Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Right Partnership For Love

What is the right partnership for love?

Every year in the United States and across the world, there is a holiday called Valentine's Day.  On Valentine's Day, couples give expressions of their love to each other.

When Valentine's Day started becoming popular around 1847 in America, the partners for love were pretty much limited to men and their wives, or men and the woman they were engaged to marry.  These were the candidates for gift exchanges, because only men and their own wives were considered to the right partnerships for love.

Today, things are very different.  The ever expanding Valentine's Day industry has sought out new markets for their products.  Valentine's Day gift exchanges have been expanded to include many other partnerships for love.  So there are now gifts for all kinds of partnerships for love.  These partnerships for love were first expanded to include partnerships between a man and a woman, that he is not married to, or even a man and a woman, who is married to another man.

Still the Valentine's Day industry has not wanted to leave any potential market unreached.  So it has been changing its offerings to accommodate new markets and new opportunities for growth.  So there are now gifts for all kinds of  partnerships including, but not limited to, partnerships composed of three or more partners, and partnerships composed of partners of the same sex.  There is probably some Valentine's Day company out there that caters those involved in partnerships with dead people, children, or animals.

More than that, many of these partnerships for love are endorsed by religious professionals.  Today, this has come to include marriage between a man and a woman, without any examination of their eligibility for marriage, and marriage between two people of the same sex.  Tomorrow, these religious professionals could expand performing marriage ceremonies to include the other partnerships previously mentioned.  After all, the marriage industry is also looking for new ways to grow as well.

Many lawyers support these new definitions of marriage as well.  After all, more marriages mean more divorces, and more lawsuits.  Expanding the definition of marriage to include more partnerships for love, means growing opportunities and profits for the divorce industry.

So is every partnership for love right ?  Or are some partnerships for love wrong?  If so, then which partnerships for love are right, and which are wrong?

These are not unanswerable questions.  The Book of Truth (The Bible) tells which partnerships for love are right, and which are wrong.

What is the right partnership for love?  The answer to this question is obvious, if you just look at the pattern that was set, when sexual love began.

The Father of Truth made people in only two sexes in the beginning, male and female, with no blurring of the lines, or confusion about which sex each person was (Genesis 1:27).   He made only one woman for the only man on Earth (Genesis 2:21-22).  This partnership of one man and one woman was the only partnership that He blessed (Genesis 5:2).

He made one woman for one man to form a partnership for love, so they could reproduce in order to fill the Earth with people (Genesis 1:28).  This partnership for love is formed by a man and a woman leaving the family they grew up in, marrying each other to start a new family, and then engaging in sex, without any sense of shame, so they can carry out their part of the mission to fill the Earth with people (Genesis 2:23-25).  A man and his wife are to engage in sex, after forming a partnership for love, so that the woman can become pregnant to produce more people to live on the Earth (Genesis 4:1-2).

So the right partnership for love is a man married to a woman.  This partnership makes it possible for children to be born, so that the Earth can be populated with people.  This partnership makes it possible to create stable families, with both a father and a mother.  This partnership makes it possible for children to learn how to form the right partnership for love, when they are ready for love.

The Father of Truth is very serious about forming only the right partnership for love.

A man and the wife of someone else do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:10).

A man and his stepmother do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:11).  A man and his daughter-in-law do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:12).  A man, his wife, and his mother-in-law do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:14).

A man and another man do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:13).  A man and an animal do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:15).  A woman and an animal do not form the right partnership for love, and the penalty is death if they engage in sex (Leviticus 20:16).

So whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they are worthy of death, if they engage in sex (Romans 1:26-32).  Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they are fornicators, if they engage in sex (1 Corinthians 7:2).  [Fornication comes from the same Greek root word as porn and means ANY sex other than between a husband and his wife. If it had been assigned the "p" sound, instead of the "f" sound, when the original sound was split into two sounds, then the word would be "pornication". ]

Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they will not become part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth, if they engage in sex (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).  Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they will suffer the wrath of the Father of Truth, if they engage in sex (Colossians 3:5-6).  Whenever people form a wrong partnership for love, they will fall under the judgment of the Father of Truth, if they engage in sex (Hebrews 13:4).

So people must be careful to be sure that they only form the right partnership for love, before they engage in sex.  This can require more thought than most people think.  It often takes looking beyond the surface to see if people are forming the right partnership for love.

Sometimes, it is easy to identify a right partnership for love.  If a man is getting married, for the first time, to woman who is a virgin, then they are obviously forming the right partnership for love.

Sometimes, it is easy to identify a wrong partnership for love.  If someone forms a partnership with someone else of the same sex, then they are obviously forming the wrong partnership for love.

There can be no doubt about that is a wrong partnership for love, when you considered what has happened to those, who have lived like they were married in Sodom, throughout the world and across the ages.  As already shown, the penalty concerning this wrong partnership, that was first written in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), did not change under the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  The penalty for forming this wrong partnership, and then engaging in sex, has always been death, because the commandments of the unchanging law have never changed.

The wages of sin are still death (Romans 6:23).  The Father of Truth will pay those in this wrong partnership for love what they have earned (Galatians 6:7-8).  The Father of Truth has not changed - and neither has His definition of the right partnership for love (James 1:17).  Transgression of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) is still sin (1 John 3:4).

Since the judgment of the Father of Truth for forming this wrong partnership has plainly been written in the Book of Truth, then it is not judging anyone to warn them about what those judgments are.  Those deceivers who say otherwise, are twisting what the Book of Truth says, by using verses that have been taken out of context.  Those who form this wrong partnership for love will not be acquitted by claiming "My DNA made me do it", any more than someone who kidnapped and tortured to death those in this wrong kind of partnership, would be acquitted by the same claim.  The worst kind of hatred that anyone can have towards those involved in this wrong partnership for love, is to not warn them of the judgment of the Father of Truth for this behavior.  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) just need to be careful when warning them, to treat them as respectful as the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) would do, if he was personally warning Ellen DeGeneres.

This change in America from only exchanging Valentine's Day gifts between men and their wives to exchanging these gifts for this obviously wrong partnership for love did not happen overnight.  In fact, it was the result of a subtle influence, that took more than a hundred years to move from treating this wrong partnership for love as a death penalty crime to religious professionals performing marriage ceremonies for it.  Wide spread acceptance of this wrong partnership for love as a right partnership of love is certain to bring about the death of America.  The only hope of saving America, by returning to treating wrong partnership for love as death penalty crime to bring it to an end, is many people recognizing that a time for civil disobedience has arrived, just like past generations did, when they brought an end to British tyranny and slavery.

So it is easy to recognize that the first scenario, a never before married man who marries a virgin, as a right partnership for love, and the second scenario, two people of the same sex marrying each other, as a wrong partnership for love.  However, there are other scenarios involving marriage between a man and a woman, where it is not as easy to determine what is a right partnership for love, and what is a wrong partnership for love.

For instance, a surviving spouse will often form a new partnership for love, after their spouse has died.  There will always be other people who think that this is a wrong partnership for love.  So there is controversy over surviving spouses marrying again to form a new partnership for love, especially, when the new partnership for love is formed soon after the death of their spouse.

The Book of Truth settles this controversy rather clearly.

Marriage is until one of spouse parts from the other spouse through death.  When this happens, the surviving spouse is free to form a new partnership for love, as long as it is a right partnership for love, because they are no longer bound to their spouse, by the old partnership for love (Romans 7:2-3).

It is not good for anyone to be alone without a partnership for love (Genesis 2:18).  This is why the Father of Truth made a woman from the only man on Earth, so the man would have someone to form the right partnership of love with (Genesis 2:20-22).  Two people in a right partnership for love, is still better than one person going through life alone (Ecclesiastes 4:8-12).  In fact, widows below sixty years of age are actually commanded to form a new partnership for love (1 Timothy 5:9-14).  There is no reason for a surviving spouse to walk the rest of their road alone.

Also, there is no minimal waiting period for the surviving spouse to form a new partnership for love after their spouse has died.  For example, Abigail married David on the very day that her first husband, Nabal, died (1 Samuel 25:38-42).

So it does not take a lot of effort to determine a right partnership for love, after one of the spouses dies.  However, it takes a lot more effort to identify a right partnership for love, when divorce is in the mix.

Not every divorce is legitimate according to Book of Truth.  Just because a woman is divorced from her first husband and marries a second husband, does not make the second partnership for love automatically a right partnership for love.  In fact, the woman and her second husband may be in a wrong partnership for love.  When a woman has two men that have been her husband, who are both alive at the same time, then whether the partnership for love is right, or wrong depends up the answer to this question:  Whose wife is she?

The answer to this question, depends upon whether or not the divorce was legitimate.

There are two causes for which a divorce may be legitimately granted.  The first one is really pretty straight forward.

If the wife was also involved in a wrong partnership for love with someone other than her husband, then her husband can legitimately divorce her, and end their partnership for love (Matthew 5:31-32).

A legitimate divorce, can only come from a voluntary action of the individual, where they release their claim on their spouse, while a government mandated decree of divorce, against their will, is never a legitimate divorce (Mark 6:16-18).

If a legitimate divorce occurs, then the woman can form a new partnership for love with another man (Deuteronomy 24:1-2).  If the woman forms a new partnership for love with another man, then she can never form another partnership for love with her former husband, because that would also be a wrong partnership for love (Deuteronomy 24:3-4).

The second one is a bit more involved.  Whereas the first cause is a woman forming a partnership for love with someone other than her husband, the second cause concerns one spouse who is worshiping the Father of Truth, while the other one is not.  This has nothing to do with inter-racial marriage.

The Children of Truth are not to marry anyone, who does not love the Father of Truth, because their unbelieving spouse will seek to turn them from following Him (Deuteronomy 7:3-4).  They are not to do this, because there can be no agreement between them and their unbelieving spouse about these matters (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).

If one spouse seeks to draw the other one away from following the Father of Truth to worship anything else, then they are worthy of death (Deuteronomy 13:6-10).  Therefore, it can also be a wrong partnership for love, when a Child of Truth marries one of the Children of Lies (Ezra 9:12-14).

So if an unbelieving spouse seeks to draw a Child of Truth away from the Father of Truth, then the Child of Truth must divorce the unbelieving spouse, because it is a wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:2-4).  The Children of Truth must never put their spouse above the Kingdom of the Father of Truth (Luke 18:28-30). 

The Children of Truth must be willing to leave their spouse, if their spouse is keeping them from obeying the Man of Truth (Matthew 19:28-29).  The Children of Truth must be willing to obey the Man of Truth, even if it means losing their spouse (Mark 10:28-30).  The Children of Truth must love the Man of Truth more than they love their spouse (Luke 14:25-27).

Still, if a Child of Truth is married to an unbelieving spouse, they must never divorce their unbelieving spouse, if their unbelieving spouse is willing to let them continue to remain in the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:12-14).

So the Children of Truth must seek to bring their unbelieving spouses into the House of Truth, instead of seeking a divorce from them (1 Corinthians 7:16).  They must demonstrate the right partnership for love between the Man of Truth and the Children of Truth to their unbelieving spouses (Ephesians 5:31-33).

The wives among the Children of Truth can still give live in obedience to their unbelieving husband, as long as they are not being asked to be disobedient to the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:22-24).  They can bring their unbelieving husbands into the House of Truth, with even saying a word, through a quiet and obedient attitude (1 Peter 3:1-6).

The husbands among the Children of Truth can still demonstrate the love of the Man of Truth to their unbelieving wives (Ephesians 5:25-28).  The husbands among the Children of Truth can still treat their unbelieving wives with great respect, so that they might come into the House of Truth (1 Peter 3:7).

However, if their unbelieving spouse divorces them, despite all of these efforts, then the divorce is legitimate, and they can form a new partnership for love (1 Corinthians 7:15).

So the divorce is legitimate, if the unbelieving spouse forced the Child of Truth to choose between them and remaining in the House of Truth, or the unbelieving spouse left them for refusing to leave the House of Truth.

So when the Children of Truth find themselves free to form a new partnership for love, rather through death of their spouse, or a legitimate divorce, they still have to be sure to only marry another one of the Children of Truth, who is legitimately available, so they can form a right partnership for love (1 Corinthians 7:39).

So divorce for any other cause, other than marital infidelity, or divorce from an unbelieving spouse caused by remaining in the House of Truth, is not legitimate.

Anyone who marries someone besides their spouse, without a legitimate divorce, is in an adulterous relationship - a definitely wrong partnership for love (Matthew 19:3-9). 

A husband who divorces his wife, for any other cause, and marries another woman is in a wrong partnership for love (Mark 10:11).  A wife who divorces her husband, for any other cause, and marries another man is in a wrong partnership for love (Mark 10:12).  Anyone who marries anyone, who was divorced for any other cause, is in a wrong partnership for love (Luke 16:18).

So the Children of Truth must never divorce each other, when they are in a right partnership for love, and if they do, then they must certainly not marry someone else (1 Corinthians 7:10-11).

Even when the Children of Truth have a legitimate cause for divorce, they should still treat divorce as the nuclear option.  Divorce can lead to such misery to their children, that their children may blame the bully across the street for their misery, instead of the rebellion of their parents against the commandments of the Father of Truth.

Divorce is not their only option, no matter what they have done.  They can even recover from one of them behaving like the unfaithful wife with the help of the Father of Truth.  In fact, the Children of Truth will never resort to divorce, if they both learn how to form a love triangle with the Man of Truth.  When they learn how to become intimate with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), then they will find something that is better than sex.  They will be in the ultimate right partnership for love.

However, before anyone can get in the right partnership for love, they must first get out of any wrong partnership for love that they are in.  A marriage that is a wrong partnership for love, due to an illegitimate divorce, is not the unrepentable sin. 

Whether the marriage is a wrong partnership for love because an unbelieving spouse is trying to move the Child of Truth out of the House of Truth, or because the marriage is really an adulterous relationship caused by one of the spouses having an illegitimate divorce, there is a way out of a wrong partnership for love. 

The Child of Truth must get a divorce to end the wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:10-12).  The Child of Truth must do this, if they do to not want to suffer from the wrath of the Father of Truth, for continuing in a wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:13-14).  The Child of Truth must do this as quickly as they can (Ezra 10:15-17).  The Child of Truth must recognized that as long as they are in a wrong partnership for love, then they are living in sin (Ezra 10:18-19).  The Child of Truth must end this wrong partnership for love, even if they have had children from this wrong partnership for love (Ezra 10:44).

As discussed before, a divorce to end a wrong partnership for love, now makes the Child of Truth able to form a right partnership for love with another available Child of Truth.

Yet, no matter even if people are in the ultimate right partnership for love, it is only a temporary partnership for love that ends, when this life ends (Matthew 22:24-30).  Those who come into the House of Truth will have no need for marriage in the next life, because they will already be in final and unending right partnership for love (Luke 20:34-36).  This right partnership for love started when they came into the House of Truth, by submitting to the Man of Truth in obedience, because they believed that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!

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