Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Last Full Measure of Devotion

What is the best way to memorialize a hero?

In America, Memorial Day became an official national holiday, when a law in 1968 combined four similar holidays, observed in different regions of the US on different days, into one new national holiday.  However, the law did not take effect until 1971.  After that, it still took a few years, before all of the states replaced their traditional holidays for memorializing heroes, with Memorial Day.

Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day, until the name change was suggested in 1882.  Memorial Day had its roots in the American Civil War.  The first documented time, when a day was set aside to decorate the graves of soldiers to memorialize them, was in 1862, at Savannah, Georgia.  There were other places that claimed earlier observations, but there is no surviving documentation to substantiate their claims.  The first annual celebrations that were similar to Memorial Day, began in the southern US in 1866, and continued to be observed every year, until they were replaced with a national Memorial Day holiday.

The sentiments and purpose of Memorial Day was best put into words by Abraham Lincoln, when he gave the Gettysburg Address, on November 19, 1863.  This address was given to dedicate a plot of ground, for burying the Union soldiers who died at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a few days prior.

In this address, he noted that these heroes, these honored dead, had given the last full measure of devotion.  He then said, that the best way to memorialize these heroes, was to carry on the fight until victory was achieved, so that they did not die in vain.

It is no different for the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) everywhere.

The Children of Truth also have their heroes, who have given that last full measure of devotion.  John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man aka Yochanon ben Zacharias) gave that last full measure of devotion, when he was executed in Judaea (Mark 6:25-27).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) gave that last full measure of devotion, when he died on the cross outside of Jerusalem (John 19:30-33).  Stephen the Jew (Stephanos) gave that last full measure of devotion, when he was martyred outside of Jerusalem (Acts 7:58-60).  James the Jew, one the original twelve Apostles of Truth (Ya'acob ben Zebedee aka James, the brother of John), gave that last full measure of devotion, when he was executed in Jerusalem (Acts 12:1-2).  Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) gave that last full measure of devotion, when he was executed in Rome (2 Timothy 4:6-7).  Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) gave that last full measure of devotion, when he was executed in Babylon (2 Peter 1:13-15).  Antipas gave that last full measure of devotion, when he was martyred in Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-13).

The best way for the Children of Truth to memorialize those heroes, is to carry on the fight until victory is achieved.  This what the Man of Truth commanded before he returned to Heaven (Acts 1:8-9).  This is what Paul the Jew urged, while he was still on this Earth (1 Timothy 6:11-21).  This is what Peter the Jew urged, while he was still on this Earth (2 Peter 3:11-18). 

The Children of Truth have been given a far greater mission, than any war hero has been ever been given, and that is to carry out the Great Commission.  They are part of a massive military, that has been engaged in a war, that has been going on for two thousand years.

Like any war, there are enemies, that the Children of Truth must fight.  The people, who fight against them, are enemies of the Prophets of Truth (Acts 7:51-52).  The people, who fight against them, are enemies of righteousness (Acts 13:10).  The people, who fight against them, are enemies of the Good News (Romans 11:28).  The people, who fight against them, are enemies of the cross of the Man of Truth (Philippians 3:18).  The people, who fight against them, are enemies of the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:15).  The people, who fight against them, are enemies of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7-8).

The people, who fight against them, persecute the Children of Truth, for doing what is right, by obeying the Man of Truth (Matthew 5:10-12).  The people, who fight against them, persecute them, because they are like the Man of Truth (John 15:20).  The people, who fight against them, persecute them, because they have been born of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), instead of being born of the flesh (Galatians 4:29).  The people, who fight against them, persecute them, because they live in a way, that is pleasing to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), by living like the Man of Truth (2 Timothy 3:12).

The people, who fight against them, have caused some of the Children of Truth, to flee from one city to another (Matthew 10:23).  The people, who fight against them, have caused some of them, to be scattered throughout their country (Acts 8:1).  The people, who fight against them, have caused some of them, to flee to foreign lands, far away from their home (Acts 11:19).  The people, who fight against them, have even pursued them to cities in foreign lands, in order to continue to persecute them (Acts 26:11). 

The people, who fight against them, have made all kinds of false accusations against the Children of Truth, to stir up persecution from others (Matthew 5:11).  The people, who fight against them, have stirred up persecution, from religious professionals (Matthew 23:27-35).  The people, who fight against them, have stirred up persecution, from the rulers of nations (Luke 21:12).  The people, who fight against them, have stirred up persecution, wherever the Children of Truth have fled, in order to continue to carry out their mission (Acts 13:47-50).

The people, who fight against them, have caused some of the Children of Truth, to be tortured (Matthew 10:17).  The people, who fight against them, have caused some of them, to be betrayed by family and friends (Luke 21:16).  The people, who fight against them, have caused some of them, to be beaten (Acts 5:40).  The people, who fight against them, have caused some of them, to become prisoners (Acts 8:3).  The people, who fight against them, have caused some of them, to give that last full measure of devotion (Acts 22:4). 

However, their real enemies are not the people, who fight against them, but the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), who deceive people, into fighting against them (Ephesians 6:12).  The leader of their real enemies is the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), who seeks to turn the Children of Truth aside, from carrying out their mission, by getting them distracted with useless activities (1 Timothy 5:13-15).  They are to be on constant guard against the Father of Lies, so that he cannot destroy their lives (1 Peter 5:8).

The people, who fight against them, are often deceived into believing, that they are carrying out the will of the Father of Truth (John 16:2-3).  The people, who fight against them, do not realize, that they are really fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 5:34-39).  The people, who fight against them, do not realize, that they are really fighting against the Man of Truth (Acts 9:4-6).  The people, who fight against them, are often those who are the most zealous, in their desire to please the Father of Truth (Galatians 1:13-14).  The people, who fight against them, do so, because they have not yet came into the House of Truth (1 Timothy 1:13).

The Children of Truth must remember, that they were also once the enemies of the Father of Truth, until they came into the House of Truth (Romans 5:10).  They must remember, that they also were once the enemies of the Man of Truth (Colossians 1:21).

The Children of Truth must remember, that some of them also once persecuted the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:9).  They must remember, that some of them, who once persecuted the Children of Truth, are now bringing people into the House of Truth (Galatians 1:23).  They must remember, that some of them were also once deceived, into even believing, that they were pleasing the Father of Truth, when they persecuted the Children of Truth (Philippians 3:6).

So the Children of Truth must not fight against the people, who fight against them (Matthew 5:38-39).  They must show love to the people, who fight against them, just like the Father of Truth shows love to all people (Matthew 5:43-45). They are to show mercy to the people, who fight against them, by taking practical action to meet their needs, so that the people, who fight against them, will understand, how merciful the Father of Truth really is (Luke 6:27-36).  They are to seek ways to bless the people, who fight against them (Romans 12:14).  They are to overcome the evil of the people, who fight against them, by doing good to the people, who fight against them (Romans 12:17-21).  They are to give that last full measure of devotion, over bringing harm to the people, who fight against them (James 5:6).  They must be willing to suffer, in order to bring the people, who fight against them, into the House of Truth (1 Peter 3:14-18).

Instead the Children of Truth must wage war against the Spirits of Lies, who deceive people into fighting against them.  They have been given everything, that they need to wage war against their real enemies (Luke 10:18-20).  They have been given weapons of mass destruction, to defeat their real enemies (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).  They have been given a weapon, that is more powerful than any sword, and can cut through every lie, that their real enemies hide behind (Hebrews 4:12).

The Children of Truth must gear up every day, to wage war against the Spirits of Lies, who deceive people into fighting against them.  Their armor radiates light, to protect them from every dark plan of their real enemies (Romans 13:12).  Their armor is made of righteousness, to protect them from every false accusation of real enemies (2 Corinthians 6:7-8).  Their armor is strong enough, to allow them to stand against every scheme of the Father of Lies (Ephesians 6:10-11).  Their armor can protect them from every attack of their real enemies, as they continue to carry out their mission (Ephesians 6:13-17).

The Children of Truth must stay fit in, to wage war against the Spirit of Lies, who deceive people into fighting against them.  They must remember, that the sinful desires of their own bodies, are at war with their minds, because they seek to obey the Father of Truth (Romans 7:22-25).  They must force their bodies into submission, so that they will be effective in fighting against their real enemies (1 Corinthians 9:26-27).  They must not give into the sinful desires of their bodies, that wage war against their souls (1 Peter 2:11).

The Children of Truth must use secure communications, as they wage war against the Spirit of Lies, who deceive people into fighting against them.  They are all meant to communicate with headquarters, using an unbreakable code (Mark 16:17).  They receive orders, by the Spirit of Truth, in an unbreakable code, that only the Spirit of Truth can decipher (1 Corinthians 14:2).  They receive the support, that they need to carry out their mission, sooner, when they transmit their requests in that unbreakable code (Jude 1:20).

The Children of Truth must follow the orders given to them, to effectively wage war against the Spirit of Lies, who deceive people into fighting against them.  They have been given the orders, that will bring them to victory over their real enemies (1 Timothy 1:18).  They cause the Father of Lies to flee in terror, when they resist him, by following the orders of the Father of Truth (James 4:6-7).

So the Children of Truth can endure every persecution of those, who fight against them, because they know, that the Man of Truth will bring about the end of all trouble.  They know, that Man of Truth will return, to bring the entire Earth into subjection to the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:24-28).  They know, that the Man of Truth will return to destroy everyone, who is on the side of the Father of Lies (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10).  They know, that the Man of Truth will overcome the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) and his allies, who will wage war against him (Revelation 17:11-14).  They know, that they will fight in the army of the Man of Truth, when he makes war against the Man of Lies and his allies (Revelation 19:11-14).  They know, that the Man of Truth will bring about the final victory, when he wars against the Father of Lies, the Spirits of Lies, the Man of Lies, and his armies, until they are completely destroyed (Revelation 19:15-21).

So the Children of Truth can endure every persecution of those, who fight against them, because their victory is certain.  They endure every persecution, because they know, that they will counted worthy to be part of the kingdom of the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 1:4-5).  They endure every persecution, because they know, that they will receive an eternal reward (Hebrews 10:32-35).

The Children of Truth can endure every hardship, because their reward is certain.  They endure every hardship, because they know, that the Father of Truth will reward them (2 Timothy 1:12).  They endure every hardship, because they know, that every hardship is insignificant compared to the reward, that they will receive (Romans 8:16-18).  They endure every hardship, because they know, that they are on the winning side (Romans 8:35-37).   They endure every hardship, because they know, that they will gain immortal bodies, like the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 4:8-11).

So the Children of Truth continue to carry out the mission, because the best way to memorialize those, who gave that last full measure of devotion, is to carry on the fight until victory is achieved.  They carry on the fight, by enduring every hardship, because it shows, that they are on the same side as those, who gave that last full measure of devotion (Philippians 1:28-30).  They carry on the fight, to finish the mission, that those who gave that last full measure of devotion, continued (Hebrews 11:35-40).  They carry on the fight, even if it requires them to give that last full measure of devotion, because they remember the mission, that the Man of Truth gave that last full measure of devotion, to start (Hebrews 12:2-4).  They carry on the fight, because they remember the Prophets of Truth, who gave that last full measure of devotion (James 5:10).  They carry on the fight, because they to remember, that the Man of Truth gave that last full measure of devotion (1 Peter 2:19-24).

So the Children of Truth carry on the fight, to finish their mission.  They carry on the fight, because they know, that the Man of Truth will not return to this Earth, until the mission that he gave to them, has been completed (Matthew 24:12-14).  They are motivated by persecution, to carry on the fight, to finish their mission (Acts 5:40-42).  They carry on the fight, by overcoming every imaginable obstacle, to finishing their mission (2 Corinthians 11:23-27).  They carry on the fight, by enduring every hardship, as they let nothing distract them, from completing their mission (2 Timothy 2:3-4).  They carry on the fight, by resisting the Father of Lies, who is in charge of their real enemies, until the Man of Truth brings about the final victory (1 Peter 5:8-11).

The Children of Truth must continue to carry out the mission, if they want to share in the victory.  They know, that they must never give up, if they want to share in the victory (Matthew 10:21-22).  They know, that they must not give up to avoid hardship, and not be distracted from carrying out their mission, if they want to share in the victory (Matthew 13:20-23).  They know, that they must be willing to give up everything, so that they can continue to carry out the mission, if they want to share in the victory (Philippians 3:7-14).  They know, that they must be willing to suffer to carry out the mission, they want to share in the victory (2 Timothy 2:12).  They know, that they must not shrink back from the fight, if they want to share in the victory (Hebrews 10:36-39).  They know, that they must refuse to make any kind of truce with a world, that is under the control of the Father of Lies, if they want to share in the victory (James 4:4).

So the Children of Truth share in suffering with the Man of Truth, because they will share in the blessing of the Man of Truth.  They share in suffering with the Man of Truth, because they know, that they will also share in the victory with the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 1:5-7).  They share in suffering with the Man of Truth, because they know, that they will share in his joy, when he returns to reign over the Earth (1 Peter 4:12-14).  They are willing to suffer for following the Man of Truth, because they know, that the Father of Truth will take care of them, even if they give that last full measure of devotion (1 Peter 4:16-19).

Of course, no one can share in the victory, until they come into the House of Truth, and enlist in the military of the Man of Truth.  They must come into the House of Truth as new recruits, to be part of the military of the Man of Truth (Matthew 18:3-4).  They must commit to obeying the orders of the Man of Truth, to be part of the military of the Man of Truth (Luke 6:46-49).  They must make this commitment to obey the orders of the Man of Truth, because they believe, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).   They must then do their part in carrying out the mission, even if they have to give that last full measure of devotion (Revelation 2:10).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, May 21, 2016


Can Christianity and Islam be united into a single religion?

There have been efforts of some people to unite Christianity and Islam into a single religion. 

This religion has been called Chrislam.   Although, many people point to a speech given by Rick Warren in 2009, as the supposed start of Chrislam, that speech was actually given way too late to be first. 

In fact, the science fiction writer, Authur C. Clark, best known for his book, "2001: A Space Odyssey", coined the term "Chrislam", as a futuristic religion that he imagined, decades earlier. 

However, both of them are way too late to have been the first to originated any ideas about Christianity and Islam be compatible. 

Both the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius and Pope Honorius I, contemporaries of the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad, were excommunicated by some Christians (but not by the False Church of Rome until much later) for taking a favorable view of Islam, and its views on the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) as being compatible with Christianity.  The Byzantine Emperor Heraclius even went so far as to try to create a peaceful religious system, that included what was in common between Christianity and Islam.  His efforts were repaid by Mohammad attacking the Byzantine Empire and taking part of it from him, including Egypt.

Nor is this a new development in America, and Americans much more influential than Rick Warren, have definitely said that Islam was very similar to Christianity. 

Several US Presidents of the last forty years have suggested this kind of thing.  Former president Jimmy Carter even wrote a book in 1993, called "The Blood of Abraham: Insights into the Middle East", where he argues that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, all came from descendants of Abraham (Abram), so they are all the Children of Abraham, and these three religions have much in so common, that their differences are minor in comparison.

So are Christianity and Islam so similar, that they could be united into a single religion?

The simplest way to answer this question, is to examine what they have in common, then examine what they disagree on, and then determine if what they disagree on is minor enough, that Christians and Muslims could just agree to disagree on those things.

First of all, we will start with what Christianity and Islam agree on, that makes it seem likely, that they could be combined into one new religion, named "Chrislam".

Christianity and Islam agree on many things in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).  They agree that Adam was the first man and brought sin into the world.  They agree that Noah built the Ark and the Earth was flooded to destroy the wicked.  They agree that Abraham, Isaac (Yitzhak), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel) were the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel.  They agree that Joseph was betrayed by his brothers to only be raised up next to Pharaoh in Egypt.  They agree that Moses lead the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel out of Egypt, and gave the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) to them.  They agree that Aaron (A'aron) was made the high priest of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) in the wilderness.  They agree that David was whom, the Father of Truth chose to be the king of Israel.  They agree that the Prophets of Truth who came after Moses, were also all descendants of Israel.  They agree that the Prophets of Truth were sent by the Father of Truth to the people of Israel to return them to obedience to Him.

Christianity and Islam agree on many things in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) as well.  They agree that the the Man of Truth was born to a virgin named Mary.  They agree that he was a descendant of David.  They agree that he was a prophet like unto Moses.  They agree that he was strengthened by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  They agree that he brought revelation from the Father of Truth to people.  They agree that he did miracles.  They agree that he preached the Gospel.  They agree that he said, people must obey him, because he spoke only the words that the Father of Truth gave him.  They agree that he ascended into Heaven, and will return to the Earth, for the Resurrection of the Righteous.  They agree that he will rule the Earth, and bring about an unprecedented age of peace and prosperity.

So Christianity and Islam agree that there is only one God, the God of Abraham.  The Arabic word for the English word "God" ("Elohim" in Hebrew), in Arabic translations of the Renewed Covenant is "Allah".  So they even are using the same title for the Father of Truth.  Also, the Koran (Qur'an) uses the term "We" usually when "Allah" is speaking.  This is similar to such expressions in the Book of Truth (The Bible), when the Father of Truth is speaking, like when man was created (Genesis 1:26).

There are in like manner, many other things that are alike or similar, in both the Koran and the Book of Truth.  For example, they both contain similar, although not completely alike, definitions of what should and should not be eaten.  They also define a lot of the same actions as sin.  So with all of these things in common, there have always been people who believe that Christianity and Islam are enough alike, to be combined into one religion, that has lately been named "Chrislam".

Next, we will examine what Christianity and Islam disagree on, to see if these are differences, that can be worked out, or ignored, so that they could be combined into one new religion, named "Chrislam".

Christianity and Islam do not agree on the nature and character of the Father of Truth.  Islam teaches, that Allah is completely different than people.  The Book of Truth says, that people were made in the very image of the Father of Truth (Genesis 1:27).  Islam teaches, that Allah cannot be known.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth will make Himself known, to everyone who seeks to know Him with their whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13).  Islam teaches, that it is impossible to understand what Allah is like.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth made all of creation, so the entire human race could understand what He is like (Romans 1:19-20).  Islam teaches, that Allah created mercy and then bestowed himself with mercy.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth does not ever change (James 1:17).  The Koran calls Allah the greatest of deceivers (S. 3:54).  The Book of Truth calls the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) the greatest of deceivers (Revelation 12:9).

Christianity and Islam do not agree on the nature and character of the Man of Truth.  Islam teaches that the Man of Truth will cause Sharia to become the law of the whole Earth.   The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth will cause the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) to become the law of the whole Earth (Micah 4:1-3).  The Koran says, that the Father of Truth has never begotten a son (S. 23:91).  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth is His only begotten son (John 3:16).  The Koran says, that the crucifixion and death of the Man of Truth was a hoax, perpetrated by Allah (S. 4:157-158).  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth was crucified, and died on a cross (John 19:30-33).  Islam teaches, that since the Man of Truth did not die, then he could have been resurrected.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth rose from the dead, after he had died (John 21:12-14).   Islam teaches, that the Man of Truth will return to the Earth at Damascus.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth will return to the Earth at the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem (Acts 1:10-12).   Islam teaches, that the Man of Truth did everything that he did, to bring the message of Islam to the Jews.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth did everything that he did, to bring the nation of Israel back to the Father of Truth (Romans 11:25-27).  Islam teaches, that the Man of Truth will cause all Christians to convert to Islam, when he returns.  The Book of Truth says, that the Man of Truth will cause all Christians to rule over the Earth with him, when he returns (Revelation 20:4-6).

Christianity and Islam do not agree on the Book of Truth.  Islam teaches, that the Koran was revealed by Allah to an Arab named Mohammad, despite the message of the Book of Truth being originally revealed to only Jews.  The Book of Truth says, the Father of Truth revealed the Word of Truth to only Jews, who then wrote the Word of Truth in the Book of Truth (Romans 3:1-2).  Islam teaches, that the Book of Truth originally taught the same message as the Koran, but somehow Christians and Jews were able to get the better of Allah, by corrupting the Book of Truth, for at least six hundred years.  The Book of Truth says, that the Father of Truth has preserved the Word of Truth in the Book of Truth forever (1 Peter 1:24-25).  Islam teaches that Allah finally had to give the message of the Koran to Mohammad, to replace the Book of Truth, since Allah was not able to keep the Book of Truth from being corrupted, by mere men.  The Book of Truth says, when the Revelation was given to John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka the Apostle John), that completed the message of the Father of Truth forever (Revelation 22:18-21).

So just by looking at the disagreement between the teachings of Christianity and Islam, on just these three subjects, it should be obvious that there can never be a marriage between Christianity and Islam.  An attempt at such a marriage is doomed to end in divorce, due to irreconcilable differences.

The fact is, that the Allah of Islam is not the Father of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.  The Jesus of Islam is not the Man of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.  The gospel referenced in the Koran, is not the Good News found in the Book of Truth.  The Book of Truth cannot contain the incorruptible word, if it has been corrupted in the past, and the Father of Truth could not have preserved it as the indestructible book, if all of the uncorrupted copies of it, that were written before the Koran, were destroyed by the time of Mohammad, as Islam claims.  The Man of Truth cannot bring the world under both Sharia law and the Law of Truth, when he returns to rule the Earth.

If the Doctrine of Truth comes from the Book of Truth, then only the Doctrine of Lies can come from the Koran.  If the Book of Truth contains the Word of Truth, then  Islam is based on another gospel, that preaches another Jesus, and was undoubtedly given to Mohammad by another spirit, similar to the Book of Mormon.  There is no way to reconcile the Book of Truth with the Koran, and there is no way to marry Christianity with Islam to create Chrislam.

The most irreconcilable difference of all is Resurrection Sunday.  Islam says, that people must not believe in the resurrection of the Man of Truth.  The Book of Truth says, that the only way to come into the House of Truth, is to put the Man of Truth in charge of your life, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  Islam denies that the resurrection of the Man of Truth ever happened.  The Book of Truth says, that no one can come into the House of Truth, if the resurrection of the Man of Truth never happened (1 Corinthians 15:12-19).  Islam says, that people must earn the favor of Allah by carrying out his unknowable will.  The Book of Truth says, that people must have faith in the resurrection of the Man of Truth that leads to action, if they want to come into the House of Truth, because they can never do enough good works to come into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:16).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Christian Unity

Is unity possible among Christians?

One third of the people on Earth call themselves Christians. 

These 2.2 billion people are split among somewhere between 30,000 to 45,000 denominations, depending on the criteria to define a denomination. 

Some like the Shakers, once had thousands, but now are almost extinct, with only three members left.  Others, like the False Church of Rome, have more than a billion, if you ignore minor geographical differences, and clump those who have full communion with each other, into one denomination.  Yet others, like large Charismatic churches, that have sometimes have oversight of other churches, that they have spun off, have effectively became their own denominations, despite their claim to be non-denominational.  Finally, there are groups like the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, that have many member congregations, who agree on a few key points, who can also be thought of as a loosely coupled denomination.

Among those who call themselves Christians, there has been an ongoing movement, to bring unity among all, who call themselves Christians, especially over the last 100 years or so.  This movement is called the Ecumenical Movement.  It's name comes from a Greek word, "oikoumene", which means "the whole inhabited world".

Yet, this idea is hardly new. 

There is a common expression that has been around since at least 1617,  "In essential things - unity, in non-essential things - liberty, in all things - love".  Now on the surface, it would looks like that applying this principle, would pave the way to Christian unity.  However, all of these denominations and congregations cannot apply this principle, and unite, because they do not agree on what is essential, and what is non-essential.

However, those who espouse the Ecumenical Movement, like the World Wide Council of Churches, have been undaunted in their effort, to bring all, who call themselves Christians, into unity.

The modern Ecumenical Movement grew out of the Ecumenical Councils of the False Church of Rome.

The first seven Ecumenical Councils, recognized by both halves of the False Church of Rome, were called into meeting by early Roman Emperors, who ruled from Rome.  These Roman Emperors traditionally were also the high priest of Roman religion, called by the title of "Pontiff Maximus" (literally "Greatest Priest").  There were several other councils held during this period from 155 AD until 314 AD, that were called by early Roman Emperors, who ruled from Rome, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical".  The significance is that the rulings of an Ecumenical Council were held to be infallible, and some of the rulings of these other councils had been cancelled out, by later councils.

The next seven Ecumenical Councils, recognized by the Western False Church of Rome, and some parts of the Eastern False Church of Rome, were all called into meeting by later Roman Emperors, who ruled from Constantinople (Byzantium).  There were several other councils held during this period from 325 AD until 787 AD, that were called by later Roman Emperors, who ruled from Constantinople, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical", because the rulings of some of these councils had been cancelled out by later councils.

The next fourteen Ecumenical Councils, recognized by only the Western (Latin) False Church of Rome, were called by Popes, who ruled from Vatican Hill in Rome.  These Popes are called by the title of the the high priest of Roman religion, "Pontiff Maximus".  There were several other councils held during this period from 869 AD until 1965 AD, that were called by the Popes, who ruled from Vatican Hill in Rome, but they were later declared to not be "ecumenical", because the some of the rulings of these councils had been cancelled out by later councils.

The head of the Eastern (Greek) False Church of Rome to this day, goes by the title "Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople".  So the modern Ecumenical Movement has direct historical ties to the False Church of Rome, where "Ecumenical" has long been used, to describe efforts to unite all of the False Church of Rome around one common doctrine.

However, the modern Ecumenical Movement, goes beyond those, who under the authority of some part of the False Church of Rome.  Among various denominations composed of people who broke off from the False Church of Rome, there has also been efforts of more unity.  The first modern Protestant effort was the 1910 World Missionary conference, where leaders of many Protestant denominations met together, to try to establish a unified plan, to work together to bring the Good News to every person on Earth, within their lifetime.  These efforts lead to several successful initiatives by the member denominations, to work together to more fully carry out the Great Commission.  This success lead to an even wider effort, to unite everyone, who called themselves Christians, into one umbrella organization.

In 1920, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople issued a call for all denominations everywhere, both those that were part of the False Church of Rome, and those that were not, to form a body like the League of Nations (forerunner of the United Nations), to work together to come into unity. In 1925, the Eastern False Church of Rome met with many Protestant denominations for the World Conference of Life and Work.  In 1937, many Protestant denominations agreed to meet together with representatives of the entire False Church of Rome, to form the World Council of Churches, but were delayed from doing so by World War II.  In 1948, the World Council of Churches finally met, and the modern Ecumenical Movement was officially born.

This lead to the leaders of many denominations, whether or not they called their group a denomination, to call the members of the False Church of Rome, their brothers and legitimate Christians.  So the modern Ecumenical Movement has resulted, in making it even harder for people identify what is a Christian, and what is not.  Ultimately, it is a plan, to get Protestants to recognize the authority of the Pope, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, so that they can be brought back under the sway of the False Church of Rome.  It is no different than the efforts of the False Church of Rome to bring the congregations started by Saint Patrick under its sway.  This is the real purpose of the Ecumenical Movement.

So can Christians ever be brought into unity?

The fact is that there has never been complete Christian unity, because not everyone, who calls themselves a Christian, is part of the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him).

Not even everyone in the small congregation of twelve men, that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) lead, was part of the Children of Truth (John 6:69-71).  Among those in the congregation in Ephesus, there were those who called themselves Christians, but sought to destroy the congregation, in order to get the Children of Truth to follow them, instead of the Man of Truth (Acts 20:28-30).  Among those in the congregation in Corinth, there were those who called themselves Christians, but taught the Doctrine of Lies (1 Corinthians 11:18-19).

So among those who call themselves Christians, there are genuine Christians, the Children of Truth.  There are also counterfeit Christians, those who called themselves Christians, but are not part of the Children of Truth.

The Man of Truth taught that the genuine Christians, could be distinguished from the counterfeit Christians, by examining how they lived their lives (Matthew 7:16-20).  He taught that, the counterfeit Christians would seek to do their own will, instead of the will of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) (Matthew 7:21-23).  He taught that the genuine Christians were those, who put his teachings into practice, while the counterfeit Christians, were those who did not put his teachings into practice (Matthew 7:24-27).  He taught that, the defining test between the genuine Christians and the counterfeit Christians, was whether or not they strived to keep his commandments (John 14:21-24).

The Man of Truth warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would come into their congregations to destroy their lives (Matthew 7:15).  He warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would be in the very congregations of the Children of Truth, like tares growing in a wheat field (Matthew 13:24-26).  He warned the Children of Truth, that counterfeit Christians would be in their congregations, but not part of their congregations, like birds in a tree (Matthew 13:31-32).

Likewise, the Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that counterfeit Christians have crept into congregations, to turn the Children of Truth away, from following after the Man of Truth (Jude 1:4).  They are warned, that counterfeit Christians have eaten meals with the congregation, but do not live a life that reflects the Man of Truth (Jude 1:12-13).  They are warned, that counterfeit Christians have sought to gain the admiration of members of the congregation, by their position in society, and their ability to make eloquent speeches, but do not have the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) living in them (Jude 1:16-19).

The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will use supposed "scientific facts", that are really myths, to lead them away from the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (1 Timothy 6:20-21).  They are warned, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will be Jewish, and teach the doctrine of the Rabbis, instead of the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (Titus 1:10-14).  The Children of Truth are warned, that some of these who call themselves Christians, will deny that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, and cause their followers to do terrible things, so that "Christian" will seem to be a bad word, in order to sell people all kinds of "Christian" merchandise through their doctrine, that is contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3).  The Children of Truth are warned, to test everything that those, who call themselves Christians, say came from the Spirit of Truth, to see if matches the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (1 John 4:1-6).

The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, that those who start organizations, that teach doctrine that is contrary to the teachings of the Apostles of Truth, will call themselves Christians, just as the Father of Lies calls himself an Angel of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).  They are warned, that some counterfeit Christians will leave the congregations of the Children of Truth, to start their own organizations (1 John 2:18-20).  They are warned, that some counterfeit Christians, like Diotrephes, the first known monarchical bishop, whom all of the bishops of the False Church of Rome were modeled after, will even take over a congregation, and excommunicate the Children of Truth from it (3 John 1:9-11).

The Children of Truth are warned by the Apostles of Truth, to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into going into idolatry, and having sex outside of marriage (between a man and a woman), because the Father of Truth will punish those, who do such things (Ephesians 5:5-7).  They are warned to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into believing, that the Man of Truth has returned, and is ruling the Earth "spiritually", instead of coming back to rule the Earth literally, after the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) has sat down in the Temple, and declared himself to be the Father of Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4).  They are warned to not be deceived by counterfeit Christians, into believing, that people can continue transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, and still be declared righteous by the Father of Truth (1 John 3:7-10).

So there is no chance of Christian unity, as long as there are counterfeit Christians.  There can be no unity between two groups, that have two different goals (Amos 3:3).  The Children of Truth can never come into unity with counterfeit Christians (2 Corinthians 6:14-16).

In fact, the Children of Truth are commanded to separate themselves from counterfeit Christians.

The Children of Truth are commanded to mark those, who call themselves Christians, but cause divisions, by teaching doctrine that is contrary to the teaching of the Apostles of Truth, so they can avoid uniting with these counterfeit Christians (Romans 16:17-19).  They are commanded to not even to eat with those, who call themselves Christians, but willfully disobey the commandments of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:11-13).  They are commanded, to not go into partnership with counterfeit Christians, but instead to separate themselves from counterfeit Christians (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).  They are commanded to turn away from those, who call themselves Christians, but deny the power of the Spirit of Truth to change people, so that they no longer break the commandments of the Father of Truth (2 Timothy 3:2-5).  They are commanded to not even so much as say, "God bless you", to those who call themselves Christians, but teach doctrine, that is contrary to the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth (2 John 1:10-11).

However, there is always some unity among the Children of Truth.  The Children of Truth have a measure of unity, as soon as they come into the House of Truth, because they are bound together by the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 4:1-3).  They experience a level of unity, from having hope in a common savior, sharing a common faith, experiencing a common baptism in water, being part of a common family, that is headed by the Father of Truth (Ephesians 4:4-6).

Yet, the Children of Truth, are commanded to strive to have greater unity with each other.  The Man of Truth prayed to the Father of Truth, that the Children of Truth come together in unity (John 17:11).  The Man of Truth wants the Children of Truth to be in unity, so everyone may know, that the Father of Truth sent him into the world (John 17:21-23).  The Man of Truth died, to make it possible for all the Children of Truth, both Jews and Gentiles, to be in unity, as one new man (Ephesians 2:11-17).

So the Father of Truth has provided the tools necessary for the Children of Truth to grow into greater unity.  The Father of Truth has provided to everyone of the Children of Truth a measure of faith, and the Book of Truth to renew their minds, so they can know come to greater understanding of His will in all matters (Romans 12:1-3). The Father of Truth has provided the Spirit of Truth, to write upon their hearts His commandments, so they can come into greater unity (2 Corinthians 3:3-6).  The Father of Truth has raised up the Faithful Five, those religious professionals who work together, to bring the Children of Truth into unity (Ephesians 4:11-13).  The Father of Truth is working in the Children of Truth, to put in both the desire and the ability, so they can do His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).   The Father of Truth has provided the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), so that His commandments could be written on their hearts and minds, so they can come into complete unity with Him and each other (Hebrews 8:8-12).

So the Children of Truth can do somethings, to grow in unity with each other.  They are joined together as a strong building, when they study the entire Book of Truth, so they can better understand how to be like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 2:20-22).  They can grow as close as members of the same body, by becoming more like the Man of Truth, if they keep up their guard against the doctrine of counterfeit Christians (Ephesians 4:14-16).  They can put away lying, and only speak the truth to each other (Ephesians 4:25).  They can have concern for the needs of each other, and pray for each other (1 Peter 3:8-12).

Still, even with the best of efforts, and the hardest pursuit, complete Christian unity is not possible yet.

Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because of different levels of understanding.  Even the Apostles of Truth, had to have a council, to decide what to do, since it was evident, that the Gentiles came into the House of Truth, without being circumcised (Acts 11:1-18).  They had to have another council, regarding the Gentiles coming into the House of Truth, without being circumcised, where the Apostles of Truth had to show, that this written about in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), to settle the matter, because it was so hard, for so many of the Jewish Children of Truth to understand (Acts 15:4-19).  Even the Apostles of Truth, did not have the same level of understanding, about everything written in the Book of Truth (2 Peter 3:15-16).

Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because the Children of Truth are at different levels of maturity.  Not everyone is mature enough, to handle the truth about everything, but must wait until the Spirit of Truth reveals it to them (John 16:12-14).  Everyone who comes into the House of Truth, starts out as a baby, and has to wait until they have become mature enough, before they can understand the harder things (1 Corinthians 3:1-2).  Not all of the Children of Truth, mature at the same rate (Hebrews 5:11-14).  The Children of Truth start growing into maturity, when they start taking in the Word of Truth, like a baby starts to grow into maturity, when they start taking in milk (1 Peter 2:2).

Complete Christian unity is not possible yet, because the Children of Truth do not always see things, the same way.  Even Barnabas the Jew (Joses aka The Apostle Barnabas) and Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) went their separate ways, because they could not agree, about whether or not to take Mark the Jew (John Mark aka Marcus aka The Apostle Mark) with them, on their next mission trip (Acts 15:36-40).  Sometimes, the Children of Truth become divided, by focusing on other Children of Truth, instead of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:10-13).  Sometimes the Children of Truth, are focused on different missions, like Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) and Paul the Jew (Galatians 2:7-9).  Sometimes, there is friction between the Children of Truth, when one of them has to correct the others, like Paul the Jew had to do with Peter the Jew and Barnabas the Jew (Galatians 2:11-14).

So there will never be true Christian unity, until the Man of Truth destroys off the face of the Earth all counterfeit Christians, so that the only people left on Earth, who call themselves Christians, are the Children of Truth (Matthew 13:27-30).  Also the Children of Truth cannot have complete Christian unity today, because they cannot see everything clearly, but when the Man of Truth rules the Earth, then they will see everything clearly (1 Corinthians 13:9-12).  Then the Children of Truth will all become like the Man of Truth, and there will be true Christian unity (1 John 3:1-3).

Of course, the first step that you can take, towards being part of that true Christian unity, is to come into the House of Truth.  It is not enough, to begin to experience unity with the Children of Truth, to call the Man of Truth, "Lord", but you must make him your Lord, by committing to doing what he says (Luke 6:46-48).  You will first experience unity with the Children of Truth, when you come into the House of Truth, by committing to doing what he says, because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  True Christian unity, starts with people coming into the House of Truth, and obeying the commandments of the Father of Truth, because they love Him and the Man of Truth (1 John 5:1-3).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

What is a Christian?

What is a Christian?

Over one third of the people on planet Earth either call themselves "Christians", or are called "Christians" by others. 

Some groups claim, that only people in their group, even if their group did not exist 200 years ago, are the only real Christians on Earth.  Other groups claim, that everyone who belongs to a group, that calls itself "Christian", are Christians.  Yet other groups, take some sort of middle ground, where they recognized some other groups, who call themselves "Christians", as being Christians, while they do not recognize some other groups, who also call themselves "Christians", as being Christians.

If that was not confusing enough, there are also groups, who refuse to call themselves "Christians", because they do not want to be associated with other groups, who call themselves "Christians".  However, other people who are definitely not Christians, like Atheists, Rabbinic Jews, and Muslims, call these groups "Christians", despite their denial of being Christians.

If all of this was not enough, then there is the entire range of denominations, and groups that are not part of any denomination, who are all called Christians.  Their doctrines and practices are greatly varied, as well as the status that they assign to other groups, that are called "Christians".  Generally, the more the other groups are similar in doctrine and practice to their own group, then the more "Christian" those groups are perceived to be.

In America, particularly in the South, the term "Christian", has taken on a meaning, that is outside of religion.  Even people who are Rabbinic Jews, or Atheists, will talk about "the Christian thing to do", when it comes to, how they should treat other people.  The expression, "the Christian thing to do", does not seem to have an exact meaning, but it is generally regarded as treating people with kindness and politeness, even when you do not feel like doing so.  It is a cultural expression, like "being a good Samaritan", that many people have come to use, without really understanding, where it came from.

So there is a definite idea of having a "Christian culture" in many other places, even if most of the people there, do not call themselves "Christians".   For example, people in countries, where most people are Atheists, call some holidays that they celebrate, like Christmas and Easter, "Christian holidays".  Some people definitely identify themselves as culturally Christian, regardless of their religion.

Then there are countries that are referred to as being a "Christian nation".  In America, the Supreme Court has ruled numerous times, since the Constitution was adapted, that America is a "Christian nation".  Congress sought to drive the point home, by having "In God We Trust", stamped on every American coin.

This is because of its historical beginnings.  America is a "Christian nation" unlike any other, because its is the only nation in history, to literally make a covenant with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), to be a "Christian nation" at the beginning of its history.  The original colonists were religious separatists, who wanted to separate themselves from Europe, to form a "Christian nation".  To this day, in many parts of the world, the terms "American" and "Christian" are interchangeable.  As far as they are concern, anyone born in the "Christian nation" of America, is a Christian by birth.

Yet in this "Christian nation", Atheists are allowed to protest "Christian holidays", like Christmas, because it would not be "the Christian thing to do", to keep them from raising their objections.  This has got to be confusing to people of other nations, who think that everyone in America, was born a Christian.

The truth is, that most people, even those who are Christians, do not have a good solid definition, of what a Christian is.  The problem is, that the definition of "Christian" is similar to the definition of "Jewish", in many ways.

There are many people who are "Jewish", even though they are not Rabbinic Jews, and maybe even Atheists, because they observe "Jewish holidays", like Passover, or they are physical descendants of Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Ya'acob aka Israel).  Other people are "Jewish", who are not descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because they are converts to Rabbinic Judaism.  Yet other people, might be thought of as being "Jewish", because they were born in Israel, "the Jewish state", by people in other nations.

Who is "Jewish", depends upon the definition, that you use.  Since there is no agreement, on the exact definition of "Jewish", then there is no agreement, on who is "Jewish", and who is not.  Is "Jewish" defined by religion, or culture, or being born to Jewish parents, or being born in "the Jewish state"?

In the same way, without an exact definition of "Christian", there is no way to identify, who is a Christian, and who is not.  Is a Christian defined by religion, or culture, or by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation"?

Fortunately, there is a definitive source, for determining who is a Christian, and who is not.  The origin and definition of the term "Christian" is well documented in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  So like all things, finding the truth, begins with examining the Book of Truth (The Bible).  So what is a Christian, according to the Book of Truth?

The first place to begin, is by examining where the word "Christian", came from.  The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were first called "Christians" in Antioch, a Gentile city in the Gentile land of Syria (Acts 11:26).  More than twenty years later, the last of the Jewish kings, Agrippa, confirmed that the Children of Truth, were called, "Christians" by the Jews (Acts 26:28).  Even Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) identified the Children of Truth as "Christians" (1 Peter 4:16).  So it is apparent, that the word "Christian", came from the Book of Truth, where it is used by Gentiles, Jews, and the Children of Truth, to identify the Children of Truth.

The next thing to consider, is what does the word, "Christian", actually mean.  The Greek word "Christianos", translated as "Christian" in English,  literally means "Christ follower".  The Greek word "Christos", translated as "Christ", literally means "anointed".  It is the Greek word used in the Septuagint, for the Hebrew word "Meshiach".  The Hebrew word "Messiach" also literally means "anointed", and is translated as "Messiah" in English.  So the word, "Christian" literally means to be a follower of the Messiah of Israel, the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).

The next thing to consider, is why the word "Christian", was needed in the first place.

The Children of Truth were not originally called, "Christians".  Within Judaism, there were various sects, like the sect of the Sadducees, that included the High Priest (Acts 5:17).  There were also other sects of Judaism, like the Pharisees (Acts 15:5).  Originally, the Children of Truth were simply considered to be another sect of Judaism, called "Nazarenes", by other Jews (Acts 24:5).  Many of the Children of Truth, like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul), had belonged a sect of Judaism, like the Pharisees (Acts 26:5).  In the same way,  the Children of Truth, were considered to be a sect of Judaism, until the word "Christian", came into universal usage, more than a hundred years after it was first coined (Acts 28:22).  In fact, the Hebrew word for "Christian" used today in Israel, is "Notzorim", which means "Nazarenes".

So there was a perfectly good word, "Nazarenes", to describe those who followed the Man of Truth, who Jews called "the Nazarene", because he came from "Nazareth" (Matthew 2:23).  So why was the word "Christian" needed?

The trouble with using the word "Nazarenes", is that, it was applied only to Jews, who followed the Man of Truth.  Gentiles could become Jews through circumcision, like many Gentiles did in the time of Esther (Esther 8:17).  For the first ten years, only Jews, or Gentiles who had become Jews, like Nicholas of Antioch, were followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 6:5).  As long as this was the case, then calling the followers of the Man of Truth a sect of Judaism, "Nazarenes", was fine.

However, the apple cart was soon turned on its side, and things became messy.  In Judaism, there were only Jews and Gentiles.  The distinguishing feature between Jews and Gentiles, was circumcision.  There were two types of Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, recognized in Judaism.  There were the "Ger Tzedekim", the "righteous proselytes", and the "Ger Toshavim", the "proselytes of the gate".  The difference between the two classes of proselytes, and how they were treated, was based on circumcision.  Those Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, and were then circumcised, were "proselytes", and considered to be Jews (Acts 2:5-10).  Other Gentiles, who left off worshiping idols, to worship the Father of Truth, but when it came to circumcision, could not make the cut for some reason, were "God fearers", who attended synagogue, in the outer section, each Sabbath, because they were considered to be Gentiles (Acts 13:26-42).  In the Temple complex, there was a wall of separation, the Soreg, that divided the court of the Gentiles, from the court of the Israelites, where the "proselytes" could pass though the gates, into the court of the Israelites, since they were considered Jews, while the "God fearers" could not, because they were considered to be Gentiles (Acts 21:27-29).

However, when the Gentiles were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, without first being circumcised, it was evident, that these Gentiles had become part of the Children of Truth, without first being circumcised (Acts 10:45-48).  This caused much debate among the Jewish Children of Truth, but in the end they decided, that the Spirit of Truth had already made the Gentiles, to be part of the Children of Truth, without requiring them, to be circumcised first (Acts 11:1-18).  So Barnabas the Jew (Joses aka The Apostle Barnabas), and others, preached the Good News to the Gentiles in Antioch, and many of those Gentiles came into the House of Truth (Acts 11:19-24).  When Barnabas the Jew brought Paul the Jew to Antioch, calling a group that consisted of both Jews and Gentiles, "Nazarenes", a sect of Judaism, no longer fit, so the term "Christian" was coined there, since they were all followers of the Man of Truth (Acts 11:25-26).

A new term was needed, because the Children of Truth had their hearts circumcised, even if their flesh was not, and that made them Jews to the Father of Truth (Romans 2:28-29).  The Children of Truth did not need for their flesh circumcised, if their hearts had been circumcised (1 Corinthians 7:18-20).  The Man of Truth had broken down that middle wall of partition, that was erected by the ordinances, that were created to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), concerning circumcision, so that both Jews and Gentiles, could live in peace and harmony, as a single entity, as they followed him (Ephesians 2:13-15).

The old way of dividing the human race into two groups, Jew and Gentile, had been made inadequate, when a third group, the Children of Truth, consisting of people called out of the two earlier groups, to form one new group, came into being (1 Corinthians 10:32).  That new group needed a name, and the name given to it, was "Christian".

None of this, was the idea of the Apostles of Truth, or any other man.  It did not start out of a vacuum in the Renewed Covenant, but rather it started in the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament).  What was concealed in the Original Covenant, was revealed in the Renewed Covenant, because they are The Inseparable Covenants.  All of these things that happened in the Renewed Covenant, were first written about in the Original Covenant (Acts 15:7-17).

The Father of Truth had said in the Law of Truth, that He would circumcise the hearts of people, so that they could love Him with all of their being (Deuteronomy 30:6).  He said through the Prophets of Truth, that He would write a New Covenant (literally "Renewed Covenant"), where He would write the Law of Truth upon the hearts of people, so they could walk in obedience to Him (Jeremiah 31:31-33).

The Father of Truth said in the Law of Truth, that He would use a group of people, who did not even exist at the time, and who did foolish things, to provoke those, who came to be known as Jews, to return to Him (Deuteronomy 32:21).  He said through the Prophets of Truth, that this new group of people, who would obey Him, would be given another name, that had not existed before (Isaiah 65:14-16).

The Children of Truth are those, who have had their heart circumcised, and love Him with all of their being.  When Gentiles became part of the Children of Truth, without first becoming Jews through circumcision, then a new group of people, who had never existed before, came into being.  The mostly Gentile Children of Truth have been obeying the Father of Truth, to the best of their understanding, even though they do many foolish things, like observing Christmas and Easter.  (These holidays cannot be found in the Book of Truth, have no more validity than Ash Wednesday, and keeping them is utterly foolish.  This is why the Children of Truth should be like "The Mensch who killed Christmas", after they learn when was Jesus born, according to the Book of Truth.  This is why they should tell each other, "Happy Firstfruits", instead of "Happy Easter", when they want to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.)  They are called by a name, that did not even exist, until after that new group came into being.  That name is "Christians".

Now it is time to consider how a person becomes a Christian.

Those first Gentiles who came into the House of Truth, were only required to do four things: to not worship idols, to not engage in sex with anyone, other than their spouse (of the opposite sex), to not eat animals that had been strangled, and to not to eat blood (Acts 15:8-20).  While this was obviously only a starting point, for example nothing is mentioned about not stealing, it is worth noting, that they were not required to observe any kind of cultural things, like celebrating the Feasts of Truth, but they could learn to do those things later, as they assembled on the Sabbath each week (Acts 15:21).  So no one becomes a Christian, by participating in a "Christian culture".

Christians must be born again into the family of the Father of Truth, through the Spirit of Truth, in the same way, that they were born into the family of their physical father, through their mother (John 3:6-7).  So no one becomes a Christian, by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation".

So this leaves religion, as the means to define, what is a Christian.  Even then, not every religion, that calls itself a "Christian religion", is truly Christian in its doctrine and practices.  Some so-called "Christian religions", like the False Church of Rome, have renamed idols, to things like "Jesus" and "Mary", so that they are teaching people, to worship idols, while calling themselves, "Christians".  Yet others have added additional books to the Book of Truth, like the Book of Mormon, or the so-called "missing books of the Bible", while calling themselves, "Christians".  Others, like Martin Luther, have tried to remove some books from the Renewed Covenant, because those books contradicted their doctrine, while calling themselves, "Christians".  Most amazingly of all, there are even groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses, who deny the resurrection of the Man of Truth, and preach a dead Jesus, while calling themselves, "Christians".

While no group is perfect, and it is hard to even find a group, that is fully carrying out the Great Commission, it is obvious, that not every religious group, that calls itself a "Christian religion", is truly Christian in its doctrine and practices.  The founders of groups like these, their apostles, started their groups, by knowingly and purposely teaching the Doctrine of Lies.

It should be no surprise, that they call themselves "Christians", so that people will believe, that they are teaching the Doctrine of Truth.  After all, no one, who counterfeits 100 dollar bills, labels those bills, with a "99" in each corner.  These Apostles of Lies will try to appear as Apostles of Truth, just like the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) will try to appear as an Angel of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

Yet, just as counterfeit 100 dollar bills, do not change the value of genuine 100 dollar bills, neither does the use of label of "Christian" by counterfeits, change the real value of the label "Christian", when applied to those, who are genuine.  The fact is, that no one becomes a Christian, by joining a religious group.  For even in the same religious group, even if it is a small congregation, there can be people, who are counterfeits, right beside those who are genuine, like false wheat (tares) growing right next to true wheat, in the same field, so close together, that their roots are entangled (Matthew 13:24-29).

So if no one becomes a Christian, by being born to Christian parents, or being born in a "Christian nation", or participating in a "Christian culture", or joining a "Christian religion", or even joining a congregation of the Children of Truth, then what is a Christian?

A Christian is more than someone, who wears a "WWJD" bracelet.  A Christian is someone, who has taken the deal that is offered by the Father of Truth, and came into the House of Truth.  The Man of Truth said, that a person had to be born again, to be part of his kingdom, to come into the House of Truth (John 3:3).  A Christian is someone, who has come into the House of Truth, by committing to following the Man of Truth in obedience, because they believe, that the Father of Truth has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  They have been born again, through the Word of Truth, so the Spirit of Truth can help them, to obey the Word of Truth (1 Peter 1:21-23).  Every Christian is born again as a baby, when they first come into the House of Truth, and then start to grow, to full maturity, by drinking in the Word of Truth (1 Peter 2:2-3).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Thursday, May 5, 2016


What would Jesus do?

A while back there was a craze among young people in America, who followed the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), to wear bracelets with the letters "WWJD" on them.  "WWJD" stood for "What would Jesus Do?".  The bracelet was meant to remind them, to ask themselves this question, whenever they had a decision to make.  It was especially aimed at getting them, to consider this question, when they were facing a moral dilemma.

In many ways, this was similar to the command, that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave for people to wear tzitzits (Numbers 15:38).  The tzitzits were to be seen, so that people would consider, what the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) said, to guide their actions (Numbers 15:39-40).

For tzitzits to really help people, they had to first know, what the Law of Truth said.  Only then, could they apply the Law of Truth to their situation.  So the tzitzits were only effective in helping people, to not sin against the Father of Truth, if they had first hid the Word of Truth in their hearts (Psalm 119:9-11).  Otherwise, they were just decorations.

In the same way, "WWJD" bracelets were designed to be seen, so that people would consider, what the Man of Truth would do, to guide their actions.

For "WWJD" bracelets to really help people, they have to first know what the Man of Truth did.  Only then, can they apply the life of  Man of Truth to their situation.  So "WWJD" bracelets are only effective in helping people, to not sin against the Father of Truth, if they first put the Word of Truth in their hearts (1 John 2:1-3).  Otherwise, they are just decorations.

So the best way to answer the question, "What would Jesus do?", so people can know the right thing to do, is by answering another question: "What did Jesus do?".

A good place to start is, with what the Man of Truth did not do.  He did not do away with the Law of Truth (Matthew 5:17-19).  He showed us how to keep the Law of Truth, in the way that the Father of Truth always intended (1 Timothy 1:5-8).  If he had not kept the Law of Truth, then he would have sinned against the Father of Truth, and could not have taken away our sins (1 John 3:4-5).

So everything the Man of Truth did, was framed by keeping the Law of Truth, in the way that the Father of Truth always intended.  He did this, by loving the Father of Truth with his entire being, and loving other people as himself (Matthew 22:37-40).

Since he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, he demonstrated and taught how to do that.

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by putting the will of the Father of Truth in front of his own will.  He lived to do the will of the Father of Truth (John 4:34).  Pursuing the will of the Father of Truth, caused him to do know, what the Father of Truth called just (John 5:30).  The only reason that he came from Heaven, was to do the will of His Father on the Earth (John 6:38).

The Man of Truth showed that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by his love for the Word of Truth.  He knew how to keep the Law of Truth, in the way that the Father of Truth intended, because he had read the Word of Truth (Matthew 12:2-5).  He knew the Father of Truth, because he read the Word of Truth (Matthew 22:29-32).  He used the Word of Truth, to explain the plan of the Father of Truth (Mark 12:26-27).  He hungered for the Word of Truth, more than for he did for food, because it came from the Father of Truth (Luke 4:2-4).  He used the Word of Truth, to explain his relationship to the Father of Truth (Luke 20:41-44).  He used the Word of Truth, to teach people, what the Father of Truth wanted them to learn (John 6:45).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by teaching people how to keep the Law of Truth, in the way his Father intended.  He did not teach them to break the commandments of the Law of Truth, but rather to keep these commandments from the heart, and not only in outward deeds, so they can be like the Father of Truth (Matthew 5:19-48).  He taught them how to keep the commandments concerning the Sabbath, in way that his Father always intended (Matthew 12:1-12).  He taught them how to keep the commandments concerning divorce, in way that his Father always intended (Matthew 19:3-9).  He taught them, how to apply the Law of Truth to things like taxes, so they could keep the Law of Truth, in the way that his Father always intended (Matthew 22:16-21).  He taught people, to keep the weightier matters of the Law of Truth, without the neglecting the lessor matters of the Law of Truth, so they could keep the Law of Truth, in the way that his Father always intended (Matthew 23:23).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by meeting the Father of Truth in Jerusalem, the appointed place, at the Feasts of Truth (Moedim aka Feasts of the Father of Truth), the appointed times.  He carried out the business of His Father, in the Temple, the house of His Father, at Passover (Luke 2:41-50).  He confirmed that he was sent by the Father of Truth, with demonstrations of supernatural power in Jerusalem, at Passover (John 2:23).  He healed the sick, when he went to Jerusalem, for one of the Feasts of Truth (John 5:1-6).  He even went up to Jerusalem, to teach people about his Father in the Temple, at the Feast of Tabernacles, when his enemies were looking for him to show up, so they could kill him (John 7:1-14).  He stayed in Jerusalem for all eight days of the Feast of Tabernacles, and announced on the last day, that the Spirit of Truth would be given to all, who believed that he was the Messiah of Israel, that the Father of Truth had promised (John 7:37-39).  He went to Jerusalem for Passover, so he could leave this world and return to his Father (John 13:1).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by attending synagogue every Sabbath.  He started carrying out the work of the Messiah of Israel in synagogues (Matthew 4:23-25).  He taught his doctrine in the synagogues (Mark 1:21-22).  He cast out Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) in the synagogues (Mark 1:23-27).  He preached in the synagogues (Mark 1:38-39).  He healed the sick in the synagogues on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-5).  He was in the habit of being in the synagogue on the Sabbath (Luke 4:16).  He did these thing in the synagogues and the Temple, because that is where those, who were interested in keeping the Law of Truth, could be found (John 18:19-21).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by his concern for the Temple, because it belonged to the Father of Truth.  He drove out those, who used the house of his Father, the Temple, to rob others (Matthew 21:12-13).  He performed healing miracles in the Temple (Matthew 21:14-15).  He taught his doctrine in the Temple (Matthew 21:23).  He taught, that the Temple was meant to be a place of prayer for Gentiles as well as Jews, instead of a place of extortion (Mark 11:15-17).  He went to the Temple, every day that he was in Jerusalem (Luke 22:53).  He would not let the Temple be made into a market place, because he was zealous, for what belonged to the Father of Truth (John 2:14-17).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by his worship.  He only worshiped the Father of Truth (Matthew 4:8-10).  He worshiped the Father of Truth with how he lived his life, and not with just his words (Matthew 15:7-9).  He worshiped the Father of Truth every place he went, because he knew, Who he worshiped (John 4:20-22).  He worshiped the Father of Truth, in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by cooperating with the Spirit of Truth.  He was given the Spirit of Truth, because he belonged to the Father of Truth (Matthew 3:16-17).  He was lead by the Spirit of Truth, because he trusted what the Father of Truth said (Matthew 4:1-4).  He showed, that the Spirit of Truth was upon him, so that the Gentiles would learn, to put their trust in the Father of Truth (Matthew 12:17-21).  He cast out the Spirits of Lies, by the power of the Spirit of Truth, so that people would come into the kingdom of the Father of Truth (Matthew 12:28).  He had the Spirit of Truth upon him, so that he could carry out the work, that the Father of Truth gave him (Luke 4:17-21).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by praying to the Father of Truth.   He went somewhere, where he could be alone with the Father of Truth, to pray (Matthew 14:23).  He prayed for the will of the Father of Truth to done in his life, instead for his own comfort and safety (Matthew 26:39-44).   He started out his day by praying to the Father of Truth (Mark 1:35).  He sometimes spent the entire night praying to the Father of Truth (Luke 6:12).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by teaching people how to pray to the Father of Truth.  He taught, that prayer to the Father of Truth should be done in private, instead of a religious show in public (Matthew 6:5-6).  He taught, that prayers should be simple and to the point, instead of endless repetitions (Matthew 6:7-13).  He taught, that prayer should be focused on carrying out the will of the Father of Truth (Matthew 9:37-38).  He taught, that people should have confidence, that the Father of Truth will give them what they ask for, when they pray (Matthew 21:21-22).  He taught, that people should pray, so they can keep out of temptation (Matthew 26:41).  He taught, that people should pray to the Father of Truth in all circumstances, and persist, until the Father of Truth has brought about everything, that He has promised (Luke 18:1-8).  He taught, that people should pray to live a worthy life, so that they can escape the Tribulation (Luke 21:34-36).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved the Father of Truth with all of his being, by praying for the Children of Truth.  He prayed for for the Father of Truth to strengthen the Children of Truth, after they have succumbed to temptation (Luke 22:31-34).  He prayed for the Father of Truth, to give the Spirit of Truth to the Children of Truth, after he left the Earth (John 14:16-18).  He prayed for the Father of Truth, to cause the Children of Truth, to understand the Word of Truth, so that they could live differently, than everyone else (John 17:14-17).  He prayed for the Father of Truth, to cause the Children of Truth, to live together in unity (John 17:20-22).

Since he loved other people as himself, he demonstrated and taught how to do that.

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by teaching that prayer must be accompanied by love for other people.  He taught, that praying does no good, for those who are oppressing the poor (Matthew 23:14).  He taught, that praying does no good, for those who have not forgiven other people (Mark 11:24-26).  He taught, that people must show love to their enemies, by praying for them (Luke 6:27-28).  He taught, that praying does no good, for those who will not humble themselves, and admit that they too, have sinned  (Luke 18:9-14).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by teaching that loving people, is more important than giving offerings.  He taught, that people must reconcile with other people, before giving any offerings (Matthew 5:23-24).  He taught, that people must take of the needs of their parents, before giving any offerings (Matthew 15:3-6).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by his acts of compassion.  He had compassion on lost people, so he asked the Father of Truth, to send laborers to help gather them (Matthew 9:36-38).  He had compassion on sick people, so he healed them (Matthew 14:14).  He had compassion on hungry people, so he fed them (Matthew 15:32-37).  He had compassion on blind people, so he gave them sight (Matthew 20:30-34).  He had compassion on leprous people, so he made them clean (Mark 1:40-42).  He had compassion on people, who needed guidance, so he taught them (Mark 6:34).  He had compassion on people, who were possessed by Spirits of Lies, so he cast the Spirits of Lies out (Mark 9:17-27).  He had compassion on people, who mourned, so he raised their loved ones from the dead (Luke 7:12-15).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by warning people about Hell.  He warned people, that Hell was so terrible, that it was better to lose body parts, than to go to Hell (Matthew 5:29-30).  He warned people, that they should be afraid to go against the Father of Truth, because He will place His enemies in Hell (Matthew 10:26-28).  He warned people, that the enemies of the Father of Truth will suffer in Hell forever (Matthew 25:41-46).  He warned people, that the enemies of the Father of Truth, go to Hell as soon as they die, and they know, that they are being tormented in Hell (Luke 16:22-28).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by his teaching on sin.  He taught that people must stop sinning, if they wanted to avoid Hell (John 5:14).  He taught that people must stop sinning, if they wanted to avoid condemnation (John 8:10-11).  He taught, that anyone who did not believe, that he was the Messiah of Israel, would die without their sins being forgiven (John 8:24-29).  He taught, that anyone who sinned, was a slave to sin, but he could set them free from sin (John 8:34-36).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by his teaching on repentance.  He preached, that people must repent of their sins, in order to be part of his kingdom (Matthew 4:17)  He warned, that everyone, who did not repent of their sins, would be destroyed (Matthew 11:21-24).  He warned, that everyone, who did not repent of their sins, would be condemned (Matthew 12:41).  He taught, that people must confront other people, who sin against them, in order to bring those people to repentance (Matthew 18:15-17).  He warned, that everyone, who did not repent of their sins, would perish (Luke 13:1-5).  He taught, that the greatest joy of the Father of Truth comes from people, repenting of their sins (Luke 15:1-10).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by his teaching on forgiveness.  He taught, that people must forgive other people, if they want the Father of Truth to forgive them (Matthew 6:14-15).  He taught, that people must forgive other people as many times as it takes, until he returns to rule this Earth (Matthew 18:21-22).  [The phrase "seventy times seven" is a reference to the end of the seventh week, in the vision that Daniel saw, when the kingdom of the Messiah of Israel would begin.]  He taught, that people are to rebuke other people, who sin against them, and then forgive those people, when they say, that they repent of their sin (Luke 17:3-4).

The Man of Truth showed, that he loved other people as himself, by dying to save them from Hell.  He came to this Earth, to save people from their sin (Matthew 1:21).  He came to bring forgiveness to people for their sins (Matthew 9:2-8).  He came to call people, to repent of their sins (Matthew 9:11-13).  He shed his blood, so people could be forgiven of their sins (Matthew 26:28).  He forgave the very people, who crucified him, without them asking for forgiveness, because they did not understand, that they were sinning against him (Luke 23:33-34).  He came to Earth as a lamb, to take away the sins of other people (John 1:29).  He laid down his own life to save other people (John 15:13).

So when people see a "WWJD" bracelet, they will know how to answer that question, when they consider what the Man of Truth did, and then do the same thing.

Like the Man of Truth, they keep the Law of Truth, in the way that the Father of Truth always intended, by loving the Father of Truth with all their being, and loving their neighbor as themselves.

The Children of Truth will demonstrate, that they love the Father of Truth with all of their being, by doing the same kind of things, that the Man of Truth did, and obeying what he taught.  They will put the will of the Father of Truth in front of their own will.  They will make time to read the Word of Truth, to learn how to better please the Father of Truth.  They will seek to fulfill the Law of Truth, by doing everything, both great and small, that the Father of Truth commanded.  They will seek to meet with the Father of Truth, at His appointed times, to celebrate with Him.  They will congregate every week with other Children of Truth.  They will be zealous, to use everything that belongs to the Father of Truth, for His purposes.  They will worship the Father of Truth, by living a life, that is based on the leading of the Spirit of Truth, and what is written in the Word of Truth.  They will cooperate with the Spirit of Truth in every area of their life.  They will make time every day, to pray to the Father of Truth.  They will focus their prayers, on what they need, to carry out the will of Father of Truth. They will pray for each other, to have everything that they need, to work together, to carry out the will of the Father of Truth.

The Children of Truth will demonstrate, that they love their neighbor as themselves, by doing the same kind of things, that the Man of Truth did, and obeying what he taught.  They will show real love for other people, instead of just praying for them.  They will place treating other people right, over giving offerings to the Father of Truth.  They will show real compassion for other people, by doing what they can, to help other people in their time of need.  They will warn people, that Hell is the consequence of sin.  They tell people, that they must flee from sin.  They will let people know, that there is no salvation without repentance from sin.  They will forgive everyone, who sins against them, and then repents.  They will lay down their lives, so that other people can know, that the Man of Truth died, so that everyone, who repents, can be forgiven of their sins.

"WWJD" should not be just a catchy phrase, that decorates jewelry and tee-shirts.  It should be the guiding principle for the Children of Truth, as they live out their lives in this present world, to show the world, that total surrender to the Man of Truth, leads to a transformed life (Titus 2:11-14).  The Children of Truth are supposed to live like the Man of Truth in this world, by loving the Father of Truth with all of their being, and loving other people as themselves (1 John 4:15-17).  The Children of Truth can only do this, by doing what the Man of Truth did.

The first step to doing what the Man of Truth did, is to come into the House of Truth.  You cannot begin to be free from sin, until you come into the House of Truth (John 8:31-36).  You must surrender everything to the Man of Truth, because you believe, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, to come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9).  When you come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will start changing you, so that seeing "WWJD", will prompt you to do what the Man of Truth did (Romans 8:1-2).

Come into the House of Truth!

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