Monday, March 28, 2016

How To Fully Carry Out The Great Commission

How can people fully carry out the Great Commission?

The best way to answer this is to answer some related questions.

What does it mean to fully carry out the Great Commission?

The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) fully carry out the Great Commission, when they accomplish all eight directives of the Great Commission.  They fully carry out the Great Commission, when they go in the name of the Man of Truth to people of every ethnic group.  They fully carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people to obey all of the commandments of the Man of Truth, which brings people into obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), instead of the teachings of the Rabbis.  They fully carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people, after they have repented of sin, in living water.  They fully carry out the Great Commission, when they continue to do so, despite every hardship and distraction, as long as they are on this Earth.  They fully carry out the Great Commission, when they preach to all people, the entire Good News, that revolves around the kingdom, that the Man of Truth will set up on this Earth, when he returns.  They fully carry out the Great Commission, when they confirm the Good News with supernatural signs.  They fully carry out the Great Commission, when they are baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), and speak in tongues.

Has anyone ever, personally, fully carried out the Great Commission?

In reality, there have been very few people throughout history, who have personally, fully carried out the Great Commission, by accomplishing all of these eight directives.  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simon aka The Apostle Peter), John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John), are all recorded in the Book of Truth (The Bible) as doing so.  History records that most of the remaining original Apostles of Truth, plus Matthias the Jew, who replaced Judas the Traitor, were also among those, who personally, fully carried out the Great Commission.  Saint Patrick also personally, fully carried out the Great Commission, hundreds of years later, as well as a few others, scattered across the last two thousand years of history.

So it is certainly possible, for someone to personally, fully carry out all eight directives of the Great Commission, but it is rarely done.  So fully carrying out the Great Commission, needs to be examined on a much larger scale, than just the individual Child of Truth.

Can a group of the Children of Truth fully carrying out the Great Commission?

The fact is, that not everyone can personally go to people in far away places, to preach the Good News, and teach others, to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth.

However, everyone can be involved in fully carrying out the Great Commission, by partnering with those who go, because those who do their part by going, can only do so, with the help of others, who do their part by sending (Romans 10:14-15).  Every Child of Truth has some part to play in carrying out the Great Commission, that is assigned to them by the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:28-30).

So, everyone who does, whatever they can to do, to help others carry out the Great Commission, will be counted as doing the work themselves (Matthew 10:40-42).   Those who do their part in giving financially to help others go, will be accounted as going themselves by the Father of Truth (Philippians 4:14-17).

Even those who go, usually are only responsible for carrying out some of the directives of the Great Commission, and work with others, who are responsible for carrying out other directives of the Great Commission, in order to fully carry out the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 3:5-9).  So an entire group can corporately, fully carry out the Great Commission, by working together.

Are the Children of Truth fully carrying out the Great Commission today?

Even still, there are very few congregations, or organizations, that have corporately, fully carried out the Great Commission.  The truth is, that I have never found a congregation, or an organization, that is corporately, fully carrying out the Great Commission, in my lifetime.  However, I have found plenty of groups, that are carrying out part of the directives of the Great Commission.

Some organizations go to people of all ethnic groups, in the name of the Man of Truth, but they only teach people to obey, part of what the Man of Truth commanded, and only tell people, part of the Good News about the Man of Truth.  Some organizations teach people to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, when it comes to the Law of Truth, but they are not going out to anyone, and they have no supernatural signs confirming the Good News.  Most organizations baptize people in water, but many do not require repentance from sin, and many even reject the baptism of the Spirit of Truth, that the Man of Truth gives.  Some organizations continue to spread part of the Good News, through all kinds of hardship, but they are against people speaking in tongues.  Many organizations tell people the part of the Good News, about what the Man of Truth did on this Earth to cleanse them of their sin, but never tell people the rest of the Good News, about the Man of Truth returning to rule this Earth.  Some organizations have supernatural signs confirming the message of the Good News, but they only go, where they feel that it is safe, and convenient to go, and then back off, when there is controversy, or persecution.  Some organizations are baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and speak in tongues, but they disregard everything, that the Man of Truth said, about the Law of Truth.

Nonetheless, the Children of Truth are collectively, fully carrying out the Great Commission today - in a piece meal fashion.  The corporate efforts of various groups, to partially carry out the Great Commission, overlap each other, so that what is missing in the efforts of one group, is covered by another group.  Collectively, their efforts are like overlapping shingles, working together to cover the entire roof.

How can the Children of Truth fully carry out the Great Commission?

Individual Children of Truth often move from congregation to congregation, and from organization to organization across their lifetime, so that what is missing from fulfilling one part of the Great Commission in one place, can be experienced in another place.  They have an internal longing, to be involved in a group, that is fully carrying out the Great Commission, even if they cannot find an organization, that is doing it.

Yet, it is still possible for people, to form a group, that fully carries out the Great Commission, because that is what the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) did, after the Man of Truth left this Earth.  They just need to do the same things that those Children of Truth did.

The Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant had to start, where they are already at.   They were already carrying out some parts of the Great Commission to some degree, before they learned all of the directives of the Great Commission.  Once they learned all of the directives of the Great Commission, then they started taking action to carry out the directives of the Great Commission, that they had not been carrying out before.  Then over time, they eventually got to the point, where they were fully carrying out the Great Commission.

The Children of Truth in this current time, also have to start, where they are already at.  They might have already been carrying out some parts of the Great Commission to some degree, before they learned all of the directives of the Great Commission.  Once they learn of all of the directives of the Great Commission, then they need to start taking action to carry out the directives of the Great Commission, that they had not been carrying out before.  Then over time, they will eventually get to the point, where they are fully carrying out the Great Commission.

How do the Children of Truth start carrying out the Great Commission more fully?

The best place to start, is the place, that the Man of Truth told the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant, to start. He told them to start small, by carrying out the directives of the Great Commission, that they already knew to do, among those of their own ethnic group (Matthew 10:5-8).  He told them, if they were only carrying out some of the directives of the Great Commission, because they had slacked off in fully carrying out the Great Commission, then start putting more effort into carrying out those directives, that they were still carrying out (Revelation 3:1-3).

So, for example, if a group knows, that they are supposed to go to people in the name of the Man of Truth, to preach the Good News to those, who have not heard, then they need to start doing that in their own community.  In like manner, if another group had been teaching people to obey everything, that the Man of Truth commanded, but then started teaching people, to observe what the Rabbis teach as well, then they need to return to teaching people to obey everything, that the Man of Truth commanded, including the commandments to avoid, what the Rabbis teach.

How do the Children of Truth move towards more fully carrying out the Great Commission?

Exactly, which directives a group of the Children of Truth needs to start doing, to move towards fully carrying out the Great Commission, depends upon which directives that they are currently doing, and how fully they are doing those directives.  They may be doing some directives fully, doing other directives partially, and not doing other directives at all.  For example, they might be going to people in foreign lands, to preach the part of  the Good News, about what the Man of Truth did, to save people from their sins, and do not even know, that the baptism of the Spirit of Truth even exists.  In this example, they are fully carrying out the directive to go, they are partially carrying out the directive to preach the Good News, because they are not preaching all of the Good News, and they are not carrying out the directive about being baptized in the Spirit of Truth at all.

In order to assess, which directives a group of the Children of Truth is doing well, which ones the group is doing partially, and which ones the group is not doing at all, they begin by rightly dividing the Word of Truth.  After all, they cannot take action based on confidence in what the Book of Truth says, until they know what the Book of Truth says (Romans 10:17).

The Children of Truth have to be confident enough in that what is written in the Book of Truth, to take action, because they believe it in their heart.  It is not enough to just know, what the Book of Truth says with their mind, but those words have to penetrate into their heart.  Their actions must be based on the second of the two kinds of knowledge, that people can have.  It would actually be sinful for them, to try to carry out the directives of the Great Commission, when they are doing so, for any other reason, than their confidence in what is written in the Book of Truth (Romans 14:23).

If the Children of Truth try to carry out the directives, for any other reason, than obedience to the Man of Truth, then they are likely ended up wounded, and looking foolish, without any real results (Acts 19:13-16).  It is vitally important, that their motivation for striving to carry out all of the directives of the Great Commission, is because they are living to please the King.

Once a group of the Children of Truth has strengthened their efforts, to carry out the directives of the Great Commission, that they were already certain about, and then learned enough of the Doctrine of Truth, to be convinced in their heart, that they need to start carrying out the other directives of the Great Commission, then they are ready to take the next step, to fully carrying out the Great Commission.  What exactly, that next step entails, depends upon which directives, that they need to learn how to carry out.

How do the Children of Truth learn how to carry out the directives of the Great Commission?

One thing that a group of the Children of Truth can do, is find another group that is excelling in carrying out a directive, that the group is not carrying out fully, and learn how to carry out directive from the other group.  For example, if a group is excelling at teaching people how to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, but they do not have supernatural signs confirming the message of the Good News, then they could find a group, that is excelling in demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth, and learn how to do that from them.

There is no need, for one group to be concerned about being lead down the wrong path, by another group, as long as they compare everything that the other group teaches, to what is written in the Word of Truth, and believe only what they can find, written in the Book of Truth (Acts 17:10-12).

This will be a lot easier, if they learn how to hear the voice of the Spirit of Truth.  It is so much easier, to clearly hear the voice of the Spirit of Truth, once the Children of Truth have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth.  It is so important to burn with the fire of the Spirit of Truth, that the Father of Truth has provided five ways to start a fire, so that no group of the Children of Truth, has to go without producing the sound of power.  The Spirit of Truth will even sometimes help them, to tell people of other ethnic groups, who speak a language that they do not know, about the Man of Truth, by putting words in their mouth.

The Spirit of Truth was given to lead them into all truth (John 16:13).  The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is so vital, that the Man of Truth told the Children of Truth, "Don't leave home without it!" (Acts 1:4-5).  The Spirit of Truth will even sometimes aid the Children of Truth, by speaking a message through them, in the language that they do not know (Acts 2:4-11). 

Then the Spirit of Truth will help the Children of Truth to learn more easily how to carry out the rest of the directives of the Great Commission.

The Spirit of Truth will lead them into the truth, about what the Renewed Covenant says, about the Law of Truth.  Once they come to know, that the Book of Truth is composed of the inseparable covenants, each of which contains the unchanging law, then they will be able to learn, how to teach people, how to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, without any Rabbinic Distort.

The Spirit of Truth will make it plain, that the Torah is relevant today.  The Spirit of Truth will teach them how to stress the weightier matters of the Law, without neglecting the lessor matters of the Law.  The Spirit of Truth will guide them, in teaching others to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, without putting the cart before the horse.

Once the Children of Truth learn the importance, of correctly answering, "Does it matter what I eat?", then they will increase their strength of days, by taking part in the best healthcare plan ever, so that they have more energy, for carrying out the Great Commission.  They will find the time, to do their part in carrying out the Great Commission, once they learn who changed the Sabbath, and how to never be bored on the Sabbath.  They will better understand, how everything works together, to bring about the kingdom of the Man of Truth, once they start participating in the Feasts of Truth, that form the Greatest Play Ever.

The Children of Truth will be able to teach others, how to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, once they understand, that he did not come to do away with the Law of Truth, but to bring everything in it to fulfillment (Matthew 5:17-19).  They will teach others to obey the commandments of the Law of Truth, out a heart that loves the Father of Truth, and other people (Romans 13:8-10).  The Spirit of Truth will give them a heart full of love, so that they do what the Law of Truth commands, from their heart, instead of doing it, out of obligation (Galatians 5:14-18).

The Children of Truth will be able to preach all of the Good News, once they come to understand, that the Man of Truth is first and foremost, the Messiah of Israel, even though it has always been about the Gentiles.  They will come to understand the secret plan of the Father of Truth, to save the human race, and why He is the greatest Zionist.  They will understand, that there is no Good News about the kingdom of the Man of Truth, without the return of the King.  They will understand, that the Good News of the kingdom of the Man of Truth, is what the Prophets wrote about, that will bring about the end of all trouble.

The Good News is, that the Man of Truth has come, to bring about the kingdom (Matthew 4:23)!  The Good News is, that the kingdom is meant, to include people of every ethnic group (Matthew 24:14)!  The Good News is, that the kingdom promised by the Father of Truth, is coming, for everyone who repents (Mark 1:14-15)!  The Good News is, that both Jews and Gentiles, can be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 15:7-9)!  The Father of Truth will save everyone, who believes the Good News about the Man of Truth (Romans 1:16)!  The Good News about the Man of Truth, is that he died for the sins of all people, and then rose again on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)!  The Man of Truth is returning to this Earth, to destroy everyone, who does not obey the warning of the Good News, to repent (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9)!  Those who persevere through every hardship, to preach the Good News, about the Man of Truth rising from the dead, will reign with him, in his kingdom (2 Timothy 2:8-12)!

The Spirit of Truth enables the Children of Truth, to have heroic resolve, in carrying out the Great Commission.

The Children of Truth will be strengthened, by the Spirit of Truth causing the Man of Truth, to live in them (Ephesians 3:16-19).  Then, they will have the strength to persist, in carrying out the Great Commission, through good times, and bad times (Philippians 4:11-13).  They will be strengthened, by the witness of the Spirit of Truth, that they will inherit a place in the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Colossians 1:9-13).  The Man of Truth living in them, will give them the strength, to persevere through every hardship, to preach the Good News of his kingdom (2 Timothy 4:17-18).

The Spirit of Truth will help the Children of Truth in removing the roadblocks, that prevent them from operating in power, when they preach the Good News.

The Spirit of Truth will help the Children of Truth, to know the right answer to the question, "Whose report will you believe?".  The Spirit of Truth will help them, learn the right answer to the question, "Where does sickness come from?".  The Spirit of Truth will help them discern, when people need to repent, because they are suffering from, the chastening of the Lord.  The Spirit of Truth will operate through them, so that people will know, that there is a doctor in the house, called the Man of Truth!

The Spirit of Truth will give the Children of Truth the power, to overcome the power of the dark side.  The Spirit of Truth will give them the power, to free people from a home invasion, by the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods).   The Spirit of Truth will give them the power, to free people from the monster within, that imprisons them from the inside.  The Spirit of Truth will give them power, to cast the Spirits of Lies out of people, so that others can believe the message of the Good News.

The Children of Truth have been given power over sickness, and the Spirits of Lies by the Man of Truth (Matthew 10:1).  The Spirit of Truth is the source of the power, to confirm the message of the Good News, for them as well as the Man of Truth, when he was on this Earth (Luke 4:14).  The Spirit of Truth is the source of power, to confirm the message of the Good News, everywhere that the Good News is preached (Romans 15:18-19).  The Spirit of Truth operates this power through them, so that people will be confidant, that the message of the Good News is really from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:4-5).  It is really just a matter of learning how to cooperate with the Spirit of Truth, so the Spirit of Truth can demonstrate the power through them (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

The Spirit of Truth will give the Children of Truth the wisdom, to know where to go, to preach the Good News, with demonstrations of power to confirm the message.  The Spirit of Truth will sometimes lead them where to go with dreams and visions.

The Spirit of Truth will direct the Children of Truth, who in their group should go, and where they need to go (Acts 13:1-4).  The Spirit of Truth will also direct those who are sent, where not to go to (Acts 16:5-6).  The Spirit of Truth will sometimes direct those who are sent, to places they had not considered, in dreams (Acts 16:9-10).

The Spirit of Truth will lead the Children of Truth, to only baptize people in water, after they have repented of sin, because they believed the Good News.  The Spirit of Truth will steer them around every argument against the necessity of repentance, by those who have taken out of context, what the Book of Truth says about, rebuking those who sin.  The Spirit of Truth will keep them, from the Doctrine of Lies that teaches, that water baptism will save people, without repentance.  The Spirit of Truth will give them the urgency, of someone saving people from a burning house, in bringing people to repentance.  The Spirit of Truth will remind them that the goal, is to keep people out of the Chamber of Horrors, and not just to get them wet.  The Spirit of Truth will show them, that water baptism is for marking those, who have received the better circumcision.

The Children of Truth are to only baptize in water, those who have repented of their sins (Matthew 3:6-8).  They are to mark those, who have had their sins forgiven, because they have repented, by baptizing them in water (Mark 1:4-5).  Those who they baptize in water, must have a change in their actions, to prove that they have really repented (Luke 3:7-9).  Those who they baptize in water, have died with the Man of Truth, and have rose again with him, as people who are dead to sin (Romans 6:2-7).  The Children of Truth are not to baptize, those who repent, in any name other than, what is given in the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 1:13-15).  The Children of Truth are to never forget, that baptizing people in water, only matters, after people have believed the Good News, that leads to repentance (1 Corinthians 1:16-18).  The Children of Truth are to baptize, those who repent, to mark, that their heart has been circumcised (Colossians 2:11-13).

The Spirit of Truth will prompt the Children of Truth, to do everything in the name of the Man of Truth, instead of doing things in the name of their group.  The Spirit of Truth will remind them, that he is the one, who fulfilled the death of the lamb, at the better Passover, not their group.   The Spirit of Truth will help them to place the focus on the one, who the Gospels were wrote about.

The Children of Truth are to confirm the Good News, about what that Man of Truth did in this Earth, with supernatural signs done in the name of the Man of Truth (Acts 3:13-16).  They are to preach the Good News about the Man of Truth, in the name of the Man of Truth, so people can call upon that name, and be saved (Acts 4:10-12).  They are to teach people of all ethnic groups, in the name of the Man of Truth, to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, because everything will be brought into obedience to that name (Philippians 2:9-11).

So a group of the Children of Truth can eventually get to the point, that they are fully carrying out the Great Commission.  Most of the time, each group is already carrying out some of these directives, at least part of the way.  So they probably do not need to learn how carry out all eight directives in the order just given.  For example, if they are already been baptized in the Spirit of Truth and speaking in tongues, then they do not need to work on carrying that one out more fully.  Also, a group does not have to develop carrying out all eight directives in the order given, although it will be a lot easier, if they start with being baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and speaking in tongues, first.  As already explained, that makes learning how to fully carry out the other directives, much easier.

While the Children of Truth in one group, are learning how to better carry out the directives of the Great Commission, that they are not fully carrying out, they can also work with another group that is fully carrying out those directives. 

For example, suppose there are two groups with different directives they excel at.  One group excels at going to other ethnic groups, and preaching the Good News, but needs to improve their ability, to teach people, how to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth.  The other group excels at teaching people, how to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, but really is not able, to go to people of different ethnic groups, and preach the Good News.  The first group could go, and create new congregations among these other ethnic groups, and the second group could follow behind, and teach these new congregations, how to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth.  In the process, both groups would learn from each other, how to strengthen the directives, that they need to more fully carry out.

What is the first step in fully carrying out the Great Commission?

Obviously, the very first step for anyone to fully carrying out the Great Commission, is to come into the House of Truth.

People must come to a place of repentance, so they can come into the House of Truth (Matthew 9:13).  No one can be part of the kingdom, that the Father of Truth will give to the Man of Truth, unless they first repent, because they believed the Good News of his kingdom (Mark 1:14-15).  No one can be cleansed of their sins, and come into the House of Truth, where they will look forward to the return of the Man of Truth, to set up his kingdom on this Earth, without first repenting of their sins (Acts 3:19-21).  No can baptize others in water, in the name of the Man of Truth, and be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, until they come into the House of Truth (Acts 19:4-6).  No one can teach others to obey the commandments of the Man of Truth, until they come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:21-23).  No one can preach the Good News of his kingdom, unless they first come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth their king, because they believe the Good News, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Saint Patrick

What did Saint Patrick really do?

Every year in Ireland, and in every place where large numbers of people of Irish descent have immigrated to, like the USA, there are celebrations of Saint Patrick's Day.  This holiday falls on March seventeenth every year, to mark the anniversary of the death of the man, who was named, "Saint Patrick".

The stories about Saint Patrick are wild, and widely varied.  The fact is, that most of them did not even surface, until Probus and Joscelyn began to write them in 1130 AD, more 500 years after Saint Patrick died.  They did this, when the False Church of Rome sent them on a mission, to bring the Christians of Ireland, particularly northern Ireland, into submission to the False Church of Rome.

The fact is, that there are only two surviving writings of Saint Patrick, which might have even been embellished over the centuries, to use as possible eye witness accounts, of what Saint Patrick did during his lifetime.  Everything else has to be surmised, based on the known practices of the congregations, that he started, as observed by others, years after he died.  These external sources, that tell about the practices of the congregations, that he started, are certainly the most reliable source of information, about what he taught, since they are from various people, at various places, written at various times, but all tell of a similar, but factual, story.

None of these sources agree with the history of Saint Patrick, fabricated by Probus and Jocelyn.  These sources have large gaps, if Saint Patrick really lived to the age 106, as Probus and Jocelyn record.  They filled in these gaps, with whatever story helped them, in their goal of making Saint Patrick, to be seen as part of the False Church of Rome.  The fact is, that no one knows the year when Saint Patrick was born - only the year that he died.  Also, no one to this day knows, where he was buried, contradicting their claims, to have recovered his bones.

Saint Patrick could not have went to France, to have been educated by Saint Germain in Tours, as Probus and Jocelyn claimed, since according to the history kept by the False Church of Rome, the Franks (the Germanic tribe that France is named after), had not yet came under the sway of the False Church of Rome, at that time.  There is no mention of Saint Patrick in any of the writings of the False Church of Rome, until more than 150 years after his death - and these first statements are largely negative in nature.  In fact, the Venerable Bede, who lived less than two hundred years after Saint Patrick, does not even mention Saint Patrick, in his list of notable officials of the False Church of Rome, who had been working among the Celtic people of the British Isles, and Brittany, before his time.  Archbishop Usher, part of the False Church of Rome, wrote in his book, "The Religion of The Early Irish", in 1150 AD, that no one from the False Church of Rome had successfully brought the religion of the False Church of Rome to Ireland, until Saint Malachy, who died in 1148 AD.  Saint Patrick was not even recognized as a "Saint" by the False Church of Rome, until after 1200 AD.  Even the shamrock (three leaf clover) did not appear in literature, or else where, as being associated with Saint Patrick until 1675 AD.

Even his own writings, although they have been tampered with, to exaggerate and distort some of the miracles, contradict almost everything, that the False Church of Rome claims about him.  His own writings say, that he was the son of a deacon, while the False Church of Rome says, that deacons were celibate.  They show, that he never received help from the False Church of Rome, refused to recognize their authority, and taught doctrine that was contrary to the False Church of Rome.  He also describes himself in his writings, as lacking in scholarly education.  Saint Patrick also says, that he went back to Ireland ten years after his escape - not the twenty-one years, that were reported by Probus and Jocelyn.  He gives a very different report of what he did, during the time period, when he supposedly went to France, to be educated in the ways of the False Church of Rome.

So in short, much of what has been reported about Saint Patrick, by the False Church of Rome, is based on lies, lies, and more lies.  Saint Patrick has been declared, to have been part of the False Church of Rome, years after his death, when he was not around, to set the record straight.  This is just like, what the False Church of Rome has done with Miriam the Jew (mother of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ)), and Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter).

So if Saint Patrick was not the bringer of the religion of the False Church of Rome to Ireland, as he has been slandered of doing, then what did he do?

What he did not do, was create some mixture of practices found in the Book of Truth, and the practices of the Druids, that some people have mislabeled as "Celtic Christianity".  This is evident, from what is recorded in his own writings, and those of his early critics.

Saint Patrick writes, of being persecuted mercilessly by the Druids, for turning people completely away from their religion.  He records being imprisoned, and facing death on several occasions, by various Irish kings, who followed the Druids, because he would not compromise, by teaching anything, other than what he found the Book of Truth.  He was famous in his day, for bringing down the four houses of the Druids, who held sway over the kings of Ireland.  His famous miracle, of "driving the snakes out of Ireland", was originally a metaphor, for "driving the Druids out of Ireland".  (The snakes were almost certainly symbolic of the Druids, since there is no evidence, that Ireland ever had any of these legless reptiles, living in it to begin with. The Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), the Great Serpent, was the real source of their religion and power.)  So it is certain, that Saint Patrick did not create some religion, that was a mix of the religion of the Druids, with the religion of the Book of Truth.

So if Saint Patrick was not the bringer of the religion of the Druids, mixed with the religion of the Book of Truth, as he has been slandered of doing, then what did he do?

The best evidence of what he did do, comes from examining, what is recorded in his own writings, and what is recorded about the congregations, that he started, by their critics, within two hundred years of his death.

According to his own writings, Saint Patrick did the following.  He went to a people that were not of his own ethnic group, because he was a Romano-British man (quite likely with Italian, and other non-Celtic ancestry, in the mix), while those he went to save, were pure Celts, who had never been under the influence of the Romans, and spoke a different language.  He then preached the Good News about the kingdom of the Man of Truth.  He did this with demonstrations of power, that were necessary to turn the people of Ireland away from following the Druids, due to their own demonstrations of power.  The only name that he carried out his mission under, was that of the Man of Truth.  He endured every hardship, and never ceased his work of starting congregations, who followed the Man of Truth, until the day he died.  He spoken in tongues, and was apparently baptized in the Spirit of Truth.

The writings of the critics of the congregations he started, give a detailed picture of what he taught. 

A delegation was sent by Pope Gregory in 597 AD, to bring the Celts, who followed the religion that Saint Patrick had taught, under submission to the False Church of Rome.  The leader of the delegation, Augustine, reported, after meeting with the Celtic Children of Truth, that this would be very difficult due to the large number of differences between the two groups.  
In particular, he noted, that the Celtic Children of Truth met on the actual Sabbath (Saturday), that their religious leaders were married with children, they baptized people by total submergence in streams of living water, they used a different Latin translation of the Book of Truth (The Bible) than the False Church of Rome, and they had their own congregations, all of whom, completely rejected the authority of the False Church of Rome.

Other critics noted, that these congregations also only ate what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) called clean, observed the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth) prescribed in the Law of Truth, used Passover (Pesach) to commemorate the death of the Man of Truth, prayed from the heart instead of prayer books, taught that the Man of Truth was the only mediator between the Father of Truth and people, and looked for the resurrection, when they would rise from the grave, to rule over the Earth with the Man of Truth.

Even the practice of observing the anniversary of the death of Saint of Patrick each year, by the congregations that he started, was a Jewish custom, that today is called a "yahzriet".  The custom among those of Celtic descent to this day, is honor the memory of people on their birthday, like America used to do for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

It is also worth noting, that there is no record, in either his own writings, or the writings of the critics of the congregations, that he started, of any of the Celts being compelled to be circumcised.  He was only interested in these Celts receiving the better circumcision, that is given by the Father of Truth.

So what Saint Patrick taught, was Celtic Christianity in its original form.  He did not teach the Celts, to use the Satan Clause, to continue the practices of the Druids.  He taught the Celts, to smash and burn everything, connected to the religion of the Druids.  He taught the Celts to say, "Happy Firstfruits!" to each other, instead of "Happy Easter".  He was not among those, who changed the Sabbath.  He taught the Celts, that it does matter what they eat.  He taught them, to avoid making the kind of mistake, that lead to the death of the Celtic Tiger.

Saint Patrick produced the sound of power as well.  He is one of the few people in history, who fully carried out the Great Commission, personally.

In many ways, Saint Patrick was to the Apostle to the Celts of Ireland, similar to how Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), was the Apostle to the Greeks.  Their lives have many parallels.

They both lived for years among the Celts, before they were sent on their missions (Acts 21:39).  [Tarsus is the capital of Cilicia, the ancient homeland of the Celts. (The Greek word translated as "Cilicia" is pronounced "Kel-ik-ee-ah".) ]  They both started many congregations, among the people that they were sent to (Romans 15:18-20).  They both removed as many cultural barriers as possible, so that they might bring those of another ethnic group, into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 9:20-22).  They both were responsible, for the many congregations they started (2 Corinthians 11:28).

They both remained unmarried (1 Corinthians 7:7-9).  They both remained unmarried, so they could focus all of their energy, on carrying out the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 7:32-35).  They both taught, that even Apostles, like themselves, could be married (1 Corinthians 9:2-5).  They both taught, that overseers, and workers in congregations, could be married with children (1 Timothy 3:1-13).

They both preached, that the Man of Truth was crucified, so people could come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:21-24).  They both preached, that the Man of Truth was buried, and raised from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).  They both preached, that the Man of Truth was returning to this Earth, to set up his kingdom (1 Corinthians 15:23-25).  They both taught, that the Children of Truth will be resurrected, to reign with the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 2:10-14)!

They were both baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and spoke in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:18).  They both preached the Good News, with demonstrations of power (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).  They both had their message confirmed, with supernatural signs (2 Corinthians 12:12).

They both preached, that repentance was necessary, for people to come into the House of Truth (Acts 20:18-21).  They both baptized people in living water, after they came into the House of Truth (Acts 16:13-15).  They both declared the entire counsel of the Father of Truth, that revolves around the kingdom of the Man of Truth, when they preached the Good News (Acts 20:24-27).

They both met with the Gentiles, on the actual Sabbath, to teach them about the Man of Truth (Acts 13:42-48).  They both observed the Feasts of Truth, with the Gentiles, that they brought into the House of Truth (Acts 20:6).  They both did not compel Gentiles, to be circumcised, when they came into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:2-5).

They both taught people, to not eat at feasts dedicated to the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), while also eating at feasts dedicated to the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:19-21).  They both taught people, to turn away from the worship of the Spirit of Lies, and to turn to the worship of the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9).

They both taught people, to pray from the heart (Philippians 4:6).  They both taught, that the Man of Truth was the only mediator, between the Father of Truth and people (1 Timothy 2:5).

They both suffered terrible persecution (2 Corinthians 11:23-27).  They both suffered persecution, for refusing to mix the practices of other religions, with what the Book of Truth taught (Galatians 5:11).  They both continued to carry out the Great Commission, until the day they died, and encouraged others to do so as well (2 Timothy 4:5-7).

So the most influential man in the history of Ireland, was more like, the most influential man in the history of the Gentiles, than anyone in the history of the False Church of Rome.  It was more than the luck of the Irish, that Saint Patrick was called by the Man of Truth, to go to Ireland, and preach the Good News.  He could hear the voice of the Spirit of Truth, because unlike the leaders of the False Church of Rome, he really was a saint.

"Saint" is not some title, that the False Church of Rome can bestow upon people, who meet some criteria, that they choose.  In the Book of Truth, the Father of Truth calls anyone, who turns from sin, a "saint" (Psalm 85:2-8).  The word "saint" means "holy one", and is used to describes all of the Children of Truth, in the Book of Truth (Ephesians 2:16-19). [The Greek word "Agion", translated as "saints", is plural of the Greek word, where the English word "saint" comes from.]  So it is appropriate, to call any of the Children of Truth, by the title of "Saint".  Since "Patricia" was his name according to his own writings, ("Patrick" in Gaelic), then he can be called "Saint Patrick", without there being any necessity, for any connection between him and the False Church of Rome.

So then, you will become a saint as well, when you come into the House of Truth (Romans 1:3-7).  You will come into the House of Truth, when you make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe with your whole heart, the Good News about the Father of Truth, raising him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10).  After you come into the House of Truth, then stay there, and like Saint Patrick, you will be worthy of the title "Saint", appearing before your name (Ephesians 5:1-3).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Friday, March 11, 2016

The Great Commission

What does it mean to fully carry out the Great Commission?

The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) talk about fulfilling the Great Commission, yet they do not seem to agree, on exactly what the Great Commission is.  Some say, that the Great Commission is telling the whole world about the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), while others talk about the Great Commission is about teaching people how to follow the Man of Truth.  Then there are others who say, that Great Commission is healing the sick and casting out the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) to set people free from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil).  Yet others have different ideas about the Great Commission, like taking care of the poor.

Fortunately, there is no need for all of this confusion over the Great Commission, because it is all plainly written out in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  The confusion ends, when we look in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to find the answers to the questions concerning the Great Commission.

Who gave the Great Commission?

The Great Commission was given by the Man of Truth after he rose from the dead (Mark 16:9-15).

When was the Great Commission given?

The Great Commission was not all given at one time, but parts of it were given at different times and places, between the time that the Man of Truth first revealed himself, after rising from the dea to the remaining eleven Original Apostles of Truth, and when he returned to Heaven.  Part of it was given in Galilee, after these eleven men met the Man of Truth there, as he had commanded them (Matthew 28:16-18).  Part of it was given, right before he returned to Heaven (Mark 16:18-19).  Part of it was given, right after he ate with these eleven men, and other Children of Truth, in Jerusalem (Luke 24:33-44).  Part of it was given when he appeared to these eleven men, right after they had been fishing on the Sea of Galilee (Sea of Tiberias) (John 21:1-14).  Another part of it was given, right before he returned to Heaven (Acts 1:8-9).

What is the Great Commission?

The Great Commission is the final set of instructions, that the Man of Truth gave, before he left the Earth to return to Heaven.   It is the marching orders, that define what the Children of Truth are to do, until he returns to the Earth.  These marching orders are given in parts. One part is given at the end of each of the Gospels and one part is given at the beginning of the Acts.  In these passages, the Man of Truth is commissioning the Children of Truth, to continue carrying out his work on the Earth, until he returns to the Earth.  This commission he gives, is truly great in scope, covering all people, living in all places, and has been being carried out for more than two thousand years.  That is why it is called the Great Commission.

In Matthew, the Great Commission could be summarized as "teach and baptize" (Matthew 28:18-20).  In Mark, the Great Commission could be summarized as "go and preach" (Mark 16:15-18).  In Luke, the Great Commission could be summarized as "witness with power" (Luke 24:44-49). In John, the Great Commission could be summarized as "do not give up" (John 21:15-22).  In Acts, the Great Commission could be summarized as "but first be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost)" (Acts 1:4-8).

So the Great Commission could be summarized as "Teach and baptize, go and preach, witness with power, do not give up, but first be baptized in the Spirit of Truth.".

What are the directives in the Great Commission?

In order to get a clear picture of the directives, that define the Great Commission, we are going to go examine these directives, one at a time, in the order that they first appear, since there is a reinforcing overlap between the parts of the Great Commission, that is given in the first five books of the Renewed Covenant.

The first directive is, that the Great Commission be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth.

The Man of Truth has been given authority over everything, in both Heaven and Earth (Matthew 28:18).  [The Greek word translated as "power" literally means "authority".]  Since he has this authority, he commands that the Great Commission be carried out in his name (Mark 16:17).  This authority is based on the Man of Truth, fulfilling all that was written about the Messiah of Israel in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), concerning his death and resurrection (Luke 24:44-46).  So the Man of Truth commands that the Great Commission, be carried out in his name, to show that he is the Messiah of Israel (Luke 24:47).  The Great Commission is to be carried out in his name, because he will return to rule over the kingdom of Israel as the Messiah of Israel, at the time that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) has appointed (Acts 1:4-7).

The Great Commission must be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth, because his name is the means, to obtaining eternal life (John 20:31).  The Great Commission must be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth, because his name is the means, to obtaining forgiveness from sin (Acts 2:38).  The Great Commission must be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth, because his name is the means, to obtaining the power, to carry out the Great Commission (Acts 4:30).  The Great Commission must be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth, because his name is the means, to obtaining the boldness, to carry out the Great Commission (Acts 9:29).  The Great Commission must be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth, because his name is the means, to obtaining justification (1 Corinthians 6:11).  The Great Commission must be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth, because his name has authority over all things (Philippians 2:9-11). The Great Commission must be carried out in the name of the Man of Truth, because his name is the means, to obtaining the love for other people, to carry out the Great Commission (1 John 3:23).

The second directive is, that the Children of Truth must go and reach all people.

The Children of Truth must go to people of every ethnic group, to carry out the Great Commission, because it has always been about the Gentiles (Matthew 28:19).   [The Greek word translated as "nations" literally means "ethnic groups".]  They are to go throughout the entire Earth, because the Great Commission is to reach all people (Mark 16:15).  They are to go to all ethnic groups, when they carry out the Great Commission, starting with their own people (Luke 24:47).  They are to start in their own home town, then go from there out to the rest of their own part of the world, then go the next closest part of the world, and then continue this process, until they have went to every place on Earth, because the Great Commission is to reach all people (Acts 1:8).

The Man of Truth told his twelve Original Apostles of Truth, to go to their own people, to train them, in how to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 10:5-7).  The Man of Truth was sending them, because he had been sent by the Father of Truth, to start the work of the Great Commission (Matthew 10:40).

The Man of Truth had started the work of the Great Commission, by going to his own people (Matthew 15:24).  The Man of Truth had started the work of the Great Commission, by first going to those of his own home town (Luke 4:16-19).  The Man of Truth then went out to the rest of his own part of the world, to continue the work of the Great Commission (Luke 4:43-44).  The Man of Truth then went out to the next closest part of the world, to continue the work of the Great Commission (Luke 9:53-56).  The Man of Truth then sent out the Children of Truth to continue this process, until they have went to every place on Earth, because the Great Commission is to reach all people (Acts 1:8).

The third directive is, that the Children of Truth teach all people, to keep the commandments of the Man of Truth.

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people of every ethnic group, to obey everything that the Man of Truth has commanded (Matthew 28:19-20).  The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they teach other people the entire Book of Truth, because the Original Covenant identifies the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Luke 24:44-46).  The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they feed, those who come into the House of Truth, with the Word of Truth, because they love the Man of Truth (John 21:15-17).

The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey, what was commanded in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Matthew 5:17-19).  The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey the commandments, that he got from the Father of Truth (John 12:49-50).

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that the commandments of the Law of Truth are holy, just and good (Romans 7:12).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, to build their lives on the foundation of the entire Book of Truth, including the Law of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that the commandments of the Law of Truth define sound doctrine (1 Timothy 1:8-11).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, doctrine based on the entire Book of Truth, including the Law of Truth (2 Timothy 3:15-17).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, what is in the entire Book of Truth, including the Law of Truth, so they do not fall away from the truth (2 Peter 3:15-17). 

The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people, to not follow the man made traditions, that are contrary to the commandments of the Law of Truth, that the Rabbis teach (Matthew 15:3-9).  The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth avoid teaching people the doctrine of the Rabbis, that came from the Pharisees (Matthew 16:6-12).  The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth to teach people, to call no one "Rabbi", except him (Matthew 23:8).

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they do not teach people, a doctrine that is supposedly based on the Law of Truth, but is instead based on fables, by those whose authority rests on the alleged ancestry of the Rabbis (1 Timothy 1:3-7).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, to pay no attention to doctrine of the Rabbis, that is based on Jewish fables, and the commandments of men, because it turns people away from the Law of Truth (Titus 1:14).

The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to love the Father of Truth with all their being, and to love other people as much as they love themselves, because the rest of the commandments of the Law of Truth are just the details, of how to keep these two commandments (Matthew 22:36-40).

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, to keep these commandments, because no one can love the Father of Truth, without loving other people (1 John 4:20-21).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that these commandments are not too hard to keep, when they love each other, and the Father of Truth (1 John 5:2-3). 

The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey these commandments, so that they learn how to truly love other people (John 15:17).  The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey these commandments, so that they will love each other enough, to lay down their lives for each other (John 15:12-13).

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that the commandments of the Law of Truth were given, to bring about a heart that truly loves people (1 Timothy 1:5).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that love for other people is defined by obedience to these commandments (2 John 1:6).

The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey these commandments, to show that they love him (John 14:15).  The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey these commandments, so they could come to know him better (John 14:21).  The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey these commandments, so could live in his love (John 15:10).  The Man of Truth commanded, that the Children of Truth teach people to obey these commandments, so they could be his friend (John 15:14-15).

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that the only way to know the Man of Truth, is to keep his commandments (1 John 2:1-4).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that those who have confidence in the Man of Truth, keep the commandments of the Father of Truth (Revelation 14:12).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they teach people, that it is those, who keep his commandments, who will spend eternity with the Man of Truth (Revelation 22:14).

The fourth directive is, that the Children of Truth baptize people, who come into the House of Truth.

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize in the name of the Father of Truth, the Man of Truth and the Spirit of Truth (Matthew 28:19).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they only baptized people, who have come into the House of Truth (Mark 16:16).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptized people in water, like John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) did (Acts 1:5).

John the Baptist only baptized those, who admitted that they had been sinning, and were turning from their sins (Matthew 3:6-8).  John the Baptist baptized people by authority of the Father of Truth (Matthew 21:23-25).  John the Baptist baptized people in a river in the countryside (Mark 1:4-5).  John the Baptist demanded, that people start doing what the Law of Truth said was right, in order to be baptized (Luke 3:7-14).  John the Baptist baptized people, to mark them as being justified by the Father of Truth, for turning from their sin (Luke 7:28-29).  John the Baptist baptized people in water, to point people to the Man of Truth (John 1:25-28).  John the Baptist baptized people, to show that their sins, would be taken away by the Man of Truth (John 1:29-31).

The Man of Truth was baptized by John the Baptist, to set the pattern for everyone, who comes into the House of Truth (Matthew 3:13-17).  The Man of Truth was baptized by John the Baptist, to mark the beginning of his preparation, to carry out the Great Commission (Mark 1:9-12).  The Man of Truth was baptized by John the Baptist, to be marked as the Messiah of Israel (Luke 3:21-22).  The Man of Truth, then began baptizing people in the same way, that John the Baptist baptized people (John 3:22-26).  The Man of Truth had the original Apostles of Truth do the actual baptizing, because he was training them, to carry out the Great Commission (John 4:1-2).

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they tell people, that they need to be baptized, to show that they have come into the House of Truth (Acts 2:38-41).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people, after they come into the House of Truth (Acts 8:12).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people in water (Acts 8:37-39).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people, as soon as possible, after they first come into the House of Truth (Acts 9:17-18). They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize everyone, who comes into the House of Truth (Acts 10:47-48).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people in living water, like a river (Acts 16:13-15).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people, to show that they have come into the House of Truth (Acts 16:30-34).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people, in the same way that John the Baptist did, except in the name of the Man of Truth (Acts 19:3-5).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they baptize people, to show that their sins, have been taken away by the Man of Truth (Acts 22:16).

The fifth directive is, that the Children of Truth continue carrying out the Great Commission, as long as they are on this Earth.

The Children of Truth are to continue carrying out the Great Commission, as long as they are on this Earth, because the Man of Truth is with them until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).   [The Greek word translated as "world" literally means "age".]  They are to continue  carrying out the Great Commission, as long as they are on this Earth, regardless of the cost (John 21:18-22). They are to continue  carrying out the Great Commission, as long as they are on this Earth, because the Man of Truth will return to this Earth to reign (Acts 1:6-7).

The Man of Truth carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew, that the Father of Truth had sent him (John 4:34).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew, that the Father of Truth was with him (John 8:28-30).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew, that the Father of Truth heard him, when he prayed (John 11:41-45).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew that the Father of Truth was with him, until the very end of his time on this Earth (John 16:28-32).

The Children of Truth are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that persecution marks them as belonging to the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 3:11-13).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that it makes them like the Man of Truth (Hebrews 12:2-4).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that the Father of Truth will never leave them nor forsake them (Hebrews 13:5-6).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that it makes them like the Prophets of Truth (James 5:10-11).

The Man of Truth was only on this Earth, to carry out his part of the Great Commission (Luke 2:49).  He let nothing distract him, from carrying out his part of the Great Commission (John 5:30).  He was willing to lay down his life, to carry out his part of the Great Commission (John 10:15-18).  He was committed to doing whatever it took, to carry out his part of the Great Commission (John 12:27).  There was nothing that he would not go through, to carry out his part of the Great Commission (John 18:11-14).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, as long as he was on this Earth (John 19:28-30).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, regardless of the cost (Philippians 2:6-8).

The Children of Truth are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, even when they have to flee for their lives from city to city (Matthew 10:21-23).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, even when it looks like, evil will prevail (Matthew 24:12-14).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, even when they are betrayed by their own family (Mark 13:12-13).  They are to be occupied with carrying out their part of the Great Commission, right up to the moment that the Man of Truth returns to this Earth (Luke 19:11-13).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, no matter what the authorities tell them (Acts 5:40-42).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, no matter how people treat them (1 Thessalonians 2:2). They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, no matter what comes against them (2 Corinthians 11:24-27).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, no matter who comes against them (1 Thessalonians 2:12-16).

The Man of Truth carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew, that the Father of Truth would reward him with a name, that is above every name (Philippians 2:9-11).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew, that the Father of Truth would reward him with the Children of Truth (Colossians 1:20-22).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew, that the Father of Truth would reward him with an everlasting kingdom (Hebrews 1:2-8).  He carried out his part of the Great Commission, because he knew, that the Father of Truth would reward him with great joy (Hebrews 12:2).

The Children of Truth are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that the Man of Truth will return to this Earth (Matthew 24:44-46).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that he will reward them with an everlasting kingdom (Luke 22:28-30).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that he will destroy, all who hate them (2 Thessalonians 1:4-10).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that he will be pleased with them (2 Timothy 2:3-5).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that they will bring others into the House of Truth (2 Timothy 2:8-10).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that he will crown them with everlasting life (2 Timothy 4:5-8).  They are to continue carrying out their part of the Great Commission, because they know, that the Father of Truth will greatly reward them (Hebrews 10:32-36). 

The sixth directive is, that the Children of Truth tell the Good News about the Man of Truth to all people.

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they preach the Good News to every kind of person (Mark 16:15-16).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they preach the Good News that the Man of Truth died and rose again, so that all people can repent of their sin and be forgiven (Luke 24:46-48).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they tell the Good News to people throughout the whole Earth (Acts 1:8).

The Good News that the Man of Truth preached, was a message of repentance, so that people could inherit his kingdom (Matthew 4:17).  The Good News that he preached, was all about the everlasting kingdom, that the Father of Truth will give him (Matthew 4:23).  The Good News that he preached, was based on the testimony of the Original Covenant, concerning the Messiah of Israel (John 5:39-47).  The Good News that he preached, was his witness about his kingdom (John 18:36-39).

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, is all about the everlasting kingdom, that the Father of Truth will give to the Man of Truth (Matthew 10:7).   The Good News that they are to preach, is based on the testimony of the Original Covenant, concerning the Messiah of Israel (Acts 3:18-25).  The Good News that they are to preach, is a message of repentance, so that both Jews and Gentiles can inherit the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Acts 26:15-20).  The Good News that they preach, is their witness about the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Acts 28:31).

The Good News that the Man of Truth preached, was done under the authority of the Father of Truth (Luke 20:1-8).  The Good News that he preached, was his witness about what he knew from personal experience (John 3:10-12).  

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, is their witness about what they know from personal experience (Acts 2:22-32).  The Good News that they are to preach, is done under the authority of the Man of Truth (Acts 10:41-42).

The Good News that the Man of Truth preached, was preached to the poor (Matthew 11:5).  The Good News that he preached, was preached in public (Luke 20:1). 

The Good News that the Children of Truth are to preach, is to be preached in public (Matthew 10:27).  The Good News that they are to preach, is to be preached to all ethnic groups, throughout the whole earth, so that this age can come to an end (Matthew 24:14).  The Good News that they are to preach, is meant to bring both Jews and Gentiles out of darkness (Acts 26:22-23).

The seventh directive is, that the Children of Truth confirm the Good News about the Man of Truth with supernatural signs.

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when supernatural signs confirm, that they have believed the Good News (Mark 16:17-18).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they operate in power (Luke 24:49).  The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they confirm the Good News with demonstrations of power (Acts 1:8).

The Man of Truth confirmed the Good News with many supernatural signs before many people (Matthew 4:23-25).  He confirmed the Good News by casting Spirits of Lies out of people (Matthew 8:16).  He confirmed the Good News by healing people of every kind of sickness (Matthew 9:35).  He confirmed the Good News by performing wonders (Matthew 21:14-15).  He confirmed the Good News by demonstrations of power (Luke 9:43).  He confirmed the Good News by working miracles (John 7:31).  The Father of Truth confirmed the Good News, that he preached, with supernatural signs (Acts 2:22). 

So the Man of Truth confirmed the Good News by demonstrations of power (2 Peter 1:16).

The Children of Truth are to confirm the Good News with many supernatural signs before many people (Mark 16:20).  They are to confirm the Good News by casting Spirits of Lies out of people (Luke 9:1).  They are to confirm the Good News by healing people of every kind of sickness (Luke 9:2-6).  They are to confirm the Good News by performing wonders (Acts 4:29-30).  They are to confirm the Good News by demonstrations of power (Acts 4:33).  They are to confirm the Good News by working miracles (Acts 8:5-6).  The Father of Truth will confirm the Good News that they preach with supernatural signs (Hebrews 2:3-4). 

So The Children of Truth are to confirm the Good News by demonstrations of power (1 Corinthians 2:4-5).

The eighth directive is, that the Children of Truth are to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth.

The Children of Truth carry out the Great Commission, when they speak in tongues (Mark 16:17).  They carry out the Great Commission, when they operate in the power that comes from being baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 1:4-8).

The Man of Truth had the power to fully carry out his part of the Great Commission, because of the Spirit of Truth (Luke 4:14).  He was able to confirm the Good News with many supernatural signs, because he was submerge in the Spirit of Truth  (Luke 4:18).  He had the power to confirm the Good News, because he was submerge in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 10:38).

The Man of Truth then gave some of that power to the Children of Truth, to confirm the Good News with supernatural signs, as long as he was on this Earth (Luke 9:1-2).  Before he was raised from the dead, they had the power to carry out the Great Commission, by the Spirit of Truth being with them, even though the Spirit of Truth was not living in them (John 14:16-17).

After he was raised from the dead, then the Spirit of Truth began to live in the Children of Truth, instead of being with them (John 20:19-22).  So they needed to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, after he left the Earth, to have the power to fully carry out their part of the Great Commission (Acts 1:2-5).

So the Man of Truth baptizes the Children of Truth in the Spirit of Truth, in the same way that John the Baptist baptized people in water (John 1:32-34).  He wants them to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, so they will have the power to fully carry out their part of the Great Commission (Acts 1:8).

For this reason, the Man of Truth told the Children of Truth to seek after His Father, to give them the baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Luke 11:9-13).  The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is meant for everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, so they will have the power, to fully carry out their part of the Great Commission (Acts 2:38-39).  It is not enough, for them to be baptized only in water, because they also need to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 8:12-17).  They need to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth as much as they need to be baptized in water (Acts 19:2-4).

The Children of Truth know, that they are baptized in the Spirit of Truth, when they begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-4).  When they speak in tongues, it is the proof, that the Father of Truth has given what He promised, the baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:33).  When they speak in tongues, it is proof, that they have received the gift of the baptism of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 10:44-47).  When they speak in tongues, it is proof, that the Man of Truth has baptized them in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 11:15-17).  When they speak in tongues, it is proof, that they have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth as well as water (Acts 19:5-6).

The Children of Truth need to speak in tongues, so they can be strengthen to carry out the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 14:4-5).  They need to speak in tongues, to show that they are baptized in the Spirit of Truth, because that is part of the Great Commission (1 Corinthians 14:39).

The Children of Truth need to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, so they can confirm the Good News with supernatural signs, and fully carry out the Great Commission (Romans 15:19).  They need to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, so they can confirm the Good News with power, and fully carry out the Great Commission (1 Thessalonians 1:5-10).

How do people start carrying out the Great Commission?

No one can start carrying out the Great Commission, until they come into the House of Truth.

They cannot do anything in the name of the Man of Truth, until they are under the authority of the Man of Truth.  They cannot go and teach people to follow the commandments of  the Man of Truth, until they make a commitment to obey the Man of Truth themselves.  They cannot baptize others as a sign of repentance from sin, until they have repented from sin.  They cannot be committed to following the Man of Truth regardless of the consequences, until they make a commitment to start following the Man of Truth.  They cannot preach the Good News about the kingdom of the Man of Truth, until they make the Man of Truth their king.  They cannot have the Spirit of Truth confirm the message of the Good News with supernatural signs, until they believe the Good News.  They cannot be baptized in the Spirit of Truth by the Man of Truth, and begin speaking in tongues, until they come into the House of Truth.

You can start carrying out the Great Commission, when you come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth the king of your life, because you believe the Good News, that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!
