A Time For Civil Disobedience
Does the Book of Truth (The Bible) ever teach that there is a time for civil disobedience?
Civil disobedience is the act of disobeying a law. While this would literally include things like speeding and jay walking, the term carries a connotation of disobeying a law made by the civil authorities because either the law is unjust in itself or the law is being used by the civil authorities as a means to carry out an unjust end.
America was founded by men who practiced civil disobedience. They refused to obey many laws that they believed to be unjust and eventually broke many laws that they believed were just in themselves but would hinder them from ending what they believed were the tyrannies of England if they obeyed them.
These men called themselves "patriots". These patriots formed groups like the Sons of Liberty who decided that a time for civil disobedience had arrived.
Their civil disobedience included things like the Boston Tea Party whereby they seized tea and threw it into the harbor rather than allow Americans to pay a tax on it. They were against the tax because Britain insisted that they were British subjects but had refused to allow them representation in the British parliament. This situation was itself illegal under British law since the Magna Carta had guaranteed representation in parliament to all British subjects. The Sons of Liberty could see that in light of such disregard for the rights promised under British law by the British government that it was a time for civil disobedience.
The British politicians did not dare to give the colonists the representation promised them under British Law. The American colonists would have made up one-third of parliament. This would have meant that one third of the British politicians would have been out of parliament. Also a parliament with American representation would have been a serious disruption to the status quo since the Americans did not share many of the same values and concerns as most of the people of England. Worst yet, other colonists across the British empire would also have had to be given the same representation. In no time, the English would have became a minority in the British parliament!
So the British parliament passed law after law as an effort to exert British rule over the American colonies without any of the representation that had been promised under the Magna Carta. The British parliament was out to prove that it could do whatever it wanted with these American colonies so it refuse to listen to all pleas by the Americans to be given the representation in parliament that had been promised to all British subjects. When the Intolerable Acts were passed these patriots knew that it was definitely a time for civil disobedience.
The British then confiscated the firearms of private citizens and imposed various measures of gun control. The patriots responded by stockpiling large amounts of guns and ammunition all over the land. They created hidden magazines deep in the wilderness as well as underground in towns. They ignored every law that imposed any kind of gun control because they understood that it was a time for civil disobedience.
The time came when it was apparent that there was no chance of reconciliation and no turning back. These patriots cited twenty-seven violations of the just laws laid out in the Book of Truth in the Declaration of Independence as their justification for their civil disobedience and separation of the United States from Great Britain. From that point forward, all patriots treated laws passed by the British parliament as not valid in the United States of America. The British parliament kept insisting that these laws were valid in the American colonies but most Americans refused to recognize them as the law of the land. The Americans were not about to be subject to British rule because it was a time for civil disobedience.
Eventually, the Americans won their independence and the US created its own laws. At times these laws were also unjust to those who had no representation like black people. So eventually, people rose up against these laws to put an end to things that the Book of Truth called injustices. People had to take action to end unjust things like the American slavery system and racial discrimination . In each case there came a point when people of valor arose who refused to obey unjust laws and even break the just laws that were being used to hinder them from ending an unjust practice. The unjust practices never came to an end until enough people decided that they had arrived at a time for civil disobedience.
The Americans have not been the only ones that have recognized when it was a time for civil disobedience. Others have in like manner been involved in ending unjust conditions in other countries at various times like the atrocities of Nazi Germany. Those who rose up against the efforts of the Nazis were Germans and other Europeans who were part of the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him). These European Children of Truth ignored the unjust laws of the Nazis and even broke many just laws that would have hindered them from saving their Jewish neighbors. They were able to limit the Nazis to killing only half of the Jews of Europe instead of all of the Jews of Europe because they understood that it was a time for civil disobedience.
Some people will say that the Founding Fathers were wrong in their civil disobedience. Some people will say that the Book of Truth says that those who rule are to be obeyed no matter how unjust their laws are since the Father of Truth established human government. Some people say that the Book of Truth teaches that there is never a time for civil disobedience.
Does the Book of Truth ever teach that there is a time for civil disobedience?
The Father of Truth established human government to protect people from becoming victims of sins like murder (Genesis 9:6). The purpose of human government is carry out His Laws on the Earth (Deuteronomy 17:18-20). Human government is supposed to create laws and enforce laws to restrain people from doing anything that is contrary to His Laws (1 Timothy 1:8-11). Human government is supposed to be a terror to those who break His Laws - not those who obey His Laws (Romans 13:3-5)!
Since the point of human government is to take care of people by enforcing His Laws then no human government ever has a right to make any law that is contrary to His Laws. Therefore the Children of Truth should always obey the Father of Truth instead of obeying any law that is contrary to His Law or that is created to hinder them from obeying His Law (Acts 5:29). There is definitely a time for civil disobedience!
When is it a time for civil disobedience?
It is for this reason that the Father of Truth blessed the midwives who refused to kill the Hebrew boys even though it was the law of the land (Exodus 1:15-21). The mother of Moses hid him to save him alive even though it was against the law of the land (Exodus 2:1-3). Gideon destroyed the idols in Israel contrary to the law of the land (Judges 6:28-30). Elijah executed the false prophets in Israel contrary to the law of the land (1 Kings 18:40). The priest Jehoiada had a wicked queen executed for breaking the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) even though she ruled the land (2 Kings 11:14-16). Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego refuse to obey the law of the land by bowing down idols (Daniel 3:10-12). Daniel prayed to the Father of Truth as commanded in the Law of Truth contrary to the law of the land (Daniel 6:9-11). The Maccabees revolted against the Greeks and won independence for Israel when the Greeks set up an idol in the Temple at the commandment of the ruler of the land (Daniel 11:31-32). Joseph fled to Egypt with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) to escape the order of the king to slaughter the male babies of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:13-16). The Man of Truth taught that any social or religious convention can be ignored as long as it was not commanded in the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:1-3). The Apostles of Truth continued to preach the Gospel in Jerusalem contrary to the law of the land (Acts 5:27-32). Jason and the saints at Thessaloniki called the Man of Truth their king contrary to the law of the land (Acts 17:6-7). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) preached the Gospel even after it was against the law of the land to do so (2 Timothy 4:16-18). John the Jew (Yochanan ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) was exiled for preaching the Gospel contrary to the law of the land (Revelation 1:9). These heroes all knew that when the law of the land was contrary to the commandments of the Father of Truth then they had reached a time for civil disobedience!
Today, America is again at such a time. America faces the greatest injustices that it has ever known. These injustices are not the forced upon it by a foreign power or even by a selfish politicians in Washington DC. America is being destroyed by a monster within. This destruction comes from unelected judges that seek to legislate from the bench contrary to the powers granted them by the US Constitution. These unjust judges strike down just laws passed by congress and the states. These unjust judges make decisions that effectively become unjust laws for the United States that were never even voted on. Once again, it is legislation without representation. This is the very kind of tyranny that lead the Founding Fathers to issue the Declaration of Independence!
Time after time, they have subverted the clear will of the majority of the American people in order to pass these unjust laws. When they struck down voluntary prayer at school in 1962, approximately 97% of the American populace was for prayer in school. When they legalized abortion in 1973, it was illegal in almost every state in the US. When they struck down the part of the Defense of Marriage Act confirming that marriage was only between a man and a woman in 2013, they were once again subverting the will of the vast majority of the American people. These unelected tyrants have created law after law that violates the just laws laid out in the Book of Truth, the intentions of the Founding Fathers and the rights of Americans guaranteed in the Constitution. It is clear that we have reached a time for civil disobedience!
The enemies of this country are not some foreign power but are domestic enemies that sit on benches in courts throughout the USA. These domestic enemies must be resisted as everyone who has ever served in the US Armed Forces has taken an oath to do so. These domestic enemies that are bringing out the destruction of the United States from within. These domestic enemies did not come to power through force but through A Subtle Influence. If no one resists these domestic enemies then their unjust laws will bring about The Death of America. It is a time for civil disobedience!
It is time to no longer obey their unjust laws that forbid students from even practicing silent prayer in school. It is time for those students who claim to be part of the Children of Truth to start praying out loud at the beginning of each class in school. They need to be sure that they pray out loud in the name of the Man of Truth as well since these wicked judges have outlawed that while making all kinds of provision for the prayer to the foreign gods of Islam, Hinduism, and the like. It is a time for civil disobedience!
These wicked judges have outlawed displaying the laws from the Book of Truth that were used to create the laws of America when it was founded. It is time for the states where the Children of Truth are still in the majority to display the Ten Commandments and the like on the property of their capitals. It is obvious that these tyrants are seeking to outlaw the worship of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) while promoting the worship of foreign gods! It is a time for civil disobedience!
No unjust judge can ever make a ruling that will make abortion anything other than murder in the womb. The doctors, nurses, clients and all who work at abortion clinics as well as those that fund these clinics need to be treated like the murdering criminals that they are. Their neighbors should give them no rest or peace, night or day as long as they continue in this wickedness, so that they understand that there is no rest for the wicked. Let their homes that have been built on the brutalized bodies of the unborn be destroyed and let their property be made into a graveyard for those who they have murdered! Their death houses where they carry out their heinous crimes against humanity need to be shut down by any means necessary just like the Holocaust had to be brought to an end by extreme means. No one should feel safe to operate these death camps for the murder of the unborn nor be able to enter them for that purpose unhindered. No one has the right to murder the innocent - especially their own children! Just as the allies destroyed the death camps of the Nazis so also these abominations should be destroyed completely from the face of the United States. It is a time for civil disobedience!
No wicked judge who hates the Father of Truth can ever make marriage between anything other than a man and a woman legitimate. No one should treat this utter abomination of gay marriage as normal or acceptable or legitimate in any shape, form or fashion. It is time to tell the homosexual that what they are doing is an abomination in the eyes of the Father of Truth and that they will suffer if they continue in it. The states, corporations, businesses, and every other legal entity should ignore any ruling of any judge that says that they have have to give any marriage benefits to those who practice this exceedingly heavy sin. It is time for the states to reinstate their sodomy laws as the Founding Fathers had originally set them up in the original states and enforce those laws. It is time to treat these homosexuals as criminals just like the Founding Fathers did instead treating them as being somehow normal like those who were Married in Sodom. It is a time for civil disobedience!
The US has no hope of repenting and ending these unjust laws unless the Children of Truth become like the Children of Issachar who understood the times and knew what to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). The US will perish unless they realize it is a time for civil disobedience!
The true patriots of today should follow the example of the Founding Fathers and disregard every law that attempts to impose any type of gun control. They should buy unregistered firearms, refuse to register their firearms they already own and stockpile ammunition. They should buy their ammunition and firearms with cash so that there is no record of how many guns and how much ammunition that they have acquired. They should create hidden magazines deep in the wilderness and underground in towns. They should ignore every law that imposes any kind of gun control because they understand that it is a time for civil disobedience!
The Revolutionary War came about because the Children of Truth were awakened by the First Great Awakening that it was a time for civil disobedience! The end of slavery that resulted from the Civil War came about because the Children of Truth were awakened by the Second Great Awakening that it was a time for civil disobedience! America will not be saved from perishing by repenting unless the Children of Truth are awakened again to realizing that today is a time for civil disobedience!
What will happen to Americans if the US does not repent because the Children of Truth recognize that today is a time for civil disobedience?
Whether the US returns to just laws or if it perishes for continuing in these abominations will have no impact on the judgment that everyone will one day face. The Father of Truth will judge everyone according to their obedience to His Laws (Romans 2:2-11). Everyone, including these wicked judges, will appear in His court to be tried according to His Laws (Hebrews 9:27).
Those who continued in these sins because the law of the land commanded them or permitted them will still die for these sins unless they repented (Ezekiel 18:4). The homosexuals will be cast into Hell for their deeds (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Everyone involved in abortions will also experience the second death (Galatians 5:19-21).
Those who likewise did nothing to end this wickedness because they were too afraid to act will also suffer eternally (Revelation 21:8). They will suffer as well because they are guilty of The Worst Kind Of Hatred.
Will there ever cease to be a time for civil disobedience?
The Man of Truth is coming back to rule this Earth (Revelation 11:15)! When he does then the Law of Truth will be the law of the entire Earth (Micah 4:2). There will never again be a time for civil disobedience!
So what must Americans (and others) do since it is a time for civil disobedience!
They must first turn from their own wicked ways so that the Father of Truth might spare their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Today is the day for all to repent and be saved (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Father of Truth does not delight in the destruction of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). His delight is when they turn from all these wicked acts so that they might live (Ezekiel 18:32). He is not willing that any should perish but wants everyone to come into the House of Truth (2 Peter 3:9). He sent the Man of Truth to die for their sins so they could come into the House of Truth (1John 4:8-10).
Those that who would know when there is a time for civil disobedience must first come into the House of Truth. They come into the House of Truth when they surrender control of their lives to the Man of Truth because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
Civil disobedience is the act of disobeying a law. While this would literally include things like speeding and jay walking, the term carries a connotation of disobeying a law made by the civil authorities because either the law is unjust in itself or the law is being used by the civil authorities as a means to carry out an unjust end.
America was founded by men who practiced civil disobedience. They refused to obey many laws that they believed to be unjust and eventually broke many laws that they believed were just in themselves but would hinder them from ending what they believed were the tyrannies of England if they obeyed them.
These men called themselves "patriots". These patriots formed groups like the Sons of Liberty who decided that a time for civil disobedience had arrived.
Their civil disobedience included things like the Boston Tea Party whereby they seized tea and threw it into the harbor rather than allow Americans to pay a tax on it. They were against the tax because Britain insisted that they were British subjects but had refused to allow them representation in the British parliament. This situation was itself illegal under British law since the Magna Carta had guaranteed representation in parliament to all British subjects. The Sons of Liberty could see that in light of such disregard for the rights promised under British law by the British government that it was a time for civil disobedience.
The British politicians did not dare to give the colonists the representation promised them under British Law. The American colonists would have made up one-third of parliament. This would have meant that one third of the British politicians would have been out of parliament. Also a parliament with American representation would have been a serious disruption to the status quo since the Americans did not share many of the same values and concerns as most of the people of England. Worst yet, other colonists across the British empire would also have had to be given the same representation. In no time, the English would have became a minority in the British parliament!
So the British parliament passed law after law as an effort to exert British rule over the American colonies without any of the representation that had been promised under the Magna Carta. The British parliament was out to prove that it could do whatever it wanted with these American colonies so it refuse to listen to all pleas by the Americans to be given the representation in parliament that had been promised to all British subjects. When the Intolerable Acts were passed these patriots knew that it was definitely a time for civil disobedience.
The British then confiscated the firearms of private citizens and imposed various measures of gun control. The patriots responded by stockpiling large amounts of guns and ammunition all over the land. They created hidden magazines deep in the wilderness as well as underground in towns. They ignored every law that imposed any kind of gun control because they understood that it was a time for civil disobedience.
The time came when it was apparent that there was no chance of reconciliation and no turning back. These patriots cited twenty-seven violations of the just laws laid out in the Book of Truth in the Declaration of Independence as their justification for their civil disobedience and separation of the United States from Great Britain. From that point forward, all patriots treated laws passed by the British parliament as not valid in the United States of America. The British parliament kept insisting that these laws were valid in the American colonies but most Americans refused to recognize them as the law of the land. The Americans were not about to be subject to British rule because it was a time for civil disobedience.
Eventually, the Americans won their independence and the US created its own laws. At times these laws were also unjust to those who had no representation like black people. So eventually, people rose up against these laws to put an end to things that the Book of Truth called injustices. People had to take action to end unjust things like the American slavery system and racial discrimination . In each case there came a point when people of valor arose who refused to obey unjust laws and even break the just laws that were being used to hinder them from ending an unjust practice. The unjust practices never came to an end until enough people decided that they had arrived at a time for civil disobedience.
The Americans have not been the only ones that have recognized when it was a time for civil disobedience. Others have in like manner been involved in ending unjust conditions in other countries at various times like the atrocities of Nazi Germany. Those who rose up against the efforts of the Nazis were Germans and other Europeans who were part of the Children of Truth (those who obey the Father of Truth because they love Him). These European Children of Truth ignored the unjust laws of the Nazis and even broke many just laws that would have hindered them from saving their Jewish neighbors. They were able to limit the Nazis to killing only half of the Jews of Europe instead of all of the Jews of Europe because they understood that it was a time for civil disobedience.
Some people will say that the Founding Fathers were wrong in their civil disobedience. Some people will say that the Book of Truth says that those who rule are to be obeyed no matter how unjust their laws are since the Father of Truth established human government. Some people say that the Book of Truth teaches that there is never a time for civil disobedience.
Does the Book of Truth ever teach that there is a time for civil disobedience?
The Father of Truth established human government to protect people from becoming victims of sins like murder (Genesis 9:6). The purpose of human government is carry out His Laws on the Earth (Deuteronomy 17:18-20). Human government is supposed to create laws and enforce laws to restrain people from doing anything that is contrary to His Laws (1 Timothy 1:8-11). Human government is supposed to be a terror to those who break His Laws - not those who obey His Laws (Romans 13:3-5)!
Since the point of human government is to take care of people by enforcing His Laws then no human government ever has a right to make any law that is contrary to His Laws. Therefore the Children of Truth should always obey the Father of Truth instead of obeying any law that is contrary to His Law or that is created to hinder them from obeying His Law (Acts 5:29). There is definitely a time for civil disobedience!
When is it a time for civil disobedience?
It is for this reason that the Father of Truth blessed the midwives who refused to kill the Hebrew boys even though it was the law of the land (Exodus 1:15-21). The mother of Moses hid him to save him alive even though it was against the law of the land (Exodus 2:1-3). Gideon destroyed the idols in Israel contrary to the law of the land (Judges 6:28-30). Elijah executed the false prophets in Israel contrary to the law of the land (1 Kings 18:40). The priest Jehoiada had a wicked queen executed for breaking the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) even though she ruled the land (2 Kings 11:14-16). Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego refuse to obey the law of the land by bowing down idols (Daniel 3:10-12). Daniel prayed to the Father of Truth as commanded in the Law of Truth contrary to the law of the land (Daniel 6:9-11). The Maccabees revolted against the Greeks and won independence for Israel when the Greeks set up an idol in the Temple at the commandment of the ruler of the land (Daniel 11:31-32). Joseph fled to Egypt with the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) to escape the order of the king to slaughter the male babies of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:13-16). The Man of Truth taught that any social or religious convention can be ignored as long as it was not commanded in the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:1-3). The Apostles of Truth continued to preach the Gospel in Jerusalem contrary to the law of the land (Acts 5:27-32). Jason and the saints at Thessaloniki called the Man of Truth their king contrary to the law of the land (Acts 17:6-7). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) preached the Gospel even after it was against the law of the land to do so (2 Timothy 4:16-18). John the Jew (Yochanan ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) was exiled for preaching the Gospel contrary to the law of the land (Revelation 1:9). These heroes all knew that when the law of the land was contrary to the commandments of the Father of Truth then they had reached a time for civil disobedience!
Today, America is again at such a time. America faces the greatest injustices that it has ever known. These injustices are not the forced upon it by a foreign power or even by a selfish politicians in Washington DC. America is being destroyed by a monster within. This destruction comes from unelected judges that seek to legislate from the bench contrary to the powers granted them by the US Constitution. These unjust judges strike down just laws passed by congress and the states. These unjust judges make decisions that effectively become unjust laws for the United States that were never even voted on. Once again, it is legislation without representation. This is the very kind of tyranny that lead the Founding Fathers to issue the Declaration of Independence!
Time after time, they have subverted the clear will of the majority of the American people in order to pass these unjust laws. When they struck down voluntary prayer at school in 1962, approximately 97% of the American populace was for prayer in school. When they legalized abortion in 1973, it was illegal in almost every state in the US. When they struck down the part of the Defense of Marriage Act confirming that marriage was only between a man and a woman in 2013, they were once again subverting the will of the vast majority of the American people. These unelected tyrants have created law after law that violates the just laws laid out in the Book of Truth, the intentions of the Founding Fathers and the rights of Americans guaranteed in the Constitution. It is clear that we have reached a time for civil disobedience!
The enemies of this country are not some foreign power but are domestic enemies that sit on benches in courts throughout the USA. These domestic enemies must be resisted as everyone who has ever served in the US Armed Forces has taken an oath to do so. These domestic enemies that are bringing out the destruction of the United States from within. These domestic enemies did not come to power through force but through A Subtle Influence. If no one resists these domestic enemies then their unjust laws will bring about The Death of America. It is a time for civil disobedience!
It is time to no longer obey their unjust laws that forbid students from even practicing silent prayer in school. It is time for those students who claim to be part of the Children of Truth to start praying out loud at the beginning of each class in school. They need to be sure that they pray out loud in the name of the Man of Truth as well since these wicked judges have outlawed that while making all kinds of provision for the prayer to the foreign gods of Islam, Hinduism, and the like. It is a time for civil disobedience!
These wicked judges have outlawed displaying the laws from the Book of Truth that were used to create the laws of America when it was founded. It is time for the states where the Children of Truth are still in the majority to display the Ten Commandments and the like on the property of their capitals. It is obvious that these tyrants are seeking to outlaw the worship of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) while promoting the worship of foreign gods! It is a time for civil disobedience!
No unjust judge can ever make a ruling that will make abortion anything other than murder in the womb. The doctors, nurses, clients and all who work at abortion clinics as well as those that fund these clinics need to be treated like the murdering criminals that they are. Their neighbors should give them no rest or peace, night or day as long as they continue in this wickedness, so that they understand that there is no rest for the wicked. Let their homes that have been built on the brutalized bodies of the unborn be destroyed and let their property be made into a graveyard for those who they have murdered! Their death houses where they carry out their heinous crimes against humanity need to be shut down by any means necessary just like the Holocaust had to be brought to an end by extreme means. No one should feel safe to operate these death camps for the murder of the unborn nor be able to enter them for that purpose unhindered. No one has the right to murder the innocent - especially their own children! Just as the allies destroyed the death camps of the Nazis so also these abominations should be destroyed completely from the face of the United States. It is a time for civil disobedience!
No wicked judge who hates the Father of Truth can ever make marriage between anything other than a man and a woman legitimate. No one should treat this utter abomination of gay marriage as normal or acceptable or legitimate in any shape, form or fashion. It is time to tell the homosexual that what they are doing is an abomination in the eyes of the Father of Truth and that they will suffer if they continue in it. The states, corporations, businesses, and every other legal entity should ignore any ruling of any judge that says that they have have to give any marriage benefits to those who practice this exceedingly heavy sin. It is time for the states to reinstate their sodomy laws as the Founding Fathers had originally set them up in the original states and enforce those laws. It is time to treat these homosexuals as criminals just like the Founding Fathers did instead treating them as being somehow normal like those who were Married in Sodom. It is a time for civil disobedience!
The US has no hope of repenting and ending these unjust laws unless the Children of Truth become like the Children of Issachar who understood the times and knew what to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). The US will perish unless they realize it is a time for civil disobedience!
The true patriots of today should follow the example of the Founding Fathers and disregard every law that attempts to impose any type of gun control. They should buy unregistered firearms, refuse to register their firearms they already own and stockpile ammunition. They should buy their ammunition and firearms with cash so that there is no record of how many guns and how much ammunition that they have acquired. They should create hidden magazines deep in the wilderness and underground in towns. They should ignore every law that imposes any kind of gun control because they understand that it is a time for civil disobedience!
The Revolutionary War came about because the Children of Truth were awakened by the First Great Awakening that it was a time for civil disobedience! The end of slavery that resulted from the Civil War came about because the Children of Truth were awakened by the Second Great Awakening that it was a time for civil disobedience! America will not be saved from perishing by repenting unless the Children of Truth are awakened again to realizing that today is a time for civil disobedience!
What will happen to Americans if the US does not repent because the Children of Truth recognize that today is a time for civil disobedience?
Whether the US returns to just laws or if it perishes for continuing in these abominations will have no impact on the judgment that everyone will one day face. The Father of Truth will judge everyone according to their obedience to His Laws (Romans 2:2-11). Everyone, including these wicked judges, will appear in His court to be tried according to His Laws (Hebrews 9:27).
Those who continued in these sins because the law of the land commanded them or permitted them will still die for these sins unless they repented (Ezekiel 18:4). The homosexuals will be cast into Hell for their deeds (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Everyone involved in abortions will also experience the second death (Galatians 5:19-21).
Those who likewise did nothing to end this wickedness because they were too afraid to act will also suffer eternally (Revelation 21:8). They will suffer as well because they are guilty of The Worst Kind Of Hatred.
Will there ever cease to be a time for civil disobedience?
The Man of Truth is coming back to rule this Earth (Revelation 11:15)! When he does then the Law of Truth will be the law of the entire Earth (Micah 4:2). There will never again be a time for civil disobedience!
So what must Americans (and others) do since it is a time for civil disobedience!
They must first turn from their own wicked ways so that the Father of Truth might spare their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Today is the day for all to repent and be saved (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Father of Truth does not delight in the destruction of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:23). His delight is when they turn from all these wicked acts so that they might live (Ezekiel 18:32). He is not willing that any should perish but wants everyone to come into the House of Truth (2 Peter 3:9). He sent the Man of Truth to die for their sins so they could come into the House of Truth (1John 4:8-10).
Those that who would know when there is a time for civil disobedience must first come into the House of Truth. They come into the House of Truth when they surrender control of their lives to the Man of Truth because they believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: America, Civil Disobedience, Founding Fathers, History, Patriotism
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