Saturday, May 21, 2016


Can Christianity and Islam be united into a single religion?

There have been efforts of some people to unite Christianity and Islam into a single religion. 

This religion has been called Chrislam.   Although, many people point to a speech given by Rick Warren in 2009, as the supposed start of Chrislam, that speech was actually given way too late to be first. 

In fact, the science fiction writer, Authur C. Clark, best known for his book, "2001: A Space Odyssey", coined the term "Chrislam", as a futuristic religion that he imagined, decades earlier. 

However, both of them are way too late to have been the first to originated any ideas about Christianity and Islam be compatible. 

Both the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius and Pope Honorius I, contemporaries of the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad, were excommunicated by some Christians (but not by the False Church of Rome until much later) for taking a favorable view of Islam, and its views on the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) as being compatible with Christianity.  The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius even went so far as to try to create a peaceful religious system, that included what was in common between Christianity and Islam.  His efforts were repaid by Mohammad attacking the Byzantine Empire and taking part of it from him, including Egypt.

Nor is this a new development in America, and Americans much more influential than Rick Warren, have definitely said that Islam was very similar to Christianity. 

Several US Presidents of the last forty years have suggested this kind of thing.  Former president Jimmy Carter even wrote a book in 1993, called "The Blood of Abraham: Insights into the Middle East", where he argues that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, all came from descendants of Abraham (Abram), so they are all the Children of Abraham, and these three religions have much in so common, that their differences are minor in comparison.

So are Christianity and Islam so similar, that they could be united into a single religion?

The simplest way to answer this question, is to examine what they have in common, then examine what they disagree on, and then determine if what they disagree on is minor enough, that Christians and Muslims could just agree to disagree on those things.

First of all, we will start with what Christianity and Islam agree on, that makes it seem likely, that they could be combined into one new religion, named "Chrislam".

Christianity and Islam agree on many things in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).  They agree that Adam was the first man and brought sin into the world.  They agree that Noah built the Ark and the Earth was flooded to destroy the wicked.  They agree that Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) were the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel.  They agree that Joseph was betrayed by his brothers to only be raised up next to Pharaoh in Egypt.  They agree that Moses lead the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel out of Egypt, and gave the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) to them.  They agree that Aaron (A'aron) was made the high priest of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) in the wilderness.  They agree that David was whom, the Father of Truth chose to be the king of Israel.  They agree that the Prophets of Truth who came after Moses, were also all descendants of Israel.  They agree that the Prophets of Truth were sent by the Father of Truth to the people of Israel to return them to obedience to Him.

Christianity and Islam agree on many things in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) as well.  They agree that the the Man of Truth was born to a virgin named Mary.  They agree that he was a descendant of David.  They agree that he was a prophet like unto Moses.  They agree that he was strengthened by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  They agree that he brought revelation from the Father of Truth to people.  They agree that he did miracles.  They agree that he preached the Gospel.  They agree that he said, people must obey him, because he spoke only the words that the Father of Truth gave him.  They agree that he ascended into Heaven, and will return to the Earth, for the Resurrection of the Righteous.  They agree that he will rule the Earth, and bring about an unprecedented age of peace and prosperity.

So Christianity and Islam agree that there is only one God, the God of Abraham.  The Arabic word for the English word "God" ("Elohim" in Hebrew), in Arabic translations of the Renewed Covenant is "Allah".  So they even are using the same title for the Father of Truth.  Also, the Koran (Qur'an) uses the term "We" usually when "Allah" is speaking.  This is similar to such expressions in the Book of Truth (The Bible), when the Father of Truth is speaking, like when man was created (Genesis 1:26).

There are in like manner, many other things that are alike or similar, in both the Koran and the Book of Truth.  For example, they both contain similar, although not completely alike, definitions of what should and should not be eaten.  They also define a lot of the same actions as sin.  So with all of these things in common, there have always been people who believe that Christianity and Islam are enough alike, to be combined into one religion, that has lately been named "Chrislam".

Next, we will examine what Christianity and Islam disagree on, to see if these are differences, that can be worked out, or ignored, so that they could be combined into one new religion, named "Chrislam".

Christianity and Islam do not agree on the nature and character of the Father of Truth.  Islam teaches, that Allah is completely different than people.  The Book of Truth says, that people were made in the very image of the Father of Truth (Genesis 1:27).  Islam teaches, that Allah cannot be known.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth will make Himself known, to everyone who seeks to know Him with their whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13).  Islam teaches, that it is impossible to understand what Allah is like.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth made all of creation, so the entire human race could understand what He is like (Romans 1:19-20).  Islam teaches, that Allah created mercy and then bestowed himself with mercy.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth does not ever change (James 1:17).  The Koran calls Allah the greatest of deceivers (S. 3:54).  The Book of Truth calls the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) the greatest of deceivers (Revelation 12:9).

Christianity and Islam do not agree on the nature and character of the Man of Truth.  Islam teaches that the Man of Truth will cause Sharia to become the law of the whole Earth.   The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth will cause the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) to become the law of the whole Earth (Micah 4:1-3).  The Koran says, that the Father of Truth has never begotten a son (S. 23:91).  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth is His only begotten son (John 3:16).  The Koran says, that the crucifixion and death of the Man of Truth was a hoax, perpetrated by Allah (S. 4:157-158).  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth was crucified, and died on a cross (John 19:30-33).  Islam teaches, that since the Man of Truth did not die, then he could have been resurrected.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth rose from the dead, after he had died (John 21:12-14).   Islam teaches, that the Man of Truth will return to the Earth at Damascus.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth will return to the Earth at the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem (Acts 1:10-12).   Islam teaches, that the Man of Truth did everything that he did, to bring the message of Islam to the Jews.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth did everything that he did, to bring the nation of Israel back to the Father of Truth (Romans 11:25-27).  Islam teaches, that the Man of Truth will cause all Christians to convert to Islam, when he returns.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth will cause all Christians to rule over the Earth with him, when he returns (Revelation 20:4-6).

Christianity and Islam do not agree on the Book of Truth.  Islam teaches, that the Koran was revealed by Allah to an Arab named Mohammad, despite the message of the Book of Truth being originally revealed to only Jews.  The Book of Truth says, the Father of Truth revealed the Word of Truth to only Jews, who then wrote the Word of Truth in the Book of Truth (Romans 3:1-2).  Islam teaches, that the Book of Truth originally taught the same message as the Koran, but somehow Christians and Jews were able to get the better of Allah, by corrupting the Book of Truth, for at least six hundred years.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth has preserved the Word of Truth in the Book of Truth forever (1 Peter 1:24-25).  Islam teaches that Allah finally had to give the message of the Koran to Mohammad, to replace the Book of Truth, since Allah was not able to keep the Book of Truth from being corrupted, by mere men.  The Book of Truth says, when the Revelation was given to John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka the Apostle John), that completed the message of the Father of Truth forever (Revelation 22:18-21).

So just by looking at the disagreement between the teachings of Christianity and Islam, on just these three subjects, it should be obvious that there can never be a marriage between Christianity and Islam.  An attempt at such a marriage is doomed to end in divorce, due to irreconcilable differences.

The fact is, that the Allah of Islam is not the Father of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.  The Jesus of Islam is not the Man of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.  The gospel referenced in the Koran, is not the Good News found in the Book of Truth.  The Book of Truth cannot contain the incorruptible word, if it has been corrupted in the past, and the Father of Truth could not have preserved it as the indestructible book, if all of the uncorrupted copies of it, that were written before the Koran, were destroyed by the time of Mohammad, as Islam claims.  The Man of Truth cannot bring the world under both Sharia law and the Law of Truth, when he returns to rule the Earth.

If the Doctrine of Truth comes from the Book of Truth, then only the Doctrine of Lies can come from the Koran.  If the Book of Truth contains the Word of Truth, then  Islam is based on another gospel, that preaches another Jesus, and was undoubtedly given to Mohammad by another spirit, similar to the Book of Mormon.  There is no way to reconcile the Book of Truth with the Koran, and there is no way to marry Christianity with Islam to create Chrislam.

The most irreconcilable difference of all is Resurrection Sunday.  Islam says, that people must not believe in the resurrection of the Man of Truth.  The Book of Truth says, that the only way to come into the House of Truth, is to put the Man of Truth in charge of your life, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  Islam denies that the resurrection of the Man of Truth ever happened.  The Book of Truth says, that no one can come into the House of Truth, if the resurrection of the Man of Truth never happened (1 Corinthians 15:12-19).  Islam says, that people must earn the favor of Allah by carrying out his unknowable will.  The Book of Truth says, that people must have faith in the resurrection of the Man of Truth that leads to action, if they want to come into the House of Truth, because they can never do enough good works to come into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:16).

Come into the House of Truth!

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