Smash And Burn
What is the best way to put your past behind you?
Every year growing up, on December 26th, we would begin cleaning up the Christmas mess. The final act was dragging what was left of the unfortunate cedar tree, that had been sacrificed for Christmas, out into a field near our house, and burning it. Once that was done, then it was certain that the disruption of our lives, that had started right after Thanksgiving, was really over. It was destroying the last remnant of Christmas, that finally brought closure.
This is often repeated on a larger scale in various cities across the world, where people pile all of their Christmas trees into a huge pyramid shaped pile, and create a bonfire to bring about closure. In fact, the very word "bonfire" is symbolic of bringing about closure, because the word was originally "bone fire", when the bones of the dead were burned to bring about closure.
These Christmas tree bonfires came from a holiday of the religion of the Druids, to mark the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, called "Imbolc". The principle Spirit of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) worshiped on Imbolc was "Brigid", the mother of Spring, who was said to be entering labor to bring about Spring on that day. The bonfires were set to remind people that the Sun was winning out over Winter, and that warmer days would soon be upon them. The ceremonies of Imbolc were continued on Saint Brigid Day, as people came into the House of Truth from among the Celts. However, this celebration of a woman, who was named after a goddess of the Druids, on the same day that their goddess had been celebrated, observed by carrying on the same traditions, that were used to celebrate that goddess, and then changing the name of that celebration from Imbolc to Saint Bridig Day, was not part of Celtic Christianity in its original form.
Eventually, people found it inconvenient, to wait until the first day of February, to burn their Christmas trees. So they started having Christmas tree bonfires, some time within the two weeks that followed Christmas. Some of these of Christmas tree bonfires occur on New Year's Eve, because people are not just putting last Christmas behind them, but putting the entire year behind them. These Christmas tree bonfires on New Year's Eve, bring closure to the entire year.
In similar manner, when I first came into the House of Truth, I gathered all of my albums by artists with occultic overtones, like "Black Sabbath", and my other paraphernalia that was associated with the Occult. I then proceeded to smash and burn all of them. I was putting my past behind me, and giving it no opportunity to return. It was this policy of smash and burn, that finally brought closure.
After that, I was baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), and began to produce the sound of power. When this happened, I no longer wanted anything to do with secular music of any kind. It was not about any particular style of music, that I suddenly found repulsive, but it was the contents of their lyrics. So I gathered my secular country, southern rock, rock, heavy metal, punk, new wave, and pop records, all together, like I had done with my occultic items previously. I also removed all of the things associated with the lifestyle, promoted by these secular artists from my home. Then I put them all behind me, by continuing the smash and burn policy, that brings closure.
Where did this policy of smash and burn come from? Why is a policy of smash and burn, necessary to put your past behind you? Why does implementing this policy of smash and burn, bring closure?
The Book of Truth (The Bible) answers these questions.
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) smashed everything on Earth with water when He sent the flood, because the weight of the more than 2 miles (3 kilometers) of water above every city, needed to put the top of the water more than twenty feet above the tallest mountain, (the tallest mountain was probably much shorter before the Flood), would absolutely crush everything under the water (Genesis 7:18-20). In like manner, He utterly destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah, and everything in the valley, except Zoar (because He does not take collateral damage), by smashing them with brimstone, and burning them with fire (Genesis 19:23-25).
The Father of Truth told the people of Israel, in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), to continue His policy of smash and burn, when they came into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 7:5). So Joshua smashed and burned the city of Jericho, when the people of Israel first came into the Promised Land (Joshua 6:16-24). King Josiah obeyed the Father of Truth, when he carried out his massive smash and burn policy, that extended throughout the Promise Land, even beyond the borders of his own kingdom (2 Kings 23:3-15).
The Father of Truth promised, that He would cause everything in the Promised Land to be smashed and burned, if the people of Israel polluted the Promised Land, as the former inhabitants had done (Deuteronomy 29:23-26). So when the people of Israel polluted the Promised Land, He sent the Babylonians, to smash and burn everything in Jerusalem, including the Temple (Jeremiah 52:12-14).
Everything that is associated with the Father of Lies, or the Spirits of Lies, is polluted, and must be destroyed (Deuteronomy 7:25-26). Nothing associated with the Father of Lies, or the Spirits of Lies, is to be spared from destruction (Deuteronomy 13:17). So Joshua warned the people of Israel, to not keep anything associated with the Father of Lies, or the Spirits of Lies, because possessing those things, would take away the blessing of the Father of Truth, off of the whole congregation (Joshua 6:18). So Joshua destroyed from among the people of Israel, the one who kept something associated with the Spirits of Lies, so that the blessing of the Father of Truth, would come back on the whole congregation (Joshua 7:12-15).
So the Father of Truth smashed the Earth with water, to completely destroy everyone, who was wholly given over to carrying out the will of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), and everything that the Father of Lies had corrupted (Genesis 6:5-7). He smashed and burned Sodom and Gomorrah, with brimstone and fire, because of their cities had become associated, with the wicked practices that come from the Father of Lies (Genesis 18:20-23). He commanded the people of Israel, to smash and burn everything, that had anything to do with the Father of Lies, so that the past of the Promised Land, could permanently be put behind it (Deuteronomy 12:1-3). He commanded the people of Israel, to smash and burn any city of their own, if it was polluting the Promised Land, by performing the wicked practices, that come from the Spirits of Lies (Deuteronomy 13:12-16). King Josiah carried out His policy of smash and burn, so that his people could no longer, carry out the will of the Father of Lies (2 Kings 23:10). The Father of Truth even smashed and burned, everything associated with the Spirits of Lies in Egypt, when the people of Israel fled there, to escape the Babylonians (Jeremiah 43:7-13).
A policy of smash and burn brings closure, because it prevents people from being enticed, to go back to the things, that ensnared them before (Exodus 34:13-16). Smashing everything that is infected with evil, prevents other people from being infected with that evil (Leviticus 14:43-45). Burning everything that is so infused with evil, so that it can serve no good purpose, prevents the evil it brings, from spreading (Leviticus 13:51-57). King Josiah destroyed everything, in a "bone fire", to bring closure, to the shameful deeds of the people of Israel, in turning against the Father of Truth (2 Kings 23:16-20). So the Father of Truth smashed and burned Sodom and Gomorrah, as everlasting warning to people, to no longer live like they were married in Sodom, so there could be closure (Jude 1:7).
So this smash and burn policy came from the Father of Truth. This smash and burn policy is necessary to put your past behind you, because it separates you from everything, that dragged you into your past behavior. This smash and burn policy brings closure, because it removes every reminder of your past, so you can focus on building a better future.
The Father of Truth has placed the Spirit of Truth in the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him), so that they can carry out His policy of smash and burn (Ezekiel 11:18-20). The Spirit of Truth writes this smash and burn policy, contained in the Law of Truth, on the hearts of the Children of Truth (Romans 8:3-5). It is for this reason, that the Children of Truth in Ephesus, continued this policy of smash and burn, to put their past behind them, when they burned their scrolls of magic, that came from the Spirits of Lies, instead of selling them, to help the poor, or promote the spread of the Good News (Acts 19:13-20).
However, the white hot light of holiness, that comes upon people, when they are baptized in the Spirit of Truth, causes them to see, that more than just the things like idols, are from the Father of Lies, and those things, also need to be smashed and burned (Matthew 3:10-12). They are repulsed by everything that is contrary to the Father of Truth, because they want to be holy (separated from everything that is from the Father of Lies), as He is holy (1 Peter 1:14-16). They will smash and burn things, like their albums of secular music ("secular" literally means "of the world"), because those things glorify worldly values, that are not from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:15-17). They smash and burn these things, so they can put their past behind them forever, and experience the closure, that only comes from being like the Man of Truth (1 John 4:16-18).
In fact, this policy of smash and burn, will be enacted on a global scale, in the near future, during the reign of the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast), when the Father of Truth is going to smash and burn, large parts of the Earth (Revelation 8:7-12).
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will continue this policy, by smashing and burning everything from the Father of Lies (Matthew 13:39-42). He will bring this policy of smash and burn, to bear upon the entire Earth when he returns, to put its past behind it (Luke 17:26-30). He is even going to burn everyone, who has persecuted the Children of Truth, on that day (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9).
After reigning over the Earth for a thousand years, the Father of Truth will bring about the end of all trouble, when the last generation of those, who seek to carry out the will of the Father of Lies, are smashed and burned (Revelation 20:7-9).
Finally, the policy of smash and burn, will be enacted for a final time, on a universal scale. The Father of Truth is going to burn up the entire universe, so that a new universe can be formed, where only the things from Him exist (2 Peter 3:11-13). It will be the end of all tears, for the Children of Truth, because He will have finally brought them, eternal closure (Revelation 21:1-4).
The Father of Truth is patiently waiting, until the Good News has been taken to every ethnic group on Earth, before He begins this future policy of smash and burn, during the time of the Man of Lies (Matthew 24:14-16). He has the Man of Truth waiting, to begin his part of implementing His smash and burn policy, just like He waited for Noah, to finish the Ark, before smashing everything, with the flood (1 Peter 3:20-22). He is waiting, to begin His policy of smash and burn, as long as possible, so that as many people as possible, can come into the House of Truth (2 Peter 3:7-10). All who did not come into the House of Truth, will be burned, as part of the final phase, of His smash and burn policy (Revelation 20:10-15).
However, you do not need to wait even one more day, to put your past behind you, and find closure. You can implement His smash and burn policy today, concerning everything in your own life, that is contrary to the Father of Truth. So do not stop, at just burning your Christmas tree, and smashing everything about Christmas, like the Mensch who killed Christmas. Also, throw your pornographic material, your drug paraphernalia, your occultic items, your secular music, and everything that is contrary to the Father of Truth, into the fire as well. Smash and burn all of it, so that you have separated yourself, from everything that will drag you back into that lifestyle!
However, if something is not from the Father of Lies, but is only hindering you from following the Man of Truth, then it would be alright to sell, or give those things away. For example, a young man I knew named Tommy, gave away his massive video game system, because it was sucking up all of his time, and preventing him, from spending time with the Father of Truth. You need to distinguish, between those things that are not alright for you to have in your life, and those things that are not alright for anyone to have in their life. So if something is weighing you down, and keeping you from running after the Man of Truth, but is not evil in itself, then you should just lay it aside, instead of destroying it (Hebrews 12:1-2).
So do not just make an empty New Year resolution, but take action to put your past behind you, so you can focus on building a better future.
You can never really put the past behind you, until you come into the House of Truth, where you will be born for a second time, into the family of the Father of Truth (John 3:3-7). Putting your past behind you, starts with putting the Man of Truth in front of you, so that you can follow him, to learn how to do things his way, because you believe, that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). You can come into the House of Truth, put your past behind you, and start focusing on building a better future, because of what the Man of Truth did on this Earth (2 Corinthians 5:15-17). The Spirit of Truth is given to everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, so they can smash and burn everything, that the Father of Lies has ensnared them with, before they were born into the family of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 3:14-16). When you come into the House of Truth, you can renew your mind with the Word of Truth, so you can escape those patterns of behavior, that have enslave you in the past (Ephesians 4:22-24). You put your past behind you, when you come into the House of Truth, by living differently than you did in the past (Colossians 3:6-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
Every year growing up, on December 26th, we would begin cleaning up the Christmas mess. The final act was dragging what was left of the unfortunate cedar tree, that had been sacrificed for Christmas, out into a field near our house, and burning it. Once that was done, then it was certain that the disruption of our lives, that had started right after Thanksgiving, was really over. It was destroying the last remnant of Christmas, that finally brought closure.
This is often repeated on a larger scale in various cities across the world, where people pile all of their Christmas trees into a huge pyramid shaped pile, and create a bonfire to bring about closure. In fact, the very word "bonfire" is symbolic of bringing about closure, because the word was originally "bone fire", when the bones of the dead were burned to bring about closure.
These Christmas tree bonfires came from a holiday of the religion of the Druids, to mark the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, called "Imbolc". The principle Spirit of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) worshiped on Imbolc was "Brigid", the mother of Spring, who was said to be entering labor to bring about Spring on that day. The bonfires were set to remind people that the Sun was winning out over Winter, and that warmer days would soon be upon them. The ceremonies of Imbolc were continued on Saint Brigid Day, as people came into the House of Truth from among the Celts. However, this celebration of a woman, who was named after a goddess of the Druids, on the same day that their goddess had been celebrated, observed by carrying on the same traditions, that were used to celebrate that goddess, and then changing the name of that celebration from Imbolc to Saint Bridig Day, was not part of Celtic Christianity in its original form.
Eventually, people found it inconvenient, to wait until the first day of February, to burn their Christmas trees. So they started having Christmas tree bonfires, some time within the two weeks that followed Christmas. Some of these of Christmas tree bonfires occur on New Year's Eve, because people are not just putting last Christmas behind them, but putting the entire year behind them. These Christmas tree bonfires on New Year's Eve, bring closure to the entire year.
In similar manner, when I first came into the House of Truth, I gathered all of my albums by artists with occultic overtones, like "Black Sabbath", and my other paraphernalia that was associated with the Occult. I then proceeded to smash and burn all of them. I was putting my past behind me, and giving it no opportunity to return. It was this policy of smash and burn, that finally brought closure.
After that, I was baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), and began to produce the sound of power. When this happened, I no longer wanted anything to do with secular music of any kind. It was not about any particular style of music, that I suddenly found repulsive, but it was the contents of their lyrics. So I gathered my secular country, southern rock, rock, heavy metal, punk, new wave, and pop records, all together, like I had done with my occultic items previously. I also removed all of the things associated with the lifestyle, promoted by these secular artists from my home. Then I put them all behind me, by continuing the smash and burn policy, that brings closure.
Where did this policy of smash and burn come from? Why is a policy of smash and burn, necessary to put your past behind you? Why does implementing this policy of smash and burn, bring closure?
The Book of Truth (The Bible) answers these questions.
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) smashed everything on Earth with water when He sent the flood, because the weight of the more than 2 miles (3 kilometers) of water above every city, needed to put the top of the water more than twenty feet above the tallest mountain, (the tallest mountain was probably much shorter before the Flood), would absolutely crush everything under the water (Genesis 7:18-20). In like manner, He utterly destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah, and everything in the valley, except Zoar (because He does not take collateral damage), by smashing them with brimstone, and burning them with fire (Genesis 19:23-25).
The Father of Truth told the people of Israel, in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), to continue His policy of smash and burn, when they came into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 7:5). So Joshua smashed and burned the city of Jericho, when the people of Israel first came into the Promised Land (Joshua 6:16-24). King Josiah obeyed the Father of Truth, when he carried out his massive smash and burn policy, that extended throughout the Promise Land, even beyond the borders of his own kingdom (2 Kings 23:3-15).
The Father of Truth promised, that He would cause everything in the Promised Land to be smashed and burned, if the people of Israel polluted the Promised Land, as the former inhabitants had done (Deuteronomy 29:23-26). So when the people of Israel polluted the Promised Land, He sent the Babylonians, to smash and burn everything in Jerusalem, including the Temple (Jeremiah 52:12-14).
Everything that is associated with the Father of Lies, or the Spirits of Lies, is polluted, and must be destroyed (Deuteronomy 7:25-26). Nothing associated with the Father of Lies, or the Spirits of Lies, is to be spared from destruction (Deuteronomy 13:17). So Joshua warned the people of Israel, to not keep anything associated with the Father of Lies, or the Spirits of Lies, because possessing those things, would take away the blessing of the Father of Truth, off of the whole congregation (Joshua 6:18). So Joshua destroyed from among the people of Israel, the one who kept something associated with the Spirits of Lies, so that the blessing of the Father of Truth, would come back on the whole congregation (Joshua 7:12-15).
So the Father of Truth smashed the Earth with water, to completely destroy everyone, who was wholly given over to carrying out the will of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), and everything that the Father of Lies had corrupted (Genesis 6:5-7). He smashed and burned Sodom and Gomorrah, with brimstone and fire, because of their cities had become associated, with the wicked practices that come from the Father of Lies (Genesis 18:20-23). He commanded the people of Israel, to smash and burn everything, that had anything to do with the Father of Lies, so that the past of the Promised Land, could permanently be put behind it (Deuteronomy 12:1-3). He commanded the people of Israel, to smash and burn any city of their own, if it was polluting the Promised Land, by performing the wicked practices, that come from the Spirits of Lies (Deuteronomy 13:12-16). King Josiah carried out His policy of smash and burn, so that his people could no longer, carry out the will of the Father of Lies (2 Kings 23:10). The Father of Truth even smashed and burned, everything associated with the Spirits of Lies in Egypt, when the people of Israel fled there, to escape the Babylonians (Jeremiah 43:7-13).
A policy of smash and burn brings closure, because it prevents people from being enticed, to go back to the things, that ensnared them before (Exodus 34:13-16). Smashing everything that is infected with evil, prevents other people from being infected with that evil (Leviticus 14:43-45). Burning everything that is so infused with evil, so that it can serve no good purpose, prevents the evil it brings, from spreading (Leviticus 13:51-57). King Josiah destroyed everything, in a "bone fire", to bring closure, to the shameful deeds of the people of Israel, in turning against the Father of Truth (2 Kings 23:16-20). So the Father of Truth smashed and burned Sodom and Gomorrah, as everlasting warning to people, to no longer live like they were married in Sodom, so there could be closure (Jude 1:7).
So this smash and burn policy came from the Father of Truth. This smash and burn policy is necessary to put your past behind you, because it separates you from everything, that dragged you into your past behavior. This smash and burn policy brings closure, because it removes every reminder of your past, so you can focus on building a better future.
The Father of Truth has placed the Spirit of Truth in the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him), so that they can carry out His policy of smash and burn (Ezekiel 11:18-20). The Spirit of Truth writes this smash and burn policy, contained in the Law of Truth, on the hearts of the Children of Truth (Romans 8:3-5). It is for this reason, that the Children of Truth in Ephesus, continued this policy of smash and burn, to put their past behind them, when they burned their scrolls of magic, that came from the Spirits of Lies, instead of selling them, to help the poor, or promote the spread of the Good News (Acts 19:13-20).
However, the white hot light of holiness, that comes upon people, when they are baptized in the Spirit of Truth, causes them to see, that more than just the things like idols, are from the Father of Lies, and those things, also need to be smashed and burned (Matthew 3:10-12). They are repulsed by everything that is contrary to the Father of Truth, because they want to be holy (separated from everything that is from the Father of Lies), as He is holy (1 Peter 1:14-16). They will smash and burn things, like their albums of secular music ("secular" literally means "of the world"), because those things glorify worldly values, that are not from the Father of Truth (1 John 2:15-17). They smash and burn these things, so they can put their past behind them forever, and experience the closure, that only comes from being like the Man of Truth (1 John 4:16-18).
In fact, this policy of smash and burn, will be enacted on a global scale, in the near future, during the reign of the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast), when the Father of Truth is going to smash and burn, large parts of the Earth (Revelation 8:7-12).
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will continue this policy, by smashing and burning everything from the Father of Lies (Matthew 13:39-42). He will bring this policy of smash and burn, to bear upon the entire Earth when he returns, to put its past behind it (Luke 17:26-30). He is even going to burn everyone, who has persecuted the Children of Truth, on that day (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9).
After reigning over the Earth for a thousand years, the Father of Truth will bring about the end of all trouble, when the last generation of those, who seek to carry out the will of the Father of Lies, are smashed and burned (Revelation 20:7-9).
Finally, the policy of smash and burn, will be enacted for a final time, on a universal scale. The Father of Truth is going to burn up the entire universe, so that a new universe can be formed, where only the things from Him exist (2 Peter 3:11-13). It will be the end of all tears, for the Children of Truth, because He will have finally brought them, eternal closure (Revelation 21:1-4).
The Father of Truth is patiently waiting, until the Good News has been taken to every ethnic group on Earth, before He begins this future policy of smash and burn, during the time of the Man of Lies (Matthew 24:14-16). He has the Man of Truth waiting, to begin his part of implementing His smash and burn policy, just like He waited for Noah, to finish the Ark, before smashing everything, with the flood (1 Peter 3:20-22). He is waiting, to begin His policy of smash and burn, as long as possible, so that as many people as possible, can come into the House of Truth (2 Peter 3:7-10). All who did not come into the House of Truth, will be burned, as part of the final phase, of His smash and burn policy (Revelation 20:10-15).
However, you do not need to wait even one more day, to put your past behind you, and find closure. You can implement His smash and burn policy today, concerning everything in your own life, that is contrary to the Father of Truth. So do not stop, at just burning your Christmas tree, and smashing everything about Christmas, like the Mensch who killed Christmas. Also, throw your pornographic material, your drug paraphernalia, your occultic items, your secular music, and everything that is contrary to the Father of Truth, into the fire as well. Smash and burn all of it, so that you have separated yourself, from everything that will drag you back into that lifestyle!
However, if something is not from the Father of Lies, but is only hindering you from following the Man of Truth, then it would be alright to sell, or give those things away. For example, a young man I knew named Tommy, gave away his massive video game system, because it was sucking up all of his time, and preventing him, from spending time with the Father of Truth. You need to distinguish, between those things that are not alright for you to have in your life, and those things that are not alright for anyone to have in their life. So if something is weighing you down, and keeping you from running after the Man of Truth, but is not evil in itself, then you should just lay it aside, instead of destroying it (Hebrews 12:1-2).
So do not just make an empty New Year resolution, but take action to put your past behind you, so you can focus on building a better future.
You can never really put the past behind you, until you come into the House of Truth, where you will be born for a second time, into the family of the Father of Truth (John 3:3-7). Putting your past behind you, starts with putting the Man of Truth in front of you, so that you can follow him, to learn how to do things his way, because you believe, that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). You can come into the House of Truth, put your past behind you, and start focusing on building a better future, because of what the Man of Truth did on this Earth (2 Corinthians 5:15-17). The Spirit of Truth is given to everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, so they can smash and burn everything, that the Father of Lies has ensnared them with, before they were born into the family of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 3:14-16). When you come into the House of Truth, you can renew your mind with the Word of Truth, so you can escape those patterns of behavior, that have enslave you in the past (Ephesians 4:22-24). You put your past behind you, when you come into the House of Truth, by living differently than you did in the past (Colossians 3:6-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Closure, Druids, History, New Year's Day, Resolution