Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Book of Mormon

What does the Book of Truth (The Bible) say about the Book of Mormon?

The Mormons (Latter Day Saints) had an ad campaign a long while back about the Gospel that they preach.  The same message was on billboards, radio, television and even the internet.  The Mormons proudly proclaimed everywhere for all to read and hear that the Book of Mormon was "another testimony of Jesus Christ".

This book is called another testimony (or testament) because the Mormons considered it to be a third testament that was missing from the Book of Truth (the Bible) until it was published in 1830 AD.  It is important to understand that the Mormons do not say that the Book of Mormon is a replacement for the Book of Truth but rather that it completes the Gospel.  What sets the Mormon Gospel apart from any other Gospel is this book which Joseph Smith said was revealed to him by an angel.   

Joseph Smith said that an angel named Moroni appeared to him when he was seventeen years of age in 1823 AD and showed him the hill where the metal plates that contained the Book of Mormon had been buried in 421 AD.  He said that Moroni then revealed the exact location on the hill where the plates had been buried to him in 1827 AD.   He said that he spent three years, starting in 1827 AD, translating the writing on the metal plates into English until the Book of Mormon was completely translated and then published in 1830 AD.  He said that this third testimony had been hidden from the time when it was buried in present day New York State in 421 AD by Moroni (who was still a man at the time) until Moroni (who was then an angel) revealed the exact location to him in 1827 AD.  He said that the contents of the Book of Mormon was finally revealed to the world after Moroni gave him the tools to translate it into English and the translation work was finished in 1830 AD.

The Book of Mormon that Joseph Smith published tells of events dating from about 2200 BC to 421 AD.  The majority of the Book of Mormon is focused on events from about 31 AD, when it reports that the Man of Truth came to America after his resurrection, to 421 AD, when it reports that the final of the great civilizations that had existed in ancient America came to an end due to all of the inhabitants falling into idolatry.  Joseph Smith said that this third testimony that told of these events had been hidden from the world until it was revealed to the Saints (followers of the Man of Truth) who were living in the Latter Days.  So the Gospel according to the Mormons is the events revealed in the Book of Truth plus the events that are revealed in the Book of Mormon.

In short, Mormons says that there are three testimonies of the dealings of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) with the human race that make up the Gospel.  The Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) was the first testimony of those dealings.  The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) was the second testimony of those dealings.  Joseph Smith said that the Book of Mormon was "another testimony of Jesus Christ" that served as a third witness that completes the Gospel.  So according to the Mormons, the Gospel was incomplete until 1830 AD when Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon into English.

Could the Mormons be right?  Could the Book of Truth that most of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) have been using since John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka the Apostle John) penned the last lines of the Book of Revelation in 95 AD contain an incomplete Gospel that the Book of Mormon completes?

Like everything else, the way to get to the truth about these questions is to see what the Book of Truth says about the subject.  After all, if the Book of Mormon builds on the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant then it must agree with them and there must be provision in them for the testimony of another source.

Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) said that the Gospel revealed in the Renewed Covenant was what the Father of Truth had promised in the Original Covenant through the Prophets of Truth concerning the Man of Truth who was descended from King David (Romans 1:1-3).  He said that the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) confirmed this by raising the Man of Truth from the dead and giving the Apostles of Truth the grace to preach the message found in the Book of Truth to the Gentiles (Romans 1:4-6).  The Gospel that Paul the Jew preached, consisting only of what had been foretold in the Original Covenant and fulfilled in the Renewed Covenant, was the Gospel that the Father of Truth commanded to be preached to all people (Romans 16:25-27).

The Renewed Covenant was promised in the Original Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31).  The Renewed Covenant is the fulfillment of that promise given in the Original Covenant (Hebrews 8:6-8).  These two testimonies reference each other and neither make mention of nor leave room for another testimony (Hebrews 8:13).

Not only that but the Book of Truth says that the Man of Truth was with the Apostles of Truth in Israel all forty days between his resurrection and when he returned to Heaven (Acts 1:1-3). When the Man of Truth left the Earth from the Mount of Olives, just outside of Jerusalem, the Angel of Truth told his disciples that when he comes back to Earth from Heaven it will be at the same place (Acts 1:10-12).  The Book of Truth leaves no room for the Man of Truth have came to America between his resurrection and his return to Heaven.

The Book of Truth even goes further than that when it comes to the Man of Truth coming to America.

The Prophet of Truth said that the Man of Truth would come to save Israel when they cried out to the Messiah with these words, "Baruch haba v'shem Adonai!" ("Blessed be he that comes in the name of the Lord!") (Psalm 118:24-26). [Yah'shua (Jesus) literally means "Salvation from the Lord".]  The Man of Truth said that the people of Jerusalem would not see him again until they cried out for him to come with these same words which to show that they had finally accept him as the Messiah of Israel who would save them (Luke 13:34-35). Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) said that the Man of Truth would not return to this Earth from Heaven until the time came for the restitution of Israel after it repents as spoken by the Prophets of Truth (Acts 3:19-21).  Paul the Jew said that all of Israel will be saved when it ceases to be blind the fact that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel (Romans 11:25-27).  Paul the Jew said people have to wait until the time of the wrath of the Father of Truth to be poured out in the great tribulation for the Man of Truth to appear on this Earth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10).  Paul the Jew also said that the Man of Truth would remain in Heaven until His Father subdued his enemies in the great tribulation (Hebrews 10:12-13).  John the Jew said when the Man of Truth finally returns to the Earth from Heaven then all of the Gentile nations will wail in terrible travail (Revelation 1:7).  The Man of Truth will not set foot on this Earth until he comes from Heaven when the Jews cry out for him to save them from all of the Gentile nations that have came to wipe them off the face of the Earth so he can begin ruling over the whole Earth from Jerusalem (Revelation 19:13-15).  The Book of Truth does not even leave room for the Man of Truth to have came to America after he ascended into Heaven.

So in short the Book of Truth says that the Original Covenant and Renewed Covenant are the only testimonies of the Man of Truth.  The Book of Mormon is another testimony of the Man of Truth that is not found in the Book of Truth.  When Joseph Smith said that the Book of Mormon was another testimony of the Man of Truth that had not been preached until 1830 AD he was saying that he was preaching another Gospel that had not been preached before 1830 AD.  So when the Mormons advertise that the Book of Mormon is "another testimony of Jesus Christ" they are also advertising that they are preaching another Gospel that the Apostles of Truth could not have preached.

This Gospel based on the Book of Mormon is therefore another Gospel which the Book of Truth warned against accepting as truth (2 Corinthians 11:4).   Even if an angel gave the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith that does mean it came from the Father of Truth for even the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) can appear as an Angel of Light to deceive people into preaching another Gospel (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).  Paul the Jew said that if even he himself or an angel revealed another Gospel other than the one that was already revealed in the Book of Truth then that man or angel was under the curse that comes from rebelling against the Father of Truth (Galatians 1:8).   The Book of Mormon tells of another "Jesus" who went to America who is not the Man of Truth who only went to Israel.  Joseph Smith got the Book of Mormon from another spirit that is not the Spirit of Truth.

The only Gospel that can save anyone is the one that is recorded in the Book of Truth about what the Man of Truth did in Israel and no where else (Matthew 15:24).  You must surrender control of your entire life to the Man of Truth because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead if you want to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-11).   There are no testimonies of the Man of Truth other than those of the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant whereby you can come into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22).  These testimonies of the Man of Truth are more certain than someone even hearing the audible voice of the Father of Truth because it was given by the Spirit of Truth so that you could come into the House of Truth by believing these two testimonies without another testimony (2 Peter 1:18-21).

Come into the House of Truth!

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