The Impossible Girl
Why is my daughter The Impossible Girl?
When Savannah was born, she was soon diagnosed as failure-to-thrive. It was not really certain at the time why she was not thriving, but it was certain that if things did not change, then she would die in a short time.
One problem soon identified was that she was not able to take in milk or formula, so that she was basically starving to death. So she was set up with a nasal-gastro (NG) tube that would allow Pedialyte to be slowly and constantly dripped into her stomach so she would not die of dehydration.
Then the doctors ran some tests and determine that she was intolerant of milk and unable to digest normal baby formula. They then managed to find a specialty formula that was lactose free and protein free that she could not digest.
This kept her alive and able to grow in some ways. However, they did not expect her to ever get better, and that she would have to have a feeding tube inserted in her belly to feed her.
I had been praying in tongues and fasting frequently before she was ever born, so my faith in the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) was all built up. So I told them that she was going to get better, and would never need a feeding tube.
Later, the NG tube came out, and she began being able to take in the special formula through a bottle. A while after that, she began to be able to drink a formula that contained formula. Eventually, she was eating regular baby food, then normal toddler foods like cheerios.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah could not digest food, but now she can. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she can eat when it is impossible for her to be able to eat.
Savannah was also born deaf, with no possibility according to medical science of ever hearing, and yet today she has normal hearing. I laid my own, somewhat defective, hands on her, commanded her to hear in the name of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), and instantly she began to hear.
Even after she could hear, she had trouble learning to speak. We all had to learn sign language to talk to her, but eventually she started to talk. Today, she not only speaks English proficiently, but also has a degree in Japanese. She will soon be taking her N4 proficiency exam, which would allow her to work as a translator. (Japanese is rated by linguists as the hardest language on Earth for native English speakers to learn.)
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah was born deaf, but now she can hear. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she can hear when it is impossible for her to be able to hear.
Also Savannah was not growing muscle, even though her bones and organs were growing, after she was born. By the time that she was diagnosed with this condition at two years of age, the condition should have already killed her. Yet, she had not died from this rarely diagnosed and deadly condition. (Most sudden infant death syndrome victims are thought to have died from this same condition. The heart and diaphragm are both muscles that the body cannot live without growing as an infant.)
One day, my wife handed me the phone to talk to one of the research doctors, who had conducted the test that had confirmed her rare and deadly condition. The only thing that this research doctor wanted to know, was why Savannah was not dead.
After the diagnosis that she was not growing muscle, because her body was not producing carnitine, her muscle began to grow slowly with the aid of Carnitor, a medicine that put carnitine in her blood stream. Finally, she began producing her own carnitine, but still not enough to be taken off of Carnitor completely.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah has resumed growing muscle, when she should have died before she ever reached the age of two from a lack of muscle growth. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because her muscles grew when it is impossible for her muscles to grow.
Savannah was also born with Cerebral Palsy. One of the issues this caused, was that her feet would curl up, and that her legs would not move on their own. We were told that she would probably never be able to walk without assistance.
We believed that the Father of Truth would help us, and that she would walk in the name of the Man of Truth. No one was allowed to say otherwise in our house. We were not going to let the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) have any kind of victory over her.
Originally, she could not even crawl, but instead she would drag her legs behind her while she pulled her self with her arms. This did not deter her. She was determined to be mobile, so she dragged herself around the house.
Eventually her legs began to have some mobility. So she was given some shoes with braces for her legs to help her stand, and a walker. We were instructed to encourage her to use her walker, so her leg muscles did not atrophy, but were told that she would never walk without the walker.
These shoes with braces were uncomfortable for her, because they forced her feet to flatten out some every time she took a step. I made it a rule that she had to wear these shoes all of the time, only getting to take them off for bathing and sleeping. The entire family watched her to make sure that she did not take her shoes off. She could only walk without a walker, if someone held her hands and helped her walk. I walked with her for about half a quarter mile each day, while she was wearing those shoes.
Then the day came when she walked on her own. Shortly after that, she was wearing normal shoes. Years later, she walked miles over the course of a day when she played golf.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah is walking, when she should have never been able to walk. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is walking when it is impossible for her to be walking.
Another problem caused by the Cerebral Palsy was that her hands would curl up. We were told that we had to keep her from curling her hands, to prevent them from withering, and becoming unusable. It was thought that she probably not be able to do anything with her hands, which required fine motor skills.
However, we also believed that her hands would be normal by the same means that she would walk. This was not wishful thinking, but confidence in what the Book of Truth (Bible) said that led to action.
The entire family watched her to make sure that she did not curl up her hands into a fist. We made her straighten them out as far as she could, whenever we saw her curling them into a fist.
I saw that she was interested in video games, but it was very uncomfortable for her use the Nintendo controllers, because her hands had to flatten out to reach all of the buttons. This being the case, she would do very poorly, get frustrated, and quit trying after a few minutes. So, I forced her to play video games with someone in the family for at least an hour every day.
Her mother worked with her to take things out of thera-putty, make things with modeling clay, color pictures, cut shapes with scissors, and the like. Sometimes she cried in frustration, but after my wife comforted her, it was back to trying again. At times things looked hopeless, and no progress was being made, but surrender to despair was never an option.
We knew the Father of Truth and we did exploits.
There is no sign of withering in her hands today. I take great joy watching her play her video games at a professional level of skill. She is an amateur graphics designer, who occasionally makes things for me. She also enjoys drawing with her drawing tablet, crocheting items, creating origami objects, and making her own cosplay costumes from scratch.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah does not have any withering in her hands. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because it is impossible for her to be doing what she does with her hands.
Savannah had obvious breathing issues since birth, but the cause was uncertain given her issues with growing muscle. Finally, one of her doctors, a pulmonoligist, had a sweat chloride tests performed to see if she had Cystic Fibrosis when she was about a year and a half. The test came back negative, but he was not completely convinced.
So her geneticist ran a DNA test when she was about two and a half years old. This test confirmed that the gene responsible for Cystic Fibrosis had the required pair of defects, one from each parent. One of the gene defects was the N1303K mutation and the other defect was not able to be identified precisely. However, it was certain that she had one of the rarer mutations that could cause a person to have a normal sweat chloride test, even though they have Cystic Fibrosis.
When Savannah was seven years old, she contacted one of those diseases that put people with cystic fibrosis in the grave. Medical science gave her a zero percent chance of recovery. I was told to be realistic by many of the medical professionals, and stop saying that she was going to live contrary to all reason.
She did not die, but overcame this disease. She did not do this due to some sort of superior immune system, for her immune system is actually severely compromised from an IGA deficiency, and other genetic defects.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah is alive, when when medical science had no means to keep her from dying. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is alive when it is impossible for her to be alive.
Another one of her complications from Cystic Fibrosis was a deteriorating pancreas. Basically her pancreas and other digestive organs get clogged up with the sticky mucus that Cystic Fibrosis produces. As this clogging progresses, less and less of what these organs produce is able to get excreted to where it is needed. This is why so many Cystic Fibrosis patients have to eat much more food than other people just to stay alive, but can still end up looking like living skeletons. Their stomach might be full, but their body is still starving.
In the case of Savannah, the pancreatic enzymes that are needed to digest her food were not being created. Medical science had created a medicine called Pancrecarb to replace the enzymes that her pancreas was not excreting. However, medical science has not yet created a medicine to unclog the digestive organs. This means that while medical science can do something to help with the symptoms, it really cannot do anything about the cause. As a result, Cystic Fibrosis patients who have to take Pancrecarb have to do so for the rest of their life, because the pancreas can only become more clogged, but never less clogged.
However, the Father of Truth showed Himself strong on our behalf once again. He made the pancreas, and this was no problem for Him. He heard my prayers, and completely unclogged her pancreas, and other digestive organs, when she was eight years old. She has never had to take Pancrecarb again.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah has a fully working pancreas, when she should have been on Pancrecarb for the rest of her life. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is digesting food when it is impossible for her to be doing so on her own.
When Savannah was ten years old, she went into a medical induced coma, caused by a drug interdiction that has killed everyone else who has ever had it. In fact, the exact words of the neurologist handling her case was, "It is impossible for her not to die", when I told him that she was going be alright.
Once again, we did not follow the script that medical science had written. We followed the script that I had heard from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) instead. After ten days of being as good as dead, Savannah came out of that coma, and into the best health of her life so far.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah was awaken out of that coma, when she should have died in that coma. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is awake when it is impossible for her to be awake.
Another complication that came from Cerebral Palsy was Petite Mal Seizures. Petite Mal Seizures are where the brain just completely freezes for a minute or so without warning. When someone has one, they just stare off into space, and are completely unaware of what is going on around them. When it is over, they are usually unaware that they have had one, unless something occurred during the seizure. For example, if they were playing a video game, they might have been winning before the seizure, but after the seizure they find that they have lost, even though they have no memory of losing.
Savannah would have these seizures at random, sometimes several times a day.
Needless to say, people who have random Petite Mal Seizures are not allowed to drive a car. A number of other things are generally discouraged as well, like operating a chain saw or a sewing machine.
Savannah not only had random Petite Mal Seizures, but also had at least one Grand Mal Seizure. A Grand Mal Seizure is more commonly called an epileptic seizure. She did this while visiting the neurologist about the Petite Mal Seizures. So the neurologist prescribed her phenobarbital.
These pills turned her into a zombie, so we decided to ditch them, and trust the Father of Truth to heal her instead. The random seizures stopped when she was thirteen, and she has not had one since. (She can still have a triggered Petite Mal Seizure under certain predictable circumstances that she can avoid, but she no longer has them at random.)
The doctors ran EEG scans quarterly, until they stopped finding evidence of her having any more random seizures. This is in defiance of the static encephalopathy (unchanging brain damage) that shows up scattered across her brain when she has an MRI scan.
So her neurologist filled out the paper work to give her permission to get an unrestricted license to drive a car. She also uses a sewing machine for making costumes.
Not only has she stopped having random seizures, but her brain operates way beyond average. For example, she was so sick one year that she missed all but the last six weeks of school. When school ended, she had not only caught up with the class, but she was actually ahead of most of the class.
She missed being a national merit scholar by one point. She was forced to take the test, due to the inflexibility of the test giver, the day before she went into the hospital. She clearly was not at her best, and there is no doubt she would have done better, if she could have taken the test after her stay in the hospital.
She has done many other things like this, even though parts of her brain continue to be effectively dead.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah no longer has random seizures, even though the cause of the random seizures still remains. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because her brain is functionally way beyond normal, when it is impossible for it to not be functioning below normal.
When Savannah was 16, her primary doctor gave us paperwork from a research hospital in Israel. This research hospital was doing a study on a particularly rare Cystic Fibrosis gene defect that Savannah appears to have, and wanted her to come over so they could study it.
The study was being backed by an Israeli billionaire, who offered to pay for the transportation, food, and lodging of our entire family. This billionaire was also going give us a monthly stipend of spending money, if we would agree for Savannah to participate in the study. This particular study lasted for an entire year.
This is not particularly rare in Israel. More than half of the Nobel prizes for science won by Israelis, are in the area of medicine. Much of this research is financed by Israeli billionaires like Eitan Wertheimer, who sometimes even create hospitals like the Rambam hospital, and sponsor medical research centers like the Rappaport Research Center, that are part of the hospital. They frequently sponsor research volunteers from other countries, particularly if people with the right combination of inclusion and exclusion factors cannot be found in Israel. Americans are among their favorite volunteers due to the agreements between the US and Israel regarding medical tourism. They are especially willing to pay to have the right research volunteers for clinical trials, since these are needed to get approval from the FDA, before the Israeli solutions can be sold in the American market.
The researchers especially wanted Savannah for two reasons. The primary one was the extremely rare Cystic Fibrosis gene defect that she exhibited symptoms of. (The only test for this exact defect in the world was conducted in Israel at the time, so the only way to know for sure was to have them conduct the test.)
The secondary reason that they selected her was to run tests to see if they could determine, why she was alive and improving, when it was clearly impossible for her to not be dead. They thought if they could isolate something to account for her impossible recovery, then they could replicate it, and apply it to other Cystic Fibrosis patients. They reasoned that they might even be able to apply what they learned to other medical conditions as well, since Savannah had multiple conditions that medical science classified as incurable and 100% fatal.
In the end though, Savannah did not go to Israel. If she had, then they would have ran those tests in vain, because she did not survive and thrive against all odds because of anything in her body. The Impossible Girl has only survived and thrived because of the Man of Truth.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah has survived and thrived, when medical science expected her to shrivel up and die. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she has thrived, when it is impossible for her to have even survived.
Since that time, Savannah has faced new obstacles. At one point, when things took a turn for the worse, and things looked hopeless once again, the Father of Truth gave her an impossible dream one night. This dream strengthened her resolve, and showed her the direction that she should go.
Mastering Japanese was only the first step needed for that impossible dream to come to pass. There is so much more, and all of it is impossible for her to do on her own. She will soon be starting the next part of this impossible journey.
There is a reason why The Impossible Girl continues to do what is impossible to this day.
This healing came because we know where sickness comes from. It came because of whose report we believed. This healing came from removing the roadblocks that prevent the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) from being healed. It came because we knew that sickness was the chastening of the Lord, only in cases of willful disobedience to the instructions of the Father of Truth It came because we knew, that when medical science had done all that it could, there was a still doctor in the house, who specialized in impossible cases.
The impossible happened from pursuing the fastest way to victory! It happened because we are determined to not experience the loss of power that comes from resisting the Spirit of Truth! It happened because we learned how to turn on the power of the Spirit of Truth! It happened because our faith was built up when we released the sound of power!
We never gave into despair, because we understood that resistance is essential! We persisted, because we knew that the Father of Truth turns the most adverse circumstances into the waters of salvation!
Some people do not believe in miracles, but we live with one. We do not only believe in miracles, but we count on them. Savannah is literally living proof that the Book of Truth is true in everything that it says.
The Impossible Girl is just one of many reasons to not believe that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason. It is absurd to believe the greatest fairy tale ever told. In fact, the creation myth of human secularism contradicts the story told by the evidence.
The religion of human secularism is no better than Neo-Paganism. "The Origin of the Species" is no more credible than the Book of Mormon. This religion tries to justify every wicked thing that people can do, by claiming "My DNA made me do it".
The Impossible Girl exists to expose this lie, and show the truth found in the Book of Truth.
The Father of Truth has been healing the Impossible Girl, because we have been seeking to walk in all His ways for all of our days (Exodus 15:26). The Impossible Girl has been healed as a sign that the message, which we have boldly proclaimed about the Man of Truth, is true (Acts 4:29-31). The Impossible Girl has been healed, because the gifts of the Spirit of Truth are still in operation today (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).
The Impossible Girl exists so that people can leave behind their lies, and come into the House of Truth.
The Impossible Girl is proof that the Father of Truth exists, and does what is impossible for those who come into the House of Truth (Luke 18:27). The Father of Truth has done the impossible, in raising the Man of Truth from the dead, so that all people know that they will be judged for every wicked thing they do, unless they come into the House of Truth (Acts 17:29-31). People come into the House of Truth, when they put the Man of Truth in charge of their life, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
When Savannah was born, she was soon diagnosed as failure-to-thrive. It was not really certain at the time why she was not thriving, but it was certain that if things did not change, then she would die in a short time.
One problem soon identified was that she was not able to take in milk or formula, so that she was basically starving to death. So she was set up with a nasal-gastro (NG) tube that would allow Pedialyte to be slowly and constantly dripped into her stomach so she would not die of dehydration.
Then the doctors ran some tests and determine that she was intolerant of milk and unable to digest normal baby formula. They then managed to find a specialty formula that was lactose free and protein free that she could not digest.
This kept her alive and able to grow in some ways. However, they did not expect her to ever get better, and that she would have to have a feeding tube inserted in her belly to feed her.
I had been praying in tongues and fasting frequently before she was ever born, so my faith in the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) was all built up. So I told them that she was going to get better, and would never need a feeding tube.
Later, the NG tube came out, and she began being able to take in the special formula through a bottle. A while after that, she began to be able to drink a formula that contained formula. Eventually, she was eating regular baby food, then normal toddler foods like cheerios.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah could not digest food, but now she can. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she can eat when it is impossible for her to be able to eat.
Savannah was also born deaf, with no possibility according to medical science of ever hearing, and yet today she has normal hearing. I laid my own, somewhat defective, hands on her, commanded her to hear in the name of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), and instantly she began to hear.
Even after she could hear, she had trouble learning to speak. We all had to learn sign language to talk to her, but eventually she started to talk. Today, she not only speaks English proficiently, but also has a degree in Japanese. She will soon be taking her N4 proficiency exam, which would allow her to work as a translator. (Japanese is rated by linguists as the hardest language on Earth for native English speakers to learn.)
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah was born deaf, but now she can hear. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she can hear when it is impossible for her to be able to hear.
Also Savannah was not growing muscle, even though her bones and organs were growing, after she was born. By the time that she was diagnosed with this condition at two years of age, the condition should have already killed her. Yet, she had not died from this rarely diagnosed and deadly condition. (Most sudden infant death syndrome victims are thought to have died from this same condition. The heart and diaphragm are both muscles that the body cannot live without growing as an infant.)
One day, my wife handed me the phone to talk to one of the research doctors, who had conducted the test that had confirmed her rare and deadly condition. The only thing that this research doctor wanted to know, was why Savannah was not dead.
After the diagnosis that she was not growing muscle, because her body was not producing carnitine, her muscle began to grow slowly with the aid of Carnitor, a medicine that put carnitine in her blood stream. Finally, she began producing her own carnitine, but still not enough to be taken off of Carnitor completely.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah has resumed growing muscle, when she should have died before she ever reached the age of two from a lack of muscle growth. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because her muscles grew when it is impossible for her muscles to grow.
Savannah was also born with Cerebral Palsy. One of the issues this caused, was that her feet would curl up, and that her legs would not move on their own. We were told that she would probably never be able to walk without assistance.
We believed that the Father of Truth would help us, and that she would walk in the name of the Man of Truth. No one was allowed to say otherwise in our house. We were not going to let the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) have any kind of victory over her.
Originally, she could not even crawl, but instead she would drag her legs behind her while she pulled her self with her arms. This did not deter her. She was determined to be mobile, so she dragged herself around the house.
Eventually her legs began to have some mobility. So she was given some shoes with braces for her legs to help her stand, and a walker. We were instructed to encourage her to use her walker, so her leg muscles did not atrophy, but were told that she would never walk without the walker.
These shoes with braces were uncomfortable for her, because they forced her feet to flatten out some every time she took a step. I made it a rule that she had to wear these shoes all of the time, only getting to take them off for bathing and sleeping. The entire family watched her to make sure that she did not take her shoes off. She could only walk without a walker, if someone held her hands and helped her walk. I walked with her for about half a quarter mile each day, while she was wearing those shoes.
Then the day came when she walked on her own. Shortly after that, she was wearing normal shoes. Years later, she walked miles over the course of a day when she played golf.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah is walking, when she should have never been able to walk. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is walking when it is impossible for her to be walking.
Another problem caused by the Cerebral Palsy was that her hands would curl up. We were told that we had to keep her from curling her hands, to prevent them from withering, and becoming unusable. It was thought that she probably not be able to do anything with her hands, which required fine motor skills.
However, we also believed that her hands would be normal by the same means that she would walk. This was not wishful thinking, but confidence in what the Book of Truth (Bible) said that led to action.
The entire family watched her to make sure that she did not curl up her hands into a fist. We made her straighten them out as far as she could, whenever we saw her curling them into a fist.
I saw that she was interested in video games, but it was very uncomfortable for her use the Nintendo controllers, because her hands had to flatten out to reach all of the buttons. This being the case, she would do very poorly, get frustrated, and quit trying after a few minutes. So, I forced her to play video games with someone in the family for at least an hour every day.
Her mother worked with her to take things out of thera-putty, make things with modeling clay, color pictures, cut shapes with scissors, and the like. Sometimes she cried in frustration, but after my wife comforted her, it was back to trying again. At times things looked hopeless, and no progress was being made, but surrender to despair was never an option.
We knew the Father of Truth and we did exploits.
There is no sign of withering in her hands today. I take great joy watching her play her video games at a professional level of skill. She is an amateur graphics designer, who occasionally makes things for me. She also enjoys drawing with her drawing tablet, crocheting items, creating origami objects, and making her own cosplay costumes from scratch.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah does not have any withering in her hands. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because it is impossible for her to be doing what she does with her hands.
Savannah had obvious breathing issues since birth, but the cause was uncertain given her issues with growing muscle. Finally, one of her doctors, a pulmonoligist, had a sweat chloride tests performed to see if she had Cystic Fibrosis when she was about a year and a half. The test came back negative, but he was not completely convinced.
So her geneticist ran a DNA test when she was about two and a half years old. This test confirmed that the gene responsible for Cystic Fibrosis had the required pair of defects, one from each parent. One of the gene defects was the N1303K mutation and the other defect was not able to be identified precisely. However, it was certain that she had one of the rarer mutations that could cause a person to have a normal sweat chloride test, even though they have Cystic Fibrosis.
When Savannah was seven years old, she contacted one of those diseases that put people with cystic fibrosis in the grave. Medical science gave her a zero percent chance of recovery. I was told to be realistic by many of the medical professionals, and stop saying that she was going to live contrary to all reason.
She did not die, but overcame this disease. She did not do this due to some sort of superior immune system, for her immune system is actually severely compromised from an IGA deficiency, and other genetic defects.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah is alive, when when medical science had no means to keep her from dying. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is alive when it is impossible for her to be alive.
Another one of her complications from Cystic Fibrosis was a deteriorating pancreas. Basically her pancreas and other digestive organs get clogged up with the sticky mucus that Cystic Fibrosis produces. As this clogging progresses, less and less of what these organs produce is able to get excreted to where it is needed. This is why so many Cystic Fibrosis patients have to eat much more food than other people just to stay alive, but can still end up looking like living skeletons. Their stomach might be full, but their body is still starving.
In the case of Savannah, the pancreatic enzymes that are needed to digest her food were not being created. Medical science had created a medicine called Pancrecarb to replace the enzymes that her pancreas was not excreting. However, medical science has not yet created a medicine to unclog the digestive organs. This means that while medical science can do something to help with the symptoms, it really cannot do anything about the cause. As a result, Cystic Fibrosis patients who have to take Pancrecarb have to do so for the rest of their life, because the pancreas can only become more clogged, but never less clogged.
However, the Father of Truth showed Himself strong on our behalf once again. He made the pancreas, and this was no problem for Him. He heard my prayers, and completely unclogged her pancreas, and other digestive organs, when she was eight years old. She has never had to take Pancrecarb again.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah has a fully working pancreas, when she should have been on Pancrecarb for the rest of her life. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is digesting food when it is impossible for her to be doing so on her own.
When Savannah was ten years old, she went into a medical induced coma, caused by a drug interdiction that has killed everyone else who has ever had it. In fact, the exact words of the neurologist handling her case was, "It is impossible for her not to die", when I told him that she was going be alright.
Once again, we did not follow the script that medical science had written. We followed the script that I had heard from the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) instead. After ten days of being as good as dead, Savannah came out of that coma, and into the best health of her life so far.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah was awaken out of that coma, when she should have died in that coma. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she is awake when it is impossible for her to be awake.
Another complication that came from Cerebral Palsy was Petite Mal Seizures. Petite Mal Seizures are where the brain just completely freezes for a minute or so without warning. When someone has one, they just stare off into space, and are completely unaware of what is going on around them. When it is over, they are usually unaware that they have had one, unless something occurred during the seizure. For example, if they were playing a video game, they might have been winning before the seizure, but after the seizure they find that they have lost, even though they have no memory of losing.
Savannah would have these seizures at random, sometimes several times a day.
Needless to say, people who have random Petite Mal Seizures are not allowed to drive a car. A number of other things are generally discouraged as well, like operating a chain saw or a sewing machine.
Savannah not only had random Petite Mal Seizures, but also had at least one Grand Mal Seizure. A Grand Mal Seizure is more commonly called an epileptic seizure. She did this while visiting the neurologist about the Petite Mal Seizures. So the neurologist prescribed her phenobarbital.
These pills turned her into a zombie, so we decided to ditch them, and trust the Father of Truth to heal her instead. The random seizures stopped when she was thirteen, and she has not had one since. (She can still have a triggered Petite Mal Seizure under certain predictable circumstances that she can avoid, but she no longer has them at random.)
The doctors ran EEG scans quarterly, until they stopped finding evidence of her having any more random seizures. This is in defiance of the static encephalopathy (unchanging brain damage) that shows up scattered across her brain when she has an MRI scan.
So her neurologist filled out the paper work to give her permission to get an unrestricted license to drive a car. She also uses a sewing machine for making costumes.
Not only has she stopped having random seizures, but her brain operates way beyond average. For example, she was so sick one year that she missed all but the last six weeks of school. When school ended, she had not only caught up with the class, but she was actually ahead of most of the class.
She missed being a national merit scholar by one point. She was forced to take the test, due to the inflexibility of the test giver, the day before she went into the hospital. She clearly was not at her best, and there is no doubt she would have done better, if she could have taken the test after her stay in the hospital.
She has done many other things like this, even though parts of her brain continue to be effectively dead.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah no longer has random seizures, even though the cause of the random seizures still remains. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because her brain is functionally way beyond normal, when it is impossible for it to not be functioning below normal.
When Savannah was 16, her primary doctor gave us paperwork from a research hospital in Israel. This research hospital was doing a study on a particularly rare Cystic Fibrosis gene defect that Savannah appears to have, and wanted her to come over so they could study it.
The study was being backed by an Israeli billionaire, who offered to pay for the transportation, food, and lodging of our entire family. This billionaire was also going give us a monthly stipend of spending money, if we would agree for Savannah to participate in the study. This particular study lasted for an entire year.
This is not particularly rare in Israel. More than half of the Nobel prizes for science won by Israelis, are in the area of medicine. Much of this research is financed by Israeli billionaires like Eitan Wertheimer, who sometimes even create hospitals like the Rambam hospital, and sponsor medical research centers like the Rappaport Research Center, that are part of the hospital. They frequently sponsor research volunteers from other countries, particularly if people with the right combination of inclusion and exclusion factors cannot be found in Israel. Americans are among their favorite volunteers due to the agreements between the US and Israel regarding medical tourism. They are especially willing to pay to have the right research volunteers for clinical trials, since these are needed to get approval from the FDA, before the Israeli solutions can be sold in the American market.
The researchers especially wanted Savannah for two reasons. The primary one was the extremely rare Cystic Fibrosis gene defect that she exhibited symptoms of. (The only test for this exact defect in the world was conducted in Israel at the time, so the only way to know for sure was to have them conduct the test.)
The secondary reason that they selected her was to run tests to see if they could determine, why she was alive and improving, when it was clearly impossible for her to not be dead. They thought if they could isolate something to account for her impossible recovery, then they could replicate it, and apply it to other Cystic Fibrosis patients. They reasoned that they might even be able to apply what they learned to other medical conditions as well, since Savannah had multiple conditions that medical science classified as incurable and 100% fatal.
In the end though, Savannah did not go to Israel. If she had, then they would have ran those tests in vain, because she did not survive and thrive against all odds because of anything in her body. The Impossible Girl has only survived and thrived because of the Man of Truth.
People can convince themselves that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason, but they cannot deny that Savannah has survived and thrived, when medical science expected her to shrivel up and die. Savannah is The Impossible Girl, because she has thrived, when it is impossible for her to have even survived.
Since that time, Savannah has faced new obstacles. At one point, when things took a turn for the worse, and things looked hopeless once again, the Father of Truth gave her an impossible dream one night. This dream strengthened her resolve, and showed her the direction that she should go.
Mastering Japanese was only the first step needed for that impossible dream to come to pass. There is so much more, and all of it is impossible for her to do on her own. She will soon be starting the next part of this impossible journey.
There is a reason why The Impossible Girl continues to do what is impossible to this day.
This healing came because we know where sickness comes from. It came because of whose report we believed. This healing came from removing the roadblocks that prevent the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) from being healed. It came because we knew that sickness was the chastening of the Lord, only in cases of willful disobedience to the instructions of the Father of Truth It came because we knew, that when medical science had done all that it could, there was a still doctor in the house, who specialized in impossible cases.
The impossible happened from pursuing the fastest way to victory! It happened because we are determined to not experience the loss of power that comes from resisting the Spirit of Truth! It happened because we learned how to turn on the power of the Spirit of Truth! It happened because our faith was built up when we released the sound of power!
We never gave into despair, because we understood that resistance is essential! We persisted, because we knew that the Father of Truth turns the most adverse circumstances into the waters of salvation!
Some people do not believe in miracles, but we live with one. We do not only believe in miracles, but we count on them. Savannah is literally living proof that the Book of Truth is true in everything that it says.
The Impossible Girl is just one of many reasons to not believe that everything just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason. It is absurd to believe the greatest fairy tale ever told. In fact, the creation myth of human secularism contradicts the story told by the evidence.
The religion of human secularism is no better than Neo-Paganism. "The Origin of the Species" is no more credible than the Book of Mormon. This religion tries to justify every wicked thing that people can do, by claiming "My DNA made me do it".
The Impossible Girl exists to expose this lie, and show the truth found in the Book of Truth.
The Father of Truth has been healing the Impossible Girl, because we have been seeking to walk in all His ways for all of our days (Exodus 15:26). The Impossible Girl has been healed as a sign that the message, which we have boldly proclaimed about the Man of Truth, is true (Acts 4:29-31). The Impossible Girl has been healed, because the gifts of the Spirit of Truth are still in operation today (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).
The Impossible Girl exists so that people can leave behind their lies, and come into the House of Truth.
The Impossible Girl is proof that the Father of Truth exists, and does what is impossible for those who come into the House of Truth (Luke 18:27). The Father of Truth has done the impossible, in raising the Man of Truth from the dead, so that all people know that they will be judged for every wicked thing they do, unless they come into the House of Truth (Acts 17:29-31). People come into the House of Truth, when they put the Man of Truth in charge of their life, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!