The Original Covenant
Are there books in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) that should not be there?
The canon of the Original Covenant has remained unchanged until this present time even though there have been many attempts to remove some of the books from the canon of the Original Covenant that was handed down from the time of Nehemiah. There is an unbroken chain of evidence about the canon of the Original Covenant.
The oldest complete Hebrew codex of the Original Covenant still in existence was completed in 1008 AD and is today known as the Leningrad Codex. The Aleppo Codex is about 80 years older but most of the Torah portion and many other parts were destroyed in anti-Israel riots in Aleppo, Syria in 1947. However, the contents of it were thoroughly document before 1947 and was even used to ensure that the Leningrad Codex was correct. Both of these complete codices of the Original Covenant contained the exact same books that are listed in the canon of modern copies of the Original Covenant.
The oldest complete Greek translations of the Original Covenant are from the fourth century AD and they contain all of the books listed in the canon of modern copies of the Original Covenant.
There are also many incomplete Hebrew codices and manuscripts that date all of the way back to the time of the Dead Sea scrolls that were written at about 200 BC. Among these manuscripts is every single book in the modern canon of the Original Covenant and every single word of every single book. The archaeological evidence shows that there is nothing in the modern copies of the Original Covenant that should not be there.
The historical evidence mirrors the physical evidence.
Many early sources, including the Jewish historian Josephus, show that by the time of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), the exact same canon of the Original Covenant was in use then is still in use today. Josephus wrote that the canon of the Original Covenant had been long established since the time of Nehemiah. This shows that it was not a recently composed list in 70 AD.
Josephus further explained that no books after the time of Nehemiah were accepted as scripture because the succession of the Prophets of Truth ended at that time. He said that for this reason no other books were allowed in the canon of the Original Covenant even though the Jews continued to keep meticulous books of history of the events after that time like the book of Maccabees.
The book of Maccabees also gives witness that no Prophets of Truth rose up to continue the succession of the Prophets of Truth after the time of Nehemiah.
Indeed, the last of the Prophets of Truth recorded in the Original Covenant, Zechariah (Zecharyah) and Haggai (Chagi), lived at the time of Nehemiah (Ezra 6:14).
So there could not be any books slipped into the canon of the Original Covenant that were written later because the first qualification for a book to be accepted in the canon of the Original Covenant was that it was written by a Prophet of Truth.
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that the entire Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) consisted of three sections - the Law (The Torah), the Prophets and the Psalms (The Writings) (Luke 24:44).
The certainty that there were no books slipped into the Original Covenant is further shown by examining the Original Covenant to see if all of the books fit together. Careful examination will show that they fit together to form a tree of wondrous strength.
Not only that but the Renewed Covenant also gives witness that no books were slipped into the Original Covenant somehow.
All but ten of the books that appear in the thirty-nine book modern canon of the Original Covenant are quoted in the Renewed Covenant. Of the ten books that are not directly quoted there are references to people and events that are in five of them.
The number of books goes down in both cases when you use the twenty-four book canon of the Original Covenant in a modern Tanakh. (These both contain the same materials but they are divided differently. For example, 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles is a single book named Chronicles in the Tanakh.)
When you consider the twenty-two scrolls that Josephus records that contained the Original Covenant at the time that the Renewed Covenant was written then you find that all but six are quoted in the Renewed Covenant and that there are references people and events in all but three of them.
Besides the almost 300 direct quotes of the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant and the many more references to people and events there are also thousands of allusions in the Renewed Covenant to things in the Original Covenant - including 620 such allusions in the book of Revelation alone.
So the Renewed Covenant shows that no books were slipped into the Original Covenant because it quotes, refers to and has allusions to almost every book in the Original Covenant and it has already been shown that all of the books of the Original Covenant are tied together.
The Original Covenant told that the Renewed Covenant was going to be made with the people of Israel after they returned to the Promised Land (Jeremiah 31:27-34). ["B'rit Chadashah" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".] This Renewed Covenant was made because the people of Israel could not keep the covenant that was originally given as faithfully recorded in the pages of the Original Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-12). ["Diatheken Kainen" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".]
The Original Covenant is often incorrectly translated as Old Testament but it is more literally the Ancient Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:14). ["Palaias Diathekes" translated here as "Old Testament" literally means "Ancient Covenant".] So the ancient covenant was renewed to become the Renewed Covenant because it was the original covenant that came first (Hebrews 8:13). [The word "Covenant" is not even in the original text here as indicated being italicized in the KJV. The text more literally reads, "In that He says, He has renewed the ancient that came first which by now had grown old and weak from age - nearly vanishing away."]
So the ancient covenant that was originally there has been renewed in the form of the Renewed Covenant. Since the Torah, The Writings and The Prophets contains the ancient covenant that was renewed I call the collection of these books, "The Original Covenant".
The central theme of the Original Covenant is the Man of Truth and every story in every book tells about him in some manner (Luke 24:44-47). It is only by coming into the House of Truth through the Man of Truth that the Original Covenant can be understood when it is read (2 Corinthians 3:13-16). Both the writings of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant and the writings of the Apostles of Truth in the Renewed Covenant center on the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20).
So the books of the Renewed Covenant complete the story that the books of the Original Covenant began. These two collections of books cannot stand alone because they are The Inseparable Covenants.
The Man of Truth renewed the ancient covenant into a better covenant by making a perfect sacrifice for sin that no priest in the Original Covenant could make (Hebrews 7:22-27). The Man of Truth renewed the ancient covenant to form the much better Renewed Covenant by shedding his own blood to cleanse people from sin forever (Hebrews 9:12-15).
The Man of Truth did not just die for the sins of others but the Father of Truth raised him from the dead so that he could make intercession for the Children of Truth when the ancient covenant was renewed (Romans 8:34). Since the Man of Truth now lives forever he can make always make intercession unlike the priests in the Original Covenant (Hebrews 7:23-28).
Therefore you can only come into the House of Truth to benefit from the renewal of the ancient covenant if you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth because your believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). The Good News that was first preached in the Original Covenant will only benefit those who have enough confidence in the Father of Truth to take action on all that He has provided (Hebrews 4:2).
Come into the House of Truth!
The canon of the Original Covenant has remained unchanged until this present time even though there have been many attempts to remove some of the books from the canon of the Original Covenant that was handed down from the time of Nehemiah. There is an unbroken chain of evidence about the canon of the Original Covenant.
The oldest complete Hebrew codex of the Original Covenant still in existence was completed in 1008 AD and is today known as the Leningrad Codex. The Aleppo Codex is about 80 years older but most of the Torah portion and many other parts were destroyed in anti-Israel riots in Aleppo, Syria in 1947. However, the contents of it were thoroughly document before 1947 and was even used to ensure that the Leningrad Codex was correct. Both of these complete codices of the Original Covenant contained the exact same books that are listed in the canon of modern copies of the Original Covenant.
The oldest complete Greek translations of the Original Covenant are from the fourth century AD and they contain all of the books listed in the canon of modern copies of the Original Covenant.
There are also many incomplete Hebrew codices and manuscripts that date all of the way back to the time of the Dead Sea scrolls that were written at about 200 BC. Among these manuscripts is every single book in the modern canon of the Original Covenant and every single word of every single book. The archaeological evidence shows that there is nothing in the modern copies of the Original Covenant that should not be there.
The historical evidence mirrors the physical evidence.
Many early sources, including the Jewish historian Josephus, show that by the time of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), the exact same canon of the Original Covenant was in use then is still in use today. Josephus wrote that the canon of the Original Covenant had been long established since the time of Nehemiah. This shows that it was not a recently composed list in 70 AD.
Josephus further explained that no books after the time of Nehemiah were accepted as scripture because the succession of the Prophets of Truth ended at that time. He said that for this reason no other books were allowed in the canon of the Original Covenant even though the Jews continued to keep meticulous books of history of the events after that time like the book of Maccabees.
The book of Maccabees also gives witness that no Prophets of Truth rose up to continue the succession of the Prophets of Truth after the time of Nehemiah.
Indeed, the last of the Prophets of Truth recorded in the Original Covenant, Zechariah (Zecharyah) and Haggai (Chagi), lived at the time of Nehemiah (Ezra 6:14).
So there could not be any books slipped into the canon of the Original Covenant that were written later because the first qualification for a book to be accepted in the canon of the Original Covenant was that it was written by a Prophet of Truth.
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said that the entire Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) consisted of three sections - the Law (The Torah), the Prophets and the Psalms (The Writings) (Luke 24:44).
The certainty that there were no books slipped into the Original Covenant is further shown by examining the Original Covenant to see if all of the books fit together. Careful examination will show that they fit together to form a tree of wondrous strength.
Not only that but the Renewed Covenant also gives witness that no books were slipped into the Original Covenant somehow.
All but ten of the books that appear in the thirty-nine book modern canon of the Original Covenant are quoted in the Renewed Covenant. Of the ten books that are not directly quoted there are references to people and events that are in five of them.
The number of books goes down in both cases when you use the twenty-four book canon of the Original Covenant in a modern Tanakh. (These both contain the same materials but they are divided differently. For example, 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles is a single book named Chronicles in the Tanakh.)
When you consider the twenty-two scrolls that Josephus records that contained the Original Covenant at the time that the Renewed Covenant was written then you find that all but six are quoted in the Renewed Covenant and that there are references people and events in all but three of them.
Besides the almost 300 direct quotes of the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant and the many more references to people and events there are also thousands of allusions in the Renewed Covenant to things in the Original Covenant - including 620 such allusions in the book of Revelation alone.
So the Renewed Covenant shows that no books were slipped into the Original Covenant because it quotes, refers to and has allusions to almost every book in the Original Covenant and it has already been shown that all of the books of the Original Covenant are tied together.
The Original Covenant told that the Renewed Covenant was going to be made with the people of Israel after they returned to the Promised Land (Jeremiah 31:27-34). ["B'rit Chadashah" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".] This Renewed Covenant was made because the people of Israel could not keep the covenant that was originally given as faithfully recorded in the pages of the Original Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-12). ["Diatheken Kainen" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".]
The Original Covenant is often incorrectly translated as Old Testament but it is more literally the Ancient Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:14). ["Palaias Diathekes" translated here as "Old Testament" literally means "Ancient Covenant".] So the ancient covenant was renewed to become the Renewed Covenant because it was the original covenant that came first (Hebrews 8:13). [The word "Covenant" is not even in the original text here as indicated being italicized in the KJV. The text more literally reads, "In that He says, He has renewed the ancient that came first which by now had grown old and weak from age - nearly vanishing away."]
So the ancient covenant that was originally there has been renewed in the form of the Renewed Covenant. Since the Torah, The Writings and The Prophets contains the ancient covenant that was renewed I call the collection of these books, "The Original Covenant".
The central theme of the Original Covenant is the Man of Truth and every story in every book tells about him in some manner (Luke 24:44-47). It is only by coming into the House of Truth through the Man of Truth that the Original Covenant can be understood when it is read (2 Corinthians 3:13-16). Both the writings of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant and the writings of the Apostles of Truth in the Renewed Covenant center on the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20).
So the books of the Renewed Covenant complete the story that the books of the Original Covenant began. These two collections of books cannot stand alone because they are The Inseparable Covenants.
The Man of Truth renewed the ancient covenant into a better covenant by making a perfect sacrifice for sin that no priest in the Original Covenant could make (Hebrews 7:22-27). The Man of Truth renewed the ancient covenant to form the much better Renewed Covenant by shedding his own blood to cleanse people from sin forever (Hebrews 9:12-15).
The Man of Truth did not just die for the sins of others but the Father of Truth raised him from the dead so that he could make intercession for the Children of Truth when the ancient covenant was renewed (Romans 8:34). Since the Man of Truth now lives forever he can make always make intercession unlike the priests in the Original Covenant (Hebrews 7:23-28).
Therefore you can only come into the House of Truth to benefit from the renewal of the ancient covenant if you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth because your believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). The Good News that was first preached in the Original Covenant will only benefit those who have enough confidence in the Father of Truth to take action on all that He has provided (Hebrews 4:2).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: History, Original Covenant
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