The Torah
Is the Torah relevant for the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) today?
In order to answer that question, we have to start with an explanation of what the Torah is. The Torah is the first five books of the Book of Truth. The Torah is sometimes called the book of the Law of Moses (Moishe), because it contains the Law that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave to Moses (Joshua 23:6). The Torah is sometimes referred to as the Book of Moses, because Moses wrote most of it and the rest is about Moses (2 Chronicles 35:12). It is called the Torah (The Law), because it contains the commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses, even though it contains much more than just that (Galatians 4:21-22). It is for this reason, that I frequently refer to the Torah as the Law of Truth.
Now that it has been established what the Torah is, then we need to determine if the Torah is relevant today, as some people say. Other people say, it has been done away with completely, and has no relevance to the Children of Truth, now that the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) has been ratified, by the blood of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). Since the Renewed Covenant is in effect at this time, then the best way to determine if the Torah is relevant for the Children of Truth, is to examine what the Renewed Covenant says, about the Torah.
The first thing to know about the Torah, is that the Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Torah, and even said, that the position of the Children of Truth in his kingdom, was entirely dependent upon whether or not, they obeyed the Torah, and taught others to obey the Torah (Matthew 5:17-19). He said, that the purpose of the Sermon of the Mount was to teach people, how to keep the Torah in the way, that His Father had always intended (Matthew 7:12-14). He taught that the Torah was given, to show people the details, of how to love his Father with all of their heart, and to love their neighbor as themselves (Matthew 22:37-40). He rebuked the Pharisees, for neglecting the most important commandments of the Torah while only keeping the least important commandments of the Torah (Matthew 23:23). He said, that loving his Father and other people, by keeping the commandments of the Torah, was the path to eternal life (Luke 10:25-28). He said, that it would be easier of the universe to be destroyed, than for even the smallest detail of the Torah, to go out of existence (Luke 16:17).
So, not only did the Man of Truth teach about how to keep the Torah, but he also taught about how to distinguish the weightier matters of the Law from the lessor matters of the Law.
The Man of Truth taught how to keep the Sabbath, as the Torah had intended (Matthew 12:1-8). ["Lawful" in this context means "According to the Torah".] He taught that taking care of the medical needs of other people, on the Sabbath, was keeping the Torah (Matthew 12:9-13). He taught that feeding hungry people, on the Sabbath, was keeping the Torah (Mark 2:23-28). He was angry with those who tried to use the Torah, as an excuse to deny showing love to people, on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-5). He taught that keeping the Torah, meant showing love to other people, on the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-5). He taught that the Torah commanded, that people do whatever was necessary to save people, on the Sabbath (Luke 6:6-10). He taught the Torah commanded, that people do whatever was necessary to heal people, on the Sabbath (Luke 14:1-6). He showed that keeping Torah, meant going where sick people were to bring them healing, on the Sabbath (John 5:2-9). He taught that keeping the Torah, meant doing everything the Torah commanded, about showing love to other people, on the Sabbath (John 7:21-24).
So the Man of Truth taught about how to obey the Torah, in keeping the Sabbath. He taught that people should rest one day a week, as commanded in the Torah. He kept the Sabbath on the seventh day, as taught by the Torah, so who changed the Sabbath? He taught that keeping the Torah, by showing love to other people on the Sabbath, will keep you from being bored on the Sabbath. So, if you are forbidding people from showing love to other people, on the Sabbath, as taught in the Torah, then whose Sabbath are you keeping?
Also, John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man), the Prophet of Truth, said that Herod was violating Torah, by being married to the wife of his brother Philip (Matthew 14:3-5). [Note: Philip was still alive.] John the Baptist said, that according to the Torah, she was still the wife of Philip, even though she had legally divorced Philip, under Roman Law, to marry Herod (Mark 6:17-20).
The Man of Truth also taught that the Torah said, the covenant of marriage could not be annulled by anyone, other than the Father of Truth (Matthew 19:3-6). He taught that in the Torah, divorce was only allowed, when one of the spouses was sexually unfaithful (Matthew 19:7-9). He taught that in the Torah, divorce was only allowed for fornication, because the hearts of people were too hard, to forgive each other (Mark 10:2-9). He taught that in the Torah, anyone who married another after divorce, or married anyone who had been divorced, for any reason other than sexual unfaithfulness, was committing adultery (Mark 10:10-12). He showed that the Torah, only prescribed death for sexual unfaithfulness, to keep others from becoming disobedient to the Torah (John 8:3-7). He showed that the purpose of the Torah, was to cause people to repent of sexual unfaithfulness (John 8:8-11).
So John the Baptist and the Man of Truth taught about how to obey the Torah, in marriage and divorce. They taught that when a wife was divorced, and then remarried, that the Torah was the means for answering the question: "Whose wife is she?". They taught that in the Torah, that the divorce was only meant to be used as the nuclear option, when the unfaithful wife would not repent. They taught that keeping the Torah, meant choosing the path of true love in difficult times, even when someone was forced into a less than ideal marriage.
The Man of Truth also taught, what the Torah said, about paying taxes (Matthew 22:17-21). He said that the Torah taught, for people to pay taxes, because taxes belonged to the government (Mark 12:14-17). He said, that the Torah taught, for people to also pay tithes and offerings, because these things belonged to his Father, in the same way that taxes belonged to the government (Luke 20:22-26).
So the Man of Truth taught and demonstrated, that the Torah was relevant for the Children of Truth. He taught, that the Torah was relevant to all areas of life. He showed, that the Torah was the standard for determining right and wrong, in every situation. The Man of Truth in no way made the Law of Truth, to be no longer relevant, to the Children of Truth.
However, that was all before the Man of Truth died, and rose again. The penalty for sin had not yet been paid. So we need to examine, what the Renewed Covenant says about the Torah, after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, to determine if the Torah is relevant, to the Children of Truth today.
The accusation against Stephen the Jew as false, because the Man of Truth had not changed the Torah, after he ascended to Heaven (Acts 6:9-14).
Ananias the Jew, who had laid hands on Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), to recover his sight in Damascus, had been very careful to obey the Torah (Acts 22:11-13).
Paul the Jew still continued to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath, and expound upon the Torah, more than ten years after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven (Acts 13:14-16). Paul the Jew, like Stephen the Jew, was falsely accused of persuading Jews, to do things contrary to the Torah (Acts 18:12-14). When Paul the Jew, returned to Jerusalem after his third mission trip, more than twenty years after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, there were many Jewish Children of Truth, who were zealous to keep the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:18-20). Paul the Jew had been accused, of teaching Jews to no longer keep the Law, and was advised to fulfill a Nazarite vow, with four of these Jewish Children of Truth, to show that he was still obeying the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:21-24). Paul the Jew then fulfilled the Nazarite vow with them, to show that he was still obeying the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:26-28). Paul the Jew had never, in any manner whatsoever, taught that the Torah was no longer relevant (Acts 25:8).
So the actions of these Jewish Children of Truth, showed that the Torah was still relevant for the Children of Truth, from the day the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, until the day they died. In fact, Paul the Jew made cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs, with tzitzits on the corners, as commanded in the Torah, to pay his expenses on his mission trips. So we will next examine the epistles of Paul the Jew, to see what he wrote about the Torah.
Paul the Jew wrote, that the Torah was holy and its commandments were holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12). He wrote, that the Torah was spiritual (Romans 7:14). He wrote, that he delighted in the Torah (Romans 7:22).
This being the case, then did Paul the Jew say anything, to show that the Torah was relevant to the Children of Truth?
Paul the Jew said, that the Children of Truth do not make the Torah void, through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 3:31). He said, the Torah is what defines marriage for the Children of Truth (Romans 7:2-3). He said, the Torah defines remarriage for the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:39). He said, the Children of Truth should financially support the Ministers of Truth, because that is what the Torah teaches (1 Corinthians 9:8-10). He said, that the Children of Truth could be sure, that speaking in tongues was from the Father of Truth, because that is what the Torah had said, would happen (1 Corinthians 14:21-22). He used the Torah, to show how to keep order, in congregations of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:33-35).
If Paul the Jew, the Apostle to the Gentiles, championed the relevancy of the Torah for the Children of Truth, then who can truthfully say, that the Torah is not relevant to the Children of Truth, today?
The Torah is relevant for the Children of Truth today, because it tells them what is sin, and what is not sin. Paul the Jew said, that the Torah tells, that sin was in the world from the time of Adam, but sin was not clearly defined, until the Torah was given (Romans 5:12-14). He said, the Torah is how the Children of Truth know, what the Father of Truth defines as sin (Romans 7:7). He said, the Torah was made for those who committed sin, to convict them of their sin (1 Timothy 1:8-10). James the Jew (Ya'acob the brother of the Man of Truth aka the Apostle James) said, that whoever sins, transgresses the Torah (James 2:9-11). John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) said, that sin is the transgression of the Torah (1 John 3:4).
For example, the Torah convicts the homosexual of sin in no uncertain terms, because it tells about how the Father of Truth deals with those who live like they were married in Sodom. The Torah says, that the Children of Truth need to warn the homosexual to flee from homosexuality, for the same reasons that they would warn someone to flee, if they were in a burning house. The Torah tells the Children of Truth, that letting the homosexual believe the lie that "My DNA made me do it", instead of warning them to flee from their sin, is hating them with the worst kind of hatred. The Children of Truth just need to tell them in love, like the Man of Truth would, if he was talking to Ellen DeGeneres.
Yet even though the Torah is relevant to the Children of Truth today, no one can come into the House of Truth, by keeping the Torah (Romans 8:3-5). You can only come into the House of Truth, by faith in the Man of Truth, because no one has kept the Torah perfectly, as it demands (Romans 10:3-5). You can only come into the House of Truth, by having faith in the Good News about the Man of Truth, in your heart, and speaking it with your mouth, as the Torah says (Romans 10:6-8). You come into the House of Truth, when you call the Man of Truth the king of your life, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11). It is only after you come into the House of Truth, that the Torah begins to truly relevant to your life, as the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), helps you fulfill the Torah, as the Father of Truth intended (Galatians 5:13-18).
Come into the House of Truth.
In order to answer that question, we have to start with an explanation of what the Torah is. The Torah is the first five books of the Book of Truth. The Torah is sometimes called the book of the Law of Moses (Moishe), because it contains the Law that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave to Moses (Joshua 23:6). The Torah is sometimes referred to as the Book of Moses, because Moses wrote most of it and the rest is about Moses (2 Chronicles 35:12). It is called the Torah (The Law), because it contains the commandments of the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses, even though it contains much more than just that (Galatians 4:21-22). It is for this reason, that I frequently refer to the Torah as the Law of Truth.
Now that it has been established what the Torah is, then we need to determine if the Torah is relevant today, as some people say. Other people say, it has been done away with completely, and has no relevance to the Children of Truth, now that the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) has been ratified, by the blood of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ). Since the Renewed Covenant is in effect at this time, then the best way to determine if the Torah is relevant for the Children of Truth, is to examine what the Renewed Covenant says, about the Torah.
The first thing to know about the Torah, is that the Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Torah, and even said, that the position of the Children of Truth in his kingdom, was entirely dependent upon whether or not, they obeyed the Torah, and taught others to obey the Torah (Matthew 5:17-19). He said, that the purpose of the Sermon of the Mount was to teach people, how to keep the Torah in the way, that His Father had always intended (Matthew 7:12-14). He taught that the Torah was given, to show people the details, of how to love his Father with all of their heart, and to love their neighbor as themselves (Matthew 22:37-40). He rebuked the Pharisees, for neglecting the most important commandments of the Torah while only keeping the least important commandments of the Torah (Matthew 23:23). He said, that loving his Father and other people, by keeping the commandments of the Torah, was the path to eternal life (Luke 10:25-28). He said, that it would be easier of the universe to be destroyed, than for even the smallest detail of the Torah, to go out of existence (Luke 16:17).
So, not only did the Man of Truth teach about how to keep the Torah, but he also taught about how to distinguish the weightier matters of the Law from the lessor matters of the Law.
The Man of Truth taught how to keep the Sabbath, as the Torah had intended (Matthew 12:1-8). ["Lawful" in this context means "According to the Torah".] He taught that taking care of the medical needs of other people, on the Sabbath, was keeping the Torah (Matthew 12:9-13). He taught that feeding hungry people, on the Sabbath, was keeping the Torah (Mark 2:23-28). He was angry with those who tried to use the Torah, as an excuse to deny showing love to people, on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-5). He taught that keeping the Torah, meant showing love to other people, on the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-5). He taught that the Torah commanded, that people do whatever was necessary to save people, on the Sabbath (Luke 6:6-10). He taught the Torah commanded, that people do whatever was necessary to heal people, on the Sabbath (Luke 14:1-6). He showed that keeping Torah, meant going where sick people were to bring them healing, on the Sabbath (John 5:2-9). He taught that keeping the Torah, meant doing everything the Torah commanded, about showing love to other people, on the Sabbath (John 7:21-24).
So the Man of Truth taught about how to obey the Torah, in keeping the Sabbath. He taught that people should rest one day a week, as commanded in the Torah. He kept the Sabbath on the seventh day, as taught by the Torah, so who changed the Sabbath? He taught that keeping the Torah, by showing love to other people on the Sabbath, will keep you from being bored on the Sabbath. So, if you are forbidding people from showing love to other people, on the Sabbath, as taught in the Torah, then whose Sabbath are you keeping?
Also, John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man), the Prophet of Truth, said that Herod was violating Torah, by being married to the wife of his brother Philip (Matthew 14:3-5). [Note: Philip was still alive.] John the Baptist said, that according to the Torah, she was still the wife of Philip, even though she had legally divorced Philip, under Roman Law, to marry Herod (Mark 6:17-20).
The Man of Truth also taught that the Torah said, the covenant of marriage could not be annulled by anyone, other than the Father of Truth (Matthew 19:3-6). He taught that in the Torah, divorce was only allowed, when one of the spouses was sexually unfaithful (Matthew 19:7-9). He taught that in the Torah, divorce was only allowed for fornication, because the hearts of people were too hard, to forgive each other (Mark 10:2-9). He taught that in the Torah, anyone who married another after divorce, or married anyone who had been divorced, for any reason other than sexual unfaithfulness, was committing adultery (Mark 10:10-12). He showed that the Torah, only prescribed death for sexual unfaithfulness, to keep others from becoming disobedient to the Torah (John 8:3-7). He showed that the purpose of the Torah, was to cause people to repent of sexual unfaithfulness (John 8:8-11).
So John the Baptist and the Man of Truth taught about how to obey the Torah, in marriage and divorce. They taught that when a wife was divorced, and then remarried, that the Torah was the means for answering the question: "Whose wife is she?". They taught that in the Torah, that the divorce was only meant to be used as the nuclear option, when the unfaithful wife would not repent. They taught that keeping the Torah, meant choosing the path of true love in difficult times, even when someone was forced into a less than ideal marriage.
The Man of Truth also taught, what the Torah said, about paying taxes (Matthew 22:17-21). He said that the Torah taught, for people to pay taxes, because taxes belonged to the government (Mark 12:14-17). He said, that the Torah taught, for people to also pay tithes and offerings, because these things belonged to his Father, in the same way that taxes belonged to the government (Luke 20:22-26).
So the Man of Truth taught and demonstrated, that the Torah was relevant for the Children of Truth. He taught, that the Torah was relevant to all areas of life. He showed, that the Torah was the standard for determining right and wrong, in every situation. The Man of Truth in no way made the Law of Truth, to be no longer relevant, to the Children of Truth.
However, that was all before the Man of Truth died, and rose again. The penalty for sin had not yet been paid. So we need to examine, what the Renewed Covenant says about the Torah, after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, to determine if the Torah is relevant, to the Children of Truth today.
The accusation against Stephen the Jew as false, because the Man of Truth had not changed the Torah, after he ascended to Heaven (Acts 6:9-14).
Ananias the Jew, who had laid hands on Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), to recover his sight in Damascus, had been very careful to obey the Torah (Acts 22:11-13).
Paul the Jew still continued to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath, and expound upon the Torah, more than ten years after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven (Acts 13:14-16). Paul the Jew, like Stephen the Jew, was falsely accused of persuading Jews, to do things contrary to the Torah (Acts 18:12-14). When Paul the Jew, returned to Jerusalem after his third mission trip, more than twenty years after the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, there were many Jewish Children of Truth, who were zealous to keep the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:18-20). Paul the Jew had been accused, of teaching Jews to no longer keep the Law, and was advised to fulfill a Nazarite vow, with four of these Jewish Children of Truth, to show that he was still obeying the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:21-24). Paul the Jew then fulfilled the Nazarite vow with them, to show that he was still obeying the commandments of the Torah (Acts 21:26-28). Paul the Jew had never, in any manner whatsoever, taught that the Torah was no longer relevant (Acts 25:8).
So the actions of these Jewish Children of Truth, showed that the Torah was still relevant for the Children of Truth, from the day the Man of Truth returned to Heaven, until the day they died. In fact, Paul the Jew made cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs, with tzitzits on the corners, as commanded in the Torah, to pay his expenses on his mission trips. So we will next examine the epistles of Paul the Jew, to see what he wrote about the Torah.
Paul the Jew wrote, that the Torah was holy and its commandments were holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12). He wrote, that the Torah was spiritual (Romans 7:14). He wrote, that he delighted in the Torah (Romans 7:22).
This being the case, then did Paul the Jew say anything, to show that the Torah was relevant to the Children of Truth?
Paul the Jew said, that the Children of Truth do not make the Torah void, through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 3:31). He said, the Torah is what defines marriage for the Children of Truth (Romans 7:2-3). He said, the Torah defines remarriage for the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 7:39). He said, the Children of Truth should financially support the Ministers of Truth, because that is what the Torah teaches (1 Corinthians 9:8-10). He said, that the Children of Truth could be sure, that speaking in tongues was from the Father of Truth, because that is what the Torah had said, would happen (1 Corinthians 14:21-22). He used the Torah, to show how to keep order, in congregations of the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:33-35).
If Paul the Jew, the Apostle to the Gentiles, championed the relevancy of the Torah for the Children of Truth, then who can truthfully say, that the Torah is not relevant to the Children of Truth, today?
The Torah is relevant for the Children of Truth today, because it tells them what is sin, and what is not sin. Paul the Jew said, that the Torah tells, that sin was in the world from the time of Adam, but sin was not clearly defined, until the Torah was given (Romans 5:12-14). He said, the Torah is how the Children of Truth know, what the Father of Truth defines as sin (Romans 7:7). He said, the Torah was made for those who committed sin, to convict them of their sin (1 Timothy 1:8-10). James the Jew (Ya'acob the brother of the Man of Truth aka the Apostle James) said, that whoever sins, transgresses the Torah (James 2:9-11). John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) said, that sin is the transgression of the Torah (1 John 3:4).
For example, the Torah convicts the homosexual of sin in no uncertain terms, because it tells about how the Father of Truth deals with those who live like they were married in Sodom. The Torah says, that the Children of Truth need to warn the homosexual to flee from homosexuality, for the same reasons that they would warn someone to flee, if they were in a burning house. The Torah tells the Children of Truth, that letting the homosexual believe the lie that "My DNA made me do it", instead of warning them to flee from their sin, is hating them with the worst kind of hatred. The Children of Truth just need to tell them in love, like the Man of Truth would, if he was talking to Ellen DeGeneres.
Yet even though the Torah is relevant to the Children of Truth today, no one can come into the House of Truth, by keeping the Torah (Romans 8:3-5). You can only come into the House of Truth, by faith in the Man of Truth, because no one has kept the Torah perfectly, as it demands (Romans 10:3-5). You can only come into the House of Truth, by having faith in the Good News about the Man of Truth, in your heart, and speaking it with your mouth, as the Torah says (Romans 10:6-8). You come into the House of Truth, when you call the Man of Truth the king of your life, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11). It is only after you come into the House of Truth, that the Torah begins to truly relevant to your life, as the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), helps you fulfill the Torah, as the Father of Truth intended (Galatians 5:13-18).
Come into the House of Truth.
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