Supernatural Garments
Are Jewish prayer shawls really supernatural garments?
I have met people who will not pray without wearing their tallits (Jewish prayer shawls). Some of them seek to wear tallits everywhere they go whether it is a tallit gadol (great tallit) over their regular clothing or a tallit katan (small tallit) under their regular clothing.
There are various reasons for this. In some cases people are wearing tallits as a way to obey the commandment that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave to the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) through Moses (Moishe) when the Children of Truth were in the wilderness to put tzitzits (tassels with one blue thread) on the corners of their clothing so that they would not forget His commandments (Numbers 15:38-40). They point out that there is great precedent for the Children of Truth wearing tallits because the Prophets of Truth and Apostles of Truth wore tallits throughout the Book of Truth (The Bible). They understand that tallits were the cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs that Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) made and used in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).
However, the wearing of tallits often takes on another dimension beyond a way to obey this commandment that was given to Moses in the wilderness. I have heard some people say that wearing tallits makes their prayers more effective. Others say that wearing a tallit brings the wearer under the provision and protection to the Father of Truth. This line of thinking continues on to say that wearing a tallit make the wearer more like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) because he wore tallits. They will point out how often tallits are mentioned in the Book of Truth and that tallits are frequently connected to various demonstrations of supernatural power. They will point out the times that tallits were connected to deliverance from trouble.
So in summary the claim is that wearing tallits will cause the Father of Truth to be more tentative to your prayers, bring you under the protection and provision of the Father of Truth, make you more like the Man of Truth, cause you to be able to operate in supernatural powers and bring supernatural deliverance to others. In short, tallits take on a quality of being supernatural garments.
So are tallits really supernatural garments?
The best way to answer that question is to find the answers in the Book of Truth to several related questions.
Do tallits bring supernatural deliverance?
Jael (Yah'el) the Kenite used a tallit gadol in lulling Sisera the Canaanite general to sleep so she could kill him with a tent peg to bring about deliverance for Israel (Judges 4:18-21).
Did the tallit gadol really bring about the deliverance of Israel from Sisera?
The Father of Truth had spoken through Deborah the Prophetess of Truth to Barak that he was going to lead the armies of Israel against Sisera at the Kishon river to bring about the deliverance of Israel (Judges 4:4-7). However, since Barak did not trust His word enough to go to battle without Deborah accompanying him Deborah told him that the Father of Truth would use the hand of a woman to kill Sisera (Judges 4:8-10). Then everyone in the army of Sisera was killed at the Kishon river except Sisera (Judges 4:12-16).
Heber the Kenite had separated himself from the other Kenites who were aligned with the Israelites (Judges 4:11). Sisera thought that he was safe when he came to Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite because Heber the Kenite had aligned himself with the king of the Canaanites (Judges 4:17). Jael killed Sisera the Canaanite general because she plainly believed that the Father of Truth would deliver Israel from the king of the Canaanites (Judges 4:22-24).
So Sisera the Canaanite general died at the hands of a woman because Barak was not confident enough in the word of the Father of Truth to act without Deborah going with him. Jael was that woman who killed Sisera because she had enough confidence in His word that it lead her to action when there was no one else with her. The tallit gadol was only one of several instruments that Jael used to bring about what the Father of Truth had already said would happen. It was confidence in the Father of Truth that lead to action which brought about the death of Sisera.
Is political power tied to the condition of a tallit?
It was the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel (Shmuel) the Prophet of Truth that King Saul (Shaul) accidentally tore that caused Samuel to announce that the kingdom of Israel would be torn from the hand of King Saul in the same way (1 Samuel 15:27-29).
Did King Saul really lose the kingdom because he had accidentally torn the tallit gadol of a Prophet of Truth?
The Father of Truth had sent King Saul on a mission to carry out His will (1 Samuel 15:17-18). Instead of carrying out the mission completely King Saul compromised to please other people (1 Samuel 15:19-21). King Saul had disobeyed the commandment of the Father of Truth and shown himself to be untrustworthy to rule on behalf of the Father of Truth (1 Samuel 15:22-23). The Father of Truth simply could not have someone rule on His behalf who could be swayed by the crowd into disobeying Him (1 Samuel 15:24-26).
So it was allowing other people to turn King Saul from fulfilling the mission that the Father of Truth had given him that caused King Saul to lose the kingdom. The king that ruled on behalf of the Father of Truth was supposed to cause the people to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth. Instead the people caused the king to disobey the Father of Truth. That is like letting the inmates run the asylum.
So when King Saul accidentally tore the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel then Samuel used that as illustration that the kingdom was going to be torn from his hands due to his disobedience. If King Saul had fully obeyed the Father of Truth but had still accidentally torn the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel then he would not have been told that the kingdom was going to be torn from his hand in the same way. It was his disobedience to the Father of Truth that caused him to lose the kingdom. His losing the kingdom had nothing to do with tearing the corner off the tallit gadol of a Prophet of Truth.
Does a tallit protect the wearer from anything besides the weather?
The corner of the tallit gadol often overshadows young children who are clinging to the legs of their parents for protection similar to the wing of a bird overshadowing its young. So being overshadowed or under the corner of a tallit gadol signifies being under the provision and protection of the wearer of the tallit gadol. Therefore being under the provision and protection of the wearer of the tallit gadol is often metaphorically referred to as being under the shadow of their wing.
In fact the Man of Truth rebuked the Rabbis for enlarging the tzitzits on their tallit gadols in order to appear to be righteous to other people (Matthew 23:5-7). The truth is that a tallit gadol cannot cover the sin of anyone to make them righteous but righteousness only comes knowing from the Man of Truth and His Father (John 15:22-24). So wearing a tallit gadol is totally useless to anyone who covers their life with covetousness like a man wearing a tallit gadol instead of living a life that is pleasing to the Father of Truth (1 Thessalonians 2:3-6). Those who fear the Father of Truth do not wear a tallit gadol as a means of hiding their evil intentions instead of treating other people right (1 Peter 2:15-17).
When the Man of Truth was on the Earth the woman with the issue of blood was healed by touching the corner of His tallit gadol (Mark 5:25-29). Later everyone in the region of the Gennesaret who touched his tallit gadol was also healed (Mark 6:53-56).
Did the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth heal these people?
Malachi the Prophet of Truth had said that there would healing in the corners of the tallit gadol of the Messiah of Israel (Malachi 4:2). The woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her confidence that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel had lead to taking action by touching the corner of the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth (Mark 5:34). The people of Gennesaret were also healed when they touched the corner of his tallit gadol because they recognized that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Mark 6:53-54).
Not only that but the Gentile woman of Canaan had her daughter healed by the Man of Truth without touching his tallit gadol because she believed that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 15:22-28). The Man of Truth healed blind Bartimaeus when blind Bartimaeus threw off his tallit gadol because blind Bartimaeus recognized him as the Messiah of Israel (Mark 10:46-52). It was the confidence that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel that caused the Samaritan leper to be healed without touching the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth and then having his missing body parts grow back when this Gentile gave glory to the Father of Truth for the Messiah of Israel (Luke 17:12-19).
It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that flowed out of the Man of Truth that healed the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:30-33). It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that flowed out of the Man of Truth that healed everyone who heard his words and that he touched (Luke 6:17-19).
The Man of Truth was full of the power of the Spirit of Truth from the moment that he was baptized (Luke 4:1). The Man of Truth operated in the power of the Spirit of Truth from the moment he began his ministry (Luke 4:13-15). The Man of Truth had an endless amount of the power of the Spirit of Truth (John 3:34).
So it was the Spirit of Truth that healed people and not the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth. People were healed because they recognized that the Man of Truth was first and foremost the Messiah of Israel.
People were also healed by the tallit katans (small tallits) that were worn like aprons and handkerchiefs under the clothes of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) (Acts 19:11-12).
So did the tallit katans of Paul the Jew heal the sick?
The Man of Truth had said that believers would lay hands on the sick to them and cast out Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) from people when he sent his disciples out on the great commission (Mark 16:17-18). He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth before going into all the world (Acts 1:4-5). Then all of his disciple who obeyed his instructions were baptized with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:1-4). After being that people were healed just by the shadow of Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) falling on them without even touching his tallit gadol (Acts 5:14-16).
Years later Paul the Jew was unable to go to people personally and they could not come to him because he was disputing in the yeshiva of Tyrannus for two years to bring people into the House of Truth from all over the region of Asia (western Turkey) (Acts 19:8-10). It was the Father of Truth who brought about the special miracles - not the tallit katans (Acts 19:11). The tallit katans were only sent as his representatives to carry the power of the Spirit of Truth on his behalf to heal those who had faith in the Man of Truth who was represented by the blue thread in the tzitzit on each corner of these tallit katans (Acts 19:12).
Paul the Jew only healed people by the power of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 15:18-19). It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that served as proof that the Good News about the Man of Truth was true (1 Corinthians 2:3-5). In fact Paul the Jew did not even have to be personally present nor did his tallits need to be present for the power of the Spirit of Truth that had been given to him by the Man of Truth to work (1 Corinthians 5:3-5).
So it was the Spirit of Truth that healed people and not the tallit katans of the Paul the Jew. People were healed because they had faith in the Man of Truth that the blue thread in the tzitzit on each corner represented. They were healed because they had confidence that lead to action on the promise that the Messiah of Israel would have healing in the corners of his tallit.
So a tallit does have any healing power in itself. The healing power is not about the tallit. The healing power is about the Spirit of Truth working through the wearer of the tallit. The Spirit of Truth does not need someone to wear a tallit of any sort to bring healing to other people though someone. The Spirit of Truth heals those who have confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action.
So is there any reason to wear a tallit?
So it has been demonstrated that tallits are not supernatural garments. Tallits do not bring about supernatural deliverance. Tallits do not control political destiny. Tallits do not give people authority to act as prophets. Tallits do not have miracle working power. Tallits do not protect the wearer from anything except the weather. Tallits do not bring the wearer closer to the Father of Truth. Tallits do not possess healing power.
This does not mean that tallits did not come from the Father of Truth. It is just that tallits must not be given a place that He did not intend. We must be careful to not put our trust in things that come from the Father of Truth instead putting our trust in the Father of Truth. We must be careful to not turn things that come from Him into idols.
For example, the Father of Truth had Moses build the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:10-11). Yet when Israel depended upon it to deliver them from the Philistines, instead of relying on the Father of Truth, they lost the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:3-11).
Similarly the Father of Truth had Moses create the brass serpent in the wilderness to bring deliverance from a plague that He had sent to destroy those who had rebelled against Him and Moses (Numbers 21:6-8). Yet King Hezekiah was commended by the Father of Truth for destroying the brass serpent that Moses made because the Israelites had turned it into an idol (2 Kings 18:1-6).
The purpose of a tallit gadol is help identify the Children of Truth to the world just like a police uniform identifies a policeman to the world.
This is why King Saul was able to identify Samuel by his tallit gadol (1 Samuel 28:14-15). This is how the Gentiles will be able to identify the Jewish Children of Truth in the future so they can be taken to Jerusalem to seek the Father of Truth (Zechariah 8:22-23). This is why Paul the Jew thought that it was worth sending Timothy the Jew (Timotheus) hundreds of miles out of his way to pick up his tallit gadol that he had left in Troas even though he wanted Timothy the Jew to arrive in Rome before Winter (2 Timothy 4:13-21).
However wearing a tallit does not make someone part of the Children of Truth anymore than wearing a police uniform makes someone a policeman. The Children of Truth are not defined by possessing material things that come from the Father of Truth.
For example, the Philistines eventually sent the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel because possessing the Ark of the Covenant without knowing the Author of the Covenant had brought them nothing but trouble (1 Samuel 5:9-11). In like manner the sons of Sceva, who were wearing tallit gadols, were beat up by a man possessed by Spirits of Lies when they tried to pass themselves off as being in the House of Truth (Acts 19:13-16).
It is taking action because you believe the Word of Truth that brings deliverance. It is obedience or disobedience to known will of the Father of Truth that determines political destiny. It is the Father of Truth who gives someone the authority to act as His prophet. It is the Spirit of Truth who works miracles through the Children of Truth. It is being close to the Father of Truth that brings His protection and provision upon the Children of Truth. It is the blood of the Man of Truth and loving your neighbor as yourself that brings you close to the Father of Truth. The Spirit of Truth heals everyone who has confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action.
Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only beneficial to those who are already in the House of Truth (Romans 2:25). Like circumcision, keeping the weightier matters of the law is more important than wearing tallits (Romans 2:26-27). Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only beneficial if it is an outward expression of an inward experience (Romans 2:28-29). Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only meant to identify those who have received the Word of Truth (Romans 3:1-2). Like circumcision, the Children of Truth are defined by their relationship with the Father of Truth and not by wearing a tallit (Romans 3:28-30). While circumcision in the flesh is a cut above the rest of every other way that people mark themselves it is meaningless without the better circumcision of the heart. It is the same way with wearing tallits.
So are there supernatural garments?
The Children of Truth are the Children of Truth whether or not they are wearing a tallit just like a policeman is a policeman whether or not he is wearing his uniform. It is being in the House of Truth that brings the blessing of the Father of Truth. It is wearing the supernatural garments that He has provided that brings His blessing.
So wearing a tallit is only helpful to those who first cloth themselves with righteousness and wear zeal for the Father of Truth like a tallit gadol so that they are imitating the Man of Truth (Isaiah 59:17). It is more important to put on all of the armor that the Father of Truth has provided so the Children of Truth can stand up against the attacks of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) than to wear a tallit (Ephesians 6:11-13). It is being clothed with truth and peace, wearing confidence in the salvation that the Man of Truth has bought with his blood, speaking the Word of Truth and praying in the Spirit of Truth that brings the protection of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 6:14-18). Wearing a tallit was never meant to be a substitute for clothing oneself with humility (1 Peter 5:5). These are the supernatural garments that the Father of Truth has provided.
No one can wear these supernatural garments from the Father of Truth unless they first come into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth is the only one that can bring people into the House of Truth where His Father lives (John 14:6). He will give the Spirit of Truth to those who come into the House of Truth (John 15:26). Everyone who surrenders control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believe the Father of Truth raised him from the dead comes into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-13). The Father of Truth provides supernatural garments to everyone who comes into the House of Truth (2 Peter 1:2-4).
Come into the House of Truth.
I have met people who will not pray without wearing their tallits (Jewish prayer shawls). Some of them seek to wear tallits everywhere they go whether it is a tallit gadol (great tallit) over their regular clothing or a tallit katan (small tallit) under their regular clothing.
There are various reasons for this. In some cases people are wearing tallits as a way to obey the commandment that the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) gave to the Children of Truth (those who obey The Father of Truth because they love Him) through Moses (Moishe) when the Children of Truth were in the wilderness to put tzitzits (tassels with one blue thread) on the corners of their clothing so that they would not forget His commandments (Numbers 15:38-40). They point out that there is great precedent for the Children of Truth wearing tallits because the Prophets of Truth and Apostles of Truth wore tallits throughout the Book of Truth (The Bible). They understand that tallits were the cloaks, aprons and handkerchiefs that Paul the Jew (Shual aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) made and used in the Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament).
However, the wearing of tallits often takes on another dimension beyond a way to obey this commandment that was given to Moses in the wilderness. I have heard some people say that wearing tallits makes their prayers more effective. Others say that wearing a tallit brings the wearer under the provision and protection to the Father of Truth. This line of thinking continues on to say that wearing a tallit make the wearer more like the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) because he wore tallits. They will point out how often tallits are mentioned in the Book of Truth and that tallits are frequently connected to various demonstrations of supernatural power. They will point out the times that tallits were connected to deliverance from trouble.
So in summary the claim is that wearing tallits will cause the Father of Truth to be more tentative to your prayers, bring you under the protection and provision of the Father of Truth, make you more like the Man of Truth, cause you to be able to operate in supernatural powers and bring supernatural deliverance to others. In short, tallits take on a quality of being supernatural garments.
So are tallits really supernatural garments?
The best way to answer that question is to find the answers in the Book of Truth to several related questions.
Do tallits bring supernatural deliverance?
Jael (Yah'el) the Kenite used a tallit gadol in lulling Sisera the Canaanite general to sleep so she could kill him with a tent peg to bring about deliverance for Israel (Judges 4:18-21).
Did the tallit gadol really bring about the deliverance of Israel from Sisera?
The Father of Truth had spoken through Deborah the Prophetess of Truth to Barak that he was going to lead the armies of Israel against Sisera at the Kishon river to bring about the deliverance of Israel (Judges 4:4-7). However, since Barak did not trust His word enough to go to battle without Deborah accompanying him Deborah told him that the Father of Truth would use the hand of a woman to kill Sisera (Judges 4:8-10). Then everyone in the army of Sisera was killed at the Kishon river except Sisera (Judges 4:12-16).
Heber the Kenite had separated himself from the other Kenites who were aligned with the Israelites (Judges 4:11). Sisera thought that he was safe when he came to Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite because Heber the Kenite had aligned himself with the king of the Canaanites (Judges 4:17). Jael killed Sisera the Canaanite general because she plainly believed that the Father of Truth would deliver Israel from the king of the Canaanites (Judges 4:22-24).
So Sisera the Canaanite general died at the hands of a woman because Barak was not confident enough in the word of the Father of Truth to act without Deborah going with him. Jael was that woman who killed Sisera because she had enough confidence in His word that it lead her to action when there was no one else with her. The tallit gadol was only one of several instruments that Jael used to bring about what the Father of Truth had already said would happen. It was confidence in the Father of Truth that lead to action which brought about the death of Sisera.
Is political power tied to the condition of a tallit?
It was the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel (Shmuel) the Prophet of Truth that King Saul (Shaul) accidentally tore that caused Samuel to announce that the kingdom of Israel would be torn from the hand of King Saul in the same way (1 Samuel 15:27-29).
Did King Saul really lose the kingdom because he had accidentally torn the tallit gadol of a Prophet of Truth?
The Father of Truth had sent King Saul on a mission to carry out His will (1 Samuel 15:17-18). Instead of carrying out the mission completely King Saul compromised to please other people (1 Samuel 15:19-21). King Saul had disobeyed the commandment of the Father of Truth and shown himself to be untrustworthy to rule on behalf of the Father of Truth (1 Samuel 15:22-23). The Father of Truth simply could not have someone rule on His behalf who could be swayed by the crowd into disobeying Him (1 Samuel 15:24-26).
So it was allowing other people to turn King Saul from fulfilling the mission that the Father of Truth had given him that caused King Saul to lose the kingdom. The king that ruled on behalf of the Father of Truth was supposed to cause the people to obey the commandments of the Father of Truth. Instead the people caused the king to disobey the Father of Truth. That is like letting the inmates run the asylum.
So when King Saul accidentally tore the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel then Samuel used that as illustration that the kingdom was going to be torn from his hands due to his disobedience. If King Saul had fully obeyed the Father of Truth but had still accidentally torn the corner of the tallit gadol of Samuel then he would not have been told that the kingdom was going to be torn from his hand in the same way. It was his disobedience to the Father of Truth that caused him to lose the kingdom. His losing the kingdom had nothing to do with tearing the corner off the tallit gadol of a Prophet of Truth.
It was the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that David cut off when he spared the life of King Saul
(1 Samuel 24:4-7). It was showing the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that proved that David could have killed King Saul but instead protected King Saul from his men (1 Samuel 24:8-11). It was the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that convinced King Saul that David would take his place as the king of Israel (1 Samuel 24:18-20).
Did David become the next king of Israel because he cut the corner off of the tallit gadol of King Saul?
The tallit gadol did not make David merciful so he could inherit the kingdom by the will of the Father of Truth. It was acknowledging that the Father of Truth had anointed Saul as the king of Israel that caused David to spare King Saul. It was not cutting off the corner of the tallit gadol of King Saul that caused David to gain the kingdom. It was disobeying the Father of Truth that had cause King Saul to be cut off from the Father of Truth so that he lost the kingdom. King Saul lost the kingdom because he lost his connection to the Father of Truth. David gained the kingdom because he guarded his connection to the Father of Truth.
Then another Prophet of Truth named Ahijah (Achiyah) tore his own tallit gadol on purpose to announce that most of the kingdom of Israel would be given to Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:29-35).
So did Jeroboam really gain most of the kingdom of Israel because a Prophet of Truth tore his own tallit gadol on purpose?
King Solomon (Shlomo) had also turned from obeying the Father of Truth fully due to the influence of other people (1 Kings 11:6-8). The Father of Truth was angry that King Solomon could not be trusted to lead those he ruled over in obeying His commandments (1 Kings 11:9-10). So it already been announced to King Solomon that his descendants would lose most of the kingdom of Israel due to his disobedience to the Father of Truth (1 Kings 11:11-13). Ahijah the Prophet only tore his tallit gadol into twelve pieces and gave ten to Jeroboam to show that he was the man chosen by the Father of Truth to rule over most of the Kingdom of Israel instead the descendants of King Solomon (1 Kings 11:29-32). Most of the kingdom was being taken away from the descendants of King David because his son did not obey the Father of Truth in carrying out His will like King David had (1 Kings 11:33-35).
Like King Saul, King Solomon did not obey the commandments of the Father of Truth fully. Like King Saul, King Solomon failed because he was swayed into disobedience by those he ruled over. Similar to King Saul, he was told that his descendants would lose most of the kingdom for his actions. The Father of Truth still wanted a king that would lead the people into obeying him and King Solomon had turned away from being that king just like King Saul had. The
descendants of King Solomon losing most of the kingdom of Israel had
nothing to do with a Prophet of Truth tearing their own tallit gadol.
So in
reverse of the accidental tearing of the tallit gadol of Samuel by King Saul that was used to illustrate that the kingdom of Israel would be taken from King Saul, the Prophet of Truth Ahijah tore his own tallit gadol to illustrate that most of the kingdom of Israel would be taken from the descendants of King Solomon. Both times the kingdom of Israel was lost because the king of Israel had compromised in carrying out the will of the Father of Truth in order to please the people they ruled over. Both times the king of Israel was told that the kingdom was going to be given to someone else before the tallit gadol of the Prophet of Truth was torn. The tallit gadol of the Prophet of Truth was only torn to illustrate what had already been announced. The changes in political destiny had nothing to do with a tallit gadol being torn on accident or on purpose.
Is the authority of a Prophet of Truth wrapped up in their tallit?
Years later Elijah (Eliyahu) the Prophet of Truth placed his tallit gadol on the shoulders of Elishah to show that he was going to succeed him in being the chief Prophet of Truth in Israel (1 Kings 19:19). When Elijah went up in the chariot of fire he dropped his tallit gadol to Elishah (2 Kings 2:11-13).
So did Elishah replace Elijah as a Prophet of Truth because he wore the tallit gadol of Elijah?
The Father of Truth had already chosen Elishah to be the next Prophet of Truth before Elijah ever placed his tallit gadol upon the shoulders of Elishah (1 Kings 19:15-17). Elishah was chosen because he was one of the seven thousand men in Israel that still lived in the House of Truth (1 Kings 19:18). Elishah only received the tallit gadol of Elijah because he had refused to leave Elijah until Elijah was taken off the Earth (2 Kings 2:1-6).
So Elishah replaced Elijah as the Prophet of Truth due to his faithfulness to the Father of Truth. Elishah only wore the tallit gadol of Elijah when he took the place of Elijah because he had refused to be separated from Elijah. Elishah still would have been a Prophet of Truth even if he had not worn the tallit gadol of Elijah. Elishah was chosen to be a Prophet of Truth because he had already shown that he would be faithful to do what the Father of Truth commanded.
Is there miracle working power in a tallit?
it came time for Elijah to leave the Earth he parted the Jordan river
by rolling up his tallit gadol and striking the Jordan river with it (2 Kings 2:7-8). After Elijah left the Earth then Elishah did the same thing with the tallit gadol that Elijah gave him (2 Kings 2:14).
Did the tallit gadol give Elijah and Elishah the ability to perform miracles like parting the Jordan river?
had asked for twice as much of the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka
The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) to be on him as was on Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-10).
It was the Spirit of Truth working through Elijah and Elishah that
allowed them to perform miracles like parting the Jordan river (2 Kings 2:15).
having the Spirit of Truth allowed them to part the Jordan river with
the tallit gadol of Elijah. It was the Spirit of Truth that performed
miracles though the Prophets of Truth who listened to the Spirit of
Truth and did what the Spirit of Truth told them to do.
The corner of the tallit gadol often overshadows young children who are clinging to the legs of their parents for protection similar to the wing of a bird overshadowing its young. So being overshadowed or under the corner of a tallit gadol signifies being under the provision and protection of the wearer of the tallit gadol. Therefore being under the provision and protection of the wearer of the tallit gadol is often metaphorically referred to as being under the shadow of their wing.
In the same way David compared the provision and protection of the Father of Truth to be under the corner of His tallit gadol (Psalm 17:8). In like manner the Children of Truth putting their trust in being under the corner of His tallit gadol means that they are in a relationship with the Father of Truth that bring them under His provision and protection (Psalm 36:7-9). Those who trust the Father of Truth cling to Him under the corner of His tallit gadol in times of danger (Psalm 57:1). They know that clinging to the Father of Truth like a child who is under the corner of His tallit gadol will give them refuge from any storm (Psalm 61:3-5). The Children of Truth are happy to be under the corner of His tallit gadol because they know that being close to the Father of Truth has brought them provision and protection (Psalm 63:7).
This provision and protection does not come from wearing a tallit gadol. This protection comes from being so close to the Father of Truth that it is as if you were a child clinging to His leg under the corner of His tallit gadol.
Does wearing a tallit gadol make anyone closer to the Father of Truth?
It was the corners of the tallit gadol where the blood of the innocents was found on those Jews who had lived wickedly (Jeremiah 2:33-35). The corners of the tallit gadol have no power to make anything clean if it is unclean (Haggai 2:11-13). The blood of the Man of Truth alone has the power to make people clean (1 John 1:7).
Wearing a tallit gadol makes no one cleaner in the eyes of the Father of Truth. It is the atoning blood of the Man of Truth that makes you clean from sin.
For this reason the Man of Truth told the Children of Truth to give up their tallit gadol (cloak) also when they lost their regular clothing (coat) in a court case to show that they would go farther than the minimum that the court required to make things right with their neighbor (Matthew 5:40). In like manner he said that the Children of Truth should be willing to give up their regular clothing (coat) as well if they lost their tallit gadol (cloak) in a case (Luke 6:29).
This provision and protection does not come from wearing a tallit gadol. This protection comes from being so close to the Father of Truth that it is as if you were a child clinging to His leg under the corner of His tallit gadol.
Does wearing a tallit gadol make anyone closer to the Father of Truth?
It was the corners of the tallit gadol where the blood of the innocents was found on those Jews who had lived wickedly (Jeremiah 2:33-35). The corners of the tallit gadol have no power to make anything clean if it is unclean (Haggai 2:11-13). The blood of the Man of Truth alone has the power to make people clean (1 John 1:7).
Wearing a tallit gadol makes no one cleaner in the eyes of the Father of Truth. It is the atoning blood of the Man of Truth that makes you clean from sin.
For this reason the Man of Truth told the Children of Truth to give up their tallit gadol (cloak) also when they lost their regular clothing (coat) in a court case to show that they would go farther than the minimum that the court required to make things right with their neighbor (Matthew 5:40). In like manner he said that the Children of Truth should be willing to give up their regular clothing (coat) as well if they lost their tallit gadol (cloak) in a case (Luke 6:29).
So treating other people right is more important than wearing a tallit gadol.
So wearing a tallit gadol does not make the heart of anyone righteous. Righteousness only comes from total surrender to the Man of Truth who brings about a transformation of the heart that makes it self known by loving other people in the way that the Father of Truth intended.
Is there healing power in a tallit?
Did the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth heal these people?
Malachi the Prophet of Truth had said that there would healing in the corners of the tallit gadol of the Messiah of Israel (Malachi 4:2). The woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her confidence that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel had lead to taking action by touching the corner of the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth (Mark 5:34). The people of Gennesaret were also healed when they touched the corner of his tallit gadol because they recognized that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Mark 6:53-54).
Not only that but the Gentile woman of Canaan had her daughter healed by the Man of Truth without touching his tallit gadol because she believed that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel (Matthew 15:22-28). The Man of Truth healed blind Bartimaeus when blind Bartimaeus threw off his tallit gadol because blind Bartimaeus recognized him as the Messiah of Israel (Mark 10:46-52). It was the confidence that the Man of Truth was the Messiah of Israel that caused the Samaritan leper to be healed without touching the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth and then having his missing body parts grow back when this Gentile gave glory to the Father of Truth for the Messiah of Israel (Luke 17:12-19).
It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that flowed out of the Man of Truth that healed the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:30-33). It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that flowed out of the Man of Truth that healed everyone who heard his words and that he touched (Luke 6:17-19).
The Man of Truth was full of the power of the Spirit of Truth from the moment that he was baptized (Luke 4:1). The Man of Truth operated in the power of the Spirit of Truth from the moment he began his ministry (Luke 4:13-15). The Man of Truth had an endless amount of the power of the Spirit of Truth (John 3:34).
So it was the Spirit of Truth that healed people and not the tallit gadol of the Man of Truth. People were healed because they recognized that the Man of Truth was first and foremost the Messiah of Israel.
People were also healed by the tallit katans (small tallits) that were worn like aprons and handkerchiefs under the clothes of Paul the Jew (Shaul aka Saul aka The Apostle Paul) (Acts 19:11-12).
So did the tallit katans of Paul the Jew heal the sick?
The Man of Truth had said that believers would lay hands on the sick to them and cast out Spirits of Lies (devils aka demons aka unclean spirits aka gods) from people when he sent his disciples out on the great commission (Mark 16:17-18). He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they were baptized in the Spirit of Truth before going into all the world (Acts 1:4-5). Then all of his disciple who obeyed his instructions were baptized with the Spirit of Truth (Acts 2:1-4). After being that people were healed just by the shadow of Peter the Jew (Cephas aka Simon aka Simeon aka The Apostle Peter) falling on them without even touching his tallit gadol (Acts 5:14-16).
Years later Paul the Jew was unable to go to people personally and they could not come to him because he was disputing in the yeshiva of Tyrannus for two years to bring people into the House of Truth from all over the region of Asia (western Turkey) (Acts 19:8-10). It was the Father of Truth who brought about the special miracles - not the tallit katans (Acts 19:11). The tallit katans were only sent as his representatives to carry the power of the Spirit of Truth on his behalf to heal those who had faith in the Man of Truth who was represented by the blue thread in the tzitzit on each corner of these tallit katans (Acts 19:12).
Paul the Jew only healed people by the power of the Spirit of Truth (Romans 15:18-19). It was the power of the Spirit of Truth that served as proof that the Good News about the Man of Truth was true (1 Corinthians 2:3-5). In fact Paul the Jew did not even have to be personally present nor did his tallits need to be present for the power of the Spirit of Truth that had been given to him by the Man of Truth to work (1 Corinthians 5:3-5).
So it was the Spirit of Truth that healed people and not the tallit katans of the Paul the Jew. People were healed because they had faith in the Man of Truth that the blue thread in the tzitzit on each corner represented. They were healed because they had confidence that lead to action on the promise that the Messiah of Israel would have healing in the corners of his tallit.
So a tallit does have any healing power in itself. The healing power is not about the tallit. The healing power is about the Spirit of Truth working through the wearer of the tallit. The Spirit of Truth does not need someone to wear a tallit of any sort to bring healing to other people though someone. The Spirit of Truth heals those who have confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action.
So is there any reason to wear a tallit?
So it has been demonstrated that tallits are not supernatural garments. Tallits do not bring about supernatural deliverance. Tallits do not control political destiny. Tallits do not give people authority to act as prophets. Tallits do not have miracle working power. Tallits do not protect the wearer from anything except the weather. Tallits do not bring the wearer closer to the Father of Truth. Tallits do not possess healing power.
This does not mean that tallits did not come from the Father of Truth. It is just that tallits must not be given a place that He did not intend. We must be careful to not put our trust in things that come from the Father of Truth instead putting our trust in the Father of Truth. We must be careful to not turn things that come from Him into idols.
For example, the Father of Truth had Moses build the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:10-11). Yet when Israel depended upon it to deliver them from the Philistines, instead of relying on the Father of Truth, they lost the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:3-11).
Similarly the Father of Truth had Moses create the brass serpent in the wilderness to bring deliverance from a plague that He had sent to destroy those who had rebelled against Him and Moses (Numbers 21:6-8). Yet King Hezekiah was commended by the Father of Truth for destroying the brass serpent that Moses made because the Israelites had turned it into an idol (2 Kings 18:1-6).
The purpose of a tallit gadol is help identify the Children of Truth to the world just like a police uniform identifies a policeman to the world.
This is why King Saul was able to identify Samuel by his tallit gadol (1 Samuel 28:14-15). This is how the Gentiles will be able to identify the Jewish Children of Truth in the future so they can be taken to Jerusalem to seek the Father of Truth (Zechariah 8:22-23). This is why Paul the Jew thought that it was worth sending Timothy the Jew (Timotheus) hundreds of miles out of his way to pick up his tallit gadol that he had left in Troas even though he wanted Timothy the Jew to arrive in Rome before Winter (2 Timothy 4:13-21).
However wearing a tallit does not make someone part of the Children of Truth anymore than wearing a police uniform makes someone a policeman. The Children of Truth are not defined by possessing material things that come from the Father of Truth.
For example, the Philistines eventually sent the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel because possessing the Ark of the Covenant without knowing the Author of the Covenant had brought them nothing but trouble (1 Samuel 5:9-11). In like manner the sons of Sceva, who were wearing tallit gadols, were beat up by a man possessed by Spirits of Lies when they tried to pass themselves off as being in the House of Truth (Acts 19:13-16).
It is taking action because you believe the Word of Truth that brings deliverance. It is obedience or disobedience to known will of the Father of Truth that determines political destiny. It is the Father of Truth who gives someone the authority to act as His prophet. It is the Spirit of Truth who works miracles through the Children of Truth. It is being close to the Father of Truth that brings His protection and provision upon the Children of Truth. It is the blood of the Man of Truth and loving your neighbor as yourself that brings you close to the Father of Truth. The Spirit of Truth heals everyone who has confidence in the Man of Truth that leads to action.
Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only beneficial to those who are already in the House of Truth (Romans 2:25). Like circumcision, keeping the weightier matters of the law is more important than wearing tallits (Romans 2:26-27). Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only beneficial if it is an outward expression of an inward experience (Romans 2:28-29). Like circumcision, wearing a tallit is only meant to identify those who have received the Word of Truth (Romans 3:1-2). Like circumcision, the Children of Truth are defined by their relationship with the Father of Truth and not by wearing a tallit (Romans 3:28-30). While circumcision in the flesh is a cut above the rest of every other way that people mark themselves it is meaningless without the better circumcision of the heart. It is the same way with wearing tallits.
So are there supernatural garments?
The Children of Truth are the Children of Truth whether or not they are wearing a tallit just like a policeman is a policeman whether or not he is wearing his uniform. It is being in the House of Truth that brings the blessing of the Father of Truth. It is wearing the supernatural garments that He has provided that brings His blessing.
So wearing a tallit is only helpful to those who first cloth themselves with righteousness and wear zeal for the Father of Truth like a tallit gadol so that they are imitating the Man of Truth (Isaiah 59:17). It is more important to put on all of the armor that the Father of Truth has provided so the Children of Truth can stand up against the attacks of the Father of Lies (HaShatan aka Satan Aka The Devil) than to wear a tallit (Ephesians 6:11-13). It is being clothed with truth and peace, wearing confidence in the salvation that the Man of Truth has bought with his blood, speaking the Word of Truth and praying in the Spirit of Truth that brings the protection of the Father of Truth (Ephesians 6:14-18). Wearing a tallit was never meant to be a substitute for clothing oneself with humility (1 Peter 5:5). These are the supernatural garments that the Father of Truth has provided.
No one can wear these supernatural garments from the Father of Truth unless they first come into the House of Truth. The Man of Truth is the only one that can bring people into the House of Truth where His Father lives (John 14:6). He will give the Spirit of Truth to those who come into the House of Truth (John 15:26). Everyone who surrenders control of their life to the Man of Truth because they believe the Father of Truth raised him from the dead comes into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-13). The Father of Truth provides supernatural garments to everyone who comes into the House of Truth (2 Peter 1:2-4).
Come into the House of Truth.
Labels: Jewish Prayer Shawls, Supernatural, Tallits
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