The Aftermath
What will happen after the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) defeats the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast)?
The aftermath of World War II was a complete change in everything for most of the world and especially for the Axis powers.
World War II ended with Germany and Japan both accepting unconditional surrender. The end of World War II marked the end of Nazism in Germany and the end of Imperialism in Japan but it also marked a new beginning for both countries.
The change for Germany was profound. Those responsible for the atrocities committed by the Nazis of Germany, particularly against the Jews, were tried, convicted and executed. The country of Germany was split into two smaller countries East Germany and West Germany. The Germans would no longer follow a leader that they called the Father (Fuhrer literally meant "father") who they revered as God. Its ability to create war was completely taken away and instead it had to rely on the Allied powers for its defense. Germany had to attend to its own affairs instead of attempting to take what belonged to its neighbors.
The change for Japan was equally profound. Those responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese, particularly against the Chinese, were tried, convicted and executed. The Japanese Empire was split into many pieces and its external holdings were redistributed to other countries. The Japanese would no longer revere their leader as God. Its ability to create war was completely taken away and instead it had to rely on the Allied powers for its defense. Japan had to attend to its own affairs instead of attempting to take what belonged to its neighbors.
What was the long term effect of these countries being split into smaller units, no longer having to pour their resources into the military, being held accountable by an external government, and being forced to focus on improving their own situation? Although it took some years of hard work, the economies of West Germany and Japan took off while the average life expectancy also grew exceedingly.
The economy of West Germany by 1955 had outstripped the peak of prosperity that Hitler had brought to Germany in the 1930's. West Germany was at times the largest economy in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The average life expectancy in West Germany went from under 50 years to over 80 years.
The economy of Japan grew more slowly but it still grew tremendously. By 1989 it was the second largest economy in the world behind the United States. The average life expectancy in Japan went from under 50 years to over 80 years.
So the aftermath of submitting to unconditional surrender at the end of World War II for Germany and Japan could fairly be described as an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity.
There will be a similar aftermath when the nations of the Earth submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth at the end of the Great War (The Tribulation) that will soon come upon the Earth. This is pictured in the seventh act of The Greatest Play Ever called Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) where the Man of Truth comes to Earth and lives among his people.
Between the six act called Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement aka The Fast aka Judgement Day) and the beginning of the seventh act of the Greatest Play Ever there is a short intermission where the harvest is completed before the seventh act can begin.
In the intermission after the Final Battle (Armageddon) that brings about the total surrender of both the Jews and the Gentiles the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) will taken off of the Earth and cast into the Abyss for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3). During that thousand year era the Man of Truth and the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) will rule over the Earth (Revelation 20:4-6).
The Angels of Truth will also be sent to gather all who are responsible for all of the atrocities committed during the Great War to be tried, convicted and executed in this intermission (Matthew 13:40-42).
The work of regathering the children of Israel, the Jews, will be completed in this intermission (Isaiah 11:11-12). The Man of Truth will send the Angels of Truth to gather the rest of the Jews to the land of Israel (Matthew 24:31). The Angels of Truth will gather the Jews from every place on Earth where they have been dwelling (Mark 13:27).
When all of the Jews are being regathered they will first meet with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) in the wilderness at the border of Israel before entering Israel at the end of this intermission (Ezekiel 20:33-36). All of the Jews that refuse to accept the rule of the Man of Truth will be destroyed in the wilderness instead of entering Israel (Ezekiel 20:37-40). All of the Jews that thought they could get away with wickedness will be killed (Amos 9:10).
All of the Jews that enter the land of Israel at the beginning of the seventh act will know that they were only regathered so that the Father of Truth could keep His promise to Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya'acob) despite their former wickedness (Ezekiel 20:41-44).
The sins of Israel will have ceased. The Jews will no longer fight with each other (Isaiah 11:13). The Jews will seek peace and truth with each other instead of seeking to harm each other with lies (Zechariah 8:17-19). The Jews will walk in righteousness from that time on so that they will finally be worthy to inherit and fill the land that the Father of Truth promised to Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak), and Jacob (Ya'acob) (Isaiah 60:21-22). There will no longer be any sin keeping them separated from Him (Isaiah 65:24). This will cause the Jews to attend to their own affairs instead of attempting to take what belongs to their neighbors (Zechariah 3:9-10).
The Jews will work together to bring the remnant of the Gentiles remaining in the Promised land into submission to the Man of Truth (Isaiah 11:14). The Jews will possess all of the Gentiles that are called by the name of the Father of Truth that are in the Promised Land (Amos 9:11-12). These Gentiles will have an equal inheritance with the Jews in the Promised Land (Ezekiel 47:21-23). These Gentiles, even the Philistines (Palestinians), will be considered to be Jews instead of Gentiles from that day on (Zechariah 9:5-7).
The Jews will finally enjoy great economic prosperity and peace in their own land (Isaiah 60:17-18). The Jews will not die from old age nor be afflicted with disease (Isaiah 65:19-20). The work of their hands will never be taken away (Isaiah 65:21-23). Crops will grow so fast that they will not be able to keep up with the work (Amos 9:13). The land of each Jewish family will remain in that family forever (Amos 9:14-15). In the aftermath all of the remaining Jews will know the ways of the Father of Truth and enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity
All of this prosperity will not go unnoticed by the Gentile nations in the seventh act. The Gentiles that remain will seek out the Jews so that they may also learn how to walk in the light of the Word of Truth (Isaiah 60:1-3). The Jews will be a blessing to the Gentiles when the regathering in submission is complete instead being a curse to the Gentiles as they were when they were scattered in rebellion (Zechariah 8:13-15). When the Jews have finally learned to love truth and peace then the Gentiles will seek them out so that they can know the Father of Truth as well (Zechariah 8:19-23).
The Gentiles will no longer revere anyone or anything else as the Father of Truth (Isaiah 2:17-18). The Gentiles will come to the Man of Truth in Jerusalem to learn how to keep the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Isaiah 2:1-3). The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will help the Righteous Judge to judge righteously and will not be influenced by outward appearances or eloquent speeches so that justice will be meted out to everyone (Isaiah 11:2-4).
The Man of Truth, the Righteous Judge, will settle all disputes between nations so that the nations will no longer go to war to settle their disputes (Isaiah 2:4)). The ability of the Gentiles to create war will be completely taken away and they will have to attend to their own affairs instead of attempting to take what belongs to their neighbors (Micah 4:3-4). The larger nations of the Gentiles will be broken into smaller nations composed primarily of one people group (Psalm 2:6-9). The Children of Truth will rule over these smaller nations as supernatural rulers (Revelation 2:26-27).
Since these smaller nation will be obeying the Law of Truth they will also be ruled by a natural ruler that is of their own people group so that no nation will ever again be under foreign rule (Deuteronomy 17:14-15). So every nation will be like the Jews in that they will be in their own land and ruled by one of their own people. For example, the Cherokee will live in the land of the Cherokee and be rule by a Cherokee. The same will be true for the Ashanti, the Tibetans, the Kurds, and every other people group on Earth.
The Gentile rulers of these nations will serve the Righteous Judge to make his laws the law of their land or they will perish (Psalm 2:10-12). The Gentiles that refuse to serve the Man of Truth will be destroyed ((Isaiah 60:12). The only Gentiles that will die in this entire era will be those that rebel against the Man of Truth by committing crimes (Zechariah 5:3-4). All rebels among the Gentiles will be exterminated while all of the Gentiles that are willing to submit in total surrender will inherit the Earth (Psalm 37:10-11). Those Gentiles willing to submit in total surrender will be blessed like the Jews and inherit the rest of the Earth that is outside of the land of Israel (Matthew 5:5).
In the aftermath the remaining Gentiles will know the ways of the Father of Truth and enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity (Isaiah 11:9-10).
In the aftermath there will even be peace between all of the animals so that they will all be harmless (Isaiah 11:6-8). They will only eat vegetation as they did in the Garden of Eden (Isaiah 65:25).
The total surrender of the entire Jewish race to the one that Moses spoke of will bring the entire human race back from the edge of extinction and into an era of incredible life in the aftermath (Romans 11:15).
You do not have to wait for the entire Jewish race to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender to begin enjoying an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity. Today you can begin to know the ways of the His Father by getting to know the Man of Truth (Matthew 11:27). Today you can have your sins removed and be justified by faith in him (Romans 3:24-26). Today you can have peace with the Father of Truth (Romans 5:1). Today He wants you to experience health in your body (3 John 1:2). Today He wants to supply you with all the prosperity that you need to accomplish His will for your life (Philippians 4:19). When you come into the House of Truth in total surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead then you are ready for the aftermath (Romans 10:9). Today you need to come into the House of Truth so you can begin to experience all of the good things that come in the aftermath (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Come into the House of Truth.
The aftermath of World War II was a complete change in everything for most of the world and especially for the Axis powers.
World War II ended with Germany and Japan both accepting unconditional surrender. The end of World War II marked the end of Nazism in Germany and the end of Imperialism in Japan but it also marked a new beginning for both countries.
The change for Germany was profound. Those responsible for the atrocities committed by the Nazis of Germany, particularly against the Jews, were tried, convicted and executed. The country of Germany was split into two smaller countries East Germany and West Germany. The Germans would no longer follow a leader that they called the Father (Fuhrer literally meant "father") who they revered as God. Its ability to create war was completely taken away and instead it had to rely on the Allied powers for its defense. Germany had to attend to its own affairs instead of attempting to take what belonged to its neighbors.
The change for Japan was equally profound. Those responsible for the atrocities committed by the Japanese, particularly against the Chinese, were tried, convicted and executed. The Japanese Empire was split into many pieces and its external holdings were redistributed to other countries. The Japanese would no longer revere their leader as God. Its ability to create war was completely taken away and instead it had to rely on the Allied powers for its defense. Japan had to attend to its own affairs instead of attempting to take what belonged to its neighbors.
What was the long term effect of these countries being split into smaller units, no longer having to pour their resources into the military, being held accountable by an external government, and being forced to focus on improving their own situation? Although it took some years of hard work, the economies of West Germany and Japan took off while the average life expectancy also grew exceedingly.
The economy of West Germany by 1955 had outstripped the peak of prosperity that Hitler had brought to Germany in the 1930's. West Germany was at times the largest economy in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The average life expectancy in West Germany went from under 50 years to over 80 years.
The economy of Japan grew more slowly but it still grew tremendously. By 1989 it was the second largest economy in the world behind the United States. The average life expectancy in Japan went from under 50 years to over 80 years.
So the aftermath of submitting to unconditional surrender at the end of World War II for Germany and Japan could fairly be described as an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity.
There will be a similar aftermath when the nations of the Earth submit in total surrender to the Man of Truth at the end of the Great War (The Tribulation) that will soon come upon the Earth. This is pictured in the seventh act of The Greatest Play Ever called Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) where the Man of Truth comes to Earth and lives among his people.
Between the six act called Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement aka The Fast aka Judgement Day) and the beginning of the seventh act of the Greatest Play Ever there is a short intermission where the harvest is completed before the seventh act can begin.
In the intermission after the Final Battle (Armageddon) that brings about the total surrender of both the Jews and the Gentiles the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan aka The Devil) will taken off of the Earth and cast into the Abyss for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3). During that thousand year era the Man of Truth and the Children of Truth (those that obey the Father of Truth because they love Him) will rule over the Earth (Revelation 20:4-6).
The Angels of Truth will also be sent to gather all who are responsible for all of the atrocities committed during the Great War to be tried, convicted and executed in this intermission (Matthew 13:40-42).
The work of regathering the children of Israel, the Jews, will be completed in this intermission (Isaiah 11:11-12). The Man of Truth will send the Angels of Truth to gather the rest of the Jews to the land of Israel (Matthew 24:31). The Angels of Truth will gather the Jews from every place on Earth where they have been dwelling (Mark 13:27).
When all of the Jews are being regathered they will first meet with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) in the wilderness at the border of Israel before entering Israel at the end of this intermission (Ezekiel 20:33-36). All of the Jews that refuse to accept the rule of the Man of Truth will be destroyed in the wilderness instead of entering Israel (Ezekiel 20:37-40). All of the Jews that thought they could get away with wickedness will be killed (Amos 9:10).
All of the Jews that enter the land of Israel at the beginning of the seventh act will know that they were only regathered so that the Father of Truth could keep His promise to Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak) and Jacob (Ya'acob) despite their former wickedness (Ezekiel 20:41-44).
The sins of Israel will have ceased. The Jews will no longer fight with each other (Isaiah 11:13). The Jews will seek peace and truth with each other instead of seeking to harm each other with lies (Zechariah 8:17-19). The Jews will walk in righteousness from that time on so that they will finally be worthy to inherit and fill the land that the Father of Truth promised to Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak), and Jacob (Ya'acob) (Isaiah 60:21-22). There will no longer be any sin keeping them separated from Him (Isaiah 65:24). This will cause the Jews to attend to their own affairs instead of attempting to take what belongs to their neighbors (Zechariah 3:9-10).
The Jews will work together to bring the remnant of the Gentiles remaining in the Promised land into submission to the Man of Truth (Isaiah 11:14). The Jews will possess all of the Gentiles that are called by the name of the Father of Truth that are in the Promised Land (Amos 9:11-12). These Gentiles will have an equal inheritance with the Jews in the Promised Land (Ezekiel 47:21-23). These Gentiles, even the Philistines (Palestinians), will be considered to be Jews instead of Gentiles from that day on (Zechariah 9:5-7).
The Jews will finally enjoy great economic prosperity and peace in their own land (Isaiah 60:17-18). The Jews will not die from old age nor be afflicted with disease (Isaiah 65:19-20). The work of their hands will never be taken away (Isaiah 65:21-23). Crops will grow so fast that they will not be able to keep up with the work (Amos 9:13). The land of each Jewish family will remain in that family forever (Amos 9:14-15). In the aftermath all of the remaining Jews will know the ways of the Father of Truth and enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity
All of this prosperity will not go unnoticed by the Gentile nations in the seventh act. The Gentiles that remain will seek out the Jews so that they may also learn how to walk in the light of the Word of Truth (Isaiah 60:1-3). The Jews will be a blessing to the Gentiles when the regathering in submission is complete instead being a curse to the Gentiles as they were when they were scattered in rebellion (Zechariah 8:13-15). When the Jews have finally learned to love truth and peace then the Gentiles will seek them out so that they can know the Father of Truth as well (Zechariah 8:19-23).
The Gentiles will no longer revere anyone or anything else as the Father of Truth (Isaiah 2:17-18). The Gentiles will come to the Man of Truth in Jerusalem to learn how to keep the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) (Isaiah 2:1-3). The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) will help the Righteous Judge to judge righteously and will not be influenced by outward appearances or eloquent speeches so that justice will be meted out to everyone (Isaiah 11:2-4).
The Man of Truth, the Righteous Judge, will settle all disputes between nations so that the nations will no longer go to war to settle their disputes (Isaiah 2:4)). The ability of the Gentiles to create war will be completely taken away and they will have to attend to their own affairs instead of attempting to take what belongs to their neighbors (Micah 4:3-4). The larger nations of the Gentiles will be broken into smaller nations composed primarily of one people group (Psalm 2:6-9). The Children of Truth will rule over these smaller nations as supernatural rulers (Revelation 2:26-27).
Since these smaller nation will be obeying the Law of Truth they will also be ruled by a natural ruler that is of their own people group so that no nation will ever again be under foreign rule (Deuteronomy 17:14-15). So every nation will be like the Jews in that they will be in their own land and ruled by one of their own people. For example, the Cherokee will live in the land of the Cherokee and be rule by a Cherokee. The same will be true for the Ashanti, the Tibetans, the Kurds, and every other people group on Earth.
The Gentile rulers of these nations will serve the Righteous Judge to make his laws the law of their land or they will perish (Psalm 2:10-12). The Gentiles that refuse to serve the Man of Truth will be destroyed ((Isaiah 60:12). The only Gentiles that will die in this entire era will be those that rebel against the Man of Truth by committing crimes (Zechariah 5:3-4). All rebels among the Gentiles will be exterminated while all of the Gentiles that are willing to submit in total surrender will inherit the Earth (Psalm 37:10-11). Those Gentiles willing to submit in total surrender will be blessed like the Jews and inherit the rest of the Earth that is outside of the land of Israel (Matthew 5:5).
In the aftermath the remaining Gentiles will know the ways of the Father of Truth and enjoy an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity (Isaiah 11:9-10).
In the aftermath there will even be peace between all of the animals so that they will all be harmless (Isaiah 11:6-8). They will only eat vegetation as they did in the Garden of Eden (Isaiah 65:25).
The total surrender of the entire Jewish race to the one that Moses spoke of will bring the entire human race back from the edge of extinction and into an era of incredible life in the aftermath (Romans 11:15).
You do not have to wait for the entire Jewish race to submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender to begin enjoying an era of justice, peace, health and prosperity. Today you can begin to know the ways of the His Father by getting to know the Man of Truth (Matthew 11:27). Today you can have your sins removed and be justified by faith in him (Romans 3:24-26). Today you can have peace with the Father of Truth (Romans 5:1). Today He wants you to experience health in your body (3 John 1:2). Today He wants to supply you with all the prosperity that you need to accomplish His will for your life (Philippians 4:19). When you come into the House of Truth in total surrender to the Man of Truth because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead then you are ready for the aftermath (Romans 10:9). Today you need to come into the House of Truth so you can begin to experience all of the good things that come in the aftermath (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: End Times, Feast of Tabernacles, History, Israel, Millennial Kingdom, Sukkot, WWII
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