Sunday, March 16, 2014

Does It Matter What I Eat?

Does it matter what Christians eat?

There has been much controversy throughout the ages among the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) over what to eat and what not to eat.  The ideas on this cover the entire spectrum of possibilities.  On the one extreme, there are those who say, that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) made everything that moves, clean to eat.  On the other extreme, there are those who say, he never did any such thing, and that the Children of Truth must eat only, what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) says is food, to be saved. There are all kinds of positions between these extremes.   These positions are all attempts to answer one question: does it matter what I eat?

The reasons for all of the disagreement over the answer to such a simple question are many.

First of all, there is the problem that most people cannot read Hebrew and Greek so they must rely on a translation.  This is a problem because even though the original source texts have no significant differences in their words there can still be a significant difference between translations of those same source texts into another language.  A Hebrew and Greek word can have more than one meaning and sometimes a translator might pick the wrong one when translating.  This is a smaller problem since it happens infrequently.

The bigger problem is using a translation process that can lead to a misleading translation based on a preconceived notion of the translator.  If a translator uses the wrong translation process then the translation is certain to be wrong.  A wrong translation can only lead the readers to come to a wrong conclusion. This is why translators must be careful to use a translation process that gives as accurate of a translation as possible.  After all, they are translating the very words of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) and not some ancient government document from some long forgotten country that has disappeared in the dust of history.

Some translators attempt to stick as closely as possible with a word for word translation process while others will even use a paraphrase instead of an actual translation in a thought for thought translation process.  The thought for thought translators will even go so far as to add an entire sentence in their translation that was not in the original text because they believe that it should have been there.  So if you are reading a thought for thought translation of Mark 7:19 like the one in the NIV (New International Version) then you read an entire sentence like "(In saying this, Jesus declared all food clean.)" that is not in all translations.  This can lead you to a different conclusion than if you read Mark 7:19 in a word for word translation like the 21st Century King James translation used in this blog.  The fact is that this sentence  "(In saying this, Jesus declared all food clean.)" is not in the original text of any manuscript.  It was added to give false support to a viewpoint of that the translators already had before they translated Mark 7:19.  This has all kinds of other disturbing implications beyond just defining food.  You can learn more about this by reading One Disturbing Sentence.

Yet even when people use a good word for word translation like the 21st Century King James they can still come to different conclusions based on what other people have taught them regarding what the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka New Testament) says about food.  Some people often use verses in the Renewed Covenant to show that what was called filth in the Law of Truth is now being called food while yet others point to other verses to say that there has been no such change.  The disagreements usually center around three verses where it can appear when each verse is taken out of context that Man of Truth or the Father of Truth have now called food what they called filth in the Law of Truth.  These disagreements can be resolved if people will actually look at what is actually being said in plain English in the passages that contain these verses.  It is plain when the context of the verse is considered that they did not mean any such thing.  You can see for yourself by reading I Did Not Mean That.

Then people will point to still yet other passages to show that what the Law of Truth called filth is now considered to be food in the Renewed Covenant.  Some of them will even say that Paul (Shaul aka Saul) the Jew got some sort of special revelation that no one else got about food because he was being sent to the Gentiles.  The truth is there is not one verse in the Renewed Covenant when taken in the context of the entire passage ever says that what the Law of Truth called filth is now food.  You can read about every single one of these verses and the passages that they appear in to see for yourself in Food For Thought.

Still there are other cases where people do not even know for themselves what the Book of Truth (The Bible) actually calls food and what it calls filth. Some say that the Children of Truth should only eat vegetables because that is what Daniel did when he was in Babylon.  Others have just some vague idea that it means that they should not dine on swine.  Yet others believe that they need to follow the kashruth laid out by the Rabbis of Judaism to be sure that they are not eating filth.  The Book of Truth spells out exactly what is food and what is filth in plain terms that do not require any special training to understand.  You can know for yourself what it says is food and what it says is filth by reading What's For Dinner?.

Even though the Renewed Covenant never called food the things that the Law of Truth called filth and it is the Book of Truth that defines what is food and what is filth there still remains controversy.  Some people say that the Children of Truth must stop eating filth to be saved.  Others say that it does not really matter if the Children of Truth are eating filth because they are saved.  Yet others say that the Renewed Covenant is a better covenant than the Original Covenant (Tanak'h aka Old Testament) so it really does not impact the day to day life of the Children of Truth when they eat filth.  The question still needs to be answered: does it matter what I eat?

The best way to answer this question accurately is to break it down to three other questions.  The answers to these questions will provide a complete answer for the question: does it matter what I eat?

Does what I eat have any impact on my salvation?

The Man of Truth said that not everything in the Law of Truth has equal weight because justice, mercy and faith are the most important parts of it (Matthew 23:23).  It is loving the Father of Truth above everything else and loving your neighbor as yourself that fulfills the righteous demands of the Law of Truth (Mark 12:29-31).  It is fulfilling these righteous demands that is necessary to be counted as one of the Children of Truth (Romans 2:25-27).  It is breaking these weightier commandments that prevent people from being counted as one of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:8-10).  Eating filth is not one of these weightier commandments that will cause people to be put out of the House of Truth (Galatians 5:19-21).

In fact, keeping the Law of Truth cannot make anyone righteous (Romans 3:19-20).  The Law of Truth testifies that only faith in the Man of Truth can make anyone righteous (Romans 3:21-23).  The entire point of the Law of Truth is to bring people to faith in him so that they can fulfill its righteous demands (Romans 10:4).  If people could have been made righteous by the Law of Truth then he died for nothing (Galatians 2:21). 

The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost) is given to every Child of Truth to help them fulfill the righteous demands of the Law of Truth because of what he did on the cross (Romans 8:3-5).  Those that have faith in the Man of Truth can now keep the righteous demands of the Law of Truth because His Father is writing those laws on their hearts (Hebrews 10:16).

For these reasons the Apostles of Truth said that the Gentiles did not need to avoid eating filth to be saved even though they could learn more about the Law of Truth later (Acts 15:19-21).  The Spirit of Truth said that the only things they needed to avoid eating to be saved were things offered to idols, strangled animals and blood (Acts 15:28-29).  Even though Paul the Jew and the other Jewish Children of Truth continued to observe the less weighty matters of the Law of Truth, like not eating filth, they never gave any such commandment to the Gentile Children of Truth (Acts 21:24-26).  Who do we think we are to do so?

There is no commandment in the Renewed Covenant for people to not eat what it still calls filth.  There is no penalty for eating filth in the Renewed Covenant.  In fact, there is not even a penalty given in the Law of Truth for doing so.  No one comes into the House of Truth by eating only what the Law of Truth calls food .  They come into the House of Truth by doing what is right through faith in the Man of of Truth (Romans 14:16-18).  Eating filth or not eating filth has absolutely no impact on salvation.

Does what I eat have any impact on my life?

This does not mean that eating filth will have absolutely no impact on any other part of your life.  Just because you are allowed to eat filth does not mean that it is wise to do so (1 Corinthians 10:23).

It is not wise because you cannot gain the promised benefits without keeping the commandments. What commandments come with promises?

Out of the ten commandments there is only one that comes with a promise (Deuteronomy 5:7-22).  Paul the Jew said that the promise for obeying the commandment in the Law of Truth for people to honor and obey their parents is still valid and that this was this was the first commandment to come with a promise (Ephesians 6:1-3).  Since the other nine commandments did not come with a promise and he said this one was the first commandment to come with a promise then there must be other commandments in the Law of Truth that come with a promise.

The commandments to not eat filth, even though there is no punishment given for breaking them, are part of a set of commandments that come with a set of promises.  There is a promise of healing instead being afflicted with disease (Exodus 15:26).  There are promises to also resolve all reproductive issues, have no miscarriages and for no one to die young for those that only eat what He calls food (Exodus 23:24-26).  There are even promises for no one having any genetic issues or birth defects (Deuteronomy 7:13-15).  He promises that keeping His commandments will add days to your lifespan so that you live a long and healthy life (Proverbs 3:1-2).  These promises are still for today because the Father of Truth still desires for the Children of Truth to be in health if they will just do what He has revealed in the Word of Truth (3 John 1:2-4).  The promises for keeping these commandments are part of the healthcare plan that is given by the Father of Truth.  You can read about more about these promises in The Best Healthcare Plan Ever.

You might be wondering if it is really necessary to avoid eating filth to obtain better health in the Renewed Covenant.  There has long been a line of thought among the Children of Truth that they can somehow get the benefits that are promised in the Original Covenant for doing things like not eating filth while they continue to do things like eat filth because of something that is in the Renewed Covenant.  Although there have been various reasons given they have been best summarized in one expression:  The Renewed Covenant is a better covenant based on better promises so we should be able to get benefits that are least as good as those promised in the Original Covenant without meeting the conditions that were laid out for getting those benefits in the Original Covenant.

Were these various teachers right?

Since the thought is that they should be getting at least equal benefits without having to meet the conditions then a good place to start would be a brief overview of the benefits promised in the Original Covenants.

As already shown, these benefits basically amount to never being sick and living a long life.  How many years is a long life?  When people became wicked before the flood the Father of Truth announced that he was reducing the normal lifespan of people to 120 years of age (Genesis 6:3).  Moses, to whom was given the Law of Truth, demonstrated this when he died at 120 years of age in full strength with good eyesight (Deuteronomy 34:7).

Yet they have tried to obtain the promises in the Law of Truth without meeting the conditions given in the Law of Truth for those promises.  So how did that work out for them?

The proof is in the pudding.  Of the strongest modern proponents of this view the best any of them has done is to live to eighty six years of age.  Then he died from disease - a stroke and a heart attack (heart disease).  Others who believed this did not even live unto sixty years of age but died from cancer and the like.  In other words, they all died of sickness and disease while not even being close to 120 years of age.  They did not die at 120 years of age in full strength like Moses.   They were not able to get the promised benefits of the Law of Truth without meeting the conditions given in the Law of Truth.

Still it is true that the Renewed Covenant secured by the blood of the Man of Truth is a better covenant built upon better promises (Hebrews 8:6).  It has many better promises that are based on the promise of the Father of Truth writing the Law of Truth internally upon the hearts of the Children of Truth instead of being written externally on tablets of stone (Hebrews 8:8-10).  It has the promise that everyone can know Him for themselves instead of needing to go to select individuals to have access to Him (Hebrews 8:11).  It has the promise of sin being removed instead of just covered up (Hebrews 8:12).

However, there is not one promise in the Renewed Covenant that says people can now eat what the Law of Truth called filth and still get all the benefits of health promised in the Law of Truth.  This has never worked.  It is nothing more than a man made tradition that has blinded many of the Children of Truth from the truth of what the Renewed Covenant says about food.  In the words of one of those teachers, "people have been religiously brainwashed instead of being New Testament taught".

Do not get me wrong.  I am in no way saying that these men were false prophets or false teachers or any such thing.  I have greatly benefited from many things that they did teach. However, even the greatest among the Children of Truth are sometimes wrong.

Elisha was a great prophet that operated in twice the power of the Spirit of Truth as Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-12).  He healed a woman of barrenness even though she had no faith to get well (2 Kings 4:14-17).  He even raised the dead (2 Kings 4:32-36).  Yet he died from sickness (2 Kings 13:14).  Even the greatest among the Children of Truth can fail to obtain everything that is promised.

The Father of Truth gave a better testimony of the reign of King Josiah than even that of  King David (2 Kings 22:1-2).  Yet he died at thirty eight years of age because he did not discern the will of the Father of Truth (2 Chronicles 35:21-24).  Even the greatest among the Children of Truth are sometimes wrong.

So it matters what you eat because it will impact your health.

Does what I eat have any impact on my relationship with the Father of Truth?

Even though eating filth will not keep you out of the House of Truth, I am in no way advocating that you should go ahead and eat what the Law of Truth calls filth.  What you eat still has importance after you come into the House of Truth.

The Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Law of Truth and said that it would remain in effect as long as the universe exists (Matthew 5:17-18).  He said those that teach others to break the least of its commandments will be called least in his kingdom (Matthew 5:19). He said that even though you must attend to the weightier matters of the Law of Truth first it does not mean that you should not also take care of the other matters also (Luke 11:42).  Faith in the Man of Truth is not contrary to the Law of Truth but give us the ability to do what it says (Romans 3:31).

It is the traditions of men that have caused the Children of Truth to eat what the Father of Truth calls filth in His Law (Mark 7:9).  The one behind those traditions has been the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) who creates all lies (John 8:44).  This thief wants to rob the Children of Truth of the health that they are promised for eating only what the Law of Truth says is food (John 10:10).

For this reason there has been a fight centered around the definition of food that has been going on since man was created. The Father of Truth has His definition of food and filth while the Father of Lies has a different definition.  You can read about this fight in greater detail in the The Biggest Food Fight Ever.

Letting the Father of Truth decide what is food and what is filth is a matter of faith in His promises.  Abraham was circumcised to show faith in His promises for being made into a great nation (Genesis 17:5-11).  In the same way when you avoid eating filth then you show faith in His promises for health (James 2:20-24).

The Father of Truth said that those that are willing to let Him decide what they can eat are being holy like He is holy (Leviticus 11:45-47).  The Father of Truth has not changed (James 1:17).  He still wants us to be holy in every area of our lives (1 Peter 1:14-16).

If you have already trusted the Father of Truth with your life so why not trust Him with your diet? He wants you to not just have faith in what He says about the larger things like righteousness but also about the smaller things like eating.

So while what you eat is not as important as some other things what you eat is not altogether unimportant either.  It is part of a larger pattern of who you let define what is fit for your life and what is too filthy to be in your life.  When you choose to eat only what the Father of Truth calls food then you are denying the Father of Lies even that small place in your life.  The Father of Truth does not want you to give the Father of Lies even the smallest place in your life (Ephesians 4:25-27).

If you are a Child of Truth then you are already in the House of Truth.  However when you decide to eat only what the Father of Truth says is food then you stop eating the filth from the garbage can on the porch and start eating the food from His table in the dining room.  So it matters what you eat because eating only what the Father of Truth calls food involves Him in even the smallest details of your life and deepens your relationship with Him.

If you have never came into the House of Truth then what you eat is not really that important.  You will gain some health benefits by not eating filth but that is all.  What good does it really do for you to live to a hundred and twenty years old, die in full strength to only spend eternity in Hell (Mark 8:36)?  You need to come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of every area of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  You need to come into the House of Truth so that you can have the filth of sin removed from your life (1 John 1:9).

Come into the House of Truth.
