Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Incorruptible Word

Has the Book of Truth (The Bible) been corrupted?

There used to be a Bible museum in Tulsa.  The main focus of this Bible museum was to tell the story of how the King James version of the Bible, commonly used in America, came into being from the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.  This museum was laid out as a long pathway with the exhibits in historical order.  Each exhibit was displayed in a setting that matched the time and place where the artifact was used in real life.  You started out in the catacombs, where a Torah scroll from the 4th century AD was displayed.  Next came a copy of the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament)), in a synagogue with a mosaic floor that was a little older.  Then came Greek manuscripts that covered all of the books of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), in a church that looked amazingly similar to the synagogue.  These Greek manuscripts ranged in age from about the 4th century AD to about the 7th century AD.

In all of these displays the placards told that these were not the oldest copies in existence. They told the date of the oldest complete manuscript or scroll found so far as well as the oldest fragment of each book of the Book of Truth found so far.

The museum then proceeded to go forward in time, showing the Latin Vulgate translation, then the Wycliffe translation of that into the first English Bible, then the Gutenberg press that allowed for the mass production of Bibles and the Gutenberg Bible that was printed on it, then the William Tyndale translation of the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts into the first English Bible derived from original source language text, then the 1611 AD King James Bible and finally the 1769 AD King James version of the Bible commonly used in America to this day.

All through this unbroken chain of evidence about the consistency of the contents of the Bible, from the original language manuscripts from the fourth century to modern times, there was also the story interweaved in the displays of the relentless efforts to corrupt the Book of Truth.

The governments of the some of the mightiest empires on Earth tried to destroy the Book of Truth but found it to be The Indestructible Book.  So instead they created corrupted "official" versions of the Book of Truth in an effort to distort its message.  However, these government sanctioned versions that had been corrupted always fell out of disuse, to the point that copies of most of them only exist in museums.

However, the efforts of governments to corrupt the Book of Truth fade into nothing, when compared to the efforts of various religious professionals across the ages, to corrupt the Book of Truth.

There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by purposely mistranslating it to support official doctrines of church and state, like the One Disturbing Sentence, that was purposely corrupted in at least one translation, and replicated in translations that were based off that translation.  There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by insisting that it was incomplete without another testimony like The Book of Mormon.  There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by including other books that they claimed were The Missing Books of the Bible, that were not in the canon of the Original Covenant handed down from the time of Nehemiah, nor in the canon of the Original Covenant handed down by the Apostles of Truth.

There were efforts by religious professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, by removing books that they say were somehow slipped into the Book of Truth.  This is hardly a new phenomenon limited to leaders of modern religious cults or fringe groups.  Some of the best known religious leaders of all time have tried to remove books from the Book of Truth, that they said were somehow slipped into the Book of Truth, but really did not belong there.

For example, F.C. Bauer, a famous and very influential theologian of the early 1800s, said that the only valid Epistles were Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, and Galatians.  He sought to have all other Epistles removed from the canon of the Renewed Covenant.

The most well known religious professional, who attempted to corrupt the contents of the Book of Truth, by having some of the books removed from the Book of Truth, is undoubtedly, Martin Luther.   Martin Luther attempted to remove Esther from the canon of the Original Covenant, because it does not directly contain any name of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) anywhere in it.  He also tried to have Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation removed, because they disagreed with his doctrine. He also cast doubt among Lutherans about the validity of 2 Peter, 2 John, and 3 John as well for being "too Jewish".

However, Martin Luther was far from the first to literally seek to edit the Book of Truth by removing books from it.  There were prior attempts to remove entire books for the canon of the Renewed Covenant.  According to Eusebius, many of the founders of the False Church of Rome also tried to remove the same seven books from the canon of the Renewed Covenant, as Martin Luther had tried to have removed, for primarily the same reason - that they were somehow, "too Jewish".

These founders tried to maintain that the leaders of the Jewish Congregation in Jerusalem - James the Jew (Ya'acob aka Jacob aka The Apostle James), John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John) and Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) - were somehow at odds with the leader of the mostly Gentile congregations outside of Israel - Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul).  These founders taught that Paul the Jew somehow got it right, while the Jerusalem leadership got it wrong.

These founders maintained this position, despite the fact that Paul the Jew wrote in his own writings, that he compared the doctrine he taught with the doctrine that the Jerusalem leadership taught, to make sure that he had not gotten things wrong (Galatians 2:1-2).  According to Paul the Jew, there was no disagreement between his doctrine and their doctrine, the only difference was that he was bringing this doctrine to the Gentiles, while they were bringing the same doctrine to the Jews (Galatians 2:5-10).

The champion of editing the Book of Truth had came along well before these founders.  His name was Marcion of Sinope, and he was born to the pastor of Sinope in 85 AD - ten years before the Revelation was given to John the Jew.  He tried to remove all of the books from the canon of the Renewed Covenant, except for his own edited version of the Gospel of Luke and ten of the epistles written by Paul the Jew (which he probably sought to edit as well).  He found everything else to be "too Jewish" and it contradicted his doctrine.

Marcion of Sinope did this somewhere around the the year 120 AD. This is yet more proof that the books of the Renewed Covenant, especially the Gospel of Luke and the writings of Paul the Jew, had been completed well before the Bar Kochba revolt in 135 AD.  This is undeniable proof that the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) had said, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, that the Jews would be scattered out of the Promised Land into all nations by the Romans more than 100 years before it happened.

This same Marcion of Sinope was also the first to call the Original Covenant by the name "The Old Testament", the first to call the Renewed Covenant by the name "The New Testament", and even coined using the word "Testament" to replace "Covenant".  He taught that the Original Covenant had become totally superseded by the Renewed Covenant and there was no reason to even include the Original Covenant in the Book of Truth.  He was among the earliest to teach that the Father of Truth found in the Original Covenant was someone different than the Father who sent the Man of Truth in the Renewed Covenant.

However, Marcion of Sinope was not the first to try to remove books out of the Book of Truth, that he accused others of somehow slipping into the Book of Truth, because those books disagreed with his doctrine.  Long before Marcion of Sinope was born, there were Jewish Rabbis, who made the same accusation concerning the Original Covenant.  In particular, various Rabbis tried to remove Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Song of Solomon), Esther and Ezekiel from the cannon of the Original Covenant.  These efforts by Rabbis to remove these books, because these books contradicted their doctrine, did not end until about 90 AD, shortly after Marcion of Sinope was born.

The fact is that there were no books slipped into the cannon of the Original Covenant or the canon of the Renewed Covenant.  All of the books of the Original Covenant fit together to form a tree of wondrous strength while all of the books of the Renewed Covenant fit together to form a well built house.  This well built house rests is secured atop of the branches of the tree of wondrous strength by the everlasting covenant given to Abraham (Abram).  These inseparable covenants are bound together to form the Book of Truth.

Not only have there been attempts to corrupt the Book of Truth by purposely mistranslating the Book of Truth, adding books to the Book of Truth, or removing books from the Book of Truth, but there have also been attempts to corrupt the actual contents of the Book of Truth.

Some people have attempted to change the Greek composite documents used for translation into other languages by using Greek manuscripts that contradict the meaning and intent of the oldest intact codices of the Renewed Covenant. 

While there have been some minor differences in the exact wording or spelling between the oldest intact codices, there is nothing that significantly different in the meaning of their content.  In fact, after Westcott and Hort spent 28 years assembling their Greek New Testament composite document in 1881, from the oldest Greek Renewed Covenant fragments available, they declared that they found nothing significantly different than what was in the Textus Receptus composite document, that was assembled in 1516.  This is especially impressive considering that there were no Greek manuscripts available to use for parts of the Textus Receptus, and those parts had to back translated into Greek from the Latin found in the Latin Vulgate.  This is evidence that the Latin Vulgate was itself a reliable Latin translation from original Greek manuscripts.

Usually some supposed correction to the Greek composite documents is based on a single Greek manuscript, or even a single fragment of a Greek manuscript, as evidence that the meaning and intent should be changed.  The fact that more than ten thousand other ancient Greek manuscripts all agree with each other does not seem to matter.  It never seems to occur to these religious professionals that the reason why their single manuscript with the disagreement has survived is because it was not used due to the disagreement in the text with the other Greek manuscripts.

The error free manuscripts would have been used and therefore not survived through the centuries.  However, the defective Greek manuscripts would have survived longer because nobody was using them.  In fact, a lot of these Greek manuscripts, that have text that disagrees with all of the other Greek manuscripts, were actually found in ancient trash dumps.  The disagreement in those Greek manuscripts with the other Greek manuscripts is the reason that they were thrown away in the first place.  So their older age and disagreement with other Greek manuscripts actually show that they are less reliable, not more reliable, than the other Greek manuscripts.

Also, these Greek manuscripts, that disagree with the other Greek manuscripts, do not usually have any kind of marking to show who wrote them in the first place.  They could have been forgeries or even part of a codex that had been purposely changed like the one that Marcion of Sinope produced.

The other strategy used by some religious professionals, to try to get a change in the intent or meaning of a passage in the Renewed Covenant, is to uphold manuscripts written in another language such as Aramaic (Syriac) as the original language. They then assert that the Greek manuscripts have translation errors, that can be corrected by going to a supposed original language source document, like the Syriac Peshitta.

The first and foremost problem with this, is the overwhelming evidence that the Gospel of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew and the rest of the Renewed Covenant was originally written in Greek as explained in the language of the Renewed Covenant.   Secondly, there is a dearth of ancient Renewed Covenant manuscripts in languages other than Greek.  Thirdly, many of these so-called original language source document, like the Syriac Peshitta, were recorded as being translated from Greek by the very people who produced them.

Any disagreement between a non-Greek language document, and the overwhelming number of Greek manuscripts, is probably the result of a mistranslation into their language from Greek.  It is also possible that the meaning of the words in this non-Greek language has changed over the centuries, or that those who are examining these non-Greek documents, are in turn mistranslating those non-Greek documents.  Lastly, there could be a disagreement between the Greek documents and the non_Greek documents, due to an intentional mistranslation into the non-Greek language by the translators to support their doctrine. This would be just like the cases of intentional translation errors in English translations of the Book of Truth by some religious professionals to support their doctrine.

Finally, the fact is there are enough quotes of the Renewed Covenant in external Greek documents written before 300 AD, to almost reproduce the entire Renewed Covenant in another Greek composite document made from just those quotes.  It is well established that such a reproduced Greek composite document would not disagree with either of the Greek composite documents discussed.  This really destroys any possibility, of any change in the intent or meaning of any passage in the Renewed Covenant, to anything other than what is conveyed in those Greek composite documents.

Of course, there have also been attempts to corrupt the contents of the Original Covenant as well.  The most notable of these are found in the Masoretic Text that was produced in the 800's AD.  There are more than twenty passages in the Masoretic Text, where there are Hebrew words cannot be reconciled with the Greek words, used in the Greek translation of the Original Covenant, known as the Septuagint.  In most of these places there is a single Hebrew word that is different, and usually by a single Hebrew letter.  All of these Hebrew words occur in passages, that clearly identify the Man of Truth as having the characteristics of the Messiah of Israel.

The explanation for the differences given by the Rabbis is that the Septuagint was mistranslated, while the Masoretic Text is correct.  However, all of the Hebrew manuscripts that are older than 400 AD, which is more than two hundred years before the Masoretic Text began to be compiled, contain a different Hebrew word in these passages than the Hebrew word in the Masoretic Text.  The Hebrew words that these older Hebrew manuscripts contain translate into the Greek words used in the Septuagint.  This not only includes manuscript written in block Hebrew (modern Hebrew), that came from the Aramaic alphabet, but also every single manuscript written in paleo-Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew), that the Original Covenant was originally written in.

For example, the end of Psalms 22:16, written in the Masoretic Text literally says: "like a lion my hands and feet", while as it is written in the Septuagint literally says: "they pierced my hands and feet".  The word "kari" in the Masoretic Text literally means: "like a lion".  There is simply no way that can be accurately translated as "they pierced".

However, all of the older Hebrew manuscripts that contain the end of Psalm 22:16, used the word "karu" instead of "kari".  The difference is the vav (transliterated as a "u") at the end of the word instead of a yod (transliterated as a "i").  So instead of a kaf  (transliterated as a "k") being added in front of "ari" (lion), to modify "lion" to "like a lion", there is a vav (transliterated as a "u") added to end of "kar" (pierced), to modify "pierced" to "they pierced".  So all of these older Hebrew manuscripts literally say: "they pierced", as translated into Greek in the Septuagint.

It is obvious that the Rabbis intentionally changed the Hebrew words in these passages, because Jewish people were reading them, and coming to the right conclusion about the Man of Truth.  This is yet another reason that the Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble.  This is yet another example of Rabbinic Distort.

Yet this Rabbinic effort to corrupt the Original Covenant has failed, because the original wording was preserved both in the Greek Septuagint and in the older Hebrew manuscripts (which all agree with the translation given in the Greek Septuagint).

So despite the unending efforts of some religions professionals to corrupt the Book of Truth, since the time of the Man of Truth, the Book of Truth has remained uncorrupted.  The Hebrew and Greek composite documents that exist today, have the same contents that convey the same meaning and intent, as the day that the original manuscripts were written.  The Book of Truth contains all of the books that it should contain, only the books it should contain, and those books do not contain any corrupted text.  The Book of Truth is the incorruptible book.

Now it might be surprising that religious professionals, who claim to be teaching people about the Father of Truth, are the most prevalent force behind attempts to corrupt the Book of Truth.  Yet religious professionals, are exactly who the Book of Truth said we must be careful to examine.  Not all religious professionals among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) are living in the House of Truth.  The Book of Truth tells us how to know which religious professionals are not living in the House of Truth, so we can avoid those who are attempting to corrupt the Book of Truth.

No one is allowed to change the Word of Truth by either adding to it or taking away from it (Deuteronomy 4:2). The Word of Truth is not the word of mere men, so it can be changed whenever it contradicts their doctrine (1 Thessalonians 2:13).  The Word of Truth was recorded in the Book of Truth by the Spirit of Truth through the Prophets of Truth and the Apostles of Truth (2 Peter 1:19-21).   No one who attempts to change the Word of Truth contained in the pages of the Book of Truth will live with the Father of Truth in eternity (Revelation 22:18-19).

The Man of Truth taught that religious professionals seek to corrupt the Word of Truth so they can justify their own doctrine (Mark 7:7-9). Those religious professionals who have sought to corrupt the Word of Truth are not like the Apostles of Truth (2 Corinthians 2:17).  The Apostles of Truth did not handle the Word of Truth deceitfully to corrupt it (2 Corinthians 4:2).  The Children of Truth are told to have nothing to do with these religious professionals who seek to corrupt the Book of Truth, because their pride in their own doctrine has corrupted their minds, and prevents them from being able to know the truth found in the Book of Truth (1 Timothy 6:3-5).

One of the main strategies, of those religious professionals who seek to corrupt the Book of Truth, is to make an accusation that the Book of Truth has been corrupted.  Of course, these religious professionals have "discovered" what needs to be changed to remove the corruption, so the Book of Truth can agree with their doctrine.  So ironically, the religious professionals who make the accusation that the Book of Truth has been corrupted, make this accusation, so they can corrupt the Book of Truth, by changing the contents of the Book of Truth.

It is worth noting that these religious professionals, who accuse the Book of Truth of being corrupted in some manner, are making the exact same accusation about the Book of Truth, that the Muslims make.  They are also making these accusations for the exact reasons as the Muslims.  Like the Muslims, this accusation is designed to lead people into following another Jesus, who is not the same as the Man of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.  Like Muslims, these religious leaders are getting their revelations from another spirit, who is different than the Spirit of Truth, told about in the Book of Truth.

This accusation of the Book of Truth being corrupted is a terrible insult to the Father of Truth.  This accusation says that the Father of Truth was unable to preserve His Word throughout the ages.  Anyone who accuses the Book of Truth of being corrupted, is accusing the Father of Truth of being weaker than both the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), and the people that he enticed to corrupt the Book of Truth.

The reason that the Book of Truth is the incorruptible book, is that it contains the Word of Truth.   The Word of Truth is the incorruptible seed that remains unchanged throughout the ages (1 Peter 1:23-25).

The Word of Truth is a written record of the very words spoken by the Father of Truth (Exodus 20:1).  The Man of Truth said that these are the very words that cause those who hear them to live (Matthew 4:4).

The Father of Truth never changes and neither does the Word of Truth that He spoke (Malachi 3:5-7).   Make no mistake - the Father of Truth has not changed and neither has the Word of Truth that he uses to beget the Children of Truth (James 1:16-18).

The written Word of Truth is a record of the thoughts, intentions, dealings, and actions of the living Word of Truth, who worked with the Father of Truth to create the universe (John 1:1-3).  This living Word of Truth, lived in a flesh and blood body on this Earth as the Man of Truth, to bring about the grace of the Father of Truth that began in the Original Covenant (John 1:14-18).  Since the Man of Truth never changes, then the Word of Truth never changes, so we can avoid being lead into the Doctrine of Lies - which often depends upon corrupting the contents of the Book of Truth in some manner (Hebrews 13:7-9).

The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because the Word of Truth is a written record of the very words spoken by the Father of Truth (Exodus 20:1).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because human efforts will never be sufficient to corrupt the Word of Truth, since the Father of Truth is protecting it to ensure that what He ha spoken comes to pass (Isaiah 55:8-11).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because the Father of Truth is making sure that He does what He said (Jeremiah 1:12).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because the Man of Truth did not come to the Earth to change even the smallest part of a single letter in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) - so it is certain that no one else can corrupt any part of the Book of Truth by changing any part of it (Matthew 5:17-19).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because Heaven and Earth will be changed but the Word of Truth will never be changed (Matthew 24:35).  The Word of Truth is incorruptible, because those who have sought to corrupt it have never been able to succeed because they are fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 5:38-39).

So the incorruptible word written in the Book of Truth could have never been corrupted as some religious professionals claim.

The Word of Truth was given, so that people could experience the blessing of the Father of Truth when they carry out His will (Deuteronomy 12:28).  The Word of Truth was given, so people could be saved by repenting of their disobedience to the Father of Truth after they heard it (Romans 10:14-17).  The Word of Truth was given, so the Children of Truth could fight against the attempts of the Father of Lies to deceive them (Ephesians 6:11-17).  The Word of Truth was given, so that those who accept it as the uncorrupted Word of Truth, can know the Doctrine of Truth needed to live in the House of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:11-13).  The Word of Truth was given, so the Children of Truth can discern the thoughts and intentions of the hearts of people, who seek to get them to leave the House of Truth (Hebrews 4:11-13).

For these reasons, the Father of Lies has worked through some religious professionals to attempt to corrupt the Word of Truth throughout the ages, but he has failed, because the Father of Truth is strong enough to keep the Word of Truth from being corrupted.  The main reason, that the Father of Lies has sought to corrupt the Word of Truth, is to keep people from coming into the House of Truth.

People come into the House of Truth, when they surrender control of their lives to the Man of Truth, because they believe the Word of Truth, when it says that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  It is the incorruptible word, that is the seed of the Father of Truth, which causes people to be born again, when they come into the House of Truth (1 Peter 1:21-23).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Monday, August 24, 2015

The Renewed Covenant

Are there books in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that should not be there?

The canon of the Renewed Covenant has remained unchanged until this present time even though there have been many attempts to remove some of the books from the canon of the Renewed Covenant that was handed down from the time of the Apostles of Truth.  There is an unbroken chain of evidence about the canon of the Renewed Covenant.

The oldest complete Greek codex of the Renewed Covenant still in existence was completed in 330 AD and is today known as the Codex Sinaiticus.  The Codex Vaticanus is about 30 years older but a few of the verses have vanished from age as the pages became faded on the outer edges and a few of the pages were made centuries later to replace pages that were becoming unreadable.  However, the contents of it were thoroughly document before they were replaced and this codex was used by Westcott and Hort to create their Greek New Testament in 1881.  Both of these complete codices of the Renewed Covenant contained the exact same books that are listed in the canon of modern copies of the Renewed Covenant along with two other codices that are almost as old.

That there are complete copies that are barely two hundred years older than the originals still in existence alone is remarkable when you consider that the oldest complete copies of every secular work from the same time period in existence today, like the writings of Tacitus, were copied more than a thousand years after the originals were written.

The oldest complete Syriac (Aramaic) translation of the Renewed Covenant is from 534 AD and it contains all of the books listed in the canon of modern copies of the Renewed Covenant.

The Muratorian fragment, that was composed around 150 AD, lists most of the books in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant as being part of the Renewed Covenant, although a few books are missing. The list on this manuscript was obviously started on a page before it and was continued on the page after it.  Neither of those pages had survived when it was discovered in 1740 or so.   So it is entirely possible that those books were listed on the missing pages.

There are also many incomplete Greek codices and manuscripts that date all of the way back to about 125 AD - which is a mere thirty years after the last book of the Renewed Covenant was written.  Among these manuscripts is every single book in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant and every single word of every single book.  The archeological evidence shows that there is nothing in the modern copies of the Renewed Covenant that should not be there.

The historical evidence mirrors the physical evidence.  Many early sources state that the exact same canon of the Renewed Covenant that was in use then is still in use today.

Papias of Hierapolis, a disciple of John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka The Apostle John), wrote a five volume dissertation on the teachings of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) contained in the Gospels and the rest of the Renewed Covenant called "The Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord".  Although this work was last reported as existing in its entirety in the Middle Ages, some of the sources that quote from it state that it contained writings about all of the books in the Renewed Covenant.   This shows that all of these books in the canon of the Renewed Covenant were in existence before he began writing his dissertation around 100 AD and that none of these books could have been added to the canon of the Renewed Covenant after he died in 163 AD. 

Papias wrote that his sources were some of the Apostle of Truth, people who had talked to the Apostles of Truth, other people mentioned in the books of the Renewed Covenant, and people who had talked to these other people mentioned in the books of the Renewed Covenant.  He said that these living sources were preferable to the written resources that he also encountered.  This gives witness that there other written sources prior to his own dissertation that supported the canon of the Renewed Covenant as well.

Documents of writers from the Middle Ages use the dissertation of Papias to show that the canon of the Renewed Covenant was formed by the Apostles of Truth themselves as it was being written, with the complete canon being passed on to Papias and others by John the Jew, after he wrote the book of Revelation that completed the canon of the Renewed Covenant.  Papias also wrote that the Gospel of Matthew the Jew (Mattiyahu aka Levi) was originally written in Hebrew while all the rest of the books in the canon of the Renewed Covenant were originally written in Greek as explained further in The Language of the Renewed Covenant.

Papias further explained that no books after the time of the Apostles of Truth were accepted as scripture.  He said that for this reason no other books were allowed in the canon of the Renewed Covenant - even though many Gentiles, particular those who spoke Latin, tried to change the canon of the Renewed Covenant.  In particular, they sought to remove certain books that they questioned, since those books contradicted some of their doctrines.

Justin Martyr wrote, before his death in 150 AD, that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were using the writings of the Prophets of Truth and the writings of the Apostles of Truth as the foundation of doctrine in their services.  Around 200 AD, Origen quoted from all 27 books that are in the modern canon of the Renewed Covenant.  The list just goes on and on.  In fact, there are enough quotes from these 27 books of the Renewed Covenant, in manuscripts that were written before 300 AD, by a great host of authors, to almost completely reconstruct the entire Renewed Covenant from these quotes alone.

Without dispute in 367 AD, Athanasius of Alexandria wrote the entire list of books in the Renewed Covenant, and gave that list the name "Canon" which means "accepted list".  This was about 35 years after, the oldest complete codex in existence today, containing those same books, was compiled.

All of this historical evidence matches what the Renewed Covenant says about itself.

Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) started the church at Hierapolis, where Papias was born, when he started the churches at Colosse and Laodicea (Colossians 4:13).  Paul the Jew had been sent to the Gentiles while John the Jew and Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) were sent to the Jews (Galatians 2:7-9).  John the Jew was later sent to Laodicea, which was packed with Jews, where he had previously been, so he could have easily began disciplining Papias of Hierapolis, who was likely a Jew also, on his first visit (Revelation 1:11).

There were Greek speaking Jews dispersed among the Gentiles, throughout the areas where the books of the Renewed Covenant were first written and read (John 7:35).  It was common for some of these Jews to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem where all of the authors of the Renewed Covenant were either residing at times or visiting at other times (Acts 2:5-11).  The Jews had been committed with keeping the Word of Truth that came from the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) so they would have been the original guardians of the canon of the Renewed Covenant (Romans 3:1-2). 

These guardians of the canon of the Renewed Covenant would have been in Jerusalem where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 6:9).  They would have been in Mesopotamia (Babylon), Phrygia (Colosse, Laodicea, Hierapolis) and Crete - where Greek speaking Jews in Jerusalem made a pilgrimage from (Acts 2:9-10).    They would have been in Galatia (southern) where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews in its principle city of Iconium (Acts 14:1).  They would have been in Philippi - even though the Greek speaking Jews there had to meet by the river since there were not enough Jews there to to form a synagogue (Acts 16:12-13).  They would have been in Thessaloniki where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 17:1).  They would have been in Corinth where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 18:1-4).  They would have been in Ephesus where there was a synagogue of Greek speaking Jews (Acts 18:19).  They would have been in Rome where many Greek speaking Jews lived when Paul the Jew arrived there (Acts 28:16-17).  They would have been in Bithynia, Pontus, Cappadocia, Asia, and Galatia (northern) where the greatest concentration of Greek speaking Jews in the world lived when Peter the Jew was sent there before arriving in Babylon (1 Peter 1:1).

In short, there were Jewish disciples in every place where the books of the Renewed Covenant were written, as well as every place where epistles were originally sent to, before they were copied for general distribution, because the Jews were always given the Good News first in every place the Apostles of Truth went, including Paul the Jew (Romans 1:16). 

The Apostles of Truth wrote the Renewed Covenant so that people could believe the Good News about the Man of Truth (John 20:30-31).  The Apostles of Truth knew that the Good News that they witnessed and wrote about was scripture that belonged in the Book of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:1-9).  The Apostles of Truth wrote that the Children of Truth were to use the writings of the Prophets of Truth and the writings of the Apostles of Truth as the foundation of doctrine in their services (Ephesians 2:20-22).  The Apostles of Truth knew that their own writings in the Renewed Covenant, were as much scripture that belonged in the Book of Truth, as the writings of the Prophets of Truth in the Original Covenant (Tanach aka The Old Testament) (2 Peter 3:15-17).

So the story of the formation and preservation of the canon Renewed Covenant, that is found by examining the writings of Papias and others, is completely consistent with the contents of the Renewed Covenant itself.  There is nothing contrary in their report, that the Apostles of Truth themselves established which of their own writings (books) were scripture.  There is nothing contrary in their report, that the Greek speakers, who were undoubtedly Jews, prevented anyone - especially Latin speakers - from adding other books to the Renewed Covenant.  There is nothing contrary in their report, that the contents of the Renewed Covenant were preserved through these effortsm until the time of the oldest extant complete copy of the Renewed Covenant was written.

There is also the actions that the Children of Truth in Judaea, in the years leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem, that should remove all doubt by themselves.

Josephus records that starting around 63 AD, the Children of Truth in Jerusalem started moving away from Jerusalem, and he also lists five separate occasions, when they could have escaped, after the Romans began their initial attack in 66 AD.  Eusebius records that the majority escaped to a city named "Pella".

Pella was a city in an area of heavily wooded hills and valleys, located in the autonomous region of Decapolis, east of the Sea of Galilee, and on the opposite side of the Jordan River from Galilee and Samaria.  It was rebuilt shortly after Alexander the Great had conquered the area, and was renamed after the city in Greece where he was born.  Many of the Greeks in Pella had come into the House of Truth, and so they welcomed their Jewish brothers - even though Jewish rebels had attacked Pella earlier.

When the Romans came to put down the Great Revolt, the rest of the Children of Truth in Judaea fled to Pella as well, before the Romans besieged Jerusalem.  The Romans not only destroyed Jerusalem, but also many other walled cities and villages, when they crushed the Great Revolt.  However, they did not attack a single city in the autonomous region of Decapolis, due to it being an area where Greeks lived instead of Jews.  It is an indisputable fact, that Pella grew tremondously in population around the time that Jerusalem was destroyed, and that the caves in the area are full of Christian symbols.

The reason that the Jewish Children of Truth escaped the terrible destruction, that came upon the other Jews, is that they had acted on the warnings of the Man of Truth, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem that he gave in 31 AD.  Therefore their actions show, that it is impossible for those warnings to have been written, after the destruction of Jerusalem, because the Jewish Children of Truth escaped that destruction, by acting on those warnings.

The Renewed Covenant records those warnings to this day.  They include the instructions to flee to the mountains when the Roman armies came to Jerusalem, because it would lead to many dying, and many others being taken captive to far away lands (Luke 21:20-24).

So there could not be any books slipped into the canon of the Renewed Covenant that were written later than 95 AD, because the first qualification for a book to be accepted in the canon of the Renewed Covenant, was that it was written by an Apostle of Truth.

The certainty, that there were no books slipped into the Renewed Covenant, is further shown by examining the Renewed Covenant, to see if all of the books fit together.  Careful examination will show that they fit together to form a well built house.

Not only that, but the Original Covenant also gives witness, that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant somehow.

The well built house formed by the books of the Renewed Covenant, does not exist in a vacuum, but rather rests atop a tree of wondrous strength, called the Original Covenant.  This well built house is secured to the tree of wondrous strength by the everlasting covenant that the Father of Truth made with Abraham (Abram).

So the Original Covenant also gives witness that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant somehow.

Every single book in the Renewed Covenant refers to the contents of Original Covenant in some manner.  There are almost 300 direct quotes from the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant.  There are many more references to people and events written about in the Original Covenant, than that in the Renewed Covenant. There are thousands of allusions to the contents of the Original Covenant in the Renewed Covenant - including more than 620 such allusions in the Revelation alone.

So the Original Covenant shows that no books were slipped into the Renewed Covenant because it is quoted, referred to, and alluded to, in every book in the Renewed Covenant, and it has already been shown that all of the books of the Renewed Covenant are tied together.

The Original Covenant said, in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), that the the Father of Truth would one day circumcise the hearts of people, so they could keep His commandments (Deuteronomy 30:6).  The Original Covenant said, that He would give people a new heart of flesh that could keep the commandments of the Law of Truth, to replace the heart of stone that could not respond to the Spirit of Truth (Ezekiel 11:19-20).  The Original Covenant said, that the Spirit of Truth would live in people, to cause them to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Ezekiel 36:25-27).

The Original Covenant told, that the Renewed Covenant was going to be made with the people of Israel to bring these things about (Jeremiah 31:27-34).  ["B'rit Chadashah" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".]  This Renewed Covenant was made, because the people of Israel could not keep the commandments, that were originally given in the Original Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-12).  ["Diatheken Kainen" translated here as "New Covenant" literally means "Renewed Covenant".]

The Father of Truth has circumcised the hearts of people in the Renewed Covenant, so they can keep the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth (Romans 2:25-29).  The Original Covenant could not cause people to keep the righteous commandments in the Law of Truth, because people do not have the power to do so on their own, but the Renewed Covenant can cause people to keep those same commandments, because the Spirit of Truth gives them the power to do so (Romans 8:3-5).  The Renewed Covenant, is the Spirit of Truth writing the same laws on the tables of the heart, that bring life through people being able to keep these commandments, that were written on the tables of stone, that brought death though people not being able to keep the letter of these commandments (2 Corinthians 3:3-7).   The same laws that were written on stone in the Original Covenant, are written on the hearts of people in the Renewed Covenant (Hebrews 10:15-17).

So the unchanging law written on tables of stone in the Original Covenant, is written on the hearts of the Children of Truth in the Renewed Covenant.  It is not a new covenant that contains new commandments.  It is that the same laws, written externally on stone in the Original Covenant, were renewed, by being written internally on the heart in the Renewed Covenant.  Since The Gospels, The Acts, The Epistles and The Revelation, show how the heart was renewed, so that the commandments, written in stone in the Original Covenant, can be kept, by being written on the heart instead, I call the collection of these books, "The Renewed Covenant".

The Gospels tell about how the Man of Truth fulfilled all that was written about what he would do on this Earth, in the Original Covenant (Luke 24:44-48).  The Acts tell about how the Apostles of Truth went about persuading people, that the Man of Truth was the one written about in the Original Covenant (Acts 28:22-24).  The Epistles reveal the plan that was hidden in Original Covenant, to save the entire human race through faith in the Man of Truth (Romans 16:25-27).  The Revelation reveals the events, that will usher in the return of the Man of Truth to this Earth to rule over it forever, reward the Children of Truth and destroy the Children of Lies, to bring about all that was promised, in the Original Covenant (Revelation 11:15-18).

So the books of the Renewed Covenant complete the story that the books of the Original Covenant began.  These two collections of books cannot stand alone because they are The Inseparable Covenants.

The Man of Truth did not come to do away with the Law of Truth, found in the Original Covenant, but to make it possible for people to keep these commandments, in the way his Father had always intended, through a Renewed Covenant (Matthew 5:17-19).  He only spoke the commandments that his Father gave him to speak in the Renewed Covenant (John 12:49-50). He came to take away our disobedience, to the commandments of the Law of Truth, through the Renewed Covenant (1 John 3:4-6).

The Man of Truth said, that he would give the Spirit of Truth to live in anyone, who decided to keep those commandments, in the Renewed Covenant (John 14:15-17).   The Spirit of Truth causes everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, to be able to fulfill the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth, in the Renewed Covenant (Romans 8:1-4).  Those who fulfill the righteous commandments of the Law of Truth, by being under the control of the Spirit of Truth, in the Renewed Covenant, are not under the Law of Truth, in the Original Covenant (Galatians 5:16-18).

In the Renewed Covenant, the mind is renewed, to more clearly understand what the Father of Truth desires, when we surrendering control of our bodies to do the will of the Father of Truth (Romans 12:1-2).  In the Renewed Covenant, the inside person is renewed everyday, by remembering that the Children of Truth will be raised from the dead, like the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 4:13-16).  In the Renewed Covenant, the spirit of the mind is renewed, by replacing the old person, who was ruled by the desires of the flesh, with a new person, who is ruled by a desire to please the Father of Truth (Ephesians 4:22-24).  In the Renewed Covenant, the new person is renewed in knowledge, so that it is possible, to replace the old person, who lives on the inside (Colossians 3:8-10).  In the Renewed Covenant, we are renewed, by the Spirit of Truth, because of the grace of the Father of Truth, in giving us the Man of Truth (Titus 3:4-6).

All of these benefits of the Renewed Covenant, cannot begin until you come into the House of Truth (John 3:3-5).  You come into the House of Truth, when you are born again by the Spirit of Truth (John 3:6-8).  You are born again by the Spirit of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe the message of the Renewed Covenant, that he was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth (Romans 10:8-10).

Come into the House of Truth!

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Well Built House

Do the books of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) all fit together?

That the books of the Renewed Covenant all fit together is known for certain by examining the parts that make up the Renewed Covenant - The Gospels, The Acts, The Epistles and The Revelation in the order that they were written.

The Renewed Covenant is like a well built house .

The Gospels forms the floor of the house because everything else in the Renewed Covenant rests upon the Gospels.  The Gospels tell the story of what the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) did while he was on this Earth in four different ways.  All four Gospels work together like a song sung in perfect four part harmony.  They tell different aspects of the Man of Truth in different ways that work together like the planks that form a floor.  The story told by the Gospels could be summarized like this:

The Man of Truth was with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) when the universe was created but then became a man to live among us (John 1:1-14).  His Father had sent him to save everyone in the world including Gentiles (John 3:15-17).  The only reason that the Man of Truth came from Heaven was do the will of his Father on the Earth (John 6:38).

The Man of Truth was born into a family that included James the Jew (Ya'acob aka Jacob) and Jude the Jew (Yahudah aka Judah) (Mark 6:2-4).  He was circumcised on the eighth day, raised to go to Jerusalem every year for Passover and to do all that the Law of Truth required (Luke 2:21-41).

The Father of Truth testified that he was the Messiah of Israel when he was baptized (Mark 1:9-11).  John the Baptist (Yochanon the Mikveh Man) said the the Man of Truth would baptize people in the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) and fire instead of water (Luke 3:16).  After defeating the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil), then the Man of Truth began to operate in the power of the Spirit of Truth (Luke 4:13-15).  The Man of Truth chose the twelve original Apostles of Truth, that included Matthew the Jew (Mattiyahu aka the Apostle Matthew), to tell the people of Israel that he was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 10:2-7).  The Man of Truth took three of the Apostles of Truth - Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter), John the Jew (Yochanon ben Zebedee aka the Apostle John) and James the brother of John (Ya'acob ben Zebedee aka the Apostle James) - with him high up on a mountain where the Man of Truth became a bright as the sun to show who he really was (Matthew 17:1-9).

The Man of Truth explained that the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) will suffer persecution until he returns because those who hate the Man of Truth will also hate them (John 15:18-21).  He said that the Children of Truth will be greatly rewarded in his kingdom for suffering persecution for the sake of his name (Matthew 5:10-12).  He also told about how Jerusalem would soon be destroyed and the people of Israel scattered across the Earth for rejecting him as the Messiah of Israel (Luke 21:20-24).

At the time of Passover, the Man of Truth announced that one of the twelve original Apostles of Truth, who were eating with him, was going to betray him, right before he instituted communion, to commemorate what he was about to do, for the Children of Truth (Mark 14:16-25).  The Man of Truth was betrayed by Judas to the religious leaders (Luke 22:47-53).  The religious leaders tried the Man of Truth and then plotted to force Pilate to have him crucified (Matthew 27:1-2).  Pilate sought to release the Man of Truth by having him flogged, then presenting him to the crowd wearing a purple robe and a crown of thorns to appease them, but the crowd persisted in demanding that the Man of Truth be crucified for saying that he was the Messiah of Israel, until Pilate finally gave in to their demands (John 19:1-16).  Then the Roman soldiers gambled for his clothes and crucified him between two thieves (Mark 15:24-27).  The sky went black at noon until the Man of Truth died, then the Temple veil split in two and there was a tremendous earthquake (Matthew 27:45-46).  After the Man of Truth was buried, the religious leaders asked for the tomb to be guarded for three days to make sure that no one took his body out and then claim that he had risen from the dead so Pilate did as they asked (Matthew 27:60-66).

The women came to the tomb on the first day after the weekly Sabbath that followed Passover (First Fruits), found the Roman guards unconscious, the stone rolled away, the tomb empty and an Angel of Truth who told them to tell the remaining eleven Apostles of Truth that the Man of Truth was risen from the dead but then they saw the Man of Truth for themselves before they got to the Apostles of Truth (Matthew 28:1-10). The Man of Truth then appeared to the eleven remaining Apostle of Truth and proved to them that he had risen from the dead (Mark 16:14).

Afterwards, the Man of Truth gave instructions for the Children of Truth to teach people to obey his commandments and baptize people in the name of his Father, himself and the Spirit of Truth until he returns (Matthew 28:18-20).  He said they were to preach the Good News every where and the Spirit of Truth would work wonders through them to confirm their message (Mark 16:15-18).  He said that the Children of Truth were to wait in Jerusalem for his Father to send the Spirit of Truth upon them before they began to carry out the rest of his instructions (Luke 24:49).  He also told Peter the Jew to take care of the others and that he would be executed when he was old (John 21:15-19).

Then the Man of Truth went back up to Heaven and the Children of Truth went to Jerusalem (Luke 24:51-52).  Shortly after that, the Children of Truth went every where telling the Good News while the Spirit of Truth confirmed their message with miraculous signs (Mark 16:20).

The Acts are tell about the acts of the Children of Truth to take the Good News of the Man of Truth whole-wide. The Acts are the history of those efforts that occurred during the age of the original Apostles of Truth.  The Acts are what connects the Epistles that were mostly written to people outside of Israel to the events in the Gospels that occurred inside of Israel.  The Acts explain why there were even congregations and people to write the Epistles to, and how all of them even knew about the events in the Gospels.  So the Acts are like the walls of the house that connect the floor to roof.

The Acts are joined to the Gospels with a small overlap by starting where the Gospels ended.  This is not surprising since Luke the Jew (Lucas aka Ohr) wrote one of the Gospels as a history for a Greek nobleman named Theophilus that he had instructed (Luke 1:1-4).  He wrote the Acts to this same Greek nobleman years later as a follow up history of what the Children of Truth did after the Man of Truth gave his final instructions before returning to Heaven (Acts 1:1-9).

So the disciples, that included the eleven remaining Apostles of Truth and the family of the Man of Truth, returned to Jerusalem to wait for the baptism of the Spirit of Truth and also selected Matthias to take place of Judas since he had been a disciple of the Man of Truth from the very beginning until the very end (Acts 1:12-26).  On the next Feast of Truth, Pentecost (Shavuot aka the Feast of Weeks), they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth and fire, began to tell people from far away lands that had came for the feast the Good News in their own languages by the power of the Spirit of Truth, preached the Good News to them and finally baptized in water the three thousand people who believed their message (Acts 2:1-41).  Afterwards, Peter the Jew and John the Jew healed a lame man in the Temple, then Peter the Jew reminded the crowd in the Temple that they had demanded that Pilate set a terrorist free and crucify the Messiah of Israel, who Moses had said they must obey, and then told them the Good News that the Father of Truth had raised the Man of Truth from the dead so they could be turned from their sins (Acts 3:10-26).  Then they were arrested by the religious leaders but still five thousand more people came into the House of Truth (Acts 4:1-4).

The next day, Peter the Jew and John the Jew boldly told the very same religious leaders who had forced Pilate to have the Man of Truth crucified, that the Father of Truth had raised him from the dead so that everyone could know that total surrender to the Man of Truth was the only means of salvation (Acts 4:5-13).  These religious leaders were furious but they only threatened these Apostles of Truth because they feared the common people rising up against them (Acts 4:14-21).

Later, the Apostles of Truth performed so many signs and wonders in the Temple that people from other cities in Israel flooded the streets of Jerusalem to have their sick healed and multitudes of people came into the House of Truth (Acts 5:12-16).  The religious leaders cast them into prison but an Angel of Truth set them free and they went back to preaching the Good News in the Temple (Acts 5:17-25).  Then they put the Apostles of Truth on trail secretly, because they feared what the common people of Israel would do, where the Apostles of Truth all boldly told them the same Messiah of Israel that they had crucified, had been raised from the dead and placed on a throne in Heaven by the Father of Truth, to show that total surrender to the Man of Truth was the only means of salvation (Acts 5:26-32).  This made the religious leaders so angry that they wanted to slay the Apostles of Truth, but Gamaliel advised them against possibly fighting against the Father of Truth (Acts 5:33-39).  So they had the Apostles of Truth beaten, but they just kept on preaching the Good News in the Temple every day (Acts 5:40-42).

So more and more people came into the House of Truth, including many of the religious professionals, until Stephen was brought to trial before their enemies, under false charges (Acts 6:7-15).  When Stephen gave his defense, he rehearsed the entire rebellious history of Israel, told the religious leaders that they killed the Messiah of Israel, because they did not keep the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law), and that the Man of Truth was now at the right hand of the Father of Truth, in Heaven (Acts 7:1-56).  This made these religious professionals so angry, that they dragged him outside of the city, and stoned him to death, while Paul the Jew watched (Acts 7:57-60).

Then Paul the Jew lead persecution, that caused all of the disciples, except the Apostles of Truth, to be scattered throughout Israel, where they preached the Good News with signs following, so that many more people came into the House of Truth, and were baptized in water (Acts 8:1-13).  Peter the Jew and John the Jew then went, and laid hands on those who recently baptized in water, to baptize them in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 8:14-17).

Once Paul the Jew learned, that the Good News was being preached outside of Israel in Damascus, then he left to lead the persecution of the disciples there, but was stopped outside the city by the Man of Truth blinding him (Acts 9:1-7).  After he came into the House of Truth, he was lead into the city where he was baptized in the Spirit of Truth, regained his sight and finally was baptized in water (Acts 9:8-18). He then became an Apostle of Truth and preached the Good News, until he had to flee to Jerusalem (Acts 9:19-26).  Once Barnabas the Jew verified that Paul the Jew had also became an Apostle of Truth to the original Apostles of Truth, then he began to preach the Good News in Jerusalem, until he had to flee to Tarsus (Acts 9:27-30).

Later, Peter the Jew had a vision where he was told three times to eat unclean animals(Acts 10:10-16).  While he was trying to figure out what the vision meant, the Spirit of Truth told him to go with the Gentile men that Cornelius the Italian had sent to get him (Acts 10:17-22).  So he went to Cornelius the Italian and preached the Good News, because the Father of Truth had showed him with the vision to not call Gentiles unclean, and he finally understood that the Man of Truth was also the Savior of the Gentiles (Acts 10:23-43).  Then before he could even finish preaching, these Gentiles were baptized in the Spirit of Truth, so he went ahead and baptized them in water as well (Acts 10:44-48).  Afterwards, there was a council of the Apostles of Truth and other disciples in Jerusalem, where Peter the Jew rehearsed the matter so that the Jewish Children of Truth recognized that the Good News was also meant for the Gentiles (Acts 11:1-18).

So Barnabas the Jew was sent to Antioch to preach to the Gentiles (Acts 11:19-24).  Then Barnabas the Jew went to Tarsus, and brought Paul the Jew back with him to Antioch (Acts 11:25-26).  Then they took relief to the persecuted Children of Truth in Jerusalem (Acts 11:27-30).

During this time Herod had James, the brother of John the Jew, executed and Peter the Jew was arrested, but once again an Angel of Truth helped him escape prison, and he went to the house of Mark the Jew in Jerusalem, to let everyone know he was alright, before going to another location, to hide from Herod (Acts 12:1-17).

After that, Paul the Jew and Barnabas the Jew, went back to Antioch, and took Mark the Jew, with them (Acts 12:25).  Then the Spirit of Truth sent the three of them on a mission (Acts 13:1-5).  When they were in Cyprus, the Roman governor came into the House of Truth (Acts 13:6-12).  Then Mark the Jew returned to Jerusalem, while the other two continued the mission (Acts 13:13).  Then they began preaching the Good News in the Roman province of Galatia, first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles (Acts 13:14-51).  After they finished establishing congregations throughout Galatia, they returned to Antioch, where they remained for a long time (Acts 14:20-28).

Then Paul the Jew thought to go another mission with Barnabas the Jew, to strengthen the congregations in Galatia, but instead Barnabas the Jew went to Cyprus, with Mark the Jew, while Silas (Silvanus) the Jew joined him (Acts 15:35-40).  When they were in Galatia, Timothy the Jew (Timotheus) joined them to go to Phyrgia, where they founded congregations in the principle cities of Colosse and Laodicea, until the Spirit of Truth lead them to go to Macedonia (Acts 16:1-8).  Then Luke the Jew joined them when they left Troas, to preach to first the Jews and then the Gentiles to form a new congregation in Philippi (Acts 16:9-40).  Then they formed a new congregation in Thessaloniki from among Jews and Gentiles who were at the synagogue, until persecution forced them to leave (Acts 17:1-10).

Paul the Jew then lived in Corinth with Aquila the Jew and his wife Priscilla, who had just came from Rome, where he persuaded Jews and Greeks about the Man of Truth in the synagogue (Acts 18:1-4).  When Timothy the Jew and Silas the Jew joined him in Corinth, then he preached the Good News for another eighteen months and many Jews and Gentiles came into the House of Truth including Justus the Jew and Crispus the Jew (Acts 18:5-11).  Afterwards, Sosthenes the Jew raised a insurrection against Paul the Jew, but the Greeks turned against him, and beat him instead (Acts 18:12-17).  After staying there for a while longer, Paul the Jew left to fulfill a vow, and went to Ephesus, went in the synagogue there, persuaded some of the Jews to come into the House of Truth, and left Aquila the Jew with his wife there to take of things, while he went to Jerusalem to fulfill his vow at the Temple, during the upcoming Feast of Truth (Acts 18:18-21).

After fulfilling his vow, Paul the Jew went back to Antioch, and then started a third mission by going back to Galatia and Phrygia, to strengthen the congregations there (Acts 18:22-23).  During this time, Apollos the Jew came to Ephesus to preach in the synagogue, even though he had only been baptized in water, until Aquila the Jew and his wife educated him further, and sent him to Achaia, where Corinth was, to strengthen the Children of Truth there, while convincing the Jews (Acts 18:24-28).  Then Paul the Jew came to Ephesus, where he baptized in the Spirit of Truth those who had only been baptized in water, preached the Good News in the synagogue, spent two years disputing with people from all over the Roman providence of Asia about the Man of Truth in the yeshiva (school of disputing) of Tyrannus the Jew, and confirmed his message with demonstrations of the power of the Spirit of Truth (Acts 19:1-20).  Then Paul the Jew went back to Macedonia, where Philippi and Thessaloniki were, and then back to Greece, where Corinth was (Acts 20:1-2).  Then he went back to Philippi, where Luke the Jew joined him again, to spend the Feast of Unleavened Bread with the mostly Gentile congregation there, and then they sailed back to Troas to meet the rest of their party including Gaius the Jew (Acts 20:3-6).

Then they stopped in Miletus, so Paul the Jew could warn the leaders of the congregation in Ephesus to guard the Children of Truth there from the Prophets of Lies, since he had to be back in Jerusalem for Pentecost and would then be in prison for a long time (Acts 20:16-38).  Then they went back to Jerusalem where he reported to James the Jew and the other leaders there, the outcome of his third mission (Acts 21:15-19).

When Paul the Jew went to the Temple at Pentecost to fulfill a vow, so Jews would know that he was not teaching Jews to abandon the Law of Truth, then a riot broke out because people thought that he had brought Trophimus the Ephesian into the part of the Temple that only Jews could go in, and he was arrested by the Roman captain (Acts 21:20-33).  Then the nephew of Paul the Jew learned of a plot to kill him, and warned the captain of the plot, who then sent Paul the Jew away to Caesarea to be tried there (Acts 23:16-35).  When the religious leaders came down to Caesarea to accuse Paul the Jew, so that they could try him in Jerusalem in order to kill him, then Paul the Jew appealed to be tried before Caesar as a Roman citizen (Acts 25:2-11).  So Paul the Jew was put on a ship to go to Rome, and Luke the Jew, Aristarchus the Jew and other disciples joined him on his journey until they reached Crete, where they started yet more congregations while they waited for months to continue their journey (Acts 27:1-8).  Finally, they arrived in Rome, where Paul the Jew was put under house arrest (Acts 28:11-16).

So Paul the Jew preached the Good New to the Jews first, and some of them came into the House of Truth, before he started preaching to the Gentiles (Acts 28:17-28).  Then he spent the next two years preaching the Good News to who ever came to him, and building up the congregation in Rome, while he awaited to be tried before Caesar (Acts 28:29-30).

The Epistles are like the roof of the house, because they cover the most of the doctrine of the Renewed Covenant for dealing with issues that the mostly Gentile Children of Truth were struggling with.  They are build on top of the Acts, because the people they are written to, the places that they are written from, and the people that wrote them, are connected to the events recorded in the Acts.  They are connected to each other, like the slats of a roof, and even complement the story of the age of the Apostles of Truth, with events that were outside of the scope of the history recorded in the Acts.  They also given deeper explanation of the doctrine of the Man of Truth recorded in the Gospels, by covering things that were not relevant to the purpose of the Acts.  This will become evident by examining the Epistles, in the order that they were written.

After Timothy the Jew and Silas the Jew met Paul the Jew in Corinth, on his second mission, he wrote a letter to the congregation in Thessaloniki, to strengthen them in their time of persecution, by reminding them that the Man of Truth had promised to reward them when he came back to rule over the Earth, and that the Good News had been confirmed with signs (1 Thessalonians 1).  Then right before he left Corinth to return to Jerusalem, Paul the Jew wrote them a second letter, to encourage them to persevere, because the Father of Truth would one day send the Man of Truth to avenge them, and set up his world wide kingdom (2 Thessalonians 1).

Afterwards, when Paul the Jew was in Ephesus on his third mission, he wrote a letter to the congregations in Galatia, to warn them to not be taken in by another Gospel, that was different than the one that the Man of Truth had taught him in Arabia, after he was arrested on the road to Damascus (Galatians 1:1-17).  He then assured them that when he took Titus the Greek with him to Jerusalem, to compare the Gospel that he preached with the one the one that Peter the Jew, James the Jew and John the Jew, (who the Galatians must have known for this to have meaning), preached, that they confirmed it was the same Gospel, that taught that Gentiles did not need to be circumcised to come into the House of Truth (Galatians 2:1-9).

Not long before Paul the Jew left Ephesus with Sosthenes the Jew, who he assured the congregation at Corinth was now a Child of Truth, he wrote a letter to the congregation in Corinth rebuking them for being divided into camps between himself, Apollo the Jew,  Peter the Jew (who had obviously came to help during his second mission), and the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 1:1-12).  He rebuked them for not taking action against those who sinned in their congregation - like the man who was sexually involved with the wife of his father (1 Corinthians 5).  He defended the right of himself and Barnabas the Jew to be taken care of, like the other original Apostles of Truth, including John the Jew, and the brothers of the Man of Truth, including James the Jew, that the congregation at Corinth had provided for, when these Apostles of Truth had came to help with tremendous harvest in Corinth (1 Corinthians 9:1-14).  He reminded them to be careful in how they took communion, since the Man of Truth himself had establish this on the night that he was betrayed (1 Corinthians 11:20-34).  He reminded them that the Man of Truth had died on a cross for their sins, was buried but rose again on the third day, and showed himself alive to Peter the Jew, the rest of the original Apostles of Truth, more than five hundred regular disciples, James the Jew, the other later Apostles of Truth including Jude the Jew, and finally to himself (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). He pointed out that the Man of Truth had made an Apostle of Truth out of himself - even though he had persecuted the Children of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:9-11).   He told them that they could be certain that they would be resurrected from the dead to be rewarded by the Man of Truth when he returns to rule the Earth, because he was the firstfruits of all who are resurrected from the dead, when he was resurrected on the Feast of Firstfruits (1 Corinthians 15:12-28).

Then when Paul the Jew was in Thessaloniki with Timothy the Jew, he wrote the congregation in Corinth a second letter, telling them that he would soon be in Corinth for a second time before going back to Judaea (2 Corinthians 1:1-16).  He told them to forgive the man whose sin they had overlooked before, since that that man had came to repentance from the congregation taking the action that Paul the Jew had told them to take in his first letter (2 Corinthians 2:6-11).  He told them how he left Troas to go to Macedonia, where Thessaloniki was, to find Titus the Greek (2 Corinthians 2:12-13).  He told them how when he got to Macedonia, that he met with Titus the Greek, who told him of their repentance after reading his first letter to them (2 Corinthians 7:5-14).  He told them of how the congregations of Macedonia, which included Philippi, had given beyond reason to help those who were persecuted in Jerusalem (2 Corinthians 8:1-5).  He told them how he was sending Titus the Greek, John the Jew, who came from Jerusalem to oversee this collection, and others, to help them get their offering ready before he arrived (2 Corinthians 8:6-24).

Before Paul the Jew left Corinth, he wrote a letter to the congregation in Rome, whom he had never personally met (Romans 1:1-13).  He told them that he was ready to preach the Good News in Rome, to the Jew first and then the Gentiles, like he did in every city he visited (Romans 1:15-16).  He told them how he had been hindered from going to them, because he was busy preaching the Good News to the Gentiles in Illyricum, where Dalmatia was, when he came into Greece, because no one had preached there yet (Romans 15:15-22).  He could not go to see them at this time, because he had to go to Jerusalem, to deliver the offering that he had collected from the congregations of Achaia, where Corinth was, and Macedonia, where Thessaloniki and Philippi were, to help the poor, persecuted congregations in Jerusalem, but trusted that the Father of Truth would get him to Rome somehow after that (Romans 15:23-32).  He asked them to assist Phoebe, who he had sent from nearby Cenchrea to collect whatever they could give to help the congregations in Jerusalem (Romans 16:1-2).  He then greeted the many Children of Truth from Corinth, who had went to Rome to plant the congregation there, including Aquila the Jew and his wife (Romans 16:3-15).  He then sent greetings from some of the people that they knew who were in Corinth with him, like Timothy the Jew, Luke the Jew and Gaius the Jew (Romans 16:21-23).

Then Peter the Jew wrote to those congregations of Jews, who lived as strangers among the Gentiles, throughout the Roman provinces of Asia, where Ephesus was, Bithynia, Galatia (northern), Pontus, Cappadocia, that he had started in an area that contained about one third of all Jews in the world (1 Peter 1:1-2).  He encourage them to persevere through persecution, so that they would receive their inheritance when the Man of Truth return to rule the Earth (1 Peter 1:4-7).  Peter the Jew was now old (1 Peter 5:1).  Instead of returning to Jerusalem, after going to Ephesus during the third mission of Paul the Jew, he had went on his own missions with Mark the Jew and Silas the Jew to new unreached places, until they had left the Roman Empire, and reached Babylon where they started another congregation (1 Peter 5:12-13).

When it became apparent that Peter the Jew would soon be executed, as the Man of Truth had said before, he wrote a farewell letter to those congregations (2 Peter 1:1-15).  He reminded them, that he had personally been with the Man of Truth and had heard the Father of Truth confirm that he was the Messiah of Israel, on the mountain where the Man of Truth had showed them who he really was (2 Peter 1:16-18).  He then warned them, to beware of those who taught any thing different that he had taught, because they would be destroyed like the Prophets of Lies in the wilderness, the Angels of Lies who had children with human women, the evil people in the day of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the mad prophet Balaam, who left off following the Father of Truth to pursue money  (2 Peter 2).  He admonished them to stay faithful, because the Man of Truth would return to rule this Earth, and reward them (2 Peter 3:8-14).  He reminded them, that Paul the Jew had said the same things in his letters, that they had read by now (2 Peter 3:15-18).

Then James the Jew wrote a letter from Jerusalem, to all of the Jewish Children of Truth who were scattered among the congregations that Paul the Jew, Barnabas the Jew, Aquila the Jew, and Peter the Jew had established, in an area that stretched from Rome to Babylon (James 1:1).  He encouraged them to persevere through persecution, because the Father of Truth would reward them with eternal life (James 1:2-12).  He reminded them, that the religion that the Father of Truth finds pure is one that takes action to take care of the poor, and to avoid doing the things that those have not come into the House of Truth do (James 1:21-27).  He warned them, to not be afraid of what the rich could do to them, because the Man of Truth would return to the Earth, to punish their oppressors and reward their faithfulness (James 5:1-11).

Then Paul the Jew wrote an unsigned, open letter to the Jews of Corinth, which had one of the largest concentrations of Jews in the world, to explain that the Father of Truth had sent the Man of Truth from Heaven, to be the Messiah of Israel that He had spoken about through the Prophets of Truth (Hebrews 1:1-3).  He showed that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, who Moses said that people must obey (Hebrews 10:28-31).  He urged them to persevere through persecution, because they would receive the promised reward, when the Man of Truth comes back to the Earth (Hebrews 10:32-37).   He then asked the Children of Truth in Corinth, to pray for him to be released so he could come to them for another visit with Timothy the Jew, who had just been released from being imprisoned (Hebrews 13:18-23).  He then told them that those who had left them to go to Italy, where Rome was, sent greetings as well (Hebrews 13:24).

Then Paul the Jew wrote a letter to Titus the Greek, who he had left in Crete to take care of the congregations that he had started there, while on his way to be tried before Caesar in Rome (Titus 1:1-5).  He told Titus the Greek to teach the congregations to live according to sound doctrine, because the Man of Truth would return to the Earth, to claim those he had died to transform (Titus 2).  He told Titus the Greek to go with Apollos the Jew to meet him in Nicopolis, for the winter, after the other people he sent to carry on the work among the congregations of Crete arrived (Titus 3:12-13).  He sent greetings to those in Crete who knew him, and those who went with him to Rome (Titus 3:15).

Then Paul the Jew wrote to the congregation at Philippi, to thank them for the help that they had sent to him and Timothy the Jew (Philippians 1:1-7).  He said that though he longed to see them, it was being imprisoned in Rome that caused the Good News to be preached - even in the palace of Caesar (Philippians 1:8-14).  He reminded them to be like the Man of Truth, who though he had been equal to the Father of Truth, laid that aside to become a man, to show obedience to his Father, even to the point of dying on a cross, so that his Father could bring everyone in subjection to the Man of Truth, when he returns to the Earth (Philippians 2:5-11).  He told them that he would send Timothy the Jew to them, and hoped to come to them as well, after he stood before Caesar (Philippians 2:19-24).  He admonished them to beware of the Prophets of Lies, and to persevere though persecution, so they could attain the resurrection from the dead, when the Man of Truth comes for the Children of Truth (Philippians 3).  He thanked them again for sending him help, as they had done when he went to Thessaloniki, and then Corinth (Philippians 4:10-18).  He sent greetings from those in Rome who knew them, including those in very house of Caesar - who had came into the House of Truth (Philippians 4:21-22).

Then Paul the Jew wrote a letter to Philemon the Phrygian, and those who congregated in his house, from Timothy the Jew and himself, to let them know that they were on his mind - even though he was now old and still imprisoned in Rome (Philemon 1:1-9).  He told Philemon the Phrygian. that his runaway slave, Onesimus the Phrygian, had came into the House of Truth while visiting himself in Rome, and that he was sending him back, so Philemon the Phrygian could treat Onesimus the Phrygian like a brother, to show his gratitude to Paul the Jew for bringing him into the House of Truth (Philemon 1:10-19).  He then told Philemon the Phrygian, that he would come to stay at his house for a visit, as soon as Caesar released him at his upcoming trial (Philemon 1:20-22).  He then sent greetings from people Philemon the Phrygian knew, including Epaphras the Phrygian, Luke the Jew, and Mark the Jew - who had made his way to Rome to tell him that Peter the Jew had died (Philemon 1:23-24).

Paul the Jew also wrote a letter to the congregation in Colosse, which is in Phyrgia, to thank them for their love for him and Timothy the Jew, that Epaphras the Phrygian had told them about (Colossians 1:1-8).   He reminded them that the Man of Truth was in Heaven, and that when he came back to the Earth, then the Children of Truth would be coming with him in glory, while everyone still on Earth would suffer the wrath of his Father (Colossians 3:1-6).  He sent Tychicus the Ephesian to them, with Onesimus the Phrygian, to cause them to know how things were going for himself in Rome (Colossians 4:7-9).  Then he sent greetings from those who were with him in Rome that they knew, including Mark the Jew, who might also come to them, Epaphras the Phrygian, and Luke the Jew (Colossians 4:10-14).  He sent instructions to them, since he was still imprisoned in Rome (Colossians 4:15-18).

After Paul the Jew was set free by Caesar, he went to Colosse as promised on a fourth mission, but on the way back to Rome, he had Timothy the Jew stay in Ephesus to straighten things out at the congregation there, while he went on to straighten things out at the congregations in Macedonia (1 Timothy 1:1-4).  He reminded Timothy the Jew in his letter about how he had been made an Apostle of Truth - even though he had been the chief of sinners when he had persecuted the Children of Truth (1 Timothy 1:11-16).  Paul the Jew then warned him to not become like Hymenaeus the Ephesian, who shipwrecked his faith (1 Timothy 1:18-20).  He also told Timothy the Jew that he hoped to meet him back in Ephesus soon, but needed Timothy the Jew to keep the congregation there in order in the meantime (1 Timothy 3:14-15).  He admonished Timothy the Jew to flee the Doctrine of Lies, and to pursue what is right in the eyes of the Father of Truth, so that he could have a good witness, like the Man of Truth had before Pilate (1 Timothy 6:11-13).  He admonished Timothy the Jew to stay in the House of Truth, until the Man of Truth returned to rule the Earth (1 Timothy 6:14-16).

Then Paul the Jew wrote a letter to the congregation in Ephesus (Ephesians 1:1-2).  Paul the Jew reminded them once again, of the power that the Father of Truth demonstrated when He raised the Man of Truth from the dead, set him on a throne on the right hand side of His own throne in Heaven, and the He will make him ruler over the entire Earth when he returns (Ephesians 1:19-23).  Paul the Jew was once again in prison in Rome, for preaching the Good News to the Gentiles, that the Father of Truth had revealed to the Apostles of Truth by the Spirit of Truth, that the Man of Truth was sent to be the Savior of the Gentiles, as well as the Messiah of Israel (Ephesians 3:1-8).  He had sent Tychicus the Ephesian, to tell them of all that had happened to him, since they had last seen him (Ephesians 6:21-22).

Then Paul the Jew wrote his final letter to Timothy the Jew (2 Timothy 1:1-2).  He reminded Timothy the Jew of how some people had turned the congregations of Asia, where Ephesus was, against him, so that he had to flee (2 Timothy 1:15).  However, he also reminded Timothy the Jew, that some were still for him in Ephesus, including Onesiphorus the Ephesian, who came all the way to Rome to visit him when he was in prison (2 Timothy 1:16-18).  He encouraged Timothy the Jew to remember, that even though he was in chains, the Father of Truth had raised the Man of Truth from the dead, and those who suffer persecution for the Man of Truth in this life, will reign with the Man of Truth when returns to rule the Earth (2 Timothy 2:7-13).  He warned Timothy the Jew to study the Book of Truth, so that he would not fall into error like Hymenaeus the Ephesian (2 Timothy 2:15-18).  He reminded Timothy the Jew, of how the Father of Truth had delivered from all the trouble he had experienced in Galatia, where Antioch (Psidia), Iconium and Lystra were, before they came to Ephesus, on his fourth mission (2 Timothy 3:10-11).  He admonished Timothy the Jew, to persevere though persecution, because the Man of Truth will reward the Children of Truth, and punish their enemies, when he returns to rule the Earth (2 Timothy 4:1-5).  He told Timothy the Jew, that he would soon be executed, and that he was ready to leave this Earth to be with the Man of Truth, since he had finished his work (2 Timothy 4:6-8).  He told Timothy the Jew to come to Rome, because he had sent Titus the Greek to take care of the congregation in Dalmatia, and someone else to take care of the congregations in Galatia (2 Timothy 4:9-10).  He said that Luke the Jew, was the only one left in Rome who had came with him to Rome, but for Timothy the Jew to bring Mark the Jew with him from Ephesus, because he had sent Tychicus the Ephesian to take care of the congregation in Ephesus (2 Timothy 4:11-12).  He then asked Timothy the Jew, to pick up his things that he had left at Troas, when he had fled to Macedonia (2 Timothy 4:13).  He asked Timothy the Jew, to greet Onesiphorus the Ephesian, Aquila the Jew and his wife for him (2 Timothy 4:19).  He requested that Timothy the Jew, try to arrive in Rome before winter set in, when no one could travel (2 Timothy 4:21).

After that, shortly before the things that the Man of Truth had said concerning Jerusalem came to pass, Jude the Jew wrote on last letter from Jerusalem, to the Jews and Gentiles in all of the congregations that had been established, including those established by Paul the Jew, Barnabas the Jew, Aquila the Jew, and Peter the Jew, urging them to stay in the House of Truth (Jude 1:1-3).  He then warned them to beware, of those who taught any thing different than what the Apostles of Truth had taught, because these deceivers would be destroyed like the Prophets of Lies in the wilderness, the Angels of Lies who had children with human women, Sodom and Gomorrah, Cain, the mad prophet Balaam, who left off following the Father of Truth to pursue money, and Korah (Core), who tried to lead the people away from Moses (Moishe), with deceiving words (Jude 1:4-13).  He reminded them, that even Enoch had foretold that the Man of Truth would come with the Children of Truth, to destroy such people (Jude 1:14-16).  He said that these were the same kind of people that Paul the Jew, Peter the Jew and the other Apostles of Truth had warned would come to deceive the Children of Truth, so the Children of Truth need to be on guard, as they awaited for the Man of Truth to reward them with eternal life (Jude 1:17-21).

After the things that the Man of Truth said concerning Jerusalem came to pass, then John the Jew wrote  from Ephesus, to the congregation in Corinth, to reminded them that he and the other original Apostles of Truth, had personally been with the Man of Truth, when he was on this Earth (1 John 1:1-4).  He warned them, that the Prophets of Lies, who Apostles of Truth had warned coming, had now arrived (1 John 2:18-23).  He urged them, to continue in the teaching of the Apostles of Truth, so they would be rewarded, when the Man of Truth returns to the Earth (1 John 2:24-29).  He warned that these Prophets of Lies taught, that the Man of Truth did not live on the Earth as a man, to turn people away from the teachings of the Apostles of Truth (1 John 4:1-6).

Then John the Jew wrote from Ephesus, a second letter to the congregation in Corinth, commending them, for continuing in the teachings of the Apostles of Truth (2 John 1:1-6).  He warned them, to give no aid or comfort to the Prophets of Lies, who were still teaching, that the Man of Truth had not lived on this Earth as a man (2 John 1:7-11).  He finished by saying, that he would come to Corinth himself, to put things in order (2 John 1:12).

After John the Jew returned to Ephesus, he wrote a letter to his friend Gaius the Jew, to commend those Jews like himself, who had preached the Good News to the Gentiles, free of charge (3 John 1:1-8).  He had came to the congregation in Corinth, as he had said he would, in his previous letter, but Diotrophes the Greek had opposed him (3 John 1:9). [Diotrophes was the first monarchical bishop in history and he called himself "the bishop of Corinth".]  He said, that he was coming back to Corinth, to take care of Diotrophes, who was putting the Children of Truth, out of the congregation in Corinth (3 John 1:10-14).

Sitting at the top of the house to crown the entire roof is the Revelation.  It is like a bell tower, whose massive bell rings to create the sound of liberty to the Children of Truth, and the sound of approaching doom to their enemies.  The bell rang loudly, when the Revelation was first given, for the events that occurred at that time, and it has started to ring louder and more steadily again today, after many years of ringing softly and infrequently, as the stage is being set, for the rest of its events to come to pass.

After John the Jew returned to Ephesus again, he received the Revelation from the Man of Truth (Revelation 1:1-3). He was instructed, to give this first to the seven congregations in the Roman providence of Asia, where Ephesus and the region of Phrygia was, to tell them that the Man of Truth was coming back to the Earth, to cause the Children of Truth to rule the Earth with him, and to destroy the wicked off the face of the Earth (Revelation 1:4-8).  He was exiled to the island of Patmos, for telling people the Good News, at the time when the Man of Truth appeared to him, to give him this message, for first those seven congregations, and then for everyone else (Revelation 1:9-20).  [Patmos is just off the coast from where Ephesus was.]  First, the Man of Truth gave messages for the congregation in Ephesus, and three other congregations, commending some for persevering through persecution, urging others to persevere through persecution, rebuking others for obeying him halfheartedly, and warning others of judgement, for allowing the Prophets of Lies, to remain in their congregations (Revelation 2).  Then he gave the same kinds of messages, to the remaining three congregations, that included Laodicea (Revelation 3).  Then the Man of Truth began to show John the Jew, what would happen long after that, when it came time for him to return to the Earth (Revelation 4:1).  Then the Man of Truth began showing John the Jew, the terrible things that would happen to the wicked, before he returned to the Earth (Revelation 6).  The Man of Truth showed John the Jew, that at the end of those terrible days, that he would lead an army of the Children of Truth, and the Angels of Truth, to the Earth, to put an end to the rule of the wicked on the Earth (Revelation 19:11-21).  The Man of Truth then showed John the Jew, how the Children of Truth would rule the Earth with him for a thousand years, while the Father of Lies was removed from the Earth (Revelation 20:1-6).  The Man of Truth then showed John the Jew, how the Father of Lies would be allowed back on the Earth, to gather whoever did not want the Man of Truth to rule over them, so that the wicked could finally be destroyed from the Earth forever (Revelation 20:7-15).  Then the Man of Truth showed John the Jew, the New Heaven and New Earth, that the Children of Truth would inherit, to live in forever (Revelation 21).  The Revelation ends with plea, urging the Children of Truth to continue in everything written in the Book of Truth, so that they can inherit every good thing prepared for them, and avoid every bad thing prepared for the Children of Lies (Revelation 22:12-21).

So it can be seen that the entire Renewed Covenant is self-canonizing by the way that all of the books work together to weave a continuous story with consistent themes and collaborating events.  The books of the Renewed Covenant fit together like a well built house.  The Gospels were written so you could know what the Man of Truth did, so you could come into the House of Truth.  The Acts records the actions of the Apostles of Truth, to bring Jews and Gentiles into the House of Truth.  The Epistles record their instructions, so you can know how to live in the House of Truth.  The Revelation is sounding the warning, that the time is short for you to come into the House of Truth, and escape the terrible days that will soon come upon the Earth.

The Gospels tell about how the Father of Truth gave the Man of Truth, to die on a cross, be buried, and rise up from the dead, so you can come into the House of Truth (John 3:16).  The Acts tell of how the Man of Truth sent the Apostles of Truth, to tell you how to come into the House of Truth (Acts 1:7-9).  The Epistles tell you, that anyone can come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of the their lives to the Man of Truth, because they believe the Good News, that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-11).  The Revelation tells you, that the Spirit of Truth is calling out for you, to come into the House of Truth, and live with the Man of Truth forever (Revelation 22:16-17).

Come into the House of Truth!
