The Best Healthcare Plan Ever
What is the best healthcare plan ever?
Every year many people have to choose a healthcare plan that is made available to them from their employer. Many companies offer their employees multiple healthcare plans with a wide range of costs and benefits. The number of factors involved in picking the best healthcare plan can make a person dizzy.
Then there is the new Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). This federal law is forcing millions of people in America who have been without a healthcare plan to get one much like the laws of every state in the United States that require people to have auto insurance if they own a car.
Some of those that will be getting a healthcare plan for the first time ever could not afford one before but their payments will be reduced to the point of affordability by tax payer funded subsidies. Some tax payers are angry that they will be forced to help the poorer people to afford healthcare via higher taxes.
Others that will be getting a healthcare plan have just been avoiding one up until now because they did not want to pay for a healthcare plan. Some of them are angry that they are being told that they must purchase a healthcare plan or face a substantial fine like those that are caught driving without auto insurance.
Of course, if people from either group that will be getting a healthcare plan under the Affordable Care Act got seriously injured or ill then they still went to the hospital. They still expected the hospital to take care of them even though they knew that they would not be able to pay for those services. The hospitals had little choice but to provide their services under US law. The hospitals then had to try to recoup those losses by charging more for every service to those with a healthcare plan.
This means that everyone with a healthcare plan has already been subsiding those that are without a health care plan. However, there is an uneven distribution across the US of those with a healthcare plan (the subsidizers) and those without a healthcare plan (the subsidized). There was a rural hospital here in Oklahoma that went bankrupt because too many people without a healthcare plan showed up for treatment for the hospital to recoup its losses from those patients that had a healthcare plan.
So now millions of people will have to either pick from a wide array of healthcare plans from many private insurance companies in the Health Insurance Marketplace created by the Federal government or find a healthcare plan on their own. They too will have to try to pick the best healthcare plan that they can find.
None of this would be necessary if everyone in America would just participate in the best healthcare plan ever. This healthcare plan is offered by the greatest and oldest insurer in existence. This healthcare plan has benefits that no other healthcare plan can even come close to providing. Even the pets of the participants are covered by this healthcare plan. It covers all pre-existing conditions. There are no forms to fill out or benefit cards to carry or co-pays with this healthcare plan. It does not lock people into a network of healthcare providers. This healthcare plan has no premiums because they have already been paid in full.
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is the one that offers this healthcare plan. He is the maker of the human body and knows how to keep it healthy (Genesis 1:27). He has been offering His healthcare plan with guaranteed results since the very beginning of human existence (Genesis 2:15-17).
This healthcare plan offers outstanding benefits that are guaranteed. These benefits include no one in the a fully participating group ever being sick or even knowing anyone else in the group that is sick, no woman in the group ever miscarrying, no one in the group ever being unable to reproduce, and ever participant living to a ripe old age (Exodus 23:25-26). These benefits even extend to the pets of the participants (Deuteronomy 7:14-15).
Those that start participating in it can expect Him to heal them of every disease that they already had when they start participating (Exodus 15:26). They can expect this even if they have brought those diseases upon themselves by their own foolish actions prior to participation in His healthcare plan (Psalm 107:17-20).
Since this healthcare plan guarantees that no one will be sick, there is no need for a network of healthcare providers. However, for those who have not came into full participation, but are willing to do so, He has provided a network of healthcare providers for the healing of every disease (Psalm 103:2-3). He has provided the Great Physician, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), to provided healthcare for everyone that will come to him (Matthew 9:35). The Great Physician trained twelve interns to provide the same healthcare that he provided (Matthew 10:1). These interns in turn trained more interns, the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love him), to provide that same healthcare as the Great Physician in a truly global network (Mark 16:15-18).
There are no premiums because the Great Physician has already paid the full price for everyone that is willing to participate (Isaiah 53:5). Just as his death paid the price for people to be forgiven of their rebellion against the Father of Truth so also the terrible beating that he took paid the price for people to be healed of the diseases that rebellion has brought upon them (2 Peter 2:21-24).
So what is needed to participate in this healthcare plan?
First of all, it must be recognized that this a group healthcare plan. The Hebrew word translated as "you" in the benefits description is plural as verified by the Greek translation (Exodus 23:25 (M&S)). The reasons for the need for group participation will soon be evident as the details of participation are further explained.
Secondly, there are no benefits for anyone unless they actually participate in the healthcare plan by meeting the requirements of the healthcare plan. Full participation means doing everything that the Father of Truth requires as part of His healthcare plan (Deuteronomy 7:11-13). Those that participate fully will certainly reap every benefit of His healthcare plan (Deuteronomy 30:8-10). The requirements of this healthcare plan are not hard to understand (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). Meeting these requirement will bring life instead of death (Deuteronomy 30:15-16). It is not hard to meet these requirements (1 John 5:3).
Thirdly, this healthcare plan has never changed. The Man of Truth did not do away with this healthcare plan when he came to the Earth (Matthew 5:17). This healthcare plan remains in effect until the Man of Truth has fulfilled everything written about him in the Law of Truth and the writings of the Prophets of Truth when the current universe is replaced with a new universe (Matthew 5:18). He certainly did not teach anyone that this healthcare plan had been altered in any way (Matthew 5:19).
For the sake of brevity, I will not go into all of the requirements of full participation at this time, but I will go over the three basic types of requirements . The requirements can be grouped into three groups based on the three parts that make up a human being - the spirit, the soul, and the body. The most important type of these requirements are laid out in the Sh'ma (Shema) that was given to Moses (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). The second and third types were also given to Moses as part of the Law of Truth (Leviticus 19:17-18). The Man of Truth said that these three types of requirements covered all of the requirements of the best healthcare plan ever (Matthew 22:37-40). Paul (Shual aka Saul) also desired that all of the Children of Truth meet all three types of requirements of the best healthcare plan ever so they could be preserved until they meet the Man of Truth in the air (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
The most important part of a person is the human spirit. The human spirit is that part of people that connects them to the Father of Truth and the unseen world (Job 32:8). It is the condition of human spirit that the Father of Truth is concerned with in people (Proverbs 16:2). It is the human spirit that the Father of Truth communicates with when He enlighten people to His ways (Proverbs 20:27). The human spirit was put in every person by Him (Zechariah 12:1). The human spirit is what allows a person to know about their own condition (1 Corinthians 2:11).
The the most important requirements deal with the human spirit because that is what keeps the human body alive (Ecclesiastes 8:8). In fact, the human body is dead once the human spirit leaves it (James 2:26).
The most important requirements are those that deal with loving the Father of Truth completely in total surrender (Mark 12:29-30).
The supremacy of the human spirit is why the Father of Truth told Moses that He would have to circumcise the spirit (heart) of the people of Israel so they could meet the requirements of His healthcare plan (Deuteronomy 30:6). These requirements concerning loving the Father of Truth can only be done as an act of the human spirit (John 4:24). The Spirit of Truth (HaRuach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) needs to live in the person as well for these requirements to met fully for the human spirit is insufficient by itself (Romans 8:8-10).
If these requirements are not met then it does not really matter if the rest of them are met. If you provoke the Father of Truth enough then your healthcare plan will be cancelled (Genesis 38:7-10). Your healthcare plan will be cancelled even if He had promoted you when you had been doing His will (2 Chronicles 13:20). You will lose all your benefits if your healthcare plan is cancelled (2 Chronicles 21:18-19). It does not matter how religious you appear to be in your church or synagogue (Acts 5:1-10). It does not matter if you go to great lengths to keep most of the other requirements if you do not meet these requirements (Acts 12:21-23). The Man of Truth will even cancel the healthcare plan of those in a ministry position if they do not meet these requirements (Revelation 2:20-23).
The second most important part of a person is the human soul. The human soul is that part of people that connects them to themselves and to other people. The human soul is what blesses other people (Genesis 27:4). It is the human soul that causes one person to cleave to another person (Genesis 34:3). It is the human soul that longs for another person (Genesis 34:8). It is the human soul that turns after other people so that the person end up doing the same things as them (Leviticus 20:6). It is the human soul that grieves for the misery of other people just like the Father of Truth (Judges 10:16). It is the human soul that loves other people (1 Samuel 20:17).
The soul of a person can be harmed by the rebellion of another person just as surely as their body can be hurt by another person. Those that rebel against the requirements concerning the human soul bring anguish to the souls of other people (Genesis 42:21). It is the human soul that is vexed by the nagging of other people (Judges 16:16). It is the human soul that can be vexed by the afflicting words of other people (1 Samuel 1:6-10). This damage to the human soul by another person can lead to damage to the human body as surely as being cut them with a knife would cause them to bleed (Proverbs 12:4). The pleasant words of another human being can bring health to the soul that brings healing to the body as surely as a bandage will bring healing to a cut (Proverbs 16:24). That is why when the human soul prospers then the human body will also be in health (3 John 1:2).
The second most important requirements are those that deal with loving other people (Mark 12:31).
That is why those that are sick often need the Father of Truth to heal their souls (Psalm 41:3-5). That is why those whose souls are afflicted by other people must rely on the healing provided by His healthcare plan (Psalm 42:10-11). That is why those are sick must often seek after the Father of Truth to heal their soul so their health can be restored (Psalm 43:3-5). That is why those that love other people will do nothing to bring harm to the soul or body of other people by rebelling against these requirements (Romans 13:8-10).
The third most important part of a person is the human body. The human body is that part of people that connects them to the physical world. The human body was made from dust and will return to dust (Genesis 3:19). The human body will perish even though the human spirit and soul will live on so that people can be gathered with their loved ones when it dies (2 Kings 22:20). That is why the Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth will never die (John 11:25-27). That is why the spirit and soul can be renewed every day while the human body will perish (2 Corinthians 4:16). That is why when the human spirit and soul are absent from the body that they are present with the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:5-8).
The third most important requirements are those that deal with people loving themselves by taking care of their human body because they cannot love others correctly until they learn how to do that (Luke 10:27). They love themselves by taking care of the needs of their human body (Ephesians 5:29).
They take care of the needs of their bodies when they meet the requirements of His healthcare plan for taking care of the human body. That is why there are requirements are to not just eat anything that moves (Leviticus 11:45-47). That is why there are requirements to keep those that have a plague in their body separated from other people (Leviticus 13:44-45). That is why there are requirements to not be a drunkard or a glutton (Deuteronomy 21:20). That is why there are requirements to flee from fornication (any sexual relationships outside of the marriage of a man and a woman) (1 Corinthians 6:18).
You start participating in the best healthcare plan ever when you come into the House of Truth. You do not have to be near the Father of Truth in order to be worthy to participate in this healthcare plan because He offers it to anyone that is willing repent and meet its requirements (Isaiah 57:19). You can start learning how to obtain all of the benefits of this healthcare plan when you decide to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Anyone, Jew or Gentile, that will come into the House of Truth can start participating in the best healthcare plan ever (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth.
Every year many people have to choose a healthcare plan that is made available to them from their employer. Many companies offer their employees multiple healthcare plans with a wide range of costs and benefits. The number of factors involved in picking the best healthcare plan can make a person dizzy.
Then there is the new Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). This federal law is forcing millions of people in America who have been without a healthcare plan to get one much like the laws of every state in the United States that require people to have auto insurance if they own a car.
Some of those that will be getting a healthcare plan for the first time ever could not afford one before but their payments will be reduced to the point of affordability by tax payer funded subsidies. Some tax payers are angry that they will be forced to help the poorer people to afford healthcare via higher taxes.
Others that will be getting a healthcare plan have just been avoiding one up until now because they did not want to pay for a healthcare plan. Some of them are angry that they are being told that they must purchase a healthcare plan or face a substantial fine like those that are caught driving without auto insurance.
Of course, if people from either group that will be getting a healthcare plan under the Affordable Care Act got seriously injured or ill then they still went to the hospital. They still expected the hospital to take care of them even though they knew that they would not be able to pay for those services. The hospitals had little choice but to provide their services under US law. The hospitals then had to try to recoup those losses by charging more for every service to those with a healthcare plan.
This means that everyone with a healthcare plan has already been subsiding those that are without a health care plan. However, there is an uneven distribution across the US of those with a healthcare plan (the subsidizers) and those without a healthcare plan (the subsidized). There was a rural hospital here in Oklahoma that went bankrupt because too many people without a healthcare plan showed up for treatment for the hospital to recoup its losses from those patients that had a healthcare plan.
So now millions of people will have to either pick from a wide array of healthcare plans from many private insurance companies in the Health Insurance Marketplace created by the Federal government or find a healthcare plan on their own. They too will have to try to pick the best healthcare plan that they can find.
None of this would be necessary if everyone in America would just participate in the best healthcare plan ever. This healthcare plan is offered by the greatest and oldest insurer in existence. This healthcare plan has benefits that no other healthcare plan can even come close to providing. Even the pets of the participants are covered by this healthcare plan. It covers all pre-existing conditions. There are no forms to fill out or benefit cards to carry or co-pays with this healthcare plan. It does not lock people into a network of healthcare providers. This healthcare plan has no premiums because they have already been paid in full.
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) is the one that offers this healthcare plan. He is the maker of the human body and knows how to keep it healthy (Genesis 1:27). He has been offering His healthcare plan with guaranteed results since the very beginning of human existence (Genesis 2:15-17).
This healthcare plan offers outstanding benefits that are guaranteed. These benefits include no one in the a fully participating group ever being sick or even knowing anyone else in the group that is sick, no woman in the group ever miscarrying, no one in the group ever being unable to reproduce, and ever participant living to a ripe old age (Exodus 23:25-26). These benefits even extend to the pets of the participants (Deuteronomy 7:14-15).
Those that start participating in it can expect Him to heal them of every disease that they already had when they start participating (Exodus 15:26). They can expect this even if they have brought those diseases upon themselves by their own foolish actions prior to participation in His healthcare plan (Psalm 107:17-20).
Since this healthcare plan guarantees that no one will be sick, there is no need for a network of healthcare providers. However, for those who have not came into full participation, but are willing to do so, He has provided a network of healthcare providers for the healing of every disease (Psalm 103:2-3). He has provided the Great Physician, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), to provided healthcare for everyone that will come to him (Matthew 9:35). The Great Physician trained twelve interns to provide the same healthcare that he provided (Matthew 10:1). These interns in turn trained more interns, the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love him), to provide that same healthcare as the Great Physician in a truly global network (Mark 16:15-18).
There are no premiums because the Great Physician has already paid the full price for everyone that is willing to participate (Isaiah 53:5). Just as his death paid the price for people to be forgiven of their rebellion against the Father of Truth so also the terrible beating that he took paid the price for people to be healed of the diseases that rebellion has brought upon them (2 Peter 2:21-24).
So what is needed to participate in this healthcare plan?
First of all, it must be recognized that this a group healthcare plan. The Hebrew word translated as "you" in the benefits description is plural as verified by the Greek translation (Exodus 23:25 (M&S)). The reasons for the need for group participation will soon be evident as the details of participation are further explained.
Secondly, there are no benefits for anyone unless they actually participate in the healthcare plan by meeting the requirements of the healthcare plan. Full participation means doing everything that the Father of Truth requires as part of His healthcare plan (Deuteronomy 7:11-13). Those that participate fully will certainly reap every benefit of His healthcare plan (Deuteronomy 30:8-10). The requirements of this healthcare plan are not hard to understand (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). Meeting these requirement will bring life instead of death (Deuteronomy 30:15-16). It is not hard to meet these requirements (1 John 5:3).
Thirdly, this healthcare plan has never changed. The Man of Truth did not do away with this healthcare plan when he came to the Earth (Matthew 5:17). This healthcare plan remains in effect until the Man of Truth has fulfilled everything written about him in the Law of Truth and the writings of the Prophets of Truth when the current universe is replaced with a new universe (Matthew 5:18). He certainly did not teach anyone that this healthcare plan had been altered in any way (Matthew 5:19).
For the sake of brevity, I will not go into all of the requirements of full participation at this time, but I will go over the three basic types of requirements . The requirements can be grouped into three groups based on the three parts that make up a human being - the spirit, the soul, and the body. The most important type of these requirements are laid out in the Sh'ma (Shema) that was given to Moses (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). The second and third types were also given to Moses as part of the Law of Truth (Leviticus 19:17-18). The Man of Truth said that these three types of requirements covered all of the requirements of the best healthcare plan ever (Matthew 22:37-40). Paul (Shual aka Saul) also desired that all of the Children of Truth meet all three types of requirements of the best healthcare plan ever so they could be preserved until they meet the Man of Truth in the air (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
The most important part of a person is the human spirit. The human spirit is that part of people that connects them to the Father of Truth and the unseen world (Job 32:8). It is the condition of human spirit that the Father of Truth is concerned with in people (Proverbs 16:2). It is the human spirit that the Father of Truth communicates with when He enlighten people to His ways (Proverbs 20:27). The human spirit was put in every person by Him (Zechariah 12:1). The human spirit is what allows a person to know about their own condition (1 Corinthians 2:11).
The the most important requirements deal with the human spirit because that is what keeps the human body alive (Ecclesiastes 8:8). In fact, the human body is dead once the human spirit leaves it (James 2:26).
The most important requirements are those that deal with loving the Father of Truth completely in total surrender (Mark 12:29-30).
The supremacy of the human spirit is why the Father of Truth told Moses that He would have to circumcise the spirit (heart) of the people of Israel so they could meet the requirements of His healthcare plan (Deuteronomy 30:6). These requirements concerning loving the Father of Truth can only be done as an act of the human spirit (John 4:24). The Spirit of Truth (HaRuach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) needs to live in the person as well for these requirements to met fully for the human spirit is insufficient by itself (Romans 8:8-10).
If these requirements are not met then it does not really matter if the rest of them are met. If you provoke the Father of Truth enough then your healthcare plan will be cancelled (Genesis 38:7-10). Your healthcare plan will be cancelled even if He had promoted you when you had been doing His will (2 Chronicles 13:20). You will lose all your benefits if your healthcare plan is cancelled (2 Chronicles 21:18-19). It does not matter how religious you appear to be in your church or synagogue (Acts 5:1-10). It does not matter if you go to great lengths to keep most of the other requirements if you do not meet these requirements (Acts 12:21-23). The Man of Truth will even cancel the healthcare plan of those in a ministry position if they do not meet these requirements (Revelation 2:20-23).
The second most important part of a person is the human soul. The human soul is that part of people that connects them to themselves and to other people. The human soul is what blesses other people (Genesis 27:4). It is the human soul that causes one person to cleave to another person (Genesis 34:3). It is the human soul that longs for another person (Genesis 34:8). It is the human soul that turns after other people so that the person end up doing the same things as them (Leviticus 20:6). It is the human soul that grieves for the misery of other people just like the Father of Truth (Judges 10:16). It is the human soul that loves other people (1 Samuel 20:17).
The soul of a person can be harmed by the rebellion of another person just as surely as their body can be hurt by another person. Those that rebel against the requirements concerning the human soul bring anguish to the souls of other people (Genesis 42:21). It is the human soul that is vexed by the nagging of other people (Judges 16:16). It is the human soul that can be vexed by the afflicting words of other people (1 Samuel 1:6-10). This damage to the human soul by another person can lead to damage to the human body as surely as being cut them with a knife would cause them to bleed (Proverbs 12:4). The pleasant words of another human being can bring health to the soul that brings healing to the body as surely as a bandage will bring healing to a cut (Proverbs 16:24). That is why when the human soul prospers then the human body will also be in health (3 John 1:2).
The second most important requirements are those that deal with loving other people (Mark 12:31).
That is why those that are sick often need the Father of Truth to heal their souls (Psalm 41:3-5). That is why those whose souls are afflicted by other people must rely on the healing provided by His healthcare plan (Psalm 42:10-11). That is why those are sick must often seek after the Father of Truth to heal their soul so their health can be restored (Psalm 43:3-5). That is why those that love other people will do nothing to bring harm to the soul or body of other people by rebelling against these requirements (Romans 13:8-10).
The third most important part of a person is the human body. The human body is that part of people that connects them to the physical world. The human body was made from dust and will return to dust (Genesis 3:19). The human body will perish even though the human spirit and soul will live on so that people can be gathered with their loved ones when it dies (2 Kings 22:20). That is why the Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth will never die (John 11:25-27). That is why the spirit and soul can be renewed every day while the human body will perish (2 Corinthians 4:16). That is why when the human spirit and soul are absent from the body that they are present with the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:5-8).
The third most important requirements are those that deal with people loving themselves by taking care of their human body because they cannot love others correctly until they learn how to do that (Luke 10:27). They love themselves by taking care of the needs of their human body (Ephesians 5:29).
They take care of the needs of their bodies when they meet the requirements of His healthcare plan for taking care of the human body. That is why there are requirements are to not just eat anything that moves (Leviticus 11:45-47). That is why there are requirements to keep those that have a plague in their body separated from other people (Leviticus 13:44-45). That is why there are requirements to not be a drunkard or a glutton (Deuteronomy 21:20). That is why there are requirements to flee from fornication (any sexual relationships outside of the marriage of a man and a woman) (1 Corinthians 6:18).
You start participating in the best healthcare plan ever when you come into the House of Truth. You do not have to be near the Father of Truth in order to be worthy to participate in this healthcare plan because He offers it to anyone that is willing repent and meet its requirements (Isaiah 57:19). You can start learning how to obtain all of the benefits of this healthcare plan when you decide to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10). Anyone, Jew or Gentile, that will come into the House of Truth can start participating in the best healthcare plan ever (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth.
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