The Impossible Country
What is the most astounding proof that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God
aka THE LORD) exists today?
Sometimes I call my youngest daughter, Savannah, "The Impossible Girl".
I call her this, because so many things about her are impossible to exist, but yet they do. These things defy everything about a materialistic world view. These things about her make a mockery of the creation myth of human secularists, which is the greatest fairy tale ever told.
These things are not speculative theories, or wild stories. These things are documented facts, that I my family, and dozens of other people have witnessed first hand.
None of these things happened by accident, or because we were just somehow impossibly lucky. They did not happen because I was so brilliant or clever, that I caused them to happen. They happened because we surrendered control of our lives the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
These things are astounding proof that the Father of Truth exists today.
However, I would never ask anyone to just take my word for any of this. The people who have been involved in our lives, know that these things are true. We can dig up the documentation to prove that these things really happened, but how would people know that these documents were not fraudulent in some manner?
The fact is, that people do not need to know us, or to see the documentation, or verify that the documentation is genuine, to know that everything did not just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason. All they really need for astounding proof that the Father of Truth exists today, is a map of the Middle East.
They may never meet The Impossible Girl, Savannah, who is doing what is impossible for her to be doing, but they can all visit The Impossible Country, Israel, that is doing what is impossible for it to be doing.
Like The Impossible Girl, it is impossible for The Impossible Country to exist, and yet it exists.
Here are a few of the reasons that Israel is The Impossible Country.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it is a populated with the Impossible People. The people of Israel were scattered throughout every country on Earth for over 1,700 years, and then regathered to land of Israel to reform their original people again. The people of Israel are impossible to exist, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it sits on the Impossible Land. The land of Israel was a barren wasteland for over 1,700 years, and then returned to being one of the most fertile places on Earth. The land of Israel is impossible to be fertile, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because its people speak the Impossible Language. The language of Israel was not spoken by anyone for almost 1,300 years, and then returned to being one of the most widespread spoken languages on Earth. The language of Israel is impossible to be spoken, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because of the Impossible Healthcare that is there. The land of Israel became disease ridden for almost 1,900 years, and then returned to being one of the healthiest places on Earth. The healthcare of Israel is impossible to be great, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it is defended by the Impossible Military. The military of Israel was wiped off the face of the Earth, and then came back as one of the strongest militaries on Earth - 1,800 years later. The military of Israel is impossible to be strong, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because of the Impossible Economy that operates there. The economy of Israel was in continual decline for about 1,800 years, and then recovered to become one of the strongest economies on Earth. The economy of Israel is impossible to thrive, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it is ruled by the Impossible Government. The government of Israel, operating under independent rule, was an impossible dream for over 2,000 years, and then came back into existence in a single day. The government of Israel is impossible to exist, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
It was beyond the ability of Christian Zionists, pursuing the impossible dream, to bring about the Impossible Country in their own strength. The country of Israel is impossible to exist, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
As David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, said, "In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.". Still, the question becomes: what changed after so many centuries, to cause the miracles to start happening?
None of these things happened by accident, or because the Jews were just somehow impossibly lucky. They did not happen because the Jews was so brilliant or clever, that they caused them to happen. They happened because the Jews began to come back to the Greatest Zionist.
Right before the Ashkenazi Jews began to stream back into the Promised Land, they began to return to the Father of Truth, by obeying the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, written about in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law). These were not forced conversions by the False Church of Rome, but genuine changes of heart that came after reading the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) for themselves.
The beginning of this shift started in 1809 AD, when Christian Zionists in England formed The London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst The Jews (aka The London Jews Society). This was the first serious effort to reach Jews through the writings of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), not forced conversion, since Judaea had been destroyed in 135 AD. In 1813 AD, the Jews reached by this society, formed the first Jewish congregation in about 1500 years. These Christian Zionists also sent missionaries to reach Ashkenazi Jews across northern Europe - all the way to Russia. Many of the members of this society were Jews, who had previously came into the House of Truth on their own volition.
Among these Ashkenazi Jews was Alfred Edersheim, who not only wrote many books explaining the Jewishness of the Man of Truth to Gentile Children of Truth, starting around 1845 AD, but who also wrote many papers and books explaining to Ashkenazi Jews that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel. Jehiel Lichtenstein, another Ashkenazi Jew, translated the entire Renewed Covenant into Hebrew from Greek around 1860 AD, and used it to bring many Jews to faith in the Man of Truth. Also in 1860 AD, Beni Abraham, an Ashkenazi Jew, started the first congregation entirely composed of Jewish Children of Truth in modern times. In 1864 AD, Yitzhak (Isaac Edward) Salkinson became a missionary, and began translating many Christian works into Hebrew. In 1877 AD another Ashkenazi Jew, Franz Delitzsch, created the standard translation of the Renewed Covenant into Hebrew that is still used today, even though it was published four years before Hebrew began to be revived by Ben Yahuda. In 1880 AD, Delitzsch also founded a school to train missionaries to work among the Jews. In 1882 AD, Rabbi Joseph Rabinowitz, another Ashkenazi Jew, became a follower of the Man of Truth, and convinced his entire synagogue to do the same. In 1886 AD, Rabbi Ignatz Lichtenstein, another Ashkenazi Jew, began writing and publishing numerous books, tracts, and articles, specifically aimed at bringing other Ashkenazi Jews into obedience to the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses.
There had always been a few Ashkenazi Jews, who trickled into the House of Truth, but these seven Ashkenazi Jews, and others like them, caused Ashkenazi Jews to begin to stream into the House of Truth. Since that time, the number of Ashkenazi Jews who have come into the House of Truth, has steadily increased, from a stream to a brook to a river, until they have reached the point of flooding into the House of Truth today. There are more Jews, who follow the Man of Truth in Israel today, than anytime since 135 AD, and most of them are Ashkenazi Jews. There are far more Jews, who have came into the House of Truth outside of Israel, particularly among Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, and countries outside of Europe with large Ashkenazi Jewish populations, like the United States. As more and more Ashkenazi Jews have come to realize that that it is a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth, more and more of them have come into the House of Truth. These Ashkenazi Jews have in turn been the primary people to bring the Good News to other Jews, particularly those in remote places like Zimbabwe.
When this happened, they set into motion the events, that made the Impossible Country come into existence. Their repentance concerning that Prophet like unto Moses, the Man of Truth, was the trigger that has caused the cycle of the Jews going to the ends of the Earth and back again, to enter its final phase, which has brought about the Impossible Country.
It is certain that the Father of Truth brought the Impossible Country back into existence, for He had all of it written in the Original Covenant - more than 2,000 years before any of it occurred. He laid out the pattern of destruction for rejection of the Man of Truth, and then restoration for repentance, very clearly in His Word.
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the people of Israel were scattered from the land of Israel, remained so for about 1700 years, and then were gathered back to the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they would not obey His voice, which was spoken by that Prophet like unto Moses, who spoke only words that the Father of Truth gave him, then He would pluck them out of the Promised Land, and would scatter them across the entire Earth, where they would live in constant fear and trouble (Deuteronomy 28:62-67).
The Father of Truth promised the people of Israel, that when they began making a commitment to obey His voice, that was spoken through that Prophet like unto Moses, while still scattered all over the Earth, then He would begin to bring them back into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 30:1-3).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the land of Israel became desolate, remained desolate for about 1700 years, and then became fertile again.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they provoked Him, then He would cut off the rain, so that the land of Israel would no longer produce crops, so they could no longer live there (Deuteronomy 11:17). He warned them, that He would withhold the rain, and cause the land of Israel to become a desert (Isaiah 5:3-6). He warned them, that they would responsible for the rain being withheld from the land of Israel, if they rebelled against Him (Jeremiah 5:20-25).
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they did not listen to Him, including what He said about that Prophet like unto Moses, then the land of Israel would no longer produce crops (Leviticus 26:18-20). He warned them, that a powerful nation, like the Roman Empire, would totally destroy every crop that grew in the land of Israel (Joel 1:6-12). He warned them, when this destruction came, that the livestock, and even the wildlife, would removed from the land of Israel (Joel 1:15-20).
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that even the fish in the Sea of Galilee would be taken away, along with the birds and wild animals off the land of Israel, if they refused to walk in His truth (Hosea 4:1-3). He warned them, that the fishes of the Sea of Galilee, the birds of the air, and the wild animals of the land, would all be taken away from the land of Israel, if they refused to seek after Him by following His religion (Zephaniah 1:2-6).
The Father of Truth had warned the people of Israel, that the land of Israel would become so desolate, that it would amaze everyone who visited it, like Mark Twain (Leviticus 26:32). He had warned them, that if they rejected His ways, then the Promised Land would become very desolate (Deuteronomy 29:23-25). He warned them, that He would cause the mountains of Israel to become desolate, if they did what He found to be abominable (Ezekiel 33:28-29). He warned them, that the land of Israel would cease to be pleasant, and would become so desolate, that people would not even want to pass through it, when He scattered them among all ethnic groups (Zechariah 7:14).
The Father of Truth said, that the land of Israel would be remain a barren wilderness, instead of a land of fields and forests, until the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was poured upon the people of Israel (Isaiah 32:15). He said, that things would change when they accepted His Redeemer, the Man of Truth, so that His Spirit would be upon them, and His Word would be in their mouths (Isaiah 59:20-21). He said, that the land of Israel would begin to become fruitful again, when He began giving a new heart to those among them, whom He put the Spirit of Truth in (Ezekiel 36:26-30). He said, that the former and latter rain would returned to the land of Israel, after they began returning to walking in His ways (Hosea 6:1-3).
He began returning the abundance of fish in the Sea of Galilee, along with the birds and wildlife, when the people of Israel began returning to Him and the land of Israel (Isaiah 60:1-5). He sent the rain again, because those among them who strived to walk in all of His ways for all of their days, by following His Shepard, the Man of Truth, have asked Him to send the rain to the land of Israel (Zechariah 10:1-2).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the language of Israel became extinct, remained so for about 1300 years, and then came back into existence in the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth warned, that He would send oppressors, who spoke in other languages, if the people of Israel did not listen to His voice in their own language, which was spoken through that Prophet like unto Moses (Deuteronomy 28:45-52). He said, that since they would not listen to His message in their own language, given through that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would speak to them through other people, who spoke another language (Isaiah 28:9-13). He said, that they would learn to speak in the language of their oppressors, when they were scattered to live in the lands of their oppressors, because they would not listen to His words, which were spoken to them by His Prophet in their own language (Jeremiah 5:15-19).
The Father of Truth began causing the people of Israel to speak plainly in their own language, when they began to submit the Man of Truth, His righteous King (Isaiah 32:1-4). He began restoring the Hebrew language back to them, when they began call upon the name of the the Man of Truth, to serve the Father of Truth in one accord and humility (Zephaniah 3:9-12).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the land of Israel became full of disease, remained so for about 1900 years, and then became a place of health and healing.
The Father of Truth caused the land of Israel to devour those who tried live in it with disease for about 1900 years (Ezekiel 36:13).
The Father of Truth began to heal the people of Israel of these diseases, when they began to return to keeping the Law of Truth, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses (Exodus 15:26). He cause these plagues to be removed from the land of Israel, when those among them, who had new hearts through faith in the Man of Truth, prayed towards Jerusalem for these plagues to be removed (1 Kings 8:37-39). He has heard their prayers, removed the plagues, and healed the land of Israel, because they humbled themselves by admitting that they had sinned, by rejecting that Prophet like unto Moses, sought the face of the Father of Truth, by coming to know that Prophet like unto Moses, and turned from their wicked ways, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses (2 Chronicles 7:13-14). He began to heal the people in the land of Israel, when they began to return to Him (Hosea 6:1).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the military of Israel ceased to be strong, was weak for about 1800 years, and then returned to being strong in the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they walked contrary to Him, like rejecting that Prophet like unto Moses, then their enemies wage war against them, and utterly defeat them in the land of Israel (Leviticus 26:24-25). He warned them, that He would cause them to flee before their enemies, and be forced out of the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 28:25).
The Father of Truth began giving the people of Israel victory of their enemies in the land of Israel, when they began obey His Angel who spoke His words - the Man of Truth (Exodus 23:20-22). He began putting the curse of fleeing from the land of Israel in defeat upon the enemies of the people of Israel, when they began to return to obeying that Prophet like unto Moses - the Man of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:7-8). He began causing their military to become mighty again, after they stopped following shepherds that He did not send, and turned again to following His Shepherd - the Man of Truth (Zechariah 10:3-9).
The military of Israel began becoming strong again in the land of Israel, when the Spirit of Truth began becoming strong again in the people of Israel (Ezekiel 37:10-14).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the economy of the land of Israel went into a deep depression, remained so for about 1800 years, and then quickly became one of the most vibrant economies on Earth.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they would not listen to him in everything, including obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would destroy their real estate market (Leviticus 26:27-32). He warned them, that if they did not walk in His ways, including obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then He take away their understanding that allows them to prosper, and they would become impoverished (Deuteronomy 28:28-29). He warned them, that they would go from lending to the Gentiles, to borrowing from the Gentiles (Deuteronomy 28:43-46).
He caused the wealth of the land of Israel to be taken away for about 1800 years, because they would not walk in his ways, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses (Isaiah 42:21-24).
The Father of Truth began restoring the real estate market in the land of Israel, when they began to come into obedience to the One Way, which He had provided for them to be able to obey Him from their heart, that Prophet like unto Moses (Jeremiah 32:39-44). He began restoring their real estate market, when they began receiving a new spirit, the Spirit of Truth, as they were cleansed of their sin (Ezekiel 36:25-33).
The Father of Truth began to make the people of Israel have plenty in the land of Israel, when they began to obey the Law of Truth concerning that Prophet like unto Moses, who turned their hearts to Him (Deuteronomy 30:8-10). He began causing the people of Israel to prosper in the land of Israel, when they began being cleansed of their sin through faith in the Man of Truth (Jeremiah 33:7-9).
The Father of Truth began making the wealth of the land of Israel increase, when the people of Israel began accepting His covering for sin, the Man of Truth (Psalm 85:1-12). He began returning wealth to the land of Israel, when the people of Israel began returning to Him through the Holy One of Israel, the Man of Truth, and to the land of Israel (Isaiah 60:6-9).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the government of Israel became extinct, remained so for about 1800 years, and then came back into existence in the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth promised to give the people of Israel a ruler from their own people, when they were in the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 17:14-15). He promised that this ruler would rule them in accordance with the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they did not obey what He commanded, including obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would cause their enemies to rule over them (Leviticus 26:14-17). He warned them, that they would serve their enemies, like the Ottoman Turks, since they would not serve Him (Deuteronomy 28:47-48).
The Father of Truth began raising up rulers from among the people of Israel, to rule over them in the land of Israel, when they began to return to obeying Him in the land of Israel (Jeremiah 17:23-25). He began to do this good thing for them, when they began to come into obedience to the One Way, which He had provided for them to be able to obey Him from their heart, that Prophet like unto Moses (Jeremiah 32:37-42).
It is impossible, for the things that have happened concerning Israel to have happened, in the way that they have happened, often at the hands of Gentiles, who had no knowledge, that they were fulfilling with their actions, what had already been written thousands of years earlier, without the Father of Truth causing these things. It is absolutely absurd to believe, that Israel just apoofed into existence, on its own, for no reason at all.
The impossible country of Israel is the most astounding proof today, that the Father of Truth exists.
So, it is absolutely foolish to deny the existence of the Father of Truth (Psalm 14:1). It is absolutely foolish to do so, when the Impossible Country is proof of His existence (Jeremiah 31:35-37). It is absolutely foolish to do so, when the universe itself is proof of His existence (Romans 1:20-22).
So, even though there are many reasons to be convinced that the Father of Truth made everything, and the Book of Truth (The Bible) really contains His message to the human race, I would be convinced by the existence of Israel alone, if it was the only evidence that there was.
The Book of Truth does not just tell the history of the Impossible Country - before it every occurred. It also tells the history of the Impossible Man - the Man of Truth. This history started being written about 2000 years - before any of it ever occurred.
The Book of Truth also provides a reliable history of how the first part of what had been written about the Impossible Man, came to pass about 2000 years ago.
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible birth of the Man of Truth, centuries before it happened (Isaiah 7:14). The Man of Truth had this impossible birth, that they had written about centuries earlier (Matthew 1:23).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible words spoken by the Man of Truth, centuries before they were spoken (Deuteronomy 18:18). The Man of Truth spoke these impossible words, that they had written about centuries earlier (John 12:49).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible works of the Man of Truth, centuries before they were done (Isaiah 29:18-19). The Man of Truth performed these impossible works, that they had written about centuries earlier (Luke 7:21-22).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible circumstances of the death of the Man of Truth, centuries before they occurred (Psalm 22:1-18). The Man of Truth died the impossible death, that they had written about centuries earlier (Matthew 27:35-46).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible resurrection of the Man of Truth, centuries before it happened (Psalm 16:8-11). The Man of Truth had this impossible resurrection, that they had written about centuries earlier (Acts 2:25-32).
So, the Impossible Country is astounding proof that the Father of Truth exists, that the Book of Truth contains His message to the human race, and that the Man of Truth is His only means of salvation.
The only reasonable response to the Impossible Country is to come into the House of Truth.
The Father of Truth not only raised the Impossible Country from the dead, but He raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 4:24-25). He will in like manner raise your life from the dead, if you will come into the House of Truth (Romans 6:2-4). So, it is only reasonable to come into the House of Truth, by submitting to the Man of Truth in total surrender, since the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
Sometimes I call my youngest daughter, Savannah, "The Impossible Girl".
I call her this, because so many things about her are impossible to exist, but yet they do. These things defy everything about a materialistic world view. These things about her make a mockery of the creation myth of human secularists, which is the greatest fairy tale ever told.
These things are not speculative theories, or wild stories. These things are documented facts, that I my family, and dozens of other people have witnessed first hand.
None of these things happened by accident, or because we were just somehow impossibly lucky. They did not happen because I was so brilliant or clever, that I caused them to happen. They happened because we surrendered control of our lives the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ).
These things are astounding proof that the Father of Truth exists today.
However, I would never ask anyone to just take my word for any of this. The people who have been involved in our lives, know that these things are true. We can dig up the documentation to prove that these things really happened, but how would people know that these documents were not fraudulent in some manner?
The fact is, that people do not need to know us, or to see the documentation, or verify that the documentation is genuine, to know that everything did not just apoofed into existence on its own for no reason. All they really need for astounding proof that the Father of Truth exists today, is a map of the Middle East.
They may never meet The Impossible Girl, Savannah, who is doing what is impossible for her to be doing, but they can all visit The Impossible Country, Israel, that is doing what is impossible for it to be doing.
Like The Impossible Girl, it is impossible for The Impossible Country to exist, and yet it exists.
Here are a few of the reasons that Israel is The Impossible Country.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it is a populated with the Impossible People. The people of Israel were scattered throughout every country on Earth for over 1,700 years, and then regathered to land of Israel to reform their original people again. The people of Israel are impossible to exist, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it sits on the Impossible Land. The land of Israel was a barren wasteland for over 1,700 years, and then returned to being one of the most fertile places on Earth. The land of Israel is impossible to be fertile, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because its people speak the Impossible Language. The language of Israel was not spoken by anyone for almost 1,300 years, and then returned to being one of the most widespread spoken languages on Earth. The language of Israel is impossible to be spoken, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because of the Impossible Healthcare that is there. The land of Israel became disease ridden for almost 1,900 years, and then returned to being one of the healthiest places on Earth. The healthcare of Israel is impossible to be great, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it is defended by the Impossible Military. The military of Israel was wiped off the face of the Earth, and then came back as one of the strongest militaries on Earth - 1,800 years later. The military of Israel is impossible to be strong, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because of the Impossible Economy that operates there. The economy of Israel was in continual decline for about 1,800 years, and then recovered to become one of the strongest economies on Earth. The economy of Israel is impossible to thrive, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
Israel is The Impossible Country, because it is ruled by the Impossible Government. The government of Israel, operating under independent rule, was an impossible dream for over 2,000 years, and then came back into existence in a single day. The government of Israel is impossible to exist, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
It was beyond the ability of Christian Zionists, pursuing the impossible dream, to bring about the Impossible Country in their own strength. The country of Israel is impossible to exist, in a world where the Father of Truth does not exist.
As David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, said, "In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.". Still, the question becomes: what changed after so many centuries, to cause the miracles to start happening?
None of these things happened by accident, or because the Jews were just somehow impossibly lucky. They did not happen because the Jews was so brilliant or clever, that they caused them to happen. They happened because the Jews began to come back to the Greatest Zionist.
Right before the Ashkenazi Jews began to stream back into the Promised Land, they began to return to the Father of Truth, by obeying the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, written about in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law). These were not forced conversions by the False Church of Rome, but genuine changes of heart that came after reading the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) for themselves.
The beginning of this shift started in 1809 AD, when Christian Zionists in England formed The London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst The Jews (aka The London Jews Society). This was the first serious effort to reach Jews through the writings of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament), not forced conversion, since Judaea had been destroyed in 135 AD. In 1813 AD, the Jews reached by this society, formed the first Jewish congregation in about 1500 years. These Christian Zionists also sent missionaries to reach Ashkenazi Jews across northern Europe - all the way to Russia. Many of the members of this society were Jews, who had previously came into the House of Truth on their own volition.
Among these Ashkenazi Jews was Alfred Edersheim, who not only wrote many books explaining the Jewishness of the Man of Truth to Gentile Children of Truth, starting around 1845 AD, but who also wrote many papers and books explaining to Ashkenazi Jews that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel. Jehiel Lichtenstein, another Ashkenazi Jew, translated the entire Renewed Covenant into Hebrew from Greek around 1860 AD, and used it to bring many Jews to faith in the Man of Truth. Also in 1860 AD, Beni Abraham, an Ashkenazi Jew, started the first congregation entirely composed of Jewish Children of Truth in modern times. In 1864 AD, Yitzhak (Isaac Edward) Salkinson became a missionary, and began translating many Christian works into Hebrew. In 1877 AD another Ashkenazi Jew, Franz Delitzsch, created the standard translation of the Renewed Covenant into Hebrew that is still used today, even though it was published four years before Hebrew began to be revived by Ben Yahuda. In 1880 AD, Delitzsch also founded a school to train missionaries to work among the Jews. In 1882 AD, Rabbi Joseph Rabinowitz, another Ashkenazi Jew, became a follower of the Man of Truth, and convinced his entire synagogue to do the same. In 1886 AD, Rabbi Ignatz Lichtenstein, another Ashkenazi Jew, began writing and publishing numerous books, tracts, and articles, specifically aimed at bringing other Ashkenazi Jews into obedience to the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses.
There had always been a few Ashkenazi Jews, who trickled into the House of Truth, but these seven Ashkenazi Jews, and others like them, caused Ashkenazi Jews to begin to stream into the House of Truth. Since that time, the number of Ashkenazi Jews who have come into the House of Truth, has steadily increased, from a stream to a brook to a river, until they have reached the point of flooding into the House of Truth today. There are more Jews, who follow the Man of Truth in Israel today, than anytime since 135 AD, and most of them are Ashkenazi Jews. There are far more Jews, who have came into the House of Truth outside of Israel, particularly among Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, and countries outside of Europe with large Ashkenazi Jewish populations, like the United States. As more and more Ashkenazi Jews have come to realize that that it is a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth, more and more of them have come into the House of Truth. These Ashkenazi Jews have in turn been the primary people to bring the Good News to other Jews, particularly those in remote places like Zimbabwe.
When this happened, they set into motion the events, that made the Impossible Country come into existence. Their repentance concerning that Prophet like unto Moses, the Man of Truth, was the trigger that has caused the cycle of the Jews going to the ends of the Earth and back again, to enter its final phase, which has brought about the Impossible Country.
It is certain that the Father of Truth brought the Impossible Country back into existence, for He had all of it written in the Original Covenant - more than 2,000 years before any of it occurred. He laid out the pattern of destruction for rejection of the Man of Truth, and then restoration for repentance, very clearly in His Word.
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the people of Israel were scattered from the land of Israel, remained so for about 1700 years, and then were gathered back to the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they would not obey His voice, which was spoken by that Prophet like unto Moses, who spoke only words that the Father of Truth gave him, then He would pluck them out of the Promised Land, and would scatter them across the entire Earth, where they would live in constant fear and trouble (Deuteronomy 28:62-67).
The Father of Truth promised the people of Israel, that when they began making a commitment to obey His voice, that was spoken through that Prophet like unto Moses, while still scattered all over the Earth, then He would begin to bring them back into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 30:1-3).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the land of Israel became desolate, remained desolate for about 1700 years, and then became fertile again.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they provoked Him, then He would cut off the rain, so that the land of Israel would no longer produce crops, so they could no longer live there (Deuteronomy 11:17). He warned them, that He would withhold the rain, and cause the land of Israel to become a desert (Isaiah 5:3-6). He warned them, that they would responsible for the rain being withheld from the land of Israel, if they rebelled against Him (Jeremiah 5:20-25).
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they did not listen to Him, including what He said about that Prophet like unto Moses, then the land of Israel would no longer produce crops (Leviticus 26:18-20). He warned them, that a powerful nation, like the Roman Empire, would totally destroy every crop that grew in the land of Israel (Joel 1:6-12). He warned them, when this destruction came, that the livestock, and even the wildlife, would removed from the land of Israel (Joel 1:15-20).
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that even the fish in the Sea of Galilee would be taken away, along with the birds and wild animals off the land of Israel, if they refused to walk in His truth (Hosea 4:1-3). He warned them, that the fishes of the Sea of Galilee, the birds of the air, and the wild animals of the land, would all be taken away from the land of Israel, if they refused to seek after Him by following His religion (Zephaniah 1:2-6).
The Father of Truth had warned the people of Israel, that the land of Israel would become so desolate, that it would amaze everyone who visited it, like Mark Twain (Leviticus 26:32). He had warned them, that if they rejected His ways, then the Promised Land would become very desolate (Deuteronomy 29:23-25). He warned them, that He would cause the mountains of Israel to become desolate, if they did what He found to be abominable (Ezekiel 33:28-29). He warned them, that the land of Israel would cease to be pleasant, and would become so desolate, that people would not even want to pass through it, when He scattered them among all ethnic groups (Zechariah 7:14).
The Father of Truth said, that the land of Israel would be remain a barren wilderness, instead of a land of fields and forests, until the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was poured upon the people of Israel (Isaiah 32:15). He said, that things would change when they accepted His Redeemer, the Man of Truth, so that His Spirit would be upon them, and His Word would be in their mouths (Isaiah 59:20-21). He said, that the land of Israel would begin to become fruitful again, when He began giving a new heart to those among them, whom He put the Spirit of Truth in (Ezekiel 36:26-30). He said, that the former and latter rain would returned to the land of Israel, after they began returning to walking in His ways (Hosea 6:1-3).
He began returning the abundance of fish in the Sea of Galilee, along with the birds and wildlife, when the people of Israel began returning to Him and the land of Israel (Isaiah 60:1-5). He sent the rain again, because those among them who strived to walk in all of His ways for all of their days, by following His Shepard, the Man of Truth, have asked Him to send the rain to the land of Israel (Zechariah 10:1-2).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the language of Israel became extinct, remained so for about 1300 years, and then came back into existence in the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth warned, that He would send oppressors, who spoke in other languages, if the people of Israel did not listen to His voice in their own language, which was spoken through that Prophet like unto Moses (Deuteronomy 28:45-52). He said, that since they would not listen to His message in their own language, given through that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would speak to them through other people, who spoke another language (Isaiah 28:9-13). He said, that they would learn to speak in the language of their oppressors, when they were scattered to live in the lands of their oppressors, because they would not listen to His words, which were spoken to them by His Prophet in their own language (Jeremiah 5:15-19).
The Father of Truth began causing the people of Israel to speak plainly in their own language, when they began to submit the Man of Truth, His righteous King (Isaiah 32:1-4). He began restoring the Hebrew language back to them, when they began call upon the name of the the Man of Truth, to serve the Father of Truth in one accord and humility (Zephaniah 3:9-12).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the land of Israel became full of disease, remained so for about 1900 years, and then became a place of health and healing.
The Father of Truth caused the land of Israel to devour those who tried live in it with disease for about 1900 years (Ezekiel 36:13).
The Father of Truth began to heal the people of Israel of these diseases, when they began to return to keeping the Law of Truth, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses (Exodus 15:26). He cause these plagues to be removed from the land of Israel, when those among them, who had new hearts through faith in the Man of Truth, prayed towards Jerusalem for these plagues to be removed (1 Kings 8:37-39). He has heard their prayers, removed the plagues, and healed the land of Israel, because they humbled themselves by admitting that they had sinned, by rejecting that Prophet like unto Moses, sought the face of the Father of Truth, by coming to know that Prophet like unto Moses, and turned from their wicked ways, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses (2 Chronicles 7:13-14). He began to heal the people in the land of Israel, when they began to return to Him (Hosea 6:1).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the military of Israel ceased to be strong, was weak for about 1800 years, and then returned to being strong in the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they walked contrary to Him, like rejecting that Prophet like unto Moses, then their enemies wage war against them, and utterly defeat them in the land of Israel (Leviticus 26:24-25). He warned them, that He would cause them to flee before their enemies, and be forced out of the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 28:25).
The Father of Truth began giving the people of Israel victory of their enemies in the land of Israel, when they began obey His Angel who spoke His words - the Man of Truth (Exodus 23:20-22). He began putting the curse of fleeing from the land of Israel in defeat upon the enemies of the people of Israel, when they began to return to obeying that Prophet like unto Moses - the Man of Truth (Deuteronomy 30:7-8). He began causing their military to become mighty again, after they stopped following shepherds that He did not send, and turned again to following His Shepherd - the Man of Truth (Zechariah 10:3-9).
The military of Israel began becoming strong again in the land of Israel, when the Spirit of Truth began becoming strong again in the people of Israel (Ezekiel 37:10-14).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the economy of the land of Israel went into a deep depression, remained so for about 1800 years, and then quickly became one of the most vibrant economies on Earth.
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they would not listen to him in everything, including obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would destroy their real estate market (Leviticus 26:27-32). He warned them, that if they did not walk in His ways, including obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then He take away their understanding that allows them to prosper, and they would become impoverished (Deuteronomy 28:28-29). He warned them, that they would go from lending to the Gentiles, to borrowing from the Gentiles (Deuteronomy 28:43-46).
He caused the wealth of the land of Israel to be taken away for about 1800 years, because they would not walk in his ways, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses (Isaiah 42:21-24).
The Father of Truth began restoring the real estate market in the land of Israel, when they began to come into obedience to the One Way, which He had provided for them to be able to obey Him from their heart, that Prophet like unto Moses (Jeremiah 32:39-44). He began restoring their real estate market, when they began receiving a new spirit, the Spirit of Truth, as they were cleansed of their sin (Ezekiel 36:25-33).
The Father of Truth began to make the people of Israel have plenty in the land of Israel, when they began to obey the Law of Truth concerning that Prophet like unto Moses, who turned their hearts to Him (Deuteronomy 30:8-10). He began causing the people of Israel to prosper in the land of Israel, when they began being cleansed of their sin through faith in the Man of Truth (Jeremiah 33:7-9).
The Father of Truth began making the wealth of the land of Israel increase, when the people of Israel began accepting His covering for sin, the Man of Truth (Psalm 85:1-12). He began returning wealth to the land of Israel, when the people of Israel began returning to Him through the Holy One of Israel, the Man of Truth, and to the land of Israel (Isaiah 60:6-9).
This rejection of the Man of Truth, and then repentance, is why the government of Israel became extinct, remained so for about 1800 years, and then came back into existence in the land of Israel.
The Father of Truth promised to give the people of Israel a ruler from their own people, when they were in the land of Israel (Deuteronomy 17:14-15). He promised that this ruler would rule them in accordance with the Law of Truth (Deuteronomy 17:18-20).
The Father of Truth warned the people of Israel, that if they did not obey what He commanded, including obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would cause their enemies to rule over them (Leviticus 26:14-17). He warned them, that they would serve their enemies, like the Ottoman Turks, since they would not serve Him (Deuteronomy 28:47-48).
The Father of Truth began raising up rulers from among the people of Israel, to rule over them in the land of Israel, when they began to return to obeying Him in the land of Israel (Jeremiah 17:23-25). He began to do this good thing for them, when they began to come into obedience to the One Way, which He had provided for them to be able to obey Him from their heart, that Prophet like unto Moses (Jeremiah 32:37-42).
It is impossible, for the things that have happened concerning Israel to have happened, in the way that they have happened, often at the hands of Gentiles, who had no knowledge, that they were fulfilling with their actions, what had already been written thousands of years earlier, without the Father of Truth causing these things. It is absolutely absurd to believe, that Israel just apoofed into existence, on its own, for no reason at all.
The impossible country of Israel is the most astounding proof today, that the Father of Truth exists.
So, it is absolutely foolish to deny the existence of the Father of Truth (Psalm 14:1). It is absolutely foolish to do so, when the Impossible Country is proof of His existence (Jeremiah 31:35-37). It is absolutely foolish to do so, when the universe itself is proof of His existence (Romans 1:20-22).
So, even though there are many reasons to be convinced that the Father of Truth made everything, and the Book of Truth (The Bible) really contains His message to the human race, I would be convinced by the existence of Israel alone, if it was the only evidence that there was.
The Book of Truth does not just tell the history of the Impossible Country - before it every occurred. It also tells the history of the Impossible Man - the Man of Truth. This history started being written about 2000 years - before any of it ever occurred.
The Book of Truth also provides a reliable history of how the first part of what had been written about the Impossible Man, came to pass about 2000 years ago.
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible birth of the Man of Truth, centuries before it happened (Isaiah 7:14). The Man of Truth had this impossible birth, that they had written about centuries earlier (Matthew 1:23).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible words spoken by the Man of Truth, centuries before they were spoken (Deuteronomy 18:18). The Man of Truth spoke these impossible words, that they had written about centuries earlier (John 12:49).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible works of the Man of Truth, centuries before they were done (Isaiah 29:18-19). The Man of Truth performed these impossible works, that they had written about centuries earlier (Luke 7:21-22).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible circumstances of the death of the Man of Truth, centuries before they occurred (Psalm 22:1-18). The Man of Truth died the impossible death, that they had written about centuries earlier (Matthew 27:35-46).
The Prophets of Truth told about the impossible resurrection of the Man of Truth, centuries before it happened (Psalm 16:8-11). The Man of Truth had this impossible resurrection, that they had written about centuries earlier (Acts 2:25-32).
So, the Impossible Country is astounding proof that the Father of Truth exists, that the Book of Truth contains His message to the human race, and that the Man of Truth is His only means of salvation.
The only reasonable response to the Impossible Country is to come into the House of Truth.
The Father of Truth not only raised the Impossible Country from the dead, but He raised the Man of Truth from the dead (Romans 4:24-25). He will in like manner raise your life from the dead, if you will come into the House of Truth (Romans 6:2-4). So, it is only reasonable to come into the House of Truth, by submitting to the Man of Truth in total surrender, since the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
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