Sunday, August 9, 2015

Four Part Harmony

Do the timelines of the four Gospels match up?

After all they were all originally written by four different authors at different times and different places for different audiences to show different aspects of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

The Gospel of Matthew was written in Hebrew as a text book for Jews in the Promised Land to show that the Man of Truth was the eternal king of Israel promised to come from the line of David by fulfilling prophecies about those prophecies concerning Messiah of Israel.  The Gospel of Mark was written in Greek as a fast paced story for Romans to show that the Man of Truth was the perfect servant of the Father of Truth by his constant acts of obedience.  Luke was written in Greek as a history for Greeks to show that the Man of Truth was the perfect man by highlighting his discourses that showed his philosophy.  John was written in Greek as a midrash (explanation) for Jews who lived dispersed among the Gentiles to show that the Man of Truth was the savior of all people, not just the Jews, by showing that he was much more than just a mere man.

These gospels were written in the order of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  This is attested to by ancient authors, including Papias the disciple of John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John), who lived close to the time of when they were written. This is also confirmed by a computer analysis of 1488 possible combinations of writing order that includes possible external source documents.

Matthew the Jew (Mattiyahu) could have easily written his eye-witness account for an exclusively Jewish audience during the ten years between the resurrection of the Man of Truth and when the Apostles of Truth realized that the Good News was for the Gentiles also (Acts 11:16-18).  Mark the Jew (Marcus aka John Mark aka Maccabee) could have used the Gospel of Matthew during the time that he returned to Jerusalem after he abandoned Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka the Apostle Paul) where he would have had access to the 55% of the Gospel of Matthew that accounts for 94% of the content of his Gospel as well as access to Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Sh'mon aka Simeon aka the Apostle Peter) and John the Jew to fill in the details that make up the other 6% of his gospel (Acts 13:13).  Luke the Jew (Lucius aka Lukas aka Ohr) could have written his Gospel when he was in Judea for more than two years during the imprisonment of Paul the Jew in Caesarea where he would have had access to the two earlier Gospels that both contain things also found in 44% of his Gospel, could have verified the 24% of his gospel that is only found in one of the earlier gospels, and had time to collect the remaining events that make up the 35% of content that is unique to his Gospel (Acts 24:27).  John the Jew could have wrote his eye witness account that did not depend upon the earlier Gospels in Corinth, which had one of the largest Greek speaking Jewish populations in the world at the time, after he arrived there with Paul the Jew during his third mission trip in 57 AD (2 Corinthians 8:17-19).

The Gospels tell the same story with different details.  They are like a Southern Gospel quartet singing a song in four part harmony.   At times different members may sing solos, at other times two or three may sing together and sometimes all four will sing at once in perfect harmony.  Yet they are all singing the same song and all their parts come in at just the right time.  The bass, baritone, alto and tenor all sound distinct on their own but they come together to form a four part harmony.

The four Gospels are just like that.  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all distinct on their own but they come together to form a four part harmony.  This song goes something like this:

The four Gospels tell the story of what the Man of Truth did while he was on this Earth like a Southern Gospel quartet singing a song in perfect four part harmony.

The Man of Truth already existed with the Father of Truth before ever he came to this Earth as a man (John 1:1-14).

Gabriel the Angel of Truth announced that John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) would be born first to prepare the people of Israel for the arrival of the Messiah of Israel (Luke 1:5-17).  John the Baptist was born six months before the Man of Truth as a Prophet of Truth who would tell people that the Messiah of Israel was coming right behind him (Luke 1:56-76). John the Baptist grew up camping in the desert (Luke 1:76-80).

Six months after John the Baptist was conceived, Gabriel the Angel of Truth was sent to Nazareth to tell Mary the Jew (Mariam) that she would give birth to the Man of Truth while staying a virgin (Luke 1:26-33).   Mary the Jew conceived because she had confidence that the Father of Truth would perform what the Angel of Truth had told her (Luke 1:34-45).

Mary the Jew conceived by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and remained a virgin until after she gave birth to the Man of Truth (Matthew 1:18-25).  Joseph the Jew (the husband of Mary) was forced by the Romans to take Mary the Jew to Bethlehem so that the Man of Truth was born there instead of Nazareth (Luke 2:1-7).  Eight days later they went up to the Temple in Jerusalem to circumcise the Man of Truth as commanded in the Law that the Father of Truth gave Moses (Luke 2:21-23).  Then they went back to Nazareth after that (Luke 2:39).

Joseph the Jew later moved back to Bethlehem and was forced to flee to Egypt by Herod the Great when the Man of Truth was two years old (Matthew 2:1-14).  Joseph the Jew returned to the Promised Land with Mary the Jew and the Man of Truth to live in Bethlehem after Herod the Great died (Matthew 2:19-21).  Joseph the Jew was then forced to move back to Nazareth to escape the wicked son of Herod the Great (Matthew 2:22-23).

Afterwards the Man of Truth grew up as a child like anyone else (Luke 2:40).  Joseph the Jew and Mary the Jew took the Man of Truth to Jerusalem for the Passover every single year while he was growing up (Luke 2:41).  When he was twelve he demonstrated that he knew that he had been sent to Earth to carry out the plan of the Father of Truth (Luke 2:42-50).  The Man of Truth grew into a man in Nazareth (Luke 2:51-52).

When John the Baptist was grown he was still camping in the desert eating locusts and wearing clothes made from camel hair while preaching repentance to all who came to see him (Matthew 3:1-6).  He was preparing the way for the Messiah of Israel by preaching repentance and baptizing those who repented (Mark 1:1-6).  He did this in the fifteenth year of Emperor Tiberius (Luke 3:1-4).  John the Baptist was sent by the Father of Truth to point people to the Messiah of Israel (John 1:6-8).

John the Baptist preached that repentance had to be accompanied by actions that proved repentance to escape judgment (Matthew 3:7-10).  He warned that everyone who did not produce actions that proved repentance would be destroyed (Luke 3:7-14).  This caused the people of Israel to wonder if he was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 3:15).  John told them that he was not the Messiah of Israel but only sent to prepare the way for the Messiah of Israel (John 1:19-23).

John the Baptist said that one mightier than himself would bring judgment upon everyone who did not repent (Matthew 3:11-12).   He said the he only baptized people in water but this mightier one would baptize people in the Spirit of Truth (Mark 1:7-8).  He said that this mightier one would baptize people in fire and destroy the wicked with fire (Luke 3:16-17).  He said that he baptized people to prepare them to receive this mightier one, whose shoe he was not even worthy to untie, who lived among them (John 1:24-28).

Then the Man of Truth came to be baptized in the Jordan River - even though John the Baptist knew that he needed to be baptized by the Man of Truth (Matthew 3:13-17).  When he baptized the Man of Truth then the Spirit of Truth landed on the Man of Truth in the form of a dove (Mark 1:9-11).  Then the voice of the Father of Truth spoke from Heaven saying that the Man of Truth was his son (Luke 3:21-22).

Then the Man of Truth was lead by the Spirit of Truth into the wilderness to be tempted by the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) (Matthew 4:1-11).  The Father of Lies tempted him to sin for forty days there (Mark 1:12-13).  The Man of Truth overcame every temptation of the Father of Lies (Luke 4:1-13).

Then the Man of Truth came to John the Baptist when he was baptizing at Betharaba, east of the Jordan River, and he declared that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who would take away the sins of the world like a sacrificial lamb (John 1:29-34).  When John the Baptist declared again the next day that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel then the Man of Truth began calling the people to follow him (John 1:35-51).

Then the Man of Truth returned to Galilee where he demonstrated the power of the Spirit of Truth operating through him and began teaching in the synagogues there to show that he was the Messiah of Israel (Luke 4:14-21).  He began performing miracles to show that he was the Messiah of Israel on the very first day that he returned to Galilee (John 2:1-11).

Then the Man of Truth went to Jerusalem to keep the Passover, drove out the money changers from the Temple for the first time and continued doing things to show that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 2:13-23).  Then the Man of Truth remained in Judea to have his disciples baptize more disciples so that John the Baptist declared when he was in Aenon (near Salim), shortly before he was imprisoned, that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel who people must obey (John 3:22-36).  On his way back to Galilee, the Man of Truth went through Samaria and caused many of the Samaritans, who were Gentiles, to acknowledge that he was the Savior of all people (John 4:1-42).

When John the Baptist was imprisoned then the Man of Truth returned to Galilee to preach repentance (Matthew 4:12-17).  He also continued to call more people to follow him (Mark 1:14-20).  He continued to perform miracles to prove that he was the Messiah of Israel and call yet more people to follow him (Luke 5:10-28).  He did these miracles so that people would believe that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 4:45-53).

These miracles that the Man of Truth did in Galilee not only lead those he personally called by name to follow him but also multitudes from other places to follow him as well (Matthew 4:18-25).  

Then the Man of Truth went again to Jerusalem for another Feast of Truth that was required by the Law of Truth where he did another miracle to prove that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 5:1-18).

After the Man of Truth returned to Galilee then he called the original twelve Apostles of Truth and gave them power to do miracles like he did so that people would believe their message that he was the Messiah of Israel (Mark 3:14-19).  He chose the original twelve Apostles of Truth from the many disciples that followed him (Luke 6:13-16).

Then he went to Capernaum where a woman washed his feet with her tears and ointment (Luke 7:36-50).

Afterwards the Man of Truth sent the original twelve Apostles of Truth to spread the message that he was the Messiah of Israel to the people of Israel (Matthew 10:1-15).  He told them anyone who did not accept their message would face terrible judgment (Mark 6:7-11).  He gave them power to do miracles and told them not to take anything with them as evidence that his Father was taking care of their needs (Luke 9:1-5).

Shortly after John the Baptist was beheaded the Man of Truth took the original twelve Apostles of Truth with him to the wilderness (Matthew 14:10-21).  They had just returned from the mission that he had sent them on and needed to rest but the crowds followed him (Mark 6:30-44).  So the Man of Truth healed the sick and fed the entire crowd of 5,000 families from five fish and two loaves of bread (Luke 9:10-17).  This happened right before the Man of Truth went to Jerusalem for Passover in the Spring so the crowd sought to force him to take the throne because they believed that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 6:1-15).

Shortly after that, the Man of Truth took Peter the Jew, John the Jew and James the brother of John (Ya'acob ben Zebedee) with him high up on a mountain where the Man of Truth became a bright as the Sun while Moses (Moishe) and Elijah (Eliyahu) suddenly appeared next to him (Matthew 17:1-9).  Then the Father of Truth pronounced that the Man of Truth was that Prophet of Truth who people must obey out of a bright cloud that covered all six of them (Mark 9:2-10).  Then suddenly the cloud was gone as well as Elijah and Moses so that the Man of Truth charged these three Apostles of Truth to not tell anyone what they saw until after he rose from the dead (Luke 9:28-36).

Then the the Man of Truth went back to Jerusalem in the Fall for the Feast of Tabernacles, as required in the Law of Truth, and declared that he was the Messiah of Israel as his many miracles proved (John 7:10-31).  When the Man of Truth told his enemies that he would soon be going where they could not go then they thought he meant to the Jews dispersed among the Gentiles because they knew that the Messiah of Israel was meant for the Gentiles as well as the Jews (John 7:32-36).  On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles the Man of Truth declared that he was the Messiah of Israel who could cause the Spirit of Truth to live inside of people (John 7:37-43).

After the Man of Truth had returned to Galilee then he sent out another seventy of his disciples to spread the message that he was the Messiah of Israel to the people of Israel under the same conditions that he had sent the original twelve Apostles of Truth earlier (Luke 10:1-16).

The Man of Truth then went to Jerusalem again in the winter where he announced that he was going to die and rise again for the sake of not just the Jews but also for the Gentiles (John 10:7-18).  He also provoked his enemies in the Temple during the Feast of Dedication (Chanukah aka the Festival of Lights) by proclaiming that the miracles he did were proof that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 10:22-38).

After the Man of Truth returned to the far end of Galilee, he began going through the villages teaching people about what it really takes to be saved as he worked his way back towards Jerusalem (Luke 13:22-30).

On his way to Jerusalem, Mary (Mariam) and Martha sent word that their brother Lazarus was sick but he waited two days until he knew that Lazarus was dead before leaving so his disciple might believe that he was the Messiah of Israel (John 11:1-16).  When he arrived Lazarus had been dead for four days and decay had set in but the Man of Truth raised him from the dead anyways so that people could believe that he was the Messiah of Israel who would resurrect the dead (John 11:17-45).

Then some of the people reported what he had done to the religious leaders in Jerusalem and they met to decide what to do about the Man of Truth doing such things because they were afraid that the Romans would destroy Jerusalem if the people accepted him as the Messiah of Israel (John 11:46-48).  Then the Spirit of Truth spoke through the high priest that the Man of Truth was going to die to save all people as the religious leaders were plotting to kill the Man of Truth (John 11:49-53).  Since the religious leaders had everyone looking for him among the crowds that were coming into Jerusalem for Passover the Man of Truth went to Ephraim (John 11:54-57).

Then six days before Passover the Man of Truth came back to Bethany (John 12:1-8).

When the Man of Truth was at the house of Simon (Sh'mon) the Leper in Bethany a woman came who poured very expensive perfume on his feet (Matthew 26:6-13).  The Apostles of Truth were very upset about the cost of the perfume but the Man of Truth said that she was doing this to prepare his body for burial (Mark 14:3-9).  Judas was especially upset because if the woman had sold the spikenard and given the money to the Man of Truth then he could have quietly stolen part of the three hundred pieces of silver as he had been doing all along (John 12:1-8).

Shortly after that the Man of Truth had two of his disciples borrow a donkey (Matthew 21:1-11).  Then he sat upon the donkey and rode into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-10).  When he did the crowds of people there for Passover laid their garments in his path to ride over and praise the Father of Truth for the works that the Man of Truth had done (Luke 19:29-38).  They met him with palm branches and declared that he was the Messiah of Israel because of the works he had done including raising the dead back to life (John 12:12-18).

When the Man of Truth got near to Jerusalem he wept over the terrible judgment that would soon come upon it for rejecting him as the Messiah of Israel (Luke 19:41-44).

Then the Man of Truth came into the Temple he drove out the money changers for a second time (Matthew 21:12-17).  He drove the thieves out of the house of his Father (Luke 19:45-46).

Then he went back to Bethany to spend the night (Mark 11:11).

The next day the Man of Truth left Bethany to go to Jerusalem and saw a fig tree with leaves but no fruit when he was hungry (Matthew 21:18-19).  So he cursed the fig tree in the hearing of his disciples (Mark 11:12-14).

Then the Man of Truth came into the Temple and drove out the money changers for a third time (Mark 11:15-17).  This caused the religious leader to desire to kill him even more but they were afraid of the common people rising up against them (Mark 11:18).

Then he went back to Bethany to spend the night (Mark 11:19).

When the Man of Truth came by the fig tree again it had withered away to the astonishment of his disciples (Matthew 21:20-22).  This happened on the way back into Jerusalem from Bethany the next day (Mark 11:20-21).

Then the Man of Truth went again in the Temple where he spoke parables against the religious leaders but they were afraid to act against him because the people knew he was a Prophet of Truth (Matthew 21:45-46).  He also outfoxed their efforts to trap him with their questions in the Temple (Mark 11:27-33).  He did these things daily along with teaching the common people in the Temple but the fear of the common people continued to keep the religious leaders from acting against him (Luke 19:47-48).

On one of those days the Man of Truth left the Temple and his disciples were in awe of how beautiful the Temple was (Matthew 24:1-3).  He told them that the days were coming when not even one stone if it would be left standing (Mark 13:1-4).  They asked him urgently when this was going to be and what were the signs of the end times (Luke 21:5-7).

The Man of Truth told them that the Children of Truth would go through times of terrible persecution until he returned to rule this Earth (Matthew 24:4-31).  He told them that a time of terrible tribulation would come upon the Earth right before he returned to rule the Earth and gather the remnant of Israel from the four corners of the Earth (Mark 13:5-27).  He told them that Jerusalem would be destroyed and occupied by the Gentiles until it was time for the events that would bring about his return (Luke 21:8-28).

Two days before Passover the religious leaders took counsel together to kill the Man of Truth in a clandestine manner before Passover so the common people would not rise up against them (Matthew 26:1-4).  So Judas went to the religious leaders to ask for thirty pieces of silver to betray the Man of Truth - which was probably the amount he could have pilfered from selling the spikenard that had been poured on the Man of Truth (Matthew 26:14-16).  The religious leaders were glad to give him the money if he would betray the Man of Truth at a convenient time (Mark 14:10-11).  Judas had invited the Father of Lies into his life and now he was ready to deliver the Man of Truth to his enemies on the sly before Passover as they desired (Luke 22:1-6).

Now on the first day of unleavened bread the Man of Truth ate the Passover meal with his disciples that evening where he announced that one of them was going to betray him (Matthew 26:17-29).  He announced this in a large upper room on the evening of the day when the passover lamb was killed (Mark 14:12-25).  He told them that the bread they ate and the wine they drank was a memorial to his body that would soon be broken and the blood that he would soon shed to bring about the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) even though one of them would betray him (Luke 22:7-22).  So they argued with each other about which one of them would do such a thing (Luke 22:23).

Then they argued about which of them was was the greatest (Luke 22:24-27). So after eating, the Man of Truth washed their feet to show how they were to love one another even though he knew that the Father of Lies had put it into the heart of Judas to betray him (John 13:2-17).  The Man of Truth then announced again that one of them would betray him and when asked who it was he told Judas to do what he needed to do quickly but none of the other disciples understood what it was that Judas had left to do (John 13:18-30).

Before leaving the upper room, the Man of Truth told the remaining disciples that they would be rewarded for sticking with him though his trials even though they would all deny him (Luke 22:28-39).   Peter the Jew objected that he would never deny him but the Man of Truth said that Peter the Jew would deny him three times by the time that the rooster crowed to announce that it was morning (John 13:31-38).

After preparing them for his departure the Man of Truth said that it was time for them to leave the upper room to put the rest of the plan into action (John 14:28-31).

So after singing a hymn they headed out for the Mount of Olives and the Man of Truth told them again that they would all deny him (Matthew 26:30-35).  This time all of the disciples objected and said that they would die before denying him even though the Man of Truth said for a second time that Peter the Jew would deny three times before the rooster could crow a second time (Mark 14:26-31).

When they got to the Garden of Gethsemane (wine press) the Man of Truth took Peter the Jew, John the Jew and his brother James with him to look out for his enemies while he prayed but they kept falling asleep (Matthew 26:36-44).  He asked the father three times to take away the cup of suffering if possible but if not then he would drink it until he knew that that it was time for him to drink it (Mark 14:32-42).  He so dreaded drinking the cup of suffering that he sweated blood but he was still determined to do it if it was the will of his father (Luke 22:40-46).  This all happened in a garden near the bottom of the Mount of Olives on the side opposite of the Cedron brook from Jerusalem (John 18:1).

Then Judas showed up with a bunch of soldiers and the disciples tried to defend the Man of Truth but he told them to stop because he would drink the cup of suffering that his Father had given him to drink (Matthew 26:47-56).  When the religious leaders sent men to take him at night from the garden, after doing nothing when he had taught the Temple in Jerusalem during the day, all of his disciples forsook the Man of Truth and ran away (Mark 14:43-50).  Judas had betrayed him with a kiss that night because it was the time for the kingdom of darkness to have its way with the Man of Truth when the religious leaders arrived (Luke 22:47-53).  They took the Man of Truth away after Judas betrayed him even though he had knocked the soldiers down just by speaking, defended his disciples to keep them from harm and had put the ear back on the servant of the high priest that Peter the Jew had cut off (John 18:2-11).

They brought the Man of Truth to Annas, the father in law of Caiaphas the high priest, first (John 18:12-14).  However, Annas sent the Man of Truth to Caiaphas to be tried (John 18:24).

They brought the Man of Truth to Caiaphas and the other religious leaders to have a trial where he admitted to being the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 26:57-68).  When this happened they condemn him to death for committing blasphemy, then spit on him and mocked him (Mark 14:53-64).

While this trial was going on Peter the Jew was sitting outside of the palace warming himself by the fire (Matthew 26:69-75).  Peter the Jew denied that he knew the Man of Truth when one of the servant girls of the high priest asked him as a rooster crowed in the distance (Mark 14:65-72).  Then Peter the Jew denied the Man of Truth a second time before another servant girl (Luke 22:54-71).  Then Peter the Jew denied for a third time that he knew the Man of Truth to a man, who was related to the servant whose ear he had cut off, just before the rooster crowed again loudly to signify that morning had arrived (John 18:15-27).

So after the religious leaders had tried the Man of Truth they decided to take him to Pilate to get the Romans to carry out the execution so the common people would not rise up against them for shedding innocent blood (Matthew 27:1-10).  They decided this after the rooster had crowed to signify that morning had came (Mark 15:1).

So they brought him before Pilate and accused him of planning a revolt against the Romans but Pilate knew that the Man of Truth was innocent because the Father of Truth had warned his wife in a dream that he should have nothing to do with his death (Matthew 27:11-22).  The Man of Truth admitted to being the Messiah of Israel but said nothing else (Mark 15:2-13).  When Pilate declared the Man of Truth to be innocent then the religious leaders accused him of stirring up trouble in Galilee (Luke 23:1-5).  So Pilate sent him to be tried by Herod but Herod also found him to be innocent and returned the Man of Truth to Pilate after mocking him (Luke 23:6-21).  So Pilate tried to release the Man of Truth, according to custom of the Romans at Passover, but the religious leaders stirred up the common people to demand that Barabbas the Terrorist be released and that the Man of Truth be crucified so he could die in manner that he had prophesied (John 18:28-40).

In order to avoid a riot, Pilate washed his hands to show that he would not be responsible for the death of the Man of Truth and then had him flogged so he could be crucified when the people of Israel said that they would take responsibility for his death (Matthew 27:23-30).  However, Pilate still tried one last thing to change their minds by having the Man of Truth put in a purple robe with a crown of thorns on his head and then mocked for calling himself the King of the Jews (Mark 15:14-19).  Then Pilate had the Man of Truth brought before the crowd to show them their king but they said that they would have no one rule over them except Caesar (John 19:1-15).

So the Roman soldiers took the robe off of the Man of Truth (Matthew 27:31).  Then they put his own clothes back on him (Mark 15:20).  Pilate had declared the innocence of the Man of Truth three times and had tried everything that he could think of to release him but he ended up releasing Barabbas the Terrorist instead (Luke 23:22-25).  So Pilate delivered the Man of Truth to the Roman soldiers to be crucified (John 19:16).

So they crucified him between two thieves with a sign over his head saying that his only crime was being the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:32-44).  As he was dying on the cross he was mocked by the common people of Israel, the religious leaders and even the two thieves (Mark 15:21-32).  However, one of the thieves later recognized that the Man of Truth was really was the Messiah of Israel and not guilty of anything so he repented and asked the Man of Truth for forgiveness for his sins which he received (Luke 23:26-43).  During this time the religious leaders went back to Pilate to demand that he change the accusation but he refused and the Roman soldiers gambled for the clothes of the Man of Truth before he arranged for his mother to be taken care of (John 19:17-27).

Then the sky went dark for three hours until the Man of Truth died and then there was a tremendous earthquake while the Temple veil was torn in two from the top to the bottom (Matthew 27:45-56).  This caused the centurion who oversaw the crucifixion to declare that the Man of Truth was truly the Messiah of Israel (Mark 15:33-41).  After the common people of Israel saw what happened when the Man of Truth died they beat their chests in sorrow for what they had done while his disciples looked on from a distance (Luke 23:44-49).  When the Roman soldiers came to break the legs of those who were crucified so they would die instead of remaining on the cross during Passover they pierced the side of the Man of Truth instead because he was already dead (John 19:28-37).

After that Joseph of Arimathaea, a rich man, asked Pilate for the body of the Man of Truth so he could give him a proper burial (Matthew 27:57-61).  When Pilate knew for certain that the Man of Truth was dead then he ordered that the body be given to Joseph of Arimathaea (Mark 15:42-47).  Joseph of Arimathaea had voted against condemning the Man of Truth during his trial before the religious leaders and placed his body in his own new tomb quickly so the women could prepare his body for a proper burial after the high Sabbath of Passover was over (Luke 23:50-56).  Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus, another Jewish religious leader who followed the Man of Truth, quickly wrapped the body of the Man of Truth in ointment and linen cloth to finish burying the Man of Truth in his nearby tomb before the Passover began (John 19:38-42).

The next day, after the religious leaders had eaten their Passover meal, they demanded that Pilate have Roman soldiers guard the tomb of the Man of Truth for the next three days to make sure that no one took his body out to trick people into believing that he rose from the dead so Pilate granted their request and they made sure that the body was still in the tomb (Matthew 27:62-66).

Before sunrise on the day after the regularly weekly Sabbath, while Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James were coming to finish properly preparing the body of the Man of Truth for burial there was another earthquake, then an Angel of Truth came down from Heaven, rolled away the stone and the Roman soldiers all fell over unconscious as if they had died (Matthew 28:1-4).  These two women and Salome had been wondered who would roll away the stone for them on their way (Mark 16:1-3).  When it was still dark Mary Magdalene found the stone rolled away and then ran to get Peter the Jew and John the Jew to help her find who had taken the body of the Man of Truth away (John 20:1-2).

When the other women arrived at sunrise they found the Angel of Truth sitting on the stone who told them that the Man of Truth had risen (Matthew 28:5-7). He then told them to tell the eleven remaining Apostles of Truth to meet the Man of Truth in Galilee (Mark 16:4-7).

Then some more women came while it was still very early and also found the tomb empty who were then told by two Angels of Truth that the Man of Truth was risen from the dead on the third day as he had said (Luke 24:1-7).

When Peter the Jew and John the Jew came back with Mary Magdalene they also found the tomb empty but then they went back to their home (John 20:3-10).  When Mary Magdalene looked into the tomb the two Angels of Truth that were standing in the tomb asked her why she was weeping (John 20:11-13).

Mary Magdalene was the first person that the Man of Truth had showed himself after he rose from the dead (Mark 16:9).  She had thought that he was the gardener and wanted to know where the body of the Man of Truth had been taken until the Man of Truth said her name and then told her to tell the remaining eleven Apostles of Truth that he was going back to Heaven for now (John 20:14-17).

As the other women were running to the tell the eleven remaining Apostles of Truth the message, the Man of Truth suddenly appeared to them himself to show them that he had indeed risen from the dead and also told them to tell his remaining eleven Apostles of Truth to meet him in Galilee (Matthew 28:8-10).

While the women were on their way to tell the eleven remaining Apostles of Truth their messages, some of the Roman soldiers woke up and went into Jerusalem to tell the religious leaders what had happened who then paid them to spread a lie about his disciple stealing his body while they slept (Matthew 28:11-15).

Mary Magdalene went and told those who were gathered to mourn the death of the Man of Truth that he had risen from the dead but they did not believe her (Mark 16:10-11).  The other women also told the eleven remaining Apostles of Truth, and the other disciples who were with them, that they had also seen the Man of Truth after he rose from the dead but they did not believe them either (Luke 24:8-11).  Mary Magdalene also told the message that the Man of Truth had told her to give to them (John 20:18).

So Peter the Jew arose and ran again to see the empty tomb with the grave clothes still there but could not understand what had happened (Luke 24:12).

After that two of his disciples were walking through the country when the Man of Truth appeared to them in another form (Mark 16:12).  He explained to them as they walked, how all the thing that had happened to the Man of Truth fulfilled what written about the Messiah of Israel in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) and then caused them to see that he was the Messiah of Israel who rose from the dead (Luke 24:13-24).

So they went and told the other disciples that the Man of Truth had risen but no one believed them (Mark 16:13).  When they arrived in Jerusalem to tell the eleven remaining Apostles of Truth, along with some other disciples, about how the Man of Truth had appeared to them they learned that the Man of Truth had also appeared to Peter the Jew (Luke 24:33-35).

Then the Man of Truth came into the room where the Apostles of Truth were meeting to rebuke them for their unwillingness to believe the witnesses that he had sent to tell them that he had risen from the dead (Mark 16:14).  The Man of Truth sat down and ate with them while he explained how everything that they had seen happen to him was written in the Original Covenant about the Messiah of Israel (Luke 24:36-48).  The Apostles of Truth had locked all the doors but the Man of Truth just appeared to them anyways to show them his wounds and then breathe on them so the Spirit of Truth live inside of them (John 20:19-23).   However, Thomas the Jew (Ta'om aka Didymus aka The Apostle Thomas) had left the room before the Man of Truth showed up and would not believe them (John 20:24-25).

Eight days later, the Man of Truth again just appeared to them when they were behind locked doors and showed Thomas the Jew his wounds (John 20:26-29).

So the Apostles of Truth finally went to the mountain in Galilee to meet the Man of Truth where he gave them instructions to baptize people from all nations and teach them to obey his commandments (Matthew 28:16-20).  After that the Man of Truth showed up while they fishing on the Sea of Galilee (Sea of Tiberias) to tell Peter the Jew to show his love for him by taking care of his people regardless of the cost (John 21:1-23).

After they came back to Jerusalem the Man of Truth told them to preach the Good News to everyone and that supernaturals signs would follow to confirm the message (Mark 16:15-18).  He then told them to stay in Jerusalem and wait to be endued with power from the Spirit of Truth before carrying out their instructions (Luke 24:49).

Now that the Man of Truth was done instructing them about what to do until he returned to rule the Earth he was ready to return to Heaven (Mark 16:19).  So the Man of Truth went with his disciples out to the Mount of Olives near Bethany, blessed them and was carried back to Heaven (Luke 24:50-51).

So they went to Jerusalem to wait for the promised power from the Spirit of Truth and continually praised the Father of Truth in the Temple (Luke 24:52-53).

After they received the power from the Spirit of Truth they began carrying out the instructions of the Man of Truth to go into all of the world with the Good News as the Spirit of Truth gave supernatural signs to confirm their message (Mark 16:20).

So the Gospels tell the same story in complementary pieces like a Southern Gospel Quartet singing a long song in perfect four part harmony.  Just like none of the singers sing the entire song by themselves so also none of the Gospels tell the entire story by themselves.  Yet through all of the solos, duets, trio and quartets that are occur throughout the song the song works because each singer comes in at just the right time with just the right words.  It has been shown that the four Gospels do the exact same thing by telling the story of what the Man of Truth did on this Earth in perfect four part harmony.  It is a truly beautiful performance.

Of course, the best sung song in the world only has value to those who hear it and all the words of the song to penetrate their heart.  This song was not sung to entertain for an evening and then to be forgotten but to cause people to come into the House of Truth to live forever (John 20:30-31).  This song was meant to bring people to a place of total surrender of their lives to the Man of Truth because they believe its message that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  These four Apostles of Truth sang this song in perfect four part harmony to bring you into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21).

Come into the House of Truth!

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