Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Writings of Wisdom

Why do Jewish people experience more success than other people?

It is a fact, that on a per capital basis, the Jewish people experience more success than any other people group.  For example, Jewish people make up about three percent of the population of the United States, but have won half of the Nobel prizes for science, that Americans have won.  There are several contributing factors to this.  One factor is that they are blessed for the sake of their fathers, Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) (Genesis 28:1-4).  Another factor is that they have been given The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), so that they can be a wise and understanding people (Deuteronomy 4:5-8).  Another factor is that they are the ones, who were entrusted with the entire Book of Truth (The Bible) (Romans 3:1-2).

Does this explain why the Jewish people, are often experiencing more success than even the Gentile Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him)?

The truth is that the Gentile Children of Truth should be experiencing more success, than the majority of Jewish people.  First of all, the Gentile Children of Truth have the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) living in them, to guide them into all truth, so they should completely have the advantage over any Jew, who has not came into the House of Truth (John 16:13-15).  They have access to the Renewed Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) as well as the Original Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), so they have the complete story available for their use, while most Jewish people are getting by, with only the first part of the story (Ephesians 2:18-22).   The Jewish people have no advantage over the Gentile Children of Truth due to their ancestry, because the Gentile Children of Truth have also inherited the blessing of Abraham (Galatians 3:13-14). 

So while these factors may have something to do with their unusual success compared to most of the people on Earth, these factors do not really explain why Jews, especially those who have not come into the House of Truth, are more successful than even the Gentile Children of Truth.

So the answer to that question can only be found by asking another question:  What are many Jewish people doing that is most of the Gentile Children of Truth are not doing?

The answer is that they are reading, studying, discussing, and putting into practice the wisdom that they find the Writings of Wisdom.  Most of the Gentile Children of Truth do not even bother to read the Writings of Wisdom, even though it is part of the Book of Truth (The Bible).

The Original Covenant contains three major divisions that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) called "The Law", "The Prophets" and "The Psalms" (Luke 24:44).  The Law of Truth is contained in the first five books of the Original Covenant, so that section is often called, "The Law". The books that are focused on the prophecies given by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), are in a section is called, "The Prophets".  The remaining books are writings by the Prophets of Truth, that are not focused on prophecy, so the that section is called, "The Writings".  So the Original covenant contains the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings.  In Hebrew, they are called Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim.  This is why the Original Covenant is sometimes called, the "TaNaKh".

In the original ordering, the first book of the Writings is the book of Psalms, so that section is sometimes called "The Psalms".  The Writings contain two subsections as well. One of them is The Writings of History, that contain the entire history of the people of Israel, from the day that Joshua brought them into the Promised Land, in obedience to the Torah, until the day that the people of Israel were restored to obedience to the Torah, in the Promised Land, by Nehemiah.  The other subsection contains five books written as poetry, that were inspired by the Spirit of Truth, called The Writings of Poetry.  They are also called The Writings of Wisdom, because while is wisdom found throughout the Original Covenant, this is the section that was written primarily to record the wisdom, that comes from the Father of Truth, similar to how the Writings of History, were primarily written to record the history of the Jewish people.  The Writings of Wisdom are like five great branches that grow out of the trunk of a tree of wondrous strength.

In order to understand how these five books contribute to Jewish people obtaining more success than warranted by their numbers, a brief overview of each book is needed.

First is Job.  Job was righteous man of great wealth, even though he was concerned that his children were not living righteously (Job 1:1-5).  So the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) came before the Father of Truth, to accused Job of only loving the Father of Truth, because of what He had given Job, and said that Job would turn against the Father of Truth, if all of his things were taken away (Job 1:6-11).  So the Father of Truth gave the Father of Lies permission to test Job, and the Father of Lies brought about disasters upon Job, that took away his wealth and children (Job 1:12-19).  Even though Job was devastated by these disasters, he still loved the Father of Truth (Job 1:20-22).  So the Father of Lies again accused Job, saying that he only continued to love the Father of Truth, because he still had his health (Job 2:1-5).  So the Father of Truth gave the Father of Lies permission to test Job again, and the Father of Lies destroyed his health (Job 2:6-8).  Yet Job still refused to stop loving the Father of Truth (Job 2:9-10).  Then the three friends of Job came to mourn in silence with him (Job 2:11-13).  Then Job broke the silence, and started an argument between them, about the dealings of the Father of Truth with people (Job 3:1-2).  This argument took many turns, but the primary theme of his friends, was that Job must have sinned in some fashion, since the Father of Truth had brought this disaster upon Job (Job 4:7-9).  During this argument, Job accused the Father of Truth of bringing this disaster upon him, for no reason at all, and many similar things (Job 6:1-4).  Yet Job made it clear, that he would not stop loving the Father of Truth, even if He killed Job (Job 13:15-16).  Finally, the Father of Truth challenged Job to answer a bunch of questions, if he really understood His reasons for allowing these disasters (Job 38).  So Job admitted, that the reasons that the Father of Truth allowed these disasters, were beyond his ability to understand (Job 42:1-6).  Then the Father of Truth told his three friends, to have Job intervene on their behalf, since they had falsely accused Him, of afflicting Job for sinning (Job 42:7-8).  So Job intervened for his three friends, and then the Father of Truth gave Job, twice the wealth, better children, and caused him to live twice as many years, as he had lived before the disasters (Job 42:9-17).

The book of Job teaches that disasters does always not come upon people, because they have sinned. Living a righteous life does not exempt anyone from suffering disasters. Suffering disasters does not mean that the one suffering disasters, has committed some sort of sin.  It also teaches, that poverty does not always come upon people, as a result of their own actions, and neither does wealth.

The book of Job teaches about the source of all disasters, and why the Father of Truth would let a Child of Truth, who sought to please Him in every way, suffer from disasters.  The Father of Lies is behind all disasters, but cannot bring them on anyone, unless the Father of Truth allows him to.

The book of Job teaches about loving the Father of Truth, at all times.  Job did not let his great wealth, turn him from loving the Father of Truth.  He did not let his great calamities, from turn him from loving the Father of Truth.  The Father of Truth will allow the Father of Lies, to bring disaster upon people, to test their love for Him.  The Father of Truth does not want people, to love Him for what He does for them, but to love Him for who He is.  The Father of Truth wants the Father of Lies, the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), the Angels of Lies, the Angels of Truth and the entire human race, to know that His Children love Him, because He loves them.

The book of Job teaches that one can know the mind of the Father of Truth, beyond what He reveals in the Word of Truth, or by the Spirit of Truth.  The Father of Truth does things for His own purposes, that often do not make sense to the Children of Truth, at the time.  The Father of Truth will eventually reveal, the missing pieces of the puzzle, so that it all makes sense, after the suffering is over.  The accusations of the Father of Lies against Job, were revealed when the book was written, long after the suffering of Job had ended.

The book of Job teaches that forgiveness, when other people have wrong you, like the words of the friends of Job that wronged him, is necessary for restoration.  Job did not get restored, until he forgave his friends.  If Job had remained in bitterness, and unforgiveness, then he would have remained in his disastrous condition.  There is no way to bounce back from disaster, while being weigh down by bitterness, and unforgiveness.  Job had to let it go.

The book of Job teaches, about how to bring about reconciliation, when one friend has wronged another.  People want reconciliation to be started, by the party who committed the wrong, coming to the one who was wronged, and asking for forgiveness.  The Father of Truth told Job, to start the reconciliation process, by making offerings for the sins of his three friends.  His three friends did have to come to him, to complete the process, because reconciliation requires effort, from both parties to be completed.  A bridge has be anchored on both sides, in order to span the gap between the sides.

The book of Job teaches, that the Children of Truth never suffer for nothing.  They will be rewarded with more than they lost, if they will continue to love the Father of Truth, in both good times and bad times.  Those who have learned love from the Father of Truth, continue to love Him, and other people, in all circumstances, because that is how He loves His Children.  The Father of Truth will be able to trust them, in proportion to the amount of love for Him, that they have demonstrated.

Next comes the book of Psalms, that is divided into five smaller books, that correspond with the five books of the Torah. It begins with a psalm that exhorts people to not hang out with, or act like, the wicked, but to meditate upon the Law of Truth instead, so they can prosper, instead of perishing (Psalm 1).  Another psalm admonishes people, to run to the Father of Truth, when trouble comes upon them (Psalm 4).  Another psalm tells of how, creation shows the greatness of the Father of Truth, so people should greatly love the Law of Truth that He gave (Psalm 19).  Another psalm admonishes people, to cling to the Father of Truth, and separate themselves from the wicked, so that He may reward them in the end (Psalm 26).  Another psalms admonishes people, to keep on doing what the Father of Truth says is right, when they are persecuted by the wicked, because He will destroy the wicked, and exalt the righteous (Psalm 31).  Another psalm admonishes people, to seek after the Father of Truth, because He is their hope, in the midst of affliction (Psalm 42).  Another psalm admonishes people, to not live like the wicked, who do not consider that they will one day die, and go to Hell, for their deeds (Psalm 49).  Another psalms teaches, that every foolish and wicked act, is committed by those, who have deceived themselves, into believing that the Father of Truth does not exist (Psalm 53).  Another psalm admonishes people, not to be envious of those who become rich by wicked deeds, because they will be destroyed in Hell (Psalm 73).  Another psalms reminds people, that the wicked will be destroyed, but the righteous will be exalted (Psalm 75).  Another psalms admonishes people, to live righteously and wisely, by not wasting time, because their lives are short, and their days are few (Psalm 90).  Another psalm reminds people, that great blessing shall come upon those, who live wisely, by keeping the commandments of the Law of Truth (Psalm 112).  Another psalm teaches, that great blessing and wisdom, comes from reading, considering, studying, speaking, teaching, discussing, and obeying, the Law of Truth (Psalm 119).  Another psalms tells people, that those who do what the Father of Truth says is right, are always under His protection (Psalm 125).  Another psalm tells of how, nothing can endure, without the help of the Father of Truth (Psalm 127).  Another psalm tells of how, walking in the ways of the Father of Truth, leads people to happiness (Psalm 128).  Another psalm tells of the happiness, that comes from people dwelling together, in unity (Psalm 133).  Another psalm reminds people, that there is no way to hide anything from the Father of Truth, so people should seek to do, what He finds pleasing (Psalm 139).  Another psalm exhorts people, to put their trust in the Father of Truth, instead of other people, because the Father of Truth is stronger, than all people (Psalm 146).  The book ends with a psalm, that admonishes people to praise the Father of Truth with all of their might, because He is so worthy of all praise (Psalm 150).

The Psalms warn people, to not act like, or hang out with, the wicked.  They warn people, to separate themselves from the wicked.  They warn people, to not join the wicked in their behavior, in order to escape persecution from the wicked.  They warn people, to not join the wicked in their behavior, in order to gain the wealth of the wicked.  They warn people, that everyone who does what the wicked do, will end up in Hell with the wicked.  They warn people to not become wicked fools, by believing The Greatest Fairy Tale Ever Told

The Psalms admonish people, to live wisely, by doing what the Law of Truth says is right, so they can prosper.  They admonish people, to love the Law of Truth, because of the greatness of the Father of Truth, who gave it.  They admonish people, to remember the promise of reward, for those who are obedient, to the Law of Truth.  They admonish people, to read, study, and discuss the Law of Truth, so they can know what the Father of Truth says is right.  They admonish people, to obey the Law of Truth, because obedience to the Law of Truth, will cause them to live wisely.

The Psalms teach people. to turn to the Father of Truth, in times of trouble.  They teach people, to cling to Him, because He will reward those, who love Him.  They teach people. to seek after the Father of Truth, because He will help them, when they are afflicted.  They teach people, that the Father of Truth protects those, who do what is right.  They teach people, that nothing can succeed, unless the Father of Truth allows it.  They teach people, that happiness comes, from walking in the ways of the Father of Truth.  They teach people, to put their trust in the Father of Truth, instead of other people.  They teach people, to praise the Father of Truth ,with all their might, because of what He does, for them.

The Psalms tell people, to not waste time on worthless things, because their lives are short.  They tell people, that living in harmony with other people, will bring greater happiness, than accumulating great possessions.  They tell people, that wise living, begins with recognizing, that the Father of Truth sees everything that they do, and that they will have to give an account to Him, for their actions.

The middle book of the Writings of Wisdom, is a collection of wise sayings, compiled by King Solomon, to teach people how to live wisely, that is appropriately called, Proverbs (Proverbs 1:1-4).  Proverbs begins with an admonishment, that wisdom begins with being afraid to go against the Father of Truth, but fools refuse to live according to wisdom (Proverbs 1:5-7).  Proverbs then admonishes people, to learn whatever wisdom they can from their parents, and to not join themselves to fools, whose wicked pursuit of wealth, only leads to their own destruction (Proverbs 1:8-19).  Proverbs admonishes people, to listen to the voice of wisdom, so that they will not be destroyed, like those who reject wisdom, but will instead live in peace, and prosperity (Proverbs 1:20-33).  Proverbs then explains, that the Father of Truth is the source of all wisdom, and those who pursue after wisdom, will avoid adultery, so that they may live in prosperity, instead of being destroyed for their wickedness, by Him (Proverbs 2).  Proverbs goes on to explain, that wisdom begins with keeping the commandments in the Law of Truth, because those who do so, will find the wisdom, that brings them prosperity, and will avoid being destroyed, with those, who reject the Law of Truth (Proverbs 3).  So Proverbs goes on to admonish people, to keep the Law of Truth, to pursue after wisdom, and to gain understanding, so they may enjoy health, peace, and prosperity (Proverbs 4).  Proverbs admonishes people. to only have sex with their own spouse, and to not have sex outside of marriage, so that their peace, prosperity, and lives, will not be destroyed (Proverbs 5).  Proverb admonishes people, to not co-sign on loans, to work hard to get out of debt as quickly as possible, to not act like the wicked, and above all, to obey the Law of Truth, by running away, hard and fast, from any person who would entice them into adultery, so they can avoid destruction (Proverbs 6).  Proverbs admonishes people, to keep the Law of Truth in their heart, so that they can be wise enough, to not be brought to destruction, by those who would entice them, into adultery (Proverbs 7).  Proverbs admonishes people, to instead seek after wisdom, understanding, instruction, and knowledge, so that they can experience peace, prosperity, and promotion, instead of destruction (Proverbs 8).  Proverbs admonishes people, to cling to wisdom, but to only teach wisdom, to those who desire to obey the Father of Truth, because true wisdom, only comes from being afraid to go against the Father of Truth, so that those who learn to live wisely, can enjoy health, peace, prosperity, and promotion, and they can avoid being destroyed, by adultery (Proverbs 9).  After explaining the benefits of wisdom, and the destruction that comes from rejecting wisdom, King Solomon continues to give out the wise sayings, that the book of Proverbs, is named for (Proverbs 10).  These proverbs give wisdom, for every area of life, expounding upon the theme, that wisdom comes from the Father of Truth, but destruction comes from going against the Father of Truth, until almost the end of the book (Proverbs 29).  King Solomon then passes on the wise advice of Agur, that wisdom comes from the Father of Truth, so people should live life in a manner, that avoids anything that will separate them, from Him, and also that many things in life, cannot be understood by anyone, except the Father of Truth (Proverbs 30).  King Solomon ends the book of Proverbs, by passing on the wise advice of King Lemuel, for people to not waste their lives, in pursuit of sex outside of marriage, and that those in authority, must avoid drinking alcohol, while all men should seek to obtain the kind of wife, who benefit will them in every way, by living wisely, because she is afraid to go against the Father of Truth (Proverbs 31).

So Proverbs gives wise advice, for every area of life.  Anyone who follows its advice, will experience success, in every area of life.  Proverb tells people, how to get out of poverty, how to stay out of poverty, and how to live in prosperity.  Proverbs tells people, how to recover from sickness, and how to avoid sickness, so that they can keep their health.  Proverbs tells people, how to work to live, instead of living to work.  Proverbs tells people, how to interact with other people, in a wise manner and how to avoid, unnecessary conflict with others.  Proverbs gives wisdom, so people can discern the motives of other people, in order to surround themselves, with people who will add to their success, and to avoid people, who would drag them into a destructive lifestyle.  Proverbs tells people, how to gain health, wealth, and the happiness, that comes from a life lived in peace, with a good wife, in a happy home.

King Solomon, then goes on in the next book, Ecclesiastes, to explain how worthless, everything that people pursue after in life, really is, and that he knows this from experience, because he has had the means, to try it all (Ecclesiastes 1).  He had grand parties, in beautiful homes, on massive estates, that he owned, which were maintained, by many servants, but he found it all to be worthless, in the end, because a man can only enjoy, what the Father of Truth gives him, and the Father of Truth will take away everything, from the wicked, to give it to the righteous (Ecclesiastes 2).  He found that there is a time for everything in life, so people should enjoy what they can, in every season, because the Father of Truth alone, determines what they can enjoy (Ecclesiastes 3).  He found that life, in this present age is worthless, because of the constant oppression of people, by other people (Ecclesiastes 4).  He admonishes people, to be careful what they promise to the Father of Truth, because He expects them to do what they promise, and to remember that the Father of Truth, will end all oppression on the Earth one day, by destroying all of the oppressors, and to also understand, that the pursuit of riches is worthless, because riches have a way of draining the life out of people, but to rather enjoy, whatever the Father of Truth has given them (Ecclesiastes 5).  He found that riches, a large family, and a long life, were all worthless, if a person was not able to enjoy them (Ecclesiastes 6).  He found that the mourning of the wise, was better than the laughter of the fools, because wisdom keeps a man, from losing his inheritance, while he also found, that the length of days that one lives, is not directly in proportion, to how righteously the person lives, but is more in proportion, to how wisely they live, even though such wisdom, comes from the Father of Truth, and that wisdom helps people escape, from falling into adultery (Ecclesiastes 7).  He advised people, to obey their rulers, since no one rules, unless the Father of Truth puts them in power, and to not be fooled into thinking, that people are getting away with wickedness, when nothing happens to them immediately, but to remember that the Father of Truth, will exalt the righteous, and destroy the wicked, so they should enjoy whatever they have, because no one can understand everything, that the Father of Truth does (Ecclesiastes 8).  He warned, that since all people will die, then everyone one should enjoy what they have, especially their own spouse, and do everything that they do, with all their might, because the Father of Truth alone, determines when they will die (Ecclesiastes 9).  He warned, that people must be careful to avoid saying anything foolish, to rule over others fairly, to work hard at everything they do, to enjoy the life they have, and to not curse their rulers (Ecclesiastes 10).  He instructs people, to be generous to others, without letting unfavorable circumstances, prevent them from working, because they cannot know, how the Father of Truth will work things out, so they should try out different things, to find out what will prosper, and to enjoy their youth, but to never rebel against the Father of Truth in the process, because they will have to answer to Him, for their deeds (Ecclesiastes 11).  He finishes, by admonishing people, to serve the Father of Truth, while they are still young, since they do not know when their lives will end, therefore everyone should be afraid to go against the Father of Truth, and should keep the commandments of the Law of Truth, because the Father of Truth will judge everyone, for their deeds (Ecclesiastes 12).

So people should enjoy their life, but avoid doing what the Father of Truth calls evil in the process.  People should realize, that it is better to enjoy what they do have, than to complain about what they do not have.  People should work hard, use wisdom, and take risks in business, while trusting the Father of Truth, to work out the things, that they cannot anticipate, or overcome on their own.  People should do, whatever they promise to do, obey their rulers, when possible to do so, without disobeying the Father of Truth, and be careful, to not say foolish things, that they will later regret.  People need to be generous, and fair to others, because they will have to account, for how they treated others, to the Father of Truth, who made all people.  People should seek wisdom, from the Father of Truth, since He is the source of all wisdom, and avoid going against the Father of Truth, by breaking His commandments, in the Law of Truth.  People should be careful, to do what the Father of Truth calls right, because they will die one day, and they do not know, how long they will live, but afterwards, they will have to give an account, of their actions to the Father of Truth.

Last is the Song of Songs. Solomon wrote this song, that contains other songs, sort like an opera (Song of Solomon 1:1).  The woman in the song, sings of how she longs to be with her beloved, in the bedroom (Song of Solomon 1:13-17).  So, she admonishes the other young women, to not say things, to arouse her desire for her beloved, before it is right time for love (Song of Solomon 2:5-7).  She longs to have him, in the bedroom with her, but only held him tightly, in public view (Song of Solomon 3:1-4).  So she again admonishes the other young women, to not say things, to arouse her desire for her beloved, before it is right time for love (Song of Solomon 3:5).  Then she spots the great, and beautiful, wedding procession of King Solomon (Song of Solomon 3:6-11).  Then her beloved, tells her how beautiful she is, and how her being a virgin, only makes him want her more, so she desires even more, to give herself to him (Song of Solomon 4).  He is also desirous, to be with her, so he goes to her bedroom, but leaves, before she can respond to his calls, to give in to those desires (Song of Solomon 5:1-6).  Her beloved later tells her again, how beautiful she is, and how her being a virgin, only makes him want her more (Song of Solomon 6:1-9).  He again tells her, how beautiful she is, causing her to long, to go away with him, so they can carryout their desires (Song of Solomon 7).  Her desire to be with him, in the bedroom is so strong, that she again admonishes the other young women, to not say things, to arouse her desire for her beloved, before it is right time for love (Song of Solomon 8:1-4).  Her brothers had helped her, keep herself from giving into her strong desires, by having promised before she reached puberty, to give her riches, if she kept her virginity until marriage, but to kill her, if she did not (Song of Solomon 8:5-9).  So she kept her virginity, and not even Solomon could have caused her, to give herself over, to anyone other than her beloved (Song of Solomon 8:10-12).  Finally, she calls for her beloved, to come upon her, because it is finally, the right time for love (Song of Solomon 8:13-14).

So the Song of Solomon teaches, both men and women, to wait until marriage, before having sex, and to wait until the couple is ready, to carryout the responsibilities of marriage, before getting married.  They are also admonished, to avoid anything, that makes the waiting harder.  This is the only wise course of action, for unmarried couples. When couples are ready to carry out the responsibilities of marriage, and then afterwards get married, is when they have arrived, at the right time for love!

They must not let their good looks, their complements to each other, or even the grandness, of the weddings of other people, move them into sex before marriage, or into marriage, before they are ready to take care of each other.  They must especially avoid, watching anything, or listening to anything, or reading anything, like movies, soap operas, television shows, songs, romance novels, or the like, that increases their desire, to have sex with each other.  Sex before marriage, or marriage, before people are prepared, are both things, that hinder people, from experiencing success in life.

So Jewish people experience more success than others, because they have studied the Writings of Wisdom, and have put the wisdom found there, into practice when making decisions.  Wisdom is simply knowing what to do, to achieve the best outcome, in a situation.  The Writings of Wisdom tell people, what they need to do, to achieve the best outcome, in a variety of situations.  Just as the physical universe, works according to the laws of physics, so also does every area of life, work according to other laws.  The Writings of Wisdom tell. what those laws are, and lays out the blueprint, for experiencing success, in every area of life.  The Writings of Wisdom tell, how the world really works.

In every area of life, people experience success, or failure, based on the laws, about that area of life.  For example, if people make the choice, to stay home all of the time, and take it easy, then they will experience, the law of diminishing finances, because money is really just stored labor.  However, if people make the choice, to get off the couch and go to work, then they will experience, the law of financial increase.  There is a blessing, for some choices, and a curse, for other choices.  People get the blessing, or the curse, depending upon, the choices they make.  They will experience success, or failure, according to these laws, even if they do not know, anything about these laws.  Just as everyone who jumps off a roof, will be fall down to the ground, whether they know about the law of gravity, or not, so also, everyone will experience success, or failure, based on the choices they make, whether they know about these laws, or not.

So life is a test, with many different areas, in the test.  Jewish people are doing better on the test, than others, because they have studied the test material before hand, and are going to the Writings of Wisdom, to see what the answers are, as they are taking the test.  This is not an unfair advantage, that Jewish people have over the Gentile Children of Truth, because the Father of Truth, has made the Writings of Wisdom, available to the Gentile Children of Truth, as well.  In fact, His desire is for all people, to read, study, discuss, and put into practice, the wisdom found in the Writings of Wisdom, so that all people, can make an excellent grade, in every area of the test.  Life is meant to be an open book test, but most people are trying to pass the test, without even examining the test material, once.

The Gentile Children of Truth are often, not experiencing as much success as the Jewish people, because the majority of religious professionals have told them, that they do not need to read anything, except the Renewed Covenant.  They have told the Gentile Children of Truth, that the Original Covenant has been done away with, and no longer has any relevancy to the Children of Truth.  So the Gentile Children of Truth, have been taking the test of life, without even examining most of the test material once.

The worst part is, that the Renewed Covenant teaches no such thing.  The Man of Truth said, that the Law of Truth will be in effect, until there is a New Heaven and New Earth (Matthew 5:17-19).  The Original Covenant, that the Prophets of Truth wrote, is as much as part of the foundation for the Children of Truth, as the Renewed Covenant, that the Apostles of Truth wrote (Ephesians 2:19-21).  The Children of Truth are admonished, in the Renewed Covenant, to study all scripture, so they can pass the test of life, with an excellent score (2 Timothy 2:14-16).  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) wrote, that the scripture that Timothy the Jew (Timotheus aka The Apostle Timothy) had read as a child, before a single page of the Renewed Covenant had been written, so that scripture had to be the Original Covenant, would make him wise (2 Timothy 3:14-15).  The Renewed Covenant says, that all scripture, meaning both covenants, was given by the Father of Truth, and is profitable, for the Children of Truth (2 Timothy 3:13-15). The Renewed Covenant says, that the Spirit of Truth is the real author of the entire Book of Truth, including the Writings of Wisdom (2 Peter 1:19-21).

So, the Gentile Children of Truth have been robbed, of experiencing success in every area of life, by listening to religious professionals, who told them, that there is no need for them to read, the Writings of Wisdom.

Yet, there is one area of life, where the Gentile Children of Truth, have had more success, than any Jewish person, except the Jewish Children of Truth.  This is the most important area of all.  This area of life is so important, that no matter what score a person makes in all other areas, they have flunked the test of life, if they do not get this area right.  This area consists of a single question, with only one right answer, but a multitude of wrong answers.  Choosing the right answer, guarantees a minimal passing score, while choosing the wrong answer, guarantees a failing score, when the Father of Truth, gives out the final scores, on the day of judgment.

Like everything else, the Writings of Wisdom, tell people how to find the answer, to this most important of all questions.

The Book of Job says, that no one cannot be righteous on their own, but must be made righteous, by the Father of Truth, in order to pass the test, on judgment day (Job 33:26-28).  People have to confess, that they are not righteous on their own, but must repent of sin, and learn to be afraid to go against the Father of Truth, by breaking his commandments, in order to pass the test, on judgment day (Proverbs 28:13-14).  Yet there is not one single person, who can pass the test on judgment day, based on their own merits (Psalm 14:2-3).  There is no one in the human race, who has never sinned against the Father of Truth (Ecclesiastes 7:20).  The Good News is, that there is a love that is as strong than death, that cannot be quenched, and cannot be bought with money (Song of Solomon 8:6-7).

The second psalm tells about, the absolute futility of fighting against the Father of Truth and the Messiah of Israel (Psalm 2).  Another psalms tells of how, the Father of Truth will not leave the Messiah of Israel, dead long enough for his body to start decaying (Psalm 16).  Another psalm tells of how, the Father of Truth will save the Messiah of Israel, from death, so he can save, those who call upon his name (Psalm 20).  Another psalm tells how, even the Messiah of Israel would first suffer, and die, from what could only be crucifixion, but afterwards, the Father of Truth would raise him up from the dead, to rule the entire world (Psalm 22).  Another psalm tells of how, the sacrifice of the Messiah of Israel, was the only sacrifice, that was adequate to make people righteous (Psalm 40).  Another psalm tells of how, the sacrifice of the Messiah of Israel, made it possible for people to repent, and be made righteous, by the Father of Truth (Psalm 50).  Another psalm tells of how, the Messiah of Israel was sacrificed, to pay the penalty of sin, that belonged to other people, so he could bring about the salvation, of the entire human race, that the Father of Truth desired (Psalm 69).  Another psalm tells of how, the Messiah of Israel brought an end to wrath of the Father of Truth, against those who repented, and how he will bring peace, to the entire human race, one day (Psalm 85).  Another psalm tells of how, the Father of Truth has made the Messiah of Israel, a priest after the order of Melchizedek forever, as well as will one day make him, to be King of Kings over the entire Earth (Psalm 110).  Another psalm tells of how. all people, Jew and Gentile, are to praise the Father of Truth, for what was done to bring about their salvation (Psalm 117).  Another psalm tells of how, all who have been made righteous, by the sacrifice of the Messiah of Israel, will one day reign over the Earth, with him (Psalm 149).

This is why the Man of Truth said, the Writing of Wisdom, especially the Psalms, speak of him.  They answer that most important of all questions, "How can a man be right with his maker?".  So the wisest thing a person can do, is to come into the House of Truth.  They come into the House of Truth, when they accept that the Man of Truth, is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel, even though it has always been about the Gentiles.

When the Man of Truth was dying on the cross, he quoted the first verse of Psalm 22, so everyone could know that he dying, because he was the Messiah of Israel, who makes it possible for people, to come into the House of Truth (Mark 15:34).  The Man of Truth died upon a cross, but he rose again from the grave on the third day, one day before decay would have set in, as the Father of Truth had planned all along, so all people could come into the House of Truth,  (Acts 2:21-32).  The Father of Truth started the process of reconciliation, so we could come into the House of Truth, by giving His son to die in our place, even though we were the ones, that had wronged Him (Romans 5:7-9).  So everyone, both Jew and Gentile, can come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of every area of their life, to the Man of Truth, because they believe that the Father of Truth, has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-13).  The Man of Truth has been made a priest, after the order of Melchizedek, forever, because his sacrifice, is the only sacrifice sufficient, to make people right with the Father of Truth, when they come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 7:14-28).  The Man of Truth is coming back to this Earth, with those who come into the House of Truth, as the King of Kings, to destroy the wicked off the face of the Earth (Revelation 19:11-21).  The Man of Truth, along with those who come into the House of Truth, will rule over the Earth together, because the Children of Truth, have how learned to walk in the wisdom, found in the Writings of Wisdom (Revelation 20:4-6).

Come into the House of Truth!
