The Epistles
How can the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) know how to live out their faith in a hostile world?
It can be hard to live out faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), in a world that is hostile to the Man of Truth (John 15:18-20). There are often clashes, brought on by differences between the knowledge that the Children of Truth have, and the ignorance that everyone else in the world has. Those who are blind to what the Children of Truth can plainly see, cannot understand why the Children of Truth are opposed to things that seem right to them. The world is spinning one direction, while the Children of Truth are spinning the other direction.
Then there are issues in the supernatural family of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), that just like in any family, between older (and hopefully more mature) members, and younger members, of the family. Sometimes, younger brothers and sisters do things, that irritate their older siblings, who tend to forget, that they had behaved the same way, before they grew out of it. Sometimes, younger brothers and sisters resent, being corrected by their older siblings. Sometimes, the older and younger members, just seem to be unable to relate to each other, at all. Sometimes, fights happen inside a family.
Then there is the issue of the Children of Truth, having to deal with their natural family, where there are members, who are not in the supernatural family of the Father of Truth, as well. This could include their husband or wife, their children, their parents, their grandchildren, or even their extended family consisting of aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws. In some case, they are disowned and disinherited by their natural family, because they came into the House of Truth (Matthew 10:34-36). Sometimes, their extended family will even seek, to end their lives for remaining in the House of Truth (Mark 13:12-13).
The Children of Truth can have the same problems, with the friends they have, who have not yet came into the House of Truth (Luke 21:16-17).
Then there is the whole thorny issue of Jew and Gentile relations. The Jewish Children of Truth need to know, how to deal with a Jewish community, that is hostile to the Man of Truth. The Jewish Children of Truth need to know how to deal with Gentiles, who are hostile to the Man of Truth. The Gentile Children of Truth need to know how to deal with their own community, that is hostile to the Man of Truth. The Gentile Children of Truth need to know how to deal with Jews, who are hostile to the Man of Truth. Also, both the Jewish Children of Truth, and the Gentile Children of Truth, need to know how to treat each other.
Both the Gentile Children of Truth, and the Jewish Children of Truth, also need to know, how to avoid being lured out of the House of Truth, by the world. The world will try, to lure the Gentile Children of Truth, back into idolatry. The world will try, to lure the Jewish Children of Truth, back into the Rabbinic Distort called Rabbinic Judaism. The world will even try, to lure the Gentile Children of Truth, into Judaism, and the Jewish Children of Truth into idolatry. The world will also try, to get both the Jewish Children of Truth, and the Gentile Children of Truth, to believe the Greatest Fairy Tale ever told.
In like manner, the world will try, to lure the Children of Truth out of the House of Truth, by appealing to the desires of their bodies, that the Children of Truth still live in. The world will offer the Children of Truth money, sex, power, and everything else that it has to offer, in order to get them to leave the House of Truth.
Lastly, there is the problem, of those who congregate with the Children of Truth, who are not part of the family of the Father of Truth. These wolves dressed up as sheep, seek to cause division among the Children of Truth, so they can take advantage of them. Some of them are in the general congregation, and others are in the ministry itself. The Children of Truth need to know, how to identify those, who are trying to lead them astray, and how to defend themselves, against these wolves dressed up as sheep.
So in short, how can the Children of Truth know, how to carry out the instructions of the Man of Truth, when they are being persecuted by the Children of Lies, have real differences between each other, live in a world that is constantly tempting them, and even have the Children of Lies working in their midst, to lead them out of the House of Truth? How can they know, how to apply the teachings of the Man of Truth, in a world that is hostile to the Man of Truth?
Fortunately, there is a section of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), that was written primarily to help the Children of Truth, overcome these kinds of problems, called the Epistles. The Epistles provide shelter from these storms, like the roof of a well built house. This becomes evident, when we consider, how the Epistles came about.
The Apostles of Truth were given the responsibility, to continue the work of the Man of Truth, when he left this Earth (Acts 1:1-2). It is for this reason, that some of the Apostles of Truth continued to remain in Jerusalem, for decades afterwards, to resolve doctrinal disputes, about things, like the status of the Gentiles who came into the House of Truth (Acts 15:1-6).
Yet, the Apostles of Truth knew, that this system of people coming to Jerusalem, so they could have their doctrinal disputes settled by them, could not last, for the Man of Truth had already told them, that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed (Luke 21:20-24). At the same time, they were commanded to spread the Good News throughout the entire Earth (Acts 1:8). The Apostles could not appoint successors, due to the scattering of the Children of Truth, further and further away from each other, that began just a few years, after the Man of Truth went back to Heaven (Acts 11:19-20). This scattering of the Children of Truth, caused the Apostles of Truth, to begin sending epistles (letters), to address the issues, that the Children of Truth were facing, as they struggled to live out their faith, in a hostile world (Acts 15:23-31).
Since the Children of Truth were going to have to continue, without any centralized authority, who could explain how to put the teachings of the Man of Truth into practice, the Apostles of Truth left behind their writings, contained in the Renewed Covenant (Ephesians 2:19-21). The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) revealed to the Apostles of Truth, all that had been hidden from the Prophets of Truth (Ephesians 3:5). The Apostles of Truth wrote the Epistles, so their commandments would be known to the Children of Truth (2 Peter 3:1-2). It is these Epistles, that tell the Children of Truth, what they need to know, so they can live out their faith in a hostile world (Jude 1:17-21).
This is much better, than everyone needing to go to Jerusalem, to get answers to these kinds of questions. The Epistles contain, most of the teaching of the Apostles of Truth, on how the Children of Truth can live out their faith in a hostile world, even though the rest of the Renewed Covenant, contains some of that teaching as well. It is similar, to how wisdom for success in every area of life, is found throughout the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), but most of it is concentrated in the Writings of Wisdom.
So the Epistles are the survival guide, left by the Apostles of Truth, to help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world. How does this survival guide, called the Epistles, help?
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world, by telling them how they can persevere through every kind of persecution. The Epistles tell them, that suffering for the sake of the Man of Truth, means that they will be gloried with the Man of Truth (Romans 8:16-18). The Epistles tell them, that facing persecution, does not means that the Father of Truth has ceased to love them (Romans 8:35-39). The Epistles tell them, that the Children of Truth never suffer alone, but all the family of the Father of Truth suffers with them (1 Corinthians 12:25-27). The Epistles tell them, that when the Children of Truth suffer, then the Spirit of Truth comforts (2 Corinthians 1:5-7). The Epistles tell them, that persecution keeps them humble, and makes their faith strong (2 Corinthians 12:6-10). The Epistles remind them, that those who do not belong to the Father of Truth, have always persecuted His Children (Galatians 4:29). The Epistles tell them, that suffering persecution marks their persecutors for destruction, but marks the Children of Truth for salvation (Philippians 1:27-29). The Epistles tell them, that the Man of Truth will avenge their persecution, when he returns to this Earth (2 Thessalonians 1:4-8). The Epistles tell them, that everyone who suffers for following the Man of Truth, will reign with him, but warns them, that everyone who denies him to the world, to escape persecution, will be denied by him to His Father (2 Timothy 2:12). The Epistles tell them, that everyone who comes into the House of Truth, suffers some sort of persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) causes those who resist him, to suffer in this world (1 Peter 5:8-10). The Epistles remind them, that suffering persecution for obeying the Father of Truth, makes them more like the Man of Truth (1 Peter 2:19-21). The Epistles remind them, that persecution only shows, who belongs to the Father of Lies, and who belongs to the Father of Truth (1 John 3:10-13).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, overcome their differences, and help each other overcome a hostile world, by showing them, that what they have in common, is more important than their differences. The Epistles remind them, that all them live in bodies, that do not want to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth (Romans 7:17-20). The Epistles remind them, that no one can obey the commandments of the Father of Truth, without the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:3-5). The Epistles tell them, that they need to take action to bring any Child of Truth to repentance, who transgresses the commandments of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:9-11). The Epistles tell them, that they need to forgive any Child of Truth who repents, so the Father of Lies cannot take advantage of them (2 Corinthians 2:7-11). The Epistles remind them, that all them have been adopted into the family of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 1:3-6). The Epistles remind them, that all them lived in disobedience to the Father of Truth, before they came into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:1-3). The Epistles remind them, that they need to forgive each other, because the Man of Truth forgave them (Ephesians 4:32). The Epistles remind them, that they could not become obedient to the Father of Truth, until they came into the House of Truth (Titus 3:3-6). The Epistles remind them, that they make their faith in the Man of Truth effective, when they show love to the Children of Truth (Philemon 1:5-6). The Epistles remind them, that none of them were profitable to the family of the Father of Truth, until they came into the House of Truth (Philemon 1:10-11). The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth has washed away the sins of everyone, who has come into the House of Truth (1 John 1:7-9)
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, sort out differences between Jews and Gentiles, by pointing out the differences, between both the Jews and Gentiles, who have come in the House of Truth, from the Jews and Gentiles, who have not come into the House of Truth. The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth will treat all people based their actions, regardless of whether they are Jews or Gentiles (Romans 2:9-11). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth forgives both Jews and Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). The Epistles remind them, that both Jew and Gentiles, come into the House of Truth, because of what the Man of Truth did on the cross (1 Corinthians 1:22-24). The Epistles tell them, that those who come into the House of Truth, are no longer Jews or Gentiles, who do not know the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:32). The Epistles remind them, that they are now both members of family of the Father of Truth, and that they have been given the same Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). The Epistles tell them, that these distinctions between Jews and Gentiles, no longer matter, since they all belong to the family of the Father of Truth (Galatians 3:26-28). The Epistles tell them, that the Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth, become part of the Israel that the Father of Truth always intended (Ephesians 2:11-13). The Epistles tell them, that these distinctions have vanished, because both Jews and Gentiles, become part of a new kind of people, when they come into the House of Truth (Colossians 3:9-11). The Epistles remind them, that the Jewish Children of Truth have been persecuted by other Jews, just like the Gentile Children of Truth have been persecuted by other Gentiles (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world, by telling them everything they need to know to overcome temptation. The Epistles tell them, that they can present their bodies as living sacrifices to the Father of Truth, by renewing their mind with His Word, instead of being just doing, what everyone else is doing (Romans 12:1-2). The Epistles tell them, that they are not facing any temptation, that someone else has not already faced, and overcame (1 Corinthians 10:13). The Epistles warn them, to be humble when restoring any of the Children of Truth, who have given into temptation, because they could fall into the same temptation as well, if they think that they are above temptation (Galatians 6:1-3). The Epistles warn them, to pursue living a life that pleases the Father of Truth, instead of pursuing wealth, because wealth is a great source of temptation (1 Timothy 6:9-11). The Epistles tell them, that they were saved, so they could live like the Man of Truth, in this hostile world (Titus 2:11-14). The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth understands what it feels like to be tempted, because he was also a man, who suffered temptation (Hebrews 2:17-18). The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth was tempted, in every manner that they have been tempted, so he understands their feelings of temptation, even though he did not sin (Hebrews 4:14-16). The Epistles remind them, that temptation does not come from the Father of Truth, but from the sinful desires of their own bodies (James 1:12-14). The Epistles remind them, that to be friends with this world, is to be the enemy of the Father of Truth (James 4:4). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth has already given them, everything that they need to overcome temptation (2 Peter 1:2-4). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth will give eternal life, to those who overcome temptation, instead of going along with everyone else (1 John 2:15-17). The Epistles tell them, that everyone who comes into the House of Truth, can overcome the world, by obeying the Father of Truth (1 John 5:2-4).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, avoid being taken in by wolves dressed as sheep, because they tell the Children of Truth, how to spot these deceivers. The Epistles tell them, that they can know what comes from the Father of Truth, because they have been given the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:11-13). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing that they will inherit the kingdom of the Father of Truth, if they continue to transgress His commandments, after they come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing, that they can keep hanging out with the Children of Lies, without ending up transgressing His commandments (1 Corinthians 15:33-34). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing, that they will reap eternal life, if they continue to transgress His commandments (Galatians 6:7-9). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived by the Ministers of Lies, into doing the same wicked things, that everyone else does, because the Father of Truth will pour out His wrath, upon all who do such things (Ephesians 5:5-7). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived by the Ministers of Lies, into believing that the Man of Truth will return to this Earth, before many people leave the House of Truth, and the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) rises to power (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4). The Epistles warn them, that some of these deceivers, will be Jewish people, who seek to turn people away from the truth, in order to get money from them (Titus 1:10-11). The Epistles warn them, that these Jewish deceivers will deceive people, by teaching Jewish fables and the commandments of the Rabbis, because they do not know the Father of Truth (Titus 1:14-16). The Epistles warn them, that these Ministers of Lies, seek to turn the Children of Truth, away from the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth, in order to make money off of the Children of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3). The Epistles warn them, that there are deceivers in the midst of the congregation, as well as the ministry, who seek to lead them, into transgressing the commandments of the Father of Truth (2 Peter 2:12-14). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers will tell them, that they can transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, without being like the Father of Lies (1 John 3:4-8). The Epistles warn them, that these Ministers of Lies will seek, to exalt themselves into positions of authority, and remove from the congregation, all who dare to speak the truth, written in the Book of Truth (3 John 1:9-11). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers in their midst, will even go so far, as to use the grace of the Father of Truth, as a license to transgress His commandments, and to deny the Man of Truth, as well as His Father (Jude 1:4). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers are among those, who eat at congregational gatherings, even though they have not come into the House of Truth (Jude 1:12-13). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers in their midst, do not have the Spirit of Truth living in them (Jude 1:16-19).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, avoid being taken in by wolves dressed as sheep, because they tell the Children of Truth, how to protect themselves from these deceivers. The Epistles warn them, to mark and avoid all, who cause divisions among the Children of Truth, by teaching a doctrine, that is different than that of the Apostles of Truth, because such people are often elegant speakers, with a deceptive message (Romans 16:17-18). The Epistles tell them, that the Father of Truth raises up Ministers of Truth, to tell them the truth, so they can avoid every deceptive doctrine, and to help them become, like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-15). The Epistles tell them, that they can avoid deceived into following after human philosophies, and human traditions, by living like the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:4-8). The Epistles warn them, to turn away from any religious professional, who seeks to turn them away from the teaching of the Apostles of Truth (2 Timothy 3:5-8). The Epistles warn them, to defend themselves from being deceived by the Ministers of Lies, through studying the entire Book of Truth - instead of just casually reading the Renewed Covenant (2 Timothy 3:13-17). The Epistles warn them, to give no help to those, who teach people to transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, for these deceivers operate, by the same spirit as the Man of Lies (2 John 1:7-11). The Epistles command them, to spend time with the Spirit of Truth, by producing the sound of power, to continue to put into practice the love of the Father of Truth, and to look for to the return of the Man of Truth to this Earth, so that they will not be deceived, by these deceivers (Jude 1:20-21).
So the Epistles tell the Children of Truth, everything they need, to live out their faith in a hostile world. The importance of this becomes clear, whenever we consider, what has happened, since the last of those Apostles of Truth, who wrote the Epistles, died.
The Children of Truth have been living in the period, between the return of the Man of Truth to Heaven, and the day that they will meet the Man of Truth in the air, for almost two thousand years now. The world has been hostile to them, in various ways, during this entire period. Without the Epistles, the Children of Truth would not have known, how to live out their faith in a hostile world.
So in many ways, the Epistles are the most important part of the Book of Truth, for the Children of Truth to read today, because the Epistles were written, to help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world.
The Epistles also tell those, who are not part of the family of the Father of Truth, how to come into the House of Truth. The Epistles tell them, that if they will surrender everything to the Man of Truth, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead, then they will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then they will become new members of the family of the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Father of Truth will give them, both the desire and the ability to obey His commandments, even in a hostile world (Philippians 2:12-16). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will help them, to overcome the Father of Lies, and every deceiver, who seeks to take them out of the House of Truth (1 John 4:1-4). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Father of Truth will help them, to live out their faith in a hostile world (Jude 1:24-25).
Come into the House of Truth!
It can be hard to live out faith in the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), in a world that is hostile to the Man of Truth (John 15:18-20). There are often clashes, brought on by differences between the knowledge that the Children of Truth have, and the ignorance that everyone else in the world has. Those who are blind to what the Children of Truth can plainly see, cannot understand why the Children of Truth are opposed to things that seem right to them. The world is spinning one direction, while the Children of Truth are spinning the other direction.
Then there are issues in the supernatural family of the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), that just like in any family, between older (and hopefully more mature) members, and younger members, of the family. Sometimes, younger brothers and sisters do things, that irritate their older siblings, who tend to forget, that they had behaved the same way, before they grew out of it. Sometimes, younger brothers and sisters resent, being corrected by their older siblings. Sometimes, the older and younger members, just seem to be unable to relate to each other, at all. Sometimes, fights happen inside a family.
Then there is the issue of the Children of Truth, having to deal with their natural family, where there are members, who are not in the supernatural family of the Father of Truth, as well. This could include their husband or wife, their children, their parents, their grandchildren, or even their extended family consisting of aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws. In some case, they are disowned and disinherited by their natural family, because they came into the House of Truth (Matthew 10:34-36). Sometimes, their extended family will even seek, to end their lives for remaining in the House of Truth (Mark 13:12-13).
The Children of Truth can have the same problems, with the friends they have, who have not yet came into the House of Truth (Luke 21:16-17).
Then there is the whole thorny issue of Jew and Gentile relations. The Jewish Children of Truth need to know, how to deal with a Jewish community, that is hostile to the Man of Truth. The Jewish Children of Truth need to know how to deal with Gentiles, who are hostile to the Man of Truth. The Gentile Children of Truth need to know how to deal with their own community, that is hostile to the Man of Truth. The Gentile Children of Truth need to know how to deal with Jews, who are hostile to the Man of Truth. Also, both the Jewish Children of Truth, and the Gentile Children of Truth, need to know how to treat each other.
Both the Gentile Children of Truth, and the Jewish Children of Truth, also need to know, how to avoid being lured out of the House of Truth, by the world. The world will try, to lure the Gentile Children of Truth, back into idolatry. The world will try, to lure the Jewish Children of Truth, back into the Rabbinic Distort called Rabbinic Judaism. The world will even try, to lure the Gentile Children of Truth, into Judaism, and the Jewish Children of Truth into idolatry. The world will also try, to get both the Jewish Children of Truth, and the Gentile Children of Truth, to believe the Greatest Fairy Tale ever told.
In like manner, the world will try, to lure the Children of Truth out of the House of Truth, by appealing to the desires of their bodies, that the Children of Truth still live in. The world will offer the Children of Truth money, sex, power, and everything else that it has to offer, in order to get them to leave the House of Truth.
Lastly, there is the problem, of those who congregate with the Children of Truth, who are not part of the family of the Father of Truth. These wolves dressed up as sheep, seek to cause division among the Children of Truth, so they can take advantage of them. Some of them are in the general congregation, and others are in the ministry itself. The Children of Truth need to know, how to identify those, who are trying to lead them astray, and how to defend themselves, against these wolves dressed up as sheep.
So in short, how can the Children of Truth know, how to carry out the instructions of the Man of Truth, when they are being persecuted by the Children of Lies, have real differences between each other, live in a world that is constantly tempting them, and even have the Children of Lies working in their midst, to lead them out of the House of Truth? How can they know, how to apply the teachings of the Man of Truth, in a world that is hostile to the Man of Truth?
Fortunately, there is a section of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament), that was written primarily to help the Children of Truth, overcome these kinds of problems, called the Epistles. The Epistles provide shelter from these storms, like the roof of a well built house. This becomes evident, when we consider, how the Epistles came about.
The Apostles of Truth were given the responsibility, to continue the work of the Man of Truth, when he left this Earth (Acts 1:1-2). It is for this reason, that some of the Apostles of Truth continued to remain in Jerusalem, for decades afterwards, to resolve doctrinal disputes, about things, like the status of the Gentiles who came into the House of Truth (Acts 15:1-6).
Yet, the Apostles of Truth knew, that this system of people coming to Jerusalem, so they could have their doctrinal disputes settled by them, could not last, for the Man of Truth had already told them, that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed (Luke 21:20-24). At the same time, they were commanded to spread the Good News throughout the entire Earth (Acts 1:8). The Apostles could not appoint successors, due to the scattering of the Children of Truth, further and further away from each other, that began just a few years, after the Man of Truth went back to Heaven (Acts 11:19-20). This scattering of the Children of Truth, caused the Apostles of Truth, to begin sending epistles (letters), to address the issues, that the Children of Truth were facing, as they struggled to live out their faith, in a hostile world (Acts 15:23-31).
Since the Children of Truth were going to have to continue, without any centralized authority, who could explain how to put the teachings of the Man of Truth into practice, the Apostles of Truth left behind their writings, contained in the Renewed Covenant (Ephesians 2:19-21). The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) revealed to the Apostles of Truth, all that had been hidden from the Prophets of Truth (Ephesians 3:5). The Apostles of Truth wrote the Epistles, so their commandments would be known to the Children of Truth (2 Peter 3:1-2). It is these Epistles, that tell the Children of Truth, what they need to know, so they can live out their faith in a hostile world (Jude 1:17-21).
This is much better, than everyone needing to go to Jerusalem, to get answers to these kinds of questions. The Epistles contain, most of the teaching of the Apostles of Truth, on how the Children of Truth can live out their faith in a hostile world, even though the rest of the Renewed Covenant, contains some of that teaching as well. It is similar, to how wisdom for success in every area of life, is found throughout the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), but most of it is concentrated in the Writings of Wisdom.
So the Epistles are the survival guide, left by the Apostles of Truth, to help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world. How does this survival guide, called the Epistles, help?
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world, by telling them how they can persevere through every kind of persecution. The Epistles tell them, that suffering for the sake of the Man of Truth, means that they will be gloried with the Man of Truth (Romans 8:16-18). The Epistles tell them, that facing persecution, does not means that the Father of Truth has ceased to love them (Romans 8:35-39). The Epistles tell them, that the Children of Truth never suffer alone, but all the family of the Father of Truth suffers with them (1 Corinthians 12:25-27). The Epistles tell them, that when the Children of Truth suffer, then the Spirit of Truth comforts (2 Corinthians 1:5-7). The Epistles tell them, that persecution keeps them humble, and makes their faith strong (2 Corinthians 12:6-10). The Epistles remind them, that those who do not belong to the Father of Truth, have always persecuted His Children (Galatians 4:29). The Epistles tell them, that suffering persecution marks their persecutors for destruction, but marks the Children of Truth for salvation (Philippians 1:27-29). The Epistles tell them, that the Man of Truth will avenge their persecution, when he returns to this Earth (2 Thessalonians 1:4-8). The Epistles tell them, that everyone who suffers for following the Man of Truth, will reign with him, but warns them, that everyone who denies him to the world, to escape persecution, will be denied by him to His Father (2 Timothy 2:12). The Epistles tell them, that everyone who comes into the House of Truth, suffers some sort of persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) causes those who resist him, to suffer in this world (1 Peter 5:8-10). The Epistles remind them, that suffering persecution for obeying the Father of Truth, makes them more like the Man of Truth (1 Peter 2:19-21). The Epistles remind them, that persecution only shows, who belongs to the Father of Lies, and who belongs to the Father of Truth (1 John 3:10-13).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, overcome their differences, and help each other overcome a hostile world, by showing them, that what they have in common, is more important than their differences. The Epistles remind them, that all them live in bodies, that do not want to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth (Romans 7:17-20). The Epistles remind them, that no one can obey the commandments of the Father of Truth, without the help of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:3-5). The Epistles tell them, that they need to take action to bring any Child of Truth to repentance, who transgresses the commandments of the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 5:9-11). The Epistles tell them, that they need to forgive any Child of Truth who repents, so the Father of Lies cannot take advantage of them (2 Corinthians 2:7-11). The Epistles remind them, that all them have been adopted into the family of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 1:3-6). The Epistles remind them, that all them lived in disobedience to the Father of Truth, before they came into the House of Truth (Ephesians 2:1-3). The Epistles remind them, that they need to forgive each other, because the Man of Truth forgave them (Ephesians 4:32). The Epistles remind them, that they could not become obedient to the Father of Truth, until they came into the House of Truth (Titus 3:3-6). The Epistles remind them, that they make their faith in the Man of Truth effective, when they show love to the Children of Truth (Philemon 1:5-6). The Epistles remind them, that none of them were profitable to the family of the Father of Truth, until they came into the House of Truth (Philemon 1:10-11). The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth has washed away the sins of everyone, who has come into the House of Truth (1 John 1:7-9)
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, sort out differences between Jews and Gentiles, by pointing out the differences, between both the Jews and Gentiles, who have come in the House of Truth, from the Jews and Gentiles, who have not come into the House of Truth. The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth will treat all people based their actions, regardless of whether they are Jews or Gentiles (Romans 2:9-11). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth forgives both Jews and Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13). The Epistles remind them, that both Jew and Gentiles, come into the House of Truth, because of what the Man of Truth did on the cross (1 Corinthians 1:22-24). The Epistles tell them, that those who come into the House of Truth, are no longer Jews or Gentiles, who do not know the Father of Truth (1 Corinthians 10:32). The Epistles remind them, that they are now both members of family of the Father of Truth, and that they have been given the same Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). The Epistles tell them, that these distinctions between Jews and Gentiles, no longer matter, since they all belong to the family of the Father of Truth (Galatians 3:26-28). The Epistles tell them, that the Gentiles, who come into the House of Truth, become part of the Israel that the Father of Truth always intended (Ephesians 2:11-13). The Epistles tell them, that these distinctions have vanished, because both Jews and Gentiles, become part of a new kind of people, when they come into the House of Truth (Colossians 3:9-11). The Epistles remind them, that the Jewish Children of Truth have been persecuted by other Jews, just like the Gentile Children of Truth have been persecuted by other Gentiles (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world, by telling them everything they need to know to overcome temptation. The Epistles tell them, that they can present their bodies as living sacrifices to the Father of Truth, by renewing their mind with His Word, instead of being just doing, what everyone else is doing (Romans 12:1-2). The Epistles tell them, that they are not facing any temptation, that someone else has not already faced, and overcame (1 Corinthians 10:13). The Epistles warn them, to be humble when restoring any of the Children of Truth, who have given into temptation, because they could fall into the same temptation as well, if they think that they are above temptation (Galatians 6:1-3). The Epistles warn them, to pursue living a life that pleases the Father of Truth, instead of pursuing wealth, because wealth is a great source of temptation (1 Timothy 6:9-11). The Epistles tell them, that they were saved, so they could live like the Man of Truth, in this hostile world (Titus 2:11-14). The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth understands what it feels like to be tempted, because he was also a man, who suffered temptation (Hebrews 2:17-18). The Epistles remind them, that the Man of Truth was tempted, in every manner that they have been tempted, so he understands their feelings of temptation, even though he did not sin (Hebrews 4:14-16). The Epistles remind them, that temptation does not come from the Father of Truth, but from the sinful desires of their own bodies (James 1:12-14). The Epistles remind them, that to be friends with this world, is to be the enemy of the Father of Truth (James 4:4). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth has already given them, everything that they need to overcome temptation (2 Peter 1:2-4). The Epistles remind them, that the Father of Truth will give eternal life, to those who overcome temptation, instead of going along with everyone else (1 John 2:15-17). The Epistles tell them, that everyone who comes into the House of Truth, can overcome the world, by obeying the Father of Truth (1 John 5:2-4).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, avoid being taken in by wolves dressed as sheep, because they tell the Children of Truth, how to spot these deceivers. The Epistles tell them, that they can know what comes from the Father of Truth, because they have been given the Spirit of Truth (1 Corinthians 2:11-13). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing that they will inherit the kingdom of the Father of Truth, if they continue to transgress His commandments, after they come into the House of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing, that they can keep hanging out with the Children of Lies, without ending up transgressing His commandments (1 Corinthians 15:33-34). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived into believing, that they will reap eternal life, if they continue to transgress His commandments (Galatians 6:7-9). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived by the Ministers of Lies, into doing the same wicked things, that everyone else does, because the Father of Truth will pour out His wrath, upon all who do such things (Ephesians 5:5-7). The Epistles warn them, to not be deceived by the Ministers of Lies, into believing that the Man of Truth will return to this Earth, before many people leave the House of Truth, and the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) rises to power (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4). The Epistles warn them, that some of these deceivers, will be Jewish people, who seek to turn people away from the truth, in order to get money from them (Titus 1:10-11). The Epistles warn them, that these Jewish deceivers will deceive people, by teaching Jewish fables and the commandments of the Rabbis, because they do not know the Father of Truth (Titus 1:14-16). The Epistles warn them, that these Ministers of Lies, seek to turn the Children of Truth, away from the doctrine of the Apostles of Truth, in order to make money off of the Children of Truth (2 Peter 2:1-3). The Epistles warn them, that there are deceivers in the midst of the congregation, as well as the ministry, who seek to lead them, into transgressing the commandments of the Father of Truth (2 Peter 2:12-14). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers will tell them, that they can transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, without being like the Father of Lies (1 John 3:4-8). The Epistles warn them, that these Ministers of Lies will seek, to exalt themselves into positions of authority, and remove from the congregation, all who dare to speak the truth, written in the Book of Truth (3 John 1:9-11). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers in their midst, will even go so far, as to use the grace of the Father of Truth, as a license to transgress His commandments, and to deny the Man of Truth, as well as His Father (Jude 1:4). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers are among those, who eat at congregational gatherings, even though they have not come into the House of Truth (Jude 1:12-13). The Epistles warn them, that these deceivers in their midst, do not have the Spirit of Truth living in them (Jude 1:16-19).
The Epistles help the Children of Truth, avoid being taken in by wolves dressed as sheep, because they tell the Children of Truth, how to protect themselves from these deceivers. The Epistles warn them, to mark and avoid all, who cause divisions among the Children of Truth, by teaching a doctrine, that is different than that of the Apostles of Truth, because such people are often elegant speakers, with a deceptive message (Romans 16:17-18). The Epistles tell them, that the Father of Truth raises up Ministers of Truth, to tell them the truth, so they can avoid every deceptive doctrine, and to help them become, like the Man of Truth (Ephesians 4:11-15). The Epistles tell them, that they can avoid deceived into following after human philosophies, and human traditions, by living like the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:4-8). The Epistles warn them, to turn away from any religious professional, who seeks to turn them away from the teaching of the Apostles of Truth (2 Timothy 3:5-8). The Epistles warn them, to defend themselves from being deceived by the Ministers of Lies, through studying the entire Book of Truth - instead of just casually reading the Renewed Covenant (2 Timothy 3:13-17). The Epistles warn them, to give no help to those, who teach people to transgress the commandments of the Father of Truth, for these deceivers operate, by the same spirit as the Man of Lies (2 John 1:7-11). The Epistles command them, to spend time with the Spirit of Truth, by producing the sound of power, to continue to put into practice the love of the Father of Truth, and to look for to the return of the Man of Truth to this Earth, so that they will not be deceived, by these deceivers (Jude 1:20-21).
So the Epistles tell the Children of Truth, everything they need, to live out their faith in a hostile world. The importance of this becomes clear, whenever we consider, what has happened, since the last of those Apostles of Truth, who wrote the Epistles, died.
The Children of Truth have been living in the period, between the return of the Man of Truth to Heaven, and the day that they will meet the Man of Truth in the air, for almost two thousand years now. The world has been hostile to them, in various ways, during this entire period. Without the Epistles, the Children of Truth would not have known, how to live out their faith in a hostile world.
So in many ways, the Epistles are the most important part of the Book of Truth, for the Children of Truth to read today, because the Epistles were written, to help the Children of Truth, live out their faith in a hostile world.
The Epistles also tell those, who are not part of the family of the Father of Truth, how to come into the House of Truth. The Epistles tell them, that if they will surrender everything to the Man of Truth, because they believe that his Father raised him from the dead, then they will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then they will become new members of the family of the Father of Truth (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Father of Truth will give them, both the desire and the ability to obey His commandments, even in a hostile world (Philippians 2:12-16). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Spirit of Truth will help them, to overcome the Father of Lies, and every deceiver, who seeks to take them out of the House of Truth (1 John 4:1-4). The Epistles tell them, that when they come into the House of Truth, then the Father of Truth will help them, to live out their faith in a hostile world (Jude 1:24-25).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Deception, Epistles, Gentiles, Jews, Persecution, Renewed Covenant, Temptation
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