Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Missing Books of The Bible

Are there books missing from the Book of Truth (The Bible)?

One Christmas my Aunt Londa got me a book entitled "The Missing Books of the Bible".  (This was before I became like The Mensch Who Killed Christmas by coming to the second of the two kinds of knowledge.)  This book was a two volume set that contained fifteen books that were part of the King James Bible in its original 1611 AD Edition.  The King James Bible underwent numerous revisions over the years to correct minor errors in translation until the 1769 AD version which is the version still printed today.  It was printed using the newly invented stereotype printing that made the cost per Bible considerably cheaper than it had been before.  The 1769 AD version did not include the fifteen books that were included in "The Missing Books of the Bible" that my Aunt Londa gave me.

One reason for this was so that the cost of production could be lowered to the point where the King James Bible could be afforded by everyone who wanted one.  This was not that different than the Gideons producing Bibles that only contained the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) so they could afford to give them to every school child in America.

Now in the case of the Gideons, they were not saying that the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) was not as important as the Renewed Covenant.  In fact, some of their small pocket Bibles contained Psalms (Tehillim) and the Book of Daniel as well.  They simply understood that if people read the Renewed Covenant first that it would lead them to search out the Original Covenant later.  They were following the same strategy as the Apostles of Truth who gave the bare minimum requirements of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) that Gentiles had to keep to come into the House of Truth with the understanding that the Gentiles would have the opportunity to learn more from the Law of Truth later (Acts 15:19-21).  The Gideons gave out Renewed Covenants instead of the Original Covenant because they understood that it was pointless to put the cart before the horse.

However, this was not the case with the 1769 AD version of the King James Bible.  The goal was to produce a complete version of the Book of Truth that everyone could afford.  These books were not included because they were considered supplement information similar to maps and dictionaries found in the back of many modern versions of the Book of Truth.  These books were part of a section of the 1611 AD version of the King James Bible called the Apocrypha.  The Apocrypha was located between the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant in the 1611 AD version of the King James Bible because it contained historical information, particularly in first and second Maccabees, about what happened between the two covenants.

Since this was supplemental information, not scripture given by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), then they did not include it in the 1769 AD version of the King James Bible similar to how they did not include any maps or dictionaries.  The fact is that the Apocrypha had never been considered to be part of the Original Covenant by the Jews who originally maintained it.  It was not part of the canon of the Renewed Covenant that was formalized around 70 AD by the Jews.  For this reason the False Church of Rome calls the twelve books of the Apocrypha that is in their version of the Book of Truth the "Dueterocanonical" (literally "second list") books because these books have never been listed as being scripture from the Spirit of Truth but rather supplemental information to fill in the historical gap that occurred between the end of the Original Covenant and the beginning of the Renewed Covenant.

So "The Missing Books of the Bible" was a really misleading name for this two volume set.  It would have been more appropriate to have called it "The Missing Supplements to the Bible".  It would make as much sense to use these books of the Apocrypha to form doctrine as it would to use the Book of Mormon.

You see the Book of Mormon is really a collection of Apocryphal books according to the words of Joseph Smith.  Apocrypha literally means "hidden things" and is used to describe books outside of the Book of Truth that are used to determine the doctrine (set of teachings) of an organization.  The term was originally used by Origen somewhere around 220 AD to distinguish the books that the False Church of Rome kept hidden from the public that it used to determine doctrine from the books of the Book of Truth that it read in public.  Eventually these hidden books were revealed and often included in a bound set appropriately called "The Apocrypha". They were included as a supplemental part of the Book of Truth to justify the doctrines taught by the False Church of Rome.  This is exactly the same thing that Joseph Smith said about the Book of Mormon.  The books in the Book of Mormon were hidden and then revealed in a bound set called the Book of Mormon to justify the doctrine that he taught.

Not only did the False Church of Rome use twelve of the books of the Apocrypha that were written before the time of the birth of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) to form its doctrine but it also used many books of the New Testament Apocrypha that were written after the resurrection of the Man of Truth.  This New Testament Apocrypha contains more than 50 Gospels other than the four included in the Renewed Covenant.  It also contains epistles and other works allegedly written during the time of the Apostles of Truth.  Many of these writings are even contributed to the Apostles of Truth.  There were also epistles from the period after the Renewed Covenant was finished in 95 AD like those attributed to Clement and Ignatius.  These books of the New Testament Apocrypha were used by the founders of the False Church of Rome to form many of its doctrines.  The False Church of Rome kept the use of these books, along the twelve books of the Apocrypha that they include as their Dueterocanonical books, to form their doctrine hidden from the public as previously noted.  Many of these books that the False Church of Rome used to form its doctrine were written more than one hundred years after the book of Revelation and many of them had Gentile authors.  However, the False Church of Rome came way too late to have invented using Apocryphal books to justify its doctrines.

Indeed at least two hundred years before the Man of Truth even came to the Earth there were Jewish groups like the Essenes who were using their own set of Apocryphal books.  This Jewish Apocrypha contains way more books than just the supplementary fifteen books that were included the Apocrypha found in the 1611 AD King James Bible.  These books include works like the Book of the Jasher, the Book of Enoch, the book of Jubilees, and many others.  Some of these works have not survived to modern times but are only known by references to them in other writings.  Some of the modern versions of these works have been proven to be fabrications that were made in America in the 1800s just like the Book of Mormon.  Many of these books have multiple versions that contradict each other like the five versions of the Book of Jasher and the nine versions of the Book of Enoch.  Most of these books from the Jewish Apocrypha contradict the Original Covenant in some manner as well.  Others, like the first and second book of Maccabees, are simply history books that were not given through the Prophets of Truth by the Spirit of Truth.  So for all of these reasons they were not included by the Jews in the set of books that make up the Original Covenant.

Besides these books there were also the Jewish oral traditions that did not start being accumulated into books until Yahudah HaNasi started writing them in the Mishnah sometime before his death in 217 AD.  There were then the commentaries written by other "Rabbis" in the land of Israel in the Galilee area (Tiberias) on the Mishnah called the Gemara.  These commentaries came to an end around 400 AD.   The Mishnah and this Gemara from Israel form the misnamed Jerusalem Talmud.  At this same time in the land surrounding Babylon other "Rabbis" were writing their own Gemara until about 500 AD.  The Mishnah and this Gemara form the better named Babylonian Talmud.  So in either case, both Talmuds were written well after the Book of Truth was completed in 95 AD.

So Rabbinic Judaism forms doctrines based first on one of these Talmuds and second on the Original Covenant.  It could be said Rabbinic Judaism has three testimonies of the dealings of the Father of Truth with the human race: the Original Covenant, the Mishnah, and the Gemara.

There were then even later books like the Kabbalah that preserved other Jewish traditions and Jewish mysticism that also had their origins in Babylon.  These additional testimonies are usually added on top the other three testimonies and considered to be the final authority.

So how about these other books?  Are the books of the New Testament Apocrypha, the Jewish Apocrypha, the Talmud or any other Rabbinic source any better than the Book of Mormon?

The Father of Truth entrusted His writings to the Jewish people through Moses (Moishe) when they received the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) at Mount Sinai (Acts 7:37-39).  The Father of Truth entrusted His writings to the Jewish people alone so any book that was written by a Gentile is certainly not part of the Gospel that came from Him (Romans 3:1-3).  Anyone that preaches a Gospel built upon Gentile sources, like many of the books in the New Testament Apocrypha that was originally used by the False Church of Rome to form its doctrine, is preaching another Gospel.

So what about the books that came from Jewish sources?

There are twenty other books, like the Book of Jasher, mentioned by name in the Book of Truth (Joshua 10:13).  So it is argued that if a book is mentioned by name in the Book of Truth then the book must surely have come from the Father of Truth.  Is this really true?

The Book of Truth also mentions the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia by name (Esther 10:2).  As already shown, any book that was not written by the Jewish Prophets of Truth does not qualify as being being sent by the Father of Truth to form doctrine.  The mention of these other books only serve to show that the books were in existence at the time and contained a reference to the event that was written about in the Book of Truth.  So anyone that preaches a Gospel built upon a book that is only mentioned in the Book of Truth but not contained in the Book of Truth is preaching another Gospel.

However, there are some books that may not be named by name in the Book of Truth but they are quoted in the Book of Truth.  There are about twenty quotations from the Jewish Apocrypha and the Oral Torah (later collected into the Mishnah) in the Renewed Covenant.

For example, the disputing between Michael the Angel of Truth and the Father of Lies over the body of Moses comes from the Jewish Apocrypha (Jude 1:9).  The prophecy of Enoch is found in the Book of Enoch (Jude 1:14-15).

If these are quoted in the Book of Truth then some would argue that means that the entire contents of these books are just as much from the Spirit of Truth as what is found in the Renewed Covenant.  Is this really the case?

The Man of Truth quoted the saying that had been collected in the Manual of Discipline of the Essenes (or perhaps another Jewish sect) to contrast that saying with His own teaching (Matthew 5:43-45).  The Man of Truth later quoted from the Greek playwright Ascylus when he arrested Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) on the road to Damascus to get his point across (Acts 9:4-6).  Paul the Jew quoted Epimenides of Gnossus and the Stoic Philosopher Aratus to convince the Athenians to stop worshiping idols (Acts 17:26-29).  When Paul the Jew rehearsed his encounter with the Man of Truth on the road to Damascus for King Agrippa and Governor Festus they were already very familiar with the quote from the Greek playwright Ascylus which caused Festus to acknowledge that Paul the Jew was well educated and not easily duped (Acts 26:14-24).   Paul the Jew quoted from a play by Euripedes, the Shakespeare of ancient Greece, to admonish the Corinthians to live righteously instead of being influence to live wickedly by those around them (1 Corinthians 15:33-34).  Paul the Jew again quoted Epimenides of Gnossus, a Cretan poet and prophet whom the Cretans once worshiped as a god, to reinforce a point about their character to bring them to repentance (Titus 1:12).

The truth is these other Jewish sources, that are quoted in the Book of Truth, contain nothing that came by the inspiration of the Spirit of Truth, except for when the Spirit of Truth moved upon the Man of Truth and the Apostles of Truth, to quote from them to make a point.  Quoting from these Jewish sources to make a point, is no different than quoting from pagan Greek sources to make a point.  So there is nothing about a quote from another source existing in the Book of Truth, that proves that the entire source, was from the Father of Truth.  In essence, these Jewish sources are no better for forming doctrine, than secular sources or even pagan Greek sources.

That is not even all that the Book of Truth has to say about these other Jewish sources.

The Jewish traditions collected in the Mishnah are the very same traditions of the Pharisees that the Man of Truth said caused people to transgress the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:1-3).  He said that these Rabbinic traditions were made to cancel out the commandments of His Father (Matthew 15:4-6).  He said that these Rabbinic traditions formed a doctrine based on the commandments of men and those who kept them were only paying lip service to His Father (Matthew 15:7-9).  He said that those who keep the Rabbinic traditions find fault with everyone who does not keep their traditions (Mark 7:1-3).  He said that zealously keeping these traditions collected in the Mishnah causes people to become religious hypocrites who have moved far away from His Father (Mark 7:4-6).  He said that keeping the doctrine of the Mishnah causes people to reject the commandments of the Law of Truth (Mark 7:7-9).  He said the doctrine of the Mishnah is nothing more that the attempt of men to justify breaking the commandments of His Father to keep their own traditions (Mark 7:10-13).

Consider that Paul the Jew was practicing Rabbinic Judaism, that is built on Jewish traditions collected in the Mishnah, when he was the main persecutor of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) (Galatians 1:13-14).  The Father of Truth delivered Paul the Jew from the Jewish traditions collected in the Mishnah so the Man of Truth could transform Paul the Jew into an Apostle of Truth (Galatians 1:15-17).  It is for this reason that Paul the Jew warned the Children of Truth to not follow traditions, like those of the Mishnah, because they are contrary to the teachings of the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:8).  He said that the Children of Truth are to be as insensitive as dead men to these commandments that make up a doctrine that came from men instead of the Father of Truth (Colossians 2:20-22).

Paul the Jew taught that the only traditions that the Children of Truth were to pay any attention to were those that are taught in the Renewed Covenant (2 Thessalonians 2:13-15).  Paul the Jew taught the Children of Truth to withdraw themselves from anyone who taught any traditions, like those of the Mishnah, that were not taught in the writings of the Apostles of Truth that form the Renewed Covenant (2 Thessalonians 3:6).  Paul the Jew also warned in the second epistle that he ever wrote for the recipients were to check all epistles for a salutation written in his own hand writing as a token of authenticity because people were already writing false epistles in his name (2 Thessalonians 3:17).

Paul the Jew in like manner charged that no one among the Children of Truth were to teach fables, like those found in the Jewish Apocrypha, or go into endless genealogies to make their teaching seem more authoritative (1 Timothy 1:3-4).  He warned that such supposed teachers of the Law of Truth would only prevent the Children of Truth from keeping the Law of Truth by loving other people as much as they loved themselves (1 Timothy 1:5-7).  He said that the Ministers of Truth were to feed the Children of Truth the clean doctrine of the Book of Truth and to reject the unclean doctrine that comes from fables like those found in the Jewish Apocrypha (1 Timothy 4:6-7).  He said that sound faith in the Man of Truth requires avoiding Jewish fables, like those found in the Jewish Apocrypha, and the commandments of men, like those found in the Mishnah, because they turn people away from the truth that is found in the Book of Truth (Titus 1:13-14).  The Renewed Covenant does not contain clever fables, like those in the Jewish Apocrypha, but rather an accurate record of what the Apostles of Truth personally saw and heard (2 Peter 1:16-18).

Everything that is needed from the Mishnah or the Jewish Apocrypha for sound doctrine is already included in the Renewed Covenant.  The rest of these writings, the ones that are not modern fabrications, contain a mix of secular history, Jewish fables, traditions that contradict the Law of Truth, and Rabbinic doctrines that lead people away from the Man of Truth.  Even books like first and second Maccabees that contain accurate Jewish history are still just secular books of Jewish history just like the writings of Josephus.  The Jewish Apocrypha and the Mishnah are the basis of Rabbinic Distort that is the source of Jewish trouble so they should be avoided like the plague.

It makes as much sense to say that the Oral Torah contained in the Mishnah, or any book of the Jewish Apocrypha like the Book of Enoch, are missing parts of the Book of Truth on this basis as it would to say that the works of Greek poets, playwrights and prophets are missing parts of the Book of Truth.  Those who preach a Gospel built on any of these Jewish sources is preaching another Gospel as much as those who preach a Gospel built on the Book of Mormon.

These supposedly missing books of the Book of Truth are used to preach another "Jesus", who is not the Man of Truth who is written about in the Book of Truth, by those who are being lead by another spirit, that is not the Spirit of Truth who wrote the Book of Truth, to get people to accept another Gospel that is not found in the pages of the Book of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:4).  So do not be fooled by clever marketeers or Teachers of Lies who seek to convince you that the Book of Truth is missing books in order to gain your money and trust so that they can lead you out of the House of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3).  The Doctrine of Truth is built on the Book of Truth alone.  Any teaching that relies on any book that is supposedly missing from the Book of Truth is part of the Doctrine of Lies.

The Book of Truth says that you can only come into the House of Truth by surrendering control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  This is the true for both Jews and Gentiles (Romans 10:11-13).  The Book of Truth, that is composed of the writings of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant and the writings of the Apostles of Truth in the Renewed Covenant, is the only foundation for coming into the House of Truth through the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22).  The Book of Truth is more certain to contain the only means for coming into the House of Truth than hearing the Father of Truth speaking out of Heaven because there are no books missing from the Book of Truth that was given by the Spirit of Truth (2 Peter 1:18-21).

Come into the House of Truth!

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