The Rapture Controversy
Why is there so much controversy about the Rapture?
There is much controversy about the Rapture. There is disagreement about whether or not it is in the Book of Truth (The Bible), when it occurs, who it effects, how it affects them, where the concept of the Rapture came from, and even what the term “Rapture” means.
The most well-known teaching about the Rapture that is often featured in bestselling books and movies has five main points. Those points are: 1) The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) will be taken off the Earth will meet The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in the air, 2) When this happens all believers will be taken off the Earth, 3) All children will also be taken off the Earth, 4) Then the Tribulation will begin and 5) The Rapture could occur at any moment.
These five points were popularized in the United States during the 1800’s by John Nelson Darby. However, he was about 1800 years too late to be first since they were also taught by many people in the first century (the 00’s).
This continued to be taught by founders of the False Church of Rome until about 400 AD. The last point referred to as “the eminent return of Christ” continued to be taught and led to the crisis of 1000 AD - when people across Europe thought the world was ending and fled from the cities!
The most well-known variances of this teaching involve disagreement of when the Rapture will occur with respect to the Tribulation. Those who teach that the Rapture will proceed the Tribulation are referred to as being “Pre-Trib”.
However, others teach that it will be in the middle of the Tribulation, when the “Great Tribulation” begins. They are referred to as being “Mid-Trib”.
However, others teach that it will be in the end of the Tribulation, right before the Man of Truth returns to the Earth. They are referred to as being “Post-Trib”.
However, there are others who teach that believers will go through the entire tribulation without any Rapture. They could be referred to as “All Trib”.
Lastly, there are those who teach that there is no Tribulation and that the Man of Truth is now ruling the Earth through believers! They are referred to as “No Trib”.
Within these various camps, there is more division over various details. Different groups are usually divided over one of other the five points of the most well-known teaching other the timing question.
Among the All-Trib camp there are those who teach that only those of Jewish ancestry (they often argue all believers have some Jewish ancestry – even if they do not know so) will be gathered to meet with the Man of Truth in Jerusalem (often via Mount Sinai) after being protected during the entire Tribulation. This and similar variants are referred to as “The Greater Exodus” teaching.
There is a lot of disagreement among “The Greater Exodus” camp over many details concerning things like how those of Jewish ancestry will be gathered together and the sequence of events. For example, some teach that all of the oceans of the world will be parted, and they will all walk to the Promise Land from places like the United States, while others teach that they will all be gathered to Egypt by Angels of Truth, then cross through the parted Red Sea to wilderness, and then arrive in the Promised Land ten days later.
In like manner, the most common teaching among the No Trib camp is that the Man of Truth is not returning to the Earth to rule for a thousand years after the Tribulation. This teaching is referred to as “Amillennialism” – meaning no Millenium – and is the most common teaching in theological seminaries (cemeteries) today.
Also, among the No Trib camp are those who teach that the Man of Truth will return to reign for a thousand years (a millennium), but only after believers have made the world ready for him by bringing every person on Earth into faith in him. They are referred to as “Kingdom Now” because they teach that the Kingdom of God is now on the Earth but has not yet taken over the entire Earth.
There are other variations and camps, but this covers the main ones. All of these groups agree or disagree with some or all five points of the most common teaching on the Rapture.
Needless to say, this creates a lot of confusion. It is obvious that at most only one of them can be right - if that many.
This is not as simple as relying on someone else to tell you. You must look at the Book of Truth for yourself to know.
So, we will examine the Book of Truth to see what it says about each of those five points. We will be careful to rightly divide the Word of Truth using the principles laid out in the Book of Truth – especially that context is king!
This requires us to be aware of that the Man of Truth compared the events leading up to his return to the Earth with only two events. Who are we to add to his teachings by adding other events for comparison or take away from his teachings by ignoring the details of either of these events?
First, the Man of Truth compared the events that will lead up to his return to those of Noah and the Ark (Matthew 24:37-42). Second, he compared these events to those of Lot and Sodom (Luke 17:26-36).
The Word Rapture
Noah was safe above the judgement of the flood that fell upon the Earth (Genesis 7:18-23). Lot was told to escape to the mountain to be safe above the judgement that would fall upon the plain of Sodom (Genesis 19:17). In like manner, the Children of Truth will meet with the Man of Truth in the air to be safe above the judgement that will fall upon the Earth (1 Thessalonians 4:17).
The Greek word translated “shall be caught up” is ἁρπαγησόμεθα. It is from the root word ἁρπάζω which means “to snatch away”. It is used of a mother snatching her child away from danger in ancient Greek literature.
This Greek word is translated as “rapturo” in the Latin, which is where the word “rapture” comes from. So, it could have been correctly translated as “rapture” instead of “shall be caught up”. So without a doubt “rapture” is in the Book of Truth, but just was not translated that way in most translations.
All believers will be raptured.
Noah and his house were given the instructions (Genesis 6:13-21). They were saved because they followed the instructions (Hebrews 11:7).
Lot and his wife were given the instructions to be saved (Genesis 19:15-17). However, the wife of Lot was not saved because she did not follow the instructions (Genesis 19:26).
In like manner, the Man of Truth has given us instruction (Mark 13:32-33). 0nly those who follow the instructions are going to escape the tribulation (Luke 21:34-36).
So, all believers are not going to be raptured. Only the worthy are going to be raptured.
All children will be raptured.
Everyone on Earth who was not on the Ark – including all children – perished in the flood (Genesis 7:21-23). Everyone in Sodom who did not leave with Lot – including all children – perished in the destruction (Genesis 19:24-25).
Only the children of Noah escaped the destruction of the flood (Genesis 8:15-16). Only the children of Lot escaped the destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19:29-30).
The Man of Truth warns that it will be terrible for mothers of children in the Tribulation because almost no one will survive it (Matthew 24:19-22). Only the children of those who follow the instructions are going to escape the destruction of the Tribulation (1 Corinthians 7:14).
So, all children are not going to be raptured. Most will perish in the destruction of the Tribulation.
The Tribulation begins after the Rapture.
The judgement of the flood began right after Noah was in the place of safety (Luke 17:26-27). The judgement on Sodom began right after Lot was in the place of safety (Luke 17:28-29). The judgment of the Tribulation will begin right after the worthy are in the place of safety (Luke 21:35-36).
The Man of Truth flat out said that the worthy will escape the entire snare that will come upon the Earth – the Tribulation. There is really no room for doubt that the Tribulation begins after the Rapture.
This is what the Man of Truth said. Either we believe his words, or we don’t. There is no middle ground.
The Rapture can happen at any moment.
The end of Sodom could not begin until Lot completed his assignment (Genesis 19:22). Neither could the flood come to end the wicked until Noah completed his assignment (1 Peter 3:20).
The Man of Truth said that even though there would be much deception and persecution that will cause many turn away from the Father of Truth, the Tribulation could not begin until the Gospel had been preached to every ethnic group on Earth (Matthew 24:4-14). He said that the terrible things like the multiplication of wars were only the beginning of sorrows, but the Gospel has to be published among all ethnic groups (nations) first (Mark 13:8-10).
This is one reason that the Man of Truth said that even though his followers could know when it was getting close to the time, that they could not know the exact time when the events leading up to his return would begin (Matthew 24:32-36). Only the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) knows when every ethnic group will have heard the Gospel – even in the remotest parts of the Earth (Mark 13:28-32).
It is evident that the Man of Truth never taught that the Rapture could happen at any moment. In fact, it is evident that he taught that it would take many generations before the end could begin – when the Children of Truth have completed their assignment.
The summary of what the Book of Truth says about the Rapture.
So, when we put together everything that was illustrated by Noah and Lot with the various teachings of the Man of Truth as well as the Apostles of Truth, then we find the Book of Truth says the following in summary:
The word Rapture is in the Book of Truth (even if not so translated) and the Tribulation will begin right after it occurs. However, not all believers and children are going to escape the Tribulation in the Rapture, but only the worthy and their children. Finally, the Rapture cannot happen at any moment, but only after the Gospel has been preached to every ethnic group on Earth.
So, part of the teaching about the Rapture that John Nelson Darby revived was correct and part was in error.
Why has this teaching appealed to so many people?
People are always wanting the time to be now (John 7:6). The Eleven Remaining Original Apostles of Truth even wanted him to set up his kingdom after the resurrection - before he even returned to Heaven– but the Man of Truth reminded them that only His Father knew the time when the end would begin (Acts 1:6-7).
Most people are only moved to action by the threat of immediate danger. However, they will put off action when they believe that danger is far off.
For this reason, preaching that the Rapture could come at any moment and all believers would be raptured has caused revivals to break out. Anyone with any sense wants to escape the Tribulation.
However, the revivals fade, and people return to their previous ways when the Rapture does not occur quickly enough to suit them. They were only interested in escaping the Tribulation in the natural world, but not escaping the chamber of horrors in the spiritual world.
Also, they want to believe that the Father of Truth would not allow children to suffer for the sins of their parents. They do not want whether or not their children go through the Tribulation to be dependent upon their obedience to the instructions given by the Man of Truth.
They have not been taught that the Tribulation will come as a thief in the night upon those who are not following the instructions to be found worthy to escape it (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3). They have not been taught that the Tribulation will not come as thief in the night upon those who found worthy because they have been following the instructions (1 Thessalonians 5:4-6).
So, this teaching is popular because it requires so much less of people to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture than what the Book of Truth requires. They feel like they can ignore the warning of the Man of Truth to not be distracted by the everyday affairs of life (Luke 21:34).
Where did these other ideas about the timing of the Rapture come from?
The Post-Trib teaching about the Rapture comes often from people applying passages about the Return of The King to the Rapture. This causes them to not heed the warning of “People get ready!”.
The Return is when the Children of Truth go from the clouds with the Man of Truth to the Earth (1 Thessalonians 3:13). The Rapture is when the Children of Truth go from the Earth to meet the Man of Truth in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
It is easy to apply a passage to the right event by just paying attention to the direction of travel in the passage – from the Earth to the clouds to be with the Man of Truth OR from the clouds to the Earth with the Man of Truth.
The other cause of confusion is not understanding the trumpets mentioned concerning the Rapture. Some assume that the first trumpet and last trumpet apply to the seven trumpets of judgement that occur during the Tribulation (Revelation 8:2-6). If this is correct, then the dead believers will be resurrected when the first trumpet is sounded, and the earth is set on fire (Revelation 8:7). Accordingly, the living believers would be raptured when the seventh trumpet will be sounded a year or more later - when the return of the Man of Truth is announced (Revelation 11:15-18).
Of course, this begs an obvious question: what about believers who die between the first and seventh trumpets? They died too late to be resurrected at the first trumpet and are not alive to be raptured at the seventh trumpet.
Many in the Mid-Trib camp places the announcement of the return of the Man of Truth in the middle of the Tribulation. Of course, this still has the same problem concerning those who die between the first and second trumpet, for many will die for their faith in the Man of Truth during this time (Revelation 6:9-11).
The real cause of this confusion is not considering these events in the context of the entire Book of Truth. Understanding the two trumpets used for calling up people to meet with the Father of Truth clears up all confusion.
When the first trumpet of the two sounded, then the leaders of the congregation – those who go before – were called up to meet with the Father of Truth (Numbers 10:3-4). When the last trumpet of the two sounded, the rest of the congregation – those who come after - were also called up to meet with the Father of Truth (Numbers 10:6-7).
In like manner, when the first trumpet is sounded, the dead Children of Truth – those who went before -will be called up to meet the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). When the last trumpet is sounded, then the living Children of Truth – those who come after – will be called up to meet the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 15:50-52).
Where did ideas about no Rapture come from?
For those who teach No-Trib and All-Trib, there can only be two explanations. One is they are completely ignorant of what the Book of Truth says about the Tribulation and the Rapture.
The Man of Truth said that the Tribulation was going to come numerous times as we have shown. It says six times that He will reign for a thousand years (a millennium) after the Tribulation is over (Revelation 20:2-7). This is completely contrary to the teaching of Amillennialism.
The Man of Truth also said that the love of many would grow cold because people would become more wicked until the end of this age (Matthew 24:12). The world will grow more wicked in every way as the time of the end draws nearer (2 Timothy 3:1-4).
People will continually get worse and worse until he returns (2 Timothy 3:13). This is completely contrary to the Kingdom Now teaching.
The descendants of Israel are not gathered together until AFTER the Tribulation is completely over (Isaiah 54:7-10). This gathering after the Tribulation will be greater than the Exodus out of Egypt (Jeremiah 23:5-8).
However, they will come in from different directions from different countries – not just from Egypt (Isaiah 11:10-12). They will not come as one giant group like they were under Moses, but rather are gathered one by one (Isaiah 27:12-13).
They are not gathered to the Promised Land but to the Wilderness (Ezekiel 20:33-35). Those gathered have not yet accepted the Renewed Covenant and every rebel among them that refuses to do so will be destroyed (Ezekiel 20:36-38).
So, the Book of Truth does tell of the Greater Exodus coming after the Tribulation for all descendants of Israel who have not yet accepted the Renewed Covenant. However, this has nothing to do with those who have already accepted the Renewed Covenant going through the entire Tribulation.
So, all No-Trib and All-Trib teachings rely on ignoring many things written in the Book of Truth. If these teachings were not done out of ignorance, then they are part of the doctrine of lies.
People purposely teaching things that are contrary to the Book of Truth is one of the signs that the time of the Rapture is drawing near (Matthew 24:11). They look like followers of the Man of Truth, but deny his power to bring about what the Book of Truth says (2 Timothy 3:5).
The conclusion of the matter
People have not been taught that there is no salvation without true repentance and there is no true repentance without total surrender to the Man of Truth! They have not been told that they must give up their entire life to be with him, because he gave up his entire life to be with them.
For these reasons, they seek alternatives to that which has been shown to be clearly the case concerning the Rapture. They want a way that they can continue to not give everything to the Man of Truth and still be saved from the Tribulation.
However, this makes no sense since people do now know when their hearts will stop beating. Dying and going to Hell is worse than going through the Tribulation. At least, some people will survive the Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22).
The resurrection of the Man of Truth assures that all people will stand before him in judgement (Acts 17:30-31). Those who do not know him will face endless tribulation in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15).
So, surrender everything to the Man of Truth because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him form the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
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