Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Unchanging Law

What place does the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) have in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament)?

I have heard a lot of discussion about the place of the Law of Truth in the Renewed Covenant among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) lately.

Of course, I heard the usual extremes.  One extreme is, that the Law of Truth has been done away with in the Renewed Covenant, so nothing from the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) applies to us today.  Those, who espouse this view, will say, that we are not under the Law of Truth, so there is no need to obey any of the commandments of the Original Covenant to be saved.

The other extreme is, that the Law of Truth has not been done away with in the Renewed Covenant, so everything in the Original Covenant applies to us today.  Those, who espouse this view, will say, that we must obey every commandment in the Original Covenant to be saved.

Still for many of the Children of Truth neither of these extremes seem to be right.  The first view leads to complete lawlessness while the second one leads to complete hopelessness.  They intuitively know that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has not given them a license to kill in the Renewed Covenant.  They also intuitively know that keeping every commandment of the Original Covenant can never save them.

Many of them are genuinely concerned about what the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) wants them to do about the Law of Truth because they desire to live a life that is pleasing to him.  Yet when they ask five religious professionals this question they get ten conflicting answers.  This is because the religious professionals usually do not know the answer either.

Many religious professionals have been struggling with this question themselves.  For example, there is one pastor that comes up frequently when I turn on my television before I go to bed.  This is not really his area of expertise but he has been trying to address it in his sermons for almost a year now.  It is obviously a concern of his congregation that he simply does not really know how to the answer.

This is not a criticism of that pastor.  Like most people in most professions, religious professionals often reach a point where they have to specialize.  The Father of Truth has not burdened anyone with having to know everything but rather has the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) divide the work up among many people.  Like anyone in any other profession once someone start specializing in one area it takes away time from studying other things.  He has spent years studying other matters in the Book of Truth (The Bible) that were assigned to him by the Spirit of Truth and telling what he has learned to others.  He has been faithful to lead his congregation in following the Man of Truth to the best of his ability.  He simply has not had to time to study this question out because that would take away from his main assignment that the Spirit of Truth gave him.

Like in any other profession, he has probably tried to consult other religious professionals who claim to have studied this out more thoroughly.  He has probably found the same range of contradicting opinions as his congregants.  So he has done his best to understand and explain the place that the Law of Truth has in the Renewed Covenant.  Still it is obvious that while he has a general idea he is still fuzzy about the details.

Fortunately, this is not an unanswerable question.  Like everything, the Book of Truth tells us the truth about this.

The Spirit of Truth has been given to the Children of Truth to lead them into all truth (John 16:13).  The Father of Truth is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).  We can find the answer to any question about living a life that is pleasing to Him by studying and rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15).  It is the work of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) to create confusion (James 3:16).

The first thing to recognize is that the term "the law" has different meanings in the Book of Truth depending upon the context.  For example, the Original Covenant is composed of the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms (Luke 24:44).  ( The word "Tenakh" is an acronym for "Torah, Nevi'im, And K'tuvim" which literally means "Law, Prophets, And Writings".  The writings are often referred to as "the Psalms" because Psalms is the first book of the Writings in the original arrangement of the Original Covenant that is still used by Jews today.)  The Law portion contains the first five books of the Renewed Covenant including Genesis (Bereshit) because it contains the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses (1 Corinthians 9:9).  Yet the entire Original Covenant is sometimes referred to as the Law because the Law portion is the first portion of the Original Covenant just like all of the writings are called the Psalms because the book of Psalms is the first book in the writings (1 Corinthians 14:21).

So then what is the Law of Truth?

The Law of Truth is NOT the same thing as the Original Covenant nor is it the same thing as the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses.  Abraham (Abram) kept the Law of Truth (Genesis 26:3-5).  Abraham kept the Law of Truth because he loved the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 11:1).  This was over four hundred years before the Father of Truth gave the Law to Moses (Moishe) on Mount Sinai (Galatians 3:16-18).  In fact, Gentiles who did not have the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses could still keep the Law of Truth because the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses contained the Law of Truth (Romans 2:14).  More than that the Law of Truth that defines the righteousness of the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses does not depend upon a Gentile becoming a Jew through circumcision (Romans 2:26).  So the Law of Truth is something different than the Original Covenant or the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses since both Abraham and Gentiles were able to keep without the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses or the Original Covenant.

So the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses contains the Law of Truth so that the children of Abraham would be able to love the Father of Truth in the same way as Abraham (Deuteronomy 10:12-13).  Yet the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses contains the Law of Truth plus other things just as the first five books of the Original Covenant contain the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses plus other things (1 Kings 2:3).   While all the commandments of the Law of Truth are included in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses, not every commandment in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses is part of the Law of Truth.  It is like the way that every rose is a flower but not ever flower is a rose.

So the Original Covenant contains the Law, the Law contains the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses and the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses contains the Law of Truth.

So which commandments in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses are the commandments of the Law of Truth?

The commandments of the Law of Truth are those that Abraham and Gentiles without the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses were able to keep.  The first place to begin is considering which of the over six hundred commandments in the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses that it was not possible for Abraham to keep.

The fact is that about four hundred of the commandments that the Father of Truth gave Moses deal with the Tabernacle (that was replaced later with the Temple) and the Levitical priesthood. 

The Tabernacle did not exist in the days of Abraham and was not even possible to construct until the Father of Truth showed Moses the pattern for building the Tabernacle (Exodus 25:9).  There could be no Tabernacle built before Moses was shown the pattern on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25:40).

There could be no Levitical priests without the Tabernacle (Exodus 29:44).   The Levitical priests could not carry out the rituals of the Tabernacle until after the Tabernacle was built (Leviticus 8:1-10).  The Levitical priest were descendents of Abraham who were born more than two hundred years after Abraham died (Hebrews 7:5).  Abraham could not have went to the Levitical priests to carry out the commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses concerning the rituals carried out by the Levitical priesthood since the entire tribe of Levi was still in his loins when Abraham was keeping the Law of Truth (Hebrews 7:9-10).

Even in the days of Moses the commandments concerning the Tabernacle and the Levitical priesthood could not be kept until the Tabernacle had been build and dedicated (Numbers 7:1-3).  The Tabernacle on Earth and the Levitical priesthood was only a copy of the Tabernacle in Heaven and the priesthood of the Man of Truth so they had to be revealed by the Father of Truth before the Tabernacle could be built and the Levitical priesthood could start operating in the Tabernacle (Hebrews 8:4-5).  So all of the commandments in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses concerning the Tabernacle and the Levitical Priesthood could not be part of the Law of Truth that Abraham kept.

The same is true for the commandments concerning the Feasts of Truth.  The very first Feast of Truth is Passover (Pesach) and it could only be observed as a memorial of the deliverance from Egypt after the descendants of Abraham were delivered from Egypt (Exodus 12:42-50).  The rest of the Feasts of Truth were added after the descendents of Abraham were in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:1-4).  Not only that but it is impossible to keep the Feasts of Truth in the way commanded in the Law that the Father of Truth gave to Moses without the Tabernacle and the Levitical priesthood (Leviticus 23:5-38).

In fact, the commandment concerning the men of Israel going up to meet The Father of Truth three times a year was only in effect when the descendents of Abraham were in the Promised Land so this commandment was not in effect during the entire lifetime of Moses (Exodus 34:18-24).  So all the commandments that the Father of Truth gave to Moses concerning the Feasts of Truth could not be part of the Law of Truth that Abraham kept.

More than that there were also various other commandments that only concerned the descendents of Abraham when they were in the Promised Land.  For example,  there were the commandments concerning the king that the Father of Truth would set over them after they took possession of the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 17:14-20).  Abraham did not possess the Promised Land (Acts 7:2-5).  So all the commandments that the Father of Truth gave to Moses concerning possession of the Promised Land could not be part of the Law of Truth that Abraham kept.

So what about the remaining commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses?

The Sabbath had been given to Adam and Eve (Chavah) for a day of rest at the end of the very first week of the existence of this present world (Genesis 2:2-3).  The Father of Truth had already revealed to Noah (Noach) which animals were food and which were filth before people even began to eat meat (Genesis 7:1-3).  Abraham was already paying tithes to the Minister of Truth in his day (Genesis 14:18-20).  The commandment had already been given for a man to marry the widow of his brother if his brother had died childless hundreds of years before the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses was given on Mount Sinai (Genesis 38:8-10).

Not only that, but all of the commandments in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses that concern treating Him and other people with love are part of the Law of Truth.  These commandments written out in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses are just the details of fulfilling the commandment to love the Father of Truth will all of your being and to love other people as you love yourself (Matthew 22:36-40).  Those who keep the commandments written in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses concerning how to treat other people fulfill the commandment to love their neighbors as themselves (Romans 13:8-10).  Those who keep the commandments written in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses concerning how to how to treat Him fulfill the commandment to love Him with all their being (1 John 5:3).

You see the Law of Truth is the unchanging law because love is unchanging (1 Corinthians 13:8).

However the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses was never unchanging.  Different commandments have been in effect at different times and were even given at different times.  It was only those commandments written in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses that are part of the Law of Truth that are unchanging.

For example, as already noted, Passover was given first and then later the other Feasts of Truth were given.  The commandment to wear tzitzits (tassels with a blue thread) on the corner of the garments was given to help the Children of Truth remember to keep His commandments some time after the bulk of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses was given at Mount Sinai (Numbers 15:37-40).  The commandment concerning the preservation of the inheritance of a man who had only daughters was given years later (Numbers 36:5-7).

Not only that but Jeremiah (Yeremayahu) the Prophet of Truth said by the Spirit of Truth that the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses was taken away when He destroyed the Tabernacle (Temple) (Lamentations 2:6-9).  When the Temple was rebuilt then those commandments in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses were back in effect (Ezra 6:15-22).  Even Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) continued to keep these commandments as long as the Temple was still standing (Acts 21:26).

Yet the Man of Truth, THE PROPHET OF TRUTH, said that for a second time the means of worshiping the Father of Truth by keeping the commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses would be taken away (John 4:20-21).  So these commandments have no effect today.

Still when the Man of Truth rules the Earth an even larger Temple will be built and those same commandments will be back in effect (Ezekiel 41:1-3).  In fact, even the Gentile men from all nations will have to come to Jerusalem every year to keep the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) (Zechariah 14:16-19).  The Man of Truth said that every commandment of the Law of Moses will be in effect until Heaven and Earth are replaced (Matthew 5:17-18).

Finally, these commandments concerning the Temple and the Levitical priesthood will no longer be in effect forever because there will be no Temple in the new Jerusalem when there is a new Heaven and a new Earth (Revelation 21:22).

So while the commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses will not change since the time they were first written, they are not always in effect.  However, the commandments of the Law of Truth are always in effect because love is always in effect.

Not only that but the entire Original Covenant has been replaced by the Renewed Covenant.  The Father of Truth said He would make the Renewed Covenant with the house of Israel because they did not keep the Original Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-32).  Since He found fault with them for not continuing to keep the Original Covenant then He had to replace the Original Covenant with the Renewed Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-9).  The Renewed Covenant completely obsoleted the Original Covenant when it came into effect (Hebrews 8:13). [The Greek word translated as "new" is "kainos" which is literally "renewed".  Strong's Concordance incorrectly and inconsistently translates it as "new" even though "ainos" means "new".  In the Septuagint the Greek word "kainos" is the translation of the Hebrew word "chadashah" which Strong's Concordance correctly translates as "renewed".  So both the Hebrew scriptures of the Original Covenant and the Greek scriptures of the Renewed Covenant call it the "Renewed Covenant" instead of the "New Covenant".]

It is worth noting that the commandments in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses that are part of the Law of Truth did not change when the Renewed Covenant came into effect.  The truth is that most of the commandments that carried the death penalty in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses still carry the death penalty in the Renewed Covenant (Romans 1:28-32).  The Law of Truth has never changed because it is the unchanging law.

Another example is that of cross dressing (dressing like the opposite sex).  This was forbidden in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses (Deuteronomy 22:5).  It is still forbidden in the Renewed Covenant (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). [The Greek word "malakos" translated as "effeminate" literally means "to be made soft to the touch". (malakos)  It was used in Ancient Greek literature of men who made themselves soft to the touch by dressing like a woman.  They were usually involved in homosexuality in some way which also listed in this same passage as keeping people out of the kingdom of the Father of Truth.]

You see the Man of Truth could not have changed the Law of Truth because he never changes (Hebrews 13:8).  The Father of Truth will not change the Law of Truth because He never changes (James 1:17).  The Law of Truth is the unchanging law.

So it is the exact same commandments concerning pretty much everything in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses except for those things that are only in effect part of the time, like the services of the Temple, that are continued in the Renewed Covenant.  There are less than two hundred commandments in the Law of Truth.  (By contrast the entirety of the Renewed Covenant has 1,050 commandments including those in the Law of Truth.)

It is worth noting that not even all of the commandments in the Law of Truth are equal.  The Man of Truth said that the commandments concerning judgement, mercy and faith were weightier matters of the Law of Truth than the commandment to pay tithes (Matthew 23:23).  It is important to make sure that we are careful to not be so focused on keeping the lessor matters of the Law  that we become hindered in taking care of the weightier matters of the Law.

For example, it does not matter if you know who changed the Sabbath and keep the Biblical Sabbath when you are not loving your neighbor as yourself.   Whose Sabbath are you keeping if you neglect showing love to other people?  It is taking care of other people that guarantees that you will never be bored on the Sabbath.

This is not to endorse ignoring any commandment of the Law of Truth for the Man of Truth said that we are not teach anyone ignore even the least of these commandments if we want to be great in his kingdom (Matthew 5:19).  The Children of Truth should be walking in truth in every area of life.

They should avoid using practices that come from idolatry when they worship their Father (Deuteronomy 12:2-4).  Their Father desires that they worship him in truth by the Spirit of Truth (John 4:23-24).   They should be seeking to rid their lives of everything that comes from the Father of Lies so they can enjoy everything that comes from their Father (Romans 13:11-13).  They should seek to have nothing to do with these useless works that come from the Father of Lies once they know the truth about them (Ephesians 5:8-12).  The Father of Truth still wants His Children to have absolutely nothing to do with those things that came from the practices of idol worship (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).  The Law of Truth is the unchanging law.

Therefore they should be like the Mensch who killed Christmas when it comes to every holiday and custom that comes from idolatry.  They need to be cleaning up the Christmas mess.  They should be avoiding every practice that comes from idolatry including all of the wickedness that is found in Ash Wednesday.

There is also no difference between the commandments of the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant about being careful about what's on your head to avoid idolatrous practices because the Law of Truth is the unchanging law.

The Children of Truth will be healthier when they avoid what the Father of Truth calls filth and only eat what He calls food when they decide what's for dinner.  They will never wonder "Does it matter what I eat?".  They will know that what the Law of Truth says about food is more than just food for thought.  The definition of food and filth never changed because the Law of Truth is the unchanging law.

The Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses is powerless to save because no one has ever kept it except for the Man of Truth (John 7:19).  The truth is that people can only come into the House of Truth by faith in the Man of Truth and no one can be justified by keeping the commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses (Acts 13:38-39).  The flesh of people keeps them from being able to keep the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses (Romans 8:3).  The Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses could only make people righteous if they obeyed every commandment of it all the time without fail (Romans 10:5).

It was the demand of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses that we die for our sins that the Man of Truth nailed to the cross when he died in our place (Colossians 2:13-15).  The Children of Truth are not under the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses when the Spirit of Truth leads them into keeping the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:16-18).  The Renewed Covenant is the Father of Truth writing the same Law of Truth on the hearts of the Children of Truth that He wrote on stone in the Law that He gave to Moses (Hebrews 8:10-13). 

The Father of Truth gave the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth so they could keep the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:26-27).  The Children of Truth were delivered from the law of dying because they had sinned when they came under the law of the Spirit of Truth changing them to be like the Man of Truth (Romans 8:1-2).  The Children of Truth can keep the Law of Truth because the Spirit of Truth gives them the ability to do so (Romans 8:3-4). The Father of Truth writes the Law of Truth on the hearts of the Children of Truth to put an end to sin because the Law of Truth is the unchanging law (Hebrews 10:15-17).

So the Children of Truth are not given a license to kill and otherwise act lawlessly when they come into the House of Truth because the Law of Truth is the unchanging law.  Neither are the Children of Truth left with the hopelessly trying to keep the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses without the ability to do so.  The Children of Truth can keep the same Law of Truth that Abraham kept because it is the unchanging law.

The Children of Truth are under no obligation to keep anything in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses that is not part of the Law of Truth.  As it has already been shown that everything in the Law of Truth is part of the Renewed Covenant.

This does not mean that the Children of Truth cannot receive any benefit from observing what they can from the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses that is not part of the Law of Truth.

For example, it's not just a Jewish thing to keep the holidays that their Father has provided for them.  So even though they do not have to keep these holidays to be in the House of Truth they will never understand things like the Greatest Play Ever until they do.  They just need to remember that they cannot keep these holidays in every detail that is commanded in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses because without the Temple they are playing with broken toys.

No one can keep the Law of Truth until they come into the House of Truth by being born again (John 3:3).  The beginning of being able to keep the Law of Truth is surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  When you come into the House of Truth then you will start keeping the Law of Truth (1 Peter 2:9).  You will become like the Man of Truth when you come into the House of Truth so that you are keeping the unchanging law (1 John 4:15-17).

Come into the House of Truth.

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