The Renewed Covenant
Are there books in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that should not be there?
The canon of the Renewed Covenant has remained unchanged until this present time even though there have been many attempts to remove some of the books from the canon of the Renewed Covenant that was handed down from the time of the Apostles of Truth. There is an unbroken chain of evidence about the canon of the Renewed Covenant.
The oldest complete Greek codex of the Renewed Covenant still in existence was completed in 330 AD and is today known as the Codex Sinaiticus. The Codex Vaticanus is about 30 years older but a few of the verses have vanished from age as the pages became faded on the outer edges and a few of the pages were made centuries later to replace pages that were becoming unreadable. However, the contents of it were thoroughly document before they were replaced and this codex was used by Westcott and Hort to create their Greek New Testament in 1881. Both of these complete codices of the Renewed Covenant contained the exact same books that are listed in the canon of modern copies of the Renewed Covenant along with two other codices that are almost as old.
That there are complete copies that are barely two hundred years older than the originals still in existence alone is remarkable when you consider that the oldest complete copies of every secular work from the same time period in existence today, like the writings of Tacitus, were copied more than a thousand years after the originals were written.
The oldest complete Syriac (Aramaic) translation of the Renewed Covenant is from 534 AD and it contains all of the books listed in the canon of modern copies of the Renewed Covenant.
The Muratorian fragment, that was composed around 150 AD, lists most of the books in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant as being part of the Renewed Covenant, although a few books are missing. The list on this manuscript was obviously started on a page before it and was continued on the page after it. Neither of those pages had survived when it was discovered in 1740 or so. So it is entirely possible that those books were listed on the missing pages.
There are also many incomplete Greek codices and manuscripts that date all of the way back to about 125 AD - which is a mere thirty years after the last book of the Renewed Covenant was written. Among these manuscripts is every single book in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant and every single word of every single book. The archeological evidence shows that there is nothing in the modern copies of the Renewed Covenant that should not be there.
The historical evidence mirrors the physical evidence. Many early sources state that the exact same canon of the Renewed Covenant that was in use then is still in use today.
Papias of Hierapolis, a disciple of John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John), wrote a five volume dissertation on the teachings of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) contained in the Gospels and the rest of the Renewed Covenant called "The Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord". Although this work was last reported as existing in its entirety in the Middle Ages, some of the sources that quote from it state that it contained writings about all of the books in the Renewed Covenant. This shows that all of these books in the canon of the Renewed Covenant were in existence before he began writing his dissertation around 100 AD and that none of these books could have been added to the canon of the Renewed Covenant after he died in 163 AD.
Papias wrote that his sources were some of the Apostle of Truth, people who had talked to the Apostles of Truth, other people mentioned in the books of the Renewed Covenant, and people who had talked to these other people mentioned in the books of the Renewed Covenant. He said that these living sources were preferable to the written resources that he also encountered. This gives witness that there other written sources prior to his own dissertation that supported the canon of the Renewed Covenant as well.
Documents of writers from the Middle Ages use the dissertation of Papias to show that the canon of the Renewed Covenant was formed by the Apostles of Truth themselves as it was being written, with the complete canon being passed on to Papias and others by John the Jew, after he wrote the book of Revelation that completed the canon of the Renewed Covenant. Papias also wrote that the Gospel of Matthew the Jew (Mattiyahu aka Levi) was originally written in Hebrew while all the rest of the books in the canon of the Renewed Covenant were originally written in Greek as explained further in The Language of the Renewed Covenant.
Papias further explained that no books after the time of the Apostles of Truth were accepted as scripture. He said that for this reason no other books were allowed in the canon of the Renewed Covenant - even though many Gentiles, particular those who spoke Latin, tried to change the canon of the Renewed Covenant. In particular, they sought to remove certain books that they questioned, since those books contradicted some of their doctrines.
Justin Martyr wrote, before his death in 150 AD, that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were using the writings of the Prophets of Truth and the writings of the Apostles of Truth as the foundation of doctrine in their services. Around 200 AD, Origen quoted from all 27 books that are in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant. The list just goes on and on. In fact, there are enough quotes from these 27 books of the Renewed Covenant, in manuscripts that were written before 300 AD, by a great host of authors, to almost completely reconstruct the entire Renewed Covenant from these quotes alone.
Without dispute in 367 AD, Athanasius of Alexandria wrote the entire list of books in the Renewed Covenant, and gave that list the name "Canon" which means "accepted list". This was about 35 years after, the oldest complete codex in existence today, containing those same books, was compiled.
All of this historical evidence matches what the Renewed Covenant says about itself.
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) started the church at Hierapolis, where Papias was born, when he started the churches at Colosse and Laodicea (Colossians 4:13). Paul the Jew had been sent to the Gentiles while John the Jew and Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) were sent to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-9). John the Jew was later sent to Laodicea, which was packed with Jews, where he had previously been, so he could have easily began disciplining Papias of Hierapolis, who was likely a Jew also, on his first visit (Revelation 1:11).
There were Greek speaking Jews dispersed among the Gentiles, throughout the areas where the books of the Renewed Covenant were first written and read (John 7:35). It was common for some of these Jews to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem where all of the authors of the Renewed Covenant were either residing at times or visiting at other times (Acts 2:5-11). The Jews had been committed with keeping the Word of Truth that came from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) so they would have been the original guardians of the canon of the Renewed Covenant (Romans 3:1-2).
These guardians of the canon of the Renewed Covenant would have been in Jerusalem where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 6:9). They would have been in Mesopotamia (Babylon), Phrygia (Colosse, Laodicea, Hierapolis) and Crete - where Greek speaking Jews in Jerusalem made a pilgrimage from (Acts 2:9-10). They would have been in Galatia (southern) where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews in its principle city of Iconium (Acts 14:1). They would have been in Philippi - even though the Greek speaking Jews there had to meet by the river since there were not enough Jews there to to form a synagogue (Acts 16:12-13). They would have been in Thessaloniki where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 17:1). They would have been in Corinth where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 18:1-4). They would have been in Ephesus where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 18:19). They would have been in Rome where many Greek speaking Jews lived when Paul the Jew arrived there (Acts 28:16-17). They would have been in Bithynia, Pontus, Cappadocia, Asia, and Galatia (northern) where the greatest concentration of Greek speaking Jews in the world lived when Peter the Jew was sent there before arriving in Babylon (1 Peter 1:1).
In short, there were Jewish disciples in every place where the books of the Renewed Covenant were written, as well as every place where epistles were originally sent to, before they were copied for general distribution, because the Jews were always given the Good News first in every place the Apostles of Truth went, including Paul the Jew (Romans 1:16).
The Apostles of Truth wrote the Renewed Covenant so that people could believe the Good News about the Man of Truth (John 20:30-31). The Apostles of Truth knew that the Good News that they witnessed and wrote about was scripture that belonged in the Book of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:1-9). The Apostles of Truth wrote that the Children of Truth were to use the writings of the Prophets of Truth and the writings of the Apostles of Truth as the foundation of doctrine in their services (Ephesians 2:20-22). The Apostles of Truth knew that their own writings in the Renewed Covenant, were as much scripture that belonged in the Book of Truth, as the writings of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) (2 Peter 3:15-17).
So the story of the formation and preservation of the canon Renewed Covenant, that is found by examining the writings of Papias and others, is completely consistent with the contents of the Renewed Covenant itself. There is nothing contrary in their report, that the Apostles of Truth themselves established which of their own writings (books) were scripture. There is nothing contrary in their report, that the Greek speakers, who were undoubtedly Jews, prevented anyone - especially Latin speakers - from adding other books to the Renewed Covenant. There is nothing contrary in their report, that the contents of the Renewed Covenant were preserved through these effortsm until the time of the oldest extant complete copy of the Renewed Covenant was written.
There is also the actions that the Children of Truth in Judaea, in the years leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem, that should remove all doubt by themselves.
Josephus records that starting around 63 AD, the Children of Truth in Jerusalem started moving away from Jerusalem, and he also lists five separate occasions, when they could have escaped, after the Romans began their initial attack in 66 AD. Eusebius records that the majority escaped to a city named "Pella".
Pella was a city in an area of heavily wooded hills and valleys, located in the autonomous region of Decapolis, east of the Sea of Galilee, and on the opposite side of the Jordan River from Galilee and Samaria. It was rebuilt shortly after Alexander the Great had conquered the area, and was renamed after the city in Greece where he was born. Many of the Greeks in Pella had come into the House of Truth, and so they welcomed their Jewish brothers - even though Jewish rebels had attacked Pella earlier.
When the Romans came to put down the Great Revolt, the rest of the Children of Truth in Judaea fled to Pella as well, before the Romans besieged Jerusalem. The Romans not only destroyed Jerusalem, but also many other walled cities and villages, when they crushed the Great Revolt. However, they did not attack a single city in the autonomous region of Decapolis, due to it being an area where Greeks lived instead of Jews. It is an indisputable fact, that Pella grew tremondously in population around the time that Jerusalem was destroyed, and that the caves in the area are full of Christian symbols.
The reason that the Jewish Children of Truth escaped the terrible destruction, that came upon the other Jews, is that they had acted on the warnings of the Man of Truth, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem that he gave in 31 AD. Therefore their actions show, that it is impossible for those warnings to have been written, after the destruction of Jerusalem, because the Jewish Children of Truth escaped that destruction, by acting on those warnings.
The Renewed Covenant records those warnings to this day. They include the instructions to flee to the mountains when the Roman armies came to Jerusalem, because it would lead to many dying, and many others being taken captive to far away lands (Luke 21:20-24).
So there could not be any books slipped into the canon of the Renewed Covenant that were written later than 95 AD, because the first qualification for a book to be accepted in the canon of the Renewed Covenant, was that it was written by an Apostle of Truth.
The certainty, that there were no books slipped into the Renewed Covenant, is further shown by examining the Renewed Covenant, to see if all of the books fit together. Careful examination will show that they fit together to form a well built house.
Not only that, but the Original Covenant also gives witness, that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant somehow.
The well built house formed by the books of the Renewed Covenant, does not exist in a vacuum, but rather rests atop a tree of wondrous strength, called the Original Covenant. This well built house is secured to the tree of wondrous strength by the everlasting covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram).
So the Original Covenant also gives witness that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant somehow.
Every single book in the Renewed Covenant refers to the contents of Original Covenant in some manner. There are almost 300 direct quotes from the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant. There are many more references to people and events written about in the Original Covenant, than that in the Renewed Covenant. There are thousands of allusions to the contents of the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant - including more than 620 such allusions in the Revelation alone.
So the Original Covenant shows that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant because it is quoted, referred to, and alluded to, in every book in the Renewed Covenant, and it has already been shown that all of the books of the Renewed Covenant are tied together.
The Original Covenant said, in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), that the the Father of Truth would one day circumcise the hearts of people, so they could keep His commandments (Deuteronomy 30:6). The Original Covenant said, that He would give people a new heart of flesh that could keep the commandments of the Law of Truth, to replace the heart of stone that could not respond to the Spirit of Truth (Ezekiel 11:19-20). The Original Covenant said, that the Spirit of Truth would live in people, to cause them to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27).
The Original Covenant told, that the Renewed Covenant was going to be made with the people of Israel to bring these things about (Jeremiah 31:27-34). ["B'rit Chadashah" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".] This Renewed Covenant was made, because the people of Israel could not keep the commandments, that were originally given in the Original Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-12). ["Diatheken Kainen" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".]
The Father of Truth has circumcised the hearts of people in the Renewed Covenant, so they can keep the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 2:25-29). The Original Covenant could not cause people to keep the righteous commandments in the Law of Truth, because people do not have the power to do so on their own, but the Renewed Covenant can cause people to keep those same commandments, because the Spirit of Truth gives them the power to do so (Romans 8:3-5). The Renewed Covenant, is the Spirit of Truth writing the same laws on the tables of the heart, that bring life through people being able to keep these commandments, that were written on the tables of stone, that brought death though people not being able to keep the letter of these commandments (2 Corinthians 3:3-7). The same laws that were written on stone in the Original Covenant, are written on the hearts of people in the Renewed Covenant (Hebrews 10:15-17).
So the unchanging law written on tables of stone in the Original Covenant, is written on the hearts of the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant. It is not a new covenant that contains new commandments. It is that the same laws, written externally on stone in the Original Covenant, were renewed, by being written internally on the heart in the Renewed Covenant. Since The Gospels, The Acts, The Epistles and The Revelation, show how the heart was renewed, so that the commandments, written in stone in the Original Covenant, can be kept, by being written on the heart instead, I call the collection of these books, "The Renewed Covenant".
The Gospels tell about how the Man of Truth fulfilled all that was written about what he would do on this Earth, in the Original Covenant (Luke 24:44-48). The Acts tell about how the Apostles of Truth went about persuading people, that the Man of Truth was the one written about in the Original Covenant (Acts 28:22-24). The Epistles reveal the plan that was hidden in Original Covenant, to save the entire human race through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 16:25-27). The Revelation reveals the events, that will usher in the return of the Man of Truth to this Earth to rule over it forever, reward the Children of Truth and destroy the Children of Lies, to bring about all that was promised, in the Original Covenant (Revelation 11:15-18).
So the books of the Renewed Covenant complete the story that the books of the Original Covenant began. These two collections of books cannot stand alone because they are The Inseparable Covenants.
The Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Law of Truth, found in the Original Covenant, but to make it possible for people to keep these commandments, in the way his Father had always intended, through a Renewed Covenant (Matthew 5:17-19). He only spoke the commandments that his Father gave him to speak in the Renewed Covenant (John 12:49-50). He came to take away our disobedience, to the commandments of the Law of Truth, through the Renewed Covenant (1 John 3:4-6).
The Man of Truth said, that he would give the Spirit of Truth to live in anyone, who decided to keep those commandments, in the Renewed Covenant (John 14:15-17). The Spirit of Truth causes everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, to be able to fulfill the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth, in the Renewed Covenant (Romans 8:1-4). Those who fulfill the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth, by being under the control of the Spirit of Truth, in the Renewed Covenant, are not under the Law of Truth, in the Original Covenant (Galatians 5:16-18).
In the Renewed Covenant, the mind is renewed, to more clearly understand what the Father of Truth desires, when we surrendering control of our bodies to do the will of the Father of Truth (Romans 12:1-2). In the Renewed Covenant, the inside person is renewed everyday, by remembering that the Children of Truth will be raised from the dead, like the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 4:13-16). In the Renewed Covenant, the spirit of the mind is renewed, by replacing the old person, who was ruled by the desires of the flesh, with a new person, who is ruled by a desire to please the Father of Truth (Ephesians 4:22-24). In the Renewed Covenant, the new person is renewed in knowledge, so that it is possible, to replace the old person, who lives on the inside (Colossians 3:8-10). In the Renewed Covenant, we are renewed, by the Spirit of Truth, because of the grace of the Father of Truth, in giving us the Man of Truth (Titus 3:4-6).
All of these benefits of the Renewed Covenant, cannot begin until you come into the House of Truth (John 3:3-5). You come into the House of Truth, when you are born again by the Spirit of Truth (John 3:6-8). You are born again by the Spirit of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe the message of the Renewed Covenant, that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
The canon of the Renewed Covenant has remained unchanged until this present time even though there have been many attempts to remove some of the books from the canon of the Renewed Covenant that was handed down from the time of the Apostles of Truth. There is an unbroken chain of evidence about the canon of the Renewed Covenant.
The oldest complete Greek codex of the Renewed Covenant still in existence was completed in 330 AD and is today known as the Codex Sinaiticus. The Codex Vaticanus is about 30 years older but a few of the verses have vanished from age as the pages became faded on the outer edges and a few of the pages were made centuries later to replace pages that were becoming unreadable. However, the contents of it were thoroughly document before they were replaced and this codex was used by Westcott and Hort to create their Greek New Testament in 1881. Both of these complete codices of the Renewed Covenant contained the exact same books that are listed in the canon of modern copies of the Renewed Covenant along with two other codices that are almost as old.
That there are complete copies that are barely two hundred years older than the originals still in existence alone is remarkable when you consider that the oldest complete copies of every secular work from the same time period in existence today, like the writings of Tacitus, were copied more than a thousand years after the originals were written.
The oldest complete Syriac (Aramaic) translation of the Renewed Covenant is from 534 AD and it contains all of the books listed in the canon of modern copies of the Renewed Covenant.
The Muratorian fragment, that was composed around 150 AD, lists most of the books in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant as being part of the Renewed Covenant, although a few books are missing. The list on this manuscript was obviously started on a page before it and was continued on the page after it. Neither of those pages had survived when it was discovered in 1740 or so. So it is entirely possible that those books were listed on the missing pages.
There are also many incomplete Greek codices and manuscripts that date all of the way back to about 125 AD - which is a mere thirty years after the last book of the Renewed Covenant was written. Among these manuscripts is every single book in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant and every single word of every single book. The archeological evidence shows that there is nothing in the modern copies of the Renewed Covenant that should not be there.
The historical evidence mirrors the physical evidence. Many early sources state that the exact same canon of the Renewed Covenant that was in use then is still in use today.
Papias of Hierapolis, a disciple of John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John), wrote a five volume dissertation on the teachings of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) contained in the Gospels and the rest of the Renewed Covenant called "The Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord". Although this work was last reported as existing in its entirety in the Middle Ages, some of the sources that quote from it state that it contained writings about all of the books in the Renewed Covenant. This shows that all of these books in the canon of the Renewed Covenant were in existence before he began writing his dissertation around 100 AD and that none of these books could have been added to the canon of the Renewed Covenant after he died in 163 AD.
Papias wrote that his sources were some of the Apostle of Truth, people who had talked to the Apostles of Truth, other people mentioned in the books of the Renewed Covenant, and people who had talked to these other people mentioned in the books of the Renewed Covenant. He said that these living sources were preferable to the written resources that he also encountered. This gives witness that there other written sources prior to his own dissertation that supported the canon of the Renewed Covenant as well.
Documents of writers from the Middle Ages use the dissertation of Papias to show that the canon of the Renewed Covenant was formed by the Apostles of Truth themselves as it was being written, with the complete canon being passed on to Papias and others by John the Jew, after he wrote the book of Revelation that completed the canon of the Renewed Covenant. Papias also wrote that the Gospel of Matthew the Jew (Mattiyahu aka Levi) was originally written in Hebrew while all the rest of the books in the canon of the Renewed Covenant were originally written in Greek as explained further in The Language of the Renewed Covenant.
Papias further explained that no books after the time of the Apostles of Truth were accepted as scripture. He said that for this reason no other books were allowed in the canon of the Renewed Covenant - even though many Gentiles, particular those who spoke Latin, tried to change the canon of the Renewed Covenant. In particular, they sought to remove certain books that they questioned, since those books contradicted some of their doctrines.
Justin Martyr wrote, before his death in 150 AD, that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were using the writings of the Prophets of Truth and the writings of the Apostles of Truth as the foundation of doctrine in their services. Around 200 AD, Origen quoted from all 27 books that are in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant. The list just goes on and on. In fact, there are enough quotes from these 27 books of the Renewed Covenant, in manuscripts that were written before 300 AD, by a great host of authors, to almost completely reconstruct the entire Renewed Covenant from these quotes alone.
Without dispute in 367 AD, Athanasius of Alexandria wrote the entire list of books in the Renewed Covenant, and gave that list the name "Canon" which means "accepted list". This was about 35 years after, the oldest complete codex in existence today, containing those same books, was compiled.
All of this historical evidence matches what the Renewed Covenant says about itself.
Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) started the church at Hierapolis, where Papias was born, when he started the churches at Colosse and Laodicea (Colossians 4:13). Paul the Jew had been sent to the Gentiles while John the Jew and Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) were sent to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-9). John the Jew was later sent to Laodicea, which was packed with Jews, where he had previously been, so he could have easily began disciplining Papias of Hierapolis, who was likely a Jew also, on his first visit (Revelation 1:11).
There were Greek speaking Jews dispersed among the Gentiles, throughout the areas where the books of the Renewed Covenant were first written and read (John 7:35). It was common for some of these Jews to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem where all of the authors of the Renewed Covenant were either residing at times or visiting at other times (Acts 2:5-11). The Jews had been committed with keeping the Word of Truth that came from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) so they would have been the original guardians of the canon of the Renewed Covenant (Romans 3:1-2).
These guardians of the canon of the Renewed Covenant would have been in Jerusalem where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 6:9). They would have been in Mesopotamia (Babylon), Phrygia (Colosse, Laodicea, Hierapolis) and Crete - where Greek speaking Jews in Jerusalem made a pilgrimage from (Acts 2:9-10). They would have been in Galatia (southern) where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews in its principle city of Iconium (Acts 14:1). They would have been in Philippi - even though the Greek speaking Jews there had to meet by the river since there were not enough Jews there to to form a synagogue (Acts 16:12-13). They would have been in Thessaloniki where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 17:1). They would have been in Corinth where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 18:1-4). They would have been in Ephesus where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 18:19). They would have been in Rome where many Greek speaking Jews lived when Paul the Jew arrived there (Acts 28:16-17). They would have been in Bithynia, Pontus, Cappadocia, Asia, and Galatia (northern) where the greatest concentration of Greek speaking Jews in the world lived when Peter the Jew was sent there before arriving in Babylon (1 Peter 1:1).
In short, there were Jewish disciples in every place where the books of the Renewed Covenant were written, as well as every place where epistles were originally sent to, before they were copied for general distribution, because the Jews were always given the Good News first in every place the Apostles of Truth went, including Paul the Jew (Romans 1:16).
The Apostles of Truth wrote the Renewed Covenant so that people could believe the Good News about the Man of Truth (John 20:30-31). The Apostles of Truth knew that the Good News that they witnessed and wrote about was scripture that belonged in the Book of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:1-9). The Apostles of Truth wrote that the Children of Truth were to use the writings of the Prophets of Truth and the writings of the Apostles of Truth as the foundation of doctrine in their services (Ephesians 2:20-22). The Apostles of Truth knew that their own writings in the Renewed Covenant, were as much scripture that belonged in the Book of Truth, as the writings of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) (2 Peter 3:15-17).
So the story of the formation and preservation of the canon Renewed Covenant, that is found by examining the writings of Papias and others, is completely consistent with the contents of the Renewed Covenant itself. There is nothing contrary in their report, that the Apostles of Truth themselves established which of their own writings (books) were scripture. There is nothing contrary in their report, that the Greek speakers, who were undoubtedly Jews, prevented anyone - especially Latin speakers - from adding other books to the Renewed Covenant. There is nothing contrary in their report, that the contents of the Renewed Covenant were preserved through these effortsm until the time of the oldest extant complete copy of the Renewed Covenant was written.
There is also the actions that the Children of Truth in Judaea, in the years leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem, that should remove all doubt by themselves.
Josephus records that starting around 63 AD, the Children of Truth in Jerusalem started moving away from Jerusalem, and he also lists five separate occasions, when they could have escaped, after the Romans began their initial attack in 66 AD. Eusebius records that the majority escaped to a city named "Pella".
Pella was a city in an area of heavily wooded hills and valleys, located in the autonomous region of Decapolis, east of the Sea of Galilee, and on the opposite side of the Jordan River from Galilee and Samaria. It was rebuilt shortly after Alexander the Great had conquered the area, and was renamed after the city in Greece where he was born. Many of the Greeks in Pella had come into the House of Truth, and so they welcomed their Jewish brothers - even though Jewish rebels had attacked Pella earlier.
When the Romans came to put down the Great Revolt, the rest of the Children of Truth in Judaea fled to Pella as well, before the Romans besieged Jerusalem. The Romans not only destroyed Jerusalem, but also many other walled cities and villages, when they crushed the Great Revolt. However, they did not attack a single city in the autonomous region of Decapolis, due to it being an area where Greeks lived instead of Jews. It is an indisputable fact, that Pella grew tremondously in population around the time that Jerusalem was destroyed, and that the caves in the area are full of Christian symbols.
The reason that the Jewish Children of Truth escaped the terrible destruction, that came upon the other Jews, is that they had acted on the warnings of the Man of Truth, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem that he gave in 31 AD. Therefore their actions show, that it is impossible for those warnings to have been written, after the destruction of Jerusalem, because the Jewish Children of Truth escaped that destruction, by acting on those warnings.
The Renewed Covenant records those warnings to this day. They include the instructions to flee to the mountains when the Roman armies came to Jerusalem, because it would lead to many dying, and many others being taken captive to far away lands (Luke 21:20-24).
So there could not be any books slipped into the canon of the Renewed Covenant that were written later than 95 AD, because the first qualification for a book to be accepted in the canon of the Renewed Covenant, was that it was written by an Apostle of Truth.
The certainty, that there were no books slipped into the Renewed Covenant, is further shown by examining the Renewed Covenant, to see if all of the books fit together. Careful examination will show that they fit together to form a well built house.
Not only that, but the Original Covenant also gives witness, that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant somehow.
The well built house formed by the books of the Renewed Covenant, does not exist in a vacuum, but rather rests atop a tree of wondrous strength, called the Original Covenant. This well built house is secured to the tree of wondrous strength by the everlasting covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram).
So the Original Covenant also gives witness that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant somehow.
Every single book in the Renewed Covenant refers to the contents of Original Covenant in some manner. There are almost 300 direct quotes from the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant. There are many more references to people and events written about in the Original Covenant, than that in the Renewed Covenant. There are thousands of allusions to the contents of the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant - including more than 620 such allusions in the Revelation alone.
So the Original Covenant shows that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant because it is quoted, referred to, and alluded to, in every book in the Renewed Covenant, and it has already been shown that all of the books of the Renewed Covenant are tied together.
The Original Covenant said, in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), that the the Father of Truth would one day circumcise the hearts of people, so they could keep His commandments (Deuteronomy 30:6). The Original Covenant said, that He would give people a new heart of flesh that could keep the commandments of the Law of Truth, to replace the heart of stone that could not respond to the Spirit of Truth (Ezekiel 11:19-20). The Original Covenant said, that the Spirit of Truth would live in people, to cause them to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27).
The Original Covenant told, that the Renewed Covenant was going to be made with the people of Israel to bring these things about (Jeremiah 31:27-34). ["B'rit Chadashah" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".] This Renewed Covenant was made, because the people of Israel could not keep the commandments, that were originally given in the Original Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-12). ["Diatheken Kainen" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".]
The Father of Truth has circumcised the hearts of people in the Renewed Covenant, so they can keep the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 2:25-29). The Original Covenant could not cause people to keep the righteous commandments in the Law of Truth, because people do not have the power to do so on their own, but the Renewed Covenant can cause people to keep those same commandments, because the Spirit of Truth gives them the power to do so (Romans 8:3-5). The Renewed Covenant, is the Spirit of Truth writing the same laws on the tables of the heart, that bring life through people being able to keep these commandments, that were written on the tables of stone, that brought death though people not being able to keep the letter of these commandments (2 Corinthians 3:3-7). The same laws that were written on stone in the Original Covenant, are written on the hearts of people in the Renewed Covenant (Hebrews 10:15-17).
So the unchanging law written on tables of stone in the Original Covenant, is written on the hearts of the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant. It is not a new covenant that contains new commandments. It is that the same laws, written externally on stone in the Original Covenant, were renewed, by being written internally on the heart in the Renewed Covenant. Since The Gospels, The Acts, The Epistles and The Revelation, show how the heart was renewed, so that the commandments, written in stone in the Original Covenant, can be kept, by being written on the heart instead, I call the collection of these books, "The Renewed Covenant".
The Gospels tell about how the Man of Truth fulfilled all that was written about what he would do on this Earth, in the Original Covenant (Luke 24:44-48). The Acts tell about how the Apostles of Truth went about persuading people, that the Man of Truth was the one written about in the Original Covenant (Acts 28:22-24). The Epistles reveal the plan that was hidden in Original Covenant, to save the entire human race through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 16:25-27). The Revelation reveals the events, that will usher in the return of the Man of Truth to this Earth to rule over it forever, reward the Children of Truth and destroy the Children of Lies, to bring about all that was promised, in the Original Covenant (Revelation 11:15-18).
So the books of the Renewed Covenant complete the story that the books of the Original Covenant began. These two collections of books cannot stand alone because they are The Inseparable Covenants.
The Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Law of Truth, found in the Original Covenant, but to make it possible for people to keep these commandments, in the way his Father had always intended, through a Renewed Covenant (Matthew 5:17-19). He only spoke the commandments that his Father gave him to speak in the Renewed Covenant (John 12:49-50). He came to take away our disobedience, to the commandments of the Law of Truth, through the Renewed Covenant (1 John 3:4-6).
The Man of Truth said, that he would give the Spirit of Truth to live in anyone, who decided to keep those commandments, in the Renewed Covenant (John 14:15-17). The Spirit of Truth causes everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, to be able to fulfill the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth, in the Renewed Covenant (Romans 8:1-4). Those who fulfill the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth, by being under the control of the Spirit of Truth, in the Renewed Covenant, are not under the Law of Truth, in the Original Covenant (Galatians 5:16-18).
In the Renewed Covenant, the mind is renewed, to more clearly understand what the Father of Truth desires, when we surrendering control of our bodies to do the will of the Father of Truth (Romans 12:1-2). In the Renewed Covenant, the inside person is renewed everyday, by remembering that the Children of Truth will be raised from the dead, like the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 4:13-16). In the Renewed Covenant, the spirit of the mind is renewed, by replacing the old person, who was ruled by the desires of the flesh, with a new person, who is ruled by a desire to please the Father of Truth (Ephesians 4:22-24). In the Renewed Covenant, the new person is renewed in knowledge, so that it is possible, to replace the old person, who lives on the inside (Colossians 3:8-10). In the Renewed Covenant, we are renewed, by the Spirit of Truth, because of the grace of the Father of Truth, in giving us the Man of Truth (Titus 3:4-6).
All of these benefits of the Renewed Covenant, cannot begin until you come into the House of Truth (John 3:3-5). You come into the House of Truth, when you are born again by the Spirit of Truth (John 3:6-8). You are born again by the Spirit of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe the message of the Renewed Covenant, that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: New Covenant, Renewed Covenant
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