Better Than Sex
What is better than sex?
When I was twenty I married the love of my life. All through my twenties and beyond my wife was always dragging me into the bedroom. Some days off we would go every two hours. Some nights I wondered if she knew that people were actually supposed to sleep at night. Sometimes I felt like an over milked cow. Fortunately, I would get ten to fourteen days of reprieve every month.
Now I do not want to give anyone the wrong impression about my wife. My wife was beyond thermonuclear hot. The surface of a white dwarf star was cold compared to her. The theoretical big bang explosion could not have been hotter than my wife.
Nor was there any kind of physical issue that was causing us problems. During the ten years from when we were first married until I had my last child at thirty my wife was pregnant ten times. Sadly, she had seven miscarriages and three of them were twins. Three times she ended up pregnant despite both of us taking every precaution possible other than abstinence. According to US government studies the chances of pregnancy were about 3 in 10,0000 with our set of precautions. We managed to beat those odds three times because we were as fertile as the Garden of Eden.
I had not fallen of out love with her or any such nonsense as that. I was crazy about my wife and still am. I have always loved spending time with her. There has never been another woman in my life nor will there ever be. I love her more than the air I breathe.
Now I suppose most men would not have found this to be problem yet I did. The problem was not a total lack of interest on my part or that I lost interest in her or anything like that. The problem was just there was something else in my life that neither my wife nor any woman could ever compete with.
This other thing was so amazing that my wife would have to drag me away from it from time to time and remind me of my obligations to her. This other thing was so good that I would not eat for days despite my huge appetite for food and the superb cooking of my wife just so I could keep at it. The fact is that I had found something that was better than sex.
Now I am not the only man who has found this activity that is better than sex. Those men who find this activity are in no way uninterested in the opposite sex. In fact, they quite often seem to be rather romantic and some are involved with many women over the course of their lives. You can be sure that they are in no shape, form, or fashion involved in homosexuality. In fact, the more involved they become in this activity the more repulsive homosexuality becomes to them.
For example, consider King David who also found this thing that is better than sex.
David wanted to be sure that he would get the girl for killing Goliath before he ever picked up his sling (1 Samuel 17:25-27). He then killed two hundred Philistines to close the deal because he was anxious to be involved with his first wife (1 Samuel 18:26-28). Then he married more wives and concubines (2 Samuel 5:13). He had at least ten concubines (2 Samuel 15:14-16). He also had at least seven more wives (1 Chronicles 3:1-5). So David had was sexually involved with at least eighteen women. David plainly was interested in women.
Yet he found spending time with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to be better than life itself and more desirous than eating food or drinking water (Psalm 63:1-3).
He desired to spend time worshiping the Father of Truth more than he desired his wife (2 Samuel 6:14-23). David delighted in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and meditated on it day and night (Psalm 1:1-2). His greatest desire was to be in the House of the Father of Truth where His presence dwells (Psalm 26:6-8). David found a day spent with the Father of Truth to be better than a thousand days doing anything else (Psalm 84:10). He was willing to go through any kind of affliction to learn how to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth in the way that the Father of Truth intended because David found that to be true riches (Psalm 119:71-73).
David had always been in pursuit of pleasing the Father of Truth by keeping His commandments (1 Samuel 13:14). It was being anointed with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that caused David to delight in spending time with the Father of Truth, reading His Word and being in His presence at a fanatical level (1 Samuel 16:13). All the revelations that the David had about the future and the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) that He wrote in the Psalms had came from spending time with the Spirit of Truth (2 Samuel 23:1-3). David would have rather of lost anything, including his wives, than to have lost his connection to the Spirit of Truth (Psalm 51:11). It was experiences with the Spirit of Truth that he found to be better than sex.
I have also found experiences with the Spirit of Truth to be better than sex. I would usually start off praying in tongues and in my understanding about whatever was on my mind. This might go on for a few minutes or maybe even a few hours if I had a lot on my mind. Then suddenly things would get interesting.
Sometimes the Spirit of Truth would cause me to break out singing songs. Often they were in a language that I did not know but the Spirit of Truth would still cause me to understand them. Sometimes I would preach out loud in these other languages. Sometimes these were human languages that I did not know and sometimes it was the language spoken by the angels.
For example, I did this often on the rooftop of the house of my landlord when I lived in Greece. I could not speak Greek and he could not speak much English when I arrived in Greece. About a year later, he told me through his wife who spoke better English and my wife who had mastered conversational Greek (I told you that she was extraordinary) that I had been preaching in Greek and he had learned things about the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth that he had never learned in his church.
In similar fashion, one of my fellow airman, who had been to Israel, told me that I had been preaching in Hebrew when I stayed the night at the site where I worked. I honestly do not know how many times I have spoken in a language that I did not know but someone else who heard me understood.
Other times, the Spirit of Truth would explain some passage in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to me that I was struggling to understand. The Spirit of Truth would lead to passages in the Book of Truth to show me things in there that I had never heard preached. The Spirit of Truth would also tell me what to do about situations in my life where I needed wisdom. The Spirit of Truth would show me changes that I needed to make in my own life. The Spirit of Truth would talk to me about all kinds of things.
Sometimes the Spirit of Truth would show me judgments that were going to come about although they were often conditional upon whether or not people repented. The Spirit of Truth showed me things like smart phones, embedded microchips and other technologies that would be invented so that the prophecies in the Book of Truth could literally come to pass. The Spirit of Truth would show me political changes like the end of the USSR that were necessary to set the stage for the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) to rise suddenly to power.
For example, from 1997 to 2001 I warned people constantly that the US was going to be attacked on American soil by Muslims as judgment for doing wicked things like abortion and divorce for any cause unless we repented. I was called a false prophet by many people who claimed to be Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) and an Islamaphobe by human secularists. Yet somehow when Muslim terrorists attacked the US on American soil on September 11th all of my detractors were suddenly silent.
After that churches were filled to the brim for about three weeks but most of the religious professionals lied to people to make them feel better. They did not tell Americans the truth that this was judgment for the wickedness of America and repentance from national sin was the only way to avoid worse judgment in the future. Sadly, America has only grown much more wicked and the death of America is inevitable without dramatic and widespread repentance.
Mostly, the Spirit of Truth would make me stronger on the inside so that I was more like the Man of Truth and draw me closer to the Father of Truth. I could feel the presence of the Father of Truth and the longer I was in His presence the stronger I would feel.
Sometimes I would be transported to another place on Earth, or so it seemed, and would see what was going on there. Usually I would start praying about the situation in the Spirit of Truth although sometimes I would lay hands on people who were sick or tell Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) that they had to leave. This would continue until the situation was resolved.
These trips were so vivid that I could not tell if I was only seeing the situation or I was actually there.
For example, in one case I could feel the African heat in the grass hut where I stood. I could hear people talking in what I presumed was Swahili. I could smell the food that had been cooked there and the smell of illness that protruded from the white man on the cot. When I laid my hand on his head to heal him I could feel his fever. Then the fever left and he looked right at me. He seemed to be aware of my presence but it seemed that he could not actually see me.
When these events first occurred I wondered at times if these experiences were real or if I just had an over active imagination. Even if they were real, I was not sure if I had only had a vision of people in need or if these events had really happened in some cases. It did not take long to get my answer.
Sometimes when I was visiting people in other towns and went to church with them I would encounter some of the people that I had seen in these experiences with the Spirit of Truth. One that particularly stood out was the iterating missionary that was telling about his experiences in Africa to a church that I was visiting. He had been struck down with a tropical disease that had nearly killed him. He then proceeded to tell about how he had felt a hand on his forehead, the fever left and how he looked to see who had laid their hand on him in the hut. He told how he thought it must have been an angel because he could not see anyone but he could feel the presence of the Spirit of Truth. Everything he said matched exactly what I had experienced.
Sometimes it would seem that I had only been praying for a few minutes but when I stopped I would find that eight hours had actually went by. It was as if I had been in a place where time had no meaning.
These were not occasional occurrences but everyday occurrences. I never knew what was going to happen when I spent time praying in tongues but if I knew if I kept at it something would always occur. It was addictive. I never wanted it to end. It was better than sex.
Of course, the test of rather or not something really came from the Father of Truth is NOT the experiences that I or anyone else has had. These experiences have to be measured against the Book of Truth just like dreams and visions to see if they really are from the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth will never lead people into something that contradicts the Book of Truth because the Spirit of Truth is the author of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).
While David was anointed with the Spirit of Truth, that is to say poured on his head, the Man of Truth came to baptize, that is to say to totally submerse, people in the Spirit of Truth (Mark 1:7-9). He told the Apostles of Truth and the other Children of Truth that they would be baptized in the Spirit of Truth if they would wait for the baptism of the Spirit of Truth in Jerusalem (Acts 1:3-5). The Children of Truth who obeyed his instructions began to speak in languages that they did not know when they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:1-4). This is when the Children of Truth began to produce the sound of power.
Even though the Children of Truth are speaking in a language that they do not know it is sometimes a message about the Man of Truth in a language that their listeners understand (Acts 2:5-11). This is a sign to the hearer so that they might believe the message that they are hearing (1 Corinthians 14:22).
Other times they are speaking the language spoken by angels (1 Corinthians 13:1). The Children of Truth will also break out singing songs in a language that they do not know (1 Corinthians 14:15).
The Man of Truth not only said that the Children of Truth across the ages would speak in languages that they did not know but they would also cast out Spirits of Lies and heal the sick by laying their hands on the sick (Mark 16:16-18).
The Man of Truth said that the Spirit of Truth would teach the Children of Truth everything they needed to know and bring the Word of Truth back to remembrance when they needed it (John 14:26). He said the Spirit of Truth would lead the Children of Truth into all truth and even show them future events and inventions in revelations that come from him and the Father of Truth (John 16:13-15). It is the Spirit of Truth who reveals the deep things that come from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:9-11). These revelations from the Spirit of Truth often come to people when they are praying in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:4-6). The Children of Truth are strengthened in their confidence in the Father of Truth that leads to bold action when they spend time praying through the Spirit of Truth in languages that they do not know (Jude 1:19-21).
Sometimes the Children of Truth are transported to another place during these experiences with the Spirit of Truth. Ezekiel the Prophet of Truth (Yechezqel) was carried by the Spirit of Truth in a vision to the Temple in Jerusalem where he saw what other people were doing even though he was hundreds of miles away at banks of the Chebar river in modern Syria (Ezekiel 8:3-16). Philip the Evangelist of Truth was physically transported by the Spirit of Truth in a moment of time from the Gaza road to the city of Azotus that was more than fifty miles away (Acts 8:26-40). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) had experiences with the Spirit of Truth that were so vivid that he could not tell whether he actually met the man who had went to Heaven or if he only saw the man who went to Heaven in a vision (2 Corinthians 12:1-4). John the Jew (Yochanon aka The Apostle John) could actually taste what he ate and feel the results of eating when he had one of these experiences (Revelation 10:8-10).
When the Children of Truth are having one of these experiences with the Spirit of Truth time has no meaning. Moses (Moishe) twice spent forty days without eating or drinking when he was in the presence of the Father of Truth yet did not suffer hunger or thirst because it did not seem that long to him due to the Spirit of Truth who caused his face to shine (Exodus 34:27-29). On the other hand shortly before his exile on the isle of Patmos ended, John the Jew had a revelation of the Man of Truth when he was spending time with the Spirit of Truth (Revelation 1:9-11). During this short period of time he was taken to Heaven by the Spirit of Truth where he witnesses future events unfold over a span of more than seven years (Revelation 4:1-3). The amount of time that passes on Earth while someone is having an experience with the Spirit of Truth has absolutely no correlation to the amount of time that they experience while they involved with the Spirit of Truth.
The thing that makes is such an adventure is that you have no control over what will happen when you spend time with the Spirit of Truth because the Spirit of Truth is the one who decides what will happen (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).
So in short, these experiences with the Spirit of Truth that I have had should be so common among the Children of Truth that they almost take them for granted. This is what it means to be normal when you are involved with the Spirit of Truth. Time spent with the Spirit of Truth is never boring. It is a great adventure. It is better than sex.
These experiences with the Spirit of Truth were in no way done away with when the last Apostle died. The Children of Truth are supposed to seek after the best gifts that the Spirit of Truth has to offer like a man in pursuit of his wife (1 Corinthians 12:28-31). The Children of Truth are supposed to seek after the Spirit of Truth to receive what is needed to help other people become stronger in their confidence in the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:1-3). The Children of Truth are commanded to greatly desire to speak messages by the Spirit of Truth and to not forbid speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:39). The Children of Truth are commanded to not to shut down the operation of the Spirit of Truth by despising these experiences from the Spirit of Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20). The Children of Truth are not supposed to do things like that to grieve the Spirit of Truth who lives inside them (Ephesians 4:30).
So even though everyone who comes into the House of Truth receives the better circumcision still not everyone receives the baptism of the Spirit of Truth. Yet everyone in the House of Truth can receive the baptism of the Spirit of Truth and fire because the Father of Truth has provided five ways to start a fire so that His promise can be fulfilled to everyone who is willing to follow His instructions. He wants you to have experiences with the Spirit of Truth that are better than sex.
The Father of Truth wants His Children to come to greater revelations about His Word and His Son through the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 1:17-21). The Father of Truth wants His Children to be strengthen in their spirit that lives on the inside by spending time with the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 3:14-19).
The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is both women and men whether they are young or old (Acts 2:17-18). The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is promised to everyone who will come into the House of Truth (Acts 2:38-39). It was speaking in languages that they did not know which proved that the Gentile Children of Truth were baptized in the Spirit of Truth even though they had never heard of this baptism nor had been circumcised nor even baptized in water (Acts 10:44-47). The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is for everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Acts 11:15-18).
In order to come into the House of Truth where you can have these experiences that are better than sex you must surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that he was raised from the dead by His Father (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth.
When I was twenty I married the love of my life. All through my twenties and beyond my wife was always dragging me into the bedroom. Some days off we would go every two hours. Some nights I wondered if she knew that people were actually supposed to sleep at night. Sometimes I felt like an over milked cow. Fortunately, I would get ten to fourteen days of reprieve every month.
Now I do not want to give anyone the wrong impression about my wife. My wife was beyond thermonuclear hot. The surface of a white dwarf star was cold compared to her. The theoretical big bang explosion could not have been hotter than my wife.
Nor was there any kind of physical issue that was causing us problems. During the ten years from when we were first married until I had my last child at thirty my wife was pregnant ten times. Sadly, she had seven miscarriages and three of them were twins. Three times she ended up pregnant despite both of us taking every precaution possible other than abstinence. According to US government studies the chances of pregnancy were about 3 in 10,0000 with our set of precautions. We managed to beat those odds three times because we were as fertile as the Garden of Eden.
I had not fallen of out love with her or any such nonsense as that. I was crazy about my wife and still am. I have always loved spending time with her. There has never been another woman in my life nor will there ever be. I love her more than the air I breathe.
Now I suppose most men would not have found this to be problem yet I did. The problem was not a total lack of interest on my part or that I lost interest in her or anything like that. The problem was just there was something else in my life that neither my wife nor any woman could ever compete with.
This other thing was so amazing that my wife would have to drag me away from it from time to time and remind me of my obligations to her. This other thing was so good that I would not eat for days despite my huge appetite for food and the superb cooking of my wife just so I could keep at it. The fact is that I had found something that was better than sex.
Now I am not the only man who has found this activity that is better than sex. Those men who find this activity are in no way uninterested in the opposite sex. In fact, they quite often seem to be rather romantic and some are involved with many women over the course of their lives. You can be sure that they are in no shape, form, or fashion involved in homosexuality. In fact, the more involved they become in this activity the more repulsive homosexuality becomes to them.
For example, consider King David who also found this thing that is better than sex.
David wanted to be sure that he would get the girl for killing Goliath before he ever picked up his sling (1 Samuel 17:25-27). He then killed two hundred Philistines to close the deal because he was anxious to be involved with his first wife (1 Samuel 18:26-28). Then he married more wives and concubines (2 Samuel 5:13). He had at least ten concubines (2 Samuel 15:14-16). He also had at least seven more wives (1 Chronicles 3:1-5). So David had was sexually involved with at least eighteen women. David plainly was interested in women.
Yet he found spending time with the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to be better than life itself and more desirous than eating food or drinking water (Psalm 63:1-3).
He desired to spend time worshiping the Father of Truth more than he desired his wife (2 Samuel 6:14-23). David delighted in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and meditated on it day and night (Psalm 1:1-2). His greatest desire was to be in the House of the Father of Truth where His presence dwells (Psalm 26:6-8). David found a day spent with the Father of Truth to be better than a thousand days doing anything else (Psalm 84:10). He was willing to go through any kind of affliction to learn how to keep the commandments of the Law of Truth in the way that the Father of Truth intended because David found that to be true riches (Psalm 119:71-73).
David had always been in pursuit of pleasing the Father of Truth by keeping His commandments (1 Samuel 13:14). It was being anointed with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that caused David to delight in spending time with the Father of Truth, reading His Word and being in His presence at a fanatical level (1 Samuel 16:13). All the revelations that the David had about the future and the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) that He wrote in the Psalms had came from spending time with the Spirit of Truth (2 Samuel 23:1-3). David would have rather of lost anything, including his wives, than to have lost his connection to the Spirit of Truth (Psalm 51:11). It was experiences with the Spirit of Truth that he found to be better than sex.
I have also found experiences with the Spirit of Truth to be better than sex. I would usually start off praying in tongues and in my understanding about whatever was on my mind. This might go on for a few minutes or maybe even a few hours if I had a lot on my mind. Then suddenly things would get interesting.
Sometimes the Spirit of Truth would cause me to break out singing songs. Often they were in a language that I did not know but the Spirit of Truth would still cause me to understand them. Sometimes I would preach out loud in these other languages. Sometimes these were human languages that I did not know and sometimes it was the language spoken by the angels.
For example, I did this often on the rooftop of the house of my landlord when I lived in Greece. I could not speak Greek and he could not speak much English when I arrived in Greece. About a year later, he told me through his wife who spoke better English and my wife who had mastered conversational Greek (I told you that she was extraordinary) that I had been preaching in Greek and he had learned things about the Father of Truth and the Man of Truth that he had never learned in his church.
In similar fashion, one of my fellow airman, who had been to Israel, told me that I had been preaching in Hebrew when I stayed the night at the site where I worked. I honestly do not know how many times I have spoken in a language that I did not know but someone else who heard me understood.
Other times, the Spirit of Truth would explain some passage in the Book of Truth (The Bible) to me that I was struggling to understand. The Spirit of Truth would lead to passages in the Book of Truth to show me things in there that I had never heard preached. The Spirit of Truth would also tell me what to do about situations in my life where I needed wisdom. The Spirit of Truth would show me changes that I needed to make in my own life. The Spirit of Truth would talk to me about all kinds of things.
Sometimes the Spirit of Truth would show me judgments that were going to come about although they were often conditional upon whether or not people repented. The Spirit of Truth showed me things like smart phones, embedded microchips and other technologies that would be invented so that the prophecies in the Book of Truth could literally come to pass. The Spirit of Truth would show me political changes like the end of the USSR that were necessary to set the stage for the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) to rise suddenly to power.
For example, from 1997 to 2001 I warned people constantly that the US was going to be attacked on American soil by Muslims as judgment for doing wicked things like abortion and divorce for any cause unless we repented. I was called a false prophet by many people who claimed to be Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) and an Islamaphobe by human secularists. Yet somehow when Muslim terrorists attacked the US on American soil on September 11th all of my detractors were suddenly silent.
After that churches were filled to the brim for about three weeks but most of the religious professionals lied to people to make them feel better. They did not tell Americans the truth that this was judgment for the wickedness of America and repentance from national sin was the only way to avoid worse judgment in the future. Sadly, America has only grown much more wicked and the death of America is inevitable without dramatic and widespread repentance.
Mostly, the Spirit of Truth would make me stronger on the inside so that I was more like the Man of Truth and draw me closer to the Father of Truth. I could feel the presence of the Father of Truth and the longer I was in His presence the stronger I would feel.
Sometimes I would be transported to another place on Earth, or so it seemed, and would see what was going on there. Usually I would start praying about the situation in the Spirit of Truth although sometimes I would lay hands on people who were sick or tell Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) that they had to leave. This would continue until the situation was resolved.
These trips were so vivid that I could not tell if I was only seeing the situation or I was actually there.
For example, in one case I could feel the African heat in the grass hut where I stood. I could hear people talking in what I presumed was Swahili. I could smell the food that had been cooked there and the smell of illness that protruded from the white man on the cot. When I laid my hand on his head to heal him I could feel his fever. Then the fever left and he looked right at me. He seemed to be aware of my presence but it seemed that he could not actually see me.
When these events first occurred I wondered at times if these experiences were real or if I just had an over active imagination. Even if they were real, I was not sure if I had only had a vision of people in need or if these events had really happened in some cases. It did not take long to get my answer.
Sometimes when I was visiting people in other towns and went to church with them I would encounter some of the people that I had seen in these experiences with the Spirit of Truth. One that particularly stood out was the iterating missionary that was telling about his experiences in Africa to a church that I was visiting. He had been struck down with a tropical disease that had nearly killed him. He then proceeded to tell about how he had felt a hand on his forehead, the fever left and how he looked to see who had laid their hand on him in the hut. He told how he thought it must have been an angel because he could not see anyone but he could feel the presence of the Spirit of Truth. Everything he said matched exactly what I had experienced.
Sometimes it would seem that I had only been praying for a few minutes but when I stopped I would find that eight hours had actually went by. It was as if I had been in a place where time had no meaning.
These were not occasional occurrences but everyday occurrences. I never knew what was going to happen when I spent time praying in tongues but if I knew if I kept at it something would always occur. It was addictive. I never wanted it to end. It was better than sex.
Of course, the test of rather or not something really came from the Father of Truth is NOT the experiences that I or anyone else has had. These experiences have to be measured against the Book of Truth just like dreams and visions to see if they really are from the Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Truth will never lead people into something that contradicts the Book of Truth because the Spirit of Truth is the author of the Book of Truth (2 Peter 1:21).
While David was anointed with the Spirit of Truth, that is to say poured on his head, the Man of Truth came to baptize, that is to say to totally submerse, people in the Spirit of Truth (Mark 1:7-9). He told the Apostles of Truth and the other Children of Truth that they would be baptized in the Spirit of Truth if they would wait for the baptism of the Spirit of Truth in Jerusalem (Acts 1:3-5). The Children of Truth who obeyed his instructions began to speak in languages that they did not know when they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:1-4). This is when the Children of Truth began to produce the sound of power.
Even though the Children of Truth are speaking in a language that they do not know it is sometimes a message about the Man of Truth in a language that their listeners understand (Acts 2:5-11). This is a sign to the hearer so that they might believe the message that they are hearing (1 Corinthians 14:22).
Other times they are speaking the language spoken by angels (1 Corinthians 13:1). The Children of Truth will also break out singing songs in a language that they do not know (1 Corinthians 14:15).
The Man of Truth not only said that the Children of Truth across the ages would speak in languages that they did not know but they would also cast out Spirits of Lies and heal the sick by laying their hands on the sick (Mark 16:16-18).
The Man of Truth said that the Spirit of Truth would teach the Children of Truth everything they needed to know and bring the Word of Truth back to remembrance when they needed it (John 14:26). He said the Spirit of Truth would lead the Children of Truth into all truth and even show them future events and inventions in revelations that come from him and the Father of Truth (John 16:13-15). It is the Spirit of Truth who reveals the deep things that come from the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:9-11). These revelations from the Spirit of Truth often come to people when they are praying in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:4-6). The Children of Truth are strengthened in their confidence in the Father of Truth that leads to bold action when they spend time praying through the Spirit of Truth in languages that they do not know (Jude 1:19-21).
Sometimes the Children of Truth are transported to another place during these experiences with the Spirit of Truth. Ezekiel the Prophet of Truth (Yechezqel) was carried by the Spirit of Truth in a vision to the Temple in Jerusalem where he saw what other people were doing even though he was hundreds of miles away at banks of the Chebar river in modern Syria (Ezekiel 8:3-16). Philip the Evangelist of Truth was physically transported by the Spirit of Truth in a moment of time from the Gaza road to the city of Azotus that was more than fifty miles away (Acts 8:26-40). Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) had experiences with the Spirit of Truth that were so vivid that he could not tell whether he actually met the man who had went to Heaven or if he only saw the man who went to Heaven in a vision (2 Corinthians 12:1-4). John the Jew (Yochanon aka The Apostle John) could actually taste what he ate and feel the results of eating when he had one of these experiences (Revelation 10:8-10).
When the Children of Truth are having one of these experiences with the Spirit of Truth time has no meaning. Moses (Moishe) twice spent forty days without eating or drinking when he was in the presence of the Father of Truth yet did not suffer hunger or thirst because it did not seem that long to him due to the Spirit of Truth who caused his face to shine (Exodus 34:27-29). On the other hand shortly before his exile on the isle of Patmos ended, John the Jew had a revelation of the Man of Truth when he was spending time with the Spirit of Truth (Revelation 1:9-11). During this short period of time he was taken to Heaven by the Spirit of Truth where he witnesses future events unfold over a span of more than seven years (Revelation 4:1-3). The amount of time that passes on Earth while someone is having an experience with the Spirit of Truth has absolutely no correlation to the amount of time that they experience while they involved with the Spirit of Truth.
The thing that makes is such an adventure is that you have no control over what will happen when you spend time with the Spirit of Truth because the Spirit of Truth is the one who decides what will happen (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).
So in short, these experiences with the Spirit of Truth that I have had should be so common among the Children of Truth that they almost take them for granted. This is what it means to be normal when you are involved with the Spirit of Truth. Time spent with the Spirit of Truth is never boring. It is a great adventure. It is better than sex.
These experiences with the Spirit of Truth were in no way done away with when the last Apostle died. The Children of Truth are supposed to seek after the best gifts that the Spirit of Truth has to offer like a man in pursuit of his wife (1 Corinthians 12:28-31). The Children of Truth are supposed to seek after the Spirit of Truth to receive what is needed to help other people become stronger in their confidence in the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 14:1-3). The Children of Truth are commanded to greatly desire to speak messages by the Spirit of Truth and to not forbid speaking in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:39). The Children of Truth are commanded to not to shut down the operation of the Spirit of Truth by despising these experiences from the Spirit of Truth (1 Thessalonians 5:19-20). The Children of Truth are not supposed to do things like that to grieve the Spirit of Truth who lives inside them (Ephesians 4:30).
So even though everyone who comes into the House of Truth receives the better circumcision still not everyone receives the baptism of the Spirit of Truth. Yet everyone in the House of Truth can receive the baptism of the Spirit of Truth and fire because the Father of Truth has provided five ways to start a fire so that His promise can be fulfilled to everyone who is willing to follow His instructions. He wants you to have experiences with the Spirit of Truth that are better than sex.
The Father of Truth wants His Children to come to greater revelations about His Word and His Son through the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 1:17-21). The Father of Truth wants His Children to be strengthen in their spirit that lives on the inside by spending time with the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 3:14-19).
The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is both women and men whether they are young or old (Acts 2:17-18). The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is promised to everyone who will come into the House of Truth (Acts 2:38-39). It was speaking in languages that they did not know which proved that the Gentile Children of Truth were baptized in the Spirit of Truth even though they had never heard of this baptism nor had been circumcised nor even baptized in water (Acts 10:44-47). The baptism of the Spirit of Truth is for everyone who comes into the House of Truth (Acts 11:15-18).
In order to come into the House of Truth where you can have these experiences that are better than sex you must surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth because you believe that he was raised from the dead by His Father (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Prophecy, Revelations, Ruach HaQodesh, Sex, Tongues, Valentine's Day, Visions
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