Sunday, September 6, 2015

Another Gospel

How can you tell if someone is preaching another Gospel?

It starts with an understanding of what a gospel is.  The word "gospel" means "good news".  A gospel would be the good news that is preached.  A gospel is defined by the collection of writings that tell what that good news is.

The Gospel of the Book of Truth (The Bible) is defined by the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) and the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that tell the Good News about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

Some preach another Gospel by adding other books to the Book of Truth.

For example, Mormons add "another testimony of the Man of Truth" in the Book of Mormon to the two testimonies of the Man of Truth in the Book of Truth to complete the Gospel that they preach.  This Gospel is not the same Gospel that comes from using only the Book of Truth to define the Gospel.  The Mormons are preaching another Gospel.

However, the Book of Mormon is far from being the only example of a book that is outside of the Book of Truth, that people use to complete the Gospel that they preach.  There are all kinds of people, who tell others that they have found the missing books of the Bible, and then use those books to complete the Gospel that they preach.

For example, the False Church of Rome (and others) adds books from the Apocrypha, to the Book of Truth, to complete the Gospel that they preach.  They are preaching another Gospel.

In like manner, there are those who add Gentile books, like 1 Clements, that were written well after the last book of the Book of Truth was written, to complete the Gospel that they preach.  They are preaching another Gospel.

Also, there are those who add Jewish books, like the Talmud, or the Book of Enoch, or the Book of Jasher, to complete the Gospel that they preach.  They are adding Rabbinic Distort to the Book of Truth.  They are preaching another Gospel.

The writings of the Prophets of Truth, found in the Original Covenant, and the writings of the Apostles of Truth, found in the Renewed Covenant, are the only testimonies of the Man of Truth, that people can accept as truth, in order to come into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22).  The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) confirmed that the Man of Truth was His Son, with an audible voice on the Mount of Transfiguration, to confirm that the Apostles of Truth, were not being deceived by following cleverly told lies (2 Peter 1:16-18).  Yet the Book of Truth, is a more sure word of prophecy, than standing on the Mount of Transfiguration, and hearing the audible voice of the Father of Truth, because the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) moved directly upon men when they wrote it (2 Peter 1:19-21).  The Man of Truth ends the Book of Truth, by saying that there is nothing more to be revealed, and anyone who adds anything to the Book of Truth, will suffer the wrath of His Father (Revelation 22:16-18).

Anyone who adds any other book to the Book of Truth to define the Good News is preaching another Gospel. 

Another way that people preach another Gospel is by removing books from the Book of Truth.  They assert that there are books in the Original Covenant or the Renewed Covenant that do not belong in the Book of Truth.  Of course, they say those books should be removed from the Book of Truth.  The Gospel they preached is defined by their own edited version of the Book of Truth.

There have been a few people, like Marcion of Sinope, who actually removed the entire Original Covenant, and most of the books of the Renewed Covenant, from the Book of Truth to form his own version.  His own version contained nothing except his own version of the Gospel of Luke and his own edited versions of ten of the books written by Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul).  There have been many others who tried to get various books removed from the Book of Truth as well.  For example. Martin Luther tried to get five books removed from the Book of Truth, because those books contradicted his doctrine.  Both Marcion of Sinope and Martin Luther were preaching another Gospel.

The Father of Truth said, that no one is to change His Word by removing any part of it (Deuteronomy 4:2).  The Father of Truth said, that no one is to remove anything from His commandments (Deuteronomy 12:32).  The Man of Truth said, that he in no shape, form or fashion, came to take anything away from what was written in the Original Covenant, nor to teach anyone to not keep even the least important commandment in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Matthew 5:17-19).  The Man of Truth said, that His Father would take away the name of anyone from the Book of Life, and take away their place in the New Jerusalem, who removed any part of the Book of Truth (Revelation 22:19-21).

Anyone who removes any book from the Book of Truth to define the Good News is preaching another Gospel. 

There are yet others who do not try to add books to the Book of Truth or remove books from the Book of Truth, but instead try to replace passages of the Book of Truth in various ways, that they say have been corrupted in some manner.

The Father of Truth performs what He says because He keeps His promises (Deuteronomy 9:5).  He promises to perform His Word when people obey His Word (1 Kings 6:12).  He arranges circumstances so that His Word is performed (2 Chronicles 10:15).  He made the universe and preserves it, so He is certainly able to preserve and perform His Word, to show forth His righteousness (Nehemiah 9:6-8).

People come and go like the grass, but He preserves His Word forever (Isaiah 40:6-8).  The Father of Truth is stronger than anyone who has ever sought to corrupt the Book of Truth, that contains His Word (1 Corinthians 1:25).  The Renewed Covenant is incorruptible, because it came from the Spirit of Truth, and has caused people to born again throughout all ages, since it can never become corrupted by mere men (1 Peter 1:22-25).

The Book of Truth is not corrupted in any manner whatsoever, because the Father of Truth is greater than those who have sought to corrupt it, many times over the centuries.  The Book of Truth contains The Incorruptible Word

Those who claim the Book of Truth has been corrupted are preaching another Gospel.

There are other, more insidious, ways that people preach another Gospel.

They do not preach another Gospel by openly adding another book to the Book of Truth.  Instead they add things found in the contents of other books, to the contents of the Book of Truth, to define the Gospel that they preach.  The Gospel that they preach is defined by the contents of the Book of Truth, plus content from other sources.

Mind you, I am not talking about someone referring to the contents of support materials to gain a better understanding, or to make the meaning clearer to other people. I am not talking about referring to collaborating materials, like the writings of Josephus, to support what the Book of Truth says, for even the Book of Truth makes references to collaborating materials, like "The Book of The Chronicles of the Kings of the Media and Persia" (Esther 10:2).  I am also not talking about using a culturally relevant expression, or event, to get a point across, for even the Man of Truth did that when he confronted Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-5).   I am not talking about things like a concordance, to help them provide a better understand a passage of the Book of Truth in its original language, because we are supposed to study these things out so we can understand the Book of Truth correctly (2 Timothy 2:15).   I'm talking about people adding in ideas, from other sources, to the contents of the Book of Truth, to define the Gospel that they preach.

For example, adding in ideas taken from psychology, the New Age, and Greek philosophy to shape their view of the contents of the Book of Truth.  We are told to avoid the wisdom of this world (1 Corinthians 3:18-20).  (Philosophy means "love of wisdom" and Greek philosophy is the love of the wisdom of this world.)  We are told to avoid the very same vain philosophies that modern psychology arrives from (Colossians 2:8).  We are told to give no credence to any so-called "science" that contradicts the Book of Truth in any form or fashion (1 Timothy 6:20-21).  We are told to avoid the same "enlightened knowledge" of the New Age that groups like the Nicolaitanes and other Gnostics (Gnostic literally means "enlightened with knowledge") taught (Revelation 2:15).

The Book of Truth is always right and anything that disagrees with the Book of Truth is simply wrong.  We are supposed to renew our minds to line up with the contents of the Book of Truth, instead of trying to line up the contents of the Book of Truth with whatever the current trend is (Romans 12:2).  We are supposed to stand against everything that would exalt itself against the Book of Truth, and tear down every idea that would create a stronghold in our minds against the contents of the Book of Truth (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).  The Book of Truth, with nothing added, keeps us from being blown around by every wind of doctrine that is popular at the time (Ephesians 4:14).  We are supposed to live differently than the rest of the world, because our minds have been renewed by the Book of Truth (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

Anyone who adds ideas from outside of the Book of Truth, to define the Gospel that they preach, is preaching another Gospel.

Similarly, most of those who preach another Gospel by removing parts of the Book of Truth, are far more subtle than Marcion of Sinope or Martin Luther.  They effectively remove parts of the Book of Truth by purposely neglecting to teach the parts of the Book of Truth that disagree with their doctrine. Some even go so far as to attack those who study those parts of the Book of Truth, because doing so leads people away from blindly following another Gospel, that they are preaching.

For example, Rick Warren attacked those who study the prophecies found in the Book of Truth in his book, "The Purpose Driven Life" (Pages 285-286).  He said anyone who studied such prophecies was not fit for the Kingdom of the Father of Truth.  Since prophecy accounts for more than one quarter of the Book of Truth, including many of the words spoken directly by the Man of Truth, then he is saying that anyone who studies the words of the Man of Truth, is not fit for the Kingdom of the Father of Truth.  Can there be any doubt that anyone who attacks studying the very words of the Man of Truth, found in the Book of Truth, is preaching another Gospel?

The Father of Truth expressly commanded, that no one was to remove the unfulfilled prophecies that were given through the Prophets of Truth, because they were given to cause people to repent of their sin, and be saved from His wrath (Jeremiah 26:2-3).  The Man of Truth said, that we should watch for the signs of the end times that he warned about, so we could be worthy to escape the tribulation that would come upon the entire Earth (Luke 21:34-36).  The entirety of the Good News relies on the unfulfilled prophecy, that the Children of Truth shall rise from the dead, to be with the Man of Truth when he comes for them (1 Corinthians 15:19-23).  The Children of Truth are able to endure suffering for the Man of Truth, because of the unfulfilled prophecy, that those who do so, will also reign over the Earth with the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 2:10-12).  The Man of Truth says, that those who read and study the Revelation, that His Father gave him to give to John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John), are the ones who are fit for his kingdom (Revelation 1:1-3).

There are still yet others, who effectively remove part of the Book of Truth, by teaching that people can be saved, by keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth.  Some even say, that the Gentiles must keep every commandment of the Law of Truth, to be saved.  Some have even went to so far as to say, that Jews who do not accept the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, are still saved, if they keep the commandments of the Law of Truth.

The Father of Truth told the Jewish people, in the Law of Truth, that he would raise up the Man of Truth, and put His Word in his mouth, so that everyone was required to do whatever he said (Deuteronomy 18:17-19).  The Man of Truth said, that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and there is no other means of being right with His Father, other than going through him (John 14:6).  The Apostles of Truth told the Jews of Israel, that whoever would not accept the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, that was foretold in the Law of Truth, would be destroyed, as witnessed by all of the Prophets of Truth (Acts 3:22-24).  Stephen, the Martyr of Truth said, rejecting the Man of Truth as the Messiah that Moses spoke of, is no different than rejecting the Law of Truth, that Moses wrote down (Acts 7:37-39).  Even those who are born Jewish, cannot be justified by doing what the Law of Truth says, because justification only comes by accepting the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, who Moses spoke about in the Law of Truth (Galatians 2:15-16).

When some of the Children of Truth, who were raised in the traditions of the Mishnah, said that the Gentiles had to be circumcised, and observe the entire Law of Truth to be saved, then Peter the Jew, the Apostle of Truth, answered that both Jews and Gentiles are saved by faith in the Man of Truth, because neither is capable of keeping the Law of Truth (Acts 15:5-11).  James the Jew (Ya'acob the brother of the Man of Truth), the Apostle of Truth, said that his judgment was, that the Gentiles did not have to observe everything in the Law of Truth, to come into the House of Truth, but only certain bare requirements, with the opportunity to learn more from the Law of Truth later (Acts 15:19-21).  The Apostles of Truth then wrote a letter, stating that they gave no such commandment that Gentiles had to be circumcised, and keep the entire Law of Truth, to be saved (Acts 15:23-24).  The Spirit of Truth also witnessed, that the Gentiles only need to keep these bare requirements, from the Law of Truth, in order to come into the House of Truth (Acts 15:28-29).  While Paul the Jew and the other Apostles of Truth still observed everything in the Law of Truth, the Gentiles only had to keep these bare minimum requirements of the Law of Truth, to remain in the House of Truth (Acts 21:24-25).

The Law of Truth was not meant to bring justification, but rather condemnation, so that people would come to the Man of Truth for redemption (Romans 3:20-24).  The blood of the Man of Truth brings justification, to those who place their faith in him, without observing every single commandment of the Law of Truth (Romans 3:25-28).  The Man of Truth died, so the Spirit of Truth could live in people, to enable them to keep the righteous requirements of the Law of Truth, which people are powerless to do, in their own strength (Romans 8:2-4).  Whoever tries to be justified by doing what is in the Law of Truth, rejects the grace of the Father of Truth, that He showed in having the Man of Truth die in their place (Galatians 2:21).  Whoever gets circumcised, or otherwise tries to keep every little detail of the Law of Truth, to be justified, has fallen from the grace, that the Father of Truth gives to those, who put their trust in the what the Man of Truth did (Galatians 5:2-4).  The Law of Truth made no one holy enough to be in the House of Truth, but the better hope of trusting in what the Man of Truth did on their behalf, made them holy enough (Hebrews 7:19).

The entire reason that the Law of Truth was ever given to the Jewish people was to bring about the salvation of the Gentiles through them because it has always been about the Gentiles.  The only way that the Jews could ever fulfill their calling, to show the Gentiles how to live in a manner that is pleasing to the Father of Truth, is by accepting the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel.  The Man of Truth makes it possible for Jews to keep the Law of Truth in the way that His Father had always intended.

So those who teach, that Gentiles must keep every commandment of the Law of Truth to be saved, or that Jews can be saved, without accepting the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, by keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth, have removed the most important part of the Book of Truth. They have removed the justification, that comes from faith alone in what the Man of Truth did on the cross, from the Renewed Covenant.  They are preaching another Gospel.
So whoever literally removes or attempts to remove part of the Book of Truth is preaching another Gospel.  Whoever effectively removes part of the Book of Truth by purposely ignoring those parts that disagree with their doctrine is preaching another Gospel.  Whoever says that Gentiles must keep any requirement of the Law of Truth to come into the House of Truth, other than the bare minimum laid out by the Apostles of Truth, has removed their justification by faith in the Man of Truth from the Book of Truth, and is preaching another Gospel.  Whoever says that Jews can come into the House of Truth by keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth, while rejecting the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, who the Law of Truth required everyone to accept, has removed the requirement that justification can only come from faith in the Man of Truth, and is preaching another Gospel.

Anyone who purposely neglects to study any part of the Book of Truth, steer others away any part of the Book of Truth, or purposely excludes any part of the Book of Truth, to define the Gospel that they preach, is preaching another Gospel.

There is one more, subtle way, that people preach another Gospel.  They do not come right out and say that the contents of the Book of Truth are somehow corrupted.  Instead, they present a newer, "more accurate", translation of the Book of Truth, that changes the intent and meaning of the message of the Book of Truth.

For example, they create a supposed thought-for-thought translation, like The Message, that differs significantly in meaning and intent in some passages, from a word-for-word translation, like the King James version.  A careful comparison to the original language documents, show that the difference in their "new and improved" translation, is not even close to what it says in the original language documents.  This is not a case of human error, or the words of the translation changing meaning over time, or anything like that.  This is a case of willfully changing the meaning and intent in their translation to match their own doctrine, like in the case of the one disturbing sentence found in many thought-for-thought translations.
It is by knowing the words of the Father of Truth that we come to understand how to live (Deuteronomy 8:3).  The only thoughts of the Father of Truth that we can know are the ones that He has revealed in His Word so we can obey it (Deuteronomy 29:29).  We cannot know His thoughts any other way than by considering the words that He speaks (Isaiah 55:8-11).  It is by His Word that people come into the House of Truth (1 Peter 1:23).

The thoughts that occur in The Message, that contradict the words of the original language source documents, are not the thoughts of the Father of Truth, but rather the thoughts of Eugene Peterson.  Those who preach the Gospel found in a thought-for-thought translation, that contains thoughts which contradict the actual words found in the original language source documents, like The Message, are preaching another Gospel.

In like manner, others create a translation that supposedly reveals information that was previously lost in translation, by translating from source documents written in languages other than Hebrew or Greek.  They used these translations from what they claim are the "actual" original languages, to support doctrines that cannot be supported using the Hebrew or Greek composite documents, compiled from Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.

For example, they use an "Aramaic New Testament" to prove doctrines that are contrary, to what is written in the Greek codices and manuscripts.  The fact is that there is no evidence, even in the Syriac Peshitta, that the Renewed Covenant was originally written in any language other than Hebrew (for the Gospel of Matthew) or Greek (for the rest of it).  For example, Paul the Jew is plainly shown to be speaking in Greek (Acts 21:37).  Paul the Jew, is also plainly shown to be speaking in Hebrew ("Ebrais" in Greek) (Acts 21:39-40).  At no time, is he ever shown to be speaking in Aramaic ("Syriac" in Greek).  It is certain that most of the people who Paul the Jew wrote to, in places like Corinth, Thessaloniki and Philippi, were not able to read Aramaic, but were certainly able to read Greek.  Even in the Revelation, only Hebrew and Greek are used, but never Aramaic (Revelation 9:11).  There really is no room for doubt about the Original Language of the Renewed Covenant.

Those who preach a Gospel based on information found only in alternative language documents, which cannot be found in the Hebrew and Greek composite documents - that contain the words of the Book of Truth in the original languages - to define the Gospel that they preach, is preaching another Gospel.

So those who use thought-for-thought translations, that contain thoughts that are not in agreement with the actual words in the original language source documents, are preaching another Gospel.  Those who use translations based off of anything, other than the original language source documents written in Hebrew and Greek, are preaching another Gospel.

Anyone who uses any translation, other than one based on the actual words found in the original language source documents, to define the Gospel that they preach, is preaching another Gospel.

The bottom line is that everyone who preaches another Gospel, by either adding additional sources to form their doctrine, or removing in some manner any part of the Book of Truth that disagrees with their doctrine, or otherwise seeks to "correct" the contents of the Book of Truth to line up with their doctrine, does so because they believe that the Book of Truth is inadequate, or inaccurate, in some way.  They are ultimately saying, that the Father of Truth was not up to the task, of preserving His Word consistently throughout the ages, so that either material that belonged in it was somehow taken out, or material that did not belong in it was somehow inserted or some of the material was somehow changed.  Whoever preaches another Gospel, either has some sort of revelation, like Joseph Smith, where they find the missing books, that the Father of Truth was not able to keep in the Book of Truth, or like Martin Luther, they find the part of the Book of Truth, that the Father of Truth was not able to keep someone from inserting into the Book of Truth or like Eugene Peterson, they find the parts that were somehow changed to no longer reflect the thoughts of the Father of Truth.  This charge of the Father of Truth being incompetent, and allowing the Book of Truth to become corrupted, is a terrible insult to Him.

Paul the Jew warned against being deceived into accepting another Gospel that was in any way different than what he and the other Apostles of Truth preached (2 Corinthians 11:3-5).  He said another Gospel, other than the one found in the Book of Truth, is designed to take people out of the House of Truth, where the Man of Truth lives (Galatians 1:6).  He warned that anyone, who preaches anything other than what he preached, is perverting the Gospel found in the pages of the Book of Truth (Galatians 1:7).  He said that anyone, who preached anything different than what was found in the pages of the Book of Truth, that he had already preached to the church of Galatia, before he wrote his epistle to them in 54 AD, was under the curse of the Father of Truth (Galatians 1:9).

Do not be fooled by sincere sounding religious professionals. Every doctrine that comes from including everything in the Book of Truth is part of the Doctrine of Truth, while any doctrine that comes from either including another source, or excluding any part of the Book of Truth, or changing any part of the Book of Truth, is part of the Doctrine of Lies.  The entire Book of Truth was given by the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  The entire Book of Truth is the only source for forming sound doctrine (Titus 1:7-9).

The Gospel of the Man of Truth comes from preaching what is in the Book of Truth, the whole Book of Truth and nothing but the Book of Truth.  Any Gospel that comes from preaching anything else is another Gospel.

So do not be kept out of the House of Truth, by someone preaching another Gospel, that was given by another spirit, and that tells about another "Jesus".  All that is required for you to come into the House of Truth, is to believe the Gospel that the Man of Truth preached, and repent of your sins (Mark 1:14-15).  This is the same Gospel that Paul the Jew preached, that is able to make both Jews and Gentiles righteous, by faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 1:16-17).  Anyone who will surrender control of their life to the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).  Coming into the House of Truth, is as simple as hearing what the Word of Truth, that is in the Book of Truth, says and believing it (Romans 10:15-17).  Do not be robbed of the simplicity, of coming to the House of Truth through faith in the Man of Truth, by paying attention to anyone who is preaching another Gospel, built upon another "Jesus", that was given by another spirit (2 Corinthians 11:2-4).  Do not accept any tradition that you may have inherited, that contradicts the Book of Truth, because you come into the House of Truth, solely by putting your trust in the blood that the Man of Truth shed, before his Father raised him from the dead, so that your hope is in the Father of Truth, instead of another Gospel (1 Peter 1:18-21).

Come into the House of Truth!

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