Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Book of Daniel

Does the Book of Daniel belong in the Prophets or the Writings?

The Christian ordering of the books of the Original Covenant (Tanakh aka The Old Testament) places the book of Daniel in the Prophets.  The Rabbinic ordering of the books of the Original Covenant places the book of Daniel in the Writings.  Which is correct?

The Book of Daniel is placed in the Historical section of the Writings in the Tenakh, instead of the Prophets, because the Talmud says that Daniel was not a Prophet of Truth, but a mere recipient of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost).  It also points out that the first six chapters of the book of Daniel deal with the court life in the Babylonian, and Medo-Persian empires.  Therefore, the Talmud says that it is a historic writing and not a prophetic book.

However, almost all of the books of the Prophets contain some history as well.  For example, Isaiah 36-39 is entirely a history of the interactions between Isaiah and King Hezekiah.

So, the inclusion of history in a book alone is not enough to make the book belong in the Historical Writings.

The Rabbis also maintained that the book of Daniel was compiled during the time of the Maccabees, since Daniel describes events celebrated by the Festival of Lights, when the Faithful Priest Matthias showed that resistance is essential, when a tyrant like Antiochus Epiphanes tried to extinguish the light of the Law of Truth (Daniel 11:21-35).  Since the book of Daniel does not describe the final end of Antiochus Epiphanes, they says that it must have been finished being compiled between the defeat of Antiochus Epiphanes by the Maccabees, the last historical event in the Book of Daniel according to the Talmud, and the death of Antiochus Epiphanes.

So, one of their arguments that it is part of the Historical Writings, instead of part of the Prophets, is that the events it described were too clear and accurate!

In reality, the defeat of Antiochus Epiphanes by the Maccabees is not the last historical event in the Book of Daniel.  The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple is a historical event in the book of Daniel, which happened about two hundred years after the defeat of Antiochus Epiphanes by the Maccabees (Daniel 9:26).  The book of Daniel was plainly written before then, since it was quoted by the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) about forty years before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (Matthew 24:15).  
In fact, parts of the Book of Daniel, including this passage, were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written more than one hundred years before Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed.  The Dead Sea Scrolls also contain the sections concerning the Maccabees more than thirty years before they occurred.

Daniel could have only written history beforehand if he was a prophet like the Man of Truth says (Mark 13:14).

In fact, the history of the Maccabees in Daniel was written beforehand.  It was written during the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede, several hundred years before the time of the Maccabees (Daniel 11:1).

This argument is no different than the arguments that the skeptics of the Book of Truth (The Bible) used to make about Isaiah 53 and Psalms 22.  These skeptics used to claim that these chapters had to have been written by Christians after the crucifixion of the Man of Truth, because they were so accurate!

These chapters too were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls!   These chapters were also history written before hand!

So, the clearness and accuracy of the events of the Maccabees in the book of Daniel only goes to show that Daniel was a Prophet of Truth, who wrote history beforehand.

The other argument of the Rabbis is, that the far reaching nature of the prophecies in the book of Daniel are unprecedented in the Law of Truth (Torah aka The Law) and the Prophets.

The fact is that the Law of Truth foretold the entire history of the people of Israel from the time that they entered into the Promised Land to their ejection from the Promised Land for rebellion against the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) to their scattering to the ends of the Earth to their regathering back to the Promised Land.  This is more than four thousand years of history written before hand, which is way more than the two thousand two hundred years of history written before hand found in the Book of Daniel.

In fact, the Law of Truth and many of books of the Prophets tell about how the people of Israel went from the Promised Land to the ends of the Earth and back again, long before these events occurred.

Also, other books of the Prophets include the Return of the King to begin the Messianic Age in the aftermath of the Great War that ends this age.  The book of Isaiah even goes further, until the Eternal Age that follows the Messianic Age, when a new Heaven and new Earth will replace the current Heaven and Earth (Isaiah 66:22-24)!

The book of Daniel however, only goes to the end of the Messianic Age, when the wicked that have died are raised to face judgement, and the righteous that have died are raised to enter the Eternal Age  (Daniel 12:1-3).

So, the book of Daniel is not more far reaching than the Law of Truth or the Prophets.  The Law of Truth and the Prophets set a precedence to which the book of Daniel adheres.

So by the every measure, the Book of Daniel belongs in the Prophets.

So, why all of this effort in the Talmud to discredit the book of Daniel as belonging in the Prophets?

The book of Daniel makes it very plain that the Messiah of Israel would die and when he would die!  This removes all doubt about the identity of the Messiah of Israel!

The decree to rebuild Jerusalem would mark the beginning point for determining the time of the death of the Messiah, 483 years after the decree was given (Daniel 9:25-26).  (Each week represents a period of seven years.  A period of seven weeks (49 years) to complete the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and then another period of sixty-two years (434 years) after the rebuilding of Jerusalem was completed until the Messiah was killed.)

This decree was given in the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes, emperor of the Persian Empire (Nehemiah 2:1-8).  This was 453 BC.

The walls of Jerusalem were finished that same year, but the city was mostly empty of houses, streets, and people (Nehemiah 7:1-4).  The city was finished being built internally and populated forty-nine years later.  This would be 404 BC, the year that Darius II took the throne and Johanan was recorded as the High Priest (Nehemiah 12:22-23).

(Johanan was still the high priest in Jerusalem in 387 BC, the seventh year of the reign of Darius II according to the Elephantine papyri.)

The Man of Truth was crucified on the day of preparation, in the month of Nisan, in 31 AD (John 19:13-15).  (The year of the death of the Man of Truth is certain since he was born in the first month on the Biblical calendar in 2 BC.)   This was exactly to the month, and possibly to day, 483 years after the decree was given to rebuild Jerusalem!

(Passover is in the first month of the Biblical Year (Leviticus 23:5).  Nisan the Babylonian name for the first month of the Biblical year (Esther 3:7) ).

Thirty-nine years later, in 70 AD, Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Romans as written beforehand in the book of Daniel.

So, everything in the book of Daniel came to pass in the manner that it was written beforehand.  Jerusalem was rebuilt in 49 years, the Messiah of Israel was killed 434 years later, and then Jerusalem was destroyed after that.  This removes any possibility that the Man of Truth is not the Messiah of Israel.  That is the real reason that the book of Daniel is not counted as part of the Prophets by the Rabbis.

The Rabbis are liars about the book of Daniel!  This is just another example of Rabbinic Distort! 

So, all that remains is whether or not you are going to accept the truth about the identity of the Messiah of Israel, which is made plain by the book of Daniel!

The Father of Truth did not just leave the Messiah of Israel dead to decay in the grave, but raised him from the dead as foretold in more history written beforehand (Psalm 16:10).  

The Man of Truth was was raised from the dead, as King David had written beforehand, to let the people of Israel know that he is the Messiah of Israel (Acts 2:25-36).  As King David had written beforehand, the Man of Truth was slain through the efforts of the people of Jerusalem, but the Father of Truth raised him from the dead to provide forgiveness for sins (Acts 13:27-38).

The Father of Truth raised the Man of Truth from the dead, so that all people can know for certain that he is the Messiah of Israel, who will judge every person at the end of the Messianic Age (Acts 17:31).

Therefore come into the House of Truth, by surrendering control of your life to the Messiah of Israel, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Come into the House of Truth!


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