Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Rabbis Are Liars!

Are the Rabbis experts in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law)?

The Rabbis say that they are experts in the Law of Truth and their understanding of the Law of Truth is the basis of their doctrine.  The Rabbis say that their doctrine came from the traditions that the elders handed down to the Pharisees (Mark 7:1-5).

They say, that these traditions were handed down to the Pharisees by the seventy elders that went up with Moses, when he received the Law of Truth.  They say, that these elders passed down traditions, which they heard at that time, but were not written down in the Law of Truth by Moses.  They say, that the elders passed down to the Pharisees the secret things that they had learned on Mount Sinai, which are required to rightly interpret the Law of Truth.  They say, that Pharisees passed this secret knowledge down to them.

They call these traditions, and the commandments that came from these traditions, the Oral Torah, which became the Mishnah once they were written, down instead of continuing to be passed from generation to generation orally.

(The commentary on the Mishnah by the Rabbis is called the Gemara.  Together the Mishnah and the Gamara form the Talmud.  The Talmud is what Rabbis actually study, not the Law of Truth.)

That is their story and they are sticking with it.  Now let's see if it agrees with the Law of Truth.

There were seventy elders with Moses that had the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) poured out on them in the Tabernacle (Numbers 11:24-30).

These seventy elders went to Mount Sinai with Moses, but the seventy elders waited at the bottom of the mountain, while Moses went up alone to receive the covenant (Exodus 24:1-2).  Moses came down from the mountain and told all the people in the camp all the words that he heard up on the mountain (Exodus 24:3).  Moses then wrote down all the words that he heard up on the mountain (Exodus 24:4).  Moses then read all these words to all the people out of the scroll (translated as book) that he wrote all the words in (Exodus 24:5-8).

These seventy elders then went up out of the camp to the bottom of Mount Sinai with Moses, and ate in the presence of the Man of Truth while he sat on his throne (Exodus 24:9-11).

(No one has seen the Father of Truth, except the Man of Truth (John 6:45-46).  However, whoever has seen the Man of Truth has seen His Father (John 14:8-9).  The Man of Truth is the expressed image of the Father of Truth (Hebrews 1:1-3).  Even the ancient sages taught that Moses and the seventy elders saw the Messiah of Israel on Mount Sinai.)

When Moses went back up to receive the commandments, the seventy elders waited at the bottom of the mountain again (Exodus 24:12-14).  In fact, they went back to the camp with everyone else (Deuteronomy 5:23-31).

The secret things were retained by the Father of Truth alone, but everything else was revealed to all the people and their descendants, so that they could keep the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 29:29).
So, there is absolutely no truth to the story that the Rabbis received these traditions from the seventy elders.  The seventy elders did not go up with Moses, and they did not receive any secret knowledge to pass down to the Rabbis.  The Law of Truth contains everything that Moses heard.  Everything that was needed to rightly interpret the Law of Truth was revealed to all the people.

The entire idea of a mystery religion, where religious professionals have been given secret knowledge unavailable to everyone else, that is needed to correctly understand the public knowledge available to everyone, is from Babylon.  In fact, the Talmud used today is called the Babylonian Talmud.

The Rabbis are liars!

The Rabbis claim to have been given the authority to create additional commandments, which act as a fence around the Law of Truth.  Not only do they have rules (their commandments) about keeping the rules (the commandments of the Law of Truth), but they even have rules for making new rules for keeping the rules, as the need arises.

The Rabbis claim to have been given this authority because they sit in the seat of Moses (Matthew 23:2).

The Rabbis have added their commandments to those of the Law of Truth (Mark 7:8).  They have also nullified the commandments of the Law of Truth with their own commandments (Mark 7:9-13).

However, no one is able to add to the commandments that the Father of Truth gave to Moses, and no one is able to take away from the commandments of the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 4:1-2). 

The doctrine of the Rabbis are the commandments of men, not the commandments of the Father of Truth (Mark 7:6-7)!  These commandments and the fables taught by the Rabbis turn people from the truth (Titus 1:14)!

Therefore the Man of Truth commands that we have nothing to do with the doctrine of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:6-12). (All branches of Rabbinic Judaism today came from the Pharisees.)

However, the Children of Truth are to do what Moses says, not what the Rabbis command (Matthew 23:3).

(The Gospel of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew, while Greek was the original language of most of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).  In the Hebrew text it reads, "do what he (meaning Moses) says", not "do what they (meaning the Pharisees) say".  This is consistent with the warning of the Man of Truth to avoid the doctrine of the Pharisees.)

The commandments of the Rabbis are both figuratively and literally too heavy to carry (Matthew 23:4).  (It takes twice as many books as the Encyclopedia Britannica to contain all of their commandments when written in normal font.)  This is the yoke that the Jewish people could never carry (Acts 15:10).

However, the commandments that the Father of Truth gave to Moses are not too heavy to carry (1 John 5:2-3).

So, there is no truth to their claim to have authority from Moses to create any of the commandments in their doctrine.

The Rabbis are liars!

The Rabbis in like manner claim, that people must observe their commandments about how to live out every day of their lives.  This manner of life is called "Halacha" which mean "the walk"'.

In their Halacha, they have commandments concerning what to eat and drink, and how to observe the Feasts of Truth, the Sabbath, and the New Moon.

The Father of Truth gave commandments concerning what to eat and drink (Leviticus 11).  The Father of Truth gave commandments concerning observing the Sabbath and the Feasts of Truth (Leviticus 23).  The Father of Truth gave commandments concerning observing the New Moon (the beginning of the Biblical month) (Numbers 28:11-15).  Those are the commandments of the Father of Truth!

However, their commandments about these things are merely the commandments of men (Colossians 2:16-22).

Where did they get the commandments of their Halacha from?

The commandment that they have of saying "Happy New Year!" at Yom Teruah, is from Babylon.  The commandments of Yom Kippor, the Feast without food, that they use to atone for sin, are from Babylon.  The commandments that they have made for how to build a Sukkah to fulfill the invitation of "Let's go camping", are from Babylon.  The commandments that they have made for rejoicing in Torah, are from Babylon.

The Law of Truth, says not to use the customs of idol worship to worship the Father of Truth and not to add any commandments to His commandments (Deuteronomy 12:30-32).

In their Halacha, they also command men to cover their heads while praying.

The Father of Truth said that the Prophet like unto Moses would only say the words that He gave him (Deuteronomy 18:18-19).  The Man of Truth only spoke the words that the Father of Truth spoke (John 12:49-50).  The commandments that the Man of Truth gave, were the commandments of the Father of Truth (John 14:21-24).

The Man of Truth gave these commandment to the Apostles of Truth through the Spirit of Truth, after he returned to Heaven (Acts 1:1-2).  The commandments that Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) wrote, are the commandments of the Man of Truth (and therefore the commandments of the Father of Truth) (1 Corinthians 14:37).

So, the Father of Truth commands that men to not cover their heads while praying, because they are made in His image (1 Corinthians 11:3-7).

The commandments of the Rabbis about what is on your head came from Babylon.

In their Halacha, they say that it is against the Law of Truth for Jews to eat with Gentiles.

It is for this reason, that other believing Jews spoke against Peter the Jew (Sh'mon aka Simon aka Simeon aka Cephas aka The Apostle Peter) for eating with the Gentiles (Acts 11:2-3).   It is for this reason that Peter the Jew, Barnabas the Jew (The Apostle Barnabas) and other Jews stopped eating with the believing Gentiles, when certain Jews sent by James the Jew (Ya'acov aka James the brother of the Man of Truth aka The Apostle James) arrived (Galatians 2:11-13).

The Law of Truth actually says, that the Children of Truth are not to accept invitations to eat food sacrificed to idols (Exodus 34:15).  The Law of Truth says, that when people sacrifice to idols, then they are sacrificing to the Spirit of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) (Deuteronomy 32:16-17).

For this reason, the Gentiles were commanded by the Apostles of Truth to not eat food sacrificed to idols (Acts 21:25).  The Children of Truth are not to eat food offered to idols, because it could lead some of them back into idolatry (1 Corinthians 8).  The Children of Truth can accept invitations to go to feasts with the Gentiles, but they cannot eat the food there, if they learn that it was sacrificed to idols (1 Corinthians 10:20-28).  The Man of Truth will bring judgment upon the Children of Truth, if they continue to eat food sacrificed to idols (Revelation 2:14-22).

So, the Father of Truth showed Peter the Jew to not call any person uncleanable from sin, so he was able to go and eat with Cornelius the Gentile (Acts 10:28).  [The Greek word "Akathartos", translated as "unclean", literally means "uncleanable from pollution". (The Greek word "kathartos" is where the medical term for leaning the pollution out of a wound comes from.)]

The Rabbis got the commandments that make up their Halacha from mixing Babylonian practices with the commandments of the Law of Truth.  The Rabbis created barriers between Jews and Gentiles that they invented in Babylon.  They were rebelling against the Father of Truth when they did this.

The Rabbis are liars!

The Rabbis deny that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel spoken about in the Law of Truth.

The Man of Truth taught people how to keep the Law of Truth in the way that the Father of Truth always intended (Matthew 5:17-20). The Man of Truth taught that the Law of Truth could be summed up in two commandments:  Love the Father of Truth and love people (Matthew 22:37-40).

Everything that the Man of Truth suffered, he suffered to fulfill what was written in the Law of Truth (Luke 24:44-47).  The Man of Truth was that Prophet that Moses wrote about in the Law of Truth (John 1:45-49).  The Man of Truth was made under the Law of Truth, to transform those under the Law of Truth into children of the Father of Truth (Galatians 4:4-5).

Those who believe what is written in the Law of Truth, will follow the Man of Truth (Acts 24:14).  This is why Paul the Jew sought to persuade the Jews in Rome, that the Man of Truth was the one who Moses wrote about in the Law of Truth (Acts 28:17-23).

The only thing the Man of Truth did not fulfill, was the expectations of the Rabbis to teach people to follow their commandments. 

The Rabbis are liars!

The Rabbis lie about getting their traditions from the seventy elders.  The Rabbis lie about having the authority from Moses to create their commandments.  The Rabbis lie about the source of their Halacha.  The Rabbis lie about the identity of the Man of Truth.

The Rabbis are liars!

If you say the Rabbis are experts in the Law of Truth, then what are you saying?

The Rabbis will not believe what Moses wrote about the Man of Truth, even though the Man of Truth rose from the dead (Luke 16:31).  Moses was the first to write about the suffering of the Man of Truth (Luke 24:25-27).  Moses will be the accuser of the Rabbis, because they do not believe what he wrote about the Man of Truth (John 5:45-47).

The Rabbis are contrary to all people, not only persecuting Jews who follow the Man of Truth, but also forbidding those Jews to tell the Gentiles about the Man of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).  The Rabbis claim to be teachers of the Law of Truth, but they do not know what they are talking about, but instead create questions about unimportant things (1 Timothy 1:4-10).  The arguing of the Rabbis about the Law of Truth, fables, and unimportant things are worthless and empty (Titus 3:9).

The Rabbis use Rabbinic distort to keep the Jewish people from seeing the truth about the Man of Truth.  The Rabbis are the source of Jewish trouble.  Like a snake in the leaves, the Rabbis are a hidden danger with venom in their mouths.  The doctrine of the Rabbis is the doctrine of lies.

The Rabbis are liars!

The Man of Truth contrasted his Halacha with the Halacha of the Rabbis in the Sermon on the Mount.  You cannot not walk on two divergent paths at the same time.   You cannot be walking in the Halacha of the Rabbis and the Halacha of the Man of Truth.

You may be walking in the Halacha of the Rabbis like Paul the Jew once did (Galatians 1:13-14).  You need to start walking in the Halacha of the Man of Truth instead, like Paul the Jew eventually did (Philippians 1:27-30). You need to be walking in truth, which is the Halacha of the Father of Truth (Philippians 3:20).

[The Greek word translated as "conversation" in these passages means "manner of life" or "to live by the rules of a community", which is the idea of Halacha.]

The doctrine of the Man of Truth is the doctrine of truth.

So, you need to come into the House of TruthThe House of Truth is where you learn how to start walking in truth.

You come into the House of Truth, by acting on the words of Moses contained in the Law of Truth (Romans 10:4-8).  You come into the House of Truth, by walking in the Halacha of the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).  You come into the House of Truth, by believing and saying what the Law of Truth says about the Man of Truth, whether you are a Jew or a Gentile (Romans 10:10-13).

Come into the House of Truth!

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