The First Nations
Who were the first nations to arrive in the New World?
Long before the day when worlds collided, there were already people in the New World. The Viking sagas, that tell of their arrival to North America, long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, bear witness that there were already people there, when they arrived. The other stories that have survived of Saint Brendan and the like, if they were actually referring to North America, all agree that there were already people there, when they arrived. Even the passage of Pliny the Elder, that some interpret as Native Americans who were carried to Europe by a storm, and then shipwrecked there in about 60 BC, still agrees, that there were already people in the New World.
Even artifacts, that some have claimed show even older contact between the New World and the Old World, bear testimony that those who might have made contact, were only visitors among the people, who already lived in the New World.
So who are the first nations to live in the New World? Where did they come from? When did they arrive?
One of the most common explanation is that there was once a land bridge between Asia and North America, that has been named Beringia. Beringia is called that, because this land bridge would have been where the Bering Sea is at today.
According to this explanation, somewhere between 11,000 and 70,000 years ago, with about 20,000 years ago being the most common date, the first Native Americans made their way into Alaska. They first traveled down the Pacific Coast, and then inland, until the New World was populated. Eventually, they formed the civilizations that existed when Columbus arrived.
(Between the time of the initial wave, and the arrival of Columbus, at least two other waves of immigrants from Asia, who remained far north of the modern mainland US border, are also thought to have occurred based on autosomal DNA studies of people, whose ancestors were in the New World before Columbus arrived.)
However, this story contradicts many observable facts.
The first thing to consider is, that there was absolutely no need for a land bridge to exist, in order for people to migrate from Siberia to Alaska.
At least, six sets of people have walked from Siberia to Alaska over the ice in modern times, including Karl Bushby. Several have went from Canada to Russia, or from Russia to Canada, via the North Pole using skis, including Dmitry Shparo. Several people have swam across the Bering Straight from Siberia to Alaska, including Lynne Cox.
On top of that, there is the Diomede Islands in the middle of the Bering Straight, about half way between Siberia and Alaska. These islands are only 28 miles (45 km) from Siberia and only 16 miles (25 km) from Alaska. They are visible from both Siberia and Alaska, and Siberia and Alaska are visible from them. It would certainly be no great feat for a group of travelers to have kayaked to these islands from Siberia, and then kayaked from these islands to Alaska.
So, people could have traveled from Siberia to Alaska by several means, including kayaks, dog sleds, skis, swimming, or simply walking across the ice.
Not only that, but Siberia to Alaska was not the only route that ancient people could have taken to reach the New World from the Old World.
In 1947 AD, Thor Heyerdahl built a raft in the style recorded by Spanish Conquistadors, using native materials, called the Kon Tiki. He and five companions then sailed the Kon Tiki to the Tuamoto Islands some 4,300 miles (6,900 km) from his launching point in Peru. He did this to prove that the ancient Polynesians could have came from natives of South America.
However, the ancient Polyneisans could have more easily made the journey from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) to Chile, being about only half of the distance (2,182 miles (3,512 km)) as the voyage of the Kon Tiki. The distance to Chile is also less that twice the distance (1,289 miles (2,075 km)) to the next closest island, Pitcairn Island, the closest place that the Polynesians of Rapa Nui could have migrated from.
There are also many types of evidence of trade between the Old World and the New World, particularly along the western coast of the New World.
There is much evidence of interaction between Polynesians and the natives of South America, including things that had their origin in South America being found among ancient Polynesians. Indeed, Polynesian artifacts have been found in South America as well.
The sweet potato had long been established as a crop among the Polynesians, when Captain Cook first encountered them on Tahiti in 1769 AD. The sweet potato is native to South America and the nearest Polynesian Island, Rapa Nui is more than 2000 miles (3500 km) away, making it unlikely that the Polynesians acquired them by any means other than actually going to South America.
The resin of a tree closely related to the monkey puzzle tree was found to be the embalming fluid of a Peruvian mummy. This particular tree is only found in Polynesian areas, but mainly in New Guinea. Both the tree resin and the mummy were independently dated to be from about 1200 AD. Trade between Polynesians and natives of South America is only reasonable explanation for such a large amount of this resin being available for embalming the mummy.
Chicken bones were also found in Chile that have been carbon dated between 1304 AD and 1424 AD. While there is on going discussion about rather the bones are from Polynesian chickens, or chickens of India, there is no debate about the fact, that there were chickens in Chile before the first Spanish explorers arrived, at least a century later. Again, the only reasonable explanation for chicken bones to have been Chile, before the Spanish arrived, is trade between the Polynesians and natives of South America.
DNA evidence also points to many types of contact, and even settlement of people from the Old World in the New World, long before the Spanish showed up in 1492 AD. The DNA of the natives of Rapa Nui, even those who died before contact with Europeans in 1722 AD, was found to be about 8% Native American. This bit of evidence that makes it certain, that the ancient Polynesians, and the people of the pacific coast of South America, interacted occasionally, and even intermarried.
All doubt about the lack of the need for any kind of land bridge being necessary should be removed by the autosomal DNA of the Native Americans, who inhabit the Amazon. Their autosomal DNA shows that a large part of the their ancestors were from the area of Australia and New Guinea, which is even further away than the farthest island of the Polynesians.
So, there was no need for any type of land travel for ancient people to have traveled from the Old World to the New World.
In fact, the shortest distance (1,600 miles (2,575 km)) from Africa to South America, is much shorter than the distance between Rapa Nui and Chile, so there could have been migration from Africa as well. This also suggested by the features of some of the colossal heads left by the Olmec, the written history of the Mali (an African kingdom), and the stories of such visits by the natives of the Caribbean Islands, that Christopher Columbus recorded in his journal.
So there was absolutely no need for the route from Siberia to Alaska, to have been the only possible route, for people to have migrated to the New World from the Old World.
In fact, DNA evidence makes it plain that the inhabits of the New World did not come to the New World in a single wave, but rather in multiple waves, and by different routes.
The DNA of the Inuit (Eskimos) has almost half of its distinguishing characteristics from a later East Asian source than the Native Americans south of the Canadian border. Ten percent of the DNA of Na-Dene (roughly Native Americans in northern Canada to the east of Alaska) has DNA characteristics from a third wave of immigration from Asia.
The DNA of the Aleuts shows common ancestry with the Ainu, the original inhabitants of Japan. Some of the Aleuts still live in Kamchatka Krai to this day, along with some of the Ainu. The Aleuts oral history tells of how they first migrated to the Aleutian Islands, and then migrated to the Aleutian Peninsula on the mainland of Alaska. (Kamchatka can be reached from Japan by following the Kuril Islands chain, and can be reached from Alaska by following the Aleutian Islands chain.)
It is also entirely possible that they were carried there by the same Kuroshio Currents, that have been documented as carrying Japanese fishermen to North America, including the Aleutian Islands, twenty three times between 1600 AD and 1830 AD.
So counting, the evidence of Polynesian/Melanesian/Austronesian DNA in South America, there were at least five waves of immigration into the New World before European contact. These five waves came at five different times, and by at least three different routes. In fact, each wave could have been as small as a single family, since there are five Y-Chromosome DNA haplogroups (a man per haplogroup) and five mitochondrial DNA haplogroups (a woman per haplogroup), among all of the people of the first nations.
The DNA evidence also makes it plain that the first nations to arrive were common ancestors to those who came in later waves, and then intermarried with the first nations. The DNA evidence shows that the very first people to arrive in the New World could have been as small as a single man, who carried haplogroup Q Y-Chromosome DNA, and his wife, who carried haplogroup A mitochondrial DNA.
Not only is the evidence that we have today contrary to any need for Beringia to even existed, but it is also quite contrary to a time line of 20,000 years ago.
The lack of highly differentiated genomes among domesticated dogs in North America from their Asian counterparts makes a time line of 20,000 year impossible. The purposeful selection of dogs prior to migration and their consequential isolation from Asian breeds would have guaranteed a much more diverse genome than what exists between northeast Asian breeds like the Siberian Husky, and northwest North American breeds like the Alaskan Husky. In fact, all northern dog breeds, whether officially recognized or not, are shown by DNA to be closely related to the Canadian Eskimo Dog (Qimmiq). Given that the different breeds were bred in isolation from each other, and for different characteristics, then their genomes would be far more differentiated from each other than they are, if this process had really been going on for 20,000 years. Instead, the differentiation in their genome is more consistent with a time of less than 4,000 years.
Even more subject to differentiation over time, due to isolation, than DNA is language. In America, all children are taught standard American English in school for twelve years, just to prevent American English from becoming so fractured over time that it becomes a number of regional dialects that are mutually unintelligible to each other.
This process of language fracturing can occur in a few generations, although it usually takes longer. However, without a purposeful effort to prevent it, it will almost certainly happen among groups that isolated for a thousand years from each other. For example, very few modern English readers can really understand the original English language that Beowulf was written in.
Now, if that is the case, for a written language in a period of a thousand years of time, then how much more so for languages that had no writing over a period of 20,000 years?
Yet, when the Russians discovered Alaska in 1790 AD, they encountered Yupik Inuits there who could speak with the Yupik Inuits of Siberia. In fact, the language of some tribes of Native Americans in the United States have been found to share language patterns with the people of the Altai mountains of Asia. In particular, Apaches, who are related to the Na-Dene and speak a related language, have a language that is similar in structure to the Yaniseian languages of central Siberia, just north of the Altai mountains.
Then there is the lack of language fracturing inside the New World. If the first nations had really arrived 20,000 years ago, then it is not really reasonable to believe that there would be wide spread language families and languages, where people who lived in isolation from each other, thousands of miles apart, could manage to talk to each other.
Although their languages had some differences, the members of different tribes, sometimes hundreds of miles apart, could still communicate with each other. They were no different than Americans and English communicating through a common ancestral language, even though there are some noticeable differences in pronunciation of some words, the use of different words to convey the same idea, and even minor differences in structure.
There are many more indications that the first nations did not arrive 20,000 years ago, but much later.
For example, the oldest civilization in the New World, that of the Olmec, did not arise until 1,400 BC.
Cities and civilizations become a necessity for any people, once the population density of an area becomes too great to support simple hunting, gathering, and basic farming as a way of life. It does not take very many generations after a fertile place is discovered, for groups of people to migrate there, settle there, and a city to be built there out of necessity. Every city state in history, has necessitated that a civilization arise to maintain the kind of order and organization necessary for a large population to live in a small area.
If the New World had really been being inhabited for 20,000 years, then there would certainly be much older civilizations in the New World. This would be the case, with an even modest rate of increase over a thousand generations, from even just one man, and his wife as the original inhabitants.
Then there is the ridiculously slow rate of population growth cited for this 20,000 year period. It is commonly cited that a group of about 70 individuals first arrived, and then grew ten fold (to 700) in a period of 800-1000 years. The family of my great grandfather and his wife, grew six fold (12 people) in 20 years after they were married, and grew over 50 fold in 60 years time. Before the invention of birth control, populations frequently grew at four fold per generation. It is absurd to assume that the first group of people to inhabit the New World grew at a rate barely above one fold per generation.
So where did this unreasonable arrival time of 11,000 to 70,000 years ago, with 20,000 years ago being the most common, come from?
The truth is, that there is no way to actually age a rock. If someone finds an arrowhead in the dirt, there is no way to tell if someone like my brother chipped it out last week, or if it was chipped out by a native two-thousand years ago. Arrowheads and the like are aged, by examining their style to identify the culture that created them, and then using the age when that culture was flourishing. The dates of when these cultures were flourishing are just made up.
Also, there is a general ordering of these cultures on the assumption that things were very slowly, but surely, improved upon. It does not allow for an explosion of improvement in a short time, by someone like Thomas Edison, nor for a period of sudden collapse, where technology is lost for generations, like when the dark ages that fell on Europe, after the Roman Empire collapsed. So an improvement in technology, like say one arrowhead being an improvement over another one, does not even prove that the culture that produced the improved arrowhead came later.
One example of a lost technology is the writing system of the Polynesians called Rongorongo. It has been found on artifacts, but no Polynesians in modern times have been able to decipher it. In the same way, the writing of the Na-Dene on birch bark scrolls had been lost to all but the Ojibwa (Chippewa) tribe by the time of European contact. Since birch bark is such a perishable material, there is no way to know how long the Na-Dene had used it for writing before they lost it. In similar manner, the hieroglyphics of the Mi'kmaq tribe had apparently lost its original meaning by the time of European contact, even though the hieroglyphs were still used as memory aids for children.
So, there is absolutely nothing that concretely identifies, when any of these cultures were flourishing. None of their artifacts came with dates stamped on them.
The entire story of humans migrating over a land bridge called Beringia to North America some 20,000 years ago was just made up. There is no real evidence for the dates given, or that the land now under the Bering Sea was dry land for thousands of years, while humans slowly made their way from Asia to North America.
The length of time needed was determined first, and then things were arranged to fit into a timeline that supports the length of time. Then everything is aged by using this timeline, that was simply invented to support a preconceived idea. The story of human beings very slowly migrating (about a mile (1.6 km) per year on average) from Siberia to cover all of the New World, is needed to make the greatest fairy tale ever told seem more believable.
In reality, the only way to reliably create a timeline of events, is to do so based on the records left behind by people, who were actually there. It is not hard to create a time line of the history of Greece, because there is plenty of records that were written by people, who were actually there.
Even Chinese records can be used to reliable create a time line from 859 BC, about a thousand years less than the Greeks, by syncing events involving other cultures, with their records to create reliable points on the Chinese time line.
(The Chinese occasionally presented simultaneous events, like the existence of four empires that warred with each other for control of China, as sequential events, in order to show that the Chinese have kept "The Mandate from Heaven", that there could only be one Chinese Emperor in power at a time.)
So are there any actual records, that can give any clues about where the first nations of the New World came from, when they came over, and why they came over?
There is one ancient book that records where the first nations came from, when the first nations migrated to the New World, the various paths that were available, and even why they migrated to the New World. The story of the origins of the first nations of the New World has been kept in this book for thousands of years.
This book contains the oldest continuously maintained records of ancient events in the entire world. Many of the events that it records, have been proven to have happened, when it said they happened, and where it said they happened, by modern archeology. It can be used as a reference for creating a reliable timeline that is based on actual records, written by people who were actually there, instead of speculation about what happened, in order to fit into a timeline, that created long after the events occurred.
This book has proven to be the indestructible book throughout the ages, so it contents have not been lost from the fall of ancient civilizations. The contents of this book are trustworthy as having not been altered over time, because it has been well documented as containing the incorruptible word.
The Writings of History and the history written about the Acts of the Apostles of Truth found in the Book of Truth (The Bible), have continuously been verified by other historical documents from the same time period, and modern archeology. This is what happens when a timeline is created by people, who were actually there, instead of being speculated by people, who were not born until thousands of year later.
The Book of Truth tells this story, even though it requires some study to see it clearly.
So what does the Book of Truth say about the first nations to live in the New World?
Like most things, most of the time, the best place to begin is at the beginning. Understanding what the Book of Truth says about Native Americans, starts with understanding, who Native Americans really are, according to the Book of Truth.
The Book of Truth defines race based on ancestry, primarily of the paternal linage, and secondarily of maternal lineage. The term that is used is "nations", which means more literally "ethnic groups".
For example, the root ancestors of the Jews and the Arabs, came from very different mothers (Genesis 21:2-9). Yet they have a common male ancestor named Abraham (1 Chronicles 1:27-34).
So, the Book of Truth does not define race in the superficial details of skin color, hair color, eye color, facial features, and the like, that people generally use to define race.
For example, the Jewish race is defined by a common ancestor named Jacob, aka Israel (Genesis 35:10-12). Yet, when they rebelled against the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), they were scattered among people of every race (Deuteronomy 4:25-27). Like their ancestors, they intermarried with those, whom they were scattered among (Ezra 9:1-2).
So Jews scattered to China look Chinese, Jews scattered to Africa are black skinned, and Jews scattered to Russia and Europe are white skinned. Yet their race (nation) is still Jewish, because of their common male ancestor, Israel.
In like manner, Native Americans are defined in the Book of Truth by a common male ancestor. So understanding who Native Americans really are, begins with identifying their common male ancestor.
Fortunately, this is not an insurmountable task.
The Book of Truth tells of the original seventy male ancestors that all races (nations) came from (Genesis 10).
Many of the nations that came from these male ancestors still bear their name to this day. This is important, for it helps to understand the significance of Greece rising up again in modern times.
Others not only are still identified by their name of the common male ancestor that they came from, by both ancient records and what they call themselves today, but also by the very meaning of their name.
For example, up until the time of the end of the British Empire, sub-Sahara Africa (Africa south of the Sahara Desert) was called the Kush, after the common male ancestor, Cush, who everyone in the southern two-thirds of Africa came from.
The Hebrew word "Cush", literally means "black". The Greek word, for the same people, "Aithiops" literally means "scorched (blackened) face". To this day, the country where all black people migrated into sub-Sahara Africa from, is called "Ethiopia", after the Greek name for their common male ancestor, named Cush.
The geography of the location of the nations that came from known relatives of the common male ancestor, is also helpful in identifying ethnic groups, who came from that ancestor.
Cush was the son of Ham and the brother of Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan (Genesis 10:6). This is very helpful, if you know which people groups descended from his brothers.
Mizraim is the common male ancestor of the Egyptians, whose descendants occupy the eastern part of northern Africa. (Egypt is still called Mizraim in Israel to this day.) Phut is the common male ancestor of the Libyans, whose descendants occupy the western part of northern Africa. (Phut is what the Egyptians call Libya.). Canaan is the common male ancestor of the Canaanites, whose descendants were the original inhabitants of the Promised Land, where Africa joins Asia.
This is another way to identify where the descendants of Cush originally lived. Since the other descendants of Ham originally occupied Africa and the parts of Asia that join Africa, then it follows that the descendants of Cush, originally occupied the rest of Africa.
This would also explain, why the descendants of Cush would have darker skin, than the descendants of his brothers.
The story told by the evidence of genetics is, that the more isolated that a group with common characteristics defined by a common narrow genome, the more able that group is to keep that narrower genome. The descendants of his brothers all lived in areas that bordered the descendants of people who did not come from Ham, their common male ancestor, but the area where descendants of Cush were only bordered by other descendants of Ham.
So the descendants of his brothers, who lived near their borders, might have their genome widened through intermarriage with people, who did not descend from Ham, so their skin color might lighten up some as their genome was widened. The descendants of Cush, who lived near his borders, would only have intermarriage with people, who descended from Ham, so their skin color would likely not lighten up any, from their genome being widened. Those descendants of Cush, who did not live near his borders, would only be able to marry with other descendants of Cush. So their genome would never get widened, and their skin color would never lighten up.
So the descendants of Cush can be determined with certainty by examining these three facts - the historical name given to them, the meaning of his name, and the original location of the descendants of his brothers.
Others races (nations) can be identified by considering these same type of facts, or even one of them in some cases.
In the case of the first nation of Native Americans, there is no known historical name given to them. This itself is a clue to founder of their race.
The next thing to consider is, whether or not a common ancestor of closely related races can be determined. Fortunately, this can be done.
Without question, the Native Americans are related to the nations that occupy the eastern half of Asia.
One of these races is the Chinese. The history of the Chinese records, that they all came from a single man named Jobab (Yobab). Their history tells of how Jobab lived in a place called Hassuna in Mesopotamia. It goes on to tell of how he lead a group of people to flee from the disaster brought on by the tyrant of Babylon, who ruled Mesopotamia, named Nimrud (Nimrod). It finishes with telling of how Jobab lead these refuges along a path similar to the Silk Road, until he reached the Yellow River, where he established Louyang, the first capital of China.
Archeology supports this story. The ruins of Hassuna have been found in Iraq, in the location told by the Chinese story. In those ruins, terracotta statues were found with distinctly Chinese faces, in particular having the folded eyelids that mark the Chinese, and those related to them.
Jobab is the son of Joktan (Yoqtan), as the Chinese history also records, along with his brother Ophir (Ofpir) (Genesis 10:29).
King Solomon sent ships from Eloth (Eilat) to Ophir (the land where Ophir settled) to fetch large amounts of gold (1 Kings 9:26-28). He also had almug trees (sandal wood) and precious gems imported from Ophir (1 Kings 10:11). He also had fetched from the land of Ophir, silver, ivory, monkeys (apes) and peacocks (1 Kings 10:22). Ophir was also known for its onyx stones and sapphires (Job 28:16).
There can be no doubt that Ophir was the founder of modern India. India alone had all of these things that it was known for in ancient days. Even today, the peacock is the national symbol of India. The Native Americans looked so related to the people of India, that Europeans called them "Indians", when they first encountered them. Even today, many of the people of India, look very similar to many of the full blood Native Americans.
So Native Americans, who were the first nation to migrate to the New World, were descendants of one of the brothers of Jobab and Ophir, whose father was Joktan. The question then becomes: which brother?
Joktan had thirteen sons, that each started a nation (Genesis 10:26-29). The nations started by his descendants all settled further east than all other nations, with Mesha being their western border, as one travels towards Mount Sephar (Genesis 10:30).
According to Josephus, Mesha is a river, that the Greeks called the Cophen River, and is today known as the Kabul River. The Kabul River is a tributary of the Indus River, that has served as the border between Persia and India, for most of history. It is also where the Indus Valley Civilization first rose up.
Sephar means counting or numbering. The Kabul River is encountered as one travels towards the mountains of the Hindu Kush, and were counted as marking the border of the people of the East, including India, by Alexander the Great. In particular, the Koh-i-Baba, the Baba Mountian ranges was considered the very most western border and is where the Kabul River starts.
The term the mount of numbering could also be a reference a mountain on the west side of the Himalayas, and to the great number of people who came from the area of that mountain.
The Himalayas are surrounded by a great number of people, who came from Joktan. The Himalayas separate the two most populous nations on Earth, India and China, whose original inhabitants both came from Joktan. The part of Asia east of India and south of China, was known as Indo-China for centuries, because the people there are a mix of the people from India and China. The Indo-Chinese nations also border the south east corner of the Himalayas. So almost half of the people on Earth, settled on or near the Himalayas.
So calling one of the mountain of the Himalayas in the area between the Kabul River and the Himalayas, where the descendants of Jobab (Chinese) and Ophir (Indians) first settled before spreading out from there, the Mount of Numbering, would certainly make sense.
(It also worth noting that the descendants of Joktan could not have been settled in the Arabian Peninsula as commonly reported. It is plainly stated that they were the furthest east of the nations, and originally were near a notable mountain. In the Book of Truth, directions like this are generally from the perspective of the Promised Land, usually with Jerusalem at the center. The Arabian Peninsula is mostly south of Jerusalem. The extreme northeast part the Arabian Peninsula, that might be considered east of Jerusalem (really southeast), near the Persian Gulf, is part of a large flat plain. If Babylon is the center point of reference, instead of Jerusalem, then Arabian Peninsula is completely ruled out. The only thing that the Arabian Peninsula is actually east of, is the northern part of Africa. However, the area between the Kabul River and the Himalayas is almost straight east of Jerusalem and is in the land to the east of Babylon.)
One evidence of this is the Tlingit people of southeast Alaska, and the Telengits of the Altai Mountains in Russia, just west of Mongolia. The Altai Mountains are northeast of the Kabul River. The Telengits live among the Altai people, a people of Turkic descent, but have distinctively different DNA than their neighbors. Genetics show that the Telengits of the Altai mountains share the same Q haplogroup marker as the Tlingit of southeast Alaska, but this marker is completely absent from the Altai people. Both of these groups have similar customs. For example, the Telengits traditionally lived in a bark teepee similar to a cedar bark teepee inhabited by descendants of the Tlingit, who migrated along the coast into the area of California. The clothing of the Telengits shamans are almost identical to those worn by Tlingit shamans. The languages of both groups belong to the same language family. (The language of the Telengits was noticeably different than that of the Altai people. Although it has mostly been lost today.) Even the name of these two people groups are almost identical in pronunciation.
So the first nations of the New World all came from various descendants of Joktan at various times. However, they did not come over at the same time. Descendants of only one son of Joktan came over as the original nation of the New World. Later migrations from descendants of his brothers intermarried with his descendants to form the rest of the first nations of the New World.
There is no historical name that can be traced back to these Native Americans. Still, their point of migration, and nations that are closely related to the them by genetics, has enabled the determination of a common ancestor.
There is one more clue that will answer the question, and that is the very name of the founder of the original inhabitants of the New World. The meaning of name of the common ancestor of the original inhabitants of the New World explains why there is no historical name, which can be traced to these Native Americans.
Joktan had thirteen sons that each started their own nation, as previously mentioned (1 Chronicles 1:20-23). It is obvious from the nations that can be traced to back some of these sons, that the common ancestor of the Native Americans, and the other first nations, can be traced back to one of these sons. The nations that came from almost all of these sons can be traced to nations in the eastern half of Asia, except for one son. That son is the oldest son of Joktan, named Almodad (1 Chronicles 1:20).
The name Almodad literally means "not measured" or "beyond the boundaries".
As far as the Old World was concerned, the New World did not even exist for most of history. The Greeks knew of at least Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Romans gave Australia its name, "Terra Australis" (literally "Southern Land") when they had learned of its existence through trade with India. The Chinese sent an ambassador to Rome, who they called Da Qin (literally "Greater China"). They had already been in contact with the people of Siberia and Japan for hundreds of years. Ptolemy's map, made around 200 BC, showed all of Africa and much of Europe and Asia. In general, most of the Old World was known, by the great civilizations of the Old World. It was especially known by the Jews, who stayed in contact with each other, after being scattered across most of it in the Assyrian, Babylonian and Roman diasporas.
However, not even the Jews had a clue, that there were two more continents in the great expanse of waters, which separated Asia from Europe and Australia from Africa. The descendants of Almodad were literally not measured in the annuals of ancient explorers like Herodotus, Marco Polo, or Zheng He. They were literally beyond the boundaries, of what people in the Old World thought was the whole world. This is why there is no nation (ethnic group) whose name is derived from Almodad in historical records of the Old World.
The Book of Truth also tells why the descendants of Almodad migrated to the New World as well as resolving some other mysteries of the first nations. Here is the history recorded in the Book of Truth about the first nations.
Originally, there was only one giant continent and only one giant ocean, with some inland seas (Genesis 1:9-10). Originally, all of the people on Earth spoke only one common language (Genesis 11:1).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) commanded the people that He created to fill the entire Earth again, after the Flood (Genesis 9:1). However, a rebel against the Father of Truth, named Nimrod, rose up to lead the people in rebellion to His command (Genesis 10:8-10). So they rebelled by building Babylon in the plains of Shinar (Mesopotamia), so they could stay together in one place, instead of being scattered all over the Earth (Genesis 11:2-4).
So the Father of Truth confused their languages, so that they could not all speak together and work together in their rebellion (Genesis 11:5-7). They then divided into groups, who spoke the same language, and migrated throughout the Earth to be separated from groups, who spoke other languages (Genesis 11:8-9).
Centuries later, during the lifetime of Peleg, the brother of Joktan, the Father of Truth then divided the one giant continent into smaller continents and islands, to ensure that the people would not be able to abandon most of the Earth, so that they could live together in one place again (Genesis 10:25). This division of the Earth occurred over a period of two hundred and thirty-nine years (Genesis 11:18-19).
So the Book of Truth tells a history of the migration of the original nation to the New World, to the one that is similar to the one told by the Chinese of their migration to China. It tells of a dispersion from Mesopotamia, after a rebellion by Nimrod, which caused them to first migrate to east Asia, and then to the New World, beyond the boundaries of what was known, and then finally the New World was separated from the Old World, so that they were not measured by the inhabitants of the Old World.
This explanation agrees with the evidence.
Until about 1900 AD, the skeptics of the Book of Truth said, that the idea that all of the continents were once part of one giant land mass was unreasonable. Then evidence began to mount to show that the lands of the Earth really did once exist as one giant land mass. So they decided to call this giant land mass, Pangaea, which literally means "all land". Eventually, they came up with plate tectonics to explain how this happened.
They decided that this super continent originally sat on one single tectonic plate that was divided into the twelve major plates that exists today. Those plates then traveled over the lithosphere away from each other, until they began to collide with each other on the opposite side from where they had previously been joined together.
So science finally caught up with the Book of Truth, and agreed that there had once been only one giant land mass that became divided. How could this have been known 4,000 years ago, when writing had barely been invented?
The obvious answer is, that it was witnessed by people, who were actually there, instead of being speculated by people thousands of year later, and given dates to fit into an imaginary timeline. The Earth dividing into continents would not be something that would go unnoticed by everyone.
The Book of Truth does not put this event occurring millions of years ago, with the continents drifting a few inches per year. The information given by the Book of Truth indicates that this happened in a period of about 239 years, about 4,000 years ago.
This works out to be an average of about 10 miles (16 km) per year, or 144 feet (48 m) per day, or 6 feet (2 m) per hour or 0.72 inches (2 cm) per minute. This is indeed a slow enough pace that those living on this giant land mass would be able to adjust to the situation on a daily basis. Those who were not any where near the edges, might not even notice the movement of the continents, just like people don't notice that the Earth is hurtling through space at thousands of miles per hour.
The fact is, that there is no need for this process to have taken millions of years, and that people would have been able to continue to live while the Earth went through these massive changes. After all, people have done so numerous times in recorded history.
For example, according to Herodotus, the Loudias River in Greece was a tributary the Haliacmon (Aliakmon) River, but by the time of Julius Caesar, the five thousand feet tall Haliacmon mountains had risen up to force the Loudias River to instead flow into the sea. Roman records indicate that these mountains may have risen up in as little as one year, or even a single day.
Also when Mount Saint Helens exploded in Washington state, it created the 100 ft (30 m) high Lewis River waterfalls almost instantly. When the flood gates of Hoover Dam was opened to keep Lake Mead from flowing over the top, then a huge cavity that could hold a statue twice the size of the Statute of Liberty was carved out the canyon wall in just a few hours.
So there is no reason at all for Pangaea to have been broken apart long before human existence, and the fact that it was written about occurring by people, who were actually there, should make it plain that it happened during human existence.
Still, there is no exact agreement on all of the details of the arrangement and shape of Pangaea, but there is a general consensus about some parts with respect to the current land masses of the Earth. In particular, it is generally agreed that South America and Africa were together. (I noticed that they could fit together on a globe when I was seven years old, so this is a no-brainer.) Also Australia was joined to Africa on the opposite side.
So the reason that the Native Americans of the Amazon have autosomal DNA markers that are shared by Austronesians and Melanesians, could be as simple as some of their common ancestors went west out of Africa to the Amazon, the area where the two continents touched, while most of them went east to Australia and the adjoining lands that were first populated by Melanesians. So when the descendants of Almodad made their way down to South America, the two groups intermarried to give the distinctive genetics that are unique to the natives of the Amazon.
There is also ample evidence that North America may not have all been one neat land mass after the Earth divided, but rather formed by at least two land masses colliding, similar to how the Indian subcontinent collided with the main part of the Asian continent. For example, Redwood trees only grow near the Pacific Coast of the United States and China. Similarly, alligators are only found in the United States and China. (The southwest United States used to be a swamp as evidenced by fossilized trees.) So while the descendants of Almodad could have crossed the Bering straight after the Earth divided, they could have also just walked to the west coast of North America before the Earth divided.
So the mystery of where the first nations came from is solved when we examine the Book of Truth, that contains a written history by people, who were actually there.
The earliest inhabitants of North America and most of South America were the nations that came from Almodad, who migrated from east Asia to North America, possibly after the Earth divided, but possibly before it divided. They would have then intermarried with other groups, who arrived later, to form nations like the Inuits (Eskimos), Na-Dene, and Aleuts. They would have also intermarried with the relatives of the Austronesians and Melanesians, once they reached the Amazon. In like manner, they apparently intermarried with Polynesians that they encountered sometime before the arrival of Columbus.
A far more important question, than where did the first nations of the New World come from, is where are you going after you die?
The Book of Truth not only tells where people came from, but also where they are going. The evidence in the Earth about what the Book of Truth says happened, gives every person reason to believe what it says will happen.
The Father of Truth has left evidence of His existence and providence for all to see, so that all people, whether they are part of the first nations or not, can come into the House of Truth (Romans 1:19-20). He has said that anyone who will surrender control of their life to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), because they believe that He raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9). Are you going to believe the report of the Book of Truth, and come into the House of Truth, since its report about the first nations has been proven to be accurate (Romans 10:15-17)?
Come into the House of Truth!
Long before the day when worlds collided, there were already people in the New World. The Viking sagas, that tell of their arrival to North America, long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, bear witness that there were already people there, when they arrived. The other stories that have survived of Saint Brendan and the like, if they were actually referring to North America, all agree that there were already people there, when they arrived. Even the passage of Pliny the Elder, that some interpret as Native Americans who were carried to Europe by a storm, and then shipwrecked there in about 60 BC, still agrees, that there were already people in the New World.
Even artifacts, that some have claimed show even older contact between the New World and the Old World, bear testimony that those who might have made contact, were only visitors among the people, who already lived in the New World.
So who are the first nations to live in the New World? Where did they come from? When did they arrive?
One of the most common explanation is that there was once a land bridge between Asia and North America, that has been named Beringia. Beringia is called that, because this land bridge would have been where the Bering Sea is at today.
According to this explanation, somewhere between 11,000 and 70,000 years ago, with about 20,000 years ago being the most common date, the first Native Americans made their way into Alaska. They first traveled down the Pacific Coast, and then inland, until the New World was populated. Eventually, they formed the civilizations that existed when Columbus arrived.
(Between the time of the initial wave, and the arrival of Columbus, at least two other waves of immigrants from Asia, who remained far north of the modern mainland US border, are also thought to have occurred based on autosomal DNA studies of people, whose ancestors were in the New World before Columbus arrived.)
However, this story contradicts many observable facts.
The first thing to consider is, that there was absolutely no need for a land bridge to exist, in order for people to migrate from Siberia to Alaska.
At least, six sets of people have walked from Siberia to Alaska over the ice in modern times, including Karl Bushby. Several have went from Canada to Russia, or from Russia to Canada, via the North Pole using skis, including Dmitry Shparo. Several people have swam across the Bering Straight from Siberia to Alaska, including Lynne Cox.
On top of that, there is the Diomede Islands in the middle of the Bering Straight, about half way between Siberia and Alaska. These islands are only 28 miles (45 km) from Siberia and only 16 miles (25 km) from Alaska. They are visible from both Siberia and Alaska, and Siberia and Alaska are visible from them. It would certainly be no great feat for a group of travelers to have kayaked to these islands from Siberia, and then kayaked from these islands to Alaska.
So, people could have traveled from Siberia to Alaska by several means, including kayaks, dog sleds, skis, swimming, or simply walking across the ice.
Not only that, but Siberia to Alaska was not the only route that ancient people could have taken to reach the New World from the Old World.
In 1947 AD, Thor Heyerdahl built a raft in the style recorded by Spanish Conquistadors, using native materials, called the Kon Tiki. He and five companions then sailed the Kon Tiki to the Tuamoto Islands some 4,300 miles (6,900 km) from his launching point in Peru. He did this to prove that the ancient Polynesians could have came from natives of South America.
However, the ancient Polyneisans could have more easily made the journey from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) to Chile, being about only half of the distance (2,182 miles (3,512 km)) as the voyage of the Kon Tiki. The distance to Chile is also less that twice the distance (1,289 miles (2,075 km)) to the next closest island, Pitcairn Island, the closest place that the Polynesians of Rapa Nui could have migrated from.
There are also many types of evidence of trade between the Old World and the New World, particularly along the western coast of the New World.
There is much evidence of interaction between Polynesians and the natives of South America, including things that had their origin in South America being found among ancient Polynesians. Indeed, Polynesian artifacts have been found in South America as well.
The sweet potato had long been established as a crop among the Polynesians, when Captain Cook first encountered them on Tahiti in 1769 AD. The sweet potato is native to South America and the nearest Polynesian Island, Rapa Nui is more than 2000 miles (3500 km) away, making it unlikely that the Polynesians acquired them by any means other than actually going to South America.
The resin of a tree closely related to the monkey puzzle tree was found to be the embalming fluid of a Peruvian mummy. This particular tree is only found in Polynesian areas, but mainly in New Guinea. Both the tree resin and the mummy were independently dated to be from about 1200 AD. Trade between Polynesians and natives of South America is only reasonable explanation for such a large amount of this resin being available for embalming the mummy.
Chicken bones were also found in Chile that have been carbon dated between 1304 AD and 1424 AD. While there is on going discussion about rather the bones are from Polynesian chickens, or chickens of India, there is no debate about the fact, that there were chickens in Chile before the first Spanish explorers arrived, at least a century later. Again, the only reasonable explanation for chicken bones to have been Chile, before the Spanish arrived, is trade between the Polynesians and natives of South America.
DNA evidence also points to many types of contact, and even settlement of people from the Old World in the New World, long before the Spanish showed up in 1492 AD. The DNA of the natives of Rapa Nui, even those who died before contact with Europeans in 1722 AD, was found to be about 8% Native American. This bit of evidence that makes it certain, that the ancient Polynesians, and the people of the pacific coast of South America, interacted occasionally, and even intermarried.
All doubt about the lack of the need for any kind of land bridge being necessary should be removed by the autosomal DNA of the Native Americans, who inhabit the Amazon. Their autosomal DNA shows that a large part of the their ancestors were from the area of Australia and New Guinea, which is even further away than the farthest island of the Polynesians.
So, there was no need for any type of land travel for ancient people to have traveled from the Old World to the New World.
In fact, the shortest distance (1,600 miles (2,575 km)) from Africa to South America, is much shorter than the distance between Rapa Nui and Chile, so there could have been migration from Africa as well. This also suggested by the features of some of the colossal heads left by the Olmec, the written history of the Mali (an African kingdom), and the stories of such visits by the natives of the Caribbean Islands, that Christopher Columbus recorded in his journal.
So there was absolutely no need for the route from Siberia to Alaska, to have been the only possible route, for people to have migrated to the New World from the Old World.
In fact, DNA evidence makes it plain that the inhabits of the New World did not come to the New World in a single wave, but rather in multiple waves, and by different routes.
The DNA of the Inuit (Eskimos) has almost half of its distinguishing characteristics from a later East Asian source than the Native Americans south of the Canadian border. Ten percent of the DNA of Na-Dene (roughly Native Americans in northern Canada to the east of Alaska) has DNA characteristics from a third wave of immigration from Asia.
The DNA of the Aleuts shows common ancestry with the Ainu, the original inhabitants of Japan. Some of the Aleuts still live in Kamchatka Krai to this day, along with some of the Ainu. The Aleuts oral history tells of how they first migrated to the Aleutian Islands, and then migrated to the Aleutian Peninsula on the mainland of Alaska. (Kamchatka can be reached from Japan by following the Kuril Islands chain, and can be reached from Alaska by following the Aleutian Islands chain.)
It is also entirely possible that they were carried there by the same Kuroshio Currents, that have been documented as carrying Japanese fishermen to North America, including the Aleutian Islands, twenty three times between 1600 AD and 1830 AD.
So counting, the evidence of Polynesian/Melanesian/Austronesian DNA in South America, there were at least five waves of immigration into the New World before European contact. These five waves came at five different times, and by at least three different routes. In fact, each wave could have been as small as a single family, since there are five Y-Chromosome DNA haplogroups (a man per haplogroup) and five mitochondrial DNA haplogroups (a woman per haplogroup), among all of the people of the first nations.
The DNA evidence also makes it plain that the first nations to arrive were common ancestors to those who came in later waves, and then intermarried with the first nations. The DNA evidence shows that the very first people to arrive in the New World could have been as small as a single man, who carried haplogroup Q Y-Chromosome DNA, and his wife, who carried haplogroup A mitochondrial DNA.
Not only is the evidence that we have today contrary to any need for Beringia to even existed, but it is also quite contrary to a time line of 20,000 years ago.
The lack of highly differentiated genomes among domesticated dogs in North America from their Asian counterparts makes a time line of 20,000 year impossible. The purposeful selection of dogs prior to migration and their consequential isolation from Asian breeds would have guaranteed a much more diverse genome than what exists between northeast Asian breeds like the Siberian Husky, and northwest North American breeds like the Alaskan Husky. In fact, all northern dog breeds, whether officially recognized or not, are shown by DNA to be closely related to the Canadian Eskimo Dog (Qimmiq). Given that the different breeds were bred in isolation from each other, and for different characteristics, then their genomes would be far more differentiated from each other than they are, if this process had really been going on for 20,000 years. Instead, the differentiation in their genome is more consistent with a time of less than 4,000 years.
Even more subject to differentiation over time, due to isolation, than DNA is language. In America, all children are taught standard American English in school for twelve years, just to prevent American English from becoming so fractured over time that it becomes a number of regional dialects that are mutually unintelligible to each other.
This process of language fracturing can occur in a few generations, although it usually takes longer. However, without a purposeful effort to prevent it, it will almost certainly happen among groups that isolated for a thousand years from each other. For example, very few modern English readers can really understand the original English language that Beowulf was written in.
Now, if that is the case, for a written language in a period of a thousand years of time, then how much more so for languages that had no writing over a period of 20,000 years?
Yet, when the Russians discovered Alaska in 1790 AD, they encountered Yupik Inuits there who could speak with the Yupik Inuits of Siberia. In fact, the language of some tribes of Native Americans in the United States have been found to share language patterns with the people of the Altai mountains of Asia. In particular, Apaches, who are related to the Na-Dene and speak a related language, have a language that is similar in structure to the Yaniseian languages of central Siberia, just north of the Altai mountains.
Then there is the lack of language fracturing inside the New World. If the first nations had really arrived 20,000 years ago, then it is not really reasonable to believe that there would be wide spread language families and languages, where people who lived in isolation from each other, thousands of miles apart, could manage to talk to each other.
Although their languages had some differences, the members of different tribes, sometimes hundreds of miles apart, could still communicate with each other. They were no different than Americans and English communicating through a common ancestral language, even though there are some noticeable differences in pronunciation of some words, the use of different words to convey the same idea, and even minor differences in structure.
There are many more indications that the first nations did not arrive 20,000 years ago, but much later.
For example, the oldest civilization in the New World, that of the Olmec, did not arise until 1,400 BC.
Cities and civilizations become a necessity for any people, once the population density of an area becomes too great to support simple hunting, gathering, and basic farming as a way of life. It does not take very many generations after a fertile place is discovered, for groups of people to migrate there, settle there, and a city to be built there out of necessity. Every city state in history, has necessitated that a civilization arise to maintain the kind of order and organization necessary for a large population to live in a small area.
If the New World had really been being inhabited for 20,000 years, then there would certainly be much older civilizations in the New World. This would be the case, with an even modest rate of increase over a thousand generations, from even just one man, and his wife as the original inhabitants.
Then there is the ridiculously slow rate of population growth cited for this 20,000 year period. It is commonly cited that a group of about 70 individuals first arrived, and then grew ten fold (to 700) in a period of 800-1000 years. The family of my great grandfather and his wife, grew six fold (12 people) in 20 years after they were married, and grew over 50 fold in 60 years time. Before the invention of birth control, populations frequently grew at four fold per generation. It is absurd to assume that the first group of people to inhabit the New World grew at a rate barely above one fold per generation.
So where did this unreasonable arrival time of 11,000 to 70,000 years ago, with 20,000 years ago being the most common, come from?
The truth is, that there is no way to actually age a rock. If someone finds an arrowhead in the dirt, there is no way to tell if someone like my brother chipped it out last week, or if it was chipped out by a native two-thousand years ago. Arrowheads and the like are aged, by examining their style to identify the culture that created them, and then using the age when that culture was flourishing. The dates of when these cultures were flourishing are just made up.
Also, there is a general ordering of these cultures on the assumption that things were very slowly, but surely, improved upon. It does not allow for an explosion of improvement in a short time, by someone like Thomas Edison, nor for a period of sudden collapse, where technology is lost for generations, like when the dark ages that fell on Europe, after the Roman Empire collapsed. So an improvement in technology, like say one arrowhead being an improvement over another one, does not even prove that the culture that produced the improved arrowhead came later.
One example of a lost technology is the writing system of the Polynesians called Rongorongo. It has been found on artifacts, but no Polynesians in modern times have been able to decipher it. In the same way, the writing of the Na-Dene on birch bark scrolls had been lost to all but the Ojibwa (Chippewa) tribe by the time of European contact. Since birch bark is such a perishable material, there is no way to know how long the Na-Dene had used it for writing before they lost it. In similar manner, the hieroglyphics of the Mi'kmaq tribe had apparently lost its original meaning by the time of European contact, even though the hieroglyphs were still used as memory aids for children.
So, there is absolutely nothing that concretely identifies, when any of these cultures were flourishing. None of their artifacts came with dates stamped on them.
The entire story of humans migrating over a land bridge called Beringia to North America some 20,000 years ago was just made up. There is no real evidence for the dates given, or that the land now under the Bering Sea was dry land for thousands of years, while humans slowly made their way from Asia to North America.
The length of time needed was determined first, and then things were arranged to fit into a timeline that supports the length of time. Then everything is aged by using this timeline, that was simply invented to support a preconceived idea. The story of human beings very slowly migrating (about a mile (1.6 km) per year on average) from Siberia to cover all of the New World, is needed to make the greatest fairy tale ever told seem more believable.
In reality, the only way to reliably create a timeline of events, is to do so based on the records left behind by people, who were actually there. It is not hard to create a time line of the history of Greece, because there is plenty of records that were written by people, who were actually there.
Even Chinese records can be used to reliable create a time line from 859 BC, about a thousand years less than the Greeks, by syncing events involving other cultures, with their records to create reliable points on the Chinese time line.
(The Chinese occasionally presented simultaneous events, like the existence of four empires that warred with each other for control of China, as sequential events, in order to show that the Chinese have kept "The Mandate from Heaven", that there could only be one Chinese Emperor in power at a time.)
So are there any actual records, that can give any clues about where the first nations of the New World came from, when they came over, and why they came over?
There is one ancient book that records where the first nations came from, when the first nations migrated to the New World, the various paths that were available, and even why they migrated to the New World. The story of the origins of the first nations of the New World has been kept in this book for thousands of years.
This book contains the oldest continuously maintained records of ancient events in the entire world. Many of the events that it records, have been proven to have happened, when it said they happened, and where it said they happened, by modern archeology. It can be used as a reference for creating a reliable timeline that is based on actual records, written by people who were actually there, instead of speculation about what happened, in order to fit into a timeline, that created long after the events occurred.
This book has proven to be the indestructible book throughout the ages, so it contents have not been lost from the fall of ancient civilizations. The contents of this book are trustworthy as having not been altered over time, because it has been well documented as containing the incorruptible word.
The Writings of History and the history written about the Acts of the Apostles of Truth found in the Book of Truth (The Bible), have continuously been verified by other historical documents from the same time period, and modern archeology. This is what happens when a timeline is created by people, who were actually there, instead of being speculated by people, who were not born until thousands of year later.
The Book of Truth tells this story, even though it requires some study to see it clearly.
So what does the Book of Truth say about the first nations to live in the New World?
Like most things, most of the time, the best place to begin is at the beginning. Understanding what the Book of Truth says about Native Americans, starts with understanding, who Native Americans really are, according to the Book of Truth.
The Book of Truth defines race based on ancestry, primarily of the paternal linage, and secondarily of maternal lineage. The term that is used is "nations", which means more literally "ethnic groups".
For example, the root ancestors of the Jews and the Arabs, came from very different mothers (Genesis 21:2-9). Yet they have a common male ancestor named Abraham (1 Chronicles 1:27-34).
So, the Book of Truth does not define race in the superficial details of skin color, hair color, eye color, facial features, and the like, that people generally use to define race.
For example, the Jewish race is defined by a common ancestor named Jacob, aka Israel (Genesis 35:10-12). Yet, when they rebelled against the Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD), they were scattered among people of every race (Deuteronomy 4:25-27). Like their ancestors, they intermarried with those, whom they were scattered among (Ezra 9:1-2).
So Jews scattered to China look Chinese, Jews scattered to Africa are black skinned, and Jews scattered to Russia and Europe are white skinned. Yet their race (nation) is still Jewish, because of their common male ancestor, Israel.
In like manner, Native Americans are defined in the Book of Truth by a common male ancestor. So understanding who Native Americans really are, begins with identifying their common male ancestor.
Fortunately, this is not an insurmountable task.
The Book of Truth tells of the original seventy male ancestors that all races (nations) came from (Genesis 10).
Many of the nations that came from these male ancestors still bear their name to this day. This is important, for it helps to understand the significance of Greece rising up again in modern times.
Others not only are still identified by their name of the common male ancestor that they came from, by both ancient records and what they call themselves today, but also by the very meaning of their name.
For example, up until the time of the end of the British Empire, sub-Sahara Africa (Africa south of the Sahara Desert) was called the Kush, after the common male ancestor, Cush, who everyone in the southern two-thirds of Africa came from.
The Hebrew word "Cush", literally means "black". The Greek word, for the same people, "Aithiops" literally means "scorched (blackened) face". To this day, the country where all black people migrated into sub-Sahara Africa from, is called "Ethiopia", after the Greek name for their common male ancestor, named Cush.
The geography of the location of the nations that came from known relatives of the common male ancestor, is also helpful in identifying ethnic groups, who came from that ancestor.
Cush was the son of Ham and the brother of Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan (Genesis 10:6). This is very helpful, if you know which people groups descended from his brothers.
Mizraim is the common male ancestor of the Egyptians, whose descendants occupy the eastern part of northern Africa. (Egypt is still called Mizraim in Israel to this day.) Phut is the common male ancestor of the Libyans, whose descendants occupy the western part of northern Africa. (Phut is what the Egyptians call Libya.). Canaan is the common male ancestor of the Canaanites, whose descendants were the original inhabitants of the Promised Land, where Africa joins Asia.
This is another way to identify where the descendants of Cush originally lived. Since the other descendants of Ham originally occupied Africa and the parts of Asia that join Africa, then it follows that the descendants of Cush, originally occupied the rest of Africa.
This would also explain, why the descendants of Cush would have darker skin, than the descendants of his brothers.
The story told by the evidence of genetics is, that the more isolated that a group with common characteristics defined by a common narrow genome, the more able that group is to keep that narrower genome. The descendants of his brothers all lived in areas that bordered the descendants of people who did not come from Ham, their common male ancestor, but the area where descendants of Cush were only bordered by other descendants of Ham.
So the descendants of his brothers, who lived near their borders, might have their genome widened through intermarriage with people, who did not descend from Ham, so their skin color might lighten up some as their genome was widened. The descendants of Cush, who lived near his borders, would only have intermarriage with people, who descended from Ham, so their skin color would likely not lighten up any, from their genome being widened. Those descendants of Cush, who did not live near his borders, would only be able to marry with other descendants of Cush. So their genome would never get widened, and their skin color would never lighten up.
So the descendants of Cush can be determined with certainty by examining these three facts - the historical name given to them, the meaning of his name, and the original location of the descendants of his brothers.
Others races (nations) can be identified by considering these same type of facts, or even one of them in some cases.
In the case of the first nation of Native Americans, there is no known historical name given to them. This itself is a clue to founder of their race.
The next thing to consider is, whether or not a common ancestor of closely related races can be determined. Fortunately, this can be done.
Without question, the Native Americans are related to the nations that occupy the eastern half of Asia.
One of these races is the Chinese. The history of the Chinese records, that they all came from a single man named Jobab (Yobab). Their history tells of how Jobab lived in a place called Hassuna in Mesopotamia. It goes on to tell of how he lead a group of people to flee from the disaster brought on by the tyrant of Babylon, who ruled Mesopotamia, named Nimrud (Nimrod). It finishes with telling of how Jobab lead these refuges along a path similar to the Silk Road, until he reached the Yellow River, where he established Louyang, the first capital of China.
Archeology supports this story. The ruins of Hassuna have been found in Iraq, in the location told by the Chinese story. In those ruins, terracotta statues were found with distinctly Chinese faces, in particular having the folded eyelids that mark the Chinese, and those related to them.
Jobab is the son of Joktan (Yoqtan), as the Chinese history also records, along with his brother Ophir (Ofpir) (Genesis 10:29).
King Solomon sent ships from Eloth (Eilat) to Ophir (the land where Ophir settled) to fetch large amounts of gold (1 Kings 9:26-28). He also had almug trees (sandal wood) and precious gems imported from Ophir (1 Kings 10:11). He also had fetched from the land of Ophir, silver, ivory, monkeys (apes) and peacocks (1 Kings 10:22). Ophir was also known for its onyx stones and sapphires (Job 28:16).
There can be no doubt that Ophir was the founder of modern India. India alone had all of these things that it was known for in ancient days. Even today, the peacock is the national symbol of India. The Native Americans looked so related to the people of India, that Europeans called them "Indians", when they first encountered them. Even today, many of the people of India, look very similar to many of the full blood Native Americans.
So Native Americans, who were the first nation to migrate to the New World, were descendants of one of the brothers of Jobab and Ophir, whose father was Joktan. The question then becomes: which brother?
Joktan had thirteen sons, that each started a nation (Genesis 10:26-29). The nations started by his descendants all settled further east than all other nations, with Mesha being their western border, as one travels towards Mount Sephar (Genesis 10:30).
According to Josephus, Mesha is a river, that the Greeks called the Cophen River, and is today known as the Kabul River. The Kabul River is a tributary of the Indus River, that has served as the border between Persia and India, for most of history. It is also where the Indus Valley Civilization first rose up.
Sephar means counting or numbering. The Kabul River is encountered as one travels towards the mountains of the Hindu Kush, and were counted as marking the border of the people of the East, including India, by Alexander the Great. In particular, the Koh-i-Baba, the Baba Mountian ranges was considered the very most western border and is where the Kabul River starts.
The term the mount of numbering could also be a reference a mountain on the west side of the Himalayas, and to the great number of people who came from the area of that mountain.
The Himalayas are surrounded by a great number of people, who came from Joktan. The Himalayas separate the two most populous nations on Earth, India and China, whose original inhabitants both came from Joktan. The part of Asia east of India and south of China, was known as Indo-China for centuries, because the people there are a mix of the people from India and China. The Indo-Chinese nations also border the south east corner of the Himalayas. So almost half of the people on Earth, settled on or near the Himalayas.
So calling one of the mountain of the Himalayas in the area between the Kabul River and the Himalayas, where the descendants of Jobab (Chinese) and Ophir (Indians) first settled before spreading out from there, the Mount of Numbering, would certainly make sense.
(It also worth noting that the descendants of Joktan could not have been settled in the Arabian Peninsula as commonly reported. It is plainly stated that they were the furthest east of the nations, and originally were near a notable mountain. In the Book of Truth, directions like this are generally from the perspective of the Promised Land, usually with Jerusalem at the center. The Arabian Peninsula is mostly south of Jerusalem. The extreme northeast part the Arabian Peninsula, that might be considered east of Jerusalem (really southeast), near the Persian Gulf, is part of a large flat plain. If Babylon is the center point of reference, instead of Jerusalem, then Arabian Peninsula is completely ruled out. The only thing that the Arabian Peninsula is actually east of, is the northern part of Africa. However, the area between the Kabul River and the Himalayas is almost straight east of Jerusalem and is in the land to the east of Babylon.)
One evidence of this is the Tlingit people of southeast Alaska, and the Telengits of the Altai Mountains in Russia, just west of Mongolia. The Altai Mountains are northeast of the Kabul River. The Telengits live among the Altai people, a people of Turkic descent, but have distinctively different DNA than their neighbors. Genetics show that the Telengits of the Altai mountains share the same Q haplogroup marker as the Tlingit of southeast Alaska, but this marker is completely absent from the Altai people. Both of these groups have similar customs. For example, the Telengits traditionally lived in a bark teepee similar to a cedar bark teepee inhabited by descendants of the Tlingit, who migrated along the coast into the area of California. The clothing of the Telengits shamans are almost identical to those worn by Tlingit shamans. The languages of both groups belong to the same language family. (The language of the Telengits was noticeably different than that of the Altai people. Although it has mostly been lost today.) Even the name of these two people groups are almost identical in pronunciation.
So the first nations of the New World all came from various descendants of Joktan at various times. However, they did not come over at the same time. Descendants of only one son of Joktan came over as the original nation of the New World. Later migrations from descendants of his brothers intermarried with his descendants to form the rest of the first nations of the New World.
There is no historical name that can be traced back to these Native Americans. Still, their point of migration, and nations that are closely related to the them by genetics, has enabled the determination of a common ancestor.
There is one more clue that will answer the question, and that is the very name of the founder of the original inhabitants of the New World. The meaning of name of the common ancestor of the original inhabitants of the New World explains why there is no historical name, which can be traced to these Native Americans.
Joktan had thirteen sons that each started their own nation, as previously mentioned (1 Chronicles 1:20-23). It is obvious from the nations that can be traced to back some of these sons, that the common ancestor of the Native Americans, and the other first nations, can be traced back to one of these sons. The nations that came from almost all of these sons can be traced to nations in the eastern half of Asia, except for one son. That son is the oldest son of Joktan, named Almodad (1 Chronicles 1:20).
The name Almodad literally means "not measured" or "beyond the boundaries".
As far as the Old World was concerned, the New World did not even exist for most of history. The Greeks knew of at least Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Romans gave Australia its name, "Terra Australis" (literally "Southern Land") when they had learned of its existence through trade with India. The Chinese sent an ambassador to Rome, who they called Da Qin (literally "Greater China"). They had already been in contact with the people of Siberia and Japan for hundreds of years. Ptolemy's map, made around 200 BC, showed all of Africa and much of Europe and Asia. In general, most of the Old World was known, by the great civilizations of the Old World. It was especially known by the Jews, who stayed in contact with each other, after being scattered across most of it in the Assyrian, Babylonian and Roman diasporas.
However, not even the Jews had a clue, that there were two more continents in the great expanse of waters, which separated Asia from Europe and Australia from Africa. The descendants of Almodad were literally not measured in the annuals of ancient explorers like Herodotus, Marco Polo, or Zheng He. They were literally beyond the boundaries, of what people in the Old World thought was the whole world. This is why there is no nation (ethnic group) whose name is derived from Almodad in historical records of the Old World.
The Book of Truth also tells why the descendants of Almodad migrated to the New World as well as resolving some other mysteries of the first nations. Here is the history recorded in the Book of Truth about the first nations.
Originally, there was only one giant continent and only one giant ocean, with some inland seas (Genesis 1:9-10). Originally, all of the people on Earth spoke only one common language (Genesis 11:1).
The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) commanded the people that He created to fill the entire Earth again, after the Flood (Genesis 9:1). However, a rebel against the Father of Truth, named Nimrod, rose up to lead the people in rebellion to His command (Genesis 10:8-10). So they rebelled by building Babylon in the plains of Shinar (Mesopotamia), so they could stay together in one place, instead of being scattered all over the Earth (Genesis 11:2-4).
So the Father of Truth confused their languages, so that they could not all speak together and work together in their rebellion (Genesis 11:5-7). They then divided into groups, who spoke the same language, and migrated throughout the Earth to be separated from groups, who spoke other languages (Genesis 11:8-9).
Centuries later, during the lifetime of Peleg, the brother of Joktan, the Father of Truth then divided the one giant continent into smaller continents and islands, to ensure that the people would not be able to abandon most of the Earth, so that they could live together in one place again (Genesis 10:25). This division of the Earth occurred over a period of two hundred and thirty-nine years (Genesis 11:18-19).
So the Book of Truth tells a history of the migration of the original nation to the New World, to the one that is similar to the one told by the Chinese of their migration to China. It tells of a dispersion from Mesopotamia, after a rebellion by Nimrod, which caused them to first migrate to east Asia, and then to the New World, beyond the boundaries of what was known, and then finally the New World was separated from the Old World, so that they were not measured by the inhabitants of the Old World.
This explanation agrees with the evidence.
Until about 1900 AD, the skeptics of the Book of Truth said, that the idea that all of the continents were once part of one giant land mass was unreasonable. Then evidence began to mount to show that the lands of the Earth really did once exist as one giant land mass. So they decided to call this giant land mass, Pangaea, which literally means "all land". Eventually, they came up with plate tectonics to explain how this happened.
They decided that this super continent originally sat on one single tectonic plate that was divided into the twelve major plates that exists today. Those plates then traveled over the lithosphere away from each other, until they began to collide with each other on the opposite side from where they had previously been joined together.
So science finally caught up with the Book of Truth, and agreed that there had once been only one giant land mass that became divided. How could this have been known 4,000 years ago, when writing had barely been invented?
The obvious answer is, that it was witnessed by people, who were actually there, instead of being speculated by people thousands of year later, and given dates to fit into an imaginary timeline. The Earth dividing into continents would not be something that would go unnoticed by everyone.
The Book of Truth does not put this event occurring millions of years ago, with the continents drifting a few inches per year. The information given by the Book of Truth indicates that this happened in a period of about 239 years, about 4,000 years ago.
This works out to be an average of about 10 miles (16 km) per year, or 144 feet (48 m) per day, or 6 feet (2 m) per hour or 0.72 inches (2 cm) per minute. This is indeed a slow enough pace that those living on this giant land mass would be able to adjust to the situation on a daily basis. Those who were not any where near the edges, might not even notice the movement of the continents, just like people don't notice that the Earth is hurtling through space at thousands of miles per hour.
The fact is, that there is no need for this process to have taken millions of years, and that people would have been able to continue to live while the Earth went through these massive changes. After all, people have done so numerous times in recorded history.
For example, according to Herodotus, the Loudias River in Greece was a tributary the Haliacmon (Aliakmon) River, but by the time of Julius Caesar, the five thousand feet tall Haliacmon mountains had risen up to force the Loudias River to instead flow into the sea. Roman records indicate that these mountains may have risen up in as little as one year, or even a single day.
Also when Mount Saint Helens exploded in Washington state, it created the 100 ft (30 m) high Lewis River waterfalls almost instantly. When the flood gates of Hoover Dam was opened to keep Lake Mead from flowing over the top, then a huge cavity that could hold a statue twice the size of the Statute of Liberty was carved out the canyon wall in just a few hours.
So there is no reason at all for Pangaea to have been broken apart long before human existence, and the fact that it was written about occurring by people, who were actually there, should make it plain that it happened during human existence.
Still, there is no exact agreement on all of the details of the arrangement and shape of Pangaea, but there is a general consensus about some parts with respect to the current land masses of the Earth. In particular, it is generally agreed that South America and Africa were together. (I noticed that they could fit together on a globe when I was seven years old, so this is a no-brainer.) Also Australia was joined to Africa on the opposite side.
So the reason that the Native Americans of the Amazon have autosomal DNA markers that are shared by Austronesians and Melanesians, could be as simple as some of their common ancestors went west out of Africa to the Amazon, the area where the two continents touched, while most of them went east to Australia and the adjoining lands that were first populated by Melanesians. So when the descendants of Almodad made their way down to South America, the two groups intermarried to give the distinctive genetics that are unique to the natives of the Amazon.
There is also ample evidence that North America may not have all been one neat land mass after the Earth divided, but rather formed by at least two land masses colliding, similar to how the Indian subcontinent collided with the main part of the Asian continent. For example, Redwood trees only grow near the Pacific Coast of the United States and China. Similarly, alligators are only found in the United States and China. (The southwest United States used to be a swamp as evidenced by fossilized trees.) So while the descendants of Almodad could have crossed the Bering straight after the Earth divided, they could have also just walked to the west coast of North America before the Earth divided.
So the mystery of where the first nations came from is solved when we examine the Book of Truth, that contains a written history by people, who were actually there.
The earliest inhabitants of North America and most of South America were the nations that came from Almodad, who migrated from east Asia to North America, possibly after the Earth divided, but possibly before it divided. They would have then intermarried with other groups, who arrived later, to form nations like the Inuits (Eskimos), Na-Dene, and Aleuts. They would have also intermarried with the relatives of the Austronesians and Melanesians, once they reached the Amazon. In like manner, they apparently intermarried with Polynesians that they encountered sometime before the arrival of Columbus.
A far more important question, than where did the first nations of the New World come from, is where are you going after you die?
The Book of Truth not only tells where people came from, but also where they are going. The evidence in the Earth about what the Book of Truth says happened, gives every person reason to believe what it says will happen.
The Father of Truth has left evidence of His existence and providence for all to see, so that all people, whether they are part of the first nations or not, can come into the House of Truth (Romans 1:19-20). He has said that anyone who will surrender control of their life to the Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ), because they believe that He raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:9). Are you going to believe the report of the Book of Truth, and come into the House of Truth, since its report about the first nations has been proven to be accurate (Romans 10:15-17)?
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Genetics, Language, Native Americans
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