How To Identify Jews
How can Jews be identified?
There has been much controversy over how to identify Jews over the years. It is not hard to see why.
For example, in Northwest Arkansas when I was growing up people said that Jews were some mysterious group of people who somehow had gained control of the banks, the media, and the government through a global conspiracy.
Yet when I asked them to describe what a Jew looked like, they really did not have any idea. The fact is that they could not have picked a Jew out of a lineup of one.
They got these ideas from Adolf Hitler’s favorite American – Henry Ford. Every Ford automobile came with an owner’s manual and a copy of “The Protocols of The Elders of Zion” that Henry Ford paid to have printed with his own money.
Henry Ford was obsessed with ridding America – and even the world – of Jews. He even purchased his hometown newspaper to publish his articles warning people about the dangers of the Jews. Yet he never told his readers how to identify a Jew.
When I later lived in Greece, I heard someone give a description of Jews for the first time. According to this man, all British people and their descendants – including most European Americans – were Israelites.
He said that they were the lost tribes of Israel, and the word “Saxon” was short for “Issac’s son”. He also said that “British” came from “B’rit Ish” which is “Covenant Man” in Hebrew.
So, according to this British-Israelite proponent, Henry Ford was a true Jew and the Jews that immigrated to America that he wrote against were imposters. Since the Saxons came from Germany, he might have said the same thing applied to Adolf Hitler.
Something as simple as having “white” skin to identify a Jew seemed absurd. Especially considering that many such people had sought to exterminate the Jews of Europe.
Years after I moved back to America, I met a woman with red hair who told me that all people with red hair were Jews and only Jews had red hair. She quoted a source from medieval Europe as proof.
This again seemed overly simplistic and would have included most of the Irish. Still, I decided to investigate her claim.
I found her source and read it completely. It turns out that continental Europe was in one of its periods of active antisemitism at the time while also going though one of its periods of disdaining the Irish.
So, red-hair was supposedly given by the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to mark the Jews, so they could be exterminated or expelled from Europe. This also marked many of the Irish for the same fate. The idea was to kill two birds with one stone.
Then I came across a Native American man who said that Native Americans were the lost ten tribes of Israel. He cited as proof the existence of Jewish things that were here before Columbus arrived like the Decalogue Stone.
However, I had lived in Greece and there is no other country outside of Israel that has more ancient Jewish artifacts than Greece. Yet, the Greeks had given Jews separate cities to live in and called Jews, “the Holy People”.
These Jewish artifacts were only evidence of Greco-Judeo Wrestling. It takes more than just the presence of Jewish artifacts to identify the real Israelites.
So, I knew that such artifacts might indicate that some Jews had lived in North America at that time, but it did not mean that everyone who lived there when Columbus arrived were Jews. In fact, the only Native American tribe listed by the state of Israel as possibly being part of the lost tribes of Israel is the Cherokee.
Then I came across an African-American man who told me that all Jews were marked with “black” skin. He gave the same types of evidence that the British-Israelite man and the Native American-Israelite man had given me, except it was all centered in Africa instead of Europe or North America.
He told me that the Jews in Israel were imposters and said that people in Africa had the highest percentage of men in the world with the Kohen gene marker. He also told me that scientists said that all races migrated out of Africa and that they had all descended from those with “black” skin.
I pointed out to him that it was those supposed imposters in Israel who had identified the Kohen gene marker and had tested only small select groups that were possibly descendants of Israel in Africa. So, his proof was faulty in that it relied on the authenticity of those whom he had identified as counterfeits.
Also, the so-called scientists who came up with the theory that humans evolved from apes in Africa and then migrated out to later evolve into other races were all “white”. Again, those who provided his “proof” were not reliable according to him because they believed the greatest fairy tale ever told instead of the story told by the evidence.
More than that, these so-called scientists taught that all other races came out of the “black” race, because evolution teaches that inferior species evolve into superior species. This placed people with his skin color as closest to that of apes in intelligence and therefore inferior to all other races while people with the skin color of these so-called scientists were the most intelligent and therefore superior to all other races.
It is almost mind-boggling that Hebrew-Israelites like this man would rely on the same people that inspired Hitler to declare people with “white” skin to be the master race to prove that all Jews have “black” skin and only Jews have “black” skin. Especially, since those same people proposed to enslave and exterminate “inferior races” after they were done with the Jews – starting with those with “black” skin.
So, there was two types of groups who could not really tell anyone what a Jew looked like. One type wanted to exterminate the Jews, while the other type wanted to be the Jews.
The truth is that real Jews will often hide their Jewish identity like Queen Esther did because of that first type of people concerned with identifying Jews (Esther 2:20). This is what wise people like The Reluctant Jew do.
All of these groups of the second type – British-Israelites, Red-haired Israelites, Native American-Israelites, and Hebrew-Israelites - all cited a small number of verses as “proof” that they – and they alone – were Jews. However, anyone can “prove” almost anything by a single verse taken out of context.
That is why context is king and we must consider the entire Book of Truth (The Bible). This is required to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
Before doing that, we need a basic understanding of what causes variations in skin color.
There are internal factors people are born with that establish the base skin color that they have. There are also external factors that affect the range of skin color offset from that base skin color.
We must begin with a basic understanding of the structure of human skin. Human skin has three parts called the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis.
The epidermis is the thin outer layer of skin that covers and protects the dermis. The dermis is the thick middle layer that contains capillaries, hair follicles, and the like. The hypodermis is the bottom layer that connects the dermis to the body.
People have two internal factors that establish their base skin color. These factors are the structure of their epidermis and the composition of their hypodermis.
People do not have a base skin color that is white like toilet paper or black like tar. They have an epidermis that is really one of six shades of brown. The lightest epidermis shade is number one and the darkest shade is number six on the epidermis scale.
The epidermis has four stratums - except on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet have an extra stratum that provides additional protection to those areas. In the bottom stratum melanocytes create melanin.
Melanin turns darker when exposed to ultraviolet light. This causes the skin of people to darken, or tan, when they are exposed to sunlight. This darkening protects the dermis below the epidermis.
Not everyone has the same thickness of the bottom stratum of the epidermis and the same thickness of the upper stratums of the epidermis. This is the first internal factor that determines their base skin color range.
The thicker the bottom stratum of the epidermis is, then the more melanocytes are available to create melanin. Also, how much sunlight makes it to the melanocytes is determined by how thick the upper stratums of epidermis are.
So, if one person has thick upper stratums of their epidermis and a thin bottom stratum of their epidermis, then they will have light skin. Likewise, if another person has thin upper stratums of their epidermis and a thick bottom stratum of their epidermis, then they will have dark skin.
The other internal fact is the composition of their hypodermis. The composition of the hypodermis is not the same for all people.
Differences in composition of the hypodermis create different undertones. The undertone of the hypodermis can be red, pink, light purple, bluish-white, olive-green, or dull yellow. The undertone of the hypodermis is filtered by the shade of the epidermis to create the base skin color.
Therefore, a person with thick upper epidermis stratums and a hypodermis with an olive-green undertone will have a light olive skin color like some Greeks have. Likewise, people with a medium upper epidermis stratums and a hypodermis with a dull yellow undertone might have yellowish brown skin like some Chinese people have.
So, base skin color is a combination of the structure of the epidermis and the composition of the hypodermis. There are six undertones of the hypodermis for each brown shade of the epidermis that creates thirty-six possible base skin colors.
These base skin colors are shown on the Von Luschan Scale. The lightest possible base skin color is a one and the darkest possible base skin color is thirty-six on the Von Luschan Scale.
The first internal factor of the structure of the epidermis works hand in hand with the first external factor – how much sunlight that the epidermis is exposed to. When the epidermis is exposed to more sunlight, then the skin of people darkens and when it is exposed to less sunlight, then the skin of people lightens.
The upper stratums of their epidermis also determine how much sunlight they need to manufacture enough vitamin D. If the upper stratums of their epidermis are thick, then they do not need much time in the sun for this, but if upper stratums of their epidermis are thin, then they need a lot of time in the sun for this.
So, the epidermis is balanced for people. The epidermis that causes some people to need more time in the sun also allows them to spend more time in the sun, while the epidermis that causes some people to need less time in the sun also allows them to spend less time in the sun.
This helps the human race to be distributed more evenly across the Earth. People near the equator have about the same amount of sunlight all year and most have darker skin that is more suitable for them. People near the poles have periods of no sunlight and most have lighter skin that is more suitable for them.
Also, how strong the undertone of the hypodermis is at any moment depends upon external factors like blood flow. For example, when a person with very light skin and a red undertone blushes, extra blood is sent to their cheeks and the hypodermis becomes a bright red color resulting in their cheeks changing from nearly white to bright red.
So, in that sense the hypodermis undertone is also subject to external factors as well, but these are often short term. However, a minor medical condition like a bruise healing can last longer. Also, a serious medical issue that causes there to be less blood flow to part of a body can result in blue colored skin there.
The other major external factor is what people eat. For example, if people with a light skin color eat lots of carrots, squash and pumpkins, then carotene will be stored in the fat cells of their dermis resulting in their skin having an orange tint.
Diet can also affect their need for sunlight to create vitamin D. For example, Innuits (Eskimos) and Aleuts eat a diet of fish that is high in Vitamin D, so they can live near the north pole despite having a number four epidermis shade that is the darker of the medium shades of brown.
So, each person really has a range of skin colors. Internal factors determine their base skin color that is the lightest end of that range. External factors can cause their skin color to be darker than their base skin color but never darker than the darkest end of that range.
Hair color and texture are likewise determined by internal factors that people are born with as well as external factors. The same is true for eye color and other features.
So, what was the base skin color of Abraham?
Noah had three sons named Shem, Ham, and Japheth, out of whom came all of the ethnic groups on Earth (Genesis 9:18-19). Ham was the youngest son (Genesis 9:22-24). Japheth was the oldest son (Genesis 10:21).
Japheth means “opening (enlargement)”. His ethnic groups went on to form colonies in the lands of other ethnic groups and enslave ethnic groups from Ham as Noah had said they would (Genesis 9:27). They will make up most of Gomer and his bands in the last days.
From Japeth, the oldest son of Noah, came the ethnic groups with an epidermis of the lightest two shades of brown, shades number one and two, the so-called “white” ethnic groups, who came to first occupied Europe, the northern half of Asia, and the northern edge of Africa, including the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea (Genesis 10:3-5). Generally speaking, the ethnic groups with the darkest of these base skin colors occupied lands closest to the Mediterranean Sea while those with lightest of these base skin colors lived the farthest away from it.
It is worth noting that only descendants of Japheth had blue or green eyes originally. The descendants of Ham and Shem had only brown eyes – until their descendants began to intermarry with descendants of Japheth.
Ham means “hot”. Out of him came the ethnic groups with an epidermis of the darkest two shades of brown, shades number five and six, the so-called “black” ethnic groups, who came to occupied the rest of Africa and the part of the Middle East that is west of the Euphrates River (Genesis 10:6). Generally speaking, the ethnic groups with the lightest of these base skin colors occupied lands closest to the Euphrates River while those with darkest of these base skin colors lived the farthest away from it.
Most of the ethnic groups from his oldest son Cush came to occupy Africa south of the Sahara Desert (Genesis 10:7). Cush means “black” and his ethnic groups have an epidermis that is the darkest shade of brown, shade number six, - which can become truly black from sun poisoning caused by overexposure to the sun.
The Egyptians also came from Ham as well as the ethnic groups that came out of them including the Philistines (Genesis 10:13-14). The Canaanites that first occupied the Land of Canaan also came from Ham (Genesis 10:15-19). Both have an epidermis that is shade number five.
Shem means “name”. His ethnic groups went on to enslave ethnic groups from Ham as Noah had said they would (Genesis 9:26).
Out of him came the ethnic groups with an epidermis of the middle two shades of brown, shades number three and four, - the so-called “brown”, “red”, and “yellow” ethnic groups - who came to occupy the rest of the Earth. Generally speaking, the ethnic groups with the lightest of these base skin colors occupied lands closest to the Mediterranean Sea while those with darkest of these base skin colors lived the farthest away from it.
The ethnic groups that came from Shem included the Persians, Assyrians, Armenians (including Syrians) and the ancient interior Anatolians (modern area of Turkey), besides all remaining ethnic groups who came from Arphaxad (Genesis 10:22-23). The Anatolians, Armenians, and Assyrians lived west of the Euphrates River with base skin colors of numbers thirteen through fifteen.
So, the lightest descendants of Shem with a number thirteen base skin color lived near the darkest descendants of Japheth with a number twelve base skin color. The rest who lived west of the Euphrates River had base skin colors fourteen and fifteen.
The grandson of Arphaxad was Eber (Genesis 10:24). Eber means “from beyond” because his ethnic groups lived beyond the Euphrates River while the rest of the descendants of Shem lived west of the Euphrates River or near where it emptied into the Persian Gulf.
Eber had two sons, Peleg and Joktan. From Joktan came thirteen ethnic groups (Genesis 10:25-29). These ethnic groups all lived east of the Kabul River (Mesha River) and were numerous beyond counting (Genesis 10:30).
This not only included the ethnic groups who came from Ophir (Asian Indians) and Jobab (Chinese) according to their own history, but also the First Nations to live in North and South America. Almodad means “not measured” , which describes their lands as far as the rest of the world was concerned until the day when worlds collided.
So, the so-called “yellow” and “red” ethnic groups came from Joktan. The other ethnic groups from Joktan had an epidermis that was the darker of the medium shades of brown, shade number four.
So, the descendants of Peleg had an epidermis that was the lighter of the medium shades of brown, shade number three. They had base skin colors between sixteen and eighteen.
The ethnic groups of Peleg lived in the remaining area that was east of the Euphrates River and west of the Kabul River (Genesis 10:31). Among the descendants of Peleg was Abraham (Genesis 11:18-26).
So, Abraham had an epidermis that was of the lighter of the two medium shades of brown. His epidermis shade was number three.
Abraham was born in Ur of the Chaldeans and later moved to Haran (Genesis 11:27-31). He then moved from Haran beyond the Euphrates River to get to Canaan and he did not look like the Canaanites (Genesis 12:4-6).
So, Abraham (Abram) was called a “Hebrew” by the Canaanites (Genesis 14:13). The word Hebrew means “one from beyond” because he came from Eber, whose land was beyond the Euphrates River.
Therefore, Abraham had a number sixteen base skin color. This was the base skin color of his ethnic group that settled in Ur near to the Euphrates River and Haran – just east of the Euphrates River.
The Canaanites had base skin colors numbers twenty-five and twenty-six. So, Abraham had noticeably lighter skin than them, but was by no means “white”.
What was the base skin color of the descendants of Abraham?
Abraham first had a son by an Egyptian (Genesis 16:1-4). She tried to return home to lower Egypt, so she had number twenty-seven base skin color (Genesis 16:5-7). Her son was called Ishmael, who would have had a base skin color between that of Abraham and Hagar – a number twenty-one base skin color (Genesis 16:15-16).
Ishmael married an Egyptian woman as well, who would have also had a number twenty-seven base skin color if she was from lower Egypt (Genesis 21:14-21). So, the descendants of Ishmael who came to occupy the Arabian Peninsula, had a number twenty-four base skin color (Genesis 25:12-18).
(This is a bit of an oversimplification to keep things brief. The matrixing of the two internal factors that create base skin color is much more involved – especially since there are multiple components to each factor. However, this close approximation will give a resulting base skin color that is always pretty close to results given by matrixing all of the components.)
Abraham had first married his half-sister Sarah (Sarai), who had the same base skin color as him (Genesis 20:12). So, she gave birth to Isaac, who also would have a number sixteen base skin color (Genesis 21:3).
Abraham did not want Isaac to marry any of the Canaanites, so he sent his servant to get a wife for Isaac from his own family in Haran (Genesis 24:1-4). So, Rebekah was from the family of Abraham and had the same base skin color as Abraham (Genesis 24:15).
Isaac and Rebekah had two sons, one with red hair named Esau, and one without red hair named Israel (Jacob), but both would have the same number sixteen base skin color as their parents (Genesis 25:20-26).
By contrast, the description of hair of the descendants of Israel in the time of Solomon was black as a raven and wavy (Song of Solomon 5:11). Even in the time of the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), the descendants of Israel in the land of Israel had black hair until it turned white with age (Matthew 5:36).
It is also worth noting that Esau is the only person in the entire Book of Truth who is described as having red hair. So, anyone with red hair would be a descendant of Esau - and not Israel - if it was that simple.
The first two wives of Esau were Hittites, who were part of the Canaanites, that had a number twenty-six base skin color (Genesis 26:34). He later married a daughter of Ishmael, who had a number twenty-four base skin color (Genesis 28:8-9).
His sons through these wives had number twenty and twenty-one base skin colors and moved to live among the descendants of Seir in modern southern Jordan (Genesis 36:2-19). They lived among the descendants of Seir in their land, who had a number twenty-five base skin color (Genesis 36:20-30). These two became one people, the Edomites, who had a number twenty-three base skin color (Genesis 36:31-43).
So, Israel had a number sixteen base skin color, while the rest of the descendants of Abraham and the Canaanites had noticeably darker base skin colors. However, this also means that Israel was by no means “white”.
What about the base skin color of the children of Israel?
Isaac sent Israel to the family of Rebekah to find a wife (Genesis 28:1-2). So, Israel went back to the family of Rebekah and found the two daughters of her brother Laban, who also had a number sixteen base skin color like Rebekah (Genesis 29:10-17).
Israel then married both sisters (Genesis 29:18-30). Israel and Leah then had four sons, who all had a number sixteen base skin color like their parents (Genesis 29:18-31).
Then Israel married Bilhah, the hand maiden of Rachel, whose ancestry is not known but probably had a number sixteen base skin shade like most people just east of the Euphrates River (Genesis 30:1-4). They had two sons, who also likely had a number sixteen base skin color (Genesis 30:5-8).
Then Israel married Zilpah, the hand maiden of Leah, whose ancestry is not known but probably had a number sixteen base skin shade like most people just east of the Euphrates River (Genesis 30:9). They had two sons, who also likely had a number sixteen base skin color (Genesis 30:10-13).
Then Israel and Leah had two more sons (Genesis 30:17-20). Then they had a daughter, who also had a number sixteen base skin color like her parents and brothers (Genesis 30:21).
Then Israel and Rachel finally had a son (Genesis 30:22-24). Then they had one last son, who had a number sixteen base skin color like his parents and brothers (Genesis 35:16-18).
So, the children of Israel had a number sixteen base skin color, while the rest of the descendants of Abraham and the Canaanites had noticeably darker base skin colors. However, this also means that the children of Israel were by no means “white”.
What was the base skin color of the descendants of Israel who entered Egypt?
By the time that Israel left Haran to return to the land of Canaan, Laban had turned to worshiping idols and his daughter Rachel brought some of them with her as well (Genesis 31:30-32). Afterwards, Israel had to remove the idols of Haran that were spread throughout his household (Genesis 35:2-4). So, there was no reason for Israel to send his sons back to the family of Rachel in Haran to find wives.
Later, Judah the son of Israel left his family to live among the Canaanites and married a Canaanite woman, who had a number twenty-six base skin color (Genesis 38:1-2). They then had three sons, who had a number twenty-one base skin color (Genesis 38:3-5).
Afterwards, Judah went into the widow of his son, Tamar another Canaanite woman, who also had a number twenty-six base skin color (Genesis 38:24-26). She then gave birth to two more sons for Judah, who had a number twenty-one base skin color (Genesis 38:27-30).
Around that time, Jospeh the son of Israel married a woman from lower Egypt, who had a number twenty-seven base skin color (Genesis 41:45). They had two children, who had a number twenty-two base skin color (Genesis 41:50-52).
When Israel moved to Egypt, he had thirty-three male descendants from Leah (Genesis 46:8-14). He also had a daughter named Dinah, who both had a number sixteen base skin color like their parents, who was not counted among those thirty-three male descendants through Leah (Genesis 46:15).
Israel also had sixteen descendants from Zilpah, who were all males (Genesis 46:16-18). In like manner, he had fourteen descendants from Rachel, who were all males (Genesis 46:19-22). Finally, he had seven descendants from Bilhah, who were all males (Genesis 46:23-25).
So, Israel had seventy (33 + 16 + 14 + 7 = 70) male descendants. Joseph and his two sons were already in Egypt, so sixty-seven male (70 – 3) descendants of Israel were still in Canaan. Two of those male descendants died in Canaan, so sixty-five (67 – 2 = 65) male descendants moved into Egypt. Dinah, the only daughter of Israel, also moved there for a total of sixty-six (65 + 1 = 66) descendants of Israel that moved into Egypt.
Sixty-six descendants of Israel came with Israel into Egypt, not counting their wives (Genesis 46:26). They joined Joseph and his two sons in Egypt, to make a total of sixty-nine descendants of Israel (66 + 3 = 69) in Egypt, for a total of number of seventy (69 + 1 = 70) people who carried the DNA of Israel, including Israel himself (Genesis 46:27).
There was only one women that came from the family of Israel that one of his sons could have married. So, at most one of his sons had children by her, who would have a number sixteen base skin color.
There is only one other descendant of the sons of Israel where there is information to determine the base skin color of the mother. She had mostly Canaanite ancestry with something else in the mix (Canaanitish) that gave her something near a twenty-six base skin color, so her son had something near a twenty-one base skin color (Genesis 46:10).
The fact that the son with a Canaanitish mother is specifically mentioned indicates that the remaining descendants of the sons of Israel did not have wives with Canaanite ancestry. Also, Joseph is singled out as having married an Egyptian woman, indicating that the rest of the descendants of the sons of Israel did not have Egyptian wives.
So, the ancestry of the rest of the wives of the sons of Israel cannot be known with any more certainty than they were not descendants of Canaanites, Egyptians, or Israel. However, it is reasonable their ancestors were from lands were near the land of Canaan, but outside of Canaan and Egypt.
So, their base skin color was within the range of base skin colors of those lands. The low end of the range would be a number twelve base skin color and the high end would be a number sixteen base skin color. This would give the children of the sons of Israel who married these women a fourteen to sixteen base skin color. As their descendants married each other, their children would have something similar with a fifteen base skin color being the most common.
As the descendants of the sons that had married Canaanite and Egyptian women with a base twenty-one or twenty-two base skin color married descendants of Israel with a fifteen base skin color, then their children would have a base eighteen skin color. As descendants of the sons of Israel continued to marry each other, then they came to consistently have a number sixteen base skin color like that of that of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
This noticeable difference in base skin color from that of the Egyptians is why it was so easy to identify the Israelites when the Egyptians enslaved them (Exodus 1:8-11). It is why the daughter of Pharaoh knew at a glance that Moses was a Hebrew baby (Exodus 2:6).
The base skin color of the descendants of the sons of Israel would have darkened over the generations, it they had married Egyptians instead of continuing to marry each other (Exodus 2:1). They even married from within the same family – like the parents of Moses did (Exodus 6:20).
This is verified by paintings of different ethnic groups in the pyramids of Egypt. The Ethiopians have a very dark skin color that is about the color of a 100% dark chocolate bar and the Egyptians have a less dark skin color that is about the color of a milk chocolate bar in these paintings.
However, the Hebrews have a golden skin color that is about the color of golden brown sugar in these paintings. These paintings also show that Hebrews consistently had black hair and brown eyes as well.
What was the base skin color of the people of Israel after they left Egypt?
Before Israel had moved into Egypt, there was a massive famine that caused people from every ethnic group that could reach Egypt to go there for food, which included people with the number one base skin color to the number thirty-six base skin color (Genesis 41:54-57). Years later, many of their descendants had kept the Passover through faith in the Father of Truth and left Egypt with descendants of Israel, so all thirty-six base skin colors were found among those who left Egypt (Exodus 12:37-38).
Aaron and Miriam spoke against Moses for marrying an Ethiopian (descendant of Cush) woman with a number thirty-six base skin color from the mixed multitude, when they were in the wilderness (Numbers 12:1). The Father of Truth was angry at them for their words and turned Miriam white with leprosy for a week to make her ashamed of her prejudice against someone with a base skin color that was darker than hers (Numbers 12:9-15).
So, the people of Israel began to marry with the mixed multitude and diversify from the number sixteen base skin color when they were in the wilderness. Those who married the lightest from among the mixed multitude had children with a number eight base skin color while those who married the darkest among the mixed multitude had children with a number twenty-six base skin color.
The hair color of the people of Israel could have also begun to vary from just black with a wavy texture. In like manner, some of the people of Israel might have had blue or green eyes by the time Israel entered the land of Canaan that the Father of Truth had promised to give to the descendants of Abraham.
Centuries later, King David was ruddy looking, meaning that his skin had reddened from spending time in the sun while attending the sheep (why farmers are called “red necks”) (1 Samuel 16:11-13). So, King David had a red hypodermis undertone that complemented his number three epidermis shade which gave him a very pleasant appearance (1 Samuel 17:42).
(The word “fair” in King James times meant “beautiful” as well as “pale”. This is because the wealthy spent most of their time indoors while the poor spent most of their time outdoors. So, pale skin was considered more beautiful because it indicated a higher social status.)
The Father of Truth had warned the descendants of Israel that they would be scattered among other ethnic groups if they began worshiping idols in the Promise Land (Deuteronomy 4:25-28). Yet, King Solomon then married a mixed multitude of wives with number twelve to twenty-eight base skin colors from all the lands that surrounded the Promise Land - who worshiped idols, (1 Kings 11:1-4).
However, none of them had a number thirty-six base skin color, for people with a number five or six epidermis shade that are exposed to too much sunlight can have their skin turn black (Job 30:30). This happened to the woman in the Song of Solomon from spending lots of time in the sun while farming, indicating that she had at least a number five epidermis shade (Song of Solomon 1:5-6).
However, her beloved is described as having skin that is white and ruddy with a gold colored face (Song of Solomon 5:8-11). That is possible, because he had a number two epidermis shade with a red hypodermis undertone that produced light colored skin on the parts that were covered like his belly, but then turned a pleasant golden color on the parts that were exposed to the sun like his hands (Song of Solomon 5:14-15). (A number one epidermis shade will never suntan).
So, we see that the descendants of Israel continued to range from a base skin color of eight (requires a number two epidermis shade) to twenty-six (requires a number five epidermis shade) even during the time of the kingdom of Israel. The first mixed multitude being absorbed into the people of Israel had left its mark.
What was the base skin color of the people of Israel after the time of Solomon?
A few hundred years later, the skin of Jeremiah (Yermiyahu) was black from sorrow when it got to the point that there was no remedy for the judgment that was coming upon the descendants of Israel for their idolatry (Jeremiah 8:18-22). It had been turned black from covering himself in ashes to show the sorrow that would come upon the people of Israel (Lamentations 3:15-16).
In like manner, even the skin of those among the people of Israel who had a number two epidemic shade and a red hypodermic undertone became black when they were reduced to flesh and bones in the judgment (Lamentations 4:6-8). It was the terrible famine in the siege of Jerusalem that caused their skin to become black (Lamentations 5:9-10).
The number thirty-six base skin color belongs to Ethiopians (descendants of Cush) and that can never be changed (Jeremiah 13:23). The descendants of Israel had never had a number thirty-six base skin color like that of the Ethiopians at that time (Amos 9:7).
The people of Israel continued to mingle their seed with every ethnic group that was around them (Ezra 9:2). This did not stop when they were scattered to live among other ethnic groups as an oppressed minority (Psalm 106:26-27).
The people of Israel were then carried away captive to live other lands, where their daughters were taken to be wives of their captors (Esther 2:5-8). Their women even became wives of the kings of their captors (Esther 2:16-18).
The people of Israel were scattered among many lands where various ethnic groups lived, including all thirty-six base skin colors (Esther 3:6-8). Many of people from these ethnic groups became part of the people of Israel to worship the Father of Truth and married into the people of Israel (Esther 8:17).
After some of the people of Israel returned to the Promise Land, they began marrying the same mixed multitude that lived around it as King Solomon (Ezra 9:1-2). Many of the descendants of Israel had married from this second mixed multitude before the exile to Babylon and this continued to do so after they returned to the Promise Land from the exile to Babylon (Nehemiah 13:1-3).
The people of Israel were once again marrying the very ethnic groups that they had been commanded nor to not marry, because that would lead them into idolatry (Ezra 9:10-14). Some of their children did not speak Hebrew, but a hybrid language similar to Yiddish coming from mixing German and Hebrew (Nehemiah 13:23-24).
The descendants of Israel had to divorce the wives from this second mixed multitude (Ezra 10:10-17). They would again go into idolatry as King Solomon had, if they continued to be married to wives from this second mixed multitude (Nehemiah 13:25-27).
So the lightest base skin color of the people of Israel was a number four base skin color and the darkest was a number thirty-two base skin color by the time that some of the people of Israel had returned to Promise Land. It was possible that in these three generations that some could have even been as light as a number two base skin shade or as dark as a number thirty-five base skin shade. Only the lightest and darkest base skin colors were not present among them in these other lands.
What was the base skin color of the people of Israel after the end of that exile?
The people of Israel who remained outside of the Promise Land maintained the base skin colors that they had acquired by their parents marrying people from those ethnic groups – if they only married each other. However, some of their children then also married people from those ethnic groups causing their base skin color to become more like that of the people of that ethnic group. If this occurred for a few generations, then there could have been a few of the people of Israel with a number one base skin color or a number thirty-six base skin color by the time of the Man of Truth.
The people of Israel who remained in the Promise Land over the centuries gravitated back towards a number sixteen base skin color as they married each other. Like with cattle, over generations what is common tends to breed in, but what is different tends to breed out. So, most of them had a number fifteen to nineteen base skin color, wavy black hair, and dark brown eyes.
The Father of Truth had warned the people of Israel that He would send a Prophet of Truth like unto Moses, who would speak His words to the people of Israel and He would require it of whoever did not listen to him among the people of Israel (Deuteronomy 18:17-18). That Prophet of Truth is the Man of Truth (Acts 3:22-26). However, the religious and political leaders of the people of Israel in the Promise Land crucified that Prophet of Truth, instead of listening to him - even after the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Acts 4:8-10)!
Forty years later, the Father of Truth began scattering the people of Israel to the ends of the Earth as He had warned would happen if they did not obey His commandments – including listening to the Prophet of Truth that would be like Moses (Deuteronomy 28:58-64). They were completely thrust out of the Promise Land ninety-five years after that and were scattered among all ethnic groups – where they continually experienced trouble (Deuteronomy 28:65-67).
While the people of Israel were scattered most of their men had the attitude of Samson – a disdain for Jewish women but highly desired Gentile women (Judges 14:2-3). As a result their women rightly complain that Jewish women are highly desirable to everyone – except Jewish men - and ended up marrying Gentile men like the mother of Timothy did (Acts 16:1-3).
The people of Israel continued to mingle the seed of Israel among people of other nations as they had done continually (Ezra 9:2). Therefore, Jews came to look similar to the ethnic groups that they have lived among for centuries.
Those among Norwegians looked similar to Norwegians and those among Ethiopians looked similar to Ethiopians. The unromantic truth is that people will marry - or at least breed with - someone from the available population.
After centuries of intermarriage, the people of Israel come in all thirty-six base skin colors as well having hair, eyes, and the like in every color, shape, and size. This why Henry Ford could not tell his readers what a Jew looked like.
So, what has kept Jews from being completely assimilated into these ethnic groups?
The Father of Truth gave circumcision as a covenant to Abraham to mark his descendants as the people who had a right to live in the Promise Land (Genesis 17:17-14). Therefore the descendants of Israel were commanded to circumcise their children to set them apart as having a right to live in the Promise Land (Leviticus 12:1-3).
The Father of Truth told Noah that people could eat everything that moves – which the Chinese took to the extreme (Genesis 9:1-3). However, He told the people of Israel that some animals were unclean and abomination to them, so they were not to eat those animals (Leviticus 11:4-11).
It was only the people of Israel who were delivered from Egypt that were commanded to distinguish between clean and unclean animals in their eating (Leviticus 11:45-47). This was to keep them set apart from all other ethnic groups – who could eat anything that moved (Deuteronomy 14:2-3).
The Father of Truth made a covenant with the descendants of Israel to keep the Sabbath as a sign because they were sanctified (set apart from all other people groups) (Exodus 31:12-16). It is a sign that He had sanctified them when He delivered their ancestors from slavery in Egypt (Deuteronomy 5:15).
The Father of Truth gave the people of Israel their own calendar (Exodus 12:1-2). He gave them His own appointed days (Feasts of Truth) on that calendar (Leviticus 23:2-4).
The first Feasts of Truth remind the descendants of Israel that He had separated them from the Egyptians when their slavery ended (Exodus 12:14-17). The last Feasts of Truth remind them that they had been set apart from all other ethnic groups to live with the Father of Truth in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:39-43).
These commandments were given to the people of Israel to set them apart from all other ethnic groups (Deuteronomy 26:16-19). Therefore, the people of Israel have always lived by different rules than the ethnic groups that they have lived among (Esther 3:8).
So, it is the commandments of custom that have kept the people of Israel from being assimilated. As the saying goes, “It is not so much that the Jews kept the Sabbath as the Sabbath kept the Jews”.
It is for this reason that the Falasha Mura in Ethiopia have been forced to live as outcast there. This part of the people of Israel are called “foreigners” (Falasha mean “foreigner”) - even though they have a number thirty-six base skin color, dark brown eyes, coarse black hair and otherwise look very similar to the Ethiopians that they live among.
In other places, like Europe and China at various times Jew have tried to assimilate into the host ethnic group to end their persecution by abandoning these customs. When they did this in places like Germany and China, they were given specific surnames so they could be still identified as Jews.
In fact the whole of history of Jews among Europe could be summarized as this: First the Jews were beaten up for being different and then they were beaten up for trying to not be different. This unending cycle has kept many of the people of Israel from being assimilated - despite their best efforts to be assimilated!
However, some Jews were successful in completely assimilating by moving to a new place under a new name, marrying a Gentile in that new location, abandoning all Jewish customs, and never telling anyone that they were Jews. After generations of their descendants marrying Gentiles they looked and act like the Gentiles around them.
So, there is no natural way to identify every Jew. Many Jews can only be identified by supernatural means. The Spirit of Truth can identify every Jew – even the one that some people see in the mirror (John 16:13).
However, the Father of Truth has not lost track of one single descendant of Israel over the generations – and neither has the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil)! So even though their descendants were hidden ones that did not even know that they were descendants of Israel, they were still persecuted and sought out for extermination by people like Hitler (Psalm 83:1-4).
For example, several families in the congregation of Dietrich Bonhoeffer were arrested by the SS and taken to the concentration camps. These families had no clue that they had Jewish ancestry and had been going to his Lutheran Church for over one hundred years, but the SS had found the paperwork when their Jewish ancestors had their names legally changed to a non-Jewish surname.
The people of Israel have indeed continually experienced trouble as they have been scattered among all ethnic groups. The worst of this was the Holocaust by the Nazis during World War II.
So, what about the appearance of Jews since World War II?
The Promise Land was ready for the return of the Jewish people due to the efforts of Christian Zionists. Even though Jews had begun returning in small numbers since 1870 AD, it was after War World II that Jews returned in large enough numbers to make the Impossible Dream become a reality.
The Impossible Country was really the work of the Greatest Zionist. He has sent the people of Israel to the ends of the Earth and back again.
The Father of Truth said that He would begin bringing the people of Israel back as they began repenting, so He could keep the promises that He had made to their ancestors – Abraham, Isaac, and Israel (Leviticus 26:40-45). He said that the people of Israel would one day be completely regathered back from all other ethnic groups and completely repent (Deuteronomy 30:1-8).
So, as more and more of the people of Israel have been coming to know the identity of the Messiah, more and more Jews have been gathered back to the Promised Land. They have come to know that the Man of Truth is first and foremost the Messiah of Israel!
During this regathering, Jews have been marrying Jews with different base skin colors inside of Israel. For example, some Jews from Russia with a number one base skin color have married Jews from Ethiopia with a number thirty-six base skin color.
This regathering to the Promise Land will be completed in the Greater Exodus that comes right after the Tribulation. Every single descendant of Israel will be brought back to the Promise Land – they have never really been the forgotten people.
The Gentiles of the darkest base skin colors – Africans – will be given as a ransom because they will try to keep the part of the people of Israel living in Africa from returning to the Promise Land from the south (Isaiah 43:3-6). The Man of Truth will cause Jews to come back from the west and even bring back the Jews hidden in places of the east like China (Sinim) (Isaiah 49:7-12).
However, the greatest number of Jews will be gathered from the land of the north when the Man of Truth comes to reign (Jeremiah 3:16-18). In fact, the number of the people of Israel that are gathered from the north will make the exodus from Egypt seem insignificant (Jeremiah 23:7-8)!
So, while Jews have skin, hair, and eyes of every color today, the greatest number have the lightest base skin colors like the people of Moscow – which is directly north of Jerusalem! Russia is truly the land of the North – containing more than half of the land on Earth that is north of the artic circle.
While descendants of Japheth have colonized every land of the descendants of Shem and Ham, none of the descendants of Shem or Ham have colonized the land of Russia or its neighbors in northern Europe. There simply are not people with medium or dark base skin colors living among the many ethnic groups with light base skin colors in the land of the north.
So, while Jews outside of the Promise Land today have skin, eyes, and hair of every color, after all live inside the Promise Land that will change. The people of Israel will once again gravitate back towards a number sixteen base skin color over many generations like the descendants of those that returned to the Promise Land from the Babylonian exile.
This will be reflected in the appearance of the Man of Truth whose clothes are white as snow and whose hair is like wool (Daniel 7:9). That is because his face and hair will also as white as snow, but his feet will be the same golden brown color as the base skin color of the Hebrews in the paintings in the pyramids of Egypt (Revelation 1:13-15).
His head will not be a different base skin color than his feet, but because it will appear white because his face will be shining like the sun like when he was transfigured (Matthew 17:2). Bright white light will radiate out of his body like it radiates out of the sun (Revelation 1:16).
So, the Man of Truth has the same number sixteen base skin color as Abraham, Isaac, and Israel had. He is the Ultimate Jew that they resemble!
So the real question is, how much do you resemble the Ultimate Jew?
The Father of Truth said that He will circumcise the hearts of His people (Deuteronomy 30:6). It is this circumcision that identifies a true Jew (Romans 2:28-29)!
The Father of Truth has never regarded anyone based on their ancestry but loves all whose hearts are circumcised (Deuteronomy 10:15-18). He accepts people of every ethnic group who do what is right in His eyes (Acts 10:34-35).
So, it is this circumcision made by the Father of Truth that causes people to resemble the Man of Truth (Colossians 2:11-12). This is what makes them part of the people of His Kingdom (Ephesians 2:11-13).
However, it is keeping all the commandments, including those that set the Jewish people apart from all other ethnic groups, that will cause the Jewish people to be lifted high above all other ethnic groups in His Kingdom (Deuteronomy 26:18-19). Therefore, everyone can either be part of the nobility of His kingdom by keeping the least commandments of custom, or they can be part of the commoners in His kingdom by not keeping the least commandments (Matthew 5:17-19).
For this reason, Paul circumcised Timothy so he would resemble the Man of Truth in the flesh as a Jew was well as resembling him in the spirit (Acts 16:1-3). For this reason, Titus was not compelled to be circumcised, because resembling the Man of Truth in spirit is sufficient to be part of his kingdom (Galatians 2:3-5).
So, people like the Paul the Jew resemble the Man of Truth even more, because they are part of the Jewish people who are marked by circumcision (Romans 9:3-5). So even though the true circumcision is not the one in the flesh, a believer can also be circumcised in the flesh like Paul the Jew (Shaul aka The Apostle Paul) to resemble the Man of Truth in the flesh as well as in the spirit (Philippians 3:3-5).
This means that any who are circumcised in their flesh to mark them as part of the Jewish people are obligated to keep the least commandments as well as the greater commandments (Galatians 5:3). However, no one can be saved by putting their trust in keeping these commandments, but only by putting their trust in the Man of Truth (Galatians 5:4-6).
Therefore, no one will not have any part in the kingdom of the Father of Truth if they are not keeping the greater commandments (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). They cannot resemble the Man of Truth at all, unless they are no longer breaking the greater commandments (Colossians 3:5-11).
So, people can have no resemblance to the Ultimate Jew by breaking the greatest commandments or resemble the Ultimate Jew some by keeping only the greatest commandments or resemble the Ultimate Jew even more by also keeping the least commandments. How much do you want to resemble the Ultimate Jew?
The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) can come to live in you to give you the power to keep even the least commandments, so you can resemble the Ultimate Jew as much as you want (Romans 8:7-9). You start resembling the Ultimate Jew when you surrender control of your life to him because you believe that his Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:10-13). After that you will be able to resemble the Ultimate Jew as much as you choose (1 John 4:15-17)!
Come into the House of Truth!
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