Another Jesus
Why does almost every religion in the world have someone named "Jesus"?
Religions that existed before the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was born have retrofitted a "Jesus" into their religions. Religions that came after the Man of Truth left this Earth have all had someone named "Jesus" in them.
Islam tells of a "Jesus" that is coming to wipe out the Christians and Jews. The Hindus and Buddhists tell of a "Jesus" who was a teacher of those religions. The Mormons tell of a "Jesus" that came to North America after he ascended to Heaven. The Hare Krishna religion says that "Jesus" was one of them first. The Ba'ahi have their own version of "Jesus". Even Judaism has a "Messiah" who has not came to the Earth yet but will do many things when he comes that are similar what the Man of Truth will do when he returns to rule this Earth.
There have also been cults that sprung up around people who all called themselves "Jesus". There was even a woman in Russia who called herself by the feminine version of "Jesus" and had her followers crucify her before the Russian police hauled her off to the mental institute. The list goes on and on.
The first question that comes to mind is why do they all have a "Jesus"? I mean Islam is the only religion with a "Mohammed". You do not see other religions retrofitting themselves with a "Buddha". You do not see the idols of Hinduism being adopted by other religions like Islam. Yet all of these religions have someone named "Jesus".
The obvious reason for these religions having or adding someone named "Jesus" and not doing so with other religious figures is the same reason that criminals counterfeit one hundred dollar bills but no one counterfeits three dollar bills. There is no reason to counterfeit something unless it is real.
However, there is one more religion that has multiple groups within it promoting another "Jesus", who is different from the Man of Truth, who is told about in pages of the Book of Truth (The Bible). This is a religion that most people would never suspect of promoting another "Jesus". That religion is "Christianity". (I mean this in the widest sense of the term as understood by people of other religions).
This should be no surprise. Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) warned that people among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were preaching another "Jesus" in his day (2 Corinthians 11:4). What are some of the groups who the world would call part of the Christian religion that teach another "Jesus"?
The False Church of Rome promotes a Greco-Roman "Jesus" that teaches traditions from Greco-Roman idolatry. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The nation of Israel, later called the Jews, were cast out of the Promised Land for making idols and worshiping them (Acts 7:41-43). The Gentiles who turned to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) were commanded to keep away from the pollution of idols (Acts 15:19-20). No idol can be made that represents Him, The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) or the Man of Truth in worship (Acts 17:29-31). No one in His Family is to worship an idol - even if it has been named "Jesus" (1 Corinthians 5:11). The Father of Truth was not pleased with those who worshiped an idol in the wilderness so he destroyed many of them so we can know for certain that He is not pleased with those who worship a Greco-Roman idol that was renamed "Jesus" (1 Corinthians 10:5-7). Therefore the Children of Truth are commanded to flee from idolatry - even if the idol has been renamed "Jesus" (1 Corinthians 10:14). The Children of Truth are to have absolutely nothing to do with the practices of idol worship even if the idol has been renamed "Jesus" (2 Corinthians 6:15-17). Those who worship an idol that someone else has renamed "Jesus" will not inherit His Kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21). Those who worship an idol renamed as "Jesus" will inherit the wrath of the Father of Truth instead of the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:5-6). Those who have completely abandon worshiping idols, even ones renamed "Jesus", to follow the Man of Truth are the Children of Truth who will be saved from the wrath of the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). The Man of Truth came to this Earth so that the Children of Truth could keep away an idols - even ones named "Jesus" (1 John 5:20-21). Those who worship idols, even ones that the False Church of Rome renamed as "Jesus", will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).
Some groups promote a pop psychology "Jesus" who says that people are basically good on the inside but just behave badly because of their environment. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
People are not born as being basically good but rather they are born with a heart that is exceedingly wicked and deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9). The Man of Truth knows the evil that is in the hearts of people (John 2:24-25). This is why he said that people must be born again to come into the kingdom of His Father (John 3:3). This is the Father of Truth sent His Son to pay the death penalty for the evil that everyone is born with (Romans 5:8). This is why His Son, who did nothing evil, had to be counted as evil so we could stop being evil (2 Corinthians 5:21). Anyone who says that people are anything other than evil without the Man of Truth changing them is simply a liar (1 John 1:8-10). If people were not born evil then there would have been no need for the death of the lamb.
Some groups promote a inclusive "Jesus" who would never send anyone to Hell for rejecting him. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Man of Truth says that people should fear His Father more than any person because He is able to cast people into Hell (Matthew 10:28). The Man of Truth said the inhabitants of Capernaum would be cast into Hell for rejecting him (Matthew 11:23). The Man of Truth said that people should do whatever it takes to avoid being cast into Hell (Matthew 18:7-9). The Man of Truth said that those who killed the Prophets of Truth and him would be cast into Hell (Matthew 23:31-33). When the Man of Truth returns to this Earth he will cast everyone into Hell who did not help the Jewish people during the tribulation (Matthew 25:31-46). The Man of Truth said that he was the only way to come to the Father of Truth (John 14:6). People cannot escape Hell if they neglect the only means of salvation that the Father of Truth has provided (Hebrews 2:2-4). The Father of Truth did not spare the Angels of Lies who rebelled against Him and He not spare those who reject His Son (2 Peter 2:4). Only those who make His Son their king will enter into the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:25-27). The Man of Truth plainly will put people in the Chamber of Horrors for rejecting him.
Some groups promote a social justice "Jesus" who wants his followers to feed the poor and do good works but never confront anyone about their sin. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) said that not confronting people when they sin is showing them hatred (Leviticus 19:17). It is by people turning from sin that causes them to be saved (Ezekiel 18:27-28). The Man of Truth did not teach anything that was different than what the Law of Truth taught (Matthew 5:17-19). This is why the Man of Truth told people how to confront someone when they sin against them (Matthew 18:15-18). This is why the Man of Truth commissioned the Children of Truth to tell other people to repent (Luke 24:45-47). The Father of Truth has given the gift of the opportunity to repent so that people can be saved (Acts 11:18). Whoever turns people away from sin that causes them to be saved (James 5:19-20). The only reason the Father of Truth has delayed judgment upon the world is to give people a chance to turn from sin (2 Peter 3:8-10). Anyone who takes care of the physical needs of people without confronting them about their sin is guilty of the worst kind of hatred.
Some groups promote a tolerant "Jesus" who would never tell anyone that their lifestyle is wicked. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Father of Truth said in the Law of Truth that those who engage in homosexuality, adultery, and the like are worthy of death (Leviticus 20:10-17). The Man of Truth taught the same doctrine as His Father (John 7:16-17). The Man of Truth only said the same things as His Father (John 12:48-50). The Man of Truth said that people must do what His Father says (John 14:23-24). The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) still says that those who engage in homosexuality, adultery, and the like are worthy of death (Romans 1:26-32). Those who engage in a lifestyle like that homosexuality, heterosexual sex outside of marriage, adultery, cross dressing, and the like will not be allowed into the kingdom of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). The Man of Truth is in no way tolerant of those who live like they were married in Sodom.
Some groups promote a prosperity "Jesus" who is much more concerned with people experiencing health and wealth than living a life of holiness and selfless sacrifice for the good of other people. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Man of Truth promised persecution in this world for all of the Children of Truth (Matthew 5:10-12). The Man of Truth said that following him would separate people from their family (Matthew 10:34-36). The Man of Truth said that following him would cost a person everything they have - including their very life (Matthew 10:37-39). The Man of Truth said the world would hate the Children of Truth because it hated him (John 15:18-20). Stephen got rocks - not riches - for following the Man of Truth (Acts 7:57-60). Paul the Jew experienced a lack of the very necessities of life for following the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 4:11-13). Paul the Jew suffered endless persecution for following the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:23-27). Paul the Jew learned to rely upon of the Man of Truth even when he suffered from lack of the bare necessities of life (Philippians 4:11-13). The promise of the Father of Truth is that everyone who lives in the House of Truth with His Son will suffer persecution of some sort - even if no one puts that promise on their fridge or confesses it daily (2 Timothy 3:12). The main concern of the Father of Truth is that His children live lives that reflect His Holy Character - not their comfort (1 Peter 1:14-16). It is normal for the Children of Truth to suffer persecution rather experiencing health and wealth (1 Peter 4:12-14). The Children of Truth are supposed to lay down their lives and possessions for each other in selfless sacrifice just as the Man of Truth laid down his life in selfless sacrifice for them (1 John 3:16-18). The Man of Truth and His Father want the Children of Truth giving what they have to take care of people out of love instead of just giving to get.
Some groups promote a Rabbinic "Jesus", that they usually call by his Angolonized Hebrew name "Yeshua" , who leads people into adopting the customs of Rabbinic Judaism. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth were to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees that Rabbinical Judaism is built upon (Matthew 16:11-12). The Man of Truth said for the Children of Truth to not to call anyone but him "Rabbi" because that title belonged to him alone (Matthew 23:8-10). The Man of Truth called those who taught Rabbinic Judaism blind guides that lead people to Hell with their distortion of the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:15-17). The Man of Truth said that teaching people to ignore the weightier matters of the Law to take care of the lessor matters of the Law was another reason that those who taught Rabbinic Judaism were blind guides (Matthew 23:23-25). The Man of Truth said that the traditions of Rabbinic Judaism were contrary to the Law of Truth (Mark 7:10-13). The Man of Truth did nothing except preach against Rabbinic Distort.
The fact is that all of these groups are all preaching another "Jesus" who has no resemblance to the Man of Truth who is written about in the Book of Truth. Everyone of these groups who are preaching another "Jesus" are teaching the Doctrine of Lies.
The only way to avoid being trapped into following another "Jesus" is to come into the House of Truth. You come into the House of Truth when you surrender your life to the Man of Truth who the Book of Truth tells about because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). You come to know the genuine instead of the counterfeit by learning the Doctrine of Truth in the House of Truth. The moment you come into the House of Truth you will be saved by faith, but grow by knowledge as you remain in the House of Truth. You learn by experience in the House of Truth that there are two kinds of knowledge and it is heart knowledge will keep you from following another "Jesus".
Come into the House of Truth.
Religions that existed before the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) was born have retrofitted a "Jesus" into their religions. Religions that came after the Man of Truth left this Earth have all had someone named "Jesus" in them.
Islam tells of a "Jesus" that is coming to wipe out the Christians and Jews. The Hindus and Buddhists tell of a "Jesus" who was a teacher of those religions. The Mormons tell of a "Jesus" that came to North America after he ascended to Heaven. The Hare Krishna religion says that "Jesus" was one of them first. The Ba'ahi have their own version of "Jesus". Even Judaism has a "Messiah" who has not came to the Earth yet but will do many things when he comes that are similar what the Man of Truth will do when he returns to rule this Earth.
There have also been cults that sprung up around people who all called themselves "Jesus". There was even a woman in Russia who called herself by the feminine version of "Jesus" and had her followers crucify her before the Russian police hauled her off to the mental institute. The list goes on and on.
The first question that comes to mind is why do they all have a "Jesus"? I mean Islam is the only religion with a "Mohammed". You do not see other religions retrofitting themselves with a "Buddha". You do not see the idols of Hinduism being adopted by other religions like Islam. Yet all of these religions have someone named "Jesus".
The obvious reason for these religions having or adding someone named "Jesus" and not doing so with other religious figures is the same reason that criminals counterfeit one hundred dollar bills but no one counterfeits three dollar bills. There is no reason to counterfeit something unless it is real.
However, there is one more religion that has multiple groups within it promoting another "Jesus", who is different from the Man of Truth, who is told about in pages of the Book of Truth (The Bible). This is a religion that most people would never suspect of promoting another "Jesus". That religion is "Christianity". (I mean this in the widest sense of the term as understood by people of other religions).
This should be no surprise. Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) warned that people among the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) were preaching another "Jesus" in his day (2 Corinthians 11:4). What are some of the groups who the world would call part of the Christian religion that teach another "Jesus"?
The False Church of Rome promotes a Greco-Roman "Jesus" that teaches traditions from Greco-Roman idolatry. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The nation of Israel, later called the Jews, were cast out of the Promised Land for making idols and worshiping them (Acts 7:41-43). The Gentiles who turned to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) were commanded to keep away from the pollution of idols (Acts 15:19-20). No idol can be made that represents Him, The Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) or the Man of Truth in worship (Acts 17:29-31). No one in His Family is to worship an idol - even if it has been named "Jesus" (1 Corinthians 5:11). The Father of Truth was not pleased with those who worshiped an idol in the wilderness so he destroyed many of them so we can know for certain that He is not pleased with those who worship a Greco-Roman idol that was renamed "Jesus" (1 Corinthians 10:5-7). Therefore the Children of Truth are commanded to flee from idolatry - even if the idol has been renamed "Jesus" (1 Corinthians 10:14). The Children of Truth are to have absolutely nothing to do with the practices of idol worship even if the idol has been renamed "Jesus" (2 Corinthians 6:15-17). Those who worship an idol that someone else has renamed "Jesus" will not inherit His Kingdom (Galatians 5:19-21). Those who worship an idol renamed as "Jesus" will inherit the wrath of the Father of Truth instead of the kingdom of the Man of Truth (Ephesians 5:5-6). Those who have completely abandon worshiping idols, even ones renamed "Jesus", to follow the Man of Truth are the Children of Truth who will be saved from the wrath of the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). The Man of Truth came to this Earth so that the Children of Truth could keep away an idols - even ones named "Jesus" (1 John 5:20-21). Those who worship idols, even ones that the False Church of Rome renamed as "Jesus", will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).
Some groups promote a pop psychology "Jesus" who says that people are basically good on the inside but just behave badly because of their environment. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
People are not born as being basically good but rather they are born with a heart that is exceedingly wicked and deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9). The Man of Truth knows the evil that is in the hearts of people (John 2:24-25). This is why he said that people must be born again to come into the kingdom of His Father (John 3:3). This is the Father of Truth sent His Son to pay the death penalty for the evil that everyone is born with (Romans 5:8). This is why His Son, who did nothing evil, had to be counted as evil so we could stop being evil (2 Corinthians 5:21). Anyone who says that people are anything other than evil without the Man of Truth changing them is simply a liar (1 John 1:8-10). If people were not born evil then there would have been no need for the death of the lamb.
Some groups promote a inclusive "Jesus" who would never send anyone to Hell for rejecting him. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Man of Truth says that people should fear His Father more than any person because He is able to cast people into Hell (Matthew 10:28). The Man of Truth said the inhabitants of Capernaum would be cast into Hell for rejecting him (Matthew 11:23). The Man of Truth said that people should do whatever it takes to avoid being cast into Hell (Matthew 18:7-9). The Man of Truth said that those who killed the Prophets of Truth and him would be cast into Hell (Matthew 23:31-33). When the Man of Truth returns to this Earth he will cast everyone into Hell who did not help the Jewish people during the tribulation (Matthew 25:31-46). The Man of Truth said that he was the only way to come to the Father of Truth (John 14:6). People cannot escape Hell if they neglect the only means of salvation that the Father of Truth has provided (Hebrews 2:2-4). The Father of Truth did not spare the Angels of Lies who rebelled against Him and He not spare those who reject His Son (2 Peter 2:4). Only those who make His Son their king will enter into the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:25-27). The Man of Truth plainly will put people in the Chamber of Horrors for rejecting him.
Some groups promote a social justice "Jesus" who wants his followers to feed the poor and do good works but never confront anyone about their sin. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) said that not confronting people when they sin is showing them hatred (Leviticus 19:17). It is by people turning from sin that causes them to be saved (Ezekiel 18:27-28). The Man of Truth did not teach anything that was different than what the Law of Truth taught (Matthew 5:17-19). This is why the Man of Truth told people how to confront someone when they sin against them (Matthew 18:15-18). This is why the Man of Truth commissioned the Children of Truth to tell other people to repent (Luke 24:45-47). The Father of Truth has given the gift of the opportunity to repent so that people can be saved (Acts 11:18). Whoever turns people away from sin that causes them to be saved (James 5:19-20). The only reason the Father of Truth has delayed judgment upon the world is to give people a chance to turn from sin (2 Peter 3:8-10). Anyone who takes care of the physical needs of people without confronting them about their sin is guilty of the worst kind of hatred.
Some groups promote a tolerant "Jesus" who would never tell anyone that their lifestyle is wicked. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Father of Truth said in the Law of Truth that those who engage in homosexuality, adultery, and the like are worthy of death (Leviticus 20:10-17). The Man of Truth taught the same doctrine as His Father (John 7:16-17). The Man of Truth only said the same things as His Father (John 12:48-50). The Man of Truth said that people must do what His Father says (John 14:23-24). The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) still says that those who engage in homosexuality, adultery, and the like are worthy of death (Romans 1:26-32). Those who engage in a lifestyle like that homosexuality, heterosexual sex outside of marriage, adultery, cross dressing, and the like will not be allowed into the kingdom of the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). The Man of Truth is in no way tolerant of those who live like they were married in Sodom.
Some groups promote a prosperity "Jesus" who is much more concerned with people experiencing health and wealth than living a life of holiness and selfless sacrifice for the good of other people. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Man of Truth promised persecution in this world for all of the Children of Truth (Matthew 5:10-12). The Man of Truth said that following him would separate people from their family (Matthew 10:34-36). The Man of Truth said that following him would cost a person everything they have - including their very life (Matthew 10:37-39). The Man of Truth said the world would hate the Children of Truth because it hated him (John 15:18-20). Stephen got rocks - not riches - for following the Man of Truth (Acts 7:57-60). Paul the Jew experienced a lack of the very necessities of life for following the Man of Truth (1 Corinthians 4:11-13). Paul the Jew suffered endless persecution for following the Man of Truth (2 Corinthians 11:23-27). Paul the Jew learned to rely upon of the Man of Truth even when he suffered from lack of the bare necessities of life (Philippians 4:11-13). The promise of the Father of Truth is that everyone who lives in the House of Truth with His Son will suffer persecution of some sort - even if no one puts that promise on their fridge or confesses it daily (2 Timothy 3:12). The main concern of the Father of Truth is that His children live lives that reflect His Holy Character - not their comfort (1 Peter 1:14-16). It is normal for the Children of Truth to suffer persecution rather experiencing health and wealth (1 Peter 4:12-14). The Children of Truth are supposed to lay down their lives and possessions for each other in selfless sacrifice just as the Man of Truth laid down his life in selfless sacrifice for them (1 John 3:16-18). The Man of Truth and His Father want the Children of Truth giving what they have to take care of people out of love instead of just giving to get.
Some groups promote a Rabbinic "Jesus", that they usually call by his Angolonized Hebrew name "Yeshua" , who leads people into adopting the customs of Rabbinic Judaism. What does the Book of Truth say about this "Jesus"?
The Man of Truth said that the Children of Truth were to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees that Rabbinical Judaism is built upon (Matthew 16:11-12). The Man of Truth said for the Children of Truth to not to call anyone but him "Rabbi" because that title belonged to him alone (Matthew 23:8-10). The Man of Truth called those who taught Rabbinic Judaism blind guides that lead people to Hell with their distortion of the Law of Truth (Matthew 23:15-17). The Man of Truth said that teaching people to ignore the weightier matters of the Law to take care of the lessor matters of the Law was another reason that those who taught Rabbinic Judaism were blind guides (Matthew 23:23-25). The Man of Truth said that the traditions of Rabbinic Judaism were contrary to the Law of Truth (Mark 7:10-13). The Man of Truth did nothing except preach against Rabbinic Distort.
The fact is that all of these groups are all preaching another "Jesus" who has no resemblance to the Man of Truth who is written about in the Book of Truth. Everyone of these groups who are preaching another "Jesus" are teaching the Doctrine of Lies.
The only way to avoid being trapped into following another "Jesus" is to come into the House of Truth. You come into the House of Truth when you surrender your life to the Man of Truth who the Book of Truth tells about because you believe that His Father raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). You come to know the genuine instead of the counterfeit by learning the Doctrine of Truth in the House of Truth. The moment you come into the House of Truth you will be saved by faith, but grow by knowledge as you remain in the House of Truth. You learn by experience in the House of Truth that there are two kinds of knowledge and it is heart knowledge will keep you from following another "Jesus".
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Deception, Jesus Christ, Religion
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