Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Death of America

Is America doomed to be destroyed in the near future?

In 1992, shortly before the presidential elections in the United States, I had a dream that Bill Clinton became the next President of the United States.  After he won the election in this dream, he set off a series of events, that lead to the demise of the United States, many years later.  I have witnessed many of these events take place since that time, and I know, that if America continues down the path that it is going on, then America will soon be no more.  The death of America is near and certain without national repentance.

The death of America will leave behind several smaller and weaker countries in its place, that will never be able to enjoy the peace, prestige and wealth individually, that these states currently enjoy, while united into a single country.  These countries will not always cooperate with each other, and will eventually even engage each other in war.  These wars could prevent the largest exporter of wheat and corn in the world, from being able to send food to the many countries, that depend upon it to feed their populations.  The death of America could even lead to a world wide famine.

Those who live in other countries, who have been shouting "Death to America" for years, will suddenly find, that their world has been made considerably worse by the death of America.  Without an America, there will be no one rushing aid to them, when they are hit with the natural disasters, that will soon befall them.   Without an America, they will soon find, that no one is sending them food in their times of famine. Without an America, there will no longer be a massive outpouring of medical aid in times of plagues.  Without an America, the rate of innovation will slow down considerably.   Without an America, there will be no one to stop brutal dictators from placing them under bondage. Without an America, there will be a massive power vacuum, that less moderate parties will fill.  Those who have been shouting "Death to America" for years, will not like the end result ,when they finally get their wish.

Of course, that was only a dream I had.  It does not necessarily mean that it came from the Father of Truth (Yahweh aka God) - even if many of the events have happened since then.  We are not to base our faith on dreams.  If He really sent a dream by the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) then its message will always agree with what He has already said.  The message of every dream like this must be compared to the Book of Truth (The Bible) to see if it really came from Him or not.  This is explained in greater detail in Dreams and Visions.

So what does the Book of Truth say about what I saw in this dream? Is America doomed to be destroyed?

In the long run, the country as a political entity is doomed but the various people groups who live in it are not. To understand, a brief overview of the structure of the US is in order.

The United States is basically an empire. 

It has fifty member states that act in some ways as separate countries that each have their own ruler (governor), their own councils (legislatures) and their own judges.  They are bound together by a common covenant (the constitution) and a common culture that values diversity.  They are all subject to the decrees issued by a supreme ruler (executive orders of the president), laws passed a supreme council (congress) and the judgements of a supreme court of judges. 

It also has a number of client states (territories, protectorates, etc.) that are also subject to the same decrees, laws and judgments as the member states with only the right to speak but not to decide.  It also greatly influences, sometimes almost controlling, a number of smaller independent nations through their dependency on it for food, military protection and economic welfare.   It has also sought to allow freedom of religion, speech, etc. over the entire area under its control and even in those other countries that it virtually rules by influence.  It has often gone to war to force other countries to adopt its values. 

So in short, the United States has many of the characteristics of other empires (who were also structured similarly and did similar things) in the Book of Truth including the Persian Empire (freedom of religion, diversity of cultures, etc.), the Greek Empire (democracy) and the Roman Empire (a republic with a Senate).

All of these empires came to an end and so will the United States. 

The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) will one day be the law of the entire Earth and Jerusalem will be the capital of the whole world (Isaiah 2:3).  The Man of Truth (Yeshua  HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) will break up all empires and large countries into small countries that will be ruled by the Children of Truth (those who obey God because they love Him) (Revelation 2:26-27).  The Father of Truth is going to set up a single world-wide empire with the Man of Truth as the only supreme ruler (King of Kings) on Earth (Revelation 19:15-16).

Before the Man of Truth can destroy the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast aka The Man of Sin) to set up his kingdom, the kingdom of the Man of Lies must rise to become the most powerful nation on Earth (Revelation 13:1-4). 

Before that can happen, the United States must be removed from the position of being the most powerful nation on Earth to create a power vacuum.

So America is doomed to come to an end, be broken into smaller countries and exist only in the pages of history like the Roman, Greek and Persian empires.  The better question for those who are alive now is this:  Is America doomed to be destroyed in the near future?

To answer that question we must look at the country in the Book of Truth that is most similar to America in its original purposes and its relationship to the Father of Truth to see what happened to it.  That country is the ancient country of Israel (not the modern country of the same name occupied by descendants of the same people).

Most of the original thirteen colonies were founded by the Children of Truth to carry out the purposes of the Father of Truth as clearly spelled out in their founding documents and the monuments they erected so that their descendants would not forget this fact.  This was similar to the reasons that the people of Israel were brought into the Land of Israel.

The colonists were the children of Abraham by a supernatural birth just like the Children of Israel were the descendants of Abraham by a natural birth (Genesis 22:16-18).   Like the colonists, the descendants of Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh) and Jacob (Israel aka Yaqob) were given a land as part of His plan to bless all the Earth (Genesis 28:13-15).  Like the colonists were removed from being persecuted in England to go to a land that they had never seen also He removed the Children of Israel from being persecuted in Egypt to go to a land that they had never seen (Exodus 6:3-5).  He prospered both the Children of Israel and the original colonists so that His covenant could be established in the Earth (Deuteronomy 8:18).

For the sake of His covenants both groups grew into nations that expanded their borders and influence.

The territory of the thirteen colonies grew in size over the generations just like the thirteen tribes of Israel ( eleven whole tribes plus the two half-tribes that are often treated as two individual tribes) (Joshua 11:23).  Soon the original inhabitants of both areas became a minority (Joshua 17:13).   Both groups eventually became a nation united under a single ruler (1 Samuel 10:24-25).

The early Americans, like the ancient Israelites, based the law of the land on the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).   The borders of both nations expanded generation after generation until they went from sea to shining sea (Exodus 23:29-31).  They both became known as the most affluent and influential countries on Earth (1 Kings 10:23-24).

The Father of Truth brought about these expansions as long as they sought to fulfill His purposes.  He had entrusted the Law of Truth to the people of Israel because they were the physical family of the Man of Truth.  Similarly, He has empowered Americans to be more able to spread the Good News of the Man of Truth to those that had never heard it than any other people in history because so many of them belong to the spiritual family of the Man of Truth.

It would be great if the parallels between America and the ancient nation of Israel ended there but sadly they do not.  Just as there were many similarities in their beginnings and growth into a nation there are also many similarities to their treatment of the Father of Truth after He blessed them.

Most Americans now object to continuing to base their laws on the Law of Truth just as Israel eventually did despite being warned against so doing (Deuteronomy 8:11).  In similar fashion, they have forgotten that the Father of Truth is the one that delivered their ancestors from England and made their nation rich (Deuteronomy 8:12-14).  They do not consider it was by His favor that the United States has overcame so many obstacles that were insurmountable (Deuteronomy 8:15-16).  Like the ancient nation of Israel, Americans have come to believe that they have accomplished everything by their own strength (Deuteronomy 8:17).

Like ancient Israel, America has turned from the Father of Truth because the political and religious leaders have sought to fulfill their own desire for bigger, better, new things instead taking care of the needs of the people (Ezekiel 34:2).  Like ancient Israel, America has told the Father of Truth to get out of their schools (Hosea 4:1).  America has also decided that His commandments have no place in their courts (Nehemiah 9:26).

Just as ancient Israel left the Father of Truth to follow idols so has America left Him to follow an idol (Isaiah 2:8).  The American idol is not an image made of wood or stone like the idols that drew ancient Israel away but rather is made of green paper with images of the founding fathers on it (Colossians 3:5).  This idolatry of money is more thoroughly explained in Bigger, Better, Newer.

Since America has chosen to put its trust in this idol instead of trusting in the Father of Truth, as stamped on its coins, it has followed the same path as ancient Israel.  All sexual restraint was thrown off and sex outside of marriage between a man and woman became accepted as normal (Ezekiel 16:29).  Prostitution became accepted and legal in many places (Ezekiel 23:35).  Even divorce has became accepted as normal (Malachi 2:14-16).

In like manner, becoming drunk has became a source of pride instead of shame in America just as it happened in ancient Israel (Isaiah 28:7-8).  Many Americans also became involved with the occult, including the use of hallucinogenic drugs, just like ancient Israel (Micah 5:12).

This manner of living has predictably lead to unwanted pregnancies.  Americans have made murder in the womb of these children who came from their rebellion against the Law of Truth both legal and acceptable just like ancient Israel murdered their children that came from their rebellion against the Law of Truth (Psalm 106:37-39).

Ancient Israel did all these things and suffered many of the same judgments before it was finally destroyed that are similar to the judgments that America has suffered over its history.  America has suffered great economic hardships like the Great Depression, similar to ancient Israel (2 Kings 12:18).  America has suffered a division between north and south that has never completely healed just like ancient Israel (1 Kings 12:20-24).  America has suffered devastating droughts that lead to food shortages, like the dust bowl, similar to ancient Israel (1 Kings 18:1-2).  America has suffered great plagues like the Spanish flu, polio and Aids, similar to ancient Israel (1 Chronicles 21:14).  America has lost many people in war, particularly the Civil War, just like ancient Israel (2 Chronicles 13:16-18).

America has responded at times with repentance to these judgements just like ancient Israel (2 Chronicles 34:33).  However, just as ancient Israel reached a point where it would not repent so also is America close to that same point.  Despite the cycles of the idolatry, fornication, drunkenness, even murder in the womb, America has experienced great revivals of repentance like the First and Second Great Awakenings similar to Israel.  However, the time will come, like it did for ancient Israel, when the Father of Truth will be weary of calling them to repentance because America will no longer repent (Jeremiah 15:5-7).

America has had times of turning from His commandments in the past that has brought on warning judgments that lead to more serious judgments such as the Civil War, and the Great Depression that finally brought America to repent of its sins.  Yet it has not responded in such a manner to any of the warning judgments that have fallen upon it since 1992.  Weather judgments like the three times that Moore, OK has been devastated by tornadoes as part of record tornadoes and tornado outbreaks, wild fires, record droughts in some areas while other areas had record floods, hurricanes like Katrina, Rita and Sandy along with other natural disasters.  There have also been unprecedented judgments of terror on American soil like the Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks on September 11, 2001 (9-11).  America is suffering the worse economic crisis since the Great Depression.  Yet America has only became more wicked after each judgment.  America seems to be unwilling to respond to any judgment by repenting of its wickedness. 

If America continues to go down the same path as ancient Israel then it is going to reach the same destination.  America will be destroyed as surely as ancient Israel was destroyed for doing what the Canaanites did that caused the Father of Truth to send in Israel to destroy them (Deuteronomy 8:19-20).  The Father of Truth warned Israel against accepting homosexuality as normal which is the current trend in America (Deuteronomy 23:17).   The one thing that the Canaanites did that brought His wrath more than anything else was the acceptance of homosexuality as normal as many in America desire (1 Kings 14:24).  King Asa was declared righteous by the Father of Truth for not tolerating what the Father of Truth had called intolerable just as the original colonists would not tolerate homosexuality (1 Kings 15:11-12).  His son was also called righteous for continuing to treat homosexuality as a crime just like homosexuality was a crime in every state of the US until fairly recent times (1 Kings 22:43-46).  Josiah, the last king to be called righteous, was spoke of as being the most righteous of all the kings for not tolerating any homosexuals to live in his country contrary to what many Americans today think as being righteous (2 Kings 23:7).  The destruction of Israel came when it chose to be like Sodom instead of being like Him and it will be no different with America (Ezekiel 16:48-50).

How did America go from homosexuality being a crime, even a death penalty crime in some colonies, to being accepted as normal?

It was Bill Clinton that set in motion the acceptance of homosexuality as normal after he became president with his "don't ask, don't tell" policy just as I saw in my dream.  This came true just as I saw in my dream but the death of America was only insured in my dream if America refused to repent.  If America does not repent, at the very least it will be broken into smaller countries just like ancient Israel was broken into Israel and Judah.  Those smaller countries will go to war with each other at various times just like Israel and Judah went to war with each other at various time.  If they still refuse to repent, then they will be destroyed by a foreign army just like Israel and Judah were eventually destroyed.

Is what happened to ancient Israel any indicator of what will happen to America?

Everything that has happened to ancient Israel is meant to be an example of how the Father of Truth will treat everyone who does the same things so that we might repent instead of being destroyed (1 Corinthians 10:11).  The Father of Truth does not want America to perish but to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).  The Man of Truth is giving America space to repent of its fornication and idolatry just like he did for the Prophetess of Lies called Jezebel (Revelation 2:20-22).  If America does not take advantage of this generous offer then the Man of Truth will bring swift judgment upon it and its children just as he did with that woman (Revelation 2:23).

So Americans must choose between rejecting His Law, even to the point of accepting as normal what the Father of Truth calls wicked, and the welfare of their own children.

You cannot choose for everyone but you can choose for yourself.  If you will come into the House of Truth then the Father of Truth will protect you from destruction during the death of America just as he did for the Children of Truth in ancient Israel (Isaiah 3:10).  You can come into the House of Truth by surrendering all of your rights to the Man of Truth now because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:8-10).  If you will come into the House of Truth then the death of America will not mean the death of you (1 Thessalonians 5:9).

Come into the House of Truth.

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