Escaping The Christmas Trap
How can the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) escape the Christmas Trap?
Every year, it is the same old thing. The majority of the Children of Truth find themselves caught in the Christmas Trap. Often, they enter the Christmas Trap as a large group, so that many of the individuals in the group, do not even realize that the entire group is in a trap.
It is like how the individual fish do not recognize, that the entire school of fish has been entrapped in a net, until the fisherman pull the net out of the water. Even then, most of the fish trapped in the net, know that things are not right, and it is draining the life out of them, but they still cannot see the trap that they are in. All they can see, is that they are in the same situation, as the fish that surround them.
However, unlike a school of fish entrapped in the net of commercial fishermen at sea, this does not happen to the Children of Truth once in a lifetime, but year after year.
They keep entering the same trap over and over. Some of them have come to realize that they keep trapped each year, but they do not understand how they keep getting trapped, nor how to get out. Others only know that something is draining the life out of them, at the same time every year, but they just cannot seem to see what it is. In either case, the Children of Truth need to learn how to escape the Christmas Trap.
The first step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is recognizing the Christmas Trap. Even birds are smart enough to avoid a trap when they can see it being set (Proverbs 1:17). Birds only get trapped when they can not see the trap (Proverbs 7:23). Like a school of fish in a net, or a bird in a trap, the Children of Truth are caught in the Christmas Trap, because they do not understand that they are being trapped (Ecclesiastes 9:12).
Like every trap, there is someone who sets the trap, so they can benefit from those caught in the trap. In the case of the Christmas Trap, it is merchants who set the trap, to benefit from the money of those caught in the trap. The merchants in America start baiting the trap, with enticing Christmas displays, that start appearing in stores in November. As Thanksgiving approaches, so also do the commercials for Christmas gifts, to build up the appetites of their victims. Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving in America, or even before it is over, as the disintegration of Thanksgiving continues, the merchants set off a feeding frenzy with "Black Friday" sales, like fishermen throwing chum in the sea, to entice an entire school of fish, into their trap.
These merchants often do not care a thing about Christmas itself, only about the artificial increase in demand, that leads to higher profits, that Christmas brings. This is quite evident, in the effort of many merchants to get people to say, "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas". This has made the Christmas mess only messier, and has lead to even more division among the Children of Truth, over how to go about cleaning up the Christmas mess. This is best illustrated by a story I once heard.
It was the last day of school before Christmas break, and a teacher, decided to start the day off by asking each child, to tell about their favorite Christmas tradition done with their family. One by one, she asked each child, who eagerly told the class, about their favorite thing that they did with their family, each Christmas. Suddenly, the teacher felt embarrassed, when she reached Shlomo. She started to apologize to Shlomo, because his family was Jewish, and did not celebrate Christmas, but Shlomo surprised her, by telling her, that his family also had a Christmas tradition, that he loved. Surprised, and relieved, she asked Shlomo to tell the class about this tradition. So Shlomo told his class the following:
"Every year, on the night before Christmas, none of us kids are hardly able to sleep, from the excitement that awaits us in the morning. When Christmas morning arrives, we get early, get dressed quickly, and all race to the living room, in eager anticipation. The big day has arrived, and the waiting is over. So we all hop in the Lexus, and drive down to our toy factory. Then we go into the warehouse, look at all of the empty shelves, and sing, "What a friend we have in Jesus". Then we drive to the airport, and head off to the Bahamas to spend a week of fun in the sun, with our grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins!"
You see, many merchants, do not care a thing for Christmas, at all. They will put up displays, enter floats in parades, and sponsor Christmas celebrations, but it is only for the purpose getting their victims into the Christmas Trap. They are often like the heads of drug cartels, who wholesale drugs, but do not use drugs themselves. Like drug dealers, they are willing to give out the first few hits for free, and throw parties, to get their victims hooked for life, because they know that the income from a lifetime addiction, will more than offset their initial investment. Once people are hooked on the entire Christmas season, that the merchants have sold them on, then the merchants can profit every year, as people come in for their yearly fix. People are now caught in the Christmas Trap.
You see people could buy, and give gifts to each other, throughout the year, for events like birthdays and anniversaries. However, getting almost everyone to buy gifts for everyone else, to give out on the exact same day, creates artificial demand, that leads to higher profits. It is like OPEC (Oil Producing and Exporting Countries) artificially restricting the oil supply to drive up oil prices, in reverse. This is good for the merchants, but bad for most other people.
Of course, merchants are not the only ones who benefit, from all of these people being caught in the Christmas Trap. Just like boat builders and the like, also benefit from fishermen trapping fish in their nets, so also an host of indirect providers, also benefit from merchants trapping people in the Christmas Trap. Banks benefit, from people entering their debt traps, by borrowing money to pay for all of the gifts, that they have been told, that they must buy for every single person, who is important in their life. Grocers also benefit, from people spending extra money on extra food, that they have been told that they need, in order to enjoy Christmas. Psychologists and the like, benefit as well, since the stress of the Christmas season, make it their busiest time of the year. There are a myriad of indirect providers, who benefit from the Christmas Trap.
While the merchants set the Christmas Trap, it only really works, because of the desire of people, to do what everyone else is doing. It is like an entire school of fish being caught in a single large net, because all of the fish are determined, to do what the other fish are doing, and to go where the other fish are going. When the chum hits the water, the party starts, and none of the fish want to miss out, even though, what they would really be missing out on, is being trapped.
Like a school of fish, the victims are unwitting, but willing participants, in their own entrapment. They attend and throw Christmas parties, because that is what people do during the Christmas season. They brag to each other, usually disguised in the form of complaining, about what they are buying others for Christmas, and how much they are spending on Christmas. They buy advertisements for Christmas, and put them up in their yards, so that everyone will know, that they are participants in Christmas. They show all of their guest, how generous they are, by proudly displaying the proof of their generosity, under the Christmas tree, that they also bought. All of these activities, only cause their neighbors, to feel like losers, unless they can also match, or better, each other. The feeding frenzy is on, as they all try to out-Christmas each other.
This is often reinforced for the Children of Truth, by the religious professionals, who are in charge of the congregations, that they attend. They too, proudly display a Christmas tree in their meeting place, to let everyone know that their congregation, is like everyone else. They take up extra collections, to offset the expense of their massive Christmas light displays. They collect toys, food, and money, to ensure that the poor in their congregation, do not miss out on Christmas, because everyone in their congregation, is expected to participate in Christmas. They throw Christmas parties (usually without alcohol) so everyone in their congregation, can participate in the festivities. Worst of all, after eleven months of telling people to not covet things, they have Mr. Coveting himself, Satan Claus, show up in their services, to arouse the desire of their children, to covet after the latest toy, that the merchants have told their parents, that their children must have. It is doubtful, that is a more unwitting accomplice in leading others into the Christmas Trap, than many of the religious professionals.
So the Children of Truth find themselves, stressed out, from trying to meet all of these demands on their time, and suffocating from debt, like fish hauled out of the water in a net. Many of them, take almost until the next Christmas season, to pay off that debt. A lot of them are secretly thankful, that the entire ordeal is over. Yet, the next year, they will again find themselves, caught in the Christmas Trap.
The next step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is to realize who is really behind the Christmas Trap.
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) would never teach people to do observe the many traditions of Christmas, that are contrary to the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17-19). He never put the heavy burden of celebrating Christmas on people, because he seeks to bring rest to their souls, instead of the stress, that they experience in the Christmas Trap (Matthew 11:28-30). He would never command people to keep traditions, that are contrary to the commandments of his Father, in the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:3). Mislead religious professionals are the ones, who lay the heavy burden of Christmas upon people (Matthew 23:4). It should be obvious, that the Man of Truth is not the one, who set the Christmas Trap!
All of this coveting over gifts at Christmas, designed to fulfill the desires of the flesh, all of this focusing on decorating for Christmas, because it looks so beautiful, and all this emphasis on what was done for Christmas, that people are so proud of, is not from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (1 John 2:16)! It is obvious that the Father of Truth, is not who set the Christmas Trap (1 John 2:16)!
The real architect of the Christmas Trap, is the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil). Anything that is based on lies, is from the Father of Lies (John 8:44). Everything about the Christmas Trap, is based on lies!
For example, many of the religious professionals try to keep Christmas about the Man of Truth, yet they know, by even a casual reading about his birth in the Gospels, that December twenty fifth cannot be the right answer to the question, "When was Jesus born?". Many of them realize, that the Wise Men showed up at the house of Joseph the Jew, instead of the manger (Matthew 2:11). Many of them realize, that the Wise Men showed up two years after the Man of Truth was born, instead of when he was born (Matthew 2:16). Not only that, but many of them also know, that there is nothing the Book of Truth (The Bible), about observing his birthday. Many of them know, that there is no commandment for people to observe the customs of Christmas. Many of them know, that there is no more validity to observing Christmas, than there is to observing Ash Wednesday. Many of them know, that Christmas was introduced by the False Church of Rome, and that it was never part of the original form of Celtic Christianity, or anything else that was taught by the Apostles of Truth! So, even their efforts to keep "Christ" in "Christmas", is based upon lies. In fact, practically everything about Christmas, is part of the Doctrine of Lies.
So it is important to recognize, that while many merchants are setting the Christmas Trap, and many religious professionals have been blindly leading their congregations into the Christmas Trap, that the Christmas Trap is really the creation of the Father of Lies, and that is who the Children of Truth are fighting against, to escape the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:12).
The next step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is to be aware of the motive and means of the Father of Lies, so he cannot entice them into the Christmas Trap (2 Corinthians 2:11). They need to on the look out, to avoid being caught in the Christmas Trap, because the Father of Lies has created it, to devour their lives (1 Peter 5:8).
The Father of Lies does not want the Children of Truth, to carry out the Great Commission, and teach all people to follow the Man of Truth (Matthew 28:18-20). He does not want them, to go to all nations, and preach the Good News, with supernatural signs to confirm the message (Mark 16:15-18). He does not want them, to tell people about what the Man of Truth did on this Earth, so they could come into the House of Truth, and he especially does not want them, to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Luke 24:46-49). He does not want them, to be taking care of the business of the Man of Truth on this Earth, regardless of the cost (John 21:17-22). He simply does not want them, to be carrying out their part of the Great Commission!
So, the Father of Lies created the Christmas Trap, to get the Children of Truth, caught up in the very things, that the Man of Truth told them to avoid getting caught up in, that would keep them from being worthy to escape the Tribulation, and be caught up in the Rapture (Luke 21:34-36). He does not want them to heed the warning of "People get ready!", by doing their part to carryout the Great Commission!
The Father of Lies sets up the Christmas Trap, for the same reason, that he sets up any other trap. Everything he does, is done to steal from people, what the Man of Truth came to give them (John 10:10). He does not want the Children of Truth, to get their gifts from the tree, so that they are equipped to do their part, in carrying out the Great Commission.
The Father of Lies gets the Children of Truth, caught in the Christmas Trap, by the same means that he gets people caught, in any other trap that he sets. He uses their fear of not meeting the expectations of other people, to ensnare them in the Christmas Trap (Proverbs 29:25). He uses the cares of this world, the endless demands that Christmas places on their time and money, along with the extra time they spend working to get more money, in a vain attempt to buy happiness, to ensnare them in the Christmas Trap (Matthew 13:22).
Now that the Christmas Trap has been exposed, that the Father of Lies is behind the Christmas Trap, has been exposed, the motives of the Father of Lies for setting the Christmas Trap has been exposed, and the means of the Father of Lies to bait the Christmas Trap have been exposed, it is now time to reveal, what the Children of Truth need to do, to escape being caught in the Christmas Trap, year after year.
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, by repenting for being involved with Christmas, once they are no longer ignorant, of the truth about Christmas (Acts 17:30). They need to renounce every dishonest thing about Christmas, that was formerly hidden from them, by the Father of Lies, who sets the Christmas Trap (2 Corinthians 4:2-4). Now, that they are no longer in darkness, they should be seeking to expose the truth, about everything comes from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, so that they will only do, what the Father of Truth has approved (Ephesians 5:8-11). The Children of Truth all need to be, like the Mensch who killed Christmas, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, because they cannot love anything, that they know is from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, if they love the Father of Truth (1 John 2:15-17). The Father of Truth commands them to walk in truth, instead of celebrating something that is based on lies, like Christmas (2 John 1:4). The Children of Truth need to be walking in truth, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, when they start storing up their treasure in Heaven, because then the business of Heaven will be their focus (Matthew 6:19-21). When they do this, then they stop focusing on getting stuff, and put their focus on carrying out the Great Commission, instead (Matthew 6:31-33). Instead of seeking to get more stuff, they give what they can, to take care of those who are truly poor, because they understand, that this is how, they can store up their treasure in Heaven (Luke 12:33-34). They realize that it is useless, to get everything their hearts desires, if it is only going to cause them, to leave the House of Truth, and perish (Mark 8:35-37). The Man of Truth will give them the strength, to be content, regardless of how little, or how much, stuff they have (Philippians 4:11-13). They put to the death, the pursuit of gaining material things, that they used to idolize, so that they will no longer be lured, into the Christmas Trap (Colossians 3:5-7). They are content with having food, clothing, and shelter, because the Father of Truth is center of their lives, so they cannot be lured, into the Christmas Trap (1 Timothy 6:6-8). They flee the endless pursuit, of getting more stuff at Christmas, because that pursuit, will only bring them trouble, and move them out of the House of Truth (1 Timothy 6:9-11). The Children of Truth need to end, the endless pursuit of getting bigger, better, newer stuff, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, when they realize that going into debt, to feed the Christmas greed of everyone else, makes them a slave to the banks (Proverbs 22:7). The Father of Truth does not want them to owe anyone, anything, except love, so they can fulfill the Law of Truth (Romans 13:8-10). He does not want them, to be slaves to banks, in order to feed the greed of others, at Christmas, but rather to be free, to devote their resources to the Man of Truth, who bought them with his own blood (1 Corinthians 7:21-23). The Children of Truth need to be in pursuit, of all that really matters, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
There is one more thing, that the Children of Truth can do, to make it easier, to escape the Christmas Trap. They could celebrate, the same holidays that the Man of Truth celebrated, instead of those, that came from idolatry. They could get off of the calendar of the False Church of Rome, completely, and get on the calendar of the Father of Truth, instead. The Children of Truth must not think, it's a Jewish thing to celebrate these holidays, and that it is not for them, when these holidays, are what the Man of Truth celebrated. It's not just a Jewish thing, to celebrate the holidays, found in the Book of Truth!
The Children of Truth could celebrate Chanukah (Hanukkah) like the Man of Truth did (John 10:22-23). The Festival of Lights celebrates the victory of the Children of Truth, over an evil society, that tried to force them, into celebrating the holidays of idolatry. It celebrates dedicating the Temple to the Father of Truth, which reminds the Children of Truth, to dedicate their lives to the Man of Truth. They just need to be sure, that they do not let Rabbinic Distort, lead them into new traditions, that contradict the Book of Truth, because then they would be escaping the Christmas Trap, only to find themselves in the Chanukah Trap!
However, like the Maccabees of old, the Children of Truth need to be prepared, to face hardship, for escaping the Christmas Trap.
The Children of Truth may lose their relationship with their families, when they start escaping the Christmas Trap (Matthew 10:34-37). It will be a sacrifice for them, to live differently than everyone else, as they allow the Word of Truth, to lead them into thinking about things in the right way (Romans 12:1-2).
It is religious professionals, who have taught people to celebrate Christmas, even though they often know that it is contrary to what is written in the Book of Truth, but have lead people into believing, that getting what they want for Christmas, shows that they are blessed by the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 6:3-5). The main persecutors of the Children of Truth, for leaving the Christmas Trap, in order to live a life that is in line with the truth found in the Book of Truth, will be religious professionals, who have been deceived, by the Father of Lies (2 Timothy 3:12-15).
The Children of Truth are not to grieve the Spirit of Truth, by giving anything from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, any place in their lives (Ephesians 4:27-30). They must put on everything, that the Father of Truth has given them, to fight the Father of Lies, if they are not going to be caught in the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:11). They must protect themselves with the truth, shield themselves with the Word of Truth, and pray in the Spirit of Truth, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:13-18). They must not let themselves, be pulled into the Christmas Trap, by focusing on material things, or be pushed into the Christmas Trap, by doing what pleases other people, but they must instead, escape the Christmas Trap, to show that they have confidence, in what the Word of Truth says (Hebrews 13:5-7).
The Children of Truth need to persist, in escaping the Christmas Trap, because they will rewarded for any persecution that they face for doing so (Matthew 16:25-27). They will be blessed by the Father of Truth in the end, if they are persecuted like the Prophets of Truth, for doing what He says is right (Matthew 5:10-12). They will reign with the Man of Truth if they suffer, like he did, for telling people the truth about everything, like he did, including Christmas (2 Timothy 2:12).
Of course, there is no eternal reward for escaping the Christmas Trap, unless you first come into the House of Truth. The Spirit of Truth will help you with each step, that you need to take to escape the Christmas Trap, after you come into the House of Truth (John 16:12-14). You come into the House of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). After you come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will be able to help you to finish escaping the Christmas Trap (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).
Come into the House of Truth!
Every year, it is the same old thing. The majority of the Children of Truth find themselves caught in the Christmas Trap. Often, they enter the Christmas Trap as a large group, so that many of the individuals in the group, do not even realize that the entire group is in a trap.
It is like how the individual fish do not recognize, that the entire school of fish has been entrapped in a net, until the fisherman pull the net out of the water. Even then, most of the fish trapped in the net, know that things are not right, and it is draining the life out of them, but they still cannot see the trap that they are in. All they can see, is that they are in the same situation, as the fish that surround them.
However, unlike a school of fish entrapped in the net of commercial fishermen at sea, this does not happen to the Children of Truth once in a lifetime, but year after year.
They keep entering the same trap over and over. Some of them have come to realize that they keep trapped each year, but they do not understand how they keep getting trapped, nor how to get out. Others only know that something is draining the life out of them, at the same time every year, but they just cannot seem to see what it is. In either case, the Children of Truth need to learn how to escape the Christmas Trap.
The first step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is recognizing the Christmas Trap. Even birds are smart enough to avoid a trap when they can see it being set (Proverbs 1:17). Birds only get trapped when they can not see the trap (Proverbs 7:23). Like a school of fish in a net, or a bird in a trap, the Children of Truth are caught in the Christmas Trap, because they do not understand that they are being trapped (Ecclesiastes 9:12).
Like every trap, there is someone who sets the trap, so they can benefit from those caught in the trap. In the case of the Christmas Trap, it is merchants who set the trap, to benefit from the money of those caught in the trap. The merchants in America start baiting the trap, with enticing Christmas displays, that start appearing in stores in November. As Thanksgiving approaches, so also do the commercials for Christmas gifts, to build up the appetites of their victims. Every year, on the day after Thanksgiving in America, or even before it is over, as the disintegration of Thanksgiving continues, the merchants set off a feeding frenzy with "Black Friday" sales, like fishermen throwing chum in the sea, to entice an entire school of fish, into their trap.
These merchants often do not care a thing about Christmas itself, only about the artificial increase in demand, that leads to higher profits, that Christmas brings. This is quite evident, in the effort of many merchants to get people to say, "Happy Holidays", instead of "Merry Christmas". This has made the Christmas mess only messier, and has lead to even more division among the Children of Truth, over how to go about cleaning up the Christmas mess. This is best illustrated by a story I once heard.
It was the last day of school before Christmas break, and a teacher, decided to start the day off by asking each child, to tell about their favorite Christmas tradition done with their family. One by one, she asked each child, who eagerly told the class, about their favorite thing that they did with their family, each Christmas. Suddenly, the teacher felt embarrassed, when she reached Shlomo. She started to apologize to Shlomo, because his family was Jewish, and did not celebrate Christmas, but Shlomo surprised her, by telling her, that his family also had a Christmas tradition, that he loved. Surprised, and relieved, she asked Shlomo to tell the class about this tradition. So Shlomo told his class the following:
"Every year, on the night before Christmas, none of us kids are hardly able to sleep, from the excitement that awaits us in the morning. When Christmas morning arrives, we get early, get dressed quickly, and all race to the living room, in eager anticipation. The big day has arrived, and the waiting is over. So we all hop in the Lexus, and drive down to our toy factory. Then we go into the warehouse, look at all of the empty shelves, and sing, "What a friend we have in Jesus". Then we drive to the airport, and head off to the Bahamas to spend a week of fun in the sun, with our grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins!"
You see, many merchants, do not care a thing for Christmas, at all. They will put up displays, enter floats in parades, and sponsor Christmas celebrations, but it is only for the purpose getting their victims into the Christmas Trap. They are often like the heads of drug cartels, who wholesale drugs, but do not use drugs themselves. Like drug dealers, they are willing to give out the first few hits for free, and throw parties, to get their victims hooked for life, because they know that the income from a lifetime addiction, will more than offset their initial investment. Once people are hooked on the entire Christmas season, that the merchants have sold them on, then the merchants can profit every year, as people come in for their yearly fix. People are now caught in the Christmas Trap.
You see people could buy, and give gifts to each other, throughout the year, for events like birthdays and anniversaries. However, getting almost everyone to buy gifts for everyone else, to give out on the exact same day, creates artificial demand, that leads to higher profits. It is like OPEC (Oil Producing and Exporting Countries) artificially restricting the oil supply to drive up oil prices, in reverse. This is good for the merchants, but bad for most other people.
Of course, merchants are not the only ones who benefit, from all of these people being caught in the Christmas Trap. Just like boat builders and the like, also benefit from fishermen trapping fish in their nets, so also an host of indirect providers, also benefit from merchants trapping people in the Christmas Trap. Banks benefit, from people entering their debt traps, by borrowing money to pay for all of the gifts, that they have been told, that they must buy for every single person, who is important in their life. Grocers also benefit, from people spending extra money on extra food, that they have been told that they need, in order to enjoy Christmas. Psychologists and the like, benefit as well, since the stress of the Christmas season, make it their busiest time of the year. There are a myriad of indirect providers, who benefit from the Christmas Trap.
While the merchants set the Christmas Trap, it only really works, because of the desire of people, to do what everyone else is doing. It is like an entire school of fish being caught in a single large net, because all of the fish are determined, to do what the other fish are doing, and to go where the other fish are going. When the chum hits the water, the party starts, and none of the fish want to miss out, even though, what they would really be missing out on, is being trapped.
Like a school of fish, the victims are unwitting, but willing participants, in their own entrapment. They attend and throw Christmas parties, because that is what people do during the Christmas season. They brag to each other, usually disguised in the form of complaining, about what they are buying others for Christmas, and how much they are spending on Christmas. They buy advertisements for Christmas, and put them up in their yards, so that everyone will know, that they are participants in Christmas. They show all of their guest, how generous they are, by proudly displaying the proof of their generosity, under the Christmas tree, that they also bought. All of these activities, only cause their neighbors, to feel like losers, unless they can also match, or better, each other. The feeding frenzy is on, as they all try to out-Christmas each other.
This is often reinforced for the Children of Truth, by the religious professionals, who are in charge of the congregations, that they attend. They too, proudly display a Christmas tree in their meeting place, to let everyone know that their congregation, is like everyone else. They take up extra collections, to offset the expense of their massive Christmas light displays. They collect toys, food, and money, to ensure that the poor in their congregation, do not miss out on Christmas, because everyone in their congregation, is expected to participate in Christmas. They throw Christmas parties (usually without alcohol) so everyone in their congregation, can participate in the festivities. Worst of all, after eleven months of telling people to not covet things, they have Mr. Coveting himself, Satan Claus, show up in their services, to arouse the desire of their children, to covet after the latest toy, that the merchants have told their parents, that their children must have. It is doubtful, that is a more unwitting accomplice in leading others into the Christmas Trap, than many of the religious professionals.
So the Children of Truth find themselves, stressed out, from trying to meet all of these demands on their time, and suffocating from debt, like fish hauled out of the water in a net. Many of them, take almost until the next Christmas season, to pay off that debt. A lot of them are secretly thankful, that the entire ordeal is over. Yet, the next year, they will again find themselves, caught in the Christmas Trap.
The next step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is to realize who is really behind the Christmas Trap.
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) would never teach people to do observe the many traditions of Christmas, that are contrary to the commandments of the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17-19). He never put the heavy burden of celebrating Christmas on people, because he seeks to bring rest to their souls, instead of the stress, that they experience in the Christmas Trap (Matthew 11:28-30). He would never command people to keep traditions, that are contrary to the commandments of his Father, in the Law of Truth (Matthew 15:3). Mislead religious professionals are the ones, who lay the heavy burden of Christmas upon people (Matthew 23:4). It should be obvious, that the Man of Truth is not the one, who set the Christmas Trap!
All of this coveting over gifts at Christmas, designed to fulfill the desires of the flesh, all of this focusing on decorating for Christmas, because it looks so beautiful, and all this emphasis on what was done for Christmas, that people are so proud of, is not from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (1 John 2:16)! It is obvious that the Father of Truth, is not who set the Christmas Trap (1 John 2:16)!
The real architect of the Christmas Trap, is the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil). Anything that is based on lies, is from the Father of Lies (John 8:44). Everything about the Christmas Trap, is based on lies!
For example, many of the religious professionals try to keep Christmas about the Man of Truth, yet they know, by even a casual reading about his birth in the Gospels, that December twenty fifth cannot be the right answer to the question, "When was Jesus born?". Many of them realize, that the Wise Men showed up at the house of Joseph the Jew, instead of the manger (Matthew 2:11). Many of them realize, that the Wise Men showed up two years after the Man of Truth was born, instead of when he was born (Matthew 2:16). Not only that, but many of them also know, that there is nothing the Book of Truth (The Bible), about observing his birthday. Many of them know, that there is no commandment for people to observe the customs of Christmas. Many of them know, that there is no more validity to observing Christmas, than there is to observing Ash Wednesday. Many of them know, that Christmas was introduced by the False Church of Rome, and that it was never part of the original form of Celtic Christianity, or anything else that was taught by the Apostles of Truth! So, even their efforts to keep "Christ" in "Christmas", is based upon lies. In fact, practically everything about Christmas, is part of the Doctrine of Lies.
So it is important to recognize, that while many merchants are setting the Christmas Trap, and many religious professionals have been blindly leading their congregations into the Christmas Trap, that the Christmas Trap is really the creation of the Father of Lies, and that is who the Children of Truth are fighting against, to escape the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:12).
The next step to escaping the Christmas Trap, is to be aware of the motive and means of the Father of Lies, so he cannot entice them into the Christmas Trap (2 Corinthians 2:11). They need to on the look out, to avoid being caught in the Christmas Trap, because the Father of Lies has created it, to devour their lives (1 Peter 5:8).
The Father of Lies does not want the Children of Truth, to carry out the Great Commission, and teach all people to follow the Man of Truth (Matthew 28:18-20). He does not want them, to go to all nations, and preach the Good News, with supernatural signs to confirm the message (Mark 16:15-18). He does not want them, to tell people about what the Man of Truth did on this Earth, so they could come into the House of Truth, and he especially does not want them, to be baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) (Luke 24:46-49). He does not want them, to be taking care of the business of the Man of Truth on this Earth, regardless of the cost (John 21:17-22). He simply does not want them, to be carrying out their part of the Great Commission!
So, the Father of Lies created the Christmas Trap, to get the Children of Truth, caught up in the very things, that the Man of Truth told them to avoid getting caught up in, that would keep them from being worthy to escape the Tribulation, and be caught up in the Rapture (Luke 21:34-36). He does not want them to heed the warning of "People get ready!", by doing their part to carryout the Great Commission!
The Father of Lies sets up the Christmas Trap, for the same reason, that he sets up any other trap. Everything he does, is done to steal from people, what the Man of Truth came to give them (John 10:10). He does not want the Children of Truth, to get their gifts from the tree, so that they are equipped to do their part, in carrying out the Great Commission.
The Father of Lies gets the Children of Truth, caught in the Christmas Trap, by the same means that he gets people caught, in any other trap that he sets. He uses their fear of not meeting the expectations of other people, to ensnare them in the Christmas Trap (Proverbs 29:25). He uses the cares of this world, the endless demands that Christmas places on their time and money, along with the extra time they spend working to get more money, in a vain attempt to buy happiness, to ensnare them in the Christmas Trap (Matthew 13:22).
Now that the Christmas Trap has been exposed, that the Father of Lies is behind the Christmas Trap, has been exposed, the motives of the Father of Lies for setting the Christmas Trap has been exposed, and the means of the Father of Lies to bait the Christmas Trap have been exposed, it is now time to reveal, what the Children of Truth need to do, to escape being caught in the Christmas Trap, year after year.
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, by repenting for being involved with Christmas, once they are no longer ignorant, of the truth about Christmas (Acts 17:30). They need to renounce every dishonest thing about Christmas, that was formerly hidden from them, by the Father of Lies, who sets the Christmas Trap (2 Corinthians 4:2-4). Now, that they are no longer in darkness, they should be seeking to expose the truth, about everything comes from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, so that they will only do, what the Father of Truth has approved (Ephesians 5:8-11). The Children of Truth all need to be, like the Mensch who killed Christmas, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, because they cannot love anything, that they know is from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, if they love the Father of Truth (1 John 2:15-17). The Father of Truth commands them to walk in truth, instead of celebrating something that is based on lies, like Christmas (2 John 1:4). The Children of Truth need to be walking in truth, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, when they start storing up their treasure in Heaven, because then the business of Heaven will be their focus (Matthew 6:19-21). When they do this, then they stop focusing on getting stuff, and put their focus on carrying out the Great Commission, instead (Matthew 6:31-33). Instead of seeking to get more stuff, they give what they can, to take care of those who are truly poor, because they understand, that this is how, they can store up their treasure in Heaven (Luke 12:33-34). They realize that it is useless, to get everything their hearts desires, if it is only going to cause them, to leave the House of Truth, and perish (Mark 8:35-37). The Man of Truth will give them the strength, to be content, regardless of how little, or how much, stuff they have (Philippians 4:11-13). They put to the death, the pursuit of gaining material things, that they used to idolize, so that they will no longer be lured, into the Christmas Trap (Colossians 3:5-7). They are content with having food, clothing, and shelter, because the Father of Truth is center of their lives, so they cannot be lured, into the Christmas Trap (1 Timothy 6:6-8). They flee the endless pursuit, of getting more stuff at Christmas, because that pursuit, will only bring them trouble, and move them out of the House of Truth (1 Timothy 6:9-11). The Children of Truth need to end, the endless pursuit of getting bigger, better, newer stuff, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
The Children of Truth escape the Christmas Trap, when they realize that going into debt, to feed the Christmas greed of everyone else, makes them a slave to the banks (Proverbs 22:7). The Father of Truth does not want them to owe anyone, anything, except love, so they can fulfill the Law of Truth (Romans 13:8-10). He does not want them, to be slaves to banks, in order to feed the greed of others, at Christmas, but rather to be free, to devote their resources to the Man of Truth, who bought them with his own blood (1 Corinthians 7:21-23). The Children of Truth need to be in pursuit, of all that really matters, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap!
There is one more thing, that the Children of Truth can do, to make it easier, to escape the Christmas Trap. They could celebrate, the same holidays that the Man of Truth celebrated, instead of those, that came from idolatry. They could get off of the calendar of the False Church of Rome, completely, and get on the calendar of the Father of Truth, instead. The Children of Truth must not think, it's a Jewish thing to celebrate these holidays, and that it is not for them, when these holidays, are what the Man of Truth celebrated. It's not just a Jewish thing, to celebrate the holidays, found in the Book of Truth!
The Children of Truth could celebrate Chanukah (Hanukkah) like the Man of Truth did (John 10:22-23). The Festival of Lights celebrates the victory of the Children of Truth, over an evil society, that tried to force them, into celebrating the holidays of idolatry. It celebrates dedicating the Temple to the Father of Truth, which reminds the Children of Truth, to dedicate their lives to the Man of Truth. They just need to be sure, that they do not let Rabbinic Distort, lead them into new traditions, that contradict the Book of Truth, because then they would be escaping the Christmas Trap, only to find themselves in the Chanukah Trap!
However, like the Maccabees of old, the Children of Truth need to be prepared, to face hardship, for escaping the Christmas Trap.
The Children of Truth may lose their relationship with their families, when they start escaping the Christmas Trap (Matthew 10:34-37). It will be a sacrifice for them, to live differently than everyone else, as they allow the Word of Truth, to lead them into thinking about things in the right way (Romans 12:1-2).
It is religious professionals, who have taught people to celebrate Christmas, even though they often know that it is contrary to what is written in the Book of Truth, but have lead people into believing, that getting what they want for Christmas, shows that they are blessed by the Father of Truth (1 Timothy 6:3-5). The main persecutors of the Children of Truth, for leaving the Christmas Trap, in order to live a life that is in line with the truth found in the Book of Truth, will be religious professionals, who have been deceived, by the Father of Lies (2 Timothy 3:12-15).
The Children of Truth are not to grieve the Spirit of Truth, by giving anything from the Father of Lies, like Christmas, any place in their lives (Ephesians 4:27-30). They must put on everything, that the Father of Truth has given them, to fight the Father of Lies, if they are not going to be caught in the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:11). They must protect themselves with the truth, shield themselves with the Word of Truth, and pray in the Spirit of Truth, if they are going to escape the Christmas Trap (Ephesians 6:13-18). They must not let themselves, be pulled into the Christmas Trap, by focusing on material things, or be pushed into the Christmas Trap, by doing what pleases other people, but they must instead, escape the Christmas Trap, to show that they have confidence, in what the Word of Truth says (Hebrews 13:5-7).
The Children of Truth need to persist, in escaping the Christmas Trap, because they will rewarded for any persecution that they face for doing so (Matthew 16:25-27). They will be blessed by the Father of Truth in the end, if they are persecuted like the Prophets of Truth, for doing what He says is right (Matthew 5:10-12). They will reign with the Man of Truth if they suffer, like he did, for telling people the truth about everything, like he did, including Christmas (2 Timothy 2:12).
Of course, there is no eternal reward for escaping the Christmas Trap, unless you first come into the House of Truth. The Spirit of Truth will help you with each step, that you need to take to escape the Christmas Trap, after you come into the House of Truth (John 16:12-14). You come into the House of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). After you come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will be able to help you to finish escaping the Christmas Trap (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).
Come into the House of Truth!