Monday, August 3, 2015

The Gospels

Do the Gospels all really tell the same story?

The four Gospels were written by four different authors at four different times for four different audiences for four different reasons.  They are four different lengths and each one contains events found are in only that Gospel.  The four Gospels emphasize different aspects about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

For these reasons it can seem like the four Gospels tell four different stories.  Do the all four Gospels really tell the same story?

All four Gospels proclaim the humanity of the Man of Truth.  The Man of Truth was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-3).  He had a family with a mom, a dad, four brothers and at least two sisters (Mark 6:2-4).  He grew from a child to a man in a Nazareth (Luke 2:51-52).  He was misunderstood by his own family (John 7:3-5).

All four Gospels proclaim the deity of the Man of Truth.  The Man of Truth took three of the Apostles of Truth with him high up on a mountain where he became a bright as the sun to show them who he really was (Matthew 17:1-9).  Then the Father of Truth pronounced out of a bright cloud that he was very own Son with Moses (Moishe) and Elijah (Eliyahu) standing as witnesses (Mark 9:2-10).  For this reason people worshiped him when he returned to Heaven (Luke 24:51-53).  He had came from Heaven to become a man to dwell among the human race as one of us (John 1:9-14).

All four Gospels tell of the perfect obedience of the Man of Truth to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law).  The Man of Truth came to teach people how to obey the Law of Truth in the way that his Father had always intended (Matthew 5:17-19).  He demonstrated how to keep the weekly Sabbath in the way his Father had always intended (Mark 2:23-28).  He was circumcised on the eighth day and went to Jerusalem every year for Passover to do all that the Law of Truth required (Luke 2:21-41).  He went to Jerusalem for every Feast of Truth that was required by the Law of Truth (John 5:1).

All four Gospels tell about how the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) worked through the Man of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth came upon the Man of Truth when he was baptized (Matthew 3:16-17).  The Spirit of Truth drove him into the wilderness to be tempted by the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) for forty days (Mark 1:9-13).  After defeating the Father of Lies then he began to operate in the power of the Spirit of Truth (Luke 4:13-15).  He was given the Spirit of Truth beyond measure to show that he had been sent by the Father of Truth (John 3:31-34).

All four Gospels show that the Man of Truth came as the Messiah of Israel.  The Magi journeyed to Israel from the east to see the Messiah of Israel when the Man of Truth was born (Matthew 2:4-7).  The Father of Truth testified that he was the Messiah of Israel when he was baptized (Mark 1:9-11).  The Angel of Truth had told his mother that he would be the Messiah of Israel before he was ever born (Luke 1:30-33).  The supernatural works that he did by the power of the Spirit of Truth testified that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 10:24-26).

All four Gospels tell about the twelve original Apostles of Truth that he appointed while on this Earth.  The Man of Truth chose the twelve original Apostles of Truth to tell the people of Israel that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 10:2-7).  He gave them power to do the same supernatural signs that he did so people would know that their message was true (Mark 3:14-19).  They were witnesses of everything he did and said (Luke 8:1).  They were sure that he was the Messiah of Israel and yet he knew that one of them would betray him (John 6:67-71).

All four Gospels show that the Man of Truth came as the Savior of the Gentiles.  The Man of Truth also did supernatural works to show that he was the one that would turn the Gentiles to the Father of Truth when they put their trust in him (Matthew 12:15-21).  He delivered the daughter of the Gentile woman from a Spirit of Lies (devil aka demon aka unclean spirit aka god) when she put her trust in him (Mark 7:25-30).  He had not come to destroy Gentiles like the Samaritans but to save them (Luke 9:51-56).  His Father had sent him to save everyone in the world including Gentiles (John 3:15-17). 

All four Gospels tell of how the Man of Truth came to give the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth.  The Man of Truth said that the Spirit of Truth would be in them to give them the right words to say when they testified about him (Matthew 10:18-20).  He came to baptize people in the Spirit of Truth instead of water (Mark 1:6-8).  He said that his Father would give the Spirit of Truth to any of them who asked him (Luke 11:13).   He said that he would send the Spirit of Truth to them to guide them into all truth after he went away (John 16:7-14).

All four Gospels tell of the perfect obedience of the Man of Truth to the Father of Truth.  The Man of Truth said that his forever family was those who sought to do the will of his Father (Matthew 12:48-50).  Doing the will of his Father was more important to him than doing his own will (Mark 14:36).  He was always seeking to be about the business of his Father (Luke 2:49).  The only reason that the Man of Truth came from Heaven was do the will of his Father on the Earth (John 6:38).

All four Gospels warn of persecution for those who follow the Man of Truth.  The Man of Truth warned that persecution would come upon with the Apostles of Truth just as the Prophets of Truth had been persecuted (Matthew 23:33-35).  He warned that the Children of Truth would be persecuted by the authorities and betrayed by their own family members (Mark 13:9-13).  He warned that this persecution would increase as the time of his return drew near - even to the point of the Children of Truth being hated by everyone else (Luke 21:8-17).  He explained that the Children of Truth will suffer persecution until he returns because those who hate the Man of Truth will also hate them (John 15:18-21).

All four Gospels promise reward for those who follow the Man of Truth.  The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth will be greatly rewarded in his kingdom for suffering persecution for the sake of his name (Matthew 5:10-12).  Those who lose relationships and things to spread the Good News about him will gain better things in this life and eternal life in the world to come (Mark 10:29-31).  He told the twelve original Apostles of Truth that they would rule over the twelve tribes of Israel in his kingdom that was coming as reward for their suffering persecution on his behalf (Luke 22:28-30).  He said that he was going to prepare a place for the Children of Truth so they could live with him forever when he reigns (John 14:1-3).

All four Gospels tell about the last visit of the Man of Truth to Jerusalem.  When the Man of Truth came riding into a Jerusalem on a donkey about a week before Passover then the common people of Israel welcomed him as the Messiah of Israel but the religious leaders were not happy about it (Matthew 21:6-11).  The next day the Man of Truth again went into the Temple in Jerusalem to drive out those who were conducting businesses where the Gentiles were supposed to be praying and this provoked the religious leaders into looking for a way to destroy him (Mark 11:15-18).  He then told about how Jerusalem would soon be destroyed and the people of Israel scattered across the Earth for rejecting him as the Messiah of Israel (Luke 21:20-24).  When he was told that Gentiles were seeking after him at the Temple in Jerusalem then he knew that his mission was almost over and announced that his death would come soon (John 12:20-32).

All four Gospels tell about the betrayal of the Man of Truth.  After the Man of Truth was anointed with expensive perfume then Judas sought out his enemies to betray him (Matthew 26:7-16).  At the time of Passover, the Man of Truth announced that one of the twelve original Apostles of Truth eating with him was going to betray him right before he instituted communion to commemorate what he was about to do for the Children of Truth (Mark 14:16-25).  When he went out to the Mount of Olives to pray Judas betrayed him with a kiss (Luke 22:39-48).  Judas then handed him over to the armed men sent by his enemies (John 18:1-5).

All four Gospels tell about the trial of the Man of Truth.  The Man of Truth was lead away at night and then tried before the religious leaders, who had hired many false witnesses, and condemned to die for saying that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 26:57-66).  So they brought him before Pilate and accused him of claiming to be the Messiah of Israel but he said nothing in his own defense (Mark 15:1-5).  Pilate found him innocent, then sent him to Herod, the ruler of Galilee, who also found him innocent, then offered to release the Man of Truth free for Passover but the common people of Israel were lead by the religious leaders into asking for Barabbas the Terrorist to be sent free instead (Luke 23:4-19).  Pilate sought again to release the Man of Truth by having him flogged, then presenting him to the crowd wearing a purple robe and a crown of thorns to appease them but the crowd persisted in demanding that the Man of Truth be crucified for saying that he was the Messiah of Israel until Pilate finally gave in to their demands (John 19:1-16).

All four Gospels tell about the crucifixion of the Man of Truth.  The Roman soldiers, put his own clothes back on him, took him away to be crucified, compelled another man to carry his cross the rest of the way to Golgotha and offered him something to lessen the pain before crucifying him but he would not drink it (Matthew 27:31-34).  Then the Roman soldiers gambled for his clothes and crucified him between two thieves (Mark 15:24-27).  Then the Roman soldiers, the common people, the religious leaders and even one of the thieves mocked the Man of Truth for saying that he was the Messiah of Israel but the other thief asked the Man of Truth to be part of his kingdom and he became a Child of Truth who would be forever with the Man of Truth (Luke 23:35-43).  Finally the Man of Truth commanded one of his disciples to take care of his mother for him (John 19:25-27).

All four Gospels tell about the death of the Man of Truth.  The sky went black at noon until the Man of Truth died, then the Temple veil split in two and there was a tremendous earthquake (Matthew 27:45-46).  This caused the centurion responsible for the crucifixion to declare the Man of Truth really was the Messiah of Israel (Mark 15:37-39).  When the people of Israel saw all that happened when he died they beat their chests in sorrow while his disciples watched from a distance (Luke 23:44-49).  Finally when the religious leaders asked Pilate for the bodies to be removed before Passover began at sunset, the Man of Truth was pierced in the side, instead of his legs being broken, because he was already dead (John 19:31-34).

All four Gospels tell about the burial of the Man of Truth.  After the Man of Truth was buried the religious leaders asked for the tomb to be guarded for three days to make sure that no one took his body out and then claim that he had risen from the dead so Pilate did as they asked (Matthew 27:60-66).  Joseph of Arimathaea had ask Pilate for his body and Pilate gave it to him once Pilate was sure that the Man of Truth was dead (Mark 15:43-45).  Then this rich man, who had not consented to the death of the Man of Truth in his first trail, had taken the body to prepare for burial in the sight of the women from Galilee who had followed the Man of Truth (Luke 23:50-55).  A man named Nicodemus helped him place the body of the Man of Truth in the new tomb of the rich man in the middle of a beautiful garden because the sun was about to set and he would not violate the Sabbath (Passover) by working after sunset (John 19:38-42).

All four Gospels tell about the resurrection of the Man of Truth.  The women came to the tomb on the first day after the weekly Sabbath that followed Passover (First Fruits), found the Roman guards unconscious, the stone rolled away, the tomb empty and an Angel of Truth who told them to tell the remaining eleven Apostles of Truth that the Man of Truth was risen from the dead and then they saw the Man of Truth for themselves while they were on their way to tell the Apostles of Truth (Matthew 28:1-10).  The Man of Truth appeared to Mary Magdalene who told the eleven Apostles of Truth that he had risen from the dead but they did not believe her (Mark 16:9-11).  Then the Man of Truth discussed his own crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection with two more of his disciples who also told the eleven Apostles of Truth that he was risen from the dead (Luke 24:13-35).  Then the Man of Truth showed himself to the eleven Apostles of Truth and gave them indisputable proof that he had risen from the dead (John 20:19-29).

All four Gospels tell about the instructions that the Man of Truth left for the Children of Truth before he left this Earth.  The Man of Truth said the Children of Truth were to teach people to obey his commandments and baptize people in the name of his Father, himself and the Spirit of Truth (Matthew 28:18-20).  He said they were to go into all the world and preach the Gospel with supernatural signs to confirm their message (Mark 16:15-18).   He told them to wait in Jerusalem to receive the power of the Spirit of Truth that his Father had promised before going into all the world to preach repentance in his name (Luke 24:46-49).  He told his eleven Apostles of Truth to continue to carry out his work of taking care of the Children of Truth regardless of the cost (John 21:14-22).

So it can be plainly seen that the Gospels all really tell the same story even if they do so in four different ways.  This is important because the Gospels tell the story about the Man of Truth and everything else in the Book of Truth is built upon the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22).

The Gospels show that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel.  The Gospels also show that the Man of Truth is the Savior of the Gentiles because it has always been about the Gentiles.

This being the case then it is vitally important that you come into the House of Truth by surrendering everything to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  Both Jews and Gentiles must come into the House of Truth to be saved (Romans 10:11-13).

Come into the House of Truth!
