Thursday, March 30, 2017

The New Antisemitism

Why should Jews be concerned about the rise of Neo-Paganism?

Neo-Paganism is a movement of people in countries, that have self-identified as Christian countries for hundreds, or even well over a thousand years, to return to the pagan religions of their ancestors.
Neo-Pagans are not returning to the Greco-Roman Paganism that was merged with Christianity to form the False Church of Rome.  They are returning to the religions that their ancestors followed before they encountered the Romans.  
These religions are similar to each other, but with different names for their gods due to language differences, just like the Romans and Greeks worshiped the same gods by different names.

The religion of the Druids was the religion of the Celts.  The Germanic and Nordic peoples followed a similar religion with the same holidays and similar myths.  Neo-Pagans are seeking to return to these religions.
Some of those who join in the rituals of Neo-Paganism might seem quite average.

However, others involved in Neo-Paganism seem like anything, but average.  They sometimes dress in strange clothing, like something right out of the Lord of the Rings, or King Arthur, or Conan the Babarian, or some medieval horror movie.  They then gather with other people who do the same.  Sometimes, they have built entire towns similar to what their ancestors lived in, and have special gatherings there.

To be clear, not everyone who dress up like they are part of the cast of Medieval Times, is a Neo-Pagan for doing so.  Some people just do so because they like re-enacting that period of history, just like other people dress up as Confederate or Union soldiers, and meet with others who are similarly dressed, to re-enact a battle of the American Civil War.

However, many Neo-Pagans dress up to re-enact much more than just life as they image it was during the darkest ages of European history.  They are working to revive the pagan religions of Europe, before Christianity became the dominant religion of Europe.  They not only have public gatherings where the curious among the public are invited, but they also have private gatherings, where only those who have truly embraced the pagan religions of their ancestors, are in attendance.
Occasionally, there will even be cults of Neo-Pagans, where they seek to control some geographical area, where all of the secret rites of the pagan religions of their ancestors can be carried out.  Some of these are truly hardcore Neo-Pagans, who get the point that they cannot function outside of the Neo-Pagan world, which they have created.

Still, most people think of all, but the most hardcore Neo-Pagans, as harmless.  They might find it strange that their neighbors dress up like Druids, and head into the woods, every time there is a full moon.  Yet it does not matter to them, as long as these neighbors keep their yards mowed, and don't bother anyone else.

However, many Neo-Pagans are not easily identifiable as Neo-Pagans, by those who are not involved in Neo-Paganism.  In fact, many of them also attend the congregations of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).  Some of them are even religious professionals in those congregations.

So why should the Children of Truth care if Atheists, and the like, are becoming Neo-Pagans?  Why should a trend among people, who do not even pretend to be part of the Children of Truth, moving from one non-Christian religion to another non-Christian religion matter to the Children of Truth?

So why should Jews, particularly those who are not part of the Children of Truth, be concerned about Gentiles leaving the House of Truth to become Neo-Pagans?  Why should a trend among those, who only pretend to be part of the Children of Truth, moving from a Christian in name only religious organization, like the False Church of Rome, to a blatantly non-Christian religion, matter to all Jews?

It should matter to the Children of Truth and all Jews, because the rise of Neo-Paganism will lead to the persecution of the Children of Truth and all Jews.

Neo-Pagans seek to be free from a society that has laws based on the Book of Truth (The Bible).  They want to do away with all influence of the Children of Truth over society, so they can live in a society that is based on the pagan religion of their ancestors.  Like their ancestors, they are at war with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), and those who follow him.

The religion of the Book of Truth did not transform their societies in a day.  Most of the time, it took at least one generation.  During that time, people like Saint Patrick, faced tremendous persecution at times, from those who did not want to leave the pagan religions of their ancestors.  In fact, many of the Children of Truth were killed by those, who did not want people leaving the pagan religion of their ancestors to follow the Man of Truth.  The ancestors of the Neo-Pagans were at war with the Man of Truth, and those who followed him.  Sometimes, it took hundreds of years for that war to be won by the Children of Truth in a particular geographical area.

It should really be no surprise that Neo-Pagans are at war with the Children of Truth.  After all, the "gods" that they worship, rather they are idols, or rocks and trees, or some mysterious spirit of everything, are really Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods).  When they make sacrifices to these "gods", then they are making sacrifices to Spirits of Lies (Deuteronomy 32:16-17).  When they hold feasts in honor of these "gods", then they are feasting with Spirits of Lies (1 Corinthians 10:19-21).

So, Neo-Pagans are part of the kingdom of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), while the Children of Truth are part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD).  These two kingdoms have always been at war with each other.  There can be no peace between the Children of Truth and those who worship Spirits of Lies (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).

The Neo-Pagans are looking for a messiah, that they call by many different names, to bring in an age where they are in control.

The rise of Neo-Paganism at this time is a sign that the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) will soon be on the scene.  Neo-Paganism is rising because the world is being prepared for the reign of the Man of Lies.  During the reign of the Man of Lies, most of the world will return to the pagan religions of their ancestors (Revelation 9:19-21). 

Neo-Pagans have seen by experience over the centuries, that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), which lives in the Children of Truth, is greater than the Spirit of Antichrist, which seeks to bring the Man of Lies into the world (1 John 4:2-4).

Neo-Pagans know, and frequently teach, that their messiah, the Man of Lies, cannot be revealed and gain control of the world, unless many people first leave the House of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4).  They understand that the Children of Truth have been preventing the Man of Lies from being revealed for centuries, and that they must be taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:5-8).  Their messiah cannot operate in the power of the Father of Lies, to bring the world back to the pagan religions of their ancestors, as long as the Children of Truth are resisting him with the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).

So, Neo-Pagans have infiltrated the congregations of the Children of Truth to get them to leave the House of Truth (1 Timothy 4:1-2).  Those in the congregations of the Children of Truth, who do not want to hear sound doctrine, will be drawn to the fables from the pagan religions of their ancestors (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

As Neo-Pagans grow in numbers, they also become more emboldened in their persecution of the Children of Truth.  Once again, many of the Children of Truth will have to give that last full measure of devotion in their fight to carry out the Great Commission in many places, where they have not faced that kind of persecution for centuries.  Still, they will fight without fear, because they know that they are literally better off dead.

So Neo-Paganism will lead to persecution of the Children of Truth, because it is driven by the Spirit of Antichrist.   Still, why should those Jews, who are not part of the Children of Truth, be concerned by that?

Whenever the Spirit of Antichrist stirs up persecution against the Children of Truth, then shortly thereafter the Spirit of Anti-Jewism always stirs up persecution against the Jews.  This is because the Jewish people are tied to the Gentile Children of Truth by the same everlasting covenant that gives them the Promised Land.

It is often hard for most Jews to see this connection because of the work of groups like the False Church of Rome.

The False Church of Rome has been able to hide that it is a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth, by substituting Pagan things like Ash Wednesday for the Jewish things found in the Book of Truth.  They did not want people to perceive that the Man of Truth was first and foremost the Messiah of Israel.  Even though, it has always been about the Gentiles, they wanted it to only be about the Gentiles.  What they call "Christianity" is nothing like Celtic Christianity in its original form.

So, even though this connection might have been hidden, it is still there.  That is why, Neo-Paganism is not just against the Man of Truth and those who follow him.  It is also against the Father of Truth, and the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that He gave to Moses (Moishe).

Neo-Pagans are opposed to the Father of Truth for the same reasons as their ancestors - so they can do everything that He calls evil (Romans 1:21-32).  They are opposed to the sound doctrine of the Law of Truth, because they want to do the things that it calls evil (1 Timothy 1:9-10).

So Neo-Pagans are looking for their messiah to bring in an age, where they can be free to break every commandment of the Law of Truth.

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will exalt himself above the Father of Truth (Daniel 11:36-37).   Their messiah will sit in the Temple, and claim to be the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:3-5).

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will bring honor and worship to the Father of Lies as well (Daniel 11:38-39).  Their messiah, will lead them in blaspheming the Father of Truth, while they worship him and the Father of Lies (Revelation 13:4-6).

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will bring about a time of persecution upon the descendants of Israel (Yah'akob aka Jacob), that will be worst than the Holocaust (Jeremiah 30:4-7).  In fact, while one third of all Jews in the Earth died in the Holocaust, in this double Holocaust that their messiah will bring, two thirds of all Jews in the Earth will die (Zechariah 13:8).  Their messiah will unveil his true intentions for the Jewish people, once he desecrates the Temple (Matthew 24:15-22). 

The messiah of the Neo-Pagans, the Man of Lies, will wage a war of extermination against the Jewish people (Daniel 8:23-25).   The Father of Lies, whom their messiah will worship, is against the Jewish people, because they are the people that the Man of Truth was born into (Revelation 12:1-5).  So, the real god of the Neo-Pagans will also join in the war of extermination against all of the Jews on Earth (Revelation 12:13-16).  In fact, the real god of the Neo-Pagans will only make war on the Gentile Children of Truth, because of his rage against the Jewish people (Revelation 12:17).

So, Neo-Paganism will lead to Anti-Jewism.  As Europe has became more Neo-Pagan, it also has become more Anti-Jewish.  For example, the rise of Neo-Paganism in Ireland has lead to ever increasing anti-Israel sentiments.  This has lead to the death of the Celtic Tiger.

So Neo-Paganism is the new antisemitism, but the Children of Truth will overcome it.

This is not to say that the Children of Truth are at war with Neo-Pagans, exactly.  They are engaged in a war to save Neo-Pagans from the very Spirits of Lies that they worship (Luke 9:54-56).  These Neo-Pagans are blinded from their need to be saved, by the Father of Lies (2 Corinthians 4:3-5).  Neo-Pagans do the things that will bring them death, because they are controlled by the Father of Lies (Ephesians 2:1-3).

The weapons of the warfare of the Children of Truth are made for fighting against these Spirits of Lies (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).  Their armor is made for protection from these Spirits of Lies during the battle (Ephesians 6:11-13)  They are engaged in a war against the Father of Lies, who seeks to destroy these Neo-Pagans (1 Peter 5:8-10).

The armor of the Children of Truth, which these Spirits of Lies can never overcome, is a life that is surrendered to obeying the Man of Truth in everything they do (Romans 13:12-14).   They no longer act as enemies of the Father of Truth, like Neo-Pagans act (Ephesians 5:6-8).

The Man of Truth has cast the darkness of Paganism out of their hearts (2 Corinthians 4:5-7).  They have nothing to do with the darkness that comes from these Spirits of Lies, because the Spirit of Truth works through them (Ephesians 5:9-12).  They have been called out of the darkness of Paganism, and into the light of the Man of Truth, so they can win the war that these Spirits of Lies wage against their souls (1 Peter 2:9-11).

They no longer do the things that Neo-Pagans desire to do, because they are part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 5:3-5).  They do what is pleasing to the Father of Truth, because they have left the kingdom of the Father of Lies, to become part of His kingdom (Colossians 1:10-13).

Since they have come into the House of Truth, they have learned how to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21).  Since they have come into the House of Truth, they cannot be overcome with persecution by Neo-Pagans (2 Corinthians 4:8-10).

Every Jew can also overcome the new antisemitism of Neo-Paganism, by coming into the House of Truth.

The Father of Truth warned to not seek after pagan religions, but that He would raise up a Prophet like unto Moses who people must obey (Deuteronomy 18:14-15).  He said, that this Prophet would be like the Father of Truth, Himself living among the Jewish people, and speaking to them Himself (Deuteronomy 18:16-18).  He said, that whoever did not obey this Prophet, would be under His judgment (Deuteronomy 18:19).

The Man of Truth is that Prophet like unto Moses, and the Father of Truth will destroy everyone among the Jewish people, who do not obey him (Acts 3:19-23).  It is certain that the Man of Truth will destroy the new antisemitism, because the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead for this very purpose (Acts 17:29-31).

So Jews, and even Gentiles, can come into the House of Truth, by committing to obey the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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