Sick And Twisted
Can people have good intentions despite their bad actions?
I once read about a man who had been caught in the act of attempting to murder a young woman. When the police searched his home, they found the body parts of other women in the freezer in his basement, and the bones of more victims buried in his backyard. There was little doubt that this man was sick and twisted.
At his trial, his mother plead with the judge to show leniency to her son. She told the judge, that her boy was really a good boy, who was just misunderstood. She explained to the judge, that his father had been abusive to him. She even tried to convince the judge, that even though he had a heart of gold, his DNA made him do it.
The judge was unmoved by her persistence and sentenced her son to death, because the actions of her son were sick and twisted.
While on death row, the man explained to chaplain, how he was really a good person on the inside, and that he should not be judged by his actions. The chaplain looked him in the eye, and told him that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) would judge him, by his intentions, and not just his actions.
For a moment, the man was relieved, until the chaplain began to explain to the man, that his actions were only a reflection of his intentions. The chaplain went on to explain that he would be judged, not just for the evil that he had done, but also for the evil that he had desired to do, but was restrained from doing for various reasons. The chaplain then explained, that the man deserved to spend eternity in the chamber of horrors for his intentions, because on the inside, he was really sicked and twisted.
At first, the man was angry, that the chaplain had said, that his sick and twisted actions came from being sicked and twisted on the inside. Then the chaplain went on to explain that everyone, with only one exception, is born sick and twisted on the inside. He went on to tell about how the One Good Man in all of history, died a sick and twisted death, in order to save those, who were born sick and twisted.
The chaplain told the man on death row, that everyone is really on death row, the only difference being that he knew when his time of death would come. Then the chaplain told the man the Good News. He told him that the Good Man was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth to justify those who surrendered control of their lives to him.
The man on death row, finally admitted the truth that his mother had denied, and gave his life to the Man of truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), because he believed the message of the chaplain. When the cell door opened for the final time, and he was lead to the death chamber, he knew that for the first time in his entire life that he was no longer sick and twisted.
Now, you might think this man was an extreme case, but there many serial killers in America, who do the same kind of things that he was arrested for on a daily basis. These serial killers murder helpless young children, by dismembering their limbs from their bodies - while they are still alive!
As if this was not sick and twisted enough, the ones who pay them to carry out this gruesome murder, are often the parents, or grandparents, of the young children that they so brutally murder. Those who pay for this gruesome treatment of their own children, or grandchildren, are probably more sick and twisted, than the sick and twisted people, who they pay to dismember their own offspring - while they are still alive!
All of these people involved in the dismemberment of young children - who are still alive - are more sick and twisted, than the man who killed - and then dismembered - young women.
Yet you might think, not everyone is sick and twisted enough to dismember children - while still alive - or pay someone else to do so - to their own children or grandchildren. You may think, that those who would never even imagine having anything to do with something that is as sick and twisted as abortion, are still born with a heart, that is sick and twisted.
So was the chaplain right? Do sick and twisted actions, come from a sick and twisted heart? Are all people really born with a sick and twisted heart? Would people really be better off, if they were judged by their actions, instead of their intentions? Is total surrender to the Man of Truth, the only way to stop being sick and twisted?
The Man of Truth says, that the actions of people show the condition of their heart, as surely as fruit identifies, the kind of tree that grows upon it (Matthew 7:16-18). The condition of their heart is shown, by whether or not they are doing the will of his Father (Matthew 7:19-21). Those whose heart is sick and twisted, cannot even speak what is right in the eyes of his Father, because they can only speak out, what is already in their heart (Matthew 12:33-35). Every sick and twisted act, that anyone has ever done, is the result of a sick and twisted heart (Matthew 15:19). So sick and twisted actions come from a sick and twisted heart (Luke 6:43-45).
People will do something that the Father of Truth calls evil, and then say things like, "Well, God knows my heart.". Yes, the Father of Truth does, and He says that it is exceeding deceitful and wicked - in other words, sick and twisted (Jeremiah 17:9-10).
The Father of Truth almost destroyed the entire human race, because the heart of every person was sick and twisted (Genesis 6:5-7). Even though, He later promised not to destroy the human race, He still said, that all people were born with a sick and twisted heart (Genesis 8:21). He knows that people are all born with a sick and twisted heart, because He is the One, who can examine the human heart completely (Psalm 7:9). He knows, that no one has to teach children how to lie, because every person is born with a heart that is sick and twisted (Psalm 58:1-3).
The Father of Truth hates a sick and twisted heart (Proverbs 6:16-18). He finds a sick and twisted heart to be worthless (Proverbs 10:20). A righteousness based on actions alone is never sufficient, because the real issue is that people have a sick and twisted heart (Matthew 5:20-22).
People carry out every sick and twisted intention of their heart, when they believe that they will not have to answer to the Father of Truth for their actions (Psalm 10:13). They have nothing restraining them from putting their sick and twisted intentions into action, when they have no fear of be judged for those actions, by the Father of Truth (Psalm 36:1). They do not consider that the Father of Truth sees, and remembers, all of their sick and twisted acts (Hosea 7:2). That is why the men, who are responsible for the most sick and twisted actions in history, all believed the greatest fairy tale ever told.
However, unlike the man, who thought he was getting away with murdering, and dismembering young women, most people have a sense that they will be caught, if not by the Father of Truth, at least by the authorities, who He put in place to be a terror to such people (Romans 13:1-5). So people are restrained from committing all kinds of evil, to avoid the consequences of acting on their sick and twisted intentions. So their actions are never as bad as their intentions, because their intentions include both the sick and twist intentions that they did act on, to produce sick and twisted actions, plus the sick and twisted intentions, that they refrained from acting on, out of fear of the consequences.
So anyone who wants to be judged based on their intentions, rather than their actions, is lying to themselves about their intentions.
People do not want to be judged on their actions, because every action that is contrary to what the Father of Truth calls righteous, is an abomination to Him - in other words, sick and twisted (Deuteronomy 25:16). There is no person, other than the Man of Truth, who has ever went without committing any sick and twisted actions (1 Kings 8:46). No one can be judge righteous by the Father of Truth, based on their actions, because that would requiring never violating any of His commandments, at any time (Romans 10:5). So people will not inherit His Kingdom, because of their sick and twisted actions (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). They will end up being thrown into the Lake of Fire, when they are judged for their sick and twisted actions (Revelation 20:12-14).
Worst yet, the Father of Truth will judge them by the intentions of their sick and twisted hearts, as well as their sick and twisted actions (Jeremiah 11:20). Adultery comes from a sick and twisted heart, so they will be convicted of adultery, based on their sick and twisted intentions (Matthew 5:27-29). Murder comes from a sick and twisted heart, that hates people, so those who hate others, will be convicted of murder, based on their sick and twisted intentions (1 John 3:15). The Father of Truth will expose every sick and twisted intention, hidden in the hearts of people, when He judges them (1 Corinthians 4:5).
However, there is some Good News in all this. The Father of Truth has made away to circumcise the sick and twisted hearts of people (Deuteronomy 30:6). He has made a way to replace a sick and twisted heart, that cannot obey Him, with a new heart, that can obey Him (Ezekiel 11:19-20). He does this, by putting the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in people, so they can keep His commandments, from a heart that is not sick and twisted (Ezekiel 36:26-27). Everyone who follows after the Spirit of Truth, will not have sick and twisted actions, because they will no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Galatians 5:16-21).
For these reasons, the Man of Truth said, that people must be born again, so they can have heart that is no longer sick and twisted (John 3:3-5). They must be born into the family of his Father a second time, in their spirit by the Spirit of Truth, just as were born into the family of their natural father, in the flesh by their mother (John 3:6-8). The Spirit of Truth gives them a new heart, that is not full of sick and twisted intentions (Romans 8:4-6). The Spirit of Truth lives in everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, so that they can obey the Father of Truth, from a heart that is not sick and twisted (Romans 8:9-11).
The Father of Truth does all of this, through the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that He made (Jeremiah 31:31-34). This Renewed Covenant came about, because of the sick and twisted death, that the the Man of Truth experienced on the cross (Matthew 26:28). The Man of Truth died this sick and twisted death, to make a way for many people, to no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Mark 14:24). The Renewed Covenant, that He ratified by dying a sick and twisted death on our behalf, is so much better than the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), because the Spirit of Truth writes those same laws, on our hearts so we can obey them (2 Corinthians 3:6-8). The sick and twisted heart that people were born with, prevented them from keeping the Original Covenant, so the Renewed Covenant had to be ratified, so that they could keep those commandments, from a heart that is no longer sick and twisted (Hebrews 8:8-10). The Renewed Covenant is able to replace a sick and twisted heart, because of the sick and twisted death, that the Man of Truth died on our behalf (Hebrews 9:14-16).
The Man of Truth is the only means, for anyone to come to the Father of Truth, so that He will circumcise their sick and twisted heart (John 14:6). The Man of Truth died a sick and twisted death, in the place of those born with a sick and twisted heart, because he is the only means, for people to have their sick and twisted heart replaced (Acts 4:10-12). The Spirit of Truth can only come to live in people, because the Man of Truth died a sick and twisted death, to make a way for people, to no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Romans 8:1-3). Total surrender to the Man of Truth, is the only way for people to stop being sick and twisted (1 Corinthians 6:11).
So are you wearing a costume, to hide a heart, that is sick and twisted? If so, it is like Halloween in reverse.
Halloween is when people wear sick and twisted costumes, to show what is in their sick and twisted hearts. They dress up as monsters, because they are not free, from the monster within, who drives them to commit sick and twisted actions. They go through life, without ever really being alive, like the living dead. Halloween is all about celebrating, every sick and twisted action, that comes from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil). The Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), who are celebrated at Halloween, are always lying to people, to get them to act on the sick and twisted intentions, of their sick and twisted hearts, to produce sick and twisted actions. Halloween is all about being sick and twisted.
You can throw away that costume, because you will not need it, if you will come into the House of Truth. You will not longer have a sick and twisted heart, if you submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender, because you believe that his Father, caused him to come out of the grave (Romans 10:9-11). So when you come into the House of Truth, instead of celebrating everything that is sick and twisted, like people do at Halloween, you will be celebrating, for the first time in your life, no longer being sick and twisted (1 John 1:5-9).
Come into the House of Truth!
I once read about a man who had been caught in the act of attempting to murder a young woman. When the police searched his home, they found the body parts of other women in the freezer in his basement, and the bones of more victims buried in his backyard. There was little doubt that this man was sick and twisted.
At his trial, his mother plead with the judge to show leniency to her son. She told the judge, that her boy was really a good boy, who was just misunderstood. She explained to the judge, that his father had been abusive to him. She even tried to convince the judge, that even though he had a heart of gold, his DNA made him do it.
The judge was unmoved by her persistence and sentenced her son to death, because the actions of her son were sick and twisted.
While on death row, the man explained to chaplain, how he was really a good person on the inside, and that he should not be judged by his actions. The chaplain looked him in the eye, and told him that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) would judge him, by his intentions, and not just his actions.
For a moment, the man was relieved, until the chaplain began to explain to the man, that his actions were only a reflection of his intentions. The chaplain went on to explain that he would be judged, not just for the evil that he had done, but also for the evil that he had desired to do, but was restrained from doing for various reasons. The chaplain then explained, that the man deserved to spend eternity in the chamber of horrors for his intentions, because on the inside, he was really sicked and twisted.
At first, the man was angry, that the chaplain had said, that his sick and twisted actions came from being sicked and twisted on the inside. Then the chaplain went on to explain that everyone, with only one exception, is born sick and twisted on the inside. He went on to tell about how the One Good Man in all of history, died a sick and twisted death, in order to save those, who were born sick and twisted.
The chaplain told the man on death row, that everyone is really on death row, the only difference being that he knew when his time of death would come. Then the chaplain told the man the Good News. He told him that the Good Man was raised from the dead by the Father of Truth to justify those who surrendered control of their lives to him.
The man on death row, finally admitted the truth that his mother had denied, and gave his life to the Man of truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), because he believed the message of the chaplain. When the cell door opened for the final time, and he was lead to the death chamber, he knew that for the first time in his entire life that he was no longer sick and twisted.
Now, you might think this man was an extreme case, but there many serial killers in America, who do the same kind of things that he was arrested for on a daily basis. These serial killers murder helpless young children, by dismembering their limbs from their bodies - while they are still alive!
As if this was not sick and twisted enough, the ones who pay them to carry out this gruesome murder, are often the parents, or grandparents, of the young children that they so brutally murder. Those who pay for this gruesome treatment of their own children, or grandchildren, are probably more sick and twisted, than the sick and twisted people, who they pay to dismember their own offspring - while they are still alive!
All of these people involved in the dismemberment of young children - who are still alive - are more sick and twisted, than the man who killed - and then dismembered - young women.
Yet you might think, not everyone is sick and twisted enough to dismember children - while still alive - or pay someone else to do so - to their own children or grandchildren. You may think, that those who would never even imagine having anything to do with something that is as sick and twisted as abortion, are still born with a heart, that is sick and twisted.
So was the chaplain right? Do sick and twisted actions, come from a sick and twisted heart? Are all people really born with a sick and twisted heart? Would people really be better off, if they were judged by their actions, instead of their intentions? Is total surrender to the Man of Truth, the only way to stop being sick and twisted?
The Man of Truth says, that the actions of people show the condition of their heart, as surely as fruit identifies, the kind of tree that grows upon it (Matthew 7:16-18). The condition of their heart is shown, by whether or not they are doing the will of his Father (Matthew 7:19-21). Those whose heart is sick and twisted, cannot even speak what is right in the eyes of his Father, because they can only speak out, what is already in their heart (Matthew 12:33-35). Every sick and twisted act, that anyone has ever done, is the result of a sick and twisted heart (Matthew 15:19). So sick and twisted actions come from a sick and twisted heart (Luke 6:43-45).
People will do something that the Father of Truth calls evil, and then say things like, "Well, God knows my heart.". Yes, the Father of Truth does, and He says that it is exceeding deceitful and wicked - in other words, sick and twisted (Jeremiah 17:9-10).
The Father of Truth almost destroyed the entire human race, because the heart of every person was sick and twisted (Genesis 6:5-7). Even though, He later promised not to destroy the human race, He still said, that all people were born with a sick and twisted heart (Genesis 8:21). He knows that people are all born with a sick and twisted heart, because He is the One, who can examine the human heart completely (Psalm 7:9). He knows, that no one has to teach children how to lie, because every person is born with a heart that is sick and twisted (Psalm 58:1-3).
The Father of Truth hates a sick and twisted heart (Proverbs 6:16-18). He finds a sick and twisted heart to be worthless (Proverbs 10:20). A righteousness based on actions alone is never sufficient, because the real issue is that people have a sick and twisted heart (Matthew 5:20-22).
People carry out every sick and twisted intention of their heart, when they believe that they will not have to answer to the Father of Truth for their actions (Psalm 10:13). They have nothing restraining them from putting their sick and twisted intentions into action, when they have no fear of be judged for those actions, by the Father of Truth (Psalm 36:1). They do not consider that the Father of Truth sees, and remembers, all of their sick and twisted acts (Hosea 7:2). That is why the men, who are responsible for the most sick and twisted actions in history, all believed the greatest fairy tale ever told.
However, unlike the man, who thought he was getting away with murdering, and dismembering young women, most people have a sense that they will be caught, if not by the Father of Truth, at least by the authorities, who He put in place to be a terror to such people (Romans 13:1-5). So people are restrained from committing all kinds of evil, to avoid the consequences of acting on their sick and twisted intentions. So their actions are never as bad as their intentions, because their intentions include both the sick and twist intentions that they did act on, to produce sick and twisted actions, plus the sick and twisted intentions, that they refrained from acting on, out of fear of the consequences.
So anyone who wants to be judged based on their intentions, rather than their actions, is lying to themselves about their intentions.
People do not want to be judged on their actions, because every action that is contrary to what the Father of Truth calls righteous, is an abomination to Him - in other words, sick and twisted (Deuteronomy 25:16). There is no person, other than the Man of Truth, who has ever went without committing any sick and twisted actions (1 Kings 8:46). No one can be judge righteous by the Father of Truth, based on their actions, because that would requiring never violating any of His commandments, at any time (Romans 10:5). So people will not inherit His Kingdom, because of their sick and twisted actions (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). They will end up being thrown into the Lake of Fire, when they are judged for their sick and twisted actions (Revelation 20:12-14).
Worst yet, the Father of Truth will judge them by the intentions of their sick and twisted hearts, as well as their sick and twisted actions (Jeremiah 11:20). Adultery comes from a sick and twisted heart, so they will be convicted of adultery, based on their sick and twisted intentions (Matthew 5:27-29). Murder comes from a sick and twisted heart, that hates people, so those who hate others, will be convicted of murder, based on their sick and twisted intentions (1 John 3:15). The Father of Truth will expose every sick and twisted intention, hidden in the hearts of people, when He judges them (1 Corinthians 4:5).
However, there is some Good News in all this. The Father of Truth has made away to circumcise the sick and twisted hearts of people (Deuteronomy 30:6). He has made a way to replace a sick and twisted heart, that cannot obey Him, with a new heart, that can obey Him (Ezekiel 11:19-20). He does this, by putting the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in people, so they can keep His commandments, from a heart that is not sick and twisted (Ezekiel 36:26-27). Everyone who follows after the Spirit of Truth, will not have sick and twisted actions, because they will no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Galatians 5:16-21).
For these reasons, the Man of Truth said, that people must be born again, so they can have heart that is no longer sick and twisted (John 3:3-5). They must be born into the family of his Father a second time, in their spirit by the Spirit of Truth, just as were born into the family of their natural father, in the flesh by their mother (John 3:6-8). The Spirit of Truth gives them a new heart, that is not full of sick and twisted intentions (Romans 8:4-6). The Spirit of Truth lives in everyone, who comes into the House of Truth, so that they can obey the Father of Truth, from a heart that is not sick and twisted (Romans 8:9-11).
The Father of Truth does all of this, through the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) that He made (Jeremiah 31:31-34). This Renewed Covenant came about, because of the sick and twisted death, that the the Man of Truth experienced on the cross (Matthew 26:28). The Man of Truth died this sick and twisted death, to make a way for many people, to no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Mark 14:24). The Renewed Covenant, that He ratified by dying a sick and twisted death on our behalf, is so much better than the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), because the Spirit of Truth writes those same laws, on our hearts so we can obey them (2 Corinthians 3:6-8). The sick and twisted heart that people were born with, prevented them from keeping the Original Covenant, so the Renewed Covenant had to be ratified, so that they could keep those commandments, from a heart that is no longer sick and twisted (Hebrews 8:8-10). The Renewed Covenant is able to replace a sick and twisted heart, because of the sick and twisted death, that the Man of Truth died on our behalf (Hebrews 9:14-16).
The Man of Truth is the only means, for anyone to come to the Father of Truth, so that He will circumcise their sick and twisted heart (John 14:6). The Man of Truth died a sick and twisted death, in the place of those born with a sick and twisted heart, because he is the only means, for people to have their sick and twisted heart replaced (Acts 4:10-12). The Spirit of Truth can only come to live in people, because the Man of Truth died a sick and twisted death, to make a way for people, to no longer have a sick and twisted heart (Romans 8:1-3). Total surrender to the Man of Truth, is the only way for people to stop being sick and twisted (1 Corinthians 6:11).
So are you wearing a costume, to hide a heart, that is sick and twisted? If so, it is like Halloween in reverse.
Halloween is when people wear sick and twisted costumes, to show what is in their sick and twisted hearts. They dress up as monsters, because they are not free, from the monster within, who drives them to commit sick and twisted actions. They go through life, without ever really being alive, like the living dead. Halloween is all about celebrating, every sick and twisted action, that comes from the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil). The Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods), who are celebrated at Halloween, are always lying to people, to get them to act on the sick and twisted intentions, of their sick and twisted hearts, to produce sick and twisted actions. Halloween is all about being sick and twisted.
You can throw away that costume, because you will not need it, if you will come into the House of Truth. You will not longer have a sick and twisted heart, if you submit to the Man of Truth in total surrender, because you believe that his Father, caused him to come out of the grave (Romans 10:9-11). So when you come into the House of Truth, instead of celebrating everything that is sick and twisted, like people do at Halloween, you will be celebrating, for the first time in your life, no longer being sick and twisted (1 John 1:5-9).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Abortion, Actions, Halloween, Heart, Intentions, Sin