Christian Zionists
Why did Gentile Christians become Zionists 300 years before Jews did?
The Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the capital of the Jews, in 70 AD. The last Jewish ruler under the Romans died in 92 AD. The Romans brought an end to the providence of Judah, the country of the Jews in 135 AD.
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) had taken no action to return Jewish self-rule to the land of Israel when the Byzantine Empire took control in 390 AD. They had done nothing about this when the Arab Caliphates took over in 636 AD. They showed no interest in this idea when the Crusaders took control of the land of Israel in 1099 AD. They did not even consider this idea when the Ayyubid Sultanate took control of the land of Israel in 1187 AD. This was the last thing on their minds when the Mamluk Sultanate began to take control of the land of Israel in 1260 AD.
However, a courtship between the Children of Truth and the Book of Truth (The Bible) developed in western Europe during the time of Mamluk Sultanate rule in the land of Israel. This courtship would have great impact on Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel centuries later.
This courtship began with John Wycliffe in England. He began writing books challenging many of the doctrines of the False Church of Rome in 1374 AD. He then proceeded to translate the Book of Truth from Latin into English, so more people could read it for themselves, which was finished by his friends, after his death in 1388 AD.
Among those influenced by Wycliffe was Jan Hus, who expanded the teaching of these ideas of ordinary people reading the Book of Truth for themselves, without needing guidance from religious professionals. He translated some of Wycliffe books into the Czech language. He continued this work until he was executed for doing so in 1415 AD.
This lead to the Hussite wars, which resulted in the first Protestant church, the Hussite church, coming into being in 1436 AD, as well as the first Protestant country in western Europe.
The quest to have people read the Book of Truth was greatly boosted by Gutenberg inventing the movable type printing press in 1439 AD.
The quest for accuracy was boosted when the Constantinople fell in 1453 AD. Greek manuscripts of the Renewed Covenant and Greek scholars were scattered across western Europe. This was the first meaningful access to these source documents for the Children of Truth of western Europe in hundreds of years.
Once Gutenberg had finished making improvements to his revolutionary printing process, he began using it to publish the Book of Truth in 1454 AD.
Some members of the Hussite church formed another denomination in 1457 AD. This denomination, called the Morovian Church today, took things even further by preaching strict adherence to the Sermon on the Mount.
This second Protestant denomination sent missionaries across western Europe, including Germany and England. These Morovians spread their doctrine of people coming to know the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) for themselves by reading the Book of Truth for themselves, every place they went.
They were particularly influential in Germany, where people could more easily acquire a copy of the Book of Truth that Gutenberg had printed. Among those they influenced with the doctrine of John Wycliffe was Martin Luther.
Yet, the Gentile Children of Truth in western Europe were still not concerned with Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel when the Ottoman Empire took control in 1517 AD.
In this same year, Martin Luther nailed The Ninety-five Theses on the door of the church in Worms, Germany, and started the Protestant Reformation. This document listed ninety-five doctrines of the False Church of Rome that were contrary to the Book of Truth. Many of these doctrines were the same as those written about by Wycliffe more than 150 years earlier. The courtship between the Book of Truth and the Children of Truth culminated in the Protestant Reformation that started in 1517 AD.
The Protestant Reformation was the conception of another movement that would give hope for Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Among those inspired by Wycliffe was William Tyndale. In 1523 AD, Tyndale sought permission to legally translate the Book of Truth into English in England, but was denied permission.
So, Tyndale moved to Wittenburg, Germany. Then he sent notice to the king of England that he wanted the law that made possessing an English translation of the Book of Truth a crime repealed. He let the king know that he would not return until this happen.
So, Tyndale began translating the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) from Greek manuscripts into English in 1525 AD. This was the first time that direct translation from the language of the Renewed Covenant into English had been accomplished. The next year, this translation was printed in Worms, Germany. This was the first printed Renewed Covenant in English.
Soon, copies of his English translation of the Renewed Covenant were printed in Antwerp, Belgium. These copies were then smuggled into England and Scotland.
The next year, Tyndale had to flee to Antwerp to escape persecution in Germany. While there, he began mastering Hebrew by studying with various Jewish scholars there. So in 1529 AD, he began translating the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) directly from Hebrew manuscripts into English, which had never been done before.
However, Tyndale was betrayed, arrested, and imprisoned, near Brussels, Belgium, in 1535 AD, before he could finish his translation of the Original Covenant.
However, his friend Miles Covendale was able to complete it. He then combined it with the Renewed Covenant that Tyndale had previously translated, and created a single English translation of the Book of Truth. Covendale began printing the Tyndale Bible that same year. This was the first printed Book of Truth in English.
The next year, Tyndale was executed, with his final words being, "Lord! Open the king of England's eyes!".
Two years later, the King of England repealed the law that had made possession of the Book of Truth in English a capital crime. (This had a crime since the time of Wycliffe.) He then commissioned the Great Bible of the Church of England. The Church of England simply adopted the Tyndale Bible and renamed it, with a few minor adjustments.
By 1538 AD, there were three more English translations based on the work of Tyndale available in England. Even the King James Bible produced in 1611 AD still contained 76% of the work of Tyndale in the translation of the Original Covenant and 83% of the work of Tyndale in the translation of the Renewed Covenant.
Tyndale not only was the first to translate the entire Book of Truth from original language manuscripts into English. He also learned things from the Book of Truth in the process. He wrote papers about what he learned at various times. His other writings include the absolute necessity of the Jews being self-governing in the land of Israel before the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) can return to rule over the Earth.
As the Children of Truth in England and Scotland began reading the Book of Truth for themselves, especially the Renewed Covenant, they began changing their views on Jews and the land of Israel.
They learned that the Spirit of Anti-Jewism was not from the Father of Truth. They learned that the Jews were not who killed the Man of Truth, as they had been told by the False Church of Rome.
They learned that their destiny was tied to that of the Jewish people by the Everlasting Covenant made with Abraham. They learned that the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant were the inseparable covenants, and both contained the same promise of the Man of Truth ruling this Earth. They learned that the Return of the King can only happen, after the people of Israel are ruling themselves in the land of Israel.
So they decided to do something about it. They started working on ways to help the people of Israel to become self-governing in the land of Israel. The work of Tyndale gave birth to Christian Zionism, which had been conceived with the start of the Protestant Reformation.
The exact birth year of Christian Zionism is not known, but it at least started with the writings of Tyndale. It is certain that it came into being by 1612 AD, when John Cotton began preaching it in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. It is certain that the Puritans were Christian Zionists by this time.
It also is certain that the Pilgrims brought Christian Zionism to the New World when they landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 AD. Soon after, in 1628 AD, the Puritans came to Massachusetts Bay Colony. This created a New England that was dominated by Christian Zionists. The fervor of these Christian Zionists was roused to new levels when John Cotton fled to Boston, Massachusetts in 1632 AD to escape persecution for his preaching.
Christian Zionism had been born and was firmly embedded among the Gentile Children of Truth in Britain and America. Those Gentile Children of Truth, who read the Book of Truth for themselves, became Zionists about 300 years before Ashkenazi Jews became Zionists. Christian Zionists were convinced of what they had read in the Book of Truth. Christian Zionism continued, even after the Protestant Reformation ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 AD.
When the Ashkenazi Jews finally started listening to the Christian Zionists, and becoming Jewish Zionists about two hundred years later, the Christian Zionist had already laid the ground work for creating Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
When Mark Twain visited the land of Israel in 1867 AD, Christian Zionists were already at work there to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Christian Zionists then worked with Jewish Zionists to bring about the Balfour Declaration in 1917 AD, that guaranteed Great Britain would help bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, when the British gained control of the land of Israel from the Ottoman Empire.
When the Jews in the land of Israel voted to create the Jewish State on May 14, 1948, Christian Zionists were the first to recognize the state of Israel as valid as the United States.
Christian Zionists have continued to help the state of Israel since that time. Most of them are Gentiles. Yet they continue to be more pro-Israel in their actions than most Jews living outside of Israel in many cases. In fact, there are Jews living in Israel, who still want to dismantle the Jewish state.
How did Gentile Children of Truth become more pro-Israel than most Jews?
This is the work of the Greatest Zionist. The Father of Truth had preserved the Incorruptible Word in the Indestructible Book, so they could read it. He gave them the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), so they could rightly divide the Word of Truth.
The Spirit of Truth showed them from the Book of Truth that the Man of Truth was first and foremost the Messiah of Israel. The Spirit of Truth showed them from the Book of Truth that the Good News revolves around the promises for the Man of Truth to rule over the kingdom of Israel. The Spirit of Truth showed them from the Book of Truth that the promises to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel have always been about the Gentiles.
The Father of Truth promised that the Messiah of Israel would be the cornerstone of the kingdom of David in the land of Israel (Isaiah 28:16).
The Father of Truth had promised that the Messiah of Israel would be rejected by the leadership of Israel that built its institutions (Psalm 118:21-23). He also promised that the leadership of Israel would also cry from the Temple for the Messiah of Israel to save them (Psalm 118:24-26).
The common people welcomed the Man of Truth in the streets of Jerusalem with cries for the Messiah of Israel to save them (Matthew 21:8-11). They recognized the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel that would restore the kingdom of David to Israel (Mark 11:8-10). The leadership of Israel understood that this meant that the Man of Truth was being recognized as the Messiah of Israel by the common people (Luke 19:37-39). Everyone, but the leadership of Israel, was willing to accept the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (John 12:12-15).
However, the leadership of Israel, rejected the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 21:42-45). In fact, the leadership of Israel sought to kill the Man of Truth, rather than accept him as the Messiah of Israel (Mark 12:10-12). The leadership of Israel rejected the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, and sought to give him to the Gentiles instead (Luke 20:17-20).
This rejection of the Man of Truth by the leadership of Israel as the Messiah of Israel, made it certain that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, written about by the Prophets of Truth (Acts 4:10-12). The Man of Truth is that cornerstone of the kingdom of Israel that contains the Gentile Children of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21). The rejection of the Man of Truth by the leadership of Israel as the Messiah of Israel, has made it possible for the Gentile Children of Truth to become part of the kingdom of Israel (1 Peter 2:6-10).
So, the Man of Truth said that the leadership of Israel would cry out for him to save them as the Messiah of Israel, sometime after the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans (Matthew 23:37-39). Therefore, Jewish self-rule had to return to the land of Israel, so a future leadership of Israel could cry out for him to save them as the Messiah of Israel from the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 13:33-35).
No one can become a Christian Zionist, without first coming into the House of Truth. They can only become part of the kingdom of the Man of Truth, by being born again in the House of Truth (John 3:3-5). They can only be born again in the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth their king because they believe, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). They will then be part of the future kingdom of Israel, when the leadership of Israel accepts the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Ephesians 2:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
The Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the capital of the Jews, in 70 AD. The last Jewish ruler under the Romans died in 92 AD. The Romans brought an end to the providence of Judah, the country of the Jews in 135 AD.
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) had taken no action to return Jewish self-rule to the land of Israel when the Byzantine Empire took control in 390 AD. They had done nothing about this when the Arab Caliphates took over in 636 AD. They showed no interest in this idea when the Crusaders took control of the land of Israel in 1099 AD. They did not even consider this idea when the Ayyubid Sultanate took control of the land of Israel in 1187 AD. This was the last thing on their minds when the Mamluk Sultanate began to take control of the land of Israel in 1260 AD.
However, a courtship between the Children of Truth and the Book of Truth (The Bible) developed in western Europe during the time of Mamluk Sultanate rule in the land of Israel. This courtship would have great impact on Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel centuries later.
This courtship began with John Wycliffe in England. He began writing books challenging many of the doctrines of the False Church of Rome in 1374 AD. He then proceeded to translate the Book of Truth from Latin into English, so more people could read it for themselves, which was finished by his friends, after his death in 1388 AD.
Among those influenced by Wycliffe was Jan Hus, who expanded the teaching of these ideas of ordinary people reading the Book of Truth for themselves, without needing guidance from religious professionals. He translated some of Wycliffe books into the Czech language. He continued this work until he was executed for doing so in 1415 AD.
This lead to the Hussite wars, which resulted in the first Protestant church, the Hussite church, coming into being in 1436 AD, as well as the first Protestant country in western Europe.
The quest to have people read the Book of Truth was greatly boosted by Gutenberg inventing the movable type printing press in 1439 AD.
The quest for accuracy was boosted when the Constantinople fell in 1453 AD. Greek manuscripts of the Renewed Covenant and Greek scholars were scattered across western Europe. This was the first meaningful access to these source documents for the Children of Truth of western Europe in hundreds of years.
Once Gutenberg had finished making improvements to his revolutionary printing process, he began using it to publish the Book of Truth in 1454 AD.
Some members of the Hussite church formed another denomination in 1457 AD. This denomination, called the Morovian Church today, took things even further by preaching strict adherence to the Sermon on the Mount.
This second Protestant denomination sent missionaries across western Europe, including Germany and England. These Morovians spread their doctrine of people coming to know the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) for themselves by reading the Book of Truth for themselves, every place they went.
They were particularly influential in Germany, where people could more easily acquire a copy of the Book of Truth that Gutenberg had printed. Among those they influenced with the doctrine of John Wycliffe was Martin Luther.
Yet, the Gentile Children of Truth in western Europe were still not concerned with Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel when the Ottoman Empire took control in 1517 AD.
In this same year, Martin Luther nailed The Ninety-five Theses on the door of the church in Worms, Germany, and started the Protestant Reformation. This document listed ninety-five doctrines of the False Church of Rome that were contrary to the Book of Truth. Many of these doctrines were the same as those written about by Wycliffe more than 150 years earlier. The courtship between the Book of Truth and the Children of Truth culminated in the Protestant Reformation that started in 1517 AD.
The Protestant Reformation was the conception of another movement that would give hope for Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Among those inspired by Wycliffe was William Tyndale. In 1523 AD, Tyndale sought permission to legally translate the Book of Truth into English in England, but was denied permission.
So, Tyndale moved to Wittenburg, Germany. Then he sent notice to the king of England that he wanted the law that made possessing an English translation of the Book of Truth a crime repealed. He let the king know that he would not return until this happen.
So, Tyndale began translating the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) from Greek manuscripts into English in 1525 AD. This was the first time that direct translation from the language of the Renewed Covenant into English had been accomplished. The next year, this translation was printed in Worms, Germany. This was the first printed Renewed Covenant in English.
Soon, copies of his English translation of the Renewed Covenant were printed in Antwerp, Belgium. These copies were then smuggled into England and Scotland.
The next year, Tyndale had to flee to Antwerp to escape persecution in Germany. While there, he began mastering Hebrew by studying with various Jewish scholars there. So in 1529 AD, he began translating the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) directly from Hebrew manuscripts into English, which had never been done before.
However, Tyndale was betrayed, arrested, and imprisoned, near Brussels, Belgium, in 1535 AD, before he could finish his translation of the Original Covenant.
However, his friend Miles Covendale was able to complete it. He then combined it with the Renewed Covenant that Tyndale had previously translated, and created a single English translation of the Book of Truth. Covendale began printing the Tyndale Bible that same year. This was the first printed Book of Truth in English.
The next year, Tyndale was executed, with his final words being, "Lord! Open the king of England's eyes!".
Two years later, the King of England repealed the law that had made possession of the Book of Truth in English a capital crime. (This had a crime since the time of Wycliffe.) He then commissioned the Great Bible of the Church of England. The Church of England simply adopted the Tyndale Bible and renamed it, with a few minor adjustments.
By 1538 AD, there were three more English translations based on the work of Tyndale available in England. Even the King James Bible produced in 1611 AD still contained 76% of the work of Tyndale in the translation of the Original Covenant and 83% of the work of Tyndale in the translation of the Renewed Covenant.
Tyndale not only was the first to translate the entire Book of Truth from original language manuscripts into English. He also learned things from the Book of Truth in the process. He wrote papers about what he learned at various times. His other writings include the absolute necessity of the Jews being self-governing in the land of Israel before the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) can return to rule over the Earth.
As the Children of Truth in England and Scotland began reading the Book of Truth for themselves, especially the Renewed Covenant, they began changing their views on Jews and the land of Israel.
They learned that the Spirit of Anti-Jewism was not from the Father of Truth. They learned that the Jews were not who killed the Man of Truth, as they had been told by the False Church of Rome.
They learned that their destiny was tied to that of the Jewish people by the Everlasting Covenant made with Abraham. They learned that the Original Covenant and the Renewed Covenant were the inseparable covenants, and both contained the same promise of the Man of Truth ruling this Earth. They learned that the Return of the King can only happen, after the people of Israel are ruling themselves in the land of Israel.
So they decided to do something about it. They started working on ways to help the people of Israel to become self-governing in the land of Israel. The work of Tyndale gave birth to Christian Zionism, which had been conceived with the start of the Protestant Reformation.
The exact birth year of Christian Zionism is not known, but it at least started with the writings of Tyndale. It is certain that it came into being by 1612 AD, when John Cotton began preaching it in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. It is certain that the Puritans were Christian Zionists by this time.
It also is certain that the Pilgrims brought Christian Zionism to the New World when they landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 AD. Soon after, in 1628 AD, the Puritans came to Massachusetts Bay Colony. This created a New England that was dominated by Christian Zionists. The fervor of these Christian Zionists was roused to new levels when John Cotton fled to Boston, Massachusetts in 1632 AD to escape persecution for his preaching.
Christian Zionism had been born and was firmly embedded among the Gentile Children of Truth in Britain and America. Those Gentile Children of Truth, who read the Book of Truth for themselves, became Zionists about 300 years before Ashkenazi Jews became Zionists. Christian Zionists were convinced of what they had read in the Book of Truth. Christian Zionism continued, even after the Protestant Reformation ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 AD.
When the Ashkenazi Jews finally started listening to the Christian Zionists, and becoming Jewish Zionists about two hundred years later, the Christian Zionist had already laid the ground work for creating Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
When Mark Twain visited the land of Israel in 1867 AD, Christian Zionists were already at work there to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Christian Zionists then worked with Jewish Zionists to bring about the Balfour Declaration in 1917 AD, that guaranteed Great Britain would help bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, when the British gained control of the land of Israel from the Ottoman Empire.
When the Jews in the land of Israel voted to create the Jewish State on May 14, 1948, Christian Zionists were the first to recognize the state of Israel as valid as the United States.
Christian Zionists have continued to help the state of Israel since that time. Most of them are Gentiles. Yet they continue to be more pro-Israel in their actions than most Jews living outside of Israel in many cases. In fact, there are Jews living in Israel, who still want to dismantle the Jewish state.
How did Gentile Children of Truth become more pro-Israel than most Jews?
This is the work of the Greatest Zionist. The Father of Truth had preserved the Incorruptible Word in the Indestructible Book, so they could read it. He gave them the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), so they could rightly divide the Word of Truth.
The Spirit of Truth showed them from the Book of Truth that the Man of Truth was first and foremost the Messiah of Israel. The Spirit of Truth showed them from the Book of Truth that the Good News revolves around the promises for the Man of Truth to rule over the kingdom of Israel. The Spirit of Truth showed them from the Book of Truth that the promises to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel have always been about the Gentiles.
The Father of Truth promised that the Messiah of Israel would be the cornerstone of the kingdom of David in the land of Israel (Isaiah 28:16).
The Father of Truth had promised that the Messiah of Israel would be rejected by the leadership of Israel that built its institutions (Psalm 118:21-23). He also promised that the leadership of Israel would also cry from the Temple for the Messiah of Israel to save them (Psalm 118:24-26).
The common people welcomed the Man of Truth in the streets of Jerusalem with cries for the Messiah of Israel to save them (Matthew 21:8-11). They recognized the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel that would restore the kingdom of David to Israel (Mark 11:8-10). The leadership of Israel understood that this meant that the Man of Truth was being recognized as the Messiah of Israel by the common people (Luke 19:37-39). Everyone, but the leadership of Israel, was willing to accept the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (John 12:12-15).
However, the leadership of Israel, rejected the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 21:42-45). In fact, the leadership of Israel sought to kill the Man of Truth, rather than accept him as the Messiah of Israel (Mark 12:10-12). The leadership of Israel rejected the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel, and sought to give him to the Gentiles instead (Luke 20:17-20).
This rejection of the Man of Truth by the leadership of Israel as the Messiah of Israel, made it certain that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel, written about by the Prophets of Truth (Acts 4:10-12). The Man of Truth is that cornerstone of the kingdom of Israel that contains the Gentile Children of Truth (Ephesians 2:19-21). The rejection of the Man of Truth by the leadership of Israel as the Messiah of Israel, has made it possible for the Gentile Children of Truth to become part of the kingdom of Israel (1 Peter 2:6-10).
So, the Man of Truth said that the leadership of Israel would cry out for him to save them as the Messiah of Israel, sometime after the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans (Matthew 23:37-39). Therefore, Jewish self-rule had to return to the land of Israel, so a future leadership of Israel could cry out for him to save them as the Messiah of Israel from the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 13:33-35).
No one can become a Christian Zionist, without first coming into the House of Truth. They can only become part of the kingdom of the Man of Truth, by being born again in the House of Truth (John 3:3-5). They can only be born again in the House of Truth, by making the Man of Truth their king because they believe, that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). They will then be part of the future kingdom of Israel, when the leadership of Israel accepts the Man of Truth as the Messiah of Israel (Ephesians 2:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Christian Zionists, Eternal Kingdom, Israel, Jews, Zionism
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