bring all, who call themselves Christians, into unity.
The modern Ecumenical Movement grew out of the Ecumenical Councils of the False Church of Rome.
The first seven Ecumenical Councils, recognized by both halves of the False Church of Rome, were called into meeting by early Roman Emperors, who ruled from Rome. These Roman Emperors traditionally were also the high priest of Roman religion, called by the title of "Pontiff Maximus" (literally "Greatest Priest"). There were several other councils held during this period from 155 AD until 314 AD, that were called by early Roman Emperors, who ruled from Rome, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical". The significance is that the rulings of an Ecumenical Council were held to be infallible, and some of the rulings of these other councils had been cancelled out, by later councils.
The next seven Ecumenical Councils, recognized by the Western False Church of Rome, and some parts of the Eastern False Church of Rome, were all called into meeting by later Roman Emperors, who ruled from Constantinople (Byzantium). There were several other councils held during this period from 325 AD until 787 AD, that were called by later Roman Emperors, who ruled from Constantinople, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical", because the rulings of some of these councils had been cancelled out by later councils.
The next fourteen Ecumenical Councils, recognized by only the Western (Latin) False Church of Rome, were called by Popes, who ruled from Vatican Hill in Rome. These Popes are called by the title of the the high priest of Roman religion, "Pontiff Maximus". There were several other councils held during this period from 869 AD until 1965 AD, that were called by the Popes, who ruled from Vatican Hill in Rome, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical", because the some of the rulings of these councils had been cancelled out by later councils.
The head of the Eastern (Greek) False Church of Rome to this day, goes by the title "Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople". So the modern Ecumenical Movement has direct historical ties to the False Church of Rome, where "Ecumenical" has long been used, to describe efforts to unite all of the False Church of Rome around one common doctrine.
However, the modern Ecumenical Movement, goes beyond those, who under the authority of some part of the False Church of Rome. Among various denominations composed of people who broke off from the False Church of Rome, there has also been efforts of more unity. The first modern Protestant effort was the 1910 World Missionary conference, where leaders of many Protestant denominations met together, to try to establish a unified plan, to work together to bring the Good News to every person on Earth, within their lifetime. These efforts lead to several successful initiatives by the member denominations, to work together to more fully carry out the Great Commission. This success lead to an even wider effort, to unite everyone, who called themselves Christians, into one umbrella organization.
In 1920, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople issued a call for all denominations everywhere, both those that were part of the False Church of Rome, and those that were not, to form a body like the League of Nations (forerunner of the United Nations), to work together to come into unity. In 1925, the Eastern False Church of Rome met with many Protestant denominations for the World Conference of Life and Work. In 1937, many Protestant denominations agreed to meet together with representatives of the entire False Church of Rome, to form the World Council of Churches, but were delayed from doing so by World War II. In 1948, the World Council of Churches finally met, and the modern Ecumenical Movement was officially born.
This lead to the leaders of many denominations, whether or not they called their group a denomination, to call the members of the False Church of Rome, their brothers and legitimate Christians. So the modern Ecumenical Movement has resulted, in making it even harder for people identify what is a Christian, and what is not. Ultimately, it is a plan, to get Protestants to recognize the authority of the Pope, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, so that they can be brought back under the sway of the False Church of Rome. It is no different than the efforts of the False Church of Rome to bring the congregations started by Saint Patrick under its sway. This is the real purpose of the Ecumenical Movement.
So can Christians ever be brought into unity?
The fact is that there has never been complete Christian unity, because not everyone, who calls themselves a Christian, is part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).
Not even everyone in the small congregation of twelve men, that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) lead, was part of the Children of Truth (John 6:69-71). Among those in the congregation in Ephesus, there were those who called themselves Christians, but sought to destroy the congregation, in order to get the Children of Truth to follow them, instead of the Man of Truth (Acts 20:28-30). Among those in the congregation in Corinth, there were those who called themselves Christians, but taught the Doctrine of Lies (1 Corinthians 11:18-19).
So among those who call themselves Christians, there are genuine Christians, the Children of Truth. There are also counterfeit Christians, those who called themselves Christians, but are not part of the Children of Truth.
The Man of Truth taught that the genuine Christians, could be distinguished from the counterfeit Christians, by examining how they lived their lives (Matthew 7:16-20). He taught that, the counterfeit Christians would seek to do their own will, instead of the will of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (Matthew 7:21-23). He taught that the genuine Christians were those, who put his teachings into practice, while the counterfeit Christians, were those who did not put his teachings into practice (Matthew 7:24-27). He taught that, the defining test between the genuine Christians and the counterfeit Christians, was whether or not they strived to keep his commandments (John 14:21-24).
The Man of Truth warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would come into their congregations to destroy their lives (Matthew 7:15). He warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would be in the very congregations of the Children of Truth, like tares growing in a wheat field (Matthew 13:24-26). He warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would be in their congregations, but not part of their congregations, like birds in a tree (Matthew 13:31-32).
Likewise, the Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that counterfeit Christians have crept into congregations, to turn the Children of Truth away, from following after the Man of Truth (Jude 1:4). They are warned, that counterfeit Christians have eaten meals with the congregation, but do not live a life that reflects the Man of Truth (Jude 1:12-13). They are warned, that counterfeit Christians have sought to gain the admiration of members of the congregation, by their position in society, and their ability to make eloquent speeches, but do not have the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) living in them (Jude 1:16-19).
The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will use supposed "scientific facts", that are really myths, to lead them away from the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (1 Timothy 6:20-21). They are warned, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will be Jewish, and teach the doctrine of the Rabbis, instead of the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (Titus 1:10-14). The Children of Truth are warned, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will deny that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, and cause their followers to do terrible things, so that "Christian" will seem to be a bad word, in order to sell people all kinds of "Christian" merchandise through their doctrine, that is contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3). The Children of Truth are warned, to test everything that those, who call themselves Christians, say came from the Spirit of Truth, to see if matches the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (1 John 4:1-6).
The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that those who start organizations, that teach doctrine that is contrary to the teachings of the Apostles of Truth, will call themselves Christians, just as the Father of Lies calls himself an Angel of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). They are warned, that some counterfeit Christians will leave the congregations of the Children of Truth, to start their own organizations (1 John 2:18-20). They are warned, that some counterfeit Christians, like Diotrephes, the first known monarchical bishop, whom all of the bishops of the False Church of Rome were modeled after, will even take over a congregation, and excommunicate the Children of Truth from it (3 John 1:9-11).
The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into going into idolatry, and having sex outside of marriage (between a man and a woman), because the Father of Truth will punish those, who do such things (Ephesians 5:5-7). They are warned to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into believing, that the Man of Truth has returned, and is ruling the Earth "spiritually", instead of coming back to rule the Earth literally, after the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) has sat down in the Temple, and declared himself to be the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4). They are warned to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into believing, that people can continue transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, and still be declared righteous by the Father of Truth (1 John 3:7-10).
So there is no chance of Christian unity, as long as there are counterfeit Christians. There can be no unity between two groups, that have two different goals (Amos 3:3). The Children of Truth can never come into unity with counterfeit Christians (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).
In fact, the Children of Truth are commanded to separate themselves from counterfeit Christians.
The Children of Truth are commanded to mark those, who call themselves Christians, but cause divisions, by teaching doctrine that is contrary to the teaching of the Apostles of Truth, so they can avoid uniting with these counterfeit Christians (Romans 16:17-19). They are commanded to not even to eat with those, who call themselves Christians, but willfully disobey the commandments of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:11-13). They are commanded, to not go into partnership with counterfeit Christians, but instead to separate themselves from counterfeit Christians (2 Corinthians 6:14-17). They are commanded to turn away from those, who call themselves Christians, but deny the power of the Spirit of Truth to change people, so that they no longer break the commandments of the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:2-5). They are commanded to not even so much as say, "God bless you", to those who call themselves Christians, but teach doctrine, that is contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (2 John 1:10-11).
However, there is always some unity among the Children of Truth. The Children of Truth have a measure of unity, as soon as they come into the House of Truth, because they are bound together by the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 4:1-3). They experience a level of unity, from having hope in a common savior, sharing a common faith, experiencing a common baptism in water, being part of a common family, that is headed by the Father of Truth (Ephesians 4:4-6).
Yet, the Children of Truth, are commanded to strive to have greater unity with each other. The Man of Truth prayed to the Father of Truth, that the Children of Truth come together in unity (John 17:11). The Man of Truth wants the Children of Truth to be in unity, so everyone may know, that the Father of Truth sent him into the world (John 17:21-23). The Man of Truth died, to make it possible for all the Children of Truth, both Jews and Gentiles, to be in unity, as one new man (Ephesians 2:11-17).
So the Father of Truth has provided the tools necessary for the Children of Truth to grow into greater unity. The Father of Truth has provided to everyone of the Children of Truth a measure of faith, and the Book of Truth to renew their minds, so they can know come to greater understanding of His will in all matters (Romans 12:1-3). The Father of Truth has provided the Spirit of Truth, to write upon their hearts His commandments, so they can come into greater unity (2 Corinthians 3:3-6). The Father of Truth has raised up the Faithful Five, those religious professionals who work together, to bring the Children of Truth into unity (Ephesians 4:11-13). The Father of Truth is working in the Children of Truth, to put in both the desire and the ability, so they can do His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). The Father of Truth has provided the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), so that His commandments could be written on their hearts and minds, so they can come into complete unity with Him and each other (Hebrews 8:8-12).
So the Children of Truth can do somethings, to grow in unity with each other. They are joined together as a strong building, when they study the entire Book of Truth, so they can better understand how to be like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22). They can grow as close as members of the same body, by becoming more like the Man of Truth, if they keep up their guard against the doctrine of counterfeit Christians (Ephesians 4:14-16). They can put away lying, and only speak the truth to each other (Ephesians 4:25). They can have concern for the needs of each other, and pray for each other (1 Peter 3:8-12).
Still, even with the best of efforts, and the hardest pursuit, complete Christian unity is not possible yet.
Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because of different levels of understanding. Even the Apostles of Truth, had to have a council, to decide what to do, since it was evident, that the Gentiles came into the House of Truth, without being circumcised (Acts 11:1-18). They had to have another council, regarding the Gentiles coming into the House of Truth, without being circumcised, where the Apostles of Truth had to show, that this written about in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), to settle the matter, because it was so hard, for so many of the Jewish Children of Truth to understand (Acts 15:4-19). Even the Apostles of Truth, did not have the same level of understanding, about everything written in the Book of Truth (2 Peter 3:15-16).
Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because the Children of Truth are at different levels of maturity. Not everyone is mature enough, to handle the truth about everything, but must wait until the Spirit of Truth reveals it to them (John 16:12-14). Everyone who comes into the House of Truth, starts out as a baby, and has to wait until they have become mature enough, before they can understand the harder things (1 Corinthians 3:1-2). Not all of the Children of Truth, mature at the same rate (Hebrews 5:11-14). The Children of Truth start growing into maturity, when they start taking in the Word of Truth, like a baby starts to grow into maturity, when they start taking in milk (1 Peter 2:2).
Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because the Children of Truth do not always see things, the same way. Even Barnabas the Jew (Joses aka The Apostle Barnabas) and Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) went their separate ways, because they could not agree, about whether or not to take Mark the Jew (John Mark aka Marcus aka The Apostle Mark) with them, on their next mission trip (Acts 15:36-40). Sometimes, the Children of Truth become divided, by focusing on other Children of Truth, instead of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:10-13). Sometimes the Children of Truth, are focused on different missions, like Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) and Paul the Jew (Galatians 2:7-9). Sometimes, there is friction between the Children of Truth, when one of them has to correct the others, like Paul the Jew had to do with Peter the Jew and Barnabas the Jew (Galatians 2:11-14).
So there will never be true Christian unity, until the Man of Truth destroys off the face of the Earth all counterfeit Christians, so that the only people left on Earth, who call themselves Christians, are the Children of Truth (Matthew 13:27-30). Also the Children of Truth cannot have complete Christian unity today, because they cannot see everything clearly, but when the Man of Truth rules the Earth, then they will see everything clearly (1 Corinthians 13:9-12). Then the Children of Truth will all become like the Man of Truth, and there will be true Christian unity (1 John 3:1-3).
Of course, the first step that you can take, towards being part of that true Christian unity, is to come into the House of Truth. It is not enough, to begin to experience unity with the Children of Truth, to call the Man of Truth, "Lord", but you must make him your Lord, by committing to doing what he says (Luke 6:46-48). You will first experience unity with the Children of Truth, when you come into the House of Truth, by committing to doing what he says, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). True Christian unity, starts with people coming into the House of Truth, and obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth, because they love Him and the Man of Truth (1 John 5:1-3).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Christian Unity, Ecumenical Movement, History
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