Saturday, February 16, 2013

Home Invasion

Do you know how to prevent the worst kind of home invasion?

Has your home ever been invaded?  If so, what did you do about it?  If not, what can you do to prevent it?

When I was about three and a half years old, a man with a knife invaded our home, while we slept.  My dad was awakened, before the man could hurt anyone, and he fought off the man.  The man ended up fleeing from our house into the night, badly wounded from the sound thrashing that my dad gave him.  Good thing for him, that my dad had not had time to get his hands on a gun. I don't know if his intentions were to rob us, or kill us, but he definitely picked the wrong home to invade.

We never really worried about that man returning.  We knew that we were safe as long as our father was in the house.  Our father was not going to let our home be invaded.

About twenty years later, my cousin had his home invaded by thieves, who ransacked his house, and stole his property, while he was at work.  It was more than his property, that they took.  They took away his sense of security, and well-being for a while.  However, they were not able to take away his most valuable possession.  My cousin had the greatest security system in the world to keep his greatest possession safe, and no one in world can beat that security system.

About ten years after that, someone invaded almost every house on our block, ransacked those houses and stole property from those houses, while the owners were at work.  The houses, that were continually occupied, were the only ones that were not invaded.

However, as bad as having your home invaded by thieves is, there is something even worse - squatters.  These people find a house that is currently empty, while the owners are occupied else where, and simply move in.  They use the owners utilities, and eat the owners food.  They sell the owners stuff.  Sometimes, they even try to get listed as the legal owners of the property.  They do all of this, while knowing the whole time, that they do not really have a right to live there.

The only thing worse than having your home invaded by squatters, is trying to get them to leave.  You cannot put them out by physical force in many states without going to jail.  Your only recourse is to turn to someone stronger than yourself, that has the legal standing to physically remove them, like the county sheriff.  Even then, they will often try to throw up roadblocks, to delay their removal.

Until the squatters are removed by a stronger entity, that has the legal standing to do so, you really only have two choices.  You can let the squatter have complete control of your home, until the squatters are removed.  This is the situation that happened to a couple in Littleton, Colorado in 2012.  The other choice is to share your home with the squatters, as happened to a woman in Detroit, Michigan in 2012.

Once the squatters have been removed, then you still have to deal with the damage, that they have done to your home, just like you have to do something about the property, that was stolen by thieves, who have invaded your home.

While stolen property can be replaced, and the damage to your home can be prepared, the best course of action is to prevent your home, from every being invaded in the first place.  The surest way to do that is to have a strong protector, like my dad, in the home at all times.

There is another kind of home invasion, that is even worse than any of those. 

You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body.  While you are on this Earth, your body is your home.  When someone has that home invaded, then they have a real problem.  This brings up some questions that must be answered.

Who invades that home?

The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave people the right to make their own choices and will never invade that home because He made them in his own image (Genesis 1:26-28).  The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka Holy Spirit aka Holy Ghost) requires voluntary cooperation from the Prophets of Truth when they are used by the Spirit of Truth to speak the Word of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:32).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will not come into your home unless you invite him in (Revelation 3:20).  Those from the world of truth will never invade that home.

It is a Spirit of Lies (devil aka demon aka unclean spirit aka god) that invades that home.   Sometimes a Spirit of Lies invades for a while and then leaves after he has what he wants like a thief (Matthew 12:43).  Other times a Spirit of Lies invades a home and takes possession of the home like a squatter (Mark 1:32).  It is those from the world of darkness that invade that home.

How is that home invaded?

That home can be invaded when people make sacrifices to do what is pleasing to a Spirit of Lies instead of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 32:17).  That home can be invaded when people go to a place dedicated to a Spirit of Lies to worship (2 Chronicles 11:15).   The home of the children can be invaded when the parents have handed over their children to a Spirit of Lies (Psalm 106:37).

You might be thinking that no one does these things in this day and age in a country like the US.  While the literal idols are missing, the same activities of worship are very present.  People cannot find time and money to do the things that please the Father of Truth like spreading the good news about the Man of Truth because they have sacrificed those things to pursue things that are pleasing to a Spirit of Lies like getting drunk.  People go to a place like a strip club where Aphrodite, the Spirit of Lies that leads people into fornication, is worshiped to join others in that worship.  Parents hand their children over to the very same Spirit of Lies when they indulge themselves in whatever sin that Spirit of Lies leads them into for they have invited that Spirit of Lies that seeks to harm their children into their home instead of  protecting their children.

Those that have any kind of relationship with a Spirit of Lies are subject to having that home invaded.  That home is invaded because doing the things the please a Spirit of Lies joins your spirit to the Spirit of Lies just like have sexing with a harlot joins your body to her body (1 Corinthians 6:15-17).  Since your spirit lives in your body you give a Spirit of Lies the ability to invade your home when you do what is pleasing to that Spirit of Lies.

What happens when that home is invaded?

A Spirit of Lies will find more Spirits of Lies to invade that home with it (Matthew 12:45).  Sometimes there can be only one Spirit of Lies that has invaded the home (Matthew 17:18).  Some times this can lead to a few Spirits of Lies that have invaded the home (Mark 16:9).  Sometimes this can lead to thousands of Spirits of Lies, like a Roman Legion of six thousand men, that have invaded the home (Luke 8:30).

A Spirit of Lies will take control of some aspect of that home.  Some Spirits of Lies can cause parts of that home to not function like speech (Matthew 9:32).  The senses of a person like sight can be shutdown by some Spirits of Lies (Matthew 12:22).  Some Spirits of Lies will cause fits of madness in the home that they have invaded (Mark 9:17-18).  Some Spirits of Lies will try to destroy the home that they have invaded (Mark 9:21-22).  If there are enough Spirits of Lies that have invaded the home, then they will completely take over the home to the point that complete madness sets in as if the true owner was living somewhere else (Luke 8:27-29).

How are the invaders removed from the home?

A Spirit of Lies are evicted from the home by the Spirit of Truth (Matthew 12:28).

The Spirit of Lie can only be evicted by someone that is strong enough to bind them up against their will and destroy the junk that they brought into the home (Matthew 12:29).  The Man of Truth is that strong man that has the legal authority and strength to cast a Spirit of Lies out of the home that has been invaded (Mark 1:27).  Every Spirit of Lies know that the Man of Truth can cast them out because he is the son of the Father of Truth (Mark 3:11).

The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) have been given the legal authority by the Man of Truth to cast Spirits of Lies out of homes that has been invaded (Mark 16:17).  The Children of Truth that are baptized in the Spirit of Truth and full of the Spirit of Truth have the strength that come from the Spirit of Truth (Acts 6:3-5).  The Children of Truth that have the strength that comes from the Holy Spirit can cast Spirits of Lies out of the homes that they have invaded by the Spirit of Truth (Acts 8:5-7).  The Children of Truth can cast Spirits of Lies out of the homes that they have invaded because they are children of the Father of Truth like the Man of Truth (Romans 8:14).

A Spirit of Lies can leave a home that it has invaded on its own accord (Matthew 12:44).  Some Spirits of Lies will only leave a home that they have invaded if the Child of Truth has strengthened their faith enough in the Man of Truth through fasting before commanding them to leave in the name of the Man of Truth (Mark 9:28-30).  Some Spirits of Lies are so afraid of the Man of Truth that they will leave a home that they have invaded when they are told to do so in the name of the Man of Truth rather or not the one telling them is a Child of Truth (Mark 9:38-39).  Some Spirits of Lies will attack anyone that is not a Child of Truth who tries to cast them out of the home that they have invaded by using the name of the Man of Truth (Acts 19:13-16).

Some Spirits of Lies will use the home that they have invaded to talk to the one that has came have came to cast them out (Matthew 8:28-31). Some Spirits of Lies will put on a show when someone that can force them to leave the home that they invaded shows up (Mark 9:19-20).  Some Spirits of Lies will put up a fight before they leave the home that they invaded (Mark 9:25-27).

What happens when the invaders are removed from the home?

When a Spirit of Lies leaves the home that it invaded the problems that it caused leaves with it.   The parts of the home that it caused to not function, like speech, will resume functioning (Matthew 9:33) when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded.  The senses like sight that it shut down will resume working when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded (Matthew 12:22).  The fits of madness and destructive behavior will end when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded (Luke 9:42).  The person will return to their right mind when the Spirit of Lies leaves the home it invaded (Luke 8:35).

How do can you prevent your home from being invaded?

When a Spirit of Lies leaves a home that it invaded for any reason it might return to invade the home with other Spirits of Lies after the home has been cleaned up if it is still empty (Matthew 12:44).  This is why people will sometimes be able to appear to overcome an addition of something like alcohol for a little while only to later find themselves addicted to drugs, fornicating, gambling and other destructive behaviors that they did not have before they got cleaned up from alcohol.  The home must not be left empty if you want to prevent it from being invaded again.

Just as there is a place in the body of a woman so a man can join his body to her body so also there is a place in the human spirit so that another spirit can join that spirit.  Everyone has this hole in their spirit so that they can join their spirit to the Spirit of Truth so that they can be one spirit with the Man of Truth in the same way that a man joined to a woman is one body with the woman (1 Corinthians 6:16-17).  So if you do not want your home invaded, you must not provide any space to the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) to live in your life (Ephesians 4:27).

Once a Spirit of Lies leaves a home for any reason it will look for another home to invade in the same type of place that it found the last one it invaded.  If you return to a place where people worship a Spirit of Lies with their actions to rejoin them in their worship activities like drinking alcohol and viewing naked women, then you are befriending those same Spirits of Lies instead of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:20-21).  You cannot live in the House of Truth and the House of Lies at the same time. 

You prevent your home from being invaded by coming into the House of Truth and staying there.  When you are in the House of Truth you live with the Father of Truth and no one can take away your most valuable possession, your place in the House of Truth because you have the greatest security system in the world (John 10:29).  You come into the House of Truth by submitting yourself to everything that the Man of Truth tells you to do because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  When you are in the House of Truth the Spirit of Truth dwells in your home so any Spirits of Lies that are there will have to leave your home and your home will not be found empty by any Spirits of Lies that comes to it after it has been cleaned (1 Corinthians 3:16).  As long as you stay in the House of Truth your home is safe from invasion because the Father of Truth is strong enough to keep your home from being invaded (1 John 4:4).

Come into the House of Truth.

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