Married In Sodom
What does the Book of Truth (the Bible) say about Gay Marriage?
Currently there is a lot of controversy in the US over gay marriage. Some states recognize gay marriage and other states do not. The same is true with Mexico. However, the US and Mexico are hardly the first to start recognizing gay marriage. Currently thirteen countries, including Canada, already allow people to act like they have been married in Sodom. This change did not happen over night in these places but has been a long time coming through A Subtle Influence.
Some people might think that gay marriage started when the Netherlands recognized it as legal in 2000. However, homosexuality has been just as common in other places at various times in history to the point that people effectively lived if they had been married in Sodom. How did that work out for these places?
Among these places were Port Royal on the isle of Jamaica. It was called the Sodom of the New World due to the prevalence of homosexuality there that caused people to live as if they had been married in Sodom. For this reason it was referred to by pirates from as far away as England and Madagascar as the most wicked place on it Earth. The northern half of Port Royal was destroyed by a devastating earthquake in 1692 and sunk into the sea drowning everyone there. After that, there were numerous attempts to rebuild it, but it kept being destroyed by fires, floods, and, hurricanes where sizable portions of the population either burned to death or drowned. Finally, in 1907 there was another earthquake that sunk almost of all what had been rebuilt into the sea, again drowning everyone there.
Another one of these places was Olous on the isle of Crete. It was also known for continuing the pre-Christian practices of ancient Crete, particularly homosexuality, contrary to the practices of the majority population of Crete that had became Christian (at least in name) by that time. In 780 AD the entire city sank into the sea drowning everyone.
A more well known place is Pompeii and its surrounding cities in Italy. The city was well known for its fixation with homosexuality. This included the use of the phallus as a common decoration in all aspects of life as well as scenes of people engage in homosexual acts decorating most of their public buildings. The area around Pompeii was where wealthy Romans had their villas. They used these villas to carry out homosexual orgies and the like. Everyone in Pompeii and the nearest towns were burned to death from intense heat when Vesuvius exploded in 79 AD.
I could go on but you have probably already noticed a pattern by now of what happened to the places where people lived who treated homosexuality as normal as if they had been married in Sodom. Everyone in these places either drowned or burned to death in what some would call natural disasters. Was being destroyed suddenly like this in all these places just a strange coincidence?
The Book of Truth is always the place to begin when looking for the truth about anything. It says that a curse like a sudden disaster that causes everyone there to either drown or burn to death does not come without a cause (Proverbs 26:2). Many among the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) across the ages have said, that the cause of these three places being suddenly destroyed was because their people lived as if they had been married in Sodom.
Is there any precedence in the Book of Truth for cities being destroyed for living as if they had been married in Sodom?
The best place to begin is by looking at Sodom itself.
Where was Sodom?
Sodom was a Canaanite city near the northern border of the ancient land of Canaan in the same valley as Zeboiim (Genesis 10:19). This valley that the Jordan River ran through was as lush and green as the Garden of Eden when Lot chose to go there (Genesis 13:10). The valley where Zeboiim (and Sodom) was east of Michmash in the land of Benjamin, which is northeast of Jerusalem (1 Samuel 13:16-18). So Sodom was located in the Jordan River valley north of the Dead Sea.
What was Sodom like?
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) viewed the city of Sodom as being the most wicked place on Earth (Genesis 13:13). He called its sin exceedingly heavy (Genesis 18:20). [The Hebrew word translated as "very grievous " literally means "exceedingly heavy". The idea is that they were regularly committing the worst kind of sin.]
What was this exceedingly heavy sin that was so prevalent in Sodom?
It was the sin of homosexuality. The men of Sodom sought to have sex with other men (Genesis 19:4-5). This was more wicked than rape (Genesis 19:6-8). Homosexuals have been constantly referred to as sodomites since that time (Deuteronomy 23:17-18).
How prevalent was homosexuality in Sodom?
Homosexuality was so rampant, that not even ten men could be found there, which were not involved in this sin (Genesis 18:23-32). This rampant homosexuality filled Lot with grief every day after he moved there (2 Peter 2:6-8). Homosexuality was accepted as normal in Sodom as heterosexual marriage was accepted in other places and there were doubtlessly same sex couples legally joined together there. Those who seek gay marriage to be accepted as normal want to be just like those who were married in Sodom.
What happened to those that were married in Sodom?
Since what the people of Sodom did was so wicked, the Father of Truth was determined to destroy Sodom and everyone in it (Genesis 18:20-23). He sent two angels to destroy Sodom for this sin (Genesis 19:12-14). He destroyed all of those cities in the plain, except for the one that Lot had ran to (Genesis 19:29-30). He is the one that destroyed everyone in these cities, because they lived like they were married in Sodom (Jeremiah 50:40). He alone brought about the destruction of Sodom for this sin (Amos 4:11).
How did the Father of Truth destroy Sodom?
He caused fire and brimstone to rain down on Sodom and the other cities, just like when fire and lava rained down on Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted (Genesis 19:24-25). The smoke of their burning could be seen by Abraham (Abram) and everyone else for miles around the valley (Genesis 19:27-28). Everyone in Sodom was destroyed in a moment with no chance of escape (Lamentations 4:6). The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said, that everyone in Sodom and the other cities were destroyed suddenly by the fire and brimstone that was rained down upon them (Luke 17:28-29). Everyone in Sodom and the other cities was burned to death for living like they were married in Sodom (Jude 1:7).
What is the valley of Sodom like after the Father of Truth destroyed Sodom?
The whole valley was made into a terrible waste land of brimstone, salt and burning fires (Deuteronomy 29:23). No one is able to live there any more (Jeremiah 49:18). Nothing lives there, except for roving bands of wild animals that pass through it (Isaiah 13:19-22). The land where the people were married in Sodom is now an uninhabitable desert (Zephaniah 2:9).
Why did the Father of Truth destroy Sodom in this manner?
He wanted all nations to consider what Sodom had done, which had greatly angered Him so much that He destroyed it (Deuteronomy 29:24). He made the people of Sodom an example of what happens to those that live like they are married in Sodom (2 Peter 2:6).
This example is still visible today. The area north of the Dead Sea in the Jordan River valley, where Sodom sat, is nothing by gypsum ash for miles and miles. It is not hard to make out the outlines of the destroyed ziggurats (step pyramids) once used in the worship of those, who lived in Sodom. These ziggurats so have eroded in the three thousand years since Sodom was destroyed, that their lines now appear to be straight. There are salt pits everywhere. Nothing lives there, except the occasional thorny plant and wandering bands of wild animals. Not even the Arabs are able to live in this terrible desert.
There is also brimstone everywhere, which is better known as white phosphorus. It burns at a temperature well above the 500 degrees Centigrade (approximately 900 degrees Fahrenheit) needed to bring instant heat death to people. It can burst in to flames by merely being exposed to air. Like the lava at Mount Vesuvius, this white phosphorus was shot out of the Earth by a volcanic like eruption. Brimstone and fire literally rained down on the valley where Sodom was located. This is how the Father of Truth literally cast His vote on gay marriage. The evidence that this literally occurred, is still visible today, because the Father of Truth still does not want people living like they were married in Sodom.
Is fire the only way that the Father of Truth has dealt with people who live like they were married in Sodom?
No, before Sodom was ever founded there had been another period of commonly accepted sexual sin that eventually covered the entire Earth (Genesis 6:4-5). Since these people were doing every imaginable evil thing, including living living like they were married in Sodom, the Father of Truth decided to destroy everything on the face of the Earth to put an end to this sin (Genesis 6:11-13). Again, just like He had made a provision to save the family of Lot, who was not living like they were married in Sodom, He made a provision to save the family of the righteous this time also (Genesis 6:14-16). Everyone else that lived on the Earth drowned (Genesis 7:21-23). This sudden death by drowning, was just like what those who lived in Olous experienced, when it fell into the sea (Matthew 24:38-39). The Man of Truth said, that everyone on Earth, except the family of Noah, was destroyed suddenly by the flood that rained down upon them (Luke 17:27). The Father of Truth did not spare any of those, who lived like they were married in Sodom, from drowning (2 Peter 2:4-5).
Now you might be wondering about Port Royal. Not everyone who lived like they were married in Sodom in Port Royal drowned or burned to death at one time, when those disasters struck. You might be wondering, why only half of the city at a time either drowned or burned to death in each sudden disaster over such a long period of time, before the city was finally completely destroyed. Why would only the people in part of Port Royal die suddenly from drowning or burning to death at a time, if this was the judgment of the Father of Truth upon them for living like they were married in Sodom?
The reason is that the Father of Truth is not willing to destroy the Children of Truth with the Children of Lies (Genesis 18:24-26). He would have spared all of Sodom to keep from destroying even ten of the Children of Truth (Genesis 18:32). In fact, Sodom could not be destroyed until every last one of the Children of Truth had been safely removed (Genesis 19:21-22). This allowing the Children of Lies to continue in rebellion, rather than harming even one of the Children of Truth, is because He does not take Collateral Damage. So everyone either drowned or burned to death in a sudden disaster, that struck only those parts of Port Royal that did not contain any of the Children of Truth.
Of course, the direct approach is not the only way that the Father of Truth brings judgment on those, who live like they were married in Sodom. He said that the Canaanites were to be destroyed by the Israelites for doing this very sort of thing (Leviticus 18:22-25). He said that the Israelites would also be destroyed in a similar manner as well, if they also did the same things (Leviticus 18:26-28). He commanded, that no one who did these things was to be allowed to live (Leviticus 18:29-30). He also commanded in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that any of the children of Israel be put to death, who did this (Leviticus 20:13).
For this reason, the Father of Truth said, that King Asa did what was right when he brought such judgment on everyone in Judah that lived like they were married in Sodom (1 Kings 15:11-12). His son Jehoshaphat was also commended by Him for continuing this policy (1 Kings 22:42-46). Josiah was the last king of Judah to revive this policy of destroying those, who lived like they were married in Sodom (2 Kings 23:7). His zeal for carrying out this judgment against such people, because it was written the Law of Truth, is why the Father of Truth said, that Josiah was more righteous than any other king that ever ruled (2 Kings 23:24-25).
Yet, the nation of Judah was not consistent in regard to those, who lived like they were married in Sodom. During the reign of Rehoboam, the very first king of Judah, this sin was overlooked in the land of Judah (1 Kings 14:21-24). Later there was King Manasseh, who was called more evil than the Canaanites, who were driven out for living like they were married in Sodom, because he legalized this along with every other thing that was called evil in the Law of Truth, throughout the land of Judah (2 Kings 21:8-9). So, judgment was called upon the nation of Judah for these kinds of policies (2 Kings 21:10-15). Even the righteous reforms of Josiah could only delay the judgment of the Father of Truth on Judah for allowing people to live like they were married in Sodom (2 Kings 23:26-28).
The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) says the same kind of things about those, who live like they were married in Sodom. It says, these actions come from vile desires and that these actions will bring about a well deserved judgment upon those who do them (Romans 1:26-27). It says, whoever lives like they were married in Sodom, deserves to die (Romans 1:28-32). It says, that those who abuse themselves like this will not inherit the kingdom of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). It says, that anyone who has any kind of sex outside of a heterosexual marriage, will not not inherit His kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21). It says, that no one who continues to make themselves unclean with these actions, will have any part in the kingdom of the Man of Truth and His Father (Ephesians 5:5). It says, that those who do these things will be cast into the Lake of Fire, where they will both drown and burn to death over and over again forever (Revelation 21:8).
Perhaps, you have been deceived into believing that gay marriage was somehow acceptable to the Father of Truth or the Man of Truth. You may have even found yourself involved in living like you were married in Sodom. Do not despair for I have some Good News for you.
Now that you have been told the truth, the Father of Truth is commanding you to repent, and avoid the judgment for such actions, which was assured when He raised up His Son from the dead (Acts 17:30-31). If you will come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead, then you will be saved from this judgment (Romans 10:8-10). The blood of the Man of Truth will cleanse you from your sin, if you will come into the House of Truth (1 John 1:7). If you will come into the House of Truth and admit that what you have done is wicked, then you be made completely clean of every filthy act that you have ever done (1 John 1:8-9). If you will overcome by remaining in the House of Truth, then you will inherit His kingdom (Revelation 21:7).
Come into the House of Truth!
Currently there is a lot of controversy in the US over gay marriage. Some states recognize gay marriage and other states do not. The same is true with Mexico. However, the US and Mexico are hardly the first to start recognizing gay marriage. Currently thirteen countries, including Canada, already allow people to act like they have been married in Sodom. This change did not happen over night in these places but has been a long time coming through A Subtle Influence.
Some people might think that gay marriage started when the Netherlands recognized it as legal in 2000. However, homosexuality has been just as common in other places at various times in history to the point that people effectively lived if they had been married in Sodom. How did that work out for these places?
Among these places were Port Royal on the isle of Jamaica. It was called the Sodom of the New World due to the prevalence of homosexuality there that caused people to live as if they had been married in Sodom. For this reason it was referred to by pirates from as far away as England and Madagascar as the most wicked place on it Earth. The northern half of Port Royal was destroyed by a devastating earthquake in 1692 and sunk into the sea drowning everyone there. After that, there were numerous attempts to rebuild it, but it kept being destroyed by fires, floods, and, hurricanes where sizable portions of the population either burned to death or drowned. Finally, in 1907 there was another earthquake that sunk almost of all what had been rebuilt into the sea, again drowning everyone there.
Another one of these places was Olous on the isle of Crete. It was also known for continuing the pre-Christian practices of ancient Crete, particularly homosexuality, contrary to the practices of the majority population of Crete that had became Christian (at least in name) by that time. In 780 AD the entire city sank into the sea drowning everyone.
A more well known place is Pompeii and its surrounding cities in Italy. The city was well known for its fixation with homosexuality. This included the use of the phallus as a common decoration in all aspects of life as well as scenes of people engage in homosexual acts decorating most of their public buildings. The area around Pompeii was where wealthy Romans had their villas. They used these villas to carry out homosexual orgies and the like. Everyone in Pompeii and the nearest towns were burned to death from intense heat when Vesuvius exploded in 79 AD.
I could go on but you have probably already noticed a pattern by now of what happened to the places where people lived who treated homosexuality as normal as if they had been married in Sodom. Everyone in these places either drowned or burned to death in what some would call natural disasters. Was being destroyed suddenly like this in all these places just a strange coincidence?
The Book of Truth is always the place to begin when looking for the truth about anything. It says that a curse like a sudden disaster that causes everyone there to either drown or burn to death does not come without a cause (Proverbs 26:2). Many among the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) across the ages have said, that the cause of these three places being suddenly destroyed was because their people lived as if they had been married in Sodom.
Is there any precedence in the Book of Truth for cities being destroyed for living as if they had been married in Sodom?
The best place to begin is by looking at Sodom itself.
Where was Sodom?
Sodom was a Canaanite city near the northern border of the ancient land of Canaan in the same valley as Zeboiim (Genesis 10:19). This valley that the Jordan River ran through was as lush and green as the Garden of Eden when Lot chose to go there (Genesis 13:10). The valley where Zeboiim (and Sodom) was east of Michmash in the land of Benjamin, which is northeast of Jerusalem (1 Samuel 13:16-18). So Sodom was located in the Jordan River valley north of the Dead Sea.
What was Sodom like?
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) viewed the city of Sodom as being the most wicked place on Earth (Genesis 13:13). He called its sin exceedingly heavy (Genesis 18:20). [The Hebrew word translated as "very grievous " literally means "exceedingly heavy". The idea is that they were regularly committing the worst kind of sin.]
What was this exceedingly heavy sin that was so prevalent in Sodom?
It was the sin of homosexuality. The men of Sodom sought to have sex with other men (Genesis 19:4-5). This was more wicked than rape (Genesis 19:6-8). Homosexuals have been constantly referred to as sodomites since that time (Deuteronomy 23:17-18).
How prevalent was homosexuality in Sodom?
Homosexuality was so rampant, that not even ten men could be found there, which were not involved in this sin (Genesis 18:23-32). This rampant homosexuality filled Lot with grief every day after he moved there (2 Peter 2:6-8). Homosexuality was accepted as normal in Sodom as heterosexual marriage was accepted in other places and there were doubtlessly same sex couples legally joined together there. Those who seek gay marriage to be accepted as normal want to be just like those who were married in Sodom.
What happened to those that were married in Sodom?
Since what the people of Sodom did was so wicked, the Father of Truth was determined to destroy Sodom and everyone in it (Genesis 18:20-23). He sent two angels to destroy Sodom for this sin (Genesis 19:12-14). He destroyed all of those cities in the plain, except for the one that Lot had ran to (Genesis 19:29-30). He is the one that destroyed everyone in these cities, because they lived like they were married in Sodom (Jeremiah 50:40). He alone brought about the destruction of Sodom for this sin (Amos 4:11).
How did the Father of Truth destroy Sodom?
He caused fire and brimstone to rain down on Sodom and the other cities, just like when fire and lava rained down on Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted (Genesis 19:24-25). The smoke of their burning could be seen by Abraham (Abram) and everyone else for miles around the valley (Genesis 19:27-28). Everyone in Sodom was destroyed in a moment with no chance of escape (Lamentations 4:6). The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said, that everyone in Sodom and the other cities were destroyed suddenly by the fire and brimstone that was rained down upon them (Luke 17:28-29). Everyone in Sodom and the other cities was burned to death for living like they were married in Sodom (Jude 1:7).
What is the valley of Sodom like after the Father of Truth destroyed Sodom?
The whole valley was made into a terrible waste land of brimstone, salt and burning fires (Deuteronomy 29:23). No one is able to live there any more (Jeremiah 49:18). Nothing lives there, except for roving bands of wild animals that pass through it (Isaiah 13:19-22). The land where the people were married in Sodom is now an uninhabitable desert (Zephaniah 2:9).
Why did the Father of Truth destroy Sodom in this manner?
He wanted all nations to consider what Sodom had done, which had greatly angered Him so much that He destroyed it (Deuteronomy 29:24). He made the people of Sodom an example of what happens to those that live like they are married in Sodom (2 Peter 2:6).
This example is still visible today. The area north of the Dead Sea in the Jordan River valley, where Sodom sat, is nothing by gypsum ash for miles and miles. It is not hard to make out the outlines of the destroyed ziggurats (step pyramids) once used in the worship of those, who lived in Sodom. These ziggurats so have eroded in the three thousand years since Sodom was destroyed, that their lines now appear to be straight. There are salt pits everywhere. Nothing lives there, except the occasional thorny plant and wandering bands of wild animals. Not even the Arabs are able to live in this terrible desert.
There is also brimstone everywhere, which is better known as white phosphorus. It burns at a temperature well above the 500 degrees Centigrade (approximately 900 degrees Fahrenheit) needed to bring instant heat death to people. It can burst in to flames by merely being exposed to air. Like the lava at Mount Vesuvius, this white phosphorus was shot out of the Earth by a volcanic like eruption. Brimstone and fire literally rained down on the valley where Sodom was located. This is how the Father of Truth literally cast His vote on gay marriage. The evidence that this literally occurred, is still visible today, because the Father of Truth still does not want people living like they were married in Sodom.
Is fire the only way that the Father of Truth has dealt with people who live like they were married in Sodom?
No, before Sodom was ever founded there had been another period of commonly accepted sexual sin that eventually covered the entire Earth (Genesis 6:4-5). Since these people were doing every imaginable evil thing, including living living like they were married in Sodom, the Father of Truth decided to destroy everything on the face of the Earth to put an end to this sin (Genesis 6:11-13). Again, just like He had made a provision to save the family of Lot, who was not living like they were married in Sodom, He made a provision to save the family of the righteous this time also (Genesis 6:14-16). Everyone else that lived on the Earth drowned (Genesis 7:21-23). This sudden death by drowning, was just like what those who lived in Olous experienced, when it fell into the sea (Matthew 24:38-39). The Man of Truth said, that everyone on Earth, except the family of Noah, was destroyed suddenly by the flood that rained down upon them (Luke 17:27). The Father of Truth did not spare any of those, who lived like they were married in Sodom, from drowning (2 Peter 2:4-5).
Now you might be wondering about Port Royal. Not everyone who lived like they were married in Sodom in Port Royal drowned or burned to death at one time, when those disasters struck. You might be wondering, why only half of the city at a time either drowned or burned to death in each sudden disaster over such a long period of time, before the city was finally completely destroyed. Why would only the people in part of Port Royal die suddenly from drowning or burning to death at a time, if this was the judgment of the Father of Truth upon them for living like they were married in Sodom?
The reason is that the Father of Truth is not willing to destroy the Children of Truth with the Children of Lies (Genesis 18:24-26). He would have spared all of Sodom to keep from destroying even ten of the Children of Truth (Genesis 18:32). In fact, Sodom could not be destroyed until every last one of the Children of Truth had been safely removed (Genesis 19:21-22). This allowing the Children of Lies to continue in rebellion, rather than harming even one of the Children of Truth, is because He does not take Collateral Damage. So everyone either drowned or burned to death in a sudden disaster, that struck only those parts of Port Royal that did not contain any of the Children of Truth.
Of course, the direct approach is not the only way that the Father of Truth brings judgment on those, who live like they were married in Sodom. He said that the Canaanites were to be destroyed by the Israelites for doing this very sort of thing (Leviticus 18:22-25). He said that the Israelites would also be destroyed in a similar manner as well, if they also did the same things (Leviticus 18:26-28). He commanded, that no one who did these things was to be allowed to live (Leviticus 18:29-30). He also commanded in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that any of the children of Israel be put to death, who did this (Leviticus 20:13).
For this reason, the Father of Truth said, that King Asa did what was right when he brought such judgment on everyone in Judah that lived like they were married in Sodom (1 Kings 15:11-12). His son Jehoshaphat was also commended by Him for continuing this policy (1 Kings 22:42-46). Josiah was the last king of Judah to revive this policy of destroying those, who lived like they were married in Sodom (2 Kings 23:7). His zeal for carrying out this judgment against such people, because it was written the Law of Truth, is why the Father of Truth said, that Josiah was more righteous than any other king that ever ruled (2 Kings 23:24-25).
Yet, the nation of Judah was not consistent in regard to those, who lived like they were married in Sodom. During the reign of Rehoboam, the very first king of Judah, this sin was overlooked in the land of Judah (1 Kings 14:21-24). Later there was King Manasseh, who was called more evil than the Canaanites, who were driven out for living like they were married in Sodom, because he legalized this along with every other thing that was called evil in the Law of Truth, throughout the land of Judah (2 Kings 21:8-9). So, judgment was called upon the nation of Judah for these kinds of policies (2 Kings 21:10-15). Even the righteous reforms of Josiah could only delay the judgment of the Father of Truth on Judah for allowing people to live like they were married in Sodom (2 Kings 23:26-28).
The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) says the same kind of things about those, who live like they were married in Sodom. It says, these actions come from vile desires and that these actions will bring about a well deserved judgment upon those who do them (Romans 1:26-27). It says, whoever lives like they were married in Sodom, deserves to die (Romans 1:28-32). It says, that those who abuse themselves like this will not inherit the kingdom of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). It says, that anyone who has any kind of sex outside of a heterosexual marriage, will not not inherit His kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21). It says, that no one who continues to make themselves unclean with these actions, will have any part in the kingdom of the Man of Truth and His Father (Ephesians 5:5). It says, that those who do these things will be cast into the Lake of Fire, where they will both drown and burn to death over and over again forever (Revelation 21:8).
Perhaps, you have been deceived into believing that gay marriage was somehow acceptable to the Father of Truth or the Man of Truth. You may have even found yourself involved in living like you were married in Sodom. Do not despair for I have some Good News for you.
Now that you have been told the truth, the Father of Truth is commanding you to repent, and avoid the judgment for such actions, which was assured when He raised up His Son from the dead (Acts 17:30-31). If you will come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead, then you will be saved from this judgment (Romans 10:8-10). The blood of the Man of Truth will cleanse you from your sin, if you will come into the House of Truth (1 John 1:7). If you will come into the House of Truth and admit that what you have done is wicked, then you be made completely clean of every filthy act that you have ever done (1 John 1:8-9). If you will overcome by remaining in the House of Truth, then you will inherit His kingdom (Revelation 21:7).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Gay Marriage, History, Homosexuality, Judgment, Natural Disasters
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