To The Ends Of The Earth And Back Again
Why did the Jews leave Israel, and then come back to Israel, more than 1,700 years later?
I once knew a Jewish man from Rapa Iti, who lived in a house situated on the southwest corner of the island. His house was literally the furthest inhabited place on Earth from Jerusalem. Jews live throughout Polynesia, the islands that are furthest lands on Earth from Jerusalem. Jews also live in New Zealand, the second furthest inhabited lands on Earth from Jerusalem. Jews in like manner live in Chile, the third furthest inhabited land on Earth from Jerusalem.
So, Jews have been literally scattered to the ends of the Earth from Jerusalem and their ancient homeland of Judea. There is not a nation on Earth where Jews do not live. They have lived in some of these places for more than 1500 years. Yet, they started coming back to their ancient homeland, after more than 1700 years of being gone. Why did the Jews even leave Israel in the first place?
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said, that the Jews in Judaea would be scattered among all ethnic groups (nations) as slaves when the Romans destroyed first Jerusalem, and then the providence of Judaea (Luke 21:20-24). The Romans first enslaved and scattered the Jews, who survived their siege of Jerusalem, among every ethnic group that lived inside the Roman Empire in 70 AD. They did the same thing with the Jews, who survived the destruction of Judaea in 135 AD.
The Man of Truth knew this from what was written in the Torah and the Prophets. The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) had told the Jews that He would raise up a Prophet like unto Moses (Moishe), who they must obey or face His judgement (Deuteronomy 18:14-19). The Man of Truth is that Prophet, who suffered as foretold by the Prophets of Truth, and the Father of Truth set in motion His judgment against every Jew in Judaea who would not obey him (Acts 3:18-23).
So it came to pass as the Father of Truth had warned the Jews, that He would cast the Jews into other lands, if they worshiped anything other than Him (Deuteronomy 29:26-28). He had said if the Jews despised His commandments, including those about that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would send a powerful nation to destroy their cities and land, the Jews would die in great numbers with famine and disease when they were sieged by this power nation, and finally would be scattered by that power nation (Leviticus 26:14-33). He had said, that He would scattered them among all ethnic groups for not obeying the Law of Truth, including what it said about that Prophet like unto Moses (Zechariah 7:11-14).
The Father of Truth had said, that the would live in fear and misery among other nations, and even die in great numbers among those nations, for refusing to keep His commandments, including those concerning that Prophet like unto Moses (Leviticus 26:36-38). He had said, that if they did not keep His covenant, that included obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then they would become a small minority in other nations, where they would be forced to worship idols, like those of the False Church of Rome (Deuteronomy 4:23-28). He had said that if they did not obey His voice, including what He said about that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would greatly reduce their numbers, scatter them among every ethnic group across the entire Earth, and they would live in constant fear and trouble (Deuteronomy 28:62-67).
The Father of Truth had done this twice before he used the Romans to scatter the providence of Judaea. He did this when he used the Assyrians to scattered the northern kingdom of Israel, and then used the Babylonians to scatter the southern kingdom of Judah (Nehemiah 1:6-8). These first two scatterings were only among the ethnic groups who lived in the Middle East, and the regions around it (Ezekiel 12:10-15). These first two diasporas only went to the regions around the Middle East, but the Roman diaspora has sent them to live among every ethnic group on Earth, as the Father of Truth had spoken through Moses. The first two scatterings for going into idolatry were, but mere shadows of the scattering for rejecting the Man of Truth.
However, the story did not end there for the first two diasporas, and it does not end there for the Roman diaspora. Why not? Why did Jews start coming back to their ancestral homeland?
The Father of Truth said that He would not destroy the Jews completely, but leave some alive in every nation where they were scattered for generation after generation. He promised that some Jews would always survive in the nations where they were scattered, even if they lived in misery for their disobedience (Leviticus 26:39). He promised that the Jewish people not be cast away, nor destroyed completely in the lands of their enemies, because of the covenant that He made with their ancestors when he brought them out of Egypt (Leviticus 26:44-45). He promised that He would not destroy the Jewish people nor forget them when they were scattered, because of the covenants that He had made with Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel) (Deuteronomy 4:31). He would preserve some of them among the nations, so they could remember what He had warned them about (Deuteronomy 30:1). He could no more forget and forsake the Jewish people, who He gave Jerusalem to, than a mother could forget and forsake her own children (Isaiah 49:14-16). He promised to not let all of the Jewish people be completely destroyed by the ethnic groups that they were scattered among, but to only use these ethnic groups to punish the Jewish people in part (Jeremiah 30:11). He promised that He would destroy the universe, if he forgot about the Jewish people and let them cease to exist (Jeremiah 31:35-37). He promised to leave a remnant of Jews in every place that they were scattered to (Ezekiel 6:8). He promised to leave some of the Jews alive in every nation, so they could serve as a warning to those nations against doing what the Father of Truth finds abominable (Ezekiel 12:16).
The Father of Truth instead said that He would not forget His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give the Promised Land to their descendants, even though they would be removed from the Land of Israel for many years (Leviticus 26:42-43). He promised to gather them back to the Promised Land, and make them more numerous there than their ancestors, as it is with Jews in Israel today (Deuteronomy 30:3-5). He has been gathering the Jewish people from all nations (Jeremiah 23:3). He said, that he would gather them back from all of the nations that they had been scattered to (Jeremiah 31:9-11). He is the One, who has given the land of Israel back to the Jews (Ezekiel 11:16-17). He is the One, who has caused Jews to come back from all nations, and dwell in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 28:25).
The Father of Truth has caused the Jews to both inhabit Jerusalem, and rebuild the ruined cities of Israel (Isaiah 44:26). He has brought the Jews back to the land of Israel, to build Jerusalem back up, to bring back the sound of joy in the land, and to fill the land of Israel with a great number of people (Jeremiah 30:17-19). He has caused the daughters of the Jews to dance in the land of Israel (Jeremiah 31:4). He has caused Jews from all over Israel to sing and shout for joy, when they are assembled in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 31:6-7). He has caused young and old alike among the Jews to dance with joy in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 31:12-13). He has caused the Jews to return to their ancient cities and rebuild the places that were wasted by the Romans (Ezekiel 36:10-12). He has caused so many Jews to rebuild the ancient places in the land of Israel, that they are constantly being forced to rebuild more of them in new settlements (Ezekiel 36:35-38). He has caused the streets of Jerusalem to be filled with old Jews watching Jewish children playing in the streets of Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:4-5).
So the Father of Truth has brought the Jews back to the land of Israel, to form the nation of Israel, after more than 1700 years. It was never a matter of The Greatest Zionist keeping the Jews from returning to the land of Israel. He has patiently been waiting on them to return. The better question to ask is: Why did the Jews wait so long to start coming back to the land of Israel?
The Father of Truth also said, that He would bring them back to the land of Israel to fulfill His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, after they admitted that they had walked contrary to Him by rejecting His commandments, including those about that Prophet like unto Moses (Leviticus 26:40-42). He said that He would show Himself strong on behalf of the Jewish people, when they started turning their hearts back to Him in their dispersion (Deuteronomy 4:29-30). He said, that things would begin to change, when they returned to obeying Him in those foreign lands (Deuteronomy 30:1-2). He said, that this change would come, when they began to loathe themselves in these foreign lands, for what they had done to Him through their disobedience, before they were scattered among the nations (Ezekiel 6:9-10).
The Father of Truth said, that when they did this, then He would circumcise their hearts, so they could love Him with all of their heart (Deuteronomy 30:5). He said, that He would do this through a Renewed Covenant that He would make with the Jews, which would cause them to be able to obey Him from their heart (Jeremiah 31:31-34). He said, that the Jews would be given but one way to be gain a heart that feared to depart from Him in disobedience, so he could regather them from all nations (Jeremiah 32:37-42). He said, that He would put the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in them, so they could obey Him from the heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20). He said, that He would replace their hearts of stone, with hearts of flesh, that could respond to His commandments, so the people of Israel could dwell in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 36:26-28).
The Father of Truth gathered the Jewish people back to the Promised Land from the Babylonian diaspora, after they turned back to Him in obedience to the Law of Truth, while they were still scattered throughout the lands of the Middle East and those nearby (Nehemiah 1:9-10). He gathered the Jewish people back to the Promised Land, after only seventy years in exile to Babylon, because they returned to obeying Him in their exile (Jeremiah 29:10-14).
This gathering was a mere shadow of how the gathering the Jewish people back to the Promised Land, after they turned back to Him in obedience to the Law of Truth, by committing to obey that Prophet like unto Moses, while they were still scattered throughout the entire Earth (Isaiah 11:10-12).
So the Jews began to come back into the Promised Land, after they began to return to the Father of Truth, by obeying the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, written about in the Law of Truth.
This gathering from the Roman diaspora was not after 70 years in exile, like the Babylonian diaspora, but after more than 1700 years in exile. It took so long to begin, because the Jews took so long to begin returning to the Father of Truth, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, the Man of Truth, whom they were told that they must obey in the Law of Truth.
The Jews have come back to Israel in proportion to how they have come into the House of Truth. This history of disobedience, and then finally the beginning to come to repentance after 1700 years, has caused the Jews to go to the ends of the Earth and back again.
Today, there are more Jews who follow the Man of Truth in Israel than anytime since 70 AD. There are far more Jews who have came into the House of Truth, outside of Israel than in Israel. As more and more Jews have realized that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, more and more Jews have returned to the land of Israel. As more and more Jews have come to realize that that it is a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth, more and more of Jews have come into the House of Truth.
The Man of Truth is that one way to come into the House of Truth, that the Prophets of Truth spoke about (John 14:6-7). The Father of Truth has circumcised the heart of every Jew who has come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:28-29). The Spirit of Truth now lives in the heart of every Jew who has come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9-11). The Spirit of Truth has turned the heart of stone in every Jew, who has come into the House of Truth, into hearts of flesh that the commandments of the Father of Truth can be written upon (2 Corinthians 3:3). The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) is the means to come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 8:8-12).
Every Jew who decides to obey the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10). Everyone, Jew or Gentile, can come into the House of Truth by the same means (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
I once knew a Jewish man from Rapa Iti, who lived in a house situated on the southwest corner of the island. His house was literally the furthest inhabited place on Earth from Jerusalem. Jews live throughout Polynesia, the islands that are furthest lands on Earth from Jerusalem. Jews also live in New Zealand, the second furthest inhabited lands on Earth from Jerusalem. Jews in like manner live in Chile, the third furthest inhabited land on Earth from Jerusalem.
So, Jews have been literally scattered to the ends of the Earth from Jerusalem and their ancient homeland of Judea. There is not a nation on Earth where Jews do not live. They have lived in some of these places for more than 1500 years. Yet, they started coming back to their ancient homeland, after more than 1700 years of being gone. Why did the Jews even leave Israel in the first place?
The Man of Truth (Yeshua HaMashiach aka Jesus Christ) said, that the Jews in Judaea would be scattered among all ethnic groups (nations) as slaves when the Romans destroyed first Jerusalem, and then the providence of Judaea (Luke 21:20-24). The Romans first enslaved and scattered the Jews, who survived their siege of Jerusalem, among every ethnic group that lived inside the Roman Empire in 70 AD. They did the same thing with the Jews, who survived the destruction of Judaea in 135 AD.
The Man of Truth knew this from what was written in the Torah and the Prophets. The Father of Truth (YHVH aka God aka THE LORD) had told the Jews that He would raise up a Prophet like unto Moses (Moishe), who they must obey or face His judgement (Deuteronomy 18:14-19). The Man of Truth is that Prophet, who suffered as foretold by the Prophets of Truth, and the Father of Truth set in motion His judgment against every Jew in Judaea who would not obey him (Acts 3:18-23).
So it came to pass as the Father of Truth had warned the Jews, that He would cast the Jews into other lands, if they worshiped anything other than Him (Deuteronomy 29:26-28). He had said if the Jews despised His commandments, including those about that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would send a powerful nation to destroy their cities and land, the Jews would die in great numbers with famine and disease when they were sieged by this power nation, and finally would be scattered by that power nation (Leviticus 26:14-33). He had said, that He would scattered them among all ethnic groups for not obeying the Law of Truth, including what it said about that Prophet like unto Moses (Zechariah 7:11-14).
The Father of Truth had said, that the would live in fear and misery among other nations, and even die in great numbers among those nations, for refusing to keep His commandments, including those concerning that Prophet like unto Moses (Leviticus 26:36-38). He had said, that if they did not keep His covenant, that included obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, then they would become a small minority in other nations, where they would be forced to worship idols, like those of the False Church of Rome (Deuteronomy 4:23-28). He had said that if they did not obey His voice, including what He said about that Prophet like unto Moses, then He would greatly reduce their numbers, scatter them among every ethnic group across the entire Earth, and they would live in constant fear and trouble (Deuteronomy 28:62-67).
The Father of Truth had done this twice before he used the Romans to scatter the providence of Judaea. He did this when he used the Assyrians to scattered the northern kingdom of Israel, and then used the Babylonians to scatter the southern kingdom of Judah (Nehemiah 1:6-8). These first two scatterings were only among the ethnic groups who lived in the Middle East, and the regions around it (Ezekiel 12:10-15). These first two diasporas only went to the regions around the Middle East, but the Roman diaspora has sent them to live among every ethnic group on Earth, as the Father of Truth had spoken through Moses. The first two scatterings for going into idolatry were, but mere shadows of the scattering for rejecting the Man of Truth.
However, the story did not end there for the first two diasporas, and it does not end there for the Roman diaspora. Why not? Why did Jews start coming back to their ancestral homeland?
The Father of Truth said that He would not destroy the Jews completely, but leave some alive in every nation where they were scattered for generation after generation. He promised that some Jews would always survive in the nations where they were scattered, even if they lived in misery for their disobedience (Leviticus 26:39). He promised that the Jewish people not be cast away, nor destroyed completely in the lands of their enemies, because of the covenant that He made with their ancestors when he brought them out of Egypt (Leviticus 26:44-45). He promised that He would not destroy the Jewish people nor forget them when they were scattered, because of the covenants that He had made with Abraham (Abram), Isaac (Yitzakh), and Jacob (Yah'acob aka Israel) (Deuteronomy 4:31). He would preserve some of them among the nations, so they could remember what He had warned them about (Deuteronomy 30:1). He could no more forget and forsake the Jewish people, who He gave Jerusalem to, than a mother could forget and forsake her own children (Isaiah 49:14-16). He promised to not let all of the Jewish people be completely destroyed by the ethnic groups that they were scattered among, but to only use these ethnic groups to punish the Jewish people in part (Jeremiah 30:11). He promised that He would destroy the universe, if he forgot about the Jewish people and let them cease to exist (Jeremiah 31:35-37). He promised to leave a remnant of Jews in every place that they were scattered to (Ezekiel 6:8). He promised to leave some of the Jews alive in every nation, so they could serve as a warning to those nations against doing what the Father of Truth finds abominable (Ezekiel 12:16).
The Father of Truth instead said that He would not forget His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give the Promised Land to their descendants, even though they would be removed from the Land of Israel for many years (Leviticus 26:42-43). He promised to gather them back to the Promised Land, and make them more numerous there than their ancestors, as it is with Jews in Israel today (Deuteronomy 30:3-5). He has been gathering the Jewish people from all nations (Jeremiah 23:3). He said, that he would gather them back from all of the nations that they had been scattered to (Jeremiah 31:9-11). He is the One, who has given the land of Israel back to the Jews (Ezekiel 11:16-17). He is the One, who has caused Jews to come back from all nations, and dwell in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 28:25).
The Father of Truth has caused the Jews to both inhabit Jerusalem, and rebuild the ruined cities of Israel (Isaiah 44:26). He has brought the Jews back to the land of Israel, to build Jerusalem back up, to bring back the sound of joy in the land, and to fill the land of Israel with a great number of people (Jeremiah 30:17-19). He has caused the daughters of the Jews to dance in the land of Israel (Jeremiah 31:4). He has caused Jews from all over Israel to sing and shout for joy, when they are assembled in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 31:6-7). He has caused young and old alike among the Jews to dance with joy in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 31:12-13). He has caused the Jews to return to their ancient cities and rebuild the places that were wasted by the Romans (Ezekiel 36:10-12). He has caused so many Jews to rebuild the ancient places in the land of Israel, that they are constantly being forced to rebuild more of them in new settlements (Ezekiel 36:35-38). He has caused the streets of Jerusalem to be filled with old Jews watching Jewish children playing in the streets of Jerusalem (Zechariah 8:4-5).
So the Father of Truth has brought the Jews back to the land of Israel, to form the nation of Israel, after more than 1700 years. It was never a matter of The Greatest Zionist keeping the Jews from returning to the land of Israel. He has patiently been waiting on them to return. The better question to ask is: Why did the Jews wait so long to start coming back to the land of Israel?
The Father of Truth also said, that He would bring them back to the land of Israel to fulfill His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, after they admitted that they had walked contrary to Him by rejecting His commandments, including those about that Prophet like unto Moses (Leviticus 26:40-42). He said that He would show Himself strong on behalf of the Jewish people, when they started turning their hearts back to Him in their dispersion (Deuteronomy 4:29-30). He said, that things would begin to change, when they returned to obeying Him in those foreign lands (Deuteronomy 30:1-2). He said, that this change would come, when they began to loathe themselves in these foreign lands, for what they had done to Him through their disobedience, before they were scattered among the nations (Ezekiel 6:9-10).
The Father of Truth said, that when they did this, then He would circumcise their hearts, so they could love Him with all of their heart (Deuteronomy 30:5). He said, that He would do this through a Renewed Covenant that He would make with the Jews, which would cause them to be able to obey Him from their heart (Jeremiah 31:31-34). He said, that the Jews would be given but one way to be gain a heart that feared to depart from Him in disobedience, so he could regather them from all nations (Jeremiah 32:37-42). He said, that He would put the Spirit of Truth (Ruach HaQodesh aka The Holy Spirit aka The Holy Ghost) in them, so they could obey Him from the heart (Ezekiel 11:19-20). He said, that He would replace their hearts of stone, with hearts of flesh, that could respond to His commandments, so the people of Israel could dwell in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 36:26-28).
The Father of Truth gathered the Jewish people back to the Promised Land from the Babylonian diaspora, after they turned back to Him in obedience to the Law of Truth, while they were still scattered throughout the lands of the Middle East and those nearby (Nehemiah 1:9-10). He gathered the Jewish people back to the Promised Land, after only seventy years in exile to Babylon, because they returned to obeying Him in their exile (Jeremiah 29:10-14).
This gathering was a mere shadow of how the gathering the Jewish people back to the Promised Land, after they turned back to Him in obedience to the Law of Truth, by committing to obey that Prophet like unto Moses, while they were still scattered throughout the entire Earth (Isaiah 11:10-12).
So the Jews began to come back into the Promised Land, after they began to return to the Father of Truth, by obeying the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, written about in the Law of Truth.
This gathering from the Roman diaspora was not after 70 years in exile, like the Babylonian diaspora, but after more than 1700 years in exile. It took so long to begin, because the Jews took so long to begin returning to the Father of Truth, by obeying that Prophet like unto Moses, the Man of Truth, whom they were told that they must obey in the Law of Truth.
The Jews have come back to Israel in proportion to how they have come into the House of Truth. This history of disobedience, and then finally the beginning to come to repentance after 1700 years, has caused the Jews to go to the ends of the Earth and back again.
Today, there are more Jews who follow the Man of Truth in Israel than anytime since 70 AD. There are far more Jews who have came into the House of Truth, outside of Israel than in Israel. As more and more Jews have realized that the Man of Truth is the Messiah of Israel, more and more Jews have returned to the land of Israel. As more and more Jews have come to realize that that it is a Jewish thing to follow the Man of Truth, more and more of Jews have come into the House of Truth.
The Man of Truth is that one way to come into the House of Truth, that the Prophets of Truth spoke about (John 14:6-7). The Father of Truth has circumcised the heart of every Jew who has come into the House of Truth (Romans 2:28-29). The Spirit of Truth now lives in the heart of every Jew who has come into the House of Truth (Romans 8:9-11). The Spirit of Truth has turned the heart of stone in every Jew, who has come into the House of Truth, into hearts of flesh that the commandments of the Father of Truth can be written upon (2 Corinthians 3:3). The Renewed Covenant (B'rit Chadashah aka The New Testament) is the means to come into the House of Truth (Hebrews 8:8-12).
Every Jew who decides to obey the Man of Truth, that Prophet like unto Moses, because they believe that the Father of Truth raised him from the dead, will come into the House of Truth (Romans 10:8-10). Everyone, Jew or Gentile, can come into the House of Truth by the same means (Romans 10:11-13).
Come into the House of Truth!
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