The Impossible Government
How did the government of Israel return, after being gone for over 1800 years?
The Maccabees began ruling the land of Israel as client kingdom of the Seleucid Empire in 160 BC. Next their descendants, the Hasmoneans, began ruling the land of Israel as an independent kingdom in 110 BC. Then the Romans annexed their kingdom as a client kingdom of the Roman Empire in 64 BC.
The rule of the Hasmoneans over the land of Israel came to an end, when Herod the Great was made king in their place by the Romans in 37 BC. The last of his descendants sided with the Romans in the Great Revolt that brought about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. So the Romans allowed them continue to rule over various parts of the land of Israel, until the last of them died in 92 AD.
Afterwards, Bar Kochba led a revolt in 132 AD, to create a new independent Jewish kingdom in the land of Israel. This revolt only lead to the Romans exiling most of the Jews from the land of Israel, and bringing an end to the providence of Judaea in 135 AD.
The Jews had not made any effort to return Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, when the Byzantine Empire took control in 390 AD.
Then the Sassanid Empire attacked the Byzantine Empire in 602 AD. In 614 AD, Jewish forces in the land of Judah helped the Sassanid Empire take control of Jerusalem, in exchange for being allowed to form a client kingdom of the Sassanid Empire in the land of Israel. They were allowed to rule over Jerusalem, until the Sassanid Empire reversed its policy in 617 AD. This ended all hope of the Jews returning to some form of self-rule by the people of Israel in the land of Israel.
The Jews had made no effort to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, when the Arab Caliphates took over in 636 AD. The ability of the Jews to return to Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel was crushed, when the Crusaders took control of the land of Israel in 1099 AD. There was still no effort to do this, when the Ayyubid Sultanate took control of the land of Israel in 1187 AD. There was no chance of doing this, when the Mamluk Sultanate began to take control of the land of Israel in 1260 AD. Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel became a long abandoned dream, when the Ottoman Empire took control in 1517 AD.
However, an unexpected source of help to make this long abandoned dream come to pass, was being conceived at this time in western Europe. Christian Zionists began working to bring this about. They worked for centuries, to change the hearts and minds of Ashkenazi Jews in Britain and America, to dream once again about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel. This impossible dream had became the dream of Christian Zionists, long before Ashkenazi Jews began to dream about this again.
By 1820 AD, many of the British Ashkenazi Jews started believing in this impossible dream again.
For the next twenty years, these Christian Zionists began preparing the land of Israel for the return of Jewish self-rule. They also continued to take action to turn public sentiment in Britain, to favor Britain helping Jewish self-rule return to the land of Israel.
The efforts of these Christian Zionist were not in vain. In 1840 AD, a number of things happened, which left no doubt that Britain and America were definitely interested in returning Jewish self-rule to the land of Israel.
So, when Jewish leaders were approached about this in London by Christian Zionist leaders in 1840 AD, they were ready to listen. This was the beginning of modern Jewish leaders joining in the effort to bring Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
So, the Christian Zionists continued to prepare the land of Israel for Jewish self-rule. They continued to raise up this desire among the Children of Truth through out America and Britain. The Jewish Children of Truth began to take on an even more active role, in the effort to return Jewish self-rule to the land of Israel. Jewish and Gentile Christian Zionists reached out to both Ashkenazi Jews, and governments across Europe, to build up support for this impossible dream.
Still, when Mark Twain visited the land of Israel in 1867 AD, there were no Jews in the land of Israel that were making any effort to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
The American Christian Zionists were undeterred by his report. They continued to stir up the Children of Truth in America to take action to make this impossible dream happen. They continued to prepare the land of Israel for the return of Jewish self-rule at great financial expense. They sought the support of the American government in bringing this to pass.
The British Christian Zionists were successful at influencing Benjamin Disraeli to become a Jewish Zionist. However, when he became Prime Minister in 1874 AD, he lacked any opportunity to move the British government to take action to fulfill this impossible dream. The best he could do was reinforce the desires of Christian Zionists like Queen Victoria, to do what they could to help bring this dream to pass.
There were other Jewish Zionists, who were willing to work with him to bring this dream to pass, but they were too disconnected from each other to work effectively together.
Yet, the actions of Christian Zionists in America and Europe continued to provoke Ashkenazi Jews to begin to take action as well. Almost no Ashkenazi Jews, other than Jewish Children of Truth, had taken any meaningful action to bring this impossible dream to pass, but they were primed to do so. They just needed a practical means to work together.
This did not start to change until Theodore Herzl. Herzl, an Ashkenazi Jew, wrote a book called "The Jewish State" in 1896 AD that was instrumental in the formation of the modern state of Israel.
Within weeks, William Hechler, a Christian Zionist friend, began helping Herzl to gain the political connections that he would need to make Zionism practical.
Herzl then held the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897 AD. He convinced many Ashkenazi Jews in Europe that they had no chance of fair treatment in Europe, and that their only hope was to create a Jewish state in the land of Israel. So many of them joined the World Zionist Organization that same year. For the first time, there was a mechanism for Jews scattered across Europe and America to work together towards returning Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Herzl gained the political legitimacy he need in 1898 AD, with the help of his Christian Zionist friend. So, many more Jews were now ready to take action, to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Among those Ashkenazi Jews who were inspired to create a Jewish state was Chaim Weizmann. He started working tirelessly in 1898 AD to make the modern state of Israel to become a reality. He did this through his many political connections among both Jews and Gentiles, especially in Britain. He create the British Zionist Federation to act as the voice of all Zionist Jews throughout Britain in 1899 AD.
So in 1903 AD, the British offered Herzl land in Uganda for a Jewish State. Intense debate ensued over the offer in the Sixth Zionist Congress that same year. However, an American Christian Zionist, William Blackstone, convinced Herzl to not accept a Jewish state anywhere other than the land of Israel.
Herzl work so tirelessly promoting the Jewish State, that he died from exhaustion in 1904 AD. Yet, he had been able to persuade the World Zionist Organization that the Jewish state had to be in the land of Israel. So when the Seventh Zionist Congress met in 1905 AD, it rejected the Uganda offer, and insisted that a Jewish state could only be established in the land of Israel.
So in 1908 AD, the World Zionist Organization created The Jewish Agency Of Israel (aka The Jewish Agency) in Haifa, as its operational branch in the land of Israel.
Then came World War I in 1914 AD.
In 1915 AD, the Germans eventually cut off the supply of saltpeter from the British. This left the British without the means to manufacture gunpowder. However, Weizmann, who had immigrated to Britain from Switzerland, used his skills in chemistry to find away to create gunpowder without saltpeter. With the help of Christian Zionist (according to his own writings) Winston Churchill, he was able to saved the British from certain defeat in 1916 AD.
That same year, American Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, a Jewish Zionist, discovered the Blackstone Memorial in the national archives during his confirmation process. He reached out to his fellow Jewish Zionist, retailer Nathan Strauss, who had known William Blackstone before he had left business to pursue preaching, to ask Blackstone for his assistance. Strauss wrote Blackstone a letter asking that he create a second Blackstone Memorial, and present it to President Woodrow Wilson.
In 1917 AD, President Wilson, another Christian Zionist, read the petition, and let the British government know that America supported the goals of the Jewish Zionists.
Later in 1917 AD, King George V, another Christian Zionist, offered Weizmann whatever he wanted for his service in saving Britain. Weizmann asked for the Jews to be given land that Britain would win from the Ottoman Empire to create a homeland for the Jews. So as payment, the Jews were to be given land that Britain would win from the Ottoman Empire, to create a Jewish state.
This was publish in the Balfour declaration, the single most significant paragraph to be written since the Book of Truth had been completed in 95 AD.
During the seventy-seven years from when British Jewish leadership was finally willing to listen to Christian Zionists, concerning creating Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel in 1840 AD, and the assurance of this becoming a reality by the Balfour Declaration in 1917 AD, the Jewish Zionists faced constant opposition from the False Church of Rome, and most of the Rabbis.
When War World I ended in 1918 AD, Weizmann, the head of the British Zionist Federation, created the Zion Commission to assist the British in creating the Jewish state, that they had promised in the Balfour Declaration. The Zion Commission arrived in the land of Israel, and began creating reports for the British of the conditions they found.
In 1919 AD, the British were given the southern portion of land won from the Ottoman Empire as part of the treaty of Versailles, which formally ended World War I.
Then another Ashkenazi Jewish family, the Rothschilds family, paid the Ottoman Emperor an enormous amount of money, for the land that the British promised to give for Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, even though the Ottoman Empire no longer owned the land. Finally, mostly Ashkenazi Jews from all over Europe and America, collected money and sent it to the Ashkenazi Jews living in the land of Israel. These Ashkenazi Jews then paid the few Arabs living in the land for the land, even though the Ottoman Turks had owned this land, and these Arabs had just been their tenants. So the Ashkenazi Jews paid for the land of Israel three times.
In 1920 AD, the British were given a mandate by the Allies to create a homeland for the Jews inside the land that they had won from the Ottoman Empire. This agreement placed the Jewish Agency as the effective government of the Jews under British rule of the land of Israel, with members of the Zion Commission as its executive branch in 1921 AD.
Chaim Weizmann was also elected as the head of the World Zionist Organization that same year, making him the undisputed head of the effective government of the Jews in the land of Israel. With respect to ruling the land of Israel under the British, the World Zionist Organization and the Zion Commission were effectively absorbed into the Jewish Agency.
Finally, the League of Nations approved this mandate the next year, creating British Mandate Palestine in the land of Israel, with the Jewish Agency ruling Jews in British Mandate Palestine on behalf of the British. Also, the Churchill White Paper was drawn up by Winston Churchill, to create one state in British Mandate Palestine, where Jews and Arabs would live under the rule of one government.
So there was a Jewish government ruling in the land of Israel under the authority of a Gentile empire for the first time since 92 AD.
In 1929 AD, the Sixteenth Zionist Congress formally made the Zion Commission part of the Jewish Agency, and responsible for all executive decisions. The next year, the British transferred all authority for Jewish rule in British Mandate Palestine to the Jewish Agency. They also issued the White Papers in that same year, which restricted the Jewish immigration that was vital for the formation of an independent Jewish State. So the next year, Weizmann resigned as head of the both the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency.
Then in 1935 AD, David Ben Gurion, an Ashkenazi Jew, became the head of the Jewish Agency, and Weizmann returned to running the World Zionist Organization. The next year, the Peel Commission set out to formally define the borders dividing the Jewish homeland from the land belonging to various Arab nations. Ben Gurion and Weizmann convinced the Twentieth Zionist Congress the next year to accept the partition as a starting point for future negotiations, but the Arabs completely rejected any proposal of partition.
Then World War II came in 1939 AD.
The Jews in British Mandate Palestine fought vigorously on behalf of the British in the Jewish Brigade, which Weizmann convinced the British to form in 1942 AD. Then Weizmann convinced Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1944 AD, that partitioning the land into two states was better than one government over both Jews and Arabs, as Churchill had proposed in the Churchill White Paper some 22 years earlier.
After World War II ended in 1945 AD, millions of displaced Ashkenazi Jews move to the land of Israel, with the intention of creating the Jewish State. So, in November of 1947 AD, the United Nations, which replaced the League of Nations, announced its partition plan that served as a blueprint for the borders of the Jewish state in the land of Israel.
The Jewish Agency accepted the partition because it gave legitimacy to the Jewish state as a nation, but the Arabs rejected it for the same reason. The British argued, that this division between the Jews and Arabs made their ability to maintain control in British Mandate Palestine impossible.
So, the British announced that same month that they would be pulling out of the land of Israel, once the British Mandate expired with the start of May 15, 1948 at midnight. So, in December of 1947, the Arabs launched a war of terror against the mostly Ashkenazi Jews. This war lasted until these mostly Ashkenazi Jews brought the fighting to an end in April of 1948.
So on May 14, 1948, one day before the British Mandate expired, the Jewish Agency, which was composed almost entirely of Ashkenazi Jews, voted on creating the Jewish State that Herzl had envisioned. David Ben-Gurion was elected as the first Prime Minister, and Chaim Weizmann was elected as the first President. (Albert Einstein had been approached about being the first President, but he declined and remained in the United States.)
So Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion announced to the world via the radio, the declaration of the establishment of the Jewish State in the land of Israel, which would be known as the State of Israel. Harry S. Truman, another Christian Zionist, the new President of the United States, called within minutes of the end of the declaration, to confirmed that the United States recognized the State of Israel as a peer nation with the United States.
Thus, the modern state of Israel was born in a single day.
For the first time since the Romans annexed the kingdom of the Hasmoneans in 64 BC, there was an independent Jewish government ruling in the land of Israel.
The next day it was attacked by many of the Arabs living in the land of Israel, plus the armies of four nearby Muslim nations. Later, four more Muslim countries sent in their armies as well. However, by July of 1949, the War of Israel Independence was over, and Israel had clearly won.
Israel has fought more than fifty wars of survival since then, and won all of them. In the Six Days War in 1967 AD, Jerusalem, the capital of the land of Israel, came under Jewish rule for the first time since 617 AD.
The dream of Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists for Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel has became a reality. The Impossible Government continues to rule over the people of Israel in the land of Israel.
The impossible has happened.
How could have all of this happened?
This is the work of the Greatest Zionist.
The Father of Truth caused Israel to become a nation in just one day in 1948 AD, and then fight its war of independence, quite backwards from the process of every other nation on Earth, almost entirely by Ashkenazi Jews (Isaiah 66:7-9). He has caused the Ashkenazi Jews to create a government consisting of mainly Ashkenazi Jews (Jeremiah 30:20-21). He has caused the Ashkenazi Jews to create the modern state of Israel, as the only Jewish state on Earth (Ezekiel 37:19-22).
The Father of Truth has been causing the mountains of Israel to no longer be a continual unproductive waste land, devoid up people, by causing the Jews to return and form a nation again, through many wars (Ezekiel 38:8). The Father of Truth has been planting the Jewish people in the land of Israel, starting with the Ashkenazi Jews, and has kept the enemies of Israel from ever uprooting them from the land of Israel again (Amos 9:15).
The Father of Truth does not just want to make the impossible happen concerning the rulers of Israel, but He wants to make the impossible happen concerning your ruler. He wants you to come into the House of Truth, and have the ruler He has chosen.
Like the government of Israel, the Father of Truth wants you to ruled by a Jewish ruler. The Father of Truth has the brought about the perfect ruler for Israel and you (Isaiah 9:6-7). This Jewish ruler is anointed with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), so he can cause the Gentiles to understand how to walk in the way of the Father of Truth (Isaiah 42:1-4). This Jewish ruler is the fulfillment of the covenants given to the Jews, and the enlightener of the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:5-6).
Like the government of Israel, the Father of Truth seeks to bring you into obedience to the Messiah of Israel. This Jewish ruler, who would do all of these things, was to be born in Bethlehem, Israel, and then become great throughout the Earth (Micah 5:2-4). The Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, who was born to rule over Israel (Matthew 2:4-6).
Like the government of Israel, the Father of Truth has instructed Christian Zionists, to seek to bring Jewish rule into your life. Those who have made this Jew their ruler, seek to return you to Jewish rule, like they sought for the land of Israel (Isaiah 11:10-12). This same Jewish ruler, who showed Christian Zionists the need to return the land of Israel to Jewish rule, as part of the covenant that the Father of Truth made with Israel, needs to be ruler of your life as well (Isaiah 49:4-7).
There is Good News for everyone who comes into the House of Truth! The Man of Truth was born to rule over your life, as well as the people of Israel (Matthew 12:17-21). You can come under the rule of this Jewish king, by repenting of your sins today (Mark 1:14-15). You do not have to wait until the Man of Truth returns to this Earth to rule over the kingdom of Israel, to experience the power of his kingdom in your life (Acts 1:6-8). You just need to make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). You do not even have to be Jewish, or living in the land of Israel, to be ruled by this Jewish ruler in the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
The Maccabees began ruling the land of Israel as client kingdom of the Seleucid Empire in 160 BC. Next their descendants, the Hasmoneans, began ruling the land of Israel as an independent kingdom in 110 BC. Then the Romans annexed their kingdom as a client kingdom of the Roman Empire in 64 BC.
The rule of the Hasmoneans over the land of Israel came to an end, when Herod the Great was made king in their place by the Romans in 37 BC. The last of his descendants sided with the Romans in the Great Revolt that brought about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. So the Romans allowed them continue to rule over various parts of the land of Israel, until the last of them died in 92 AD.
Afterwards, Bar Kochba led a revolt in 132 AD, to create a new independent Jewish kingdom in the land of Israel. This revolt only lead to the Romans exiling most of the Jews from the land of Israel, and bringing an end to the providence of Judaea in 135 AD.
The Jews had not made any effort to return Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, when the Byzantine Empire took control in 390 AD.
Then the Sassanid Empire attacked the Byzantine Empire in 602 AD. In 614 AD, Jewish forces in the land of Judah helped the Sassanid Empire take control of Jerusalem, in exchange for being allowed to form a client kingdom of the Sassanid Empire in the land of Israel. They were allowed to rule over Jerusalem, until the Sassanid Empire reversed its policy in 617 AD. This ended all hope of the Jews returning to some form of self-rule by the people of Israel in the land of Israel.
The Jews had made no effort to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, when the Arab Caliphates took over in 636 AD. The ability of the Jews to return to Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel was crushed, when the Crusaders took control of the land of Israel in 1099 AD. There was still no effort to do this, when the Ayyubid Sultanate took control of the land of Israel in 1187 AD. There was no chance of doing this, when the Mamluk Sultanate began to take control of the land of Israel in 1260 AD. Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel became a long abandoned dream, when the Ottoman Empire took control in 1517 AD.
However, an unexpected source of help to make this long abandoned dream come to pass, was being conceived at this time in western Europe. Christian Zionists began working to bring this about. They worked for centuries, to change the hearts and minds of Ashkenazi Jews in Britain and America, to dream once again about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel. This impossible dream had became the dream of Christian Zionists, long before Ashkenazi Jews began to dream about this again.
By 1820 AD, many of the British Ashkenazi Jews started believing in this impossible dream again.
For the next twenty years, these Christian Zionists began preparing the land of Israel for the return of Jewish self-rule. They also continued to take action to turn public sentiment in Britain, to favor Britain helping Jewish self-rule return to the land of Israel.
The efforts of these Christian Zionist were not in vain. In 1840 AD, a number of things happened, which left no doubt that Britain and America were definitely interested in returning Jewish self-rule to the land of Israel.
So, when Jewish leaders were approached about this in London by Christian Zionist leaders in 1840 AD, they were ready to listen. This was the beginning of modern Jewish leaders joining in the effort to bring Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
So, the Christian Zionists continued to prepare the land of Israel for Jewish self-rule. They continued to raise up this desire among the Children of Truth through out America and Britain. The Jewish Children of Truth began to take on an even more active role, in the effort to return Jewish self-rule to the land of Israel. Jewish and Gentile Christian Zionists reached out to both Ashkenazi Jews, and governments across Europe, to build up support for this impossible dream.
Still, when Mark Twain visited the land of Israel in 1867 AD, there were no Jews in the land of Israel that were making any effort to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
The American Christian Zionists were undeterred by his report. They continued to stir up the Children of Truth in America to take action to make this impossible dream happen. They continued to prepare the land of Israel for the return of Jewish self-rule at great financial expense. They sought the support of the American government in bringing this to pass.
The British Christian Zionists were successful at influencing Benjamin Disraeli to become a Jewish Zionist. However, when he became Prime Minister in 1874 AD, he lacked any opportunity to move the British government to take action to fulfill this impossible dream. The best he could do was reinforce the desires of Christian Zionists like Queen Victoria, to do what they could to help bring this dream to pass.
There were other Jewish Zionists, who were willing to work with him to bring this dream to pass, but they were too disconnected from each other to work effectively together.
Yet, the actions of Christian Zionists in America and Europe continued to provoke Ashkenazi Jews to begin to take action as well. Almost no Ashkenazi Jews, other than Jewish Children of Truth, had taken any meaningful action to bring this impossible dream to pass, but they were primed to do so. They just needed a practical means to work together.
This did not start to change until Theodore Herzl. Herzl, an Ashkenazi Jew, wrote a book called "The Jewish State" in 1896 AD that was instrumental in the formation of the modern state of Israel.
Within weeks, William Hechler, a Christian Zionist friend, began helping Herzl to gain the political connections that he would need to make Zionism practical.
Herzl then held the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897 AD. He convinced many Ashkenazi Jews in Europe that they had no chance of fair treatment in Europe, and that their only hope was to create a Jewish state in the land of Israel. So many of them joined the World Zionist Organization that same year. For the first time, there was a mechanism for Jews scattered across Europe and America to work together towards returning Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Herzl gained the political legitimacy he need in 1898 AD, with the help of his Christian Zionist friend. So, many more Jews were now ready to take action, to bring about Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel.
Among those Ashkenazi Jews who were inspired to create a Jewish state was Chaim Weizmann. He started working tirelessly in 1898 AD to make the modern state of Israel to become a reality. He did this through his many political connections among both Jews and Gentiles, especially in Britain. He create the British Zionist Federation to act as the voice of all Zionist Jews throughout Britain in 1899 AD.
So in 1903 AD, the British offered Herzl land in Uganda for a Jewish State. Intense debate ensued over the offer in the Sixth Zionist Congress that same year. However, an American Christian Zionist, William Blackstone, convinced Herzl to not accept a Jewish state anywhere other than the land of Israel.
Herzl work so tirelessly promoting the Jewish State, that he died from exhaustion in 1904 AD. Yet, he had been able to persuade the World Zionist Organization that the Jewish state had to be in the land of Israel. So when the Seventh Zionist Congress met in 1905 AD, it rejected the Uganda offer, and insisted that a Jewish state could only be established in the land of Israel.
So in 1908 AD, the World Zionist Organization created The Jewish Agency Of Israel (aka The Jewish Agency) in Haifa, as its operational branch in the land of Israel.
Then came World War I in 1914 AD.
In 1915 AD, the Germans eventually cut off the supply of saltpeter from the British. This left the British without the means to manufacture gunpowder. However, Weizmann, who had immigrated to Britain from Switzerland, used his skills in chemistry to find away to create gunpowder without saltpeter. With the help of Christian Zionist (according to his own writings) Winston Churchill, he was able to saved the British from certain defeat in 1916 AD.
That same year, American Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, a Jewish Zionist, discovered the Blackstone Memorial in the national archives during his confirmation process. He reached out to his fellow Jewish Zionist, retailer Nathan Strauss, who had known William Blackstone before he had left business to pursue preaching, to ask Blackstone for his assistance. Strauss wrote Blackstone a letter asking that he create a second Blackstone Memorial, and present it to President Woodrow Wilson.
In 1917 AD, President Wilson, another Christian Zionist, read the petition, and let the British government know that America supported the goals of the Jewish Zionists.
Later in 1917 AD, King George V, another Christian Zionist, offered Weizmann whatever he wanted for his service in saving Britain. Weizmann asked for the Jews to be given land that Britain would win from the Ottoman Empire to create a homeland for the Jews. So as payment, the Jews were to be given land that Britain would win from the Ottoman Empire, to create a Jewish state.
This was publish in the Balfour declaration, the single most significant paragraph to be written since the Book of Truth had been completed in 95 AD.
During the seventy-seven years from when British Jewish leadership was finally willing to listen to Christian Zionists, concerning creating Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel in 1840 AD, and the assurance of this becoming a reality by the Balfour Declaration in 1917 AD, the Jewish Zionists faced constant opposition from the False Church of Rome, and most of the Rabbis.
When War World I ended in 1918 AD, Weizmann, the head of the British Zionist Federation, created the Zion Commission to assist the British in creating the Jewish state, that they had promised in the Balfour Declaration. The Zion Commission arrived in the land of Israel, and began creating reports for the British of the conditions they found.
In 1919 AD, the British were given the southern portion of land won from the Ottoman Empire as part of the treaty of Versailles, which formally ended World War I.
Then another Ashkenazi Jewish family, the Rothschilds family, paid the Ottoman Emperor an enormous amount of money, for the land that the British promised to give for Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel, even though the Ottoman Empire no longer owned the land. Finally, mostly Ashkenazi Jews from all over Europe and America, collected money and sent it to the Ashkenazi Jews living in the land of Israel. These Ashkenazi Jews then paid the few Arabs living in the land for the land, even though the Ottoman Turks had owned this land, and these Arabs had just been their tenants. So the Ashkenazi Jews paid for the land of Israel three times.
In 1920 AD, the British were given a mandate by the Allies to create a homeland for the Jews inside the land that they had won from the Ottoman Empire. This agreement placed the Jewish Agency as the effective government of the Jews under British rule of the land of Israel, with members of the Zion Commission as its executive branch in 1921 AD.
Chaim Weizmann was also elected as the head of the World Zionist Organization that same year, making him the undisputed head of the effective government of the Jews in the land of Israel. With respect to ruling the land of Israel under the British, the World Zionist Organization and the Zion Commission were effectively absorbed into the Jewish Agency.
Finally, the League of Nations approved this mandate the next year, creating British Mandate Palestine in the land of Israel, with the Jewish Agency ruling Jews in British Mandate Palestine on behalf of the British. Also, the Churchill White Paper was drawn up by Winston Churchill, to create one state in British Mandate Palestine, where Jews and Arabs would live under the rule of one government.
So there was a Jewish government ruling in the land of Israel under the authority of a Gentile empire for the first time since 92 AD.
In 1929 AD, the Sixteenth Zionist Congress formally made the Zion Commission part of the Jewish Agency, and responsible for all executive decisions. The next year, the British transferred all authority for Jewish rule in British Mandate Palestine to the Jewish Agency. They also issued the White Papers in that same year, which restricted the Jewish immigration that was vital for the formation of an independent Jewish State. So the next year, Weizmann resigned as head of the both the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency.
Then in 1935 AD, David Ben Gurion, an Ashkenazi Jew, became the head of the Jewish Agency, and Weizmann returned to running the World Zionist Organization. The next year, the Peel Commission set out to formally define the borders dividing the Jewish homeland from the land belonging to various Arab nations. Ben Gurion and Weizmann convinced the Twentieth Zionist Congress the next year to accept the partition as a starting point for future negotiations, but the Arabs completely rejected any proposal of partition.
Then World War II came in 1939 AD.
The Jews in British Mandate Palestine fought vigorously on behalf of the British in the Jewish Brigade, which Weizmann convinced the British to form in 1942 AD. Then Weizmann convinced Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1944 AD, that partitioning the land into two states was better than one government over both Jews and Arabs, as Churchill had proposed in the Churchill White Paper some 22 years earlier.
After World War II ended in 1945 AD, millions of displaced Ashkenazi Jews move to the land of Israel, with the intention of creating the Jewish State. So, in November of 1947 AD, the United Nations, which replaced the League of Nations, announced its partition plan that served as a blueprint for the borders of the Jewish state in the land of Israel.
The Jewish Agency accepted the partition because it gave legitimacy to the Jewish state as a nation, but the Arabs rejected it for the same reason. The British argued, that this division between the Jews and Arabs made their ability to maintain control in British Mandate Palestine impossible.
So, the British announced that same month that they would be pulling out of the land of Israel, once the British Mandate expired with the start of May 15, 1948 at midnight. So, in December of 1947, the Arabs launched a war of terror against the mostly Ashkenazi Jews. This war lasted until these mostly Ashkenazi Jews brought the fighting to an end in April of 1948.
So on May 14, 1948, one day before the British Mandate expired, the Jewish Agency, which was composed almost entirely of Ashkenazi Jews, voted on creating the Jewish State that Herzl had envisioned. David Ben-Gurion was elected as the first Prime Minister, and Chaim Weizmann was elected as the first President. (Albert Einstein had been approached about being the first President, but he declined and remained in the United States.)
So Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion announced to the world via the radio, the declaration of the establishment of the Jewish State in the land of Israel, which would be known as the State of Israel. Harry S. Truman, another Christian Zionist, the new President of the United States, called within minutes of the end of the declaration, to confirmed that the United States recognized the State of Israel as a peer nation with the United States.
Thus, the modern state of Israel was born in a single day.
For the first time since the Romans annexed the kingdom of the Hasmoneans in 64 BC, there was an independent Jewish government ruling in the land of Israel.
The next day it was attacked by many of the Arabs living in the land of Israel, plus the armies of four nearby Muslim nations. Later, four more Muslim countries sent in their armies as well. However, by July of 1949, the War of Israel Independence was over, and Israel had clearly won.
Israel has fought more than fifty wars of survival since then, and won all of them. In the Six Days War in 1967 AD, Jerusalem, the capital of the land of Israel, came under Jewish rule for the first time since 617 AD.
The dream of Christian Zionists and Jewish Zionists for Jewish self-rule in the land of Israel has became a reality. The Impossible Government continues to rule over the people of Israel in the land of Israel.
The impossible has happened.
How could have all of this happened?
This is the work of the Greatest Zionist.
The Father of Truth caused Israel to become a nation in just one day in 1948 AD, and then fight its war of independence, quite backwards from the process of every other nation on Earth, almost entirely by Ashkenazi Jews (Isaiah 66:7-9). He has caused the Ashkenazi Jews to create a government consisting of mainly Ashkenazi Jews (Jeremiah 30:20-21). He has caused the Ashkenazi Jews to create the modern state of Israel, as the only Jewish state on Earth (Ezekiel 37:19-22).
The Father of Truth has been causing the mountains of Israel to no longer be a continual unproductive waste land, devoid up people, by causing the Jews to return and form a nation again, through many wars (Ezekiel 38:8). The Father of Truth has been planting the Jewish people in the land of Israel, starting with the Ashkenazi Jews, and has kept the enemies of Israel from ever uprooting them from the land of Israel again (Amos 9:15).
The Father of Truth does not just want to make the impossible happen concerning the rulers of Israel, but He wants to make the impossible happen concerning your ruler. He wants you to come into the House of Truth, and have the ruler He has chosen.
Like the government of Israel, the Father of Truth wants you to ruled by a Jewish ruler. The Father of Truth has the brought about the perfect ruler for Israel and you (Isaiah 9:6-7). This Jewish ruler is anointed with the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost), so he can cause the Gentiles to understand how to walk in the way of the Father of Truth (Isaiah 42:1-4). This Jewish ruler is the fulfillment of the covenants given to the Jews, and the enlightener of the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:5-6).
Like the government of Israel, the Father of Truth seeks to bring you into obedience to the Messiah of Israel. This Jewish ruler, who would do all of these things, was to be born in Bethlehem, Israel, and then become great throughout the Earth (Micah 5:2-4). The Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, who was born to rule over Israel (Matthew 2:4-6).
Like the government of Israel, the Father of Truth has instructed Christian Zionists, to seek to bring Jewish rule into your life. Those who have made this Jew their ruler, seek to return you to Jewish rule, like they sought for the land of Israel (Isaiah 11:10-12). This same Jewish ruler, who showed Christian Zionists the need to return the land of Israel to Jewish rule, as part of the covenant that the Father of Truth made with Israel, needs to be ruler of your life as well (Isaiah 49:4-7).
There is Good News for everyone who comes into the House of Truth! The Man of Truth was born to rule over your life, as well as the people of Israel (Matthew 12:17-21). You can come under the rule of this Jewish king, by repenting of your sins today (Mark 1:14-15). You do not have to wait until the Man of Truth returns to this Earth to rule over the kingdom of Israel, to experience the power of his kingdom in your life (Acts 1:6-8). You just need to make the Man of Truth your king, because you believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). You do not even have to be Jewish, or living in the land of Israel, to be ruled by this Jewish ruler in the House of Truth (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
Labels: Christian Zionists, Eternal Kingdom, Israel, Jews, Zionism
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