The Return Of The King
What will life be like after The Return of The King?
In 2003, "The Return Of The King" was released, and went on to become the second movie in history to have more than one billion dollars in sales.
In this movie, the return of the king, happened just as everything looked hopeless. In this movie, the return of the king, restored the kingdom - after a long period of there being no king on the throne. In this movie, the return of the king, saved his people from destruction by the forces of evil. In this movie, the return of the king, brought an end to one age, and signaled the beginning of the next age.
However, this movie does not tell us much about what life is like, after the return of the king.
This movie is a work of fiction. It happens on a fictional planet that is inhabited by fictional beings. It occurs in a fictional time. It is about a fictional king and a fictional kingdom. It has a fictional villain and a fictional hero. It has a fictional war that is fought between fictional armies. So there are no real consequences to the return of the king, because it is all fictional.
However, there is a real story about the Return of the King, which will soon be played out in real life. It will happen on planet Earth, which is inhabited by human beings. It will occur in real time. It is about a real King, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), and a real kingdom. It will have a real war fought between real armies. There will be real consequences to the Return of the King, because it is all real.
In real life, the Return of the King, will happen just as everything looks hopeless (Mark 13:20-26). In real life, the Return of the King, will revived the Kingdom of Israel - after a long period of there being no king on the throne (Acts 1:6-7). In real life, the Return of the King, will save his people from destruction by the forces of evil (Revelation 19:11-21). In real life, the Return of the King, will bring an end to this age, and will signal the beginning of the next age (Revelation 20:1-6).
However, the Book of Truth (The Bible) also tells us about what life is like, after the Return of the King.
After the Return of the King, the Jews will be gathered back to the Promised Land, because they will have finally decided to obey the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) with their whole heart (Deuteronomy 30:1-5). The King will cause them to be regathered when they repent of rebelling against the commandments of the Law of Truth, just as his Father did in days of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:5-10). It is for this very reason that the King was born (Isaiah 49:5-12). They will remain in the Promised Land forever, because the Return of the King has caused them, to finally decide to obey the Father of Truth, with all of their heart (Jeremiah 3:19).
The King will bring them out of the countries where they were scattered and into the wilderness to plead with them, like His Father did with their ancestors (Ezekiel 20:33-35). The King will destroy from among them, all who will not accept his rule, before the King brings the rest of the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Ezekiel 20:36-38).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) will circumcise their hearts when he brings them back into the Promised Land, after the Return of The King, so that they can keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:6-8). After the Return of the King, He will give them pastors who will teach them how to follow after Him with their whole heart, so that the Ark of the Covenant is no longer needed (Jeremiah 3:15-17). He will bring all of Israel into the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), whereby the Law of Truth will be written on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-33). He will put the fear of Himself in them, so that they will not turn from Him again (Jeremiah 32:39-40).
After the Return of the King, the Father of Truth will put the Spirit of Truth in the people of Israel, so that they can keep His commandments (Ezekiel 11:19-20). He will give them a heart of flesh, that can respond to the leading of the Spirit of Truth in keeping His commandments, instead of a heart of stone, that is hard against the commandments of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27). The King will gather all of the people of Israel into the Promised Land, so his Father can pour out the Spirit of Truth upon all of them, and they can live in His presence (Ezekiel 39:25-29). When his Father pours out the Spirit of Truth upon them, then they will mourn for their ancestors causing the King - the Man of Truth - to be pierced on the cross (Zechariah 12:10-14). All of the people of Israel will be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, after the Return of the King (Joel 2:27-29).
The Father of Truth will finally be able to fulfill His promise, to exalt Israel above all other nations, when the people of Israel finally keep the Law of Truth, with all of their heart (Deuteronomy 28:1-13). The kingdom of Israel, that the Father of Truth has always desired, will finally come into existence to rule over all other nations, after the Return of the King (Micah 4:6-8).
The King will return to show mercy to the people of Israel, and the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 32:41-43). The King will gather them because he is merciful to them (Psalm 106:45-47). The King will gather them from all lands - not because they are good, but because he is good (Psalm 107:1-3). Those who return to Promised Land, will know that they have not come into the Promised Land because they are righteous - but because the King is righteous (Ezekiel 20:42-44).
The King will finish the gathering of the Jews into Israel that began in 1870 (Isaiah 43:1-6). So the King will command the Gentiles, to complete what the Gentile Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) began in 1870 (Isaiah 49:22). The King will command the Jews in Israel, to go out to the Gentiles, to command them to bring the Jews to Jerusalem, as their offering to the the Father of Truth (Isaiah 66:18-20).
The King will return to cause his elect people, the descendants of Israel, to inherit the Promised Land (Isaiah 65:8-10). The Father of Truth will seek out those unknown descendants of Israel, who had lost their identity after their ancestors were scattered, and gather them back to the Promised Land (Ezekiel 34:11-16). The King will send out Angels of Truth throughout the Earth, to gather those descendants of Israel, who have lost their identity (Matthew 24:30-31). The Angels of Truth will be able to gather those descendants of Israel, who the Gentiles could not identify (Mark 13:26-27).
The King will not only cause the Jews, who were first carried away, by the Babylonians, from the two tribe Kingdom of Judah, to be brought back to the Promised Land, but also those whose ancestors were carried away from the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, by the Assyrians (Jeremiah 3:11-14). This gathering together of the descendants of Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel), by the King, will be greater than the exodus out of Egypt, by Moses (Jeremiah 23:3-8). Just as the Father of Truth brought the Jews, who turned back to Him, to the land of Judah at the end of the Babylonian captivity, so also will the King bring back all of Jacob, to the Promised Land, after the Return of The King (Jeremiah 29:10-14). The King shall gather all of his people unto his Kingdom, that were saved, by the Return of the King (Jeremiah 31:7-11). The King will gather them into the same land, that the Babylonians took them out of, to remain there forever (Jeremiah 32:36-44). Just as the Father of Truth scattered them via the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans, for departing from Him, so also will He use the King, to gather them, when they return to Him (Ezekiel 11:15-17). The people of Israel will never again, live in fear of their enemies, when they have been gathered to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Ezekiel 28:24-26).
The Return of the King, will bring an end to all fighting between the Jews. and those who descended from the ten tribe kingdom of Israel (Isaiah 11:13). Instead, they shall unite, to bring into subjection, all who remains of their enemies in the Promised Land, and to create a highway, for the return of those whose ancestors, were scattered by the Assyrians (Isaiah 11:14-16). Those who were scattered from both kingdoms, shall come together from the north, to the Promised Land (Jeremiah 3:18). The descendants of Israel, from both kingdoms, will come together as one people, into the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Hosea 1:10-11). The entire Promised Land will finally be divided, between the tribes of Israel, in a new manner (Ezekiel 47:13-21). After the Return of the King, it will be as if both kingdoms, had never been destroyed, and the people of Israel, had never been scattered (Zechariah 10:6-10).
The King will cause any Gentiles, who are in the Promised Land, to receive an inheritance, that is equal to that of the native born descendants of Israel, and to be counted as a member of the tribe, that they live among (Ezekiel 47:22-23). Afterwards, the King will cause. the Tabernacle of David to be rebuilt, and the Gentile Children of Truth, who live in the Promised Land, will be counted as part of the people of Israel (Amos 9:10-12). All that are left of the Palestinians (Philistines), after the Return of the King, will be counted as part of the tribe of Judah, just like the Jebusites, who came to worship the Father of Truth, were counted as part of the tribe of Judah, in the days of David (Zechariah 9:5-7). For this reason, there will no longer be any Canaanites left in the Promised Land, to come into the Temple, after the Return of the King (Zechariah 14:20-21).
The King will cause the Promised Land to be fertile again, and cause the people of Israel to rebuild the cities of the Promised Land, so that they will understand, that the mercy they received, is not for their own sake (Ezekiel 36:28-32). The King will cause crops to grow so fast, that the reaper will reap, right after the sower sows (Amos 9:13-15).
After the Return of the King, a river will flow out of the Temple, that will cause the Dead Sea, to no longer be dead, except for the marshes at the edges, and the Dead Sea will be full, of the same kinds of fish, as the Mediterranean Sea (Ezekiel 47:8-11). This river will be lined with trees, that bear their fruit year round, and whose leaves will provide medicine, for every disease (Ezekiel 47:12). This river will flow westward from Jerusalem, to the Mediterranean Sea, and eastward from Jerusalem, to the Dead Sea (Zechariah 14:8).
The Return of the King, will bring about peace, even between the animals of the whole Earth, so that they no longer kill, and eat each other (Isaiah 11:6-10). The animals will all eat vegetation, like they did before the Flood (Isaiah 65:25). After the Return of the King, nobody will have any reason to fear any animals, just like in the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 34:25-28).
After the Return of the King, people will not die of old age, but only those who sin will die, so that the elect, the people of Israel, may enjoy what they have built (Isaiah 65:20-22).
The King will regather the people of Israel, into the Promised Land, so that the Gentiles will understand, that He is the one, who they must seek (Isaiah 11:10-12). The King also gather all among the Gentiles, who have kept the Sabbath, to live with Him, in Jerusalem (Isaiah 56:2-8). The Gentiles shall worship the Father of Truth alone, after the Return of the King (Isaiah 65:16). The Gentiles shall know that the Father of Truth, is the one true God, when the people of Israel, are gathered back to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Ezekiel 36:21-24). The King will gather the people of Israel, back to the Promised Land, and make it like the Garden of Eden, so that the Gentiles will know, that the Father of Truth did this, after the Return of the King (Ezekiel 36:33-36). The Gentiles will finally see the people of Israel as a blessing, instead of a curse, when they have been gathered back to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Zephaniah 3:15-20). The Return of the King to save Israel, will bring life from the dead, for the Gentiles (Romans 11:11-15).
After the Return of The King, he will be given all nations, and he will break every large nation, into many smaller nations (Psalm 2:7-9). The King redeemed the entire human race on the cross, and will rule over the entire human race, after the Return of the King (Isaiah 49:4-8). The King will be king over every nation on Earth (Daniel 7:13-14). The Children of Truth will reign with the King, over all the Earth, after the Return of the King (Daniel 7:18-22). They shall rule as kings, over every nation on Earth, under the rule of the King (Daniel 7:27). The King will not just be the king, over the people of Israel, but will rule over the entire Earth, from Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:8-10). The Man of Truth will truly be the King of Kings, when he returns (Revelation 19:11-16).
The Father of Truth will cause David, to again be the king, over all who live in Israel, when they are gathered back to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Jeremiah 30:8-10). He will save them, and make them into one nation, with David as their only king (Ezekiel 34:22-24). They will be gathered to be one nation, instead of two nations, and David will be their king forever (Ezekiel 37:21-25). When the Return of the King causes them, to seek after the Father of Truth, then David will end, their two thousand years of being without a king (Hosea 3:4-5).
After the return of the King, the original twelve Apostles of Truth, will each rule over a tribe of Israel (Matthew 19:27-29). They will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel, because they endured hardship with the King, before he left the Earth (Luke 22:28-30).
The King will gather the people of Israel, to rebuild Jerusalem (Psalm 147:1-2). The King will fill Jerusalem with peace, and from there send out his commandments, into all of the Earth (Psalm 147:12-15). The King will send the Law of Truth, out from Jerusalem, to fill the Earth with peace (Isaiah 2:2-4). The King will cause Jerusalem, to be finally filled with rejoicing instead of weeping (Isaiah 65:18-19).
Those who return to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King, shall resume the sacrifices, in the Temple, in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 20:40-41). The King will cause the Gentiles, to bring in many offerings, to rebuild the Temple, in Jerusalem, so that it will be more beautiful, and magnificent, than any of the Temples, that were built before it, in Jerusalem (Haggai 2:6-9).
The King will cause the Gentiles, to come to Jerusalem, to learn from the people of Israel, how to keep the Law of Truth, so that every person on Earth, will experience peace and prosperity (Micah 4:1-5). Every year, after the Return of the King, all of the Gentiles will come to Jerusalem, to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, in the presence of the King (Zechariah 14:16-19).
Life after the Return of the King, is what the last act of the Greatest Play Ever, is all about. The Earth will be full of peace and prosperity, after the Return of the King. The whole Earth will be under the Law of Truth, after the Return of the King. Every man on Earth will be able to live in peace, and enjoy the fruits of his own labor, after the Return of the King. There will be no wicked rulers over anyone, after the Return of the King. There will be no incurable diseases, or even growing old, after the Return of the King. It will like every person, is living in the Garden of Eden, after the Return of the King. Life after the Return of The King, will be better than anything the human race, has ever experienced. Yet, life after the Return of the King, can only begin as the aftermath of the Tribulation. Life after the Return of the King, will be so good, that the Children of Truth say "Bring it on!", to whatever it takes, to bring it to pass.
As good as life will be for the people of Earth, after the Return of the King, it will be even better for those, who come into the House of Truth today, and carry out the commandments of the King today. Even though the best positions in Israel, have already been filled, the King still needs Jewish Children of Truth, to fill the other positions in Israel. The King also still needs Gentile Children of Truth, from every ethnic group, to fill similar positions in the other nations, that cover the rest of the Earth. These Gentile nations will be patterned after Israel, where each ethnic group will have its own land, and be ruled over by a Child of Truth, of that ethnic group.
The Children of Truth will all reign with the Man of Truth, after he returns, just as they will all suffer persecution, for carrying out his commandments in this present world (2 Timothy 2:12). They will be among the Children of Truth, who are in his armies, at the Return of the King (Revelation 19:11-14). They will be rewarded, after the Return of the King (Revelation 22:10-12).
Even better, the Children of Truth, who are found worthy, will escape the Tribulation, and be with the King, before he returns to rule the Earth (Luke 21:34-36). When the Man of Truth meets those who are worthy, in the air, it will be too late to avoid the Tribulation. You need to take advantage of the opportunity of a lifetime, during the lifetime of the opportunity. You need to heed the warning of the Spirit of Truth, "People get ready!".
The Law of Truth was not far off from the people of Israel, in the wilderness, so that they could not know how to obtain the blessing, that came from obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:10-14). In the same way, the Good News about the Man of Truth, is not far off from you, so that you cannot know how to obtain the blessing, that comes from obeying the commandment of the Father of Truth (Romans 10:6-8). The Father of Truth is commanding you, to come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth your King today, because you believe the Good News, that He raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Both Jews and Gentiles. are invited to come into the House of Truth, and benefit from, the Return of the King (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
In 2003, "The Return Of The King" was released, and went on to become the second movie in history to have more than one billion dollars in sales.
In this movie, the return of the king, happened just as everything looked hopeless. In this movie, the return of the king, restored the kingdom - after a long period of there being no king on the throne. In this movie, the return of the king, saved his people from destruction by the forces of evil. In this movie, the return of the king, brought an end to one age, and signaled the beginning of the next age.
However, this movie does not tell us much about what life is like, after the return of the king.
This movie is a work of fiction. It happens on a fictional planet that is inhabited by fictional beings. It occurs in a fictional time. It is about a fictional king and a fictional kingdom. It has a fictional villain and a fictional hero. It has a fictional war that is fought between fictional armies. So there are no real consequences to the return of the king, because it is all fictional.
However, there is a real story about the Return of the King, which will soon be played out in real life. It will happen on planet Earth, which is inhabited by human beings. It will occur in real time. It is about a real King, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), and a real kingdom. It will have a real war fought between real armies. There will be real consequences to the Return of the King, because it is all real.
In real life, the Return of the King, will happen just as everything looks hopeless (Mark 13:20-26). In real life, the Return of the King, will revived the Kingdom of Israel - after a long period of there being no king on the throne (Acts 1:6-7). In real life, the Return of the King, will save his people from destruction by the forces of evil (Revelation 19:11-21). In real life, the Return of the King, will bring an end to this age, and will signal the beginning of the next age (Revelation 20:1-6).
However, the Book of Truth (The Bible) also tells us about what life is like, after the Return of the King.
After the Return of the King, the Jews will be gathered back to the Promised Land, because they will have finally decided to obey the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) with their whole heart (Deuteronomy 30:1-5). The King will cause them to be regathered when they repent of rebelling against the commandments of the Law of Truth, just as his Father did in days of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:5-10). It is for this very reason that the King was born (Isaiah 49:5-12). They will remain in the Promised Land forever, because the Return of the King has caused them, to finally decide to obey the Father of Truth, with all of their heart (Jeremiah 3:19).
The King will bring them out of the countries where they were scattered and into the wilderness to plead with them, like His Father did with their ancestors (Ezekiel 20:33-35). The King will destroy from among them, all who will not accept his rule, before the King brings the rest of the people of Israel into the Promised Land (Ezekiel 20:36-38).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) will circumcise their hearts when he brings them back into the Promised Land, after the Return of The King, so that they can keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:6-8). After the Return of the King, He will give them pastors who will teach them how to follow after Him with their whole heart, so that the Ark of the Covenant is no longer needed (Jeremiah 3:15-17). He will bring all of Israel into the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), whereby the Law of Truth will be written on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-33). He will put the fear of Himself in them, so that they will not turn from Him again (Jeremiah 32:39-40).
After the Return of the King, the Father of Truth will put the Spirit of Truth in the people of Israel, so that they can keep His commandments (Ezekiel 11:19-20). He will give them a heart of flesh, that can respond to the leading of the Spirit of Truth in keeping His commandments, instead of a heart of stone, that is hard against the commandments of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27). The King will gather all of the people of Israel into the Promised Land, so his Father can pour out the Spirit of Truth upon all of them, and they can live in His presence (Ezekiel 39:25-29). When his Father pours out the Spirit of Truth upon them, then they will mourn for their ancestors causing the King - the Man of Truth - to be pierced on the cross (Zechariah 12:10-14). All of the people of Israel will be baptized in the Spirit of Truth, after the Return of the King (Joel 2:27-29).
The Father of Truth will finally be able to fulfill His promise, to exalt Israel above all other nations, when the people of Israel finally keep the Law of Truth, with all of their heart (Deuteronomy 28:1-13). The kingdom of Israel, that the Father of Truth has always desired, will finally come into existence to rule over all other nations, after the Return of the King (Micah 4:6-8).
The King will return to show mercy to the people of Israel, and the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 32:41-43). The King will gather them because he is merciful to them (Psalm 106:45-47). The King will gather them from all lands - not because they are good, but because he is good (Psalm 107:1-3). Those who return to Promised Land, will know that they have not come into the Promised Land because they are righteous - but because the King is righteous (Ezekiel 20:42-44).
The King will finish the gathering of the Jews into Israel that began in 1870 (Isaiah 43:1-6). So the King will command the Gentiles, to complete what the Gentile Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) began in 1870 (Isaiah 49:22). The King will command the Jews in Israel, to go out to the Gentiles, to command them to bring the Jews to Jerusalem, as their offering to the the Father of Truth (Isaiah 66:18-20).
The King will return to cause his elect people, the descendants of Israel, to inherit the Promised Land (Isaiah 65:8-10). The Father of Truth will seek out those unknown descendants of Israel, who had lost their identity after their ancestors were scattered, and gather them back to the Promised Land (Ezekiel 34:11-16). The King will send out Angels of Truth throughout the Earth, to gather those descendants of Israel, who have lost their identity (Matthew 24:30-31). The Angels of Truth will be able to gather those descendants of Israel, who the Gentiles could not identify (Mark 13:26-27).
The King will not only cause the Jews, who were first carried away, by the Babylonians, from the two tribe Kingdom of Judah, to be brought back to the Promised Land, but also those whose ancestors were carried away from the ten tribe kingdom of Israel, by the Assyrians (Jeremiah 3:11-14). This gathering together of the descendants of Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel), by the King, will be greater than the exodus out of Egypt, by Moses (Jeremiah 23:3-8). Just as the Father of Truth brought the Jews, who turned back to Him, to the land of Judah at the end of the Babylonian captivity, so also will the King bring back all of Jacob, to the Promised Land, after the Return of The King (Jeremiah 29:10-14). The King shall gather all of his people unto his Kingdom, that were saved, by the Return of the King (Jeremiah 31:7-11). The King will gather them into the same land, that the Babylonians took them out of, to remain there forever (Jeremiah 32:36-44). Just as the Father of Truth scattered them via the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans, for departing from Him, so also will He use the King, to gather them, when they return to Him (Ezekiel 11:15-17). The people of Israel will never again, live in fear of their enemies, when they have been gathered to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Ezekiel 28:24-26).
The Return of the King, will bring an end to all fighting between the Jews. and those who descended from the ten tribe kingdom of Israel (Isaiah 11:13). Instead, they shall unite, to bring into subjection, all who remains of their enemies in the Promised Land, and to create a highway, for the return of those whose ancestors, were scattered by the Assyrians (Isaiah 11:14-16). Those who were scattered from both kingdoms, shall come together from the north, to the Promised Land (Jeremiah 3:18). The descendants of Israel, from both kingdoms, will come together as one people, into the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Hosea 1:10-11). The entire Promised Land will finally be divided, between the tribes of Israel, in a new manner (Ezekiel 47:13-21). After the Return of the King, it will be as if both kingdoms, had never been destroyed, and the people of Israel, had never been scattered (Zechariah 10:6-10).
The King will cause any Gentiles, who are in the Promised Land, to receive an inheritance, that is equal to that of the native born descendants of Israel, and to be counted as a member of the tribe, that they live among (Ezekiel 47:22-23). Afterwards, the King will cause. the Tabernacle of David to be rebuilt, and the Gentile Children of Truth, who live in the Promised Land, will be counted as part of the people of Israel (Amos 9:10-12). All that are left of the Palestinians (Philistines), after the Return of the King, will be counted as part of the tribe of Judah, just like the Jebusites, who came to worship the Father of Truth, were counted as part of the tribe of Judah, in the days of David (Zechariah 9:5-7). For this reason, there will no longer be any Canaanites left in the Promised Land, to come into the Temple, after the Return of the King (Zechariah 14:20-21).
The King will cause the Promised Land to be fertile again, and cause the people of Israel to rebuild the cities of the Promised Land, so that they will understand, that the mercy they received, is not for their own sake (Ezekiel 36:28-32). The King will cause crops to grow so fast, that the reaper will reap, right after the sower sows (Amos 9:13-15).
After the Return of the King, a river will flow out of the Temple, that will cause the Dead Sea, to no longer be dead, except for the marshes at the edges, and the Dead Sea will be full, of the same kinds of fish, as the Mediterranean Sea (Ezekiel 47:8-11). This river will be lined with trees, that bear their fruit year round, and whose leaves will provide medicine, for every disease (Ezekiel 47:12). This river will flow westward from Jerusalem, to the Mediterranean Sea, and eastward from Jerusalem, to the Dead Sea (Zechariah 14:8).
The Return of the King, will bring about peace, even between the animals of the whole Earth, so that they no longer kill, and eat each other (Isaiah 11:6-10). The animals will all eat vegetation, like they did before the Flood (Isaiah 65:25). After the Return of the King, nobody will have any reason to fear any animals, just like in the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 34:25-28).
After the Return of the King, people will not die of old age, but only those who sin will die, so that the elect, the people of Israel, may enjoy what they have built (Isaiah 65:20-22).
The King will regather the people of Israel, into the Promised Land, so that the Gentiles will understand, that He is the one, who they must seek (Isaiah 11:10-12). The King also gather all among the Gentiles, who have kept the Sabbath, to live with Him, in Jerusalem (Isaiah 56:2-8). The Gentiles shall worship the Father of Truth alone, after the Return of the King (Isaiah 65:16). The Gentiles shall know that the Father of Truth, is the one true God, when the people of Israel, are gathered back to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Ezekiel 36:21-24). The King will gather the people of Israel, back to the Promised Land, and make it like the Garden of Eden, so that the Gentiles will know, that the Father of Truth did this, after the Return of the King (Ezekiel 36:33-36). The Gentiles will finally see the people of Israel as a blessing, instead of a curse, when they have been gathered back to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Zephaniah 3:15-20). The Return of the King to save Israel, will bring life from the dead, for the Gentiles (Romans 11:11-15).
After the Return of The King, he will be given all nations, and he will break every large nation, into many smaller nations (Psalm 2:7-9). The King redeemed the entire human race on the cross, and will rule over the entire human race, after the Return of the King (Isaiah 49:4-8). The King will be king over every nation on Earth (Daniel 7:13-14). The Children of Truth will reign with the King, over all the Earth, after the Return of the King (Daniel 7:18-22). They shall rule as kings, over every nation on Earth, under the rule of the King (Daniel 7:27). The King will not just be the king, over the people of Israel, but will rule over the entire Earth, from Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:8-10). The Man of Truth will truly be the King of Kings, when he returns (Revelation 19:11-16).
The Father of Truth will cause David, to again be the king, over all who live in Israel, when they are gathered back to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King (Jeremiah 30:8-10). He will save them, and make them into one nation, with David as their only king (Ezekiel 34:22-24). They will be gathered to be one nation, instead of two nations, and David will be their king forever (Ezekiel 37:21-25). When the Return of the King causes them, to seek after the Father of Truth, then David will end, their two thousand years of being without a king (Hosea 3:4-5).
After the return of the King, the original twelve Apostles of Truth, will each rule over a tribe of Israel (Matthew 19:27-29). They will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel, because they endured hardship with the King, before he left the Earth (Luke 22:28-30).
The King will gather the people of Israel, to rebuild Jerusalem (Psalm 147:1-2). The King will fill Jerusalem with peace, and from there send out his commandments, into all of the Earth (Psalm 147:12-15). The King will send the Law of Truth, out from Jerusalem, to fill the Earth with peace (Isaiah 2:2-4). The King will cause Jerusalem, to be finally filled with rejoicing instead of weeping (Isaiah 65:18-19).
Those who return to the Promised Land, after the Return of the King, shall resume the sacrifices, in the Temple, in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 20:40-41). The King will cause the Gentiles, to bring in many offerings, to rebuild the Temple, in Jerusalem, so that it will be more beautiful, and magnificent, than any of the Temples, that were built before it, in Jerusalem (Haggai 2:6-9).
The King will cause the Gentiles, to come to Jerusalem, to learn from the people of Israel, how to keep the Law of Truth, so that every person on Earth, will experience peace and prosperity (Micah 4:1-5). Every year, after the Return of the King, all of the Gentiles will come to Jerusalem, to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, in the presence of the King (Zechariah 14:16-19).
Life after the Return of the King, is what the last act of the Greatest Play Ever, is all about. The Earth will be full of peace and prosperity, after the Return of the King. The whole Earth will be under the Law of Truth, after the Return of the King. Every man on Earth will be able to live in peace, and enjoy the fruits of his own labor, after the Return of the King. There will be no wicked rulers over anyone, after the Return of the King. There will be no incurable diseases, or even growing old, after the Return of the King. It will like every person, is living in the Garden of Eden, after the Return of the King. Life after the Return of The King, will be better than anything the human race, has ever experienced. Yet, life after the Return of the King, can only begin as the aftermath of the Tribulation. Life after the Return of the King, will be so good, that the Children of Truth say "Bring it on!", to whatever it takes, to bring it to pass.
As good as life will be for the people of Earth, after the Return of the King, it will be even better for those, who come into the House of Truth today, and carry out the commandments of the King today. Even though the best positions in Israel, have already been filled, the King still needs Jewish Children of Truth, to fill the other positions in Israel. The King also still needs Gentile Children of Truth, from every ethnic group, to fill similar positions in the other nations, that cover the rest of the Earth. These Gentile nations will be patterned after Israel, where each ethnic group will have its own land, and be ruled over by a Child of Truth, of that ethnic group.
The Children of Truth will all reign with the Man of Truth, after he returns, just as they will all suffer persecution, for carrying out his commandments in this present world (2 Timothy 2:12). They will be among the Children of Truth, who are in his armies, at the Return of the King (Revelation 19:11-14). They will be rewarded, after the Return of the King (Revelation 22:10-12).
Even better, the Children of Truth, who are found worthy, will escape the Tribulation, and be with the King, before he returns to rule the Earth (Luke 21:34-36). When the Man of Truth meets those who are worthy, in the air, it will be too late to avoid the Tribulation. You need to take advantage of the opportunity of a lifetime, during the lifetime of the opportunity. You need to heed the warning of the Spirit of Truth, "People get ready!".
The Law of Truth was not far off from the people of Israel, in the wilderness, so that they could not know how to obtain the blessing, that came from obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:10-14). In the same way, the Good News about the Man of Truth, is not far off from you, so that you cannot know how to obtain the blessing, that comes from obeying the commandment of the Father of Truth (Romans 10:6-8). The Father of Truth is commanding you, to come into the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth your King today, because you believe the Good News, that He raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Both Jews and Gentiles. are invited to come into the House of Truth, and benefit from, the Return of the King (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Feast of Tabernacles, Millennial Kingdom, Prophecy, Sukkot