The Sound of Power
Why is Pentecost like a chainsaw?
Years ago I heard a story about an old hillbilly that lived deep in the Ozarks who needed a new saw. This old hillbilly lived way back in the woods about ten miles down a steep twisting washed out goat trail of a dirt road from the nearest town. Now, by town I mean a place like Boxley, Arkansas, when I was growing up. This "town" consisted of a single house that held a very small general store and post office in the first floor while the family lived upstairs. There were a few other houses, but none of them were closer than half a mile from the post office house. The nearest town with a hardware store, a place like Huntsville, Arkansas, was about a three hour drive from the cabin that the old hillbilly lived in. In fact, it was about a three hour drive in any direction to reach a paved road, from a place like this back in those days. So the old hillbilly usually only went to the hardware store once or twice a year.
However, one day while the old hillbilly and his sons were felling trees, the blade of their cross saw plumb broke in two. The old hillbilly was irritated at himself, because this was the last cross saw blade that he had. He had meant to get one from the hardware store when he had been there last year, but he ended up buying something else he needed, thinking that he would just get one the next time he made it to the hardware store. He had thought that he would make to the hardware store before the fall, but he kept putting it off because he hated making the trip.
The truth is the old hillbilly like the seclusion of his home, and hated what he referred to as "the hustle and bustle of the big city". So he sent his youngest two sons to go to the hardware store, and fetch him some new blades for his cross saw. The older of the two knew how to drive, and the younger would keep him company on the long drive.
His two sons came back with the strangest looking contraption that the old hillbilly had ever seen. The old hillbilly asked his sons, why did they bring this strange looking contraption, instead of some new cross saw blades. His sons told the old hillbilly, that the salesman had said, that he had no cross saw blades on hand, and they would have to be special ordered. They explained that the contraption was called a chainsaw. The salesman had told them, that one man using a chainsaw, could cut at least twice as much wood, in half the time, of two men using a cross saw. They did not really have enough money to buy the chainsaw, but the salesman knew that the old hillbilly was honest, so he had sent it with the younger sons, on the condition that he be paid the next time the old hillbilly made it to the hardware store. The younger sons figured, that they could cut and sell enough firewood to pay for the chainsaw, if it worked as well as the salesman had said. After that, they would have more time freed up for hunting. The old hillbilly liked the sound of that.
After trying out the chainsaw for a week, the old hillbilly had had enough. The chainsaw was bulky and awkward to use. He and his sons were worn out from using it. Even worse, they had cut less than a quarter of the wood, that they had managed using his old cross saw. Perhaps the problem had been, that his younger two sons had misunderstood the salesman, somehow. So the old hillbilly sent his oldest two sons to take the chainsaw back, and to see about getting him some cross saw blades.
When his older two sons came back, they were toting an even larger chainsaw. They explained that the salesman had looked perplexed, when they told him about their experience using the chainsaw. The salesman had said, that he would go ahead and order some cross saw blades, but it would be a week before they would arrive in the store. The salesman had said, that perhaps the first chainsaw had been too small for the large hardwoods that were deep in the backwoods of the Ozarks, so he insisted that they give this bigger chainsaw a try. They could bring it back in a week, and pick up the cross saw blades, if this chainsaw was not satisfactory.
A week went by, and the old hillbilly was glad to get rid of this bigger chainsaw. It had been harder to use than the smaller chainsaw. This chainsaw left the old hillbilly and his sons, exhausted and frustrated. Worse of all, they only sawed about one half of the wood, that they normally would have sawed.
In fact, the old hillbilly had his ire raised so much, so that he decided to drive to the hardware store himself. So he grabbed his shotgun, told his sons to do the same, and they all piled into the truck, to go to the hardware store. The old hillbilly was not at all happy, that the salesman had shucked his sons into bringing him a chainsaw, instead cross saw blades.
On the way there, the old hillbilly thought about the whole strange incident, and began to cool down. He did not understand why the salesman had treated him this way, for they had always treated each other right before. Perhaps the salesman had been shucked himself into selling these chainsaws. The salesman did not cut wood for a living like the old hillbilly and his sons, so he was not as skilled as they were. The salesman was probably embarrassed about the whole thing. The old hillbilly hoped that it was all just some sort of big misunderstanding, because he liked the salesman. He would try to go easy on the salesman, but one thing was for sure - he was taking this bigger chainsaw back, and picking up his cross saw blades.
When the old hillbilly arrived, the salesman told him that his cross saw blades were in, but wanted to know, if the bigger chainsaw had been better than the smaller chainsaw. The old hillbilly told him that it had been worse than the smaller chainsaw, and that neither one of the chainsaws could hold a candle to his old cross saw.
The salesman look truly puzzled, and just stood there scratching his head. After a few moments, he asked the old hillbilly, if he could help him figure out, why the chainsaws were so hard to use. The old hillbilly felt sorry for the salesman, so he obliged.
The old hillbilly and his sons went out behind the store with the salesman, to a huge tree that needed cutting down, because it was too close to the store. The salesman picked up the chainsaw, primed it, pulled the cord, and there was a tremendous roar.
The old hillbilly and his sons jumped back, like they had stepped on a snake. Then the old hillbilly asked the salesman, "What's that noise?".
The salesman looked at them strangely and said, "That's the sound of power". After watching how quickly the salesman cut down and cut up that huge tree into splitting logs, the old hillbilly and his sons all wanted their own chainsaw. The salesman made sure this time, that they each knew how to use a chainsaw. The old hillbilly knew he could never do in his own strength, what he could with the power of a chainsaw.
So they drove back to their cabin deep in the woods with five new chainsaws, and they never used a cross saw again.
You see I was once like that old hillbilly. The traditions of the churches that I had attended since youth were like that old cross saw - they required a lot of work on my behalf, and eventually proved to be unable to produce results, like a cross saw with a broken blade. Then my cousin Carl had demonstrated what could happen, when someone came into the House of Truth, so I surrendered everything to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), like the younger sons getting the smaller chainsaw. Carl made the three hour drive from Tulsa, Oklahoma several times to teach me how to follow the Man of Truth, and I poured myself into reading the Book of Truth (The Bible), like the older sons getting the bigger chainsaw. I was doing all that I knew how to do to follow the Man of Truth with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, but something was missing. I was left exhausted and frustrated. I needed to hear the sound of power.
During this time, I had gotten married to my beautiful wife Julie. After we were married for a short time, my wife began to have strange episodes at night. I began praying to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), and asking him to deliver my wife. It seemed like the more I prayed and tried to help my wife, the worse things got.
Then one night it became clear, that I was in way over my head. My ninety five pound wife, began speaking in a strange voice, and then threw her two hundred plus pound husband off of the bed. I went sailing thru the air, until I hit the opposite wall of the bed room, about three foot above the floor. I knew that it was not possible, for my wife to throw me eight feet like a rag doll, in her own strength. I knew that I was dealing with a Spirit of Lies (devil aka demon aka unclean spirit aka god), from my experiences I had, before I came into the House of Truth. I told the Spirit of Lies, that it had to leave my wife. It responded that it was never leaving, and would eventually kill her. I did everything that I knew to do, but it was not enough, so I cried out to the Father of Truth to help me. I was left exhausted and frustrated. I needed to hear the sound of power.
Then the next Friday, the strangest thing happened. My boss Larry called me out of the blue, and said that he did not need me to come to work on Friday. In fact, he was giving me the whole weekend off. At the restaurant where I worked, the weekend was the busiest time of the week. I had not had a whole weekend off, except for when I took vacation, in three years. As soon as I hung up the phone, I knew that I should go to Tulsa to see Carl. I called Carl to make sure it was alright with him. Five minutes later, my wife and I were on our way to Tulsa.
Almost as soon as we arrived, Carl invited us to go to a Bible study with him. I reluctantly asked where it was. I had not stepped foot in a church for several years, because the churches I had attended, had left me exhausted and frustrated. I was not about to change that policy. Carl told me that it was in the home of one of his friends. So I obliged Carl, and we went.
When we arrived at his friends house, Carl asked me in the driveway what I thought about speaking in tongues. I told him, that I had heard that speaking in tongues was from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil). That is what I had heard in the Baptist and Methodist churches, that I had grown up in.
When I arrived, people were sitting around the room, and singing praises to the Father of Truth. While we were singing, I heard the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) say that I should get up, place my hands on the head of my wife, and say these words: "Satan I command you to leave her in the name of Jesus.". I objected, because in the churches that I had grown up in, you got up when the leader said, and you sat down when the leader said. You certainly did not get up in the middle of the singing, walk over to someone else, lay hands on their head, and rebuke the Father of Lies. After being told the same thing for the third time, I finally decided to comply. I thought, what can it hurt, since no body knows me here anyways, except my family, and most of them already think I'm crazy.
So while everyone else was singing, and the guitar was still playing, I got up, walked over to my wife, laid my hands on her head, and said in a normal tone of voice, "Satan I command you to leave her in the name of Jesus.". When I did the singing and music suddenly stopped. Then I heard a tremendous roar, of people speaking in all kinds of languages that I did not know. Like that old hillbilly, I was asking myself, "What's that noise?".
Someone laid their hands on my head. When they did, suddenly if felt like fire shot from the top of my head, ran though my entire body, and shot out of my hands and feet. My hands were burning with power, and tingling like a man operating a chainsaw. I began speaking in a strange language that I had never heard. I put my hands again on the head of my wife, but this time I spoke with a strong, authoritative voice, the same words as before: "Satan I command you to leave her in the name of Jesus.". This time wife passed out for brief moment, and then came to. It was as if she had waken up from a bad dream. The Spirit of Lies had left, and she has never had another incident. That is what happens, when the power of the Spirit of Truth is operating.
I had asked the Father of Truth, for the power to deliver my wife, and He gave it to me. Even though I had the Spirit of Truth living in me from the moment that I had came into the House of Truth, I did not have the Spirit of Truth operating in power, as the Father of Truth had intended. Having the Spirit of Truth on the inside, without operating in the power of the Spirit of Truth, had left me exhausted and frustrated. It was like sawing wood with a chainsaw, without turning on the power first. When the Spirit of Truth began operating in power, as the Father of Truth had intended, there was a tremendous roar, of a language that I did not know coming out of my mouth. That was the sound of power.
Like that old hillbilly, I could see that I could never do in my own strength, what I could do with the power of the Spirit of Truth. After that, I found churches where the sound of power was heard, and went every single time that I could. Like that old hillbilly, I went home with power of the Spirit of Truth, and never went back to the powerless traditions, that I had grown up with. There is nothing like, the sound of power.
What does the Book of Truth say about the sound of power? Is the sound of power from the Father of Truth, or is it really from the Father of Lies, as I had heard for years?
The Man of Truth said, that the Father of Lies does not cast the Spirits of Lies (Matthew 12:25-27). The Man of Truth said, that all of the Children of Truth were to go into all the world with the Gospel (Mark 16:15-16). The Man of Truth said, that they were to do so, with the power of the Spirit of Truth operating to cast out the Spirits of Lies, accompanied by speaking in a language that they could not speak on their own (Mark 16:17). When the power of the Spirit of Truth is operating, it is accompanied by the sound of power, just like a chainsaw.
The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth would baptize the Children of Truth, in the Spirit of Truth and fire (Matthew 3:11). The gift of the Spirit of Truth could not operate from the inside of people, until the Man of Truth was raised from the dead (John 7:38-39). The Man of Truth said, that his Father would cause the Spirit of Truth, to dwell inside of people (John 14:16-17). The Man of Truth breathed on the Apostles of Truth, the first time he saw them, after he was raised dead, and the Spirit of Truth began to dwell on the inside of them (John 20:19-22). Forty days later, he told those same men, to wait for the promise of his Father, and that he would baptize them with the Spirit of Truth, right before he went back to heaven (Acts 1:3-5). The Man of Truth told them to wait, because they needed the power of the Spirit of Truth operating, when they went into all the world with the Gospel (Acts 1:8).
Then ten days later, on the day of Pentecost (Shavuot), the arrival of the Spirit of Truth in power was announced, with the tremendous roar, of a mighty rushing wind, that was followed by tongues of fire, that were laid upon their head (Acts 2:1-3). When the power of the Spirit of Truth began to operate, they all began to speak in languages, that they could not speak on their own (Acts 2:4-6). Those that heard them were asking, "What's that noise?" (Acts 2:9-12).
Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simeon aka Cephas aka the Apostle Peter) told them, that was the sound of power (Acts 2:33).
The Apostles of Truth could see, that they could never do in their own strength, what they could do with the power of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 3:9-12). The Apostles of Truth were never going back to the powerless traditions, that they had been raised in (Acts 4:18-20).
About eleven years later, shortly before Pentecost, the Spirit of Truth sent Peter the Jew, to preach to the Gentiles (Acts 10:19-21). The Father of Truth showed, that the Gentiles really could come into the House of Truth, without first becoming Jews thru circumcision, by placing the Spirit of Truth inside the Gentiles, and causing the power of the Spirit of Truth to start operating in them, when they came into the House of Truth (Acts 10:44). Those Jewish believers that were with Peter the Jew were wondering, "What's that noise?" (Acts 10:45-46). Peter the Jew told them, that was the sound of power (Acts 10:47).
These Gentile believers could see, that they could never do in their own strength, what they could do with the power of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 10:48) The Gentile believers were never going back to the powerless traditions, that they had been raised in (Acts 11:18).
You might be like the disciples, that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) encountered in the highlands, near Ephesus (Acts 19:1). They had never even heard of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 19:2). They have been baptized in water, as commanded by the Father of Truth through Yochanan the Mikvah man (John the Baptist) (Acts 19:3). Paul the Jew told them, that being baptized in water was not enough to save them, but that they had to come into the House of Truth (Acts 19:4). They were baptized in water again, after coming into the House of Truth (Acts 19:5).
Yet it was not enough that they had came into the House of Truth. It was not enough that the Spirit of Truth was dwelling inside of them. They still needed the power of the Spirit of Truth. So Paul the Jew laid hands on their heads, and they began to speak in languages, that they could not speak on their own (Acts 19:6). They may have been wondering, "What's that noise?", but Paul the Jew knew, that it was the sound of power.
Paul the Jew operated in the Spirit of Truth, when he did his part to bring the Gospel into all the world (1 Thessalonians 1:5). That is why Paul the Jew, released the sound of power, more than other believers (1 Corinthians 14:18).
The power of a chainsaw does not operate without releasing the sound of power. In the same way the power of the Spirit of Truth does not operate without releasing the sound of power.
Whether you are a Jew or a Gentile, you need the power of the Spirit of Truth.
If you have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, but have not experienced the power of the Spirit of Truth recently, then it is probably because you have not been releasing the sound of power. That is like sawing wood with a chainsaw, without turning on the power first. You are the one that pulls the start cord, by praying in a language that you cannot pray on your own (1 Corinthians 14:15). The Spirit of Truth will not release the sound of power without you doing your part, any more than a chainsaw will start itself (1 Corinthians 14:32). The Father of Truth has given you a chainsaw, so start using it to do the work that He has given you. You need to pull the start cord, and start releasing the sound of power.
If you have came into the House of Truth, but have never released the sound of power, then the power of the Spirit of Truth has not been operating, as the Father of Truth intended. Make no mistake, the Spirit of Truth has been living in you (1 Corinthians 3:16). You should be able to see, that you can never do in your own strength, what you can do with the power of the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). You need throw away that old broken cross saw of tradition, that you have been handed down by religion, and accept the chainsaw that the Father of Truth wants to give you. If you ask the Father of Truth for the power of the Spirit of Truth, then He will give it to you, so you carry out the work that He has given you (Luke 11:11-13). Then you will release the sound of power.
If you have been baptized in water, but have never released the sound of power, then perhaps you have never came into the House of Truth. You can know religion taught by men, without knowing the Man of Truth, and that will leave you exhausted and frustrated (Matthew 23:2-4). The Man of Truth will refresh your soul, when you come into the House of Truth (Matthew 11:28-30). You cannot be refreshed, without turning from disobedience, by coming into the House of Truth (Acts 3:19). You must be baptized with water, AFTER you come into the House of Truth (Mark 16:16). If you will come into the House of Truth, then the the Spirit of Truth can operate, so you can release the sound of power.
If you have never came into the House of Truth, then you cannot release the sound of power, until you do so (Acts 2:38). You must surrender everything to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9). When you are in the House of Truth, then the the Spirit of Truth can operate, so you can release the sound of power.
Come into the House of Truth!
Years ago I heard a story about an old hillbilly that lived deep in the Ozarks who needed a new saw. This old hillbilly lived way back in the woods about ten miles down a steep twisting washed out goat trail of a dirt road from the nearest town. Now, by town I mean a place like Boxley, Arkansas, when I was growing up. This "town" consisted of a single house that held a very small general store and post office in the first floor while the family lived upstairs. There were a few other houses, but none of them were closer than half a mile from the post office house. The nearest town with a hardware store, a place like Huntsville, Arkansas, was about a three hour drive from the cabin that the old hillbilly lived in. In fact, it was about a three hour drive in any direction to reach a paved road, from a place like this back in those days. So the old hillbilly usually only went to the hardware store once or twice a year.
However, one day while the old hillbilly and his sons were felling trees, the blade of their cross saw plumb broke in two. The old hillbilly was irritated at himself, because this was the last cross saw blade that he had. He had meant to get one from the hardware store when he had been there last year, but he ended up buying something else he needed, thinking that he would just get one the next time he made it to the hardware store. He had thought that he would make to the hardware store before the fall, but he kept putting it off because he hated making the trip.
The truth is the old hillbilly like the seclusion of his home, and hated what he referred to as "the hustle and bustle of the big city". So he sent his youngest two sons to go to the hardware store, and fetch him some new blades for his cross saw. The older of the two knew how to drive, and the younger would keep him company on the long drive.
His two sons came back with the strangest looking contraption that the old hillbilly had ever seen. The old hillbilly asked his sons, why did they bring this strange looking contraption, instead of some new cross saw blades. His sons told the old hillbilly, that the salesman had said, that he had no cross saw blades on hand, and they would have to be special ordered. They explained that the contraption was called a chainsaw. The salesman had told them, that one man using a chainsaw, could cut at least twice as much wood, in half the time, of two men using a cross saw. They did not really have enough money to buy the chainsaw, but the salesman knew that the old hillbilly was honest, so he had sent it with the younger sons, on the condition that he be paid the next time the old hillbilly made it to the hardware store. The younger sons figured, that they could cut and sell enough firewood to pay for the chainsaw, if it worked as well as the salesman had said. After that, they would have more time freed up for hunting. The old hillbilly liked the sound of that.
After trying out the chainsaw for a week, the old hillbilly had had enough. The chainsaw was bulky and awkward to use. He and his sons were worn out from using it. Even worse, they had cut less than a quarter of the wood, that they had managed using his old cross saw. Perhaps the problem had been, that his younger two sons had misunderstood the salesman, somehow. So the old hillbilly sent his oldest two sons to take the chainsaw back, and to see about getting him some cross saw blades.
When his older two sons came back, they were toting an even larger chainsaw. They explained that the salesman had looked perplexed, when they told him about their experience using the chainsaw. The salesman had said, that he would go ahead and order some cross saw blades, but it would be a week before they would arrive in the store. The salesman had said, that perhaps the first chainsaw had been too small for the large hardwoods that were deep in the backwoods of the Ozarks, so he insisted that they give this bigger chainsaw a try. They could bring it back in a week, and pick up the cross saw blades, if this chainsaw was not satisfactory.
A week went by, and the old hillbilly was glad to get rid of this bigger chainsaw. It had been harder to use than the smaller chainsaw. This chainsaw left the old hillbilly and his sons, exhausted and frustrated. Worse of all, they only sawed about one half of the wood, that they normally would have sawed.
In fact, the old hillbilly had his ire raised so much, so that he decided to drive to the hardware store himself. So he grabbed his shotgun, told his sons to do the same, and they all piled into the truck, to go to the hardware store. The old hillbilly was not at all happy, that the salesman had shucked his sons into bringing him a chainsaw, instead cross saw blades.
On the way there, the old hillbilly thought about the whole strange incident, and began to cool down. He did not understand why the salesman had treated him this way, for they had always treated each other right before. Perhaps the salesman had been shucked himself into selling these chainsaws. The salesman did not cut wood for a living like the old hillbilly and his sons, so he was not as skilled as they were. The salesman was probably embarrassed about the whole thing. The old hillbilly hoped that it was all just some sort of big misunderstanding, because he liked the salesman. He would try to go easy on the salesman, but one thing was for sure - he was taking this bigger chainsaw back, and picking up his cross saw blades.
When the old hillbilly arrived, the salesman told him that his cross saw blades were in, but wanted to know, if the bigger chainsaw had been better than the smaller chainsaw. The old hillbilly told him that it had been worse than the smaller chainsaw, and that neither one of the chainsaws could hold a candle to his old cross saw.
The salesman look truly puzzled, and just stood there scratching his head. After a few moments, he asked the old hillbilly, if he could help him figure out, why the chainsaws were so hard to use. The old hillbilly felt sorry for the salesman, so he obliged.
The old hillbilly and his sons went out behind the store with the salesman, to a huge tree that needed cutting down, because it was too close to the store. The salesman picked up the chainsaw, primed it, pulled the cord, and there was a tremendous roar.
The old hillbilly and his sons jumped back, like they had stepped on a snake. Then the old hillbilly asked the salesman, "What's that noise?".
The salesman looked at them strangely and said, "That's the sound of power". After watching how quickly the salesman cut down and cut up that huge tree into splitting logs, the old hillbilly and his sons all wanted their own chainsaw. The salesman made sure this time, that they each knew how to use a chainsaw. The old hillbilly knew he could never do in his own strength, what he could with the power of a chainsaw.
So they drove back to their cabin deep in the woods with five new chainsaws, and they never used a cross saw again.
You see I was once like that old hillbilly. The traditions of the churches that I had attended since youth were like that old cross saw - they required a lot of work on my behalf, and eventually proved to be unable to produce results, like a cross saw with a broken blade. Then my cousin Carl had demonstrated what could happen, when someone came into the House of Truth, so I surrendered everything to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), like the younger sons getting the smaller chainsaw. Carl made the three hour drive from Tulsa, Oklahoma several times to teach me how to follow the Man of Truth, and I poured myself into reading the Book of Truth (The Bible), like the older sons getting the bigger chainsaw. I was doing all that I knew how to do to follow the Man of Truth with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, but something was missing. I was left exhausted and frustrated. I needed to hear the sound of power.
During this time, I had gotten married to my beautiful wife Julie. After we were married for a short time, my wife began to have strange episodes at night. I began praying to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), and asking him to deliver my wife. It seemed like the more I prayed and tried to help my wife, the worse things got.
Then one night it became clear, that I was in way over my head. My ninety five pound wife, began speaking in a strange voice, and then threw her two hundred plus pound husband off of the bed. I went sailing thru the air, until I hit the opposite wall of the bed room, about three foot above the floor. I knew that it was not possible, for my wife to throw me eight feet like a rag doll, in her own strength. I knew that I was dealing with a Spirit of Lies (devil aka demon aka unclean spirit aka god), from my experiences I had, before I came into the House of Truth. I told the Spirit of Lies, that it had to leave my wife. It responded that it was never leaving, and would eventually kill her. I did everything that I knew to do, but it was not enough, so I cried out to the Father of Truth to help me. I was left exhausted and frustrated. I needed to hear the sound of power.
Then the next Friday, the strangest thing happened. My boss Larry called me out of the blue, and said that he did not need me to come to work on Friday. In fact, he was giving me the whole weekend off. At the restaurant where I worked, the weekend was the busiest time of the week. I had not had a whole weekend off, except for when I took vacation, in three years. As soon as I hung up the phone, I knew that I should go to Tulsa to see Carl. I called Carl to make sure it was alright with him. Five minutes later, my wife and I were on our way to Tulsa.
Almost as soon as we arrived, Carl invited us to go to a Bible study with him. I reluctantly asked where it was. I had not stepped foot in a church for several years, because the churches I had attended, had left me exhausted and frustrated. I was not about to change that policy. Carl told me that it was in the home of one of his friends. So I obliged Carl, and we went.
When we arrived at his friends house, Carl asked me in the driveway what I thought about speaking in tongues. I told him, that I had heard that speaking in tongues was from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil). That is what I had heard in the Baptist and Methodist churches, that I had grown up in.
When I arrived, people were sitting around the room, and singing praises to the Father of Truth. While we were singing, I heard the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) say that I should get up, place my hands on the head of my wife, and say these words: "Satan I command you to leave her in the name of Jesus.". I objected, because in the churches that I had grown up in, you got up when the leader said, and you sat down when the leader said. You certainly did not get up in the middle of the singing, walk over to someone else, lay hands on their head, and rebuke the Father of Lies. After being told the same thing for the third time, I finally decided to comply. I thought, what can it hurt, since no body knows me here anyways, except my family, and most of them already think I'm crazy.
So while everyone else was singing, and the guitar was still playing, I got up, walked over to my wife, laid my hands on her head, and said in a normal tone of voice, "Satan I command you to leave her in the name of Jesus.". When I did the singing and music suddenly stopped. Then I heard a tremendous roar, of people speaking in all kinds of languages that I did not know. Like that old hillbilly, I was asking myself, "What's that noise?".
Someone laid their hands on my head. When they did, suddenly if felt like fire shot from the top of my head, ran though my entire body, and shot out of my hands and feet. My hands were burning with power, and tingling like a man operating a chainsaw. I began speaking in a strange language that I had never heard. I put my hands again on the head of my wife, but this time I spoke with a strong, authoritative voice, the same words as before: "Satan I command you to leave her in the name of Jesus.". This time wife passed out for brief moment, and then came to. It was as if she had waken up from a bad dream. The Spirit of Lies had left, and she has never had another incident. That is what happens, when the power of the Spirit of Truth is operating.
I had asked the Father of Truth, for the power to deliver my wife, and He gave it to me. Even though I had the Spirit of Truth living in me from the moment that I had came into the House of Truth, I did not have the Spirit of Truth operating in power, as the Father of Truth had intended. Having the Spirit of Truth on the inside, without operating in the power of the Spirit of Truth, had left me exhausted and frustrated. It was like sawing wood with a chainsaw, without turning on the power first. When the Spirit of Truth began operating in power, as the Father of Truth had intended, there was a tremendous roar, of a language that I did not know coming out of my mouth. That was the sound of power.
Like that old hillbilly, I could see that I could never do in my own strength, what I could do with the power of the Spirit of Truth. After that, I found churches where the sound of power was heard, and went every single time that I could. Like that old hillbilly, I went home with power of the Spirit of Truth, and never went back to the powerless traditions, that I had grown up with. There is nothing like, the sound of power.
What does the Book of Truth say about the sound of power? Is the sound of power from the Father of Truth, or is it really from the Father of Lies, as I had heard for years?
The Man of Truth said, that the Father of Lies does not cast the Spirits of Lies (Matthew 12:25-27). The Man of Truth said, that all of the Children of Truth were to go into all the world with the Gospel (Mark 16:15-16). The Man of Truth said, that they were to do so, with the power of the Spirit of Truth operating to cast out the Spirits of Lies, accompanied by speaking in a language that they could not speak on their own (Mark 16:17). When the power of the Spirit of Truth is operating, it is accompanied by the sound of power, just like a chainsaw.
The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth would baptize the Children of Truth, in the Spirit of Truth and fire (Matthew 3:11). The gift of the Spirit of Truth could not operate from the inside of people, until the Man of Truth was raised from the dead (John 7:38-39). The Man of Truth said, that his Father would cause the Spirit of Truth, to dwell inside of people (John 14:16-17). The Man of Truth breathed on the Apostles of Truth, the first time he saw them, after he was raised dead, and the Spirit of Truth began to dwell on the inside of them (John 20:19-22). Forty days later, he told those same men, to wait for the promise of his Father, and that he would baptize them with the Spirit of Truth, right before he went back to heaven (Acts 1:3-5). The Man of Truth told them to wait, because they needed the power of the Spirit of Truth operating, when they went into all the world with the Gospel (Acts 1:8).
Then ten days later, on the day of Pentecost (Shavuot), the arrival of the Spirit of Truth in power was announced, with the tremendous roar, of a mighty rushing wind, that was followed by tongues of fire, that were laid upon their head (Acts 2:1-3). When the power of the Spirit of Truth began to operate, they all began to speak in languages, that they could not speak on their own (Acts 2:4-6). Those that heard them were asking, "What's that noise?" (Acts 2:9-12).
Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simeon aka Cephas aka the Apostle Peter) told them, that was the sound of power (Acts 2:33).
The Apostles of Truth could see, that they could never do in their own strength, what they could do with the power of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 3:9-12). The Apostles of Truth were never going back to the powerless traditions, that they had been raised in (Acts 4:18-20).
About eleven years later, shortly before Pentecost, the Spirit of Truth sent Peter the Jew, to preach to the Gentiles (Acts 10:19-21). The Father of Truth showed, that the Gentiles really could come into the House of Truth, without first becoming Jews thru circumcision, by placing the Spirit of Truth inside the Gentiles, and causing the power of the Spirit of Truth to start operating in them, when they came into the House of Truth (Acts 10:44). Those Jewish believers that were with Peter the Jew were wondering, "What's that noise?" (Acts 10:45-46). Peter the Jew told them, that was the sound of power (Acts 10:47).
These Gentile believers could see, that they could never do in their own strength, what they could do with the power of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 10:48) The Gentile believers were never going back to the powerless traditions, that they had been raised in (Acts 11:18).
You might be like the disciples, that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) encountered in the highlands, near Ephesus (Acts 19:1). They had never even heard of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 19:2). They have been baptized in water, as commanded by the Father of Truth through Yochanan the Mikvah man (John the Baptist) (Acts 19:3). Paul the Jew told them, that being baptized in water was not enough to save them, but that they had to come into the House of Truth (Acts 19:4). They were baptized in water again, after coming into the House of Truth (Acts 19:5).
Yet it was not enough that they had came into the House of Truth. It was not enough that the Spirit of Truth was dwelling inside of them. They still needed the power of the Spirit of Truth. So Paul the Jew laid hands on their heads, and they began to speak in languages, that they could not speak on their own (Acts 19:6). They may have been wondering, "What's that noise?", but Paul the Jew knew, that it was the sound of power.
Paul the Jew operated in the Spirit of Truth, when he did his part to bring the Gospel into all the world (1 Thessalonians 1:5). That is why Paul the Jew, released the sound of power, more than other believers (1 Corinthians 14:18).
The power of a chainsaw does not operate without releasing the sound of power. In the same way the power of the Spirit of Truth does not operate without releasing the sound of power.
Whether you are a Jew or a Gentile, you need the power of the Spirit of Truth.
If you have been baptized in the Spirit of Truth, but have not experienced the power of the Spirit of Truth recently, then it is probably because you have not been releasing the sound of power. That is like sawing wood with a chainsaw, without turning on the power first. You are the one that pulls the start cord, by praying in a language that you cannot pray on your own (1 Corinthians 14:15). The Spirit of Truth will not release the sound of power without you doing your part, any more than a chainsaw will start itself (1 Corinthians 14:32). The Father of Truth has given you a chainsaw, so start using it to do the work that He has given you. You need to pull the start cord, and start releasing the sound of power.
If you have came into the House of Truth, but have never released the sound of power, then the power of the Spirit of Truth has not been operating, as the Father of Truth intended. Make no mistake, the Spirit of Truth has been living in you (1 Corinthians 3:16). You should be able to see, that you can never do in your own strength, what you can do with the power of the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). You need throw away that old broken cross saw of tradition, that you have been handed down by religion, and accept the chainsaw that the Father of Truth wants to give you. If you ask the Father of Truth for the power of the Spirit of Truth, then He will give it to you, so you carry out the work that He has given you (Luke 11:11-13). Then you will release the sound of power.
If you have been baptized in water, but have never released the sound of power, then perhaps you have never came into the House of Truth. You can know religion taught by men, without knowing the Man of Truth, and that will leave you exhausted and frustrated (Matthew 23:2-4). The Man of Truth will refresh your soul, when you come into the House of Truth (Matthew 11:28-30). You cannot be refreshed, without turning from disobedience, by coming into the House of Truth (Acts 3:19). You must be baptized with water, AFTER you come into the House of Truth (Mark 16:16). If you will come into the House of Truth, then the the Spirit of Truth can operate, so you can release the sound of power.
If you have never came into the House of Truth, then you cannot release the sound of power, until you do so (Acts 2:38). You must surrender everything to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9). When you are in the House of Truth, then the the Spirit of Truth can operate, so you can release the sound of power.
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Gifts, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Ozarks, Parable, Pentecost, Ruach HaQodesh, Shavuot, Tongues
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