Only The Worthy
Is every Christian going to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture?
When I was eight, I went down to an altar at the Baptist church in town. Although, I was very serious about it, most people were not. It was just something that people did at that age in our town - just like people getting a license to drive when they turned sixteen.
Basically, the pastor told me to repeat after him.
I confessed to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) that I was not perfect, which anyone who is not a complete egotistical jerk is going to admit. I then told Him that I was sorry for not being perfect. Then I asked Him to forgive me for not being perfect.
After repeating the magic words, the pastor told me that I was born again. However, I did not feel or act any different than before.
From that time on, I had terrible dreams about the entire world being plunged into a period of great famines, wars, plagues, and natural disasters. These things lead to massive death and destruction on a global basis.
In these dreams, there was this evil dictator who demanded that everyone take his mark, or they could neither buy nor sale anything. Those who were caught without his mark were given a choice: take his mark - or have their heads cut off. These dreams always ended the same way: with me laying face up on a guillotine watching the blade come down. I always woke up at this point.
When I was ten, my mother had us start going to the Methodist church in the country with my grandma. A circuit pastor would show up every third week or so. In this church, people called the book of Revelation, "The Forbidden Book". They believed that only a trained minister could understand it and that the regular members in the pews should not even open it.
When I was sixteen, for some reason that I did not understand at the time, I felt a great need to read The Revelation. At the time, it seemed that I might have been doing it just because other people had said not to do it. However, it was more than just typical teenage pushing of the boundaries. Although I did not know it, the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was drawing to read it.
When I read it, it scared me half to death. I may have had those same dreams over a thousand times by this time. I was quite familiar with them. Yet, here they were in this two-thousand year old book.
This got my attention, and I started reading the rest of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) to see what I needed to do. (I read it twice, once in a single marathon sitting, and a second time more slowly over the course of a month or two.)
Then a couple of days before I turned twenty, I came to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in total surrender, and put him in charge of every area of my life. Immediately, I felt new and clean on the inside. My behavior began changing for the better. I no longer lived in fear that the monster within would take me over and cause me to do horrendous things.
It was the first time that I was truly alive. Every moment before that day, I was just sucking air and occupying space. This was the moment I became alive.
That night I had the same dream as before, except that right before the world was plunged into all of this terrible trouble, I was taken off the Earth and met with the Man of Truth in the clouds. My regular clothes were gone and I was dressed completely in white. Then millions of us dressed in white watched everything unfold on the Earth. Let me tell you, everything looks different when you are on the winning side!
After a number of years went by in this dream, I and the rest of these spectators became participants. We were given white horses and followed the Man of Truth into battling with the armies of the evil dictator. We could not be harmed by any weapon that his army had. We just went through them like a fire through a corn field. When it was over, there was blood all the way up to the bridal of our horses.
The Man of Truth then had everyone destroyed that had taken the mark of the evil dictator. After that, he became the ruler of the entire world and we ruled with him forever.
Now, I did not know what was going on, but I knew that this was no ordinary dream.
I read though the Renewed Covenant again, but this time I learned that these events were in there as well. This confirmed that my dreams and visions were from the Spirit of Truth, when I found they agreed with what was written in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
After that, I learned that the terrible years were called, "The Tribulation" and the meeting with the Man of Truth in the air was called "The Rapture". I also learned that there was great disagreement over the sequence of these events. Believers in these events were either "Pre-Trib", "Mid-Trib", or "Post-Trib", depending upon when they believed the Rapture occurred with respect to the Tribulation.
However, I had never heard of these things before I had that dream. Our country Methodist church was "No-Trib". We had no idea that there was a Tribulation or a Rapture.
We just thought that Christians just died and went to be with the Man of Truth in Heaven. (We did believe in the resurrection of the righteous, but we basically believed that the resurrected lived in gloried bodies in Heaven.)
Now this new dream made sense. I had not known that I had participated in the Rapture right before the Tribulation began in this new dream.
So, will every Christian on Earth escape the Tribulation through the Rapture?
On the surface, the obvious answer seems to be yes. After all, the Father of Truth does not take collateral damage when He brings down judgment.
This is at the root of one of the biggest arguments against a Pre-Trib rapture.
It is obvious that there will be Christians on the Earth during the Tribulation. Millions of people will come into the House of Truth during the Tribulation (Revelation 7:14). Millions of Christians will come to love the Man of Truth more than their own lives during the Tribulation (Revelation 12:10-11). Millions of Christians will become martyrs during the Tribulation (Revelation 14:12-13). Millions of Christians will have their heads cut off during the Tribulation (Revelation 20:4).
Some have argued, that these Tribulation martyrs all became Christians, after all the previous Christians were taken off the Earth in the Rapture.
However, they could not have became Christians without someone telling them the Good News, for faith only comes when someone that already believes the Good News is sent to tell others (Romans 10:13-15).
However, some have said that there will did not need to be any Christians on Earth to proclaim the Gospel, because there will be other witnesses sent to proclaim the Gospel during the Tribulation.
There will be 144,000 Jewish men, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel, sealed to serve as witnesses during the Tribulation (Revelation 7:3-8). These 144,000 Jewish men will cause many to come into the House of Truth (Revelation 7:9-10).
There will be two men who will come down from Heaven and testify to the Good News about the Man of Truth during the Tribulation (Revelation 11:3-6). They will continue to do this until the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) kills them (Revelation 11:7). These two witnesses will demonstrate what the Man of Truth did when they are resurrected and go to back up to Heaven (Revelation 11:8-12). It is certain that many will come into the House of Truth due to these two witnesses (Revelation 11:13).
There will be an Angel of Truth sent to proclaim the Good News to everyone on Earth (Revelation 14:6-7). This will also cause more people to come into the House of Truth (Revelation 14:12).
However, if we look at the sequence of events in detail, then we find that not everyone who will become a Christian during the Tribulation, will have been able to come into the House of Truth through one of these other witnesses.
The 144,000 Jewish men will be sealed on Earth after the sixth seal will be opened (Revelation 6:12-17). They will already sealed when the seventh seal will be opened and seven Angels of Truth will be given seven trumpets to blow (Revelation 8:1-2).
The two witnesses will come down from Heaven after the sixth Angel of Truth has blown his trumpet (Revelation 9:13-19). They will have already returned to Heaven before the seventh Angel of Truth will blow his trumpet (Revelation 11:15-19).
The Angel of Truth will be sent to preach the Gospel after the 144,000 Jewish men have been taken to Heaven (Revelation 14:1-5).
However, there will have already been many Christian martyrs killed during the Tribulation when the fifth seal will be opened (Revelation 6:9-11).
So, there will already be Christians in the Tribulation before the 144,000 Jewish men will be sealed, before the two witnesses will come down from Heaven, and before the Angel of Truth will proclaim the Good News to everyone on Earth.
This is true, whether you consider the trumpet events to come after the seal events, or as a parallel presentation of the same events. (The seals and trumpets could be different views of the same events in the same way that the Gospels are different views of the same events.)
These Christians will have to have heard the Good News from someone in order for them to have come into the House of Truth.
Since this is the case, then it follows that not every Christian on Earth could have escaped the Tribulation through the Rapture.
This had lead some to argue that the Rapture will not be able to happen until at least the 144,000 Jewish men are sealed. (They will obviously come into the House of Truth before they are sealed. Someone obviously will have to tell them the Good News before that as well.)
This has lead others to argue that the Rapture will not happen until after the Angel of Truth will proclaim the Good News to everyone on Earth.
However, neither of these views consider everything that the Renewed Covenant says about the Rapture and the Tribulation.
The Man of Lies cannot even be revealed by demonstrating the power of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) until that which hinders the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) from leading people into lawlessness is taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:6-10).
Some have said, that this means the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that will taken out of the way, but that cannot be the case. The Spirit of Truth cannot be taken off this Earth, because nobody can come into the House of Truth without the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:9). Since people will come into the House of Truth throughout the Tribulation, then the Spirit of Truth will NOT be taken off the Earth to allow the Man of Lies to be revealed.
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) hinder these Spirits of Lies by leading people away from lawlessness and into obedience to the Father of Truth (Acts 26:18-20). The body of Messiah hinders these Spirit of Lies by living in obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) in the way demonstrated by the Man of Truth (Romans 13:8-14). The body of Messiah hinders these Spirit of Lies by refusing to participate in lawlessness, but instead speaking out against lawlessness (Ephesians 5:3-11). Day by day, they continue to wage war against these Spirits of Lies (Ephesians 6:11-17).
So, the Children of Truth must be taken off the Earth, so that these Spirits of Lies can work unhindered in causing the Man of Lies to be revealed by demonstrating the power of the Father of Lies.
So, on the surface, there seems to be a contradiction. Christians must be taken away from the Earth before the Tribulation can begin to allow the Tribulation to begin, but Christians must also be on the Earth when the Tribulation begins to bring the Good News to other people during the Tribulation.
However, there is no contradiction here.
The Man of Truth plainly described the Tribulation that will come upon the Earth, which culminates in his return to the Earth (Luke 21:25-27). He does not say that every Christian will escape this snare that traps everyone on Earth in a living Hell, but only the worthy will escape (Luke 21:35-36).
So, only the worthy will escape the Tribulation through the Rapture, but the rest will go through the Tribulation. Not every Christian will escape the Tribulation. Only the worthy will.
Only the worthy are going to hear the sound of the trumpet. The rest are not going to be able say, "Beam me up" like Captain Kirk to escape the danger at the last moment.
Only the worthy are going to be looking for the signs that the Tribulation is approaching with anticipation, because it means that their redemption will soon be here (Luke 21:28-31). Only the worthy, who are be fully awake, living in the light, and soberly watching for the signs of the approach of the Tribulation, will escape it (1 Thessalonians 5:4-6).
Only the worthy understand that Greece rising is a sign that the Tribulation will soon come upon the Earth. The signs of the times like this motivate them to take action, for they understand that they are living in the time of the signs.
The rest of the Christians are sleeping.
These sleeping Christians are so caught up in everyday life in this world, that they are unaware that they are living on the verge of the Tribulation (Luke 21:34). They are unaware that the Tribulation will come upon everyone, who is not living in the light, like a thief in the night, and none of them will escape it (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3). They are unaware that many Christians will have to leave off living like the Children of Truth, in order for the Man of Lies to be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
They see that evil is continuing to grow on this Earth and it causes their love for the Man of Truth to grow cold (Matthew 24:12). They are not looking for his kingdom, because they have not invested in his kingdom (Luke 12:31-34). They do not invest their time in doing the things that renew their minds to make them more like the Man of Truth, but are trying to fit in with the world (Romans 12:1-2). They ignore the commandment to not love the things of this world, like secular music (secular means "of the world"), that glorify the things that are contrary to the Father of Truth (1 John 2:15-16).
These Christians are sleeping because they have fallen for the great deception that they can follow the Man of Truth without following his instructions. They are sleeping because they have ignored the call of 9-11. They are sleeping because they believe that they are the chosen few, who have been given salvation as eternal possession through the predestination of the Father of Truth, regardless of how they live their lives. They are sleeping because they believe that they can have eternal security, without producing the evidence of faith. They are sleeping because they believe that they have already secured a permanent job in the kingdom of the Man of Truth, without needing to do anything. They are sleeping, because they do not understand that it is how you end that determines everything.
They are sleeping because they are in pursuit of bigger, better, newer things in this temporary world, instead of pursuing everlasting things in the eternal world to come. They are sleeping because they have not separated themselves from this world, since they have been taken in by the partial deception that comes when scripture is taken out of context.
They may be sleeping because they have been told another gospel based on a translation with the Book of Truth (The Bible) with the one disturbing sentence in it. They may be sleeping because they have been mesmerized by a snake in the leaves that has kept them from seeing the hidden danger.
They are sleeping because they are as unaware of the danger that they are in, just like those who were sleeping in Galveston. These sleeping Christians will need something dramatic to happen to wake them out of their slumber.
So, when the fullness of the Day of Alarming sounds, it will awaken many of these Christians that have been sleeping in darkness to start living in the light. It will be too late for them to avoid the Tribulation, but it will not be too late for them to avoid the Chamber of Horrors.
These Christians were not be hindering the Spirits of Lies from leading people into lawlessness before the Tribulation, but they will lead other people into the House of Truth during the Tribulation.
Since only the worthy are going to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture, then what do you have to do to be accounted worthy?
It starts with always watching for the signs of the approaching Tribulation and continually praying to be accounted worthy to escape ALL of the Tribulation (Luke 21:36).
The worthy are always watching, because only those who watching for the Man of Truth will be blessed when he comes without warning (Luke 12:36-38). The worthy are always watching, because they do not know when he will come to steal them away from this world (Luke 12:39-40). The worthy are always seeking to do his will, so he will find them doing his will and reward them, when he comes for those worthy to rule with him (Luke 12:42-44). The worthy are always seeking to do his will, because they do not want be punished with tribulation for not doing his will, when he comes for those worthy to rule with him (Luke 12:45-48).
The worthy are always watching, because they can look of the signs that the Man of Truth will be coming for them soon, even though they cannot know the exact time (Matthew 24:32-36). The worthy are always watching, because they know that the Tribulation will come upon the people of this world, who will going about everyday life without a clue of the judgment they will face (Matthew 24:37-42).
The Children of Truth become worthy by living their lives in a manner worthy of their calling (Ephesians 4:1-3). They live their lives in a worthy manner by filling themselves with the knowledge of the Father of Truth and being strengthened by the Spirit of Truth (Colossians 1:9-11). They live their lives in a worthy manner because they believe what is written in the Book of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:12-13). They are worthy to escape the Tribulation that the Father of Truth will bring upon those who brought tribulation upon them for carrying out His will (2 Thessalonians 1:4-10). They are worthy because they are carrying out the will of the Father of Truth and bringing glory with to the Man of Truth with how they live their lives (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12).
So the worthy are those who are doing their part in carrying out the Great Commission. The worthy want to know how to fully carry out the Great Commission. The worthy are willing to give the last full measure of devotion in doing the will of the Father of Truth. The worthy understand that you only die once, so they are willing to make their death count for His kingdom.
The Children of Truth cannot do these things on their own strength, because these things are contrary to the nature of their flesh.
The Children of Truth can not do these things by keeping the Law of Truth in their own strength, because their flesh will not allow them to keep it (Romans 8:3). They must have the Spirit of Truth renew their minds, because the mind dominated by the flesh opposes the Law of Truth and cannot obey it (Romans 8:6-8).
The Children of Truth can only do the righteous things written in the Law of Truth by learning to let the Spirit of Truth lead them in how to live their lives (Romans 8:4-5). This is the only way that they can put to death the deeds of their flesh (Romans 8:13). When they follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth, then they will not fulfill the desires of their flesh, but do what the Law of Truth calls right, instead of coming under condemnation for violating the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:14-18). So the fruits of the Spirit of Truth will show that they are living in the light, instead of the works of the flesh showing that they are living in darkness (Galatians 5:19-25).
So, the Children of Truth must never stop making time to pray (Luke 18:1). They need to pray without ceasing, so that the Spirit of Truth can help them to live in the light and avoid living in the darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:17-23).
(The prayers of the Children of Truth will be more effective if they are producing the sound of power. The Spirit of Truth will literally be putting words in their mouths, so that they are praying in the impossible language. There are five ways to start the fire of the Spirit of Truth burning in them, so all of the Children of Truth have some way to turn on the power.
The Spirit of Truth helps the Children of Truth overcome their weakness when they pray in tongues - even when they do not know what they should pray (Romans 8:26-27). The Spirit of Truth prays though them, what their minds cannot understand, to supplement their praying in their own language (1 Corinthians 14:14-15). They can more clearly see what is going on and receive the strength to persevere by spending time praying in the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 6:18). Their faith is made strong enough to live a worthy life when they spend time praying in the Spirit of Truth (Jude 1:20-25).)
So, you need to head the warning of "People Get Ready", if you want be counted in that number when the Saints go marching in.
When the Rapture occurs, it will be the moment I become alive in way that I have never known. I am going to continue to watch and pray, so that I can continue to live in the light and avoid the darkness, because only the worthy are going to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture.
The first step to being accounted worthy is coming into the House of Truth. That is when you start being accounted as worthy, like I was in my dream, after I came to the Man of Truth in total surrender. After that, you just need to stay in the House of Truth to remain worthy, because you will become more like the Man of Truth by doing so. After all, you are saved by faith, but grow by knowledge.
You come into the House of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
When I was eight, I went down to an altar at the Baptist church in town. Although, I was very serious about it, most people were not. It was just something that people did at that age in our town - just like people getting a license to drive when they turned sixteen.
Basically, the pastor told me to repeat after him.
I confessed to the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) that I was not perfect, which anyone who is not a complete egotistical jerk is going to admit. I then told Him that I was sorry for not being perfect. Then I asked Him to forgive me for not being perfect.
After repeating the magic words, the pastor told me that I was born again. However, I did not feel or act any different than before.
From that time on, I had terrible dreams about the entire world being plunged into a period of great famines, wars, plagues, and natural disasters. These things lead to massive death and destruction on a global basis.
In these dreams, there was this evil dictator who demanded that everyone take his mark, or they could neither buy nor sale anything. Those who were caught without his mark were given a choice: take his mark - or have their heads cut off. These dreams always ended the same way: with me laying face up on a guillotine watching the blade come down. I always woke up at this point.
When I was ten, my mother had us start going to the Methodist church in the country with my grandma. A circuit pastor would show up every third week or so. In this church, people called the book of Revelation, "The Forbidden Book". They believed that only a trained minister could understand it and that the regular members in the pews should not even open it.
When I was sixteen, for some reason that I did not understand at the time, I felt a great need to read The Revelation. At the time, it seemed that I might have been doing it just because other people had said not to do it. However, it was more than just typical teenage pushing of the boundaries. Although I did not know it, the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) was drawing to read it.
When I read it, it scared me half to death. I may have had those same dreams over a thousand times by this time. I was quite familiar with them. Yet, here they were in this two-thousand year old book.
This got my attention, and I started reading the rest of the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) to see what I needed to do. (I read it twice, once in a single marathon sitting, and a second time more slowly over the course of a month or two.)
Then a couple of days before I turned twenty, I came to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) in total surrender, and put him in charge of every area of my life. Immediately, I felt new and clean on the inside. My behavior began changing for the better. I no longer lived in fear that the monster within would take me over and cause me to do horrendous things.
It was the first time that I was truly alive. Every moment before that day, I was just sucking air and occupying space. This was the moment I became alive.
That night I had the same dream as before, except that right before the world was plunged into all of this terrible trouble, I was taken off the Earth and met with the Man of Truth in the clouds. My regular clothes were gone and I was dressed completely in white. Then millions of us dressed in white watched everything unfold on the Earth. Let me tell you, everything looks different when you are on the winning side!
After a number of years went by in this dream, I and the rest of these spectators became participants. We were given white horses and followed the Man of Truth into battling with the armies of the evil dictator. We could not be harmed by any weapon that his army had. We just went through them like a fire through a corn field. When it was over, there was blood all the way up to the bridal of our horses.
The Man of Truth then had everyone destroyed that had taken the mark of the evil dictator. After that, he became the ruler of the entire world and we ruled with him forever.
Now, I did not know what was going on, but I knew that this was no ordinary dream.
I read though the Renewed Covenant again, but this time I learned that these events were in there as well. This confirmed that my dreams and visions were from the Spirit of Truth, when I found they agreed with what was written in the Book of Truth (The Bible).
After that, I learned that the terrible years were called, "The Tribulation" and the meeting with the Man of Truth in the air was called "The Rapture". I also learned that there was great disagreement over the sequence of these events. Believers in these events were either "Pre-Trib", "Mid-Trib", or "Post-Trib", depending upon when they believed the Rapture occurred with respect to the Tribulation.
However, I had never heard of these things before I had that dream. Our country Methodist church was "No-Trib". We had no idea that there was a Tribulation or a Rapture.
We just thought that Christians just died and went to be with the Man of Truth in Heaven. (We did believe in the resurrection of the righteous, but we basically believed that the resurrected lived in gloried bodies in Heaven.)
Now this new dream made sense. I had not known that I had participated in the Rapture right before the Tribulation began in this new dream.
So, will every Christian on Earth escape the Tribulation through the Rapture?
On the surface, the obvious answer seems to be yes. After all, the Father of Truth does not take collateral damage when He brings down judgment.
This is at the root of one of the biggest arguments against a Pre-Trib rapture.
It is obvious that there will be Christians on the Earth during the Tribulation. Millions of people will come into the House of Truth during the Tribulation (Revelation 7:14). Millions of Christians will come to love the Man of Truth more than their own lives during the Tribulation (Revelation 12:10-11). Millions of Christians will become martyrs during the Tribulation (Revelation 14:12-13). Millions of Christians will have their heads cut off during the Tribulation (Revelation 20:4).
Some have argued, that these Tribulation martyrs all became Christians, after all the previous Christians were taken off the Earth in the Rapture.
However, they could not have became Christians without someone telling them the Good News, for faith only comes when someone that already believes the Good News is sent to tell others (Romans 10:13-15).
However, some have said that there will did not need to be any Christians on Earth to proclaim the Gospel, because there will be other witnesses sent to proclaim the Gospel during the Tribulation.
There will be 144,000 Jewish men, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel, sealed to serve as witnesses during the Tribulation (Revelation 7:3-8). These 144,000 Jewish men will cause many to come into the House of Truth (Revelation 7:9-10).
There will be two men who will come down from Heaven and testify to the Good News about the Man of Truth during the Tribulation (Revelation 11:3-6). They will continue to do this until the Man of Lies (The Antichrist aka The Beast) kills them (Revelation 11:7). These two witnesses will demonstrate what the Man of Truth did when they are resurrected and go to back up to Heaven (Revelation 11:8-12). It is certain that many will come into the House of Truth due to these two witnesses (Revelation 11:13).
There will be an Angel of Truth sent to proclaim the Good News to everyone on Earth (Revelation 14:6-7). This will also cause more people to come into the House of Truth (Revelation 14:12).
However, if we look at the sequence of events in detail, then we find that not everyone who will become a Christian during the Tribulation, will have been able to come into the House of Truth through one of these other witnesses.
The 144,000 Jewish men will be sealed on Earth after the sixth seal will be opened (Revelation 6:12-17). They will already sealed when the seventh seal will be opened and seven Angels of Truth will be given seven trumpets to blow (Revelation 8:1-2).
The two witnesses will come down from Heaven after the sixth Angel of Truth has blown his trumpet (Revelation 9:13-19). They will have already returned to Heaven before the seventh Angel of Truth will blow his trumpet (Revelation 11:15-19).
The Angel of Truth will be sent to preach the Gospel after the 144,000 Jewish men have been taken to Heaven (Revelation 14:1-5).
However, there will have already been many Christian martyrs killed during the Tribulation when the fifth seal will be opened (Revelation 6:9-11).
So, there will already be Christians in the Tribulation before the 144,000 Jewish men will be sealed, before the two witnesses will come down from Heaven, and before the Angel of Truth will proclaim the Good News to everyone on Earth.
This is true, whether you consider the trumpet events to come after the seal events, or as a parallel presentation of the same events. (The seals and trumpets could be different views of the same events in the same way that the Gospels are different views of the same events.)
These Christians will have to have heard the Good News from someone in order for them to have come into the House of Truth.
Since this is the case, then it follows that not every Christian on Earth could have escaped the Tribulation through the Rapture.
This had lead some to argue that the Rapture will not be able to happen until at least the 144,000 Jewish men are sealed. (They will obviously come into the House of Truth before they are sealed. Someone obviously will have to tell them the Good News before that as well.)
This has lead others to argue that the Rapture will not happen until after the Angel of Truth will proclaim the Good News to everyone on Earth.
However, neither of these views consider everything that the Renewed Covenant says about the Rapture and the Tribulation.
The Man of Lies cannot even be revealed by demonstrating the power of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) until that which hinders the Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) from leading people into lawlessness is taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:6-10).
Some have said, that this means the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) that will taken out of the way, but that cannot be the case. The Spirit of Truth cannot be taken off this Earth, because nobody can come into the House of Truth without the Spirit of Truth (Romans 8:9). Since people will come into the House of Truth throughout the Tribulation, then the Spirit of Truth will NOT be taken off the Earth to allow the Man of Lies to be revealed.
The Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) hinder these Spirits of Lies by leading people away from lawlessness and into obedience to the Father of Truth (Acts 26:18-20). The body of Messiah hinders these Spirit of Lies by living in obedience to the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) in the way demonstrated by the Man of Truth (Romans 13:8-14). The body of Messiah hinders these Spirit of Lies by refusing to participate in lawlessness, but instead speaking out against lawlessness (Ephesians 5:3-11). Day by day, they continue to wage war against these Spirits of Lies (Ephesians 6:11-17).
So, the Children of Truth must be taken off the Earth, so that these Spirits of Lies can work unhindered in causing the Man of Lies to be revealed by demonstrating the power of the Father of Lies.
So, on the surface, there seems to be a contradiction. Christians must be taken away from the Earth before the Tribulation can begin to allow the Tribulation to begin, but Christians must also be on the Earth when the Tribulation begins to bring the Good News to other people during the Tribulation.
However, there is no contradiction here.
The Man of Truth plainly described the Tribulation that will come upon the Earth, which culminates in his return to the Earth (Luke 21:25-27). He does not say that every Christian will escape this snare that traps everyone on Earth in a living Hell, but only the worthy will escape (Luke 21:35-36).
So, only the worthy will escape the Tribulation through the Rapture, but the rest will go through the Tribulation. Not every Christian will escape the Tribulation. Only the worthy will.
Only the worthy are going to hear the sound of the trumpet. The rest are not going to be able say, "Beam me up" like Captain Kirk to escape the danger at the last moment.
Only the worthy are going to be looking for the signs that the Tribulation is approaching with anticipation, because it means that their redemption will soon be here (Luke 21:28-31). Only the worthy, who are be fully awake, living in the light, and soberly watching for the signs of the approach of the Tribulation, will escape it (1 Thessalonians 5:4-6).
Only the worthy understand that Greece rising is a sign that the Tribulation will soon come upon the Earth. The signs of the times like this motivate them to take action, for they understand that they are living in the time of the signs.
The rest of the Christians are sleeping.
These sleeping Christians are so caught up in everyday life in this world, that they are unaware that they are living on the verge of the Tribulation (Luke 21:34). They are unaware that the Tribulation will come upon everyone, who is not living in the light, like a thief in the night, and none of them will escape it (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3). They are unaware that many Christians will have to leave off living like the Children of Truth, in order for the Man of Lies to be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
They see that evil is continuing to grow on this Earth and it causes their love for the Man of Truth to grow cold (Matthew 24:12). They are not looking for his kingdom, because they have not invested in his kingdom (Luke 12:31-34). They do not invest their time in doing the things that renew their minds to make them more like the Man of Truth, but are trying to fit in with the world (Romans 12:1-2). They ignore the commandment to not love the things of this world, like secular music (secular means "of the world"), that glorify the things that are contrary to the Father of Truth (1 John 2:15-16).
These Christians are sleeping because they have fallen for the great deception that they can follow the Man of Truth without following his instructions. They are sleeping because they have ignored the call of 9-11. They are sleeping because they believe that they are the chosen few, who have been given salvation as eternal possession through the predestination of the Father of Truth, regardless of how they live their lives. They are sleeping because they believe that they can have eternal security, without producing the evidence of faith. They are sleeping because they believe that they have already secured a permanent job in the kingdom of the Man of Truth, without needing to do anything. They are sleeping, because they do not understand that it is how you end that determines everything.
They are sleeping because they are in pursuit of bigger, better, newer things in this temporary world, instead of pursuing everlasting things in the eternal world to come. They are sleeping because they have not separated themselves from this world, since they have been taken in by the partial deception that comes when scripture is taken out of context.
They may be sleeping because they have been told another gospel based on a translation with the Book of Truth (The Bible) with the one disturbing sentence in it. They may be sleeping because they have been mesmerized by a snake in the leaves that has kept them from seeing the hidden danger.
They are sleeping because they are as unaware of the danger that they are in, just like those who were sleeping in Galveston. These sleeping Christians will need something dramatic to happen to wake them out of their slumber.
So, when the fullness of the Day of Alarming sounds, it will awaken many of these Christians that have been sleeping in darkness to start living in the light. It will be too late for them to avoid the Tribulation, but it will not be too late for them to avoid the Chamber of Horrors.
These Christians were not be hindering the Spirits of Lies from leading people into lawlessness before the Tribulation, but they will lead other people into the House of Truth during the Tribulation.
Since only the worthy are going to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture, then what do you have to do to be accounted worthy?
It starts with always watching for the signs of the approaching Tribulation and continually praying to be accounted worthy to escape ALL of the Tribulation (Luke 21:36).
The worthy are always watching, because only those who watching for the Man of Truth will be blessed when he comes without warning (Luke 12:36-38). The worthy are always watching, because they do not know when he will come to steal them away from this world (Luke 12:39-40). The worthy are always seeking to do his will, so he will find them doing his will and reward them, when he comes for those worthy to rule with him (Luke 12:42-44). The worthy are always seeking to do his will, because they do not want be punished with tribulation for not doing his will, when he comes for those worthy to rule with him (Luke 12:45-48).
The worthy are always watching, because they can look of the signs that the Man of Truth will be coming for them soon, even though they cannot know the exact time (Matthew 24:32-36). The worthy are always watching, because they know that the Tribulation will come upon the people of this world, who will going about everyday life without a clue of the judgment they will face (Matthew 24:37-42).
The Children of Truth become worthy by living their lives in a manner worthy of their calling (Ephesians 4:1-3). They live their lives in a worthy manner by filling themselves with the knowledge of the Father of Truth and being strengthened by the Spirit of Truth (Colossians 1:9-11). They live their lives in a worthy manner because they believe what is written in the Book of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:12-13). They are worthy to escape the Tribulation that the Father of Truth will bring upon those who brought tribulation upon them for carrying out His will (2 Thessalonians 1:4-10). They are worthy because they are carrying out the will of the Father of Truth and bringing glory with to the Man of Truth with how they live their lives (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12).
So the worthy are those who are doing their part in carrying out the Great Commission. The worthy want to know how to fully carry out the Great Commission. The worthy are willing to give the last full measure of devotion in doing the will of the Father of Truth. The worthy understand that you only die once, so they are willing to make their death count for His kingdom.
The Children of Truth cannot do these things on their own strength, because these things are contrary to the nature of their flesh.
The Children of Truth can not do these things by keeping the Law of Truth in their own strength, because their flesh will not allow them to keep it (Romans 8:3). They must have the Spirit of Truth renew their minds, because the mind dominated by the flesh opposes the Law of Truth and cannot obey it (Romans 8:6-8).
The Children of Truth can only do the righteous things written in the Law of Truth by learning to let the Spirit of Truth lead them in how to live their lives (Romans 8:4-5). This is the only way that they can put to death the deeds of their flesh (Romans 8:13). When they follow the leading of the Spirit of Truth, then they will not fulfill the desires of their flesh, but do what the Law of Truth calls right, instead of coming under condemnation for violating the Law of Truth (Galatians 5:14-18). So the fruits of the Spirit of Truth will show that they are living in the light, instead of the works of the flesh showing that they are living in darkness (Galatians 5:19-25).
So, the Children of Truth must never stop making time to pray (Luke 18:1). They need to pray without ceasing, so that the Spirit of Truth can help them to live in the light and avoid living in the darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:17-23).
(The prayers of the Children of Truth will be more effective if they are producing the sound of power. The Spirit of Truth will literally be putting words in their mouths, so that they are praying in the impossible language. There are five ways to start the fire of the Spirit of Truth burning in them, so all of the Children of Truth have some way to turn on the power.
The Spirit of Truth helps the Children of Truth overcome their weakness when they pray in tongues - even when they do not know what they should pray (Romans 8:26-27). The Spirit of Truth prays though them, what their minds cannot understand, to supplement their praying in their own language (1 Corinthians 14:14-15). They can more clearly see what is going on and receive the strength to persevere by spending time praying in the Spirit of Truth (Ephesians 6:18). Their faith is made strong enough to live a worthy life when they spend time praying in the Spirit of Truth (Jude 1:20-25).)
So, you need to head the warning of "People Get Ready", if you want be counted in that number when the Saints go marching in.
When the Rapture occurs, it will be the moment I become alive in way that I have never known. I am going to continue to watch and pray, so that I can continue to live in the light and avoid the darkness, because only the worthy are going to escape the Tribulation through the Rapture.
The first step to being accounted worthy is coming into the House of Truth. That is when you start being accounted as worthy, like I was in my dream, after I came to the Man of Truth in total surrender. After that, you just need to stay in the House of Truth to remain worthy, because you will become more like the Man of Truth by doing so. After all, you are saved by faith, but grow by knowledge.
You come into the House of Truth, when you surrender control of your life to the Man of Truth, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Commitment, Prophecy, Rapture, Sanctification
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